Consultation on the topic: "Modern technology" Collecting "in the educational process of DOU. Collectibles as a means of developing research activities of children

Consultation for educators in kindergarten Dow

"Collectibles is one of the models of children's research activities"

Chebotareva I.Yu., Educator MBDOU D / C №21 "Fairy Tale" Stary Oskol Belgorod region

Of particular importance for the development of the child's personality is familiarizing with the surrounding reality when it appears in all the diversity and the child comes to everything that society lives. The child strives to understand how objects are arranged, find out something new about the world, to obtain ideas about different sides of life.

It is from collecting that the child's attachment often begins to the world of small secrets, their discoveries. The advantage of collectibles can also be considered its integration, that is, communication with classes on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas, knowledge of the surrounding world, environmental education, sensory development.

However, the child's capabilities are still small, and he can satisfy this need only with an adult. Attentive attitude of adults to children's hobbies, support and their development - the indispensable condition for the formation of the cognitive activity of the child.

Initial interest in collecting appears in children in the second youngest group. Therefore, conditions encouraging children of three years old to independent cognitive activity were created: each child was given a place for storing personal belongings and items that caused their interest - "Treasury" (handbags, colorful bags, boxes, backpacks). The contents of the "Treasury" - an inexhaustible source for observations, conversations with a child. Children with hunt responded to such communication, as it was built on close and interesting for the child's child. According to the content of the "treasury", from the stories and questions of children it became clear what the interest of a particular child is manifested. In an exciting form, we were transferred to children about the world of nature, encouraging kids to create piggy banks related to the observations of children on walks ("Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer Gifts"). Autumn is beautiful leaves, red rowan berries, sketches of autumn rain and puddle; Winter is light snowflakes and a Christmas tree sprigs, sketches of funny winter fun.

Work on identifying and maintaining first election interests in children continued at middle age. To this end, the conditions for the work of children with collections collected by their personal interests were created in the group: a collection of candy, calendars. When organizing work it was necessary to form in children a careful attitude towards the collection. Together with the children, we discussed the rules for handling the objects of the collection. The children began to understand that this is not ordinary toys, but the exhibits that need to be considered, admire them, but at the same time, you can not make them untouchables, otherwise children will quickly lose interest to them. They should be able not only to consider, but also to sort out things, in their own way to position them, classify, compare in color, form and magnitude.

Experience showed: If allies are able to find in this case in the face of parents, then work will go very actively and bring many valuable fruits. Before starting work with children, we introduced parents with this problem with your colleague. For the whole time worked:

  1. consulting point;
  2. presentation on the topic;
  3. photo albums and photo exhibitions.

First, with the help of the questionnaire, the level of pedagogical competence of parents in the field of children's collectibles was identified, whose analysis showed: Only a minor part of parents are engaged in collecting (stamps, coins, postcards, badges, folk art goods, paintings, figurines). At the same time, parents noted that their children are interested in something to "collect": mainly toys from kinder surprises; phaliki; stickers; Models of beetles, cars, dogs, horses, cards from the magazines "Spiderman".

To help parents was issued by a memo "We bring up collectors!", Where it was told about the benefits of this method and what can be collected in a group and at home. Parents quickly joined the work on the creation of collections, actively helped children in collecting instances and information about the material collected. Periodically, we began to organize together with the parents of the exhibition "My Collection".

Creating conditions aimed at the development of cognitive interests, the needs and abilities of senior preschoolers, the focus has already become made not so much on the substantive side of the material, as in the methods of mastering them, on the organization of children's activities on his assimilation, which is of paramount importance for the development of intellectual and creative abilities . By organizing search-study activities with senior preschoolers, we tried to be attentive to the interests of children, and at the same time use material, easy to group and sorting by type.

In order to maintain interest in collecting the collection and expansion of the outlook on the exhibits, a variety of forms of work in various activities were used: Movement, Game, Productive, Communicative, Labor, Cognitive-Research, Music and Artistic, Reading Artistic Literature.

Collecting the collection, the children became more closely to the trifles and learned about the simple things much more than others. A variety of collections were the result of the work: "The World of the Seas and Oceans", the "World of Insects", the "World of Stones and Minerals", "Journey to the World of Dinosaurs", "Butterfly". All collections were very informative, and we offered children to organize the plot-role-playing game "Exhibition". This proposal was met by children with enthusiasm. In the process of training the exhibition, posters were made by posters, invitation cards, stories about their exhibits were invented.

Children - guides with passion told and showed exhibits of the collection of collections: insects, butterflies, dolphins, stones. In the eyes of the parents, a genuine interest in the hobbies of our pupils, a sense of pride and joy overwhelmed the hearts of adults. The opinion was unanimous: this form of work gives a lot of children and adults, first of all expands the horizons of children, deepens and systematizes knowledge, so necessary for school training, as well as children became inquisitive, active, more and more interested in new, unknown in the outside world , asking more and more questions. In the process of collecting, children took part in the educational process.

For myself, we concluded: the collectibles method is surprise, the ability to see unusual in the usual, meeting with the "miracle", so in the future we will maintain interest in collecting.


  1. Doronov T. N. Raduga: The program of education, education and development of children of preschool age in a kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004.
  2. Korotkov N. A. Educational process in groups of children of senior preschool age. - M., 2007.
  3. Prokhorov L. N. The experience of methodical work in the Dow on the development of preschoolers' creativity. - M., 2007.
  4. Savenkov A.I. Methods of research learning of younger schoolchildren. - Samara, 2010.

Topic: Features Collectibles in childhood

Collectibles is the method of materializing its own "I" in the modern world for preschoolers. Also, this type of activity helps a child to engage in children's environment. Not necessarily collecting appears spontaneously and carried out by a child individually. Often this process initiate adults themselves. The educational and pedagogical process implies the inclusion in the class of collectible activities. Educators organize special circles and clubs, conduct classes. Such quasi-sequential activity helps to form cognitive skills in children, develops their abilities for creativity, help to bring up the positive qualities of the person. A whole complex of pedagogical areas is included in collectibles. This is both artistic creativity, socialization, and communications, and hard work, and knowledge. Such comprehensive methods are the leading principle of the implementation of the requirements for the educational program for preschoolers. Collectibles are more game than cognitive activity. Educaters with children play this game. This game is collective and helps to show your creative abilities to every child. The leading activities of preschool children is subject-manipulative. And it is this kind of activity is collecting. Thanks to the collection of collections, children get the opportunity to get acquainted with each of them, acquire knowledge about its sensory features, properties and qualities. The child also begins to realize that there is a wide variety of items related to the general features. It is clear that children of preschool age are not able to cope with collecting themselves. Therefore, child collecting implies participation in this process and adults too. Parents play the main role in this. This allows the child to learn to interact with peers and adults to achieve one common goal, it contributes to a friendly atmosphere in the family and in kindergarten, because collective activity usually brings people. Collectibles are not just a hobby, which will help to brighten the time spent in kindergarten. This is a special kind of objective development environment. Thanks to this activity, children teach to solve different tasks and develop mentally and physically. Also, collectibles can be used to organize in a fascinating form of speech and artistic activities, the development of aesthetics and cognitive activity, social and moral education, as well as to attach children of health-saving habits.

Phased collecting

Collecting is a process that includes four consecutive stages: awareness of the collection ideas of children and their parents. Organization of a joint activity of the house or kindergarten presentation of the exhibition of the assembled objects with parents or educators of children's activity.

Educators apply collecting, as this is a very attractive form of activity for preschoolers. After all, children are very rejoiced by the process of gathering. Typically, children are able to actively be involved in collecting activities at the age of the middle group. At this age, children show interest in different subjects, wish to find out about them as much as possible, which favorably affects the inclusion in the process of collecting objects. It seems that the thrust for collecting is invested in the minds of children initially. Unfortunately, over time, most children disappears this desire, but there are people who carry this crave throughout their life. Collecting does not just satisfy the need for a person to collect, but also develops his understanding of the world around, helps him form thinking and speech.

In order to successfully introduce collecting in an educational process, the teacher must be carried away by this idea. So he will be able to infect with this interest and children. Types of collecting today There are several of the most common types of collectibles: filmlers: picking up very small toys. Lekifilia: picking up toys and designers produced under the LEGO brand. Plangonology - picking up different dolls. Filolidium - collecting packages. Filateli - picking up postage stamps. Bonissic - picking up various cash bills printed on paper. Numismatics - picking up various coins. For children, several other items for collectibles will be more understandable: Books of postcard magnets with pictures leaves and flowers for Herbarium Model Machines Discs with songs, etc. This is just a little of what you like to collect children. You can collect a variety of items: the main thing is to like it to children, it was clear and close to them, and also enriched their understanding of the world around. Signs of collectibles Korotkov N.A. She wrote that collecting is a special form of preschoolers, which helps them develop as individuals. She allocated several signs inherent in this type of activity: it is necessary to collect those objects that are easy to classify to species; You can select a real material or shaped in order to discuss the signs with children for which it will be necessary to determine whether this object is suitable for the collection; The material discussed must be placed in the table; All children of the group should take part in the work. Korotkov encourages educators to collect various pictures. For example, you can choose such themes for pictures as the seasons, construction objects, animals, plants, professions, minerals, candy, sports. The researcher also recommends a certain list of references to read, which will help children get involved in collecting theme and deal with how to classify items. Collecting is able to help solve many pedagogical tasks that pose kindergarten careors: helps to expand the children's horizons; develops the selectivity of interests; Forms the cognitive interests of the child; Helps to form aesthetic perception and sensory perception; develops the ability to design and collect objects; A positive effect on the development of the psyche (help to experience joy, soothe, remove sad thoughts). Among other things, collecting helps children develop prerequisitive and accuracy, forms their work skills with the material, contributes to the growth of cognitive activity, research qualities. If we talk about the mental component of collecting, then first the accumulation of knowledge is formed, then this information is systematized, which leads to a meaningful perception of the surrounding world. It is very important that parents actively help children in this kind of activity. From the involvement of parents depends resistance to children with collecting. If you have a general case, many problems disappear in relationships, especially in relations between children and their parents. Therefore, collecting, as one of the types of intellectual development of the preschooler, must be carried out by the whole family. This allows not only to form a certain system of knowledge, skills and skills, but also has a powerful impact on mastering the preschooler of such basic qualities and properties of intelligence, as an initiative and competence, creativity and regulation of their own behavior and emotions. Collections are used to work with preschoolers as: objects of the collection are not simply stored on the shelf, educators can use them as a handouts visual material for conducting experiments, surveys and just admissions; When developing mathematical skills, the objects of the collection serve as a countable material; In the logic classes, the objects of the collection help learn to distinguish forms, values, presentation of time, etc. in the game of games; for the formation of exhibitions in kindergarten; for organizing meetings with interesting people; in labor activities when children help accompany the Studio space; In speech development (every object of the collection is a new word to replenish the vocabulary stock, the description of the subject is the formation of a connected speech). When implementing individual activity, each pupil. It is necessary to understand that the collecting conducted by the children has its own characteristics arising from thinking of preschoolers. The prevailing thinking of this age is visual-effective and visual-shaped. It follows from this that collections should be visual and manipulation. Items that are objects of the collection must be tangible and real. For example, you can use postcards, pictures, photos, images of people, toys, printed publications. You can highlight the exhibits in a separate group, made by your own children with adults. These children's products can be included here, like drawings, handicrafts with their own hands, books and collages. Children are constantly doing something to do something with the materials collected in the collection. If the collection items can not be in hand, swap and spend other manipulations with them, then such a collection ceases to be interesting. For example, if a collection of machine models is collected, you can use them for the game. Toys from kinder surprises are well suited for the story game. Stones and shells Children can take, view, touch their fingers from all sides and show other people. The task of adults is to teach children to notice something special and beautiful, as well as an unusual and wonderful one in all these subjects. The main principle of collecting collection is the systematization of objects and the formation of ideas about them, an understanding of their purpose, ways to create, life stages and authors. For preschoolers are available to understanding a variety of collections. You can highlight collective and home collections groups. Under the collective collections you can mean those that are going to a group of children and educators, as well as parents. The initiator of such a collection, as a rule, acts as an educator. The subject of such group collections can reflect the meaningful part of the development of ability to know, be a consequence of planning educational work with children and be part of integration into the educational process. Emotional collections are most often characteristic of preschool children. This type of collections is distinguished by a rapid burst of interest in them and the extrusion of interest. The task of the teacher is to fix the state of the joyful delight and sense of satisfaction from the cognitive process that occurs as a result of the collection of items of this collection. It is important to discuss with the child the collected objects and consider them together. You can not just collect items in one bunch, but create a collage or panel of them, also classify all items according to different features. The next type is cognitive collections. Children have sustainable interests that lead to the fact that the child begins to collect the thematic collection. This type of gathering is distinguished by stability and connectedness with a certain topic. Another type of collectibles is social. Typically, children of senior preschool age and satisfies their social needs. The child wants to expand the circle of his communication, so he is experiencing a craving for certain peers and wants to conquer their respect and recognition. For this, he is looking for common interests with him, which entails collecting with the aim of joint discussions of the collected exhibits and their exchange. This contributes to the mutual enrichment of the cognitive sphere and the social sphere of children. Temporary Collection Type These are thematic collections collected at a limited period of time. For example, children collect collections from autumn leaves, which helps them remember that this time of year is characteristic. The main thing in this kind of collections is a feeling of aesthetics and the development of a feeling of taste. Long collections are collections collected from natural materials, paper, candy, postcards, and the like. These items can always be touched, consider, sniff. It is also convenient to use them for the game. The teacher can teach children and in a different kind of collection - linguistic. For example, you can "collect" polite words, winter words or words denoting sweets. For each type of words, a colorful basis is created: for winter - snowflakes, for autumn - yellow leaves, for polite - hearts. Children are also important to introduce what individual collections collect adults familiar to them: teachers or parents. This will help them to visually get acquainted with the peculiarities of the storage and collecting exhibits, as well as with their careful use. The child for collecting is attached to the interesting world of secrets and discoveries. It is indisputable that collecting is of great importance for the development of the identity of the child. Research activities accompanying the child in the process of collecting exhibits helps them develop a lot of skills and individual traits of personality. Thanks to collecting, the child first receives certain knowledge, then systematizes all this information, acquires readiness to perceive and awareness of the surrounding world. The objects of the collection form the individual features of the speech development, the artistic creativity of the child, help him intensify the accumulated ideas. Collecting has a positive effect on the development of memory, attention and thinking, the ability to observe the subjects, compare them and analyze their features, allocate the main signs and combine objects for these features. This favorably affects the horizon of the child, forms in it cognitive activity, helps to reveal the creative potential.

Svetlana Ivanovna
Summary of the work experience "Collectible method in kindergarten"

What is just not stored in the pockets of our children! They collect the figures from the kinder surprises, then the liners from the zhwayk, or even something unimaginable. But, undoubtedly, they like to collect.

My goal is work: Development of cognitive abilities and cognitive interests, socio-communication skills of senior preschool children through collecting.


Create conditions for development children's collectibles;

Develop curiosity and cognitive activity of children;

Promote the development of creative skills in preschool children;

Teach children to observe, compare, analyze, generalize, allocate the main thing.

All work Passed in three stage:

1Tap - adaptation of reception collectibles:

The accumulation of the stock of specific ideas about collectibles in children and parents;

Turning on collections in the organization of joint activities with children;

2 Stage - Creating Terms for Development children's collectibles and the realization of its developing functions:

Organization "Saturated" developing medium for solving cognitive objectives and maintaining interest in the process collectibles;

Interacting children to obtain information about objects collectibles;

3 Stage - Organization of own exhibitions and collections of children

Attracting parents in the process of creative activities of children.

At the initial stage work got such a question: "What collectibles and whether it is necessary?”.

Often, children bring a treat group. On the birthday of Veronica brought candy in beautiful wraps. Colorful candy attracted children's attention. I turned their attention to the fact that the candy is not only indicated by the name of the candy, but also the name of the manufacturer's factory and the name of the area, where this factory is located. It caused interest in children and marked the beginning work on the creation of collections in the group.

Children began to bring different candies when they were so much that they were not placed in the box, I offered children to arrange fantikov collection in album. Children with great pleasure pasted candy, caught our collection.

Before we started creating collectionsInstalled common regulations: Brought things you can give to all the children of the group, do not hide them in the closet. Anyone collection Need to store somewhere. Equipped this place with children.

Games were held: "Guess, what a fantasty I tell", "Tell me, I'll show you.", "Choose only" such "candy", "Fourth extra (prove)».

At the request to bring existing homes collections, parents with children with pleasure provided their family collections, telling about the importance of exhibits, interesting stories of their occurrence.

Yana Pogrebina told about her collections"Kinder toys - countries"where cartoon characters live "Smeshariki", "Masha and the Bear", Disney princesses.

And introduced his collection of stickers.

Masha Shashkina showed children collection Colors and Winx dolls.

Children with great pleasure listened to the storytelors and considered their items collections.

Mom Kati Butchet introduced children with collections Zhukov and magazines about them. Children with hobbies listened to the story and considered the exhibits with interest

Nastya Rognova presented collection Postcards of your grandmother.

Seeing how the kids are replenished with collection of Fantikov, I suggested creating another one collection - collection of postcards. Brought from the house of the postcard, we sorted together with children topics: "Flowers", "HOLIDAYS", "Cities and monuments of Russia" And issued in the albums.

Items collections Actively used both during direct educational activities and in independent activities of children. During the Node on the formation of a holistic picture of the world, children with the help of postcards get acquainted with the cities of Russia, their attractions, find these cities on the map; With the holidays noted in our country (the origins of the holiday, its features and traditions, as well as games that are held during these holidays).

During the node on artistic creativity and in independent activities, the children created their postcards, gifts to parents for the holidays.

In free activities, children gladly painted, considered postcards, shared with each other impressions, compared, described the pictured on them.

If a child has a birthday group, children must, without reminder, gave postcards made by their own hands.

Work on the creation of collections The group created a good microclimate between all participants. How interesting we were doing everything together: Experiment, learn new, share information, impressions, create something, make crafts ...

The children became more attentive, careless to each other and relatives, more friendly began to handle each other.

It is not difficult to imagine how much useful skills acquires the young collector! Collecting collection, the child is engaged in informative and research activities, he has a desire to learn more about the subjects collections. The child trains memory, attention, intelligence, develops accuracy and thrift. And showing mine collection of friendsHe will need not just show the exhibits, but also to tell anything interesting about them, and therefore prepare for such a story in advance.

My, not yet very big, work experience on this topic allows you to draw conclusions that collecting It is really affordable, interesting, efficient activity with children of preschool age.

I would like to note another positive result of this work: Thanks to the participation of parents, their children experienced a sense of pride, they had a self-esteem, they had a significant promotion in development. Rose speech activity increased.

Olga Fedorovskaya

We have B. a kindergarten was held a collection of collectibles. Creature collections in kindergarten gives children the opportunity to engage in search - research activities, develops attention, memory. It raises a desire to share or share its interesting exhibits, talking about them, thereby developing children in the process of communication. There is more interest to learn more about the collected exhibits. In the group we have created several collections on different topics. In building collections The children and parents took and take actively participation. Collected exhibits collections Distributed on different topics, laid out albums and containers. Allocated the shelf for collections, everything collections There are free access, children can take them, regard, replenish them with new exhibits.

Collecting began to deal with the creation collections of paper and fabric.

It is the album pages from paper Collections, there were different types of paper.

Some types of fabrics from collections of fabrics.

When a lot of small toys got, they decided to create collection of toys out"Kinder - surprises." Painted as many two containers. Children are happy not only to look at them, but also use them in their games.

After the children began to bring to childish Garden Shells from his travels along with parents for the sea and oceans, there was an idea to create collection of Rakushki. Since we live far from the sea, and shells for children are an unusual natural material, then in collection We decided to choose the most beautiful and unusual shells. The rest of the shells were left for making crafts from natural material.

Children liked the creation process collectionsso we have appeared collection of postcards and candy.

Postcards and candy stalked in albums on topics.

Collection of icons

Collection Pocket calendars. Now we form them on topics ("Pets", "wild animals", "cartoons", "Cosmos", "Sport", etc.)

Created collection of buttons. Of course to start creating collections, preliminary work was carried out. He talked with children about buttons, considered them, "traveled" into the past buttons and many more interesting learned about them. That's what we did. Buttons laid down in color, shape, magnitude, according to the material from which they are made, etc.

Children are so carried away collectingwhat we decided to create collection of stones and collection of lace. So we still have a lot of work!

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

"Children's collectibles - the basis for the development of children's projects" "Children's collecting is the basis for the development of children's projects" Gazizova Tatyana Borisovna Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten №2", G. Gubakh.

Collectibles as a form of cognitive research activities of preschoolers Purpose: Promoting the development of cognitive development activities in preschool children through collecting. Tasks:.

Every day, coming to a kindergarten, each child brings with them to the group. These are dolls, cars, and books, and figures from Kinder Surprises,.

Collecting has a very big impact on the development of cognitive interest among senior preschoolers. In this I was convinced by analyzing.

Collectibles are one of the oldest human hobbies, which has always been associated with collecting items that are not direct practical.

The collection is systematized by collecting anything, combined by some particular feature having internal integrity and belonging.

Collecting is one of the most ancient human hobbies, which has always been associated with the collection of objects that do not have direct practical use, but causing to reflect. The primitive hunter collected bearish or wolf fangs, feathers, later people began to collect coins, stamps, books, postcards, painting. From the oldest hobbies of a person, which has always bind to the collection of objects that do not have direct practical use, but causing reflection. The primitive hunter collected bearish or wolf fangs, feathers, later people began to collect coins, brands, books, postcards, painting.



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Collecting technology (classification) executed: Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten №26" Kuzmin T.V.

The explanatory dictionary denotes technology as a set of techniques used in any matter, skill. Pedagogical technology is a combination of psychological - pedagogical installations that determine the special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, training techniques, educational tools; It is an organized-methodical instrumental of the pedagogical process.

Collecting is one of the most ancient human hobbies, which has always been associated with the collection of objects that do not have direct practical use, but causing to reflect. The primitive hunter collected bearish or wolf fangs, feathers, later people began to collect coins, brands, books, postcards, painting.

Collecting is a systematic collection of homogeneous subjects representing scientific, artistic, literary and similar interest (sense. Slovar). Baby collectibles are a targeted gathering of various subjects, combined according to certain signs and representing cognitive or artistic value.

The purpose of collecting: the development of cognitive activity (interest and activity) of children of preschool age by creating collections.

Collectible tasks: 1. To form the ability to observe, compare, analyze and draw conclusions; 2. Form the ability to classify, group, summarize; 3. Contribute to the manifestation of election interests; 4. Develop cognitive interest and needs, curiosity; 5. Expand the horizons of pupils; 6. Visit the skills of the culture and design of the collection and collecting material; 7. To form a careful attitude to the storage of collections; 8. Enrich and intensify children's children; 9. Intensify the participation of parents in the educational process.

The collection and individual objects of the collection can be used in various activities: Communicative - thematic conversations, drawing up and guessing riddles, making stories, public presentation of the collection, creative writing activities, activation of the dictionary, the development of grammatical categories of speech, the ability to establish contacts with peers and with adults in framework collection.

Artistic - Production of various products of children's creativity (drawings, appliqué, layouts, design, etc.) Game - Quiz games, didactic games, plot-playing games, theatrical games are labor - when making collections and placement of objects, manual work. Productive is the implementation of various children's projects (individual, group, pilot experimental activities, the design of exhibitions of collections).

The same collection can be used as a developing speech environment that promotes the following tasks: to expand the presentations of children about the diversity of the ambient world, offering for viewing the exhibits of collections, exhibitions, carry out vocabulary work, enrich the speech dictionary of existing, denoting objects from the domestic environment, adjectives, Characterizing properties and quality of items (for example: Items collection - dogs, horses, cows - Made from different materials: fabrics, fur, plastics, wood, paper, etc.) To acquaint with the ways of education words, exercise in the formation of single-colored words (bear, bear , Bear, bear).

In preschool age, collecting is our development path. In the younger age, children have pure "gathering", which underlies the future collectibles. And if you compare the "treasures" of kids for 3 years, then you can find the boys: machines, springs, wheels, and girls are pupae, hairpins, gum, bubbles. There are no bright manifestations of individuality, but the sexuality is clearly visible.

At the eve of the age of gathering facilities become more concentrated around the child you are interested in. And it is connected with the manifestation of the first cognitive preferences of children, (figurines from the kinder - surprises, pebbles, shells, leaves, candies, model cars, fridge magnets, toys, stickers). In a senior pre-school age with the development of individual cognitive interests, children's passion acquires the type of collecting. The child collects, studies, systematizes objects of interest, repeatedly returns to them, admires, examines, demonstrates (peers, friends, adults) separate exhibits of the "Collections". Any collection is a meeting of an unusual, amazing, new for a child.

Collections can be the most diverse on topics. These are topics related: - with wildlife (world of plants, animals); - With not wildlife (types of minerals (stones), types of terrain (natural landscapes) - with social life phenomena (types of building structures, professions, transport), which are given to a child through observations of others and not always can be directly modeled.

Types of collections: Collective (group) are collections collected in the group with the help of educators, children and parents. The initiator of group collections is the teacher. Homemade is a collection collected at home or with the help of parents. They are stored at home and children bring them to a kindergarten for a temporary exhibition. Individual is the children's "Treasury", they have contained a wide variety of things, and each of these things has tremendous value and significance for the child.

Individual collections are determined by different motifs, so several types of collections can be distinguished: emotional marks are marked by the rapid beginning and rapidly extrusion to the interest of the collection; Cognitive reflects the sustainable cognitive interests of specific children; Social - form of manifestation of social needs, especially in senior pre-school age; temporary - these are collections collected on certain topics for a short time; Long-term - these are a collection of natural material, paper, fabrics, candies, postcards, photos, etc., the exhibits of which can be torn, sniff, regard;

Stages of work: 1 stage (preparatory) accumulation of the reserve of specific submissions on collecting in children and parents, individual conversations with children to identify interests and needs; 2 Stage (main) Theise for children to receive information about collectibles; reading artistically cognitive literature, the inclusion of collections in the organization of joint activities with children; Work on the formation of children of a careful attitude towards the collection.

3 Stage (final) organization of exhibitions of collections; exhibitions of creative works of children; Presentation of individual exhibits of collections or collection as a whole. Algorithm of the teacher and child's activities in working with collections: search Damage and differences between objects during the discussion - reasoning, finding possible grounds for their grouping; The placement of the material in the classification table (if the material is real (samples of minerals) - placement in the tank in the form of a collection, and the pictures or shortcuts with the names of these items are attached to the classification table with the names of these items).

In the work on the organization of collectibles, it is necessary to rely on the following technologies: - Game learning technology, since this technology is determined by the natural need of a preschooler; - the technology of problem learning, which involves the creation of problem situations (under the leadership of the teacher) and active independent activities of children in their resolution; - technology of personality-oriented free education; -The technology of educational training. The task of the teacher is to draw up a promising plan, according to which once a month is assumed to create collections on the topic in accordance with the planning of educational activities.

In the group you need to determine the place to store the collection, it must be available for children so that at any moment the child has the opportunity to admire the items, chat with peers.

In a very exciting form, reasonably organized collecting, brings up the culture of knowledge, develops cognitive skills, forms the idea of \u200b\u200bthe significance of collections in children. In the process of collecting, methods and techniques focused on the development of skills are used to notice a new, unknown, ask questions. Collectibles increases the productivity of intellectual activity of preschoolers through the formation of the ability to analyze, compare, to generalize, take into account the causal relations, to investigate, systematize their knowledge, justify their point of view.