Coffee peeling at home. Coffee peeling: indications, recipes, results

All those who care about their appearance probably know that peeling is the basic stage of skin cleansing. The basis of any peeling is abrasive particles, the function of which is deep exfoliation of dead skin cells. So, after peeling, the cells receive more oxygen, they begin to breathe, and the skin becomes elastic and fresh - this will help you faster and other parts of the body. Of course, peeling can be carried out in salon conditions, however, it is worth noting that this procedure is not cheap. There are many alternatives to salon procedures, for example, coffee peeling is a simple but quite effective way to bring the skin of the face and body into perfect condition.

What types of peeling exist today?

But before moving on to the discussion of coffee peeling, it is worth understanding in more detail the technique of carrying out the exfoliation procedure itself. Peeling itself can differ in the strength of the impact and in the execution techniques. So, according to the strength of the impact, it can be deep, superficial and medium. In addition, mechanical, chemical, vacuum and laser peels are distinguished. Of course, not all of these methods can be carried out at home - some require the help of professional specialists and modern equipment. The cost of salon services, of course, is simply prohibitively high and this is not suitable for everyone. However, it is coffee peeling that is the procedure that does not require any special skills and knowledge, therefore absolutely every girl can afford it.

Why coffee? Yes, simply because coffee beans contain a lot of useful substances and elements that allow not only to give the skin softness and tenderness, but also are an excellent helper in losing weight and fighting cellulite - caffeine effectively breaks down fats and speeds up metabolic processes. Such a procedure will also help all those who want to preserve youthful skin - coffee effectively regenerates and tones the skin.

Carrying out coffee peeling at home, you need to build on the characteristics of your skin and its type. If you do not take into account all the nuances, you can cause irreparable harm and aggravate the situation. So, for oily skin, it is necessary to peel 1 or 2 times a week, but for dry skin, once every two weeks will be enough.

How to make coffee scrub

The easiest way to prepare peeling based on coffee beans is to grind coffee, take a handful and apply it to pre-steamed skin. Give time to such a scrub - let it fill your skin with useful substances. After that, slowly and gently rinse everything with warm water, and in order to speed up the metabolic processes, rinse the body with cold water or take a contrast shower - the peeling effect will increase significantly. At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream or massage oil to the body.

As a coffee scrub, you can use a simple shower gel, where you need to add a little ground coffee beans. If you apply a cream-gel, then the peeling can be carried out even every day.

Coffee ground peeling is another simple method. The grounds of freshly drunk coffee are used. Of course, it will not contain a complete complex of all substances and elements in itself, however, it exfoliates perfectly.

Features of peeling for all skin types

  • For dry skin, you need to mix one tablespoon (tablespoon) of ground coffee with a few tablespoons of sour cream. Also, you can use olive oil instead of sour cream, which is ideal for dry skin. If desired, you can add a little honey.
  • If the skin is oily, instead of sour cream, it is better to use regular yogurt that does not contain any additives and sugar. Milk can be used as an alternative.
  • Coffee peeling based on yogurt, curdled milk and kefir is suitable for combination skin. Each ingredient must be used in the amount of one teaspoon. Leave this mass on the skin for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

If you have problem skin

Problematic skin requires special attention. So, rashes on the face and body are very often associated with abundant secretion of fat, which clogs the pores, which develops into blackheads, acne and blackheads. For problematic skin, an exfoliation using one teaspoon of kelp (seaweed) and plain sea salt is ideal. So, a spoonful of coffee should be mixed with algae, salt and any cosmetic milk. Scrub should be applied to problem areas for about ten minutes. When rinsing, gently massage into skin.

Absolutely for all skin types, a scrub with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of salt (preferably sea salt) and four tablespoons of grape essential oil to the coffee mass is suitable. Mix all the ingredients and give them a couple of days to brew well. You can use this scrub twice a week. We also recommend watching a training video from a professional massage therapist - cosmetologist:

More coffee scrub recipes

Coffee peeling for the body at home is not just a benefit, but also a pleasure that gives a unique coffee aroma in combination with no less aromatic additives. One of the options for a “delicious” peeling can be a coffee and honey scrub. Here, in addition to the coffee mixture, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and 12 tablespoons of your favorite honey are used. Mix all the ingredients and slowly, in a circular motion, apply to pre-steamed skin. Wash off after a couple of minutes.

Coffee and creamy scrub will especially please the owners of dry skin. Mix coffee grounds (half a glass) with two tablespoons of cream.

Please note that you need to use coffee peeling for the face with more caution than in the case of the body. On the face, the skin is especially sensitive, and damaging it is easy. This is especially true for problem skin, which already suffers from rashes and acne.

The best option for facial peeling is a yogurt scrub, which has already been mentioned a little higher. However, it is worth adding that such peeling can be supplemented with ground walnuts, which are just a storehouse of everything useful. Instead of nuts, you can use cinnamon, salt, or sugar - all depending on the skin. Cinnamon, in this case, most gently affects the epidermis, which is suitable for sensitive and problematic, dry skin. But a scrub with sugar or salt is the perfect solution for normal or combination skin. The scrub should not be left on the face for more than five minutes.

Additional preparations for peeling

Peeling, like any procedure aimed at improving appearance, contributing to weight loss and accelerating metabolism, will not bring the desired effect if you do not eat right, exercise and work on the skin with the help of additional products. It makes no sense to peel, wanting to remove if you are used to eating spicy, fatty or smoked foods - this will prevent useful and nutritious substances from affecting your skin on the positive side, but will only aggravate the process. But a balanced diet and exercise, on the contrary, will accelerate the effect of the scrub.

Do not forget about professional cosmetics, which can be an excellent alternative to home peeling. Many companies produce coffee peeling, supplemented with a complex of active additives that accelerate its effect. One such example is Spanish-made Mediderma peeling. This company also presents products that are already necessary to use after applying scrubs - creams and gels that speed up metabolism and give the skin firmness and elasticity. Only the most positive reviews are known about the products of this brand.

In any case, whatever peeling you use, it is important to remember that it must be selected individually for your skin in order to achieve the maximum desired effect. Treat your body with care, and the result will not keep you waiting!

Every girl wants to look good without makeup. In our time, when the right makeup can hide all the flaws and maximize the dignity, the difference between how a girl looks before and after make-up is colossal. However, you can do without a lot of makeup and look good. All you need is healthy and beautiful skin. This article will tell you about one of the types of skin care for the face and body.

Effects of coffee on the skin

Coffee peeling, masks, scrubs are very beneficial for the skin. We can say with confidence that such skin care is very effective, gives a quick result. Even after the first application, you will notice a significant improvement, and the constant use of products will make the skin really perfect.

One of the most pleasant effects of coffee is to slow down aging, its grains contain antioxidants that rejuvenate the face. In addition, coffee tightens the skin, adds definition to all contours. Scrubs and peels also restore blood circulation, which helps to avoid the appearance of microcracks, cuts and even stretch marks.

In addition, coffee will be useful for people with gray lifeless skin, as it returns a healthy complexion.

Also in the summer, using coffee products will protect your skin from overexposure to ultraviolet rays.

Who needs?

Coffee peeling for the face is suitable for any type of skin, but, of course, there are those who simply need such care.

First of all, coffee scrubs, masks, peels will be useful for teenagers or people with problem skin. They not only cleanse pores, remove dead particles, but also soothe irritated areas, preventing the appearance of new rashes.

Women approaching adulthood should also start using products containing coffee. Surely wrinkles have not yet begun to appear, but this problem must be dealt with before it becomes apparent.


Although coffee grounds peeling is completely safe, it may not be suitable for everyone.

If you have any skin diseases, in no case should this cosmetic product be applied to this area, since the area of ​​​​the rash may increase.

Also, peeling should not be used if you are allergic to coffee or another component of the product (for example, honey). Even if you like to drink coffee and it does not cause such a reaction, it can still happen that a characteristic irritation begins on the skin from external influences. How to protect yourself? The next paragraph will tell you how to check the reaction of your skin to coffee.

Allergy check

Before use, be sure to check if you are allergic to coffee peeling. It's very easy and doesn't take much time. Simply apply the prepared scrub on your wrist and wash off after a minute. If redness, irritation or rash does not appear on the skin, then peeling can be used.

Coffee selection

Exfoliating with coffee grounds for the face will be much more effective if you choose the right coffee. When purchasing this component, please follow the tips below.

Buy black roasted coffee. Fine grinding or grain (if you have a coffee grinder). It is also important that it be natural, without flavorings.

It is better to brew coffee before using. Drink a drink to improve your mood, and the remaining thick can be used later to create a mask, scrub or peel. Don't forget to dry your coffee if you're not going to use it right away, otherwise it might get moldy.

Also try making a green coffee scrub. It is much more than black, tones the skin, and, in addition, removes toxins.

Several application rules

In reviews of coffee peeling, you can learn from other girls what are the subtleties of using this skin care product. Of course, you do not need to look for other people's comments on this topic somewhere. Below are the main rules for the use of coffee peeling masks, scrubs, etc.

Be sure to check for allergies. If the remedy does not cause any negative reactions, then it can be used.

The substance can only be applied to previously cleansed skin. To enhance the effect, steam the skin before applying the scrub. Pour hot water into a bowl and just bend over a little. Cover yourself with a towel to keep the water warm. After 5-7 minutes, you can proceed to the next step.

If you use a peeling or scrub, then after applying massage your face for a minute so that the coffee has time to remove dirt and clean the pores. If you made a mask, then apply and leave it for a few minutes (up to 5).

Important! The product should not be applied to very sensitive or thin skin, such as the area around the eyes. Otherwise, you can injure this area of ​​​​the face.

Wash off the substance with warm filtered or settled water. If you use tap water, you run the risk of reapplying dirt to the skin, and then new rashes may appear.

You can use the tool no more than twice a week, otherwise the coffee will scratch the skin, and this will cause irritation, a rash.

Do not forget to moisturize your face after the procedure. Apply a nourishing cream so that the skin does not dry out.

Perhaps, the first time after the start of the use of the remedy, you will have small acne, inflammation. Do not stop using coffee scrubs, masks or peels. This is only the first stage of cleansing. The appearance of several rashes means that coffee "pulls out" chronic sebaceous plugs from the pores.

What to use for sensitive and dry skin?

Try making a coffee face peel at home. This is much more profitable not only financially, you will be sure that you are applying it to your face, and that it should not cause any negative reactions of the body.

A fairly simple and inexpensive recipe - mix a tablespoon of coffee with two tablespoons of sour cream. Massage your face and leave the Maxa Scrub for a few minutes. Then rinse.

Coffee peeling with almond oil has a no less pleasant effect. Just mix these two ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and add some brown sugar.

Try also a nourishing and cleansing scrub with a mix of oils. Mix coffee with jojoba, olive, almond oils (one teaspoon each). Then add a couple of drops of any essential oil.

One of the most famous coffee scrubs is prepared according to the following recipe. According to rumors, even Jessica Alba uses it. To prepare the mixture, you will need half a glass of yogurt, a tablespoon of coffee, the same amount of heated coconut oil and the juice of one lemon. Apply the mixture on the face and neck, leave for about 10 minutes. However, before using, make sure that lemon juice will not cause a negative reaction in the body.

Oily Skin Recipes

There are many recipes for making coffee peeling at home, which would be perfect for oily skin.

Mix coffee grounds with low-fat natural yogurt without additives (proportion 1 to 2).

An equally good recipe for oily skin: mix coffee with a nourishing cream that you use every day, in a ratio of one to one. Then heat some honey until it becomes liquid and add to the mixture.

The best peels for normal and combination skin

Use coffee peeling for normal and combination skin. However, if you have a different skin type, then these recipes will suit you. Coffee scrubs are one way or another universal, just some recipes, in addition to cleansing, help with other problems. Means for normal skin one way or another will suit absolutely everyone.

The easiest way to create a peel: mix a tablespoon of coffee with regular shower gel.

Also try mixing coffee grounds with yogurt or sour cream in a one to one ratio. Then add two or three tablespoons of ground oatmeal to the mixture.

Coffee mixed with olive oil and chalk in a ratio of 1:2:1 can also serve as an excellent nourishing scrub.

The following recipe should be used more as a mask than as a peel. That is, leave the product on the face for about 10 minutes. Mix coffee with low-fat cottage cheese (1 to 1).

Also try adding sea salt or regular table salt (one teaspoon) to your coffee (one tablespoon). Stir thoroughly so that there are no large pieces of salt left, or just pull them out so as not to damage the skin.

This recipe also has an excellent tonic effect. Add orange peel powder to coffee grounds. Mix all this with a tablespoon of low-fat yogurt.


Coffee peeling will be effective in the fight against acne. The most effective recipes are presented below.

One of the best recipes is coffee with cinnamon, honey and brown sugar. Heat honey to a liquid state and mix with other ingredients. All components must be in the same quantity. If necessary, dilute the mixture with mineral water. Apply to the skin and massage, and then leave the product on the face for a few minutes. Even after the first application, you will notice significant improvements, and with constant use, the pores will significantly narrow, the skin will look like after procedures in a beauty salon.

The following recipe is no less effective in the fight against acne. Mix coffee with granulated sugar in a ratio of two to one. This scrub removes even the oldest skin impurities.

Another helpful recipe. Mix dry clay with water. The choice of clay type is up to you. For problem skin, blue, black, white, green are best suited. Pink clay - for those who want to achieve not only cleansing, but also a rejuvenating result. Then add coffee to the finished gruel. After application, massage into the skin and then leave the mixture on for a few minutes.

Try the next recipe too. Heat a tablespoon of honey until it is completely liquid. Now add the same amount of coffee and then stir in half a teaspoon of cinnamon and the same amount of brown sugar.

A coffee and egg white scrub has a deep cleansing effect. Mix the ingredients in the same amount. Apply to the face with massage movements, and then leave until the product hardens.

Anti-aging recipes

The following recipes tone and tighten the face well, which will be especially useful for aging skin.

Stir in cocoa, honey and cream. After applying the scrub, massage your face and then leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Even after the first application, wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Another good recipe. Beat two eggs until foamy, add coffee, honey and sour cream, a teaspoon of each ingredient. The longer you keep the mask, the better, the most optimal time is 20 minutes.

Coffee peeling for other parts of the body

Of course, there are many recipes for coffee body peels. They make the skin very tender, exfoliate dead particles and give a pleasant aroma. The easiest way to prepare coffee grounds body peeling is to mix coffee and shower gel. If desired, you can add base and essential oils, sugar, grated carrots or citrus zest to this mixture. Any recipes intended for facial skin can be used in body care.


As they say, the amazing is nearby: the abrasive particles of the famous drink exfoliate dead cells, return the face to the face and saturate the renewed skin with oxygen. As a result of long-term course use, even cellulite disappears, the fat layer melts, and the body acquires a light caramel shade, as after an overseas resort.

Coffee exfoliants have an extremely superficial, atraumatic effect, so the principle of micromassage without chemicals and preservatives is a real salvation and. In addition, such peeling has neither age nor weather restrictions, so it is sometimes called “spring” and “summer”.

Well, you see, unlike many other exfoliations, exfoliating coffee grounds is more like a SPA procedure than a medical intervention. The aroma of tropical wood grains not only tones the cells, but also awakens the senses, erasing the traces of everyday stress. Therefore, coffee peeling for the face and body should be used regularly.


Coffee is widely used in cosmetology not only for the production of peels, but also as one of the components of various facial cleansers, balms, shampoos and tonics. In beauty salons, this beneficial ingredient is included in a variety of anti-orange peel coffee wraps and multi-acid exfoliants.

Coffee is rich in useful components:

  • Caffeine, known for its stimulating properties, activates cellular metabolism, helps to remove swelling and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Proteins, fats and carbohydrates nourish the skin.
  • Omega 6 rejuvenates, relieves inflammation, helps retain moisture in the epidermis.
  • Carotene(natural pigment) evens out complexion and body.
  • Antioxidants prevent biological aging.
  • Chlorogenic acid in combination with vitamins B1, B2 and PP enhance barrier functions: protect against bacteria and harmful sunlight.


Despite the relative safety of coffee grounds peeling, it still has some limitations in the following cases:

  • Fresh pustules on the skin (inflammation can spread to healthy areas).
  • Wounds, damage, abrasions in the intended treatment area.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Allergy to peeling components (preliminary allergy test on the bend of the elbow is required).

It is worth abandoning the procedure if there is at least one of the contraindications.


Despite the fact that in the assortment of modern cosmetic stores there are many ready-made preparations based on extracts of the popular drink, coffee peeling can be made independently at home. The advantages of such a home procedure will be the low cost of the ingredients and the absence of the need to rush anywhere.

Many people wonder how exactly to prepare coffee for the procedure and which one is suitable. We need natural black without additives: it is ground, cooked in a Turk and then either drunk beforehand or used as is. By the way, scientists have already found out that a drink specially brewed for this purpose contains more useful substances.

Cosmetic preparation is prepared as follows:

  1. The thick from the coffee machine or cup is washed with purified water 2-3 times, for example, in a gauze bundle. This measure helps to separate the abrasive particles of a homogeneous structure.
  2. The resulting mass is laid out in a thin layer on confectionery paper or a clean, dry cloth.
  3. In order for the mass to dry thoroughly, it can be stirred from time to time with a spoon.
  4. The result is a dry powder with small granules, which can be placed in a clean, dry jar: for example, from a used mask or cream.

It's great to have this ready-made mixture at home, as you can get creative and mix it with various natural ingredients like milk soufflé, fruit smoothie, or your favorite face cream to a thick consistency.

You can use grounds from freshly drunk coffee.: in this case, it is better to cool the mass to body temperature.

Classic coffee peeling done every 3-14 days: the fatter and denser the skin, the more often sessions can be performed. An interesting nuance: due to the natural pigments in its composition, the drink is able to slightly stain the skin, so on the basis of regular use, the effect can turn out like self-tanning.

Peeling with coffee is most effective when applied to the face and body steamed in the bathroom or SPA. You can also combine it with a contrast shower: this further improves blood microcirculation.

It is good to wash off the composition with either ordinary water or herbal infusions at a comfortable temperature. As a tonic, you can later use frozen cubes of such herbal ice, wiping your face with them. At the end of the treatment, a moisturizer is applied.


High-quality olive oil or aromatic essential oils are often added to coffee peeling for the face at home: for normal skin, you can take citrus, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus or lavender.

We present to your attention the most original and popular favorite recipes that are pleasant and easy to cook at home.

Creamy coffee

Mix 2 large spoons of heavy cream and 1 spoon of coffee. Gently rub on the face 3-5 minutes circular symmetrical movements of both hands along the massage lines (from the chin or cheeks up to the cheekbones, and from the middle of the forehead to the sides, to the temples).

Cream is rich in iron, potassium, sodium, vitamins A, B and C.

Sea scrub

Such a cleansing will get rid of sebaceous plugs: the root causes of comedones and oily sheen. To do this, mix a large spoonful of dry finely chopped seaweed in equal proportions with large seaweed and coffee.

If the mixture is too thick, you can dilute it with a matting cosmetic milk. Apply to the face and neck; you can also treat rashes on the shoulders and in the décolleté area. We leave for 10 minutes, wash off.

Algae are valuable because the concentration of useful substances in them is much higher than in medicinal herbs.

Coffee-apricot with lifting effect

Crush a few juicy and ripe apricots into a puree, add a teaspoon of cream and coffee grounds (can be replaced with a banana). Apply for 15 minutes.

coffee jelly with orange

To smooth and at the same time brighten the skin of the face, you can also use lemon-gelatin peeling. To do this, melt a bag of gelatin in a water bath. (11 grams) pre-soaked in a small amount of warm water.

Add 1 dessert spoon of liquid honey and 2 large spoons of freshly squeezed juice of any citrus fruit, as well as a little coffee pomace. The resulting mass is applied to the face, with the exception of the area around the lips and eyes, for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Gelatin nourishes the skin with a range of beneficial micronutrients, including calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus.

Strawberry anti-aging peel

Mix a small spoonful of coffee with the same amount of olive or cosmetic oil, add 2 large spoons of strawberries, massage the resulting mixture into the skin of the face with circular movements along the massage lines, leave for a few minutes and rinse.


Honey coffee wrap

Coffee peeling for the body helps not only cleanse the skin, but also rid it of cellulite due to micro-massage, which stimulates more intensive circulation of blood and lymph. It has a draining detox effect and also supports slimming treatments.

A few tablespoons of liquid honey must be melted over steam and combined with a small amount of coffee to a thick consistency. You can add a couple of drops of citrus cosmetic oil. Massage the skin until visible redness for 10-15 minutes then rinse with water and dry gently with a towel.

For an anti-cellulite wrap, after the massage, wrap the legs and buttocks with food foil and leave for 2 hours, then rinse. The effect of the sauna contributes to the thinning of the fat layer.

Scrub for a perfect tan with cinnamon

This peeling has a self-tanning effect: long-term use allows you to give the body a golden-beige tint. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, relieves inflammation and improves blood microcirculation.

Combine 2 large spoons of coffee with the same amount of olive oil, add 1 large spoon and half a small spoon of spice. Massage, then leave the mixture for 15 minutes and only then rinse. If washed off immediately after the massage, the coloring effect will not appear.

Coffee Peeling Shower Gel

One of the simplest yet most effective exfoliants can be made by simply adding some dried coffee granules to your shower gel. To soften, add a comparable amount of olive oil. We rub through 5-15 minutes wash off.

Thanks to linoleic acid in coffee and oil, it provides a lifting, cleansing, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.

Scrub with sea salt and grapes

We combine a large spoonful of coffee in a ratio of 1:2 with fine sea salt and in a ratio of 1:3 with grape seed oil, mix and store in the refrigerator 2-3 days. In the future, you can use it as a classic scrub.

Marine well tones the skin, prevents the appearance of acne. Grape seed oil accelerates regeneration, cleanses and moisturizes.

Coffee-nut peeling

Mix the thick of the drink with walnuts ground to a state of flour or ready-made nut powder in the amount of 2 teaspoons. The consistency should be dense. Massage, rinse with warm water or mineral water.

Walnut relieves inflammation, tones and soothes; for the abundance of vitamins and trace elements, it was even nicknamed the “king of nuts”.

Any woman knows that a competent course for the skin of the face and body certainly includes peeling. It is a rather pleasant procedure for exposing the skin to cosmetic products, which include finely ground abrasive particles that help exfoliate dead cells. Therefore, every time after peeling, the face acquires a blush and freshness, and the body seems to become more elastic and youthful, and begins to breathe actively.

Comprehensive skin care in the salon is unthinkable without peeling, which can be deep, medium and superficial in terms of impact, and mechanical, vacuum, laser and chemical in terms of execution technology. In particular, to remove freckles and age spots, which are so annoying to women, cosmetologists use fruit acids. But in order to perform the peeling procedure, it is not at all necessary to go to the salon. This can also be successfully done at home. And today we will talk about what coffee peeling is and how to do it at home.

Benefits of coffee peeling

No matter how they call coffee peeling - a fragrant fairy tale for the skin, a spicy dream, heavenly pleasure, etc. It is really extremely beneficial for the skin, because it allows you to free the pores from sweat, dust particles and dirt and fills every cell of the epidermis with oxygen. Regular removal of the upper stratum corneum with its help allows you to even out the texture of the skin, give it a noble shade, ensure that both makeup and self-tanning go just perfectly. In addition, coffee peeling is a great pleasure.

Its undoubted benefits for the skin are due to the presence of several important components in it:

  • caffeine, which tones the skin and starts important metabolic processes in it;
  • vitamins and amino acids that allow the face and body to look great;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates that provide additional nutrition to the skin.

The ability of coffee peeling to effectively fight cellulite has long been known, therefore, with regular use, it can bring considerable benefits to people with excessive body fat. And this procedure is a kind of aromatherapy. The coffee substance exudes a pleasant, well-known aroma that invigorates, tones, uplifts.

On sale you can also find ready-made coffee peels from different manufacturers. But prepared with your own hands will be healthier, more pleasant, and cheaper. Self-preparation of the mass for the procedure is not difficult, because its main component is ground coffee, which is available in almost every home.


Coffee peeling lovers are divided into two camps. Some use for these purposes the sleeping coffee, which remains from daily coffee drinking. The latter believe that fresh (not sleeping) ground coffee contains more useful substances, and use only it. Let's not argue with either one or the other; we only note that fresh coffee contains more caffeine.

For those who wish to carry out coffee peeling procedures on an ongoing basis, it is recommended that the first step is to prepare a dry coffee substance. This is done in the following way.

1. The coffee grounds remaining in the pot are collected and rinsed repeatedly with filtered water. This is necessary so that foreign impurities, too large and, conversely, small particles, leave the thick.

2. The finished substance must be laid out to dry on a piece of cloth or gauze. Periodically turn over until the mass is completely dry. Pour the resulting powder into a box and use as needed.

Of course, you can peel with coffee grounds from a freshly brewed drink. However, having a dry substance is always helpful. This allows you to experiment and independently create interesting options for peeling mass by adding dry coffee grounds to cosmetic cream, body balm, fruit puree, sour cream, etc. Each time the effect and sensations will be different, but always positive.

Coffee and honey peeling

To prepare the mass, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coffee grounds or freshly ground coffee, 10 teaspoons of natural honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply to the body with circular massaging movements and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Anti-cellulite peeling

It is prepared from the same components as the previous one, only for its preparation you need to steam the honey in a water bath. Add 2 drops of orange or lemon essential oil to the finished scrub. With this mixture, you need to rub the problem areas quite intensively until redness appears. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. However, some act differently and after applying anti-cellulite peeling and massage of problem areas, they wrap these places with cling film and wrap them with a warm scarf and blanket. In places subjected to peeling, there is active sweating, i.e., a sauna effect is created. After 2-3 hours, the film is removed, the composition is washed off the body.

Coffee and apricot peeling

The pulp of three soft ripe apricots is mixed with 1 teaspoon of coffee grounds and a small amount of natural cream. Apply to the body and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. If desired, apricots can be replaced with banana pulp.

Peeling for problem skin

Impure, acne-prone skin needs exfoliation even more than healthy skin. Problems like acne go hand in hand with oily skin, so coffee peeling with sea salt and dry algae (like kelp) is the best treatment in such cases.

1 st. mix a spoonful of coffee grounds with 1 teaspoon of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of chopped kelp, add cosmetic milk for oily skin. Apply the mixture on the face, shoulders, chest and other problem areas for 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with room temperature water.

Coffee peeling for combination skin

For those who have a mixed skin type, coffee peeling with yogurt, yogurt, kefir is well suited. To do this, mix coffee grounds with 1 teaspoon of any fermented milk product. The latter have the ability to regulate the acid-base composition of the skin.

Features of coffee peeling

Like any cosmetic procedure, coffee peeling will be more effective if applied to a pre-steamed face and body. Ideal - while taking a bath, shower or immediately after them.

We should not forget that the skin can be dry, oily or normal. Therefore, in the process of preparing the peeling mixture, you can add a little more or, conversely, less components that include fats (sour cream, cream, olive oil). Dry skin, unlike oily skin, can be injured when peeling with coarse particles, so it must be handled with care.

A little secret: with regular coffee peeling, the face and body acquire a shade of light tan over time. Therefore, those who, for a number of reasons, are not recommended to stay in the sun, can try to “deceive nature” and provide themselves with a beautiful complexion and body, bypassing any resorts.

Contraindications for coffee peeling

The properties of coffee to nourish the skin and renew the cells of its epidermis are widely used in modern cosmetology. Coffee is included not only in peels, but also in shampoos, balms, shower gels, lotions, cosmetic milk. In any self-respecting beauty salon, you will be offered several types of coffee massage, coffee wraps and even special anti-cellulite programs. Even if you are in a foreign spa hotel, you can afford a variety of beauty treatments using coffee grounds.

Therefore, the question looks quite reasonable: are there any contraindications to coffee peeling? To whom this procedure is clearly contraindicated?

Direct contraindications to peeling with coffee grounds are open wounds on the body, abrasions, inflammation, skin rashes. Persons prone to allergic reactions should be vigilant and before applying the mixture to the whole body, test it on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It is also impossible to carry out the procedure of coffee peeling in case of acute infectious diseases and elevated body temperature.

Coffee for girls is no longer just an invigorating drink. Very often it is used in cosmetology for deep cleansing of the skin.

Coffee peeling is a great way to remove dead cells. This effect is achieved due to the abrasive (cleansing) property of coffee particles. However, it is worth noting the healing properties of coffee itself - to slow down skin aging and stop cell destruction. This effect is due to the fact that coffee beans are a powerful natural antioxidant that helps the skin rejuvenate. It also contains carotenoids, they help the skin look healthy, add a matte finish to it. The caffeine contained in the grains has a tonic (invigorating) effect, and vitamins and amino acids prevent the early aging of our cells.

Coffee peeling is a powerful tool, the components of which penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Of course, its action cannot be compared with deep chemical peeling, after which traces of redness, irritation, itching remain on the skin, yet there are a number of contraindications for this procedure.

Contraindications for the procedure

  • allergy to coffee or its components
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • various skin diseases during an exacerbation
  • the presence of wounds, cracks in the skin
  • malignant formations
  • fungal infections of the skin
  • overly sensitive skin

Frequency of the procedure

Coffee peeling is performed in the salon, this procedure lasts about half an hour and costs about $ 5-10. However, due to its simplicity and the availability of ingredients, peeling with coffee is easy to do at home. To obtain an even tan before visiting a beauty salon with a solarium, this type of peeling is also recommended.

Rules for peeling coffee grounds

  • Use exclusively natural coffee of the smallest grinding without flavorings. The use of soluble is strictly prohibited.
  • It is more effective to use fresh coffee, used (already brewed) works worse.
  • Peeling with coffee grounds should be carefully performed by girls with delicate skin.
  • The coffee grounds must be cooled down during the procedure.
  • Thoroughly rinse the collected grounds, for example from a coffee machine, from debris and large particles. Water after washing should remain clear. Then dry on cheesecloth.
  • Do a small allergy test before doing a coffee peel at home - apply a little thick to the wrist area and wait a couple of minutes, rinse off the skin. If after 15 minutes no redness is observed in this place, then you can safely apply the coffee peeling components to other areas of the skin.
  • Keep prepared dried coffee gruel in a jar with a tight lid for this peeling.
  • It is better to wash off the coffee gruel with warm water, and then rinse the skin with cool water (contrast shower).
  • To achieve the maximum effect, it is advisable to carry out coffee peeling after taking a bath or sauna, when the skin pores are open and easier to clean.
  • After the end of the procedure, a light massage is desirable, apply a moisturizing cream (lotion) to the skin.

Coffee peeling for the body

As already mentioned, you can use coffee gruel from previously drunk coffee, or you can use fresh, finely ground coffee to improve the effect. It is used both in pure form and with the addition of a variety of essential oils, sour cream or kefir, olive oil, shower gel. The choice of additional components is made based on your skin type and personal wishes.

Spread the thickener evenly on all parts of the body that are selected for peeling. Massage the skin with gentle circular motions. Most often they massage the buttocks, abdomen, arms to the shoulder, hips. Ground coffee contains particles that, if the procedure is carried out roughly, can easily cause imperceptible or slightly noticeable damage, the next day they will manifest themselves in the form of redness and irritation. Therefore, do not overdo it with the cleansing procedure, it is better to repeat the coffee grounds peeling for the body in a week.

It is worth noting the property of coffee peeling in the fight against cellulite. Thanks to the caffeine contained in the grains, fats in the cells are broken down, excess fat is removed, which helps to increase skin elasticity, as well as a healthy look.

Facial coffee peeling

Such a procedure on the face must be performed with extreme caution. Coffee should be as finely ground as possible to avoid microtraumatization of delicate facial tissues.

For owners of combination / oily skin, when performing facial peeling with coffee gruel, cosmetologists recommend mixing particles of freshly ground coffee with a facial wash suitable for skin type or yogurt that does not contain sugar and all kinds of flavorings.

Apply a small amount of coffee peel ingredients to damp skin, hold for a few (5-10) minutes to dry. Then rinse with warm water in circular motions, then rinse your face with cold water.

Coffee ground peeling for the face is perfect for the subsequent application of a moisturizing nourishing mask. The peeling procedure opens the pores of the skin, which contributes to a more effective absorption of the mask by the skin of the face.

Recipes for coffee peeling

In all recipes, the indicated ingredients in the composition are intensively mixed into a homogeneous mass. You can use it on the skin of the face, other parts of the body with the frequency indicated in the table above.

For dry skin type

2 tbsp. tablespoons high fat sour cream


1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

1 st. tablespoon high fat sour cream

1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil (preferably corn, olive, almond, pumpkin ...)

Normal or combination skin

1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

2 tbsp. spoons of fermented baked milk / low-fat yogurt


1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

2-3 tbsp. spoons of shower gel


1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

1 teaspoon vegetable oil (olive)

1 teaspoon honey

Oily skin

1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

2 tbsp. spoons of 1% kefir / low-fat yogurt


1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

1 teaspoon honey

1 st. a spoonful of grape seed oil (calendula oil, St. John's wort)


1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

1 st. spoon of blue clay (prepare according to the instructions)

2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat kefir

For all skin types

1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

7 teaspoons of chalk

1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil (mainly olive, coconut)

For face(homemade coffee grounds peeling, oily skin + acne)

1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

1 teaspoon of sea salt (sold in pharmacies, supermarkets)

1 teaspoon dried seaweed (eg seaweed, kelp)

1-2 teaspoons of cosmetic milk

For skin elasticity

1 teaspoon coffee gruel/freshly ground

3 apricots (ripe, pulp)

1 banana (pulp)

From the first signs of cellulite

1 st. a spoonful of gruel from coffee / freshly ground

3 tbsp honey

a couple of drops of aromatic oil (you can use any)

Carry out the procedure once a month. Melt honey (you can in a water bath) and add the rest of the ingredients. Take a shower, apply the resulting mixture to the damp skin of the buttocks and thighs in the areas of cellulite. Leave to dry slightly for a while. Then massage the skin in problem areas in a circular motion, then rinse with water (preferably cool). After a couple of treatments, you will see excellent results.

Peeling the head with coffee grounds

This procedure helps to deal with several problems at once:

  • oily hair cleaning
  • cleaning hair follicles from dirt, dead particles of the skin
  • improved blood circulation of the hair roots and therefore better hair growth
  • preparation of the scalp for further application of nourishing masks

Coffee peeling for the scalp at home is performed with finely ground coffee or already used (brewed).

Coffee scalp peeling recipes

1 teaspoon vegetable oil (olive, other natural oils can be used)

Apply coffee peeling for hair, massage and leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with water (preferably warm). Wash your hair with the appropriate shampoo for your hair type.

1 st. tablespoon freshly ground coffee (used)

1 st. a spoonful of fine salt

a couple of drops of essential oil

Apply as in the first option

1 st. tablespoon freshly ground coffee (used)

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon honey (melted)

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Apply the scalp peeling mixture, massage and leave for up to half an hour. Then wash your hair with a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

- a simple, affordable and at the same time effective way to cleanse your skin. The availability of this type of peeling at home makes it truly the most popular procedure. Due to its truly healing properties, coffee peeling rightfully works wonders for your skin. Try it and you will definitely like the results!