Brown obsidian stone properties. Talismans and charms. What diseases does it help to treat

Obsidian is an unusual stone with interesting and beautiful designs. It acquired its name from the name of the famous Obsidium. It was thanks to this warrior that the mineral appeared in Ancient Rome. At that time, the existence of this stone was already known.

In different parts of the world, it has received peculiar names, for example, in the Transcaucasus it is called "a fragment of the bones of Satan", as residents believe that it is a devil's stone.

In the US, the phrase "Apache tears" is used to define it. In the reference literature, it is called mountain mahogany, volcanic glass, resin stone, etc.

Historical background, origin and description

More than ten centuries ago, various tools were made from it. This gem gained its popularity after several millennia. The inhabitants of Ancient Rome especially appreciated this stone: they made jewelry, statues, decor items, sculptures and much more from it, what is currently the cultural heritage of the world.

The fashion for obsidian spread with lightning speed, for example, in Ancient Egypt it was used in the creation of special bowls for aromatic rituals. The Aztecs were famous for their skillfully made daggers for rituals. The inhabitants of southern Mesopotamia used it to create mirrors. In the years 500-1500, Christians made rosary from this mineral.

Gradually, the stone spread to Europe. In the 18th century, almost all noble and wealthy women had their own collection of obsidian products.

The fashion for this stone resumed in the 19th century, then the well-known jeweler Carl Faberge began producing jewelry with it. All the ladies who followed the trends at the time were eager to purchase at least one piece with inserts of this amorphous silicon oxide.

As you know, the modern name of the stone comes from a Roman warrior, but at different times in different territories, different definitions were applied to it: royal agate, mountain mahogany, persian, etc. For example, in Hungary it is called “Tokay luxury sapphire”.

Obsidian, unlike other minerals, does not have a crystal lattice, due to the fact that it is formed as a result of the solidification of lava. It takes very little time for the lava to freeze. According to its external characteristics, snow obsidian, like other types of this stone, is extremely similar to glass, which is why it is often called volcanic glass. According to fixed data by experts, obsidian already has a history of 9 thousand years. Its deposits are located where frequent volcanic eruptions occur: in Ecuador, Japan and Ethiopia, the USA, Turkey.

Obsidian is an effusive rock. There are two types of it: transparent and opaque. The hardness of this stone is low, ranging from 5 to 5.5, which explains its fragility.

Snow obsidian is one of the most unusual types of stone. Its appearance is a black mineral with white blotches, the shape of which is so close to snowflakes. The structure of the stone itself is dense. It has low wear resistance, which leads to its rapid abrasion. The ancestors of modern Hindus believed that this type of stone provides contact between the earth and the human body. It was believed that its action is able to rid a person of "energy blocks".

Previously, people believed that the stone saves its owner from the influence of negative situations, makes it more careful, neat and prudent, contributes to the accumulation of concentration of a person's vital energy, prevents it from wasting in vain. He was credited with the properties of a kind of amulet, it was believed that it protects from dubious actions and "sick" love, makes a person more decisive and courageous.

Magical properties

The properties of snow obsidian are not only practical, but also magical. With the help of it, goals are achieved, the explanation of which from a theoretical point of view is impossible.

The constant wearing of jewelry made from this gem with periodic breaks will help clear concentration, relieve stress. It helps to focus on important issues and distract from external factors. Thanks to him, the sharpness of thinking increases, creativity appears and new creative possibilities open up.

This stone has a powerful energy, it is recognized by the people of many countries as one of the strongest and most influential. It finds its application as a talisman that protects from damage and curses, negative emotions.

The fact that this stone is related to magic has been known for several centuries. But it is necessary to use it for these purposes with extreme caution, since the solar power, the energies of Uranus and Saturn are concentrated in it. Many have heard, perhaps even seen them, about the existence of special balls that predict the future, it is from snow obsidian that they are made.

The mineral is rightfully considered the talismans of magicians and esotericists. It promotes the development of abilities of a magical nature and helps to open a supernatural gift.

Since some tribes of the world have preserved the ritual of sacrifice, it is often made from snow obsidian with a knife. Therefore, no one has to doubt the presence of supernatural abilities of this stone.

Who is this mineral suitable for? Of course, for soft and indecisive people, he will help them become more decisive and liberated. Its action is aimed at increasing creative energy, the appearance of inspiration. Ambitious people will definitely not like it, because the action of obsidian snow is aimed at creating illusions that help people become more decisive, push them to rash and improvised actions.

Obsidian has a property that contributes to faster and easier decision-making in life. Due to all this, situations on the path of a person will be experienced easier, clarification of circumstances will occur faster. Feelings of fear and anxiety will disappear altogether. Therefore, for those people who are afraid to radically change something in their life, are guarding the move, it is recommended to wear this gem.

Medicinal properties

Various medical procedures are performed with this mineral. Traditional methods of getting rid of many diseases include the use of snow obsidian.

He copes with the following diseases:

Lithotherapists have no doubts about the effectiveness of obsidian. It is believed to be extremely useful in preventive measures: to wear jewelry made of it.

A long period of wearing can also provoke the appearance of negative consequences in the form of impaired renal function. Therefore, you need to be careful when using it for medicinal purposes.

It is necessary to observe the periods of "treatment sessions". Obsidian affects the functioning of the nervous system: it helps to get rid of nervous disorders. This glass of volcanic origin treats gout, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system, regulates the work of the digestive system. According to the carriers of obsidian, its properties have a positive effect on the healing periods of skin injuries, the consequences of burns, it enhances regeneration.

Snow obsidian in astrology

Astrologers have concluded that obsidian snow is under the auspices of Pluto. The beneficial properties of obsidian snow extend to representatives of all signs of the zodiac horoscope. Capricorn, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius have a more pleasant astrological predisposition to it.

Various jewelry, amulets and talismans from this mineral have their effect on those who were born under the sign of Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius. For scorpions, this gem is a real talisman. But experts in the astrological field do not advise Virgo and Cancer to wear and use obsidian.

If you choose a setting for this stone, then it will be more correct to lean towards the decision in favor of silver.

In Transcaucasia, this stone has been given to children since ancient times, since they believe that it is especially useful for them, because according to myths and legends, it prevents the appearance of negative actions, sinful actions, protects the owner from evil eyes and damage.

According to American legend, once upon a time colonists attacked the Apache camp. The inhabitants of this area did not want to become obedient to them, and ended their lives by throwing themselves into the lava of the volcano. The widows cried for several nights, and on the third day their tears suddenly turned into amazing black minerals. Therefore, a large number of Americans call obsidian - "Tears of the Apaches".

Archaeologists are conducting research, their results are the discovery of obsidians in the European part of the continent and in the Caucasus, which confirms the fact that these stones were used by people in ancient times. According to legends, the inhabitants of these countries used obsidian for protection from earthquakes and fires. The sailors used pendants as a talisman in their work.

Thus, snowy obsidian is the best of all gem types. On its black surface, there are a large number of wonderful white "snowflakes" that are randomly located. Its properties are amazing, which makes hundreds of thousands of people around the world buy jewelry with its inserts.

Obsidian has a mysterious aura. Its energy penetrates into the human biofield gently, but very deeply, often dramatically changing the entire life of its owner. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what an obsidian stone is, what its magical properties are, and for whom it is suitable.

What is obsidian?

Obsidian is a piece of volcanic lava that cooled down so quickly that it could not turn into glass. As and which are unusually diverse due to the multitude of variations, this mineral is versatile.

The most widely known is black. However, this stone has a variety of colors. It can be green, red, brown and purple. It can even include all the colors of the rainbow at the same time.

The most beautiful variety is considered to be snow obsidian.

The "Apache Tears" stone is similar to the snow version and is also a type of obsidian.

Magical properties

Obsidian has three main magical ingredients. This is a stone:

  • Earth;
  • truth;
  • protection.

As a stone of the Earth, obsidian helps to "root" a person

Gives him the opportunity to stand more firmly on his feet. Don't worry, it's easier to deal with life's difficulties.

By increasing the "grounding" of a person, the black stone eliminates disharmony in the soul. Helps to work on oneself, get rid of obsessive thoughts, fears, complexes. Dulls anger. Promotes the restoration of physical vitality, especially in cases where the loss of strength is caused by many negative emotions that fill the aura with negative energy.

And here we come to the second important magical quality of obsidian - its protective function.

Black obsidian is a powerful means of cleansing the aura of energetic dirt.

This is a protective stone. Able to protect a person's aura from the introduction of various alien vibrations, energy vampirism, "evil eye" into it.

Moreover, obsidian works both to eliminate the energy damage already present in the aura, and to protect against those influences that may take place in the future.

Black obsidian helps to free yourself from the negative influence of the past that has passed into your life along the line of your ancestors. It works especially well in cases where the negative influence of bygone times is associated with the abuse of power.

Stone of truth

The third important magical property of obsidian is its ability to reveal the truth.

Obsidian improves intuition. And people with certain abilities are even endowed with the gift of prophecy.

Since ancient times, people believed that the vibrations of obsidian help to establish contact with the spirit world. That is why shamans and priests of the oldest religions in the world actively used this stone in their occult practice.

Who is obsidian for?

  • The energy of the stone makes it possible for the owner to look at people and events in life with a slightly detached, cool-headed and reasonable look, without taking anyone's side. Therefore, this mineral is shown by the fact that it reacts too emotionally to all the troubles of life.
  • Obsidian can help those surrounded by energy vampires. And he thinks he is surrounded by them. After all, this is one of the most powerful defenders of the aura from alien influences.
  • Obsidian is good for people born under the signs of Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. It is advisable for Libra to choose a black or snow stone, Sagittarius - a stone, mahogany, and Aquarius - blue.
  • The stone will also help those who wish to move up the career ladder, but do not know how to do it. Obsidian will help you find those psychological blocks and weaknesses that prevent you from moving forward.
  • Obsidian is able to normalize peripheral blood supply and digestion. Therefore, it is shown to people who have corresponding ailments. Especially those whose problems are not associated with organic pathology, but are caused by functional disorders, usually on a nervous basis. In other words, obsidian is a good choice for those who suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), hypochondria and other neuroses.
  • Heals black stone not only somatized neuroses, but also phobias, obsessive states. Therefore, it is useful for all those who suffer from any unreasonable fears, chronic anxiety, panic and any obsessive states from overeating to an irresistible desire to wash their hands all the time.
  • Obsidian is the stone of the prophets. So it will be useful to all those who find in themselves the ability to look into the future, and simply to those who like to tell fortunes. Even if fortune-telling is not directly related to the use of stones.

How to use obsidian?

What type of stone is the most suitable?

The black version is most often used. However, if its energy turned out to be too harsh for you, and you felt that it was not yours, try replacing the black obsidian with the snow version or the "Apache tear" stone. Their energies are softer and suitable for those who cannot handle the black stone.

Snowy obsidian will be convenient for people prone to neurotic perception of reality. It is softer and more serene. And better than the black version, it helps to restore peace in the soul and think logically calmly. It teaches us to appreciate not only successes, but also failures.

In addition, snow obsidian is a safer option in cases where the stone is used to pull various secrets from their subconscious. Various information can come out. Including extremely negative. If the snow stone is used, rather than the black version, this negative information is not so aggressive.

You can learn more about the qualities of the snow version of obsidian from the video.

Negative energy protection

The easiest way to use obsidian, which is suitable for people who do not seek to make any prophecies, but want to cleanse their aura of negative energy and protect it from further penetration of negative vibrations, is to wear obsidian beads, bracelets, earrings and pendants.

The best beads option is the one in which the black stone is complemented by snow and mahogany obsidian.

Divination and prophecy

Occult experts say that if you put black obsidian on the third eye area and ask your subconscious mind whether the past has a negative influence on your life, you can get a reliable answer.

In the same way, you can ask what is your purpose in this life.

It is said that some people achieve such perfection in conversations with the subconscious through obsidian that the stone helps them get answers to questions about money, love, career, health, etc.

With obsidian, you can just guess. To do this, take small pieces of stone with a smooth shiny surface and carefully peer into them. The lighting in the room at the time of divination should be muted. Thus, you can see the faces of people who are close in spirit to the fortuneteller.

Those who believe that they have the gift of prophecy can try to see in obsidian at the time of divination a picture of the future.


To root yourself with obsidian, you need to do the following.

  • Take a stone in your hands and close your eyes.
  • Take a few deep breaths in and out, realizing that with each breath you are relaxing more and more.
  • Stand calmly with a stone in your hands and closed eyes, repeating to yourself "I am safe, I am full of strength and calm." You must repeat until you sincerely believe in what you are saying.
  • Open eyes.

After the grounding ritual, be sure to thoroughly wash the stone with running water.

Another variation of this ritual requires the use of two obsidian blocks that you can stand on with bare feet. Everything else is done in the same way as described above.

Feng Shui Application for Career Development

From the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, obsidian governs the zone of the North, associated with a career and life in general.

Therefore, if you feel that your professional growth has stopped, and you, in principle, do not know where to move on, place objects made of obsidian in the northern part of your home. They will guide you on the right path.

In the northern part of the house, you can put stone dishes, a ball or place figures of animals, for example, dolphins. But the images of predators should not be placed, as they can bring aggression into the house.

The stone item of your choice should be placed on a table or shelf. But never on the floor. It must be washed regularly. This is necessary not only so that ordinary dust does not accumulate on it, but also to purify the energy of the stone, because it collects all the nagative on itself.

Use to normalize the work of the physical body

In order to help your physical body to normalize the blood supply to organs or to improve digestion, obsidian can be simply worn, for example, in the form of a bracelet. But at the same time, it is extremely useful to additionally place a stone under the pillow or next to the bed.

Interaction with other stones

To strengthen the protection of the aura provided by black obsidian, you can use this stone together with black and brown tourmaline, smoky and gold rutinic quartz, shungite, fire agate, jet stone, dalmatian jasper, stellerite, astrophyllite.

To strengthen communication with the Earth Black obsidian is best combined with Boji stone, black and smoky quartz, blood jasper, fire agate, black diopside, shungite, black andradite garnet, magnetite, ukanite, zircon, hematite, sphalerite and turquoise.

For the development of paranormal abilities It is reasonable to combine obsidian with phenakite, nirvana quartz, rhodicite and natrolite.

To free yourself from addictions obsidian is supplemented with hematite, astrophyllite, smithsonite, datolite, purple amethyst, unakite, dumortierite, staurolite.

It is important to remember the following when combining obsidian with other stones. When buying a new obsidian, you must definitely use it for some time in splendid isolation. And only after you feel in full all its energy, you can supplement it with other minerals.


This stone, distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, amazing shades and patterns, is called volcanic glass. Today obsidian is mined in the USA, Iceland, Ethiopia, Russia, Armenia, Turkey and Mexico. The mineral is used in the manufacture of jewelry, decoration of objects, and also as a filler for lightweight concrete.

The origin of the stone

Obsidian is a mineral of volcanic origin. The formation of rock occurs due to the release of lava to the surface of the earth and its cooling. Obsidian is not a crystal; it is an amorphous mineral in structure. If we talk about the chemical composition, then this stone in chemistry is called silicon oxide.
Although the gem is a representative of inexpensive ornamental black stones, the beauty of its mirror shine has been known to mankind since ancient times. For example, the Americans called it "Apache tears", the inhabitants of Transcaucasia - "fragments of satanic claws." And in Hungary the stone was called "Tokay luxury sapphires". The very same name "obsidian" was given to the mineral in honor of the great Roman warrior Obsidius (Obsius), who brought the stone to his homeland from the Ethiopian land. It is noteworthy that this black mineral in ancient times was an ideal material for the manufacture of various tools of labor and hunting: scrapers, knives, axes, spear and arrowheads. Similar artifacts have been found in Mesopotamia. The indigenous people of North America used this stone in the manufacture of mirrors and various crafts.

Varieties and colors of stone

Obsidian has a wide variety of colors and original patterns. In nature, there are several types of stone: rainbow, peanut, snow. The latter variety is black with inclusions of gray and white crystals.

When you contemplate this stone, you immediately notice patterns in the form of blotches on a black background, which in shape resemble snowflakes and flowers.

In nature, in addition to black, there are also specimens with blue-blue, red, green shades, they are called "rainbow obsidians". This kind of mineral is very rare. It is surprising that during its existence the pebble has acquired many names: royal agate, wasser-chrysolite, bottle and muslin stone, resin stone, Montana jade, Icelandic agate, mountain mahogany, persian.

Medicinal properties

Royal agate has some medicinal properties - it helps with colds and hypothermia. This stone has a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Obsidian beads and bracelets optimize blood pressure. Traditional healers claim that wearing jewelry made from this mineral prevents many diseases. However, wearing obsidian should not be overused, because frequent or constant exposure to the stone can have a negative effect on kidney function. Products with obsidian help in the treatment of neurosis, diseases of the spine and rheumatism.

Magical properties

The magical properties of the mineral do not leave indifferent magicians and soothsayers, sorcerers and sorcerers who use the obsidian mirror as a tool to establish contact with the past and future. It is also used in their sessions by necromancers. In the mysterious world of magic, this stone is called "the heart of the demon" and "fragments of a meteorite."

Talismans and amulets made of stone

Jewelry with obsidian is protection from bad thoughts and actions, increasing the sharpness of thinking, relieving stress. This mineral plays the role of a talisman against damage and curses. The stone helps to remove negative energy, contributes to the concentration of forces in a person.
An amulet or talisman will help a soft person to become a stronger spirit and give a boost of energy to implement new ideas. It is not recommended to wear it for ambitious people, since the stone will create in them the illusion of omnipotence and can push them to commit risky acts.
Obsidian is used to repay debts, get rid of obsessive interest, a lapel from unhappy love. In Transcaucasia, it is used as a protective talisman, an amulet for children. A rosary made of this breed helps to manifest the gift of clairvoyance. Talismans made from this stone are intended for practicing mediums, scientists and naturalists. An amulet or talisman with obsidian helps protect a person from the negative effects of the environment and save him from the dark forces.

Obsidian in astrology

Astrology claims that "Apache tears" are a stone under the auspices of the planet Pluto. Favors the signs of the zodiac born in the element of fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Mineral amulets and talismans can also be worn by Gemini, Aquarius, Scorpio and Capricorns. And astrologers do not recommend such signs as Virgo and Cancer to contact the stone.
To enhance the action of obsidian, silver is used as a setting.

Obsidian has a mysterious aura. Its energy penetrates into the human biofield gently, but very deeply, often dramatically changing the entire life of its owner.

Therefore, let's take a closer look at what an obsidian stone is, what its magical properties are, and for whom it is suitable.


Obsidian is a piece of volcanic lava that cooled down so quickly that it could not turn into glass.

The most widely known is black obsidian. However, this stone has a variety of colors. It can be green, red, brown and purple. It can even include all the colors of the rainbow at the same time.

The most beautiful variety is considered to be snow obsidian.

The "Apache Tears" stone is similar to the snow version and is also a type of obsidian.


Obsidian has three main magical ingredients.

This is a stone:

* Earth;
* truth;
* protection.


Gives him the opportunity to stand more firmly on his feet. Don't worry, it's easier to deal with life's difficulties.

By increasing the "grounding" of a person, the black stone eliminates disharmony in the soul. Helps to work on oneself, get rid of obsessive thoughts, fears, complexes. Dulls anger. Promotes the restoration of physical vitality, especially in cases where the loss of strength is caused by many negative emotions that fill the aura with negative energy.

And here we come to the second important magical quality of obsidian - its protective function.


This is a protective stone. Able to protect a person's aura from the introduction of various alien vibrations, energy vampirism, "evil eye" into it.

Moreover, obsidian works both to eliminate the energy damage already present in the aura, and to protect against those influences that may take place in the future.

Black obsidian helps to free yourself from the negative influence of the past that has passed into your life along the line of your ancestors. It works especially well in cases where the negative influence of bygone times is associated with the abuse of power.


The third important magical property of obsidian is its ability to reveal the truth.

Obsidian improves intuition. And people with certain abilities are even endowed with the gift of prophecy.

Since ancient times, people believed that the vibrations of obsidian help to establish contact with the spirit world. That is why shamans and priests of the oldest religions in the world actively used this stone in their occult practice.


The energy of the stone makes it possible for the owner to look at people and events in life with a slightly detached, cool-headed and reasonable look, without taking anyone's side. Therefore, this mineral is shown by the fact that it reacts too emotionally to all the troubles of life.

Obsidian can help those surrounded by energy vampires. And he thinks he is surrounded by them. After all, this is one of the most powerful defenders of the aura from alien influences.

Obsidian is good for people born under the signs of Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. It is advisable for Libra to choose a black or snow stone, Sagittarius - a stone, mahogany, and Aquarius - blue.

The stone will also help those who wish to move up the career ladder, but do not know how to do it. Obsidian will help you find those psychological blocks and weaknesses that prevent you from moving forward.

Obsidian is able to normalize peripheral blood supply and digestion. Therefore, it is shown to people who have corresponding ailments. Especially those whose problems are not associated with organic pathology, but are caused by functional disorders, usually on a nervous basis. In other words, obsidian is a good choice for those who suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), hypochondria and other neuroses.

Heals black stone not only somatized neuroses, but also phobias, obsessive states. Therefore, it is useful for all those who suffer from any unreasonable fears, chronic anxiety, panic and any obsessive states from overeating to an irresistible desire to wash their hands all the time.

Obsidian is the stone of the prophets. So it will be useful to all those who find in themselves the ability to look into the future, and simply to those who like to tell fortunes. Even if fortune-telling is not directly related to the use of stones.


The black version is most often used. However, if its energy turned out to be too harsh for you, and you felt that it was not yours, try replacing the black obsidian with the snow version or the "Apache tear" stone. Their energies are softer and suitable for those who cannot handle the black stone.

Snowy obsidian will be convenient for people prone to neurotic perception of reality. It is softer and more serene. And better than the black version, it helps to restore peace in the soul and think logically calmly. It teaches us to appreciate not only successes, but also failures.

In addition, snow obsidian is a safer option in cases where the stone is used to pull various secrets from their subconscious. Various information can come out. Including extremely negative. If the snow stone is used, rather than the black version, this negative information is not so aggressive.


The easiest way to use obsidian, which is suitable for people who do not seek to make any prophecies, but want to cleanse their aura of negative energy and protect it from further penetration of negative vibrations, is to wear obsidian beads, bracelets, earrings and pendants.

The best beads option is the one in which the black stone is complemented by snow and mahogany obsidian.


Occult experts say that if you put black obsidian on the third eye area and ask your subconscious mind whether the past has a negative influence on your life, you can get a reliable answer.

In the same way, you can ask what is your purpose in this life.

It is said that some people achieve such perfection in conversations with the subconscious through obsidian that the stone helps them get answers to questions about money, love, career, health, etc.

With obsidian, you can just guess. To do this, take small pieces of stone with a smooth shiny surface and carefully peer into them. The lighting in the room at the time of divination should be muted. Thus, you can see the faces of people who are close in spirit to the fortuneteller.

Those who believe that they have the gift of prophecy can try to see in obsidian at the time of divination a picture of the future.


To root yourself with obsidian, you need to do the following.

Take a stone in your hands and close your eyes.
Take a few deep breaths in and out, realizing that with each breath you are relaxing more and more.
Stand calmly with a stone in your hands and closed eyes, repeating to yourself "I am safe, I am full of strength and calm." You must repeat until you sincerely believe in what you are saying.
Open eyes.

After the grounding ritual, be sure to thoroughly wash the stone with running water.

Another variation of this ritual requires the use of two obsidian blocks that you can stand on with bare feet. Everything else is done in the same way as described above.


From the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, obsidian governs the zone of the North, associated with a career and life in general.

Therefore, if you feel that your professional growth has stopped, and you, in principle, do not know where to move on, place objects made of obsidian in the northern part of your home. They will guide you on the right path.

In the northern part of the house, you can put stone dishes, a ball or place figures of animals, for example, dolphins. But the images of predators should not be placed, as they can bring aggression into the house.

The stone item of your choice should be placed on a table or shelf. But never on the floor. It must be washed regularly. This is necessary not only so that ordinary dust does not accumulate on it, but also to purify the energy of the stone, because it collects all the nagative on itself.


In order to help your physical body to normalize the blood supply to organs or to improve digestion, obsidian can be simply worn, for example, in the form of a bracelet. But at the same time, it is extremely useful to additionally place a stone under the pillow or next to the bed.


To enhance the protection of the aura provided by black obsidian, you can use this stone together with black and brown tourmaline, smoky and gold rutinic quartz, shungite, fire agate, jet stone, dalmatian jasper, stellerite, astrophyllite.

To enhance the connection with the Earth, black obsidian is best combined with Boji stone, black and smoky quartz, blood jasper, fire agate, black diopside, shungite, black andradite garnet, magnetite, ukanite, zircon, hematite, sphalerite and turquoise.

For the development of paranormal abilities, it is reasonable to combine obsidian with phenakite, nirvana quartz, rhodicite and natrolite.

To get rid of dependencies, obsidian is supplemented with hematite, astrophyllite, smithsonite, datolite, purple amethyst, unakite, dumortierite, staurolite.

It is important to remember the following when combining obsidian with other stones. When buying a new obsidian, you must definitely use it for some time in splendid isolation. And only after you feel in full all its energy, you can supplement it with other minerals.

The stone is of volcanic origin. It is a rock, volcanic glass. Formed by the rapid crystallization of lava. It has been known since ancient times. Even in ancient Rome, it was named after the warrior Obsidius, who first brought him to his country. Usually the color of the stone is black, but there are red, brown and gray minerals. The stone carries the power of the Sun, Uranus and Saturn, so you need to be careful with it, it was believed that this stone is endowed with higher powers. Used previously and now in magical rituals.

Chemical composition (formula) of obsidian

SiO 2

Description and characteristics of obsidian

When sold, the stone can be replaced with ordinary glass, therefore, to notice a fake, look closely at the gloss of the surface. The crystal glistens. Natural stone has many blotches and patterns. When gripped in the hand, a real stone is cold to the touch for a long time.

For storage, you need to choose a separate box, you cannot keep the stone in the sun for a long time, be careful with it when the temperature changes. It is not necessary for the liquid to constantly get on it, so it is better to remove the stone when taking a bath. It must be protected from shocks and falls. The owner of the stone gives resistance to life's obstacles, poise, patience and wisdom.

Varieties of obsidian

Pechstein (resin stone), snow obsidian (covered with snowflakes on top), rainbow obsidian (shimmers with all colors on the surface).

The use of obsidian

In ancient times it was used for spears, arrows, scrapers, and now it is used in jewelry and applied arts. Used for magical rituals. Usually carried with them as a jewelry or keyring.

Obsidian stone products

Watches, key chains, writing sets, beads, rosary, animal figurines. Bracelets, pendants, pendants, earrings, ring inserts. Balls, pyramids.

Where is obsidian mined?

Mexico, USA, Ethiopia, Armenia, Saxony, Turkey. Iceland, Siberia, Aeolian Islands, Japan, Ecuador, Transbaikalia, Primorye, Italy.

Other names for obsidian

Obsidian - Energy

Sensitive Yin (absorbs energy)

Obsidian - Associations with names

Maxim, Natalia, Daria, Tatiana

Obsidian - Element

Earth, Fire

Obsidian - Signs of the Zodiac

Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Virgo and Cancer should not be worn.