Abstracts for moral education in the older group. An abstract classes on moral education in the senior group on the topic "Learning to be friendly"

Larisa Sotova

Goals; expand the knowledge of children about kindness and friendship.


Enrich the vocabulary (sensitivity, friendship, understanding, affectionate names); Specify the knowledge of children of proverbs about friendship; Continue learning to understand and evaluate the feelings and acts of others, explain our judgments; To introduce children with friendship secrets.

Develop sympathy, empathy, friendly relationship; develop mental activity; Culture of speech (clear and competently express their thoughts); develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person; develop expressiveness of movements, the ability to participate in a joint game, lead short dialogues in a situation of creative and game communication; form socio-communicative qualities (cooperation, tolerance).

Visit mathematic basis of personality, view of friendship, rail a culture of communication, friendly relationships, the desire to support friends, cares about them; encourage children good actions, give the opportunity to reveal mutual assistance.

Travel course:

Organizing time:

Hello guys! I am glad to see you with a good mood, healthy. I really want a good mood to have for all day.

To do this, we will stand in a circle and welcome each other by passing your neighbor "Magic Heart". You need to say hello and call each other affectionately by name. (Hello Yug! Hi Roma)

The game: "Magic Heart"

Guys, let's remember the fairy tale about a little sprouting and old tree.

What was special in this tree? (it does not bloom).

Yes, right, every spring has a leaflet appeared, but it never bloomed.

Guys, what happened to the tree? And why the tree bloom? (his friend appeared).

What do you think well or bad live without friends? Why do you think so?

Guys, I suggest you make a friendship tree from your palms.

Guys, do you want it to bloom? Then you can be today friends of this tree, but for this you need to solve the secrets of friendship and every solid secret will give a tree a beautiful flower of a certain color.

(Children to the music cut their palms. The trunk cuts out educator.)

Children cut out their palms and stick on the cut out educator(Depicting the trunk, forming a crown of wood from its palms.

First secret of friendship

Do you want to know the first secret of friendship?

Then listen to the song.

Song Song sounds "From smile"

Guys, tell me, please, so what does friendship begins?

That's right, with a smile. Look like quickly, easily and just you solved the first secret.

Tell me, what kind of person is more pleasant to communicate with the stern, gloomy, angry or with the one that smiles?

Sure! Therefore, guys let's smile together and smile our tree. After all, we want to be friends!

What is this secret? Well done! The first secret is solved.

And here is the first flower. Let's give it to our tree

We glue a pink flower on a tree.

Second secret of friendship

Guys, tell me what proverbs about friendship do you know?

Children remember Proverbs:

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Do not destroy strong friendship and ax.

There is no friend, so look, and found, so take care.

Without trouble you do not know a friend.

Help a friend everywhere, do not leave him in trouble.

To the next secret to find out

I suggest everyone to reason.

Children view pictures and reason, answering questions educator.

What do you think those who are depicted on these pictures are friends?

Why do you think so? That's right, friends should help each other.

Guys, do you help each other? (children's responses)

That's another secret of friendship is infused. How do you call this secret?

Right! Help!

Printed orange flower on a tree.

The third secret of friendship.

- You, first task: It is necessary to divide into two teams. Only there is one condition: However, it is impossible. You can only communicate with gestures.

Gaming exercise "Find yourself like".

Children are divided into two teams: "Chamomile" and "Vasilka"

1. Children get up in a circle. Educator asks them to cover their eyes and not talk to each other. Pins them on the back small pictures (Sun, cloud, flower and one drawing of thunderstorm clouds).

2. The educator gives task to children: To find "Himself like", I. take Its places near the table. (It is impossible to talk at the same time.)

3. Children must define themselves to which table they need to come.

So, you were divided into two commands and now you can start performing the second task.

I have two cut pictures, one for each team. Let's see how friendly you can assemble your picture.

The game "Collect the picture"

Well done! Guys, you worked together. Who is depicted on your pictures?

Look, in what mood kitten and puppy?

Guys and you heard expression: "Live like a cat with a dog"?

How do you understand these words? So, constantly quarrels, swear. Tell me, and quarrels, constant insults, Rugan - these words, these actions come to the Word - Friendship?

And how should friends live?

Indeed, friends should live together, and in a different way you can say peacefully! So one more secret of friendship you solved. How do you call this secret?

We glue a green flower on a tree.

Fourth secret of friendship

Now ask yourself for chairs.

For you, the guys will play a small scene.

Scene «Olya and Kohl»

Olya sits on the chair. Breasts, drove his head with his hands. Kolya appears.

Walked along the track

And suddenly sees, sits Olya:

Hey! How are you?

Loose! Not touch! Go your dear!

I wanted Kohl to leave

Offended and move away

But looked at Olya,

I thought and returned again.

And suddenly I regret her

And he smiled silently.

Then Olya smiled in answer:

Forgive me Kolya me for rudeness!

I'm not angry with you, no, no!

Tell me here a secret!

And it is simply not.

Remember, children

If a friend has trouble, with sadness and anger will help you to cope

Only one KINDNESS!

And now let's play a little. Children standing circle.

Exercise-training "Zlut"

Now I will turn some of you in "Zluka".

I have a pentagram, to whom I will indicate that turning into "Zluka"

Children become a circle, in the center of the circle costs "Zlut". Together repeat:

There was a little girl

The little girl angry was.

(Child playing "Zlyuki"must pass with the help of facial expressions and the emotional state of Zlov man: Shifts eyebrows, inflates the lips, waving his hands.

And now let's sweep your legs, influence the ball and take your whole offense and anger to put in the balloon, we will cover it with a thread and let go in the sky. Imagine how this ball disappears in the blue sky, and with it all your malice and insult disappears, and only remains kindness.

Guys, that's another secret of friendship is infused. How do you call this secret?

Sure! Kindness!

And one more flower is glued on our tree.

Yellow flower.

Fifth secret of friendship

Guys, you solved the 4th secret of friendship. But I have another secret.

I want to tell you one story.

And get ready to argue again!

"Two girlfriends"

Two girls Masha and Dasha were friends in one kindergarten. They were very friendly and always spoke to each other only the truth. But one day, Dasha was inadvertently broke the car a doll.

Who broke my doll? - Masha burst out.

I do not know, - said Dasha

Probably it is Sasha.

And I must say that the boy named Sasha often broke the toys of other children.

Why did you break my doll? - asked Masha from Sasha.

I did not break. Dasha did it, I saw.

Can not be! - exclaimed Masha.

Dasha is my best girlfriend, and friends never deceive each other.

Masha came to the Dasha and asked ... (What do you think about what Masha will ask his girlfriend).

Why did you deceive me, Dasha?

I was afraid that you will stop being friends with me if you find out that I broke your doll.

Do not do so more Dasha! - said Masha. - Friends should be honest with each other!

Here is a story.

Tell me guys, what important secret of friendship did you learn from this story?

Do you think Masha and Dasha will stay friends?

Of course, Masha will forgive Dasha. But you know the guys, for one deception, may follow another, third. ... and then it will be like a boy from parables, which shouting: "Wolves! Wolves! ". What happened to him, remember!

Right. And you would want to be friends with a person who constantly you

deceive? Of course, deception can destroy friendship. Therefore, what should be friends in relation to each other. Honest.

Well done! You solved another secret of friendship. Honesty!

That's the fifth, the last flower.

Outcome classes:

Guys, look at our tree. See, it bloomed! You were able to solve all the secrets and I am sure they are ready to be friends with a tree on which the flowers of your friendship grow.

Guys, remember always the secrets of friendship. Let's call them order:

Smile! Help! Kindness! Peace! Honesty!

Sounds music: "Barbariki - Song of Friendship", Children are dancing.

Claim on the spiritual and moral development of children of senior preschool age using ICT "Magic words"

Purpose: Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness.
1. Educational tasks: to form spiritually - the moral personality of the child; Expand the presentation of children about the cultural heritage of their people
2. Educational challenges: to bring up a desire for kindness, modesty, love for neighbor; careful attitude towards nature; obedience, hard work, politeness, educate cognitive interest in the history of the emergence of one of the main Orthodox holidays in the year
3. Developing tasks: develop the skills of benevolent communication, attention, patience, diligence, the ability to distinguish moral and immoral, promote the development of a feeling of joyful expectation from surprise
4. Intensify the dictionary: Angel, pray, be baptized.

Preliminary work:
- conversations about Orthodoxy, Orthodox traditions,
- View multimedia presentations,
- learning poems.

Equipment: Presentation-picture "Rules for Children", Angel in a glass bowl for the game "Circle of polite words".
1. Introduction to the topic.
Pedagogue: Hello, guys!
Bed happened!
Children on the street
Forgot Magic Words!
They got lost
They wooed.
They became evil, hungry!
And what is the trouble?
Yes just kids forgot
Magic words!
Sorry, sorry
You do not tell me
How to quickly reach
To your moms?

Children are invited to discuss the following questions:
What are the "polite words" do you know?
Which person can be called polite?
What situations are "polite words"?

2. Reading and discussing poems

Child: Good words.
"Good night" to sleep to sleep,
"Good morning will wake up
"Good day" in everything will help

But someone who will be kind.

What are the "polite words" and why? (Approximate answer: on the sun, because every morning it gently greets with everyone; on the rain, etc.)
What do you think, what color are "polite words"?

Child: What a word?
"Hello", "hello to all of you," "How are you doing?",
I hope you often remember me?!
It is impossible to live without me, it's just impossible!
What the word I, friends, guess easily.

Guess what is this word?
Calculate how many times a day you hear the word "Hello".
What does this word gives people?
What do you think it happens if people forget the word "Hello"?

Child: Bye
If you have a friend on a piece of sale "Goodbye",
Certainly there will be a new date tomorrow!
This word, like a magnet, connects everyone
And it does not allow us to say goodbye forever.

Who connects you to the word "goodbye"? Why do people talk to each other "Goodbye"? What other words do people talk to each other at parting?

Child: You are welcome
Word it is like a key, gold and fabulous,
As if the brightest ray,
Call him "please".

In the yard, in the family, in the garden,
The word works it.
With someone who is in Lada,
Everything will come true.
How does the word "please" in the yard, in the family and in the kindergarten?
Remember and tell the case from your life when the word "please" helped you.
Say the word "please" so that it is warmed even the most gloomy person.

Child: Thank you
Thank you talking
For good thank you:
For a gift, for concern,
For attention, for work.
The word is hearing cares
Heat warmer.
He who thanks everyone
This word says.
In what situations do you say "Thank you"? What word "is friendly" with this word? Say the word "Thank you" so that a person felt your gratitude.
3. Dynamic pause "Polite request"
Everyone gets up in a circle.
The teacher utters various teams, for example, raise hands, pat in your hands, etc., but you only need to do those of them that start with the words "please".
4. Viewing the Games presentation "Rules for Children"

Upon completion of the view, everyone discusses the meaning of politeness.

5. Exercise "Circle of polite words"
Children get up in a circle and, passing to each other angel, speak polite words.

6. Outcome
At the end of the classes, a brief conversation is held, during which the teacher resembles children the following:
Politeness decorates man.
Polite words make people kinder.
Politeness is important in relations with other people.
Polite person is easier to find help

Perspective plan according to the moral education of preschoolers of the older group.

The main tasks of the moral education of children of the senior group:

  1. raising the norms and rules of respect for the elder;
  2. formation of culture of behavior in cooperation with peers and adults;
  3. formation in a growing man of the beginning of the spirituality necessary for the development of the inner world of the personality;
  4. orientation for the preparation of children to further stages of socialization.
  5. promotion to the values \u200b\u200bof culture of the people of Russia and the world culture;

Forms and implementation methods:


No./ p


Software tasks


Game - An occupation on the topic: "Rus, Russia, My Motherland" (see Aplate.1)

Consolidate the knowledge of children about our country, about our region;

Continue to form ideas that our country is Russia, and there are many cities and villages;

To systematize the knowledge of children about the symbolism of the state, about the varieties of troops;

Upbringing a positive attitude towards the peoples of our country;

Rise love for works by Russian poets, artists, composers.


Reading fiction. "Hare Busthan" (Rus. Nar. Tale in process. O.Kapitsa)

Emotional attitude in children: positive as modesty, negative - to boasting;

Continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bmodesty.


The conversation "As you can turn to another person with a request" (see Aplater 2)

Bring up respect for others;

Continue to form the ability to refer to adults on "You", to use in your speech words of politeness.


Reading fiction. "What I saw" B. Sites

Raise patriotic feelings;

To form ideas about Moscow;

Develop interest in the study of the main city of our country.


No./ p Event Software tasks


Execution on the topic:

(see Appendix.1)

Expand and deepen the ideas of children about our country, about the traditions of the Slavic people;

Educate interest, respect for these traditions;

Develop cognitive interest in children;

Continue to acquaint children with the richness of Russian folk art through games, songs, proverbs and sayings;

Rail in children interest and love for the origins of their homeland, a sense of pride in the Russian people.


Reading fiction. "Winged, shaggy and oily" (rus. Nar. Tale in process. I. Karnukhova.)

To acquaint with the artistic work of the Russian writer;

Bring up a feeling of friendship, partnership;

Continue to form ideas about justice.


Reading fiction. "Karasik" N.Nosov

Raise truthfulness and justice;

Continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200ban honest, fair attitude to others.


Conversation "How can I find out the mood of a person?"

(see Appendix 2)

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent human sentiments;

Raise the ability to compassion, the ability to rejoice for someone;


No./ p Event Software tasks


Reading fiction. "Quarrels with grandmother" L. Voronkova

Bring up respect for the work of adults, a caring attitude towards old people, a desire to do for older good;

To acquaint with the artistic work of the compatriot.


Execution on the topic:
"Border" (see Appendix.1)

Develop the vocabulary of children, cognitive interest.


(see Appendix.3)

Replenish the vocabulary of "good" words;

Learn to use the "good" words in speech.


Heading the poem "We are all friendly guys" M. Ignatiev (see Appendix 3)

Continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship and kind to others;

Develop memory and feeling of rhythm in poem.


No./ p Event Software tasks


Individual conversation with children (Katya C, Leo B., Veronica R, Kostya O.) "How does mom cares about you? Where does she work? What did she tell about work? How does mom love to do in his free time? " (see Appendix 2)

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of social roles performed by adults (a woman is a loving mother, at work a worker, in his free time has a hobby, passion).

Continue to bring up respect for adults;

Learn to answer questions depending on the content, using the exact, expressive dictionary.


Quiz "Krasnoyarsk - My native city"

Develop thinking;


Consider paintings by local artists

Learning to pay attention to all image content;

Introduce the work of artists of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Educating love for nature depicted on the landscapes of artists.


Reading fiction. "Russia" of Tsyferov

Bring up a positive attitude towards the peoples of our country;


No./ p Event Software tasks


Reading fiction. "Karasik" N.Nosov.

"Why" V. Oseev

Educate honesty and justice;

To form the ability to comparative evaluation of two actions (on the example of two stories);

Introduce the artistic work of the Russian writer.


Reading fiction. "Cuckoo" (Nenets Fairy Tale)

To cultivate sensitivity, caring attitude towards mother;

To form an idea that the cruelty of people is fairly punishable;

Introduce the artistic work of the Russian writer.


Consider monuments of Krasnoyarsk

Introduce the monuments of the native city;

Bring up a positive attitude to urban architecture;

Develop memory.


Quiz "Places of the Native City"

Continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bthe hometown;

Bring up love for the native city;

Rail interest in collaborated with peers.


No./ p Event Software tasks


Reading fiction. "Why is the native army" A. Mityaev

Bring up respect and gratitude to the warriors of the Russian army;

Continue to acquaint with the works of Russian writers;

Educate love for fiction literature.


Reading fiction. "Outpage" A. Barto

Bring up interest and respect for soldiers;

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe border guards;


Individual conversation "My city"

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe professions of people of our city;

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe geographical location of the city;

Learn to answer questions depending on the content, using the exact, expressive dictionary;

Continue to educate love for a small homeland.


Miscellaneous "my courtyard"

Bring up a positive attitude to the place in which you live;

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe architecture of urban courts;

Relieve a feeling of pride for your small homeland.


No./ p Event Software tasks


Reading fiction. "Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

Bring up benevolence, sympathy, the desire to come to the aid to those who got into trouble;

Continue to acquaint with the works of Russian writers.


Reading fiction. "Silver Kopytz" P. Bazhov

Bring up kindness;

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bkindness and responsiveness;

Rail a positive attitude towards Russian writers' fiction.


Registration of the exhibition "Native Krasnoyarsk"

Bring up pride for their homeland;

Continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe difference between our city from other cities;

Rail a positive attitude towards your city.


Consider photographs of the State Nature Reserve "Pillars"

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe national treasure;

Educate love for nature;

Brigade careful attitude towards the environment.


No./ p Event Software tasks


Reading fiction. "Story about an unknown hero" S. Marshak

Bring up feelings of respect, pride in relation to people who make heroic actions;

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bcourage and modesty.

Continue to acquaint with the works of Russian writers.


Reading fiction. "FULLINIC SALE" process. A. Platonov

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bhonesty and justice;

Shape the idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil;

Rail a positive attitude to the literature.


C / and "Magic Words"

Bring up good attitude towards others;

Replenish the vocabulary "magic" words;

Learning to use "magic" words in speech.


View a video clip about Park Flora and Fauna "ROOF STUD"

Form a poverty idea;

Bring up love for plants and animals;

Continue to develop a careful attitude towards the environment.


No./ p Event Software tasks


Reading fiction. "Sister Alenushka and Brantz Ivanushka" (Rus. Nar. Tale in process. M Bulatova)

Raise good feelings in children;

Rail in children the ability to characterize literary images and show their attitude towards them;


Visit to the Museum of Local Lore

Bring up pride for their native land;

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is presented in the museum;

Get acquainted with the history of the native land.


Consider the "Red Book of Animals of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bwho will bring in the Red Book and what should be attributed to the individuals listed in this book;

Relieve pride for your edge.


Reading fiction. "Gray asterisk" B. Zagoder

Educate humane attitude towards the surrounding;

Form ideas about good and evil;

Rail a positive attitude towards the fiction.

Work with parents for moral education of children

Forms and methods of working with parents

  • individual conversations
  • memo
  • consultation
  • master classes
  • demo material (mobile folders, information corner)

"Television in your child's life"

"Teach children to be polite"

"On culture of behavior"

"An example of the people around the parenting"

"Teach children to love nature"

"About honesty and truthfulness"

"Education of the culture of the behavior of children in the family and kindergarten"

"The formation of volitional qualities"

"The moral education of the child is the basis for the formation of a future personality"

"The role of the family in the moral education of the child"


Abstract Games - Classes on the topic: "Rus, Russia, My Motherland"
In the senior group

Software tasks:

  1. consolidate the knowledge of children about our country, about our region;
  2. continue to form ideas that our country is Russia, and there are many cities and villages;
  3. to systematize the knowledge of children about the symbolism of the state, about the varieties of troops;
  4. learn to answer questions depending on the content, using the exact, expressive dictionary;
  5. upbringing a positive attitude towards the peoples of our country;
  6. rise love for works by Russian poets, artists, composers.

Wordwork: Motherland, Rus, Russia, Rod, parents, pedigree, relatives, rhodas, relatives, people, love, appreciate, respect, symbolism, tradition, coat of arms, anthem, flag, edge, card, globe, geographical position.

Prior work:

  1. learning the poems of Russian poets about the Motherland, Nature; songs, sweatshops, folk games, dance;
  2. reading works of Russian writers about the Motherland, People, Nature, Territory;
  3. reading the poem "Russia" of Tsyferov;
  4. viewing illustrations of books, atlases; paintings; postcards; flags, coat of arms of the country, edges,
  5. listening to the musical works of patriotic character;

The course of the game - Classes:

(Song vehicle Song Song Antonova "Native Party")

Educator: Guys, you listened to an excerpt from the song Yu. Antonova "Native Party". Who will say, what is this song about?

Children:(about your home place, about our homeland,)

Educator:That's right, this song about your native corner, about the native side, about the homeland, about the native places. Many poets, writers, composers, artists wrote wonderful works about our big homeland. And the people took about the homeland of the proverbs and sayings, songs, invented fairy tales. And what is homeland for each of you?

Children: (This is my home, my village, my family, my mom and me, my country ...)

Educator: You are right, guys, all this is our big homeland, which consists of small parts (my family, my house, my village). Let's remember the poems of Russian poets about the homeland, which we studied with you.

Children:(Children read loved poems)

Educator: Our homeland is so big that if we want to drive from the edge to the edge, then at the very fast train, this road will take a whole week, and on the plane will have to fly all day.

How great my land

How wide spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests and Steppe and Mountains

My country spread out

From the north to the south.

We live in the joyful edge

And we must know it.

The country is Russian.

Your bright edge is a favorite.

And now I suggest you play the game - Competitions. And, probably, you guessed that it would be called: "Rus, Russia, my homeland!". We need to divide into two teams and come up with names for them.

Children:(they are divided into teams and come up with names: "Bogati", "Silita")

Educator:Our game will consist of 5 stages. And the first one is "geographical". You need to show places where your relatives live on the geographical map of KhMAO.

Children:(perform the task)

Educator:Well done! I see that the geographical map of the edge you know good. Are you able to show on the globe on the world map of our country?

Children:(Children perform tasks)

Educator:We have real future geographers. Well done! The second stage is "symbols of our state." We continue the conversation about our homeland. Our state is called ...

Children:(Russia, Russian Federation)

Educator: Quite right. And how is our state different from others?

Children:(size, tongue, customs, traditions, coat of arms, anthem, monetary signs, national costumes, culture, flag,)

Educator: That's right. And name the symbols of the country.

Children:(Anthem, flag, coat of arms)

Educator: The anthem of the Russian Federation is the music of the Russian composer M. I. Glinka. Now we listen to the excerpt of the anthem of Russia.

(An excerpt of the anthem of Russia is all up)

Children:(everyone gets up)

Educator: You did the right thing that we got up. Any anthem listen to standing. And every team will tell about other symbols of the country.

Children: The coat of arms - we have a beautiful coat of arms, a double-headed eagle is depicted on it. Eagle Symbol of the Sun and Heavenly Power, Immortality. Two-headed eagle on hercher appeared a long time ago. Inside the coat of arms, on the chest of an eagle, there is a coat of arms of the city of Moscow. George Victorious Pierces Dragon Spear. Dragon is evil that is on Earth. The coat of arms is the state emblem. It is depicted in all seals, monetary signs and on paper, and on metal, passports, documents.

Flag - Our flag consists of three horizontal strips. From above white, in the midst of blue, the bottom is red. These colors symbolize: the unity of the world, land and sky. And it symbolizes the cooperation of the three Slavic peoples: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. Our flag is also called the steps, tricolor, a three-color cloth).

Educator: You gave full answers and explanations, about the symbolism of the state in which you live. Well done! And now I suggest playing everything in the Russian folk game "Zarya" to have and have fun and rest after such difficult stages.

Educator: At this stage, you need to explain the meaning of words:

Children:Motherland is the place where we live; It happened from the ancient word "Rod", which indicated a group of people united by blood relations.

Rod - denotes the ancient pagan god of the Slavs "Roda".

Rozhny - the main city of the Ross tribe - Slavs; He is named after God's god.

Give birth - to appear to appear; He will give birth to a woman, and the beast, and the earth.

Rodain is a relative, a member of the kind, one blood.

Rodin is all relatives and blood, and on family relations.

Pedigree - a list of generations of one kind.

Educator:I hope everyone is understandable to explanations. Well done! You all remembered and explained and explained. And now after the difficult stage, you can also pay.

Children:(execute Russian folk dance)

Educator:cherry has come to ask you questions.

  1. Name the kind of troops of the Russian army.
  2. What is the difference between the kind of troops from each other?
  3. Name military equipment.
  4. Who knows, in what troops did your dads serve?
  5. Do you know who of your relatives fought?
  6. What troops would the boys want to serve?

Educator: Yes, you just have troubled wellers and coped with this task just perfectly. Well done!Here is the last stage. You need to remember and fulfill songs about homeland, childhood, children and friendship, one verse.

Children:(execute the studied songs)



Take care of Russia

Without her, we can not live.

Take care of her

To be forever to be.

Our truth and strength.

All our fate.

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia.

Abstract Classes on the topic:"Oh, my Russia!" In the senior group

Software tasks:

  1. expand and deepen the ideas of children about our country, about the traditions of the Slavic people;
  2. educate interest, respect for these traditions;
  3. develop cognitive interest in children;
  4. continue to acquaint children with the richness of Russian folk art through games, songs, proverbs and sayings;
  5. rail in children interest and love for the origins of their homeland, a sense of pride in the Russian people.

Intensification of the dictionary:

Slavs, Well done, girls, warriors, commander; barbell, hollow; Polon - captivity; Ancestors, symbol, superstitious, Straight, Wanderers, Pessenger Older, Prince, Generation, Druzhina, burn Dotla, Stan - Camp, passed, Lukey - cruel, evil, hospitable, canvas.

Preparatory work:

  1. reading epic;
  2. view illustrations to the episodes;
  3. heading poems, proverbs and sayings, songs, games.

Travel course:

(Children with the song and the dance "My Russia" enter the hall, then sit on the chairs.)

Educator: Guys, which good song and dance you performed. Thank you! Do you know what is the name of the country in which we live with you?


Educator:Russia is our homeland. What does the word "homeland" mean?

Children: This is where we live; This is a mother and my family; This is our city; This is a kindergarten;

I found out that I have

There is a huge family:

And path, and fishing fish

In the field, each spikelet.

River, blue sky

This is all my native.

Hear a song of the stream -

This is my homeland!

Kindergarten, my friends -

This is my homeland!

I love everyone in the world I

This is my homeland!

Educator: Our homeland is big, rich and beautiful. There are many cities in it, villages, villages, villages.

But a long time ago, there were no large cities in our country, nor stone multi-storey houses in which we now live, no big villages. There were only thick and dense forests, clean rivers, spacious fields in which wild animals lived and swam different fish.

And on the shores of the rivers, far, far from each other were the poor little barns, huts. Our ancestors lived in them - peaceful, hardworking people - Slavs.

Children:Slavs loved nature, believed her, admired her. They believed that the sun was a fire-bird, frost - this is a blasphemous immortal, the blizzard is Baba Yaga.

Educator: Right. And who of you knows, remembers any signs, the sayings associated with these pagan symbols.

Children:Baba Yaga, the bone leg, goes to the stage, the pest rests, the larger the track will notice, - and in the truth as a blizzard circling; And I know that the zipper was considered to be a snake of Gorynych and said: "Snake someone has been made of money"; The sun will not fade, the people will not break; The sun is not clutch, and the truth does not be skating.

Educator: You all remembered a lot, well done! Slavs were kind and superstitious, that is, they believed in different signs, the natural phenomena that for them were predictions of the future.

Children:you read us that the Slavs plowed a lot and worked: they built hollows, canvas fabrics, church books rewrite. Peace axes were knocked in Russia, and in other countries we were doing weapons.

Educator: That's right. You have a good memory. All went around Russia in education. Slavs were the first of the generation to generate songs, fairy tales, epics, in which they glorified the great princes and their squads. They described their utilities in the eponymies, but they were called other names and endowed with a magical force, wisdom, huge love for his homeland. Could you remember Russia's heroes now?

Children: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Svyatogor, Eruzlan Lazarevich, Nikita Kozhemyaka.

Educator: Well! Well done! Boys-hedgehogs, go out on the field forces to measure, as these glorious warriors did in their childhood.

Games: "Pulling out of the circle", "Fight in the hoop"

Oh, and delete we are well done in the group.

Children:Loved Slavs and have fun. They had a hussley, and beep, and dulls. Maiden How to cute wreaths from field colors, how they will go to the dance - everyone admires them. And a good glory on the white light was about the White Light that they were not afraid of a beast of Lito, nor a creep.

Educator:Yes, all that you remember me, I have not forgotten anything. Well done! Guys, let's remember and play the Russian folk dance game "Dutz"

Children:Slavs were hospitable people. They were greeted guests. When the wanderers came to them, they invited them to enter the hut, offend the treats. For guests, nothing regretted. What was in the house of those and treated, and they gave the road.

Educator:Quite right, guys! And the Slavs lived a big friendly family - this is the father with his mother, and their children, and their children. All the land of Russia were divided into principalities. And every prince had a squad, and was obliged to defend his people from enemies. And the people read the prince and listened to him.

The Slavic people have plenty of enemies. They all wanted to conquer the lands of the Slavs, and to take them in full. One of the worst enemies at that distale time was Tatar-Mongolian Khan.

(Avdotea-Ryazan's stage)

Child: They attacked the Slavic settlement of Tatars. They were a small growth, broadcaster, chornasty, with large shaved heads, narrow diagonal eyes. Brutal they were: the sabers were chopped up and children of small, and girls, women, and the old people were mad, set fire to houses and in the villages and cities - burned all the dottel.

All around burned. Moaning Russian land!

Educator: This is how the story of Avdoti-Ryazan begins.

Boasting Khan Bati:

How to burn first Rus,

So I will get to the Germans.

And with all his Horde -

Fucking on them thunderstorms.

Child: Han battered on Earth Russian, Ryazan. Many people destroyed, a lot in Polon. Not one is alive, and went into the steppe Razdranny. And where at this time there was Avdota-Ryazan, now no one knows and does not say.

Child: And when she returned to his burned city, she buried bitterly. She took clean clothes and went, look for her husband, son and brother.

Educator:Among the dead I was looking for our relatives - I did not find it. Among the burned - did not find their loved ones. Avdota Ryazanka guessed that they took the people relative to her in full of the enemies. For a long time, nobody walked shortly. Avdota Ryazan and the animal outposts were passed - they did not touch her beasts, the robbed outposts took place - did not touch her robbers. I passed all the obstacles. And finally appeared in front of the Okayan Khan Batym.

Khan Bati: Who is she? Why did it come?

Avdota Ryazanchka: Avdotye my name is - posing. Yes, no mercy you ask you, and judge you. Why did you ruin my house, half a son, husband and brother? Give them to me!

Khan Bati: Well, Baba Ryazanskaya, go to my calls, look for their prisoners.

Educator: Avdota rushed like a bird, but stopped Han.

Khan Bati: Wait a minute! Sorvi first flower any. Search will be as long as the flower does not start. Do not have time to find it, my wife itself will become.

Avdota Ryazanchka: Bitter Your mercy, Khan. Your condition take. But you keep your word!

Educator:She threw a yellow flower on a long leg. The day goes, another walks. And the flower is not what she called, but also brighter, it was blossomed, became more painted. He saw Khan Flower, was surprised, his eyes did not believe.

Child:long searched for Avdotea Ryazanochka his relatives. Finally, they found them, dressed in clean shoes and led to Khan.

Avdota Ryazanchka:Here is Kan relatives to me. Let them go! I completed your condition. Hold and you your word.

Khan Bati: Your took, go to Russia. Yes, just one of them I will let go. Choose who you want to take with you?

Educator: The terrible choice began before Avdotye.

Avdota Ryazanchka: Do not look at my tears, and listen to my arguments:

I am young and again I can get married.

I will have a husband, and the son will be born - stand up for Russia.

But I do not have Mother, I have no father, it means that I never have a brother.

And without a brother in Russia, it is impossible to be.

Without native blood relatives, do not defend the lands of Russian.

Let your brother, Khan!

Khan Bati:Surprised, you are me Baba Russian! For your wisdom I let go with you and brother, and son, and my husband. Go with my eyes.

Child: It has long been, but now flower in Russia, a flower named immortiner.

Educator: For a long time they were crawling and digged, like beasts, in Russian land: it was green, then in the gold decoration, then in snow-covered robes. Not only the Tatar-Mongolian Horde crossed our ancestors. There were other enemies who brought to Russian land into the Russian people. But there were always in Russia the heroes of warriors who defended our land from enemies.

The motto of the defender warriors was and will be the foregoing of the centuries: "Who came to us with a sword, that from the sword will die."

And what Russian commander, you can remember?

Children: Alexander Nevsky - he fought with German, Teutonic orders; Dmitry Donskoy; Suvorov and Kutuzov - they fought with French Napoleon; Zhukov, Rokossovsky - fought with fascist invaders.

Educator: Yes, I failed to put the Russian people on your knees. Remind us again the motto of Alexander Nevsky

Children: "Who came to us with a sword, that from the sword will die."


Glory! Glory! Native Rus!

Do not ride enemies in our land,

Not trample their horses the land of Russian,

Don't overshadow the sun red

Over Russia's Russia!

(At the end of the occupation, the anthem of Russia sounds. Children listen to the anthem standing)

Abstract Classes on the topic:"Border" in the senior group

Software tasks:

  1. upbringing interest and respect for the warriors;
  2. formation of ideas about the service of border guards;
  3. development of the vocabulary of children, cognitive interest.

Intensification of the dictionary:Border Guard, Clock, Zadava, border.

Preliminary work: Consider the physical map of the world with the designated boundaries of the Russian Federation.

Structure occupation

Children listen to the musical composition "At the high banks of the Amur".

Educator:Guys, at our current lesson, it will be about the soldiers guarding the frontiers of our homeland, about border guards (time). Listen to the poem A. Barto "Outcoming", and then we'll talk about him.

  • What is the name of the poem, about whom and what it is?
  • What is the look?
  • How does the poem say about the outpost?
  • Who are border guards?
  • Who came running to border guards? (boy)
  • What did the boy told the border guards?
  • How about this stated in the poem? (children remember lines from poem)
  • What ended the alarm on the outpost?
  • Remember that the head of the boy said?

(The educator reads the poem again, children, if desired, repeat him behind him.)

Educator:Now look at this picture, how do you think it can be called? (children offer their own options)

Educator:It is called "Border Guard", but wrote her artist B.Okorokov. I suggest you to make a small story about this picture (2-3 children are called to compile a story).

Educator:Well done, all today worked well, learned a lot of new and interesting things: border guards are soldiers guarding the frontiers of our homeland, peace and sleep of ordinary people. The border guards service is interesting, hard and very responsible, all border guards are bold, brave, resourceful, hardy fighters and I suggest you draw an illustration to the poem "Outpage". (Drawing can be held in free time)

Appendix 2.


"How can you turn to another person with a request"

Children, we have already spoken, as you can say hello to another person. There are many magical words that help us communicate, raise the mood. Today we will learn correctly and politely ask for a request.

Let's imagine that you appeal to a familiar person. How best to do it? What do you think?

Be sure to call by name, look into the eyes, do not forget to say the word "please". Let's try:

"Dima, please give me a toy."

"Lena, if it's not difficult for you, help me fold books."

"Natasha, be so good, please correct me, please, collar."

And now I will imagine what you need to contact an unfamiliar person on the street to learn how to find a store ...

What do you think? You can say so:


Be kind.

If you do not complicate.

Help me please.

Remote me a service.

Play options for situations.

And if you need to contact the tutor, mom or another adult, and he talks to someone at this time?

"Sorry, please, what I interrupt you, can you contact you?"

"Sorry, I will not prevent you, you can ask a question?"

I think that you will not forget about our lesson of courtesy and deliver the joy from communicating with you.


"How can I find out the mood of a person?"

I have a bad mood today. And you? Do you always have a good mood? Look at these photos and tell me what they differ?

Why is it so sad?

If you are sad, bad, how do you behave?

And if your friend has a bad mood, how do you notice?

What is the face of such a person?

How can you raise the mood?

How can I ask about the reason for a bad mood?

If a person just want to be alone?

How do you learn that a person has a good mood? Why does it happen?

How does the weather act on the mood of a person?

If in the house guests, all fun, holiday, and you have a bad mood, will you show it the rest? What do you think they will upset them?

Let's take each other's hands and look, to each other in our eyes, say affectionate words. Let everyone be a good mood.

You can offer children photos, clippings from newspapers, illustrations and ask to determine the mood of characters, determine the cause. Explain to children how important it is to be able to determine the mood of a person, to be attentive and prudent, kind, observant. You can offer a schematic representation of persons depicting a different mood. Determine, explain why. Suggest children every day when they greet, be sure to look in the eyes of another.

Appendix 3.

Game - relay: "Good words"

Children are divided into two teams in turn run up to the educator and speak polite or kind word. Whose team will call more kind words, she won.

The poem "We are all friendly guys ..."

We are all friendly guys.

We are the guys-dosoquolate.

No one offended.

How to take care, we know.

I will not throw anyone in trouble.

Do not take away, but ask.

Let everyone be fine

Will be joyful, light

M. Ignatiev

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Purpose:spiritual and moral education of children by attachment to the traditional spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Orthodox culture.


  • introduce children with the guardian angel and his invisible world;
  • enrich the dictionary with new words and concepts: Guardian Angel, Heavenly Assistant;
  • develop the ability of children to listen carefully and answer questions;
  • develop speech, emotional perception, interest in the knowledge of the spiritual world;
  • educating in children moral qualities, good, caring attitude towards others, to each other, to parents.

Prior work:

  • conversation on the topic "Guardian Angel";
  • reading the children's Bible, viewing illustrations with an angels;
  • learning with children of poems and songs about angels;
  • registration of the exhibition of family creativity "My Good Angel".

Materials and equipment:the exhibition of the drawings "My Good Angel", the bell, a soft toy heart, a candle, a video "Conversation of a child with God", a Christmas tree with figurines of angels.

Structure occupation

Good day! And the day today is really kind, because we gathered good about it! Look, guys, how many guests came to us, say hello to guests and wish all the good.

The teacher invites guests to get into a circle with children.

Here is a small light of the candle - the personification of heat and light, it helps to warm the soul of each. I suggest you by passing a candle from hand to hand, to speak to each other good words and wishes.

Guests and children are sitting.

Guys, we continue our journey with the Bible Book. And today we will learn with you about the world that people cannot see with their own eyes.

From the pages of the Bible, we learned that all that surrounds us is the sky, the earth, the sun, the stars, nature and all living on Earth created God. But before the visible world and man appeared, God created the invisible world, Heavenly. Who lives in this world?

The tutor shows an angel image.

Who is drawn in the picture?

That's right, Angels, servants of God live in this invisible world. And how did you find out that this is an angel?

He has wings.

That's right, he has wings. What angel of the wings?

Large, white.

What are the wings of the angel, what do you think?

(Children's responses).

It seems to people that the wings have an angel made of white alerts. But an angel is not a bird. It is a celestial creature, disembodied. Angel moves very quickly, so people are depicted with wings. But, of course, they are not like wings in birds. Angels can be big or small, sometimes they fly over us in the sky, and sometimes they look at us with tremendous eyes. Angels are so bright, they are directly shining by divine light.

Angels can not see an ordinary person. This is how, for example, air. Is it? (Yes!).Let's check.

Experiment .

The educator offers one of the children to inflate the balloon.

Why is it inflated?

It is air.

The tutor releases air from the ball.

What comes out of the ball?

And we see him?

But he is and without air a person can not live. So the angels are invisible, but they really need a person.

Why did God create angels? (Children's responses)

Guardian Angel is an assistant who is given by God to every person with baptism. The word angel means "Bulletin". Angels bring people from the sky - a message that God makes man.

The educator reads the poem "Angel" against the background of music:

You have angel of God
Light, loyal, best friend.
He will always come to the rescue
If what happens suddenly
Angel next to you
And invisibly stores
And when you are disobedient
He is upset and sad.
From stubborn and trap
Angel can move
And you have such a friend
In general, the world is not found.

What is your guardian good or evil angel?

Kind. He takes care of us and always next to us. Angel helps to make good deeds and protects from evil. It is very upset when a person does badly.

What are the actions can the angel to upset?

Children list the bad actions.

We remembered bad actions that cannot be performed. If you behave well, it will be the biggest gift to your angel. He will always store you and will not turn away, will not go away from good obedient children. Your good deeds will delight not only the guardian angel, but also your parents.

Want to tell your angels, what kind of good, attentive and caring?

The game is in a circle with a heart "good actions".

We stand in a circle, in turn we will pass the heart and finish the proposal that begins with the words: "I try to be kind ..."

You should always remember your angel Guardian. Christians appeal to him with prayer: "Holy Angel of God, the keeper of my, moth of God about me!"

You hear (listens), it seems, somewhere the bells ring. Interesting. Who can it be?

The child reads a poem:

Day sparkles, silver,
The bells are ringing.
Whether a fairy tale, whether it dreams -
This angels fly.
They send them to the ground
Take care of us
And they guard us
And fly among us.

Girls angels perform a dance for the music of a musical disk.

Remember, guys, that only good deeds and bright thoughts can be closing to the guardian angels. And for this you need to make up with offended comrades, ask for forgiveness from the parents, to fulfill their requests and instructions, to be always obedient to parents, do a lot of good and good deeds. Then your guardian angel will rejoice at you, help you in affairs, protect against everything bad and evil.

The educator draws the attention of children to the drawings of the exhibition "My Good Angel".

Guys, what kind of good angels you drew with your parents. Well done! And what do you think, why do we see portraits of your mom among the pictures of angels? (Children's responses). That's right, moms also call our angels because they care about us from birth and all our lives. Please look at the screen and you will understand everything.

Browse a video "The conversation of a child with God."

The educator invites children to approach the small Christmas tree, which is decorated with figures of angels.

Guys, look at how many little figures of angels here. Take the figures in memory of our kind meeting and tell me what you liked that I remember most at our meeting.

Sounds quietly music about angels, children share their impressions.

Used materials.

  1. Good peace. Orthodox culture for kids. Methodological manual for teachers, specialists of the pre-school education system. (From the experience of the work of teachers of pre-school educational institutions of the Moscow region under the Program "Good World"). / Editor - Compiled by L.L. Shevchenko. - M.: The Center for the Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2015.
  2. Good peace. Orthodox culture for kids. CD - disk. Musical support of classes. - M.: The Center for Support Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2011.
  3. Shevchenko L.L. Good peace. Orthodox culture for kids. Toolkit. - M.: The Center for Supporting the Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2014.
  4. Shevchenko L.L. Good peace. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 4. What are we rejoicing? Orthodox holidays. Ed. L.N. Antonova. - M.: The Center for Support Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2011.
  5. http://androidmafia.ru/video/zvgpganSA8A - Video "Conversation of a child with God"

Software content

Educational tasks: Improve the skill to accurately intonate the melody; To form a rhythmic movement skill in accordance with the nature of the music.

Developing tasks: develop a sensitive and attentive attitude towards each other, to learn to notice the attitude of another person, be able to listen to their comrades; Develop creative thinking, enable every child to freely express your point of view and be able to explain it.

Educational tasks: Improve interpersonal aspects of relationships between children by harmonizing the inner world of each child.

Vocabulary: Enter children in the active dictionary of children: "Care", "Attention"; Explain the meaning of the word "commandments".

Musical repertoire: "Our educators" (T. Popatenko); "Topney, my leg" (T. Suvorov); "Menuet" (L. Backerini); "Sentimental Waltz" (P. Tchaikovsky); "Dancing dolls: Waltz, Polka, Romance" (D. Shostakovich).

Preliminary work: Preliminary learning of the dance elements "Topney, my leg" T. Suvorova; Conversation on the content of the song "Our teacher" T. Popatenko.

Structure occupation

To the music "How beautiful this world is ..." D. Tukhmanova Kids enter the hall.

Music leader: Hello guys! Today we will talk to you about how your actions can delight and disappear around the people. If we look at the sky, we note that the sun is affectionately warms all living on Earth. And if suddenly breaks the tuchka in the sun, then the only ray will still take their care about us, will have attention to us. After all, kindness is both attention and concern for other people.

Psychotraining is held "Hear your heart."

Music leader: Guys, please, please, handle on your heart! Feel what your heart is kind, gentle, gentle. Let's send the whole world from our heart Lunch of tenderness and kindness and say: "Let the world be good!"

- The heart is our most important teacher. Only it can tell us how to learn to be attentive to others, how to take care of your loved ones and relatives: about sister, oh my mother, about dad, about grandmother with grandfather.

And there is a soul winged yours.

When the soul is welcome,

Like a bird of happiness, things she.

Tombs a bird into an surrounding of evil,

The then wings were woven.

Good and evil - two spheres of being,

And there is a soul winged yours.

Educator: Guys, I today prepared an interesting fairy tale "What is the most important thing about?"

Recover therapy is carried out (A. Lopatina's tale, M. Skrebtsova "What is the most important thing in the world?").

Music leader: Guys, now I will make you a different riddle-situation, and you be careful. If you agree with any action - slate your hands, if you do not agree - shook your head. You can or can not:

a) put a tree;

b) to push the passerby;

c) stick the cat per tail;

d) cure the sick bird;

e) give way to grandmother in trolleybus, etc.

The training "Certain Desire" is held.

Music leader: Guys, I ask you to focus on the heart and call one good deed that you would like to do.

Educator: Remember: You need to learn to be attentive to people, try to feel if anyone needs your help. You feel what care and attention you are surrounded by our favorite educators. Let's give our tugs a beautiful song.

Children perform the song "Our Educator" T. Popatenko.

Educator: And now, guys, please us, please, the cheerful dance "Topney, my leg" T. Suvorova.

Children perform the dance "Topney, my leg" T. Suvorova.

Educator: Thank you guys, you danced so wonderful that they raised my mood! Let's more often please each other with good deeds, not just words.

I went the tenth year,

I am now for all in response.

There is no wind in my head,

It is full of fully worries:

Bear to Sasha's brother

So as not to cry, did not shout

Grandfather to make prostrochu,

So that the grandchildren did not grumble.

Wash the floor in the whole apartment,

In the bathroom old crane change

And sister younger Ira

Barbie's doll repair.

I grew up, I'm not boredom,

Hands come to all:

I do not sit without a case

I serve my family.

Music leader: Guys, and now I will ask you to draw any good deed that you have done someday.

Conducted color therapy "Good deeds". Classical music on the choice of musical leader - "Menuet" Backerini, "Sentimental Waltz" P. Tchaikovsky, "Dancing dolls: Waltz, Polka, Romance" D. Shostakovich, etc.

Music leader: Do you know guys that everything in the world is obeying certain laws? That you send from your heart into the world, then you return. If a person makes good deeds, the surrounding people treat him with respect, help him, and if it makes bad actions, such a person becomes lonely, he has no friends. There is a Russian folk proverb: "What we sleep, then you will get enough." And the man himself chooses that he will create - good or evil. In many religions, humanity were given rules of behavior, they are called "commandments": not LGI, do not steal, do not make evil, do not kill, create good, love people. If people observed these rules, they would escape many mistakes and troubles. Only we ourselves can build a new wonderful world, if we become better and do good, do not offend anyone, love people and help them. Let's quietly say: "Let the world be fine."

Children to the music "How beautiful this world is ..." D. Tukhmanov goes from the audience.