The magical properties of pearls. Symbolism, the meaning of pearls. Magical properties, signs of the zodiac

What associations do you have when you pronounce the word "pearl"? Surely it is the sea, the sun, shells. And someone will remember the dark-skinned pearl divers and sea pirates.

Indeed, natural pearls were mined from the shells of mollusks, and this happened practically throughout the entire history of mankind.

The first mention of pearls dates back to two thousand two hundredth year BC. And all this time, pearls are for people a symbol of respect and perfection, purity and femininity, power and wealth. Special black pearls symbolize uniqueness, inaccessibility, it is a symbol of the highest degree of wealth.

Pearls are probably the only gem that does not need any jewelry processing, and is used as a decoration in its natural form.

Pearls are river and sea pearls. The latter is larger and is valued much higher, but any type of pearl has a beautiful deep luster. There are many different color shades of pearls: white, green, pink, purple, lavender and, finally, the famous black pearls.

Pearl Legends

Almost all peoples have their own legends about pearls - about its origin and truly extraordinary properties.

In ancient India, pearls were considered to be raindrops that fell into the shell and solidified in it. In the north of Russia, they thought that a pearl was born in the gills of a salmon fish. In the Philippines, the sun's rays were considered the source of the birth of the pearl, falling into the open shell of the shell, in ancient China they thought that the light of the moon got there, and in Byzantium - that during a thunderstorm lightning flew in. In ancient Greece, there was no doubt that pearls were drops that fell from the hair of Aphrodite, the goddess of love who came out of the sea foam.

Many legends are associated with Cleopatra's pearls, which, alas, have not survived to this day. But on the other hand, in 1934 in the Philippines, the world's largest pearl, called the "Head of Allah", was found. According to legend, this pearl is of artificial origin - the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu placed an amulet in the shell with his self-portrait, the faces of Buddha and Confucius. The "Head of Allah" weighs over six kilograms.

Pearls are mentioned in the Bible, Koran and Talmud. Pearls adorned the vestments of the highest church officials, altars and icons, clothes of Nero, Semiramis, Alexander the Great and Elizabeth I and many other no less famous personalities. Such beautiful women as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot preferred pearl jewelry to everything.

Healing pearls

Healing properties have long been attributed to pearls. It is believed to help maintain visual acuity, treat cataracts and other eye diseases. It is recommended to wear pearls at the initial stage of hypertension and in case of nervousness.

Pearls help to heal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, liver and kidneys.

Pearl water, which is prepared according to the Ayurveda system, is considered curative and health-improving.

For cosmetic purposes, pearl powder and pearl powder are used.

Pearl jewelry

Natural pearls have now been learned to grow. A small bead is implanted into the oyster tissue, and a pearl grows. Such cultured pearls have all the useful properties and are distinguished by a wide variety of different color shades, wonderful mother-of-pearl luster, and an excellent pearl shape.

In our online store you will find a large selection of cultured pearl jewelry. You can buy earrings with pearls, pearl beads. A perfect gift for a woman will be a pearl ring.

An excellent reason to please yourself or a loved one is to purchase jewelry with pearls.

Among the numerous precious stones, pearls have always stood apart. It does not require any processing or cutting, by nature it has a generally rounded or pear-shaped shape. The most mysterious of the gems, it was pearls that became the first adornment known to man at the dawn of our civilization.

A symbol of love for God or a sign of nobility?

The history of pearls - a mineral of organic origin - is lost over the centuries. The first mention of it is contained in a Sumerian tablet dated 2300 BC. And in the XXII century BC. Pearls began to be used in China, and only the most senior officials and the emperor had the right to wear it. In ancient Rome, pearls symbolized the nobility of origin - Julius Caesar forbade women who did not belong to the highest circle to wear them. Nero and Caligula loved pearls, they exchanged large pearls for gold, which seriously undermined the economy of the state. Queen Semiramis wore seven strands of pink pearls, and according to legend, Cleopatra once drank a large pearl in a glass of vinegar in an argument with Mark Antony.

In the Indian states of South America, even the walls and ceilings of buildings were adorned with pearls, the conquerors found whole rooms filled with silvery balls in temples. In Christian churches, pearls were actively used both in the robes of clergymen and in decorating icons and church utensils. There, pearls were regarded as valuable tokens of love for God.

In Russia, pearls were worn by everyone - from representatives of the nobility and higher clergy to wealthy peasants and merchants. The inhabitants of the Russian North have long believed that pearls should be sought in those rivers where the royal fish - salmon - enters. This gave rise to the legend that a pearl is born in the gills of a salmon. For several years swimming in the sea, the salmon carries a pearl spark with them, and when they return to the river, they find open shells at the bottom and gently lower a pearl star into the most beautiful of them. Later, a pearl grows out of it, pale pink, bluish-black, dark gray.

The Imperial House of Romanov was very fond of pearl jewelry, Alexandra Feodorovna was especially passionate about it, preferring pearls to all other stones. Pearls did not go out of fashion in the changeable XX century either - it was pearl beads that became a symbol of the Art Deco era, and the famous Coco Chanel made pearls a democratic adornment and a necessary attribute of a modern woman's wardrobe, along with a little black dress.

From the shell and from the coconut

The color of the pearl depends on the original nucleus, the type of shell and the place of extraction. So, pearls from the Persian Gulf have a delicate pink tint, from the islands of Central America - golden, brown-red or black, Australian - silvery-white, and Japanese - white with a greenish tint. There is also an unusual coconut pearl - in the milk of the fruit of the coconut tree, hard pearls, much larger in size than ordinary pearls, the size of a cherry, are found, which practically do not differ in their composition from those produced by the mollusk. Coconut pearls have the same beauty as ordinary pearls, but are valued several times more.

There are two methods of pearl extraction today - the search for pearl shells at the bottom of the sea or river has been used since ancient times, and at the beginning of the 20th century in Japan, the Mikimoto company began to grow pearls. Today, most of the goods on the world market are cultivated on pearl farms in Japan or Australia. In terms of properties, such pearls are in no way inferior to those found by catchers, while their shape and quality are often superior to natural samples. It is cultured pearls that are used by the American House Tiffany, which actively combines pearls with diamonds, and Mikimoto, which presents products from large pearls of non-standard colors.

Interests about pearls

- One of the famous pearls of the world (this fact is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records) is called Le Grand, and once it belonged to Napoleon. The pearl is distinguished by its size - it weighs over 20 grams. Today it costs over $ 2.5 million;

- The most incredible shape of the pearl of Allah. It is covered with grooves that resemble the human brain. Its weight is more than 6 kg, and the price is about 40 million dollars. However, the former owner decided to donate the unusual mineral to the museum. He considered that such a property should be public, and to hide it in a private collection is blasphemous;

- The “Grand Southern Cross” pearl consists of nine large pearls grown together in the form of a cross. It was found in a pearl oyster shell caught in 1886 off the coast of Western Australia;

- Contrary to popular belief, the term “gold-woven garments” found in ancient manuscripts does not really mean that the garment is woven from threads of gold. These tissues are made from organic material produced by shellfish like oysters. This material is extremely reminiscent of pearls.

Magic stone

What poetic names and magical properties were not attributed to a small pebble emerging from a pearl shell. The term "pearl" itself comes from the Chinese "zhen-ju", but the Arabs called it "zenchug" for their own motive, the Indians - "manya-ra", the Greeks - "margarit", and the name "pearl" is used in the Slavic and European languages ...

The Slavs also called pearls "tears of joy", believing that a pearl is formed from a drop of water that has rolled down from the pistil of a water lily or lotus into the open shells of the shell. The Chinese considered pearls to be petrified in the water by moonlight or dew drops that fell from the eyes of the goddess of love. The ancient Greeks believed that these were the tears of a sea nymph. In the ancient world, statues of goddesses such as Aphrodite, Venus, Astarte and Isis were decorated with a scattering of pearls as a symbol of the highest femininity and purity. Islamic traditions attribute to the pearl the greatest reward of paradise and even a symbol of perfection.

In Ancient Rome, a pearl necklace was worn to maintain marital fidelity; in China, it is believed that pearls are able to protect from unjustified risks, heal diseases of the eyes and ears. It was also considered a good medicine: the solution in which the pearls were boiled brings relief from liver diseases, helps with anemia. Crushed pearls were drunk with buffalo milk - this was supposed to protect from the evil eye and give the ability to foresee the future.

In the Slavic countries, pearls were a stone that returned the lost joy of life to the owner. So, in the "Izbornik Svyatoslav" (XI century) said that pearl (pearls) promotes prosperity and longevity, is considered a talisman of happiness. These ideas are contained in a number of other literary sources. In the Middle Ages, pearl essence was considered a universal remedy for inflammation and fever, and European monarchs adopted from the rulers of Egypt and Rome the habit of drinking wine with a pearl dissolved in it - this was the highest manifestation of luxury, and a pearl placed in a glass for an honored guest showed the purity of the owner's thoughts.

There is still an opinion that pearls can effectively remove eyesores, strengthen teeth and give them shine. If the pearl is kept in the mouth, it has a beneficial effect on blood composition and soothes heart pain. For pregnant women, the precious mineral helps to successfully bear the fetus. In addition, pearls are able to reflect the health of their owner - they shine when the owner is healthy, and tarnish when he dies. That is why pearls are sometimes called “tears of longing”. By the way, pearls themselves are short-lived. The mysticism is that a pearl taken from a shell “lives” for about 150-200 years, then the previously magnificent white balls lose their luster, turn black and completely crumble into powder.

It is better not to use pearls for love affairs, as it strengthens love for the only chosen one and guarantees her loyalty. Pearls should not be worn by people working with children. It is especially bad for travelers and actors, since it deprives them of all the opportunities to engage in their activities.

There are also conspiracies for pearls. So, according to one of them, pearls help to cleanse the skin of the face. Apply a mineral (but only natural) to the problem area of ​​the skin, light a candle and read: “There is the Fire of the Lord, and He will burn out negative changes. The Lord will cover my face with a good net, strengthen and cleanse my skin, and saturate my body with Light. My skin will be changed, seven miraculous manifestations will bring me a good pearl saturated with the miracle of development, and the Lord will help to manifest bound power, and living saturation will bring great purification, and all the forces of transformation will unite in one place and restore the lost purity and freshness. Amen".

In conclusion, it should be said that, despite all its positive qualities, pearls are not suitable for everyone. Astrologers say that you need to be careful with this jewel. Pearls can make anyone frustrated and completely disorganized if they are not in control of themselves. The mineral is suitable only for people fanatical and self-confident - it provides them with different options for choosing actions, distracts from fetishism, gives objectivity, makes them closer to other people, knocking down pride, arrogance, vanity, makes it possible to look back and provide their rear.

Prepared by Maria Borisova,
based on materials:

Pearls are one of the most important gems and have been known to people for thousands of years. It is special, as it is the only wonderful mineral in the world that is created by a living organism (mollusk). This marine treasure, which is the result of the slow build-up of layers of mother-of-pearl, symbolizes innocence and purity. He can endow the one who wears him with wisdom and a clear understanding of what is happening. The magical properties of pearls can be used to strengthen the integrity of the individual and to be closer to the truth.

Symbolism, mythology, meaning in ancient cultures.

The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were created when oysters rose from the ocean floor and opened their shells to feed on drops of celestial dew. In ancient China, it was believed that dragons were the patrons of pearls, which means that it is a symbol of wisdom. The dragon kept pearls in its teeth, and therefore only by destroying its brain, a person could take possession of the precious stone. Some Eastern cultures have associated it with the Moon. European painters were often used as a symbol of female beauty.

The magical properties of pearls.

Moon and Water support this "gem", enhancing sincerity, honesty and truth. Magical properties give a calming state to the wearer and set his ebb and flow in life. It is said to bring purity, encourage faith and love, and provide personal integrity. Thanks to the water and the lunar element, mother-of-pearl balances emotions quite well, especially the watermarks of the zodiac.

If you feel negative for some reason while wearing pearls, pretend that they are “absorbing” this negative energy. When used correctly, pearl can reduce stress, headache and fatigue.
You can use mother-of-pearl with other precious stones such as diamonds or emeralds to dispel negative energies.

Associated stones: Ruby.

Metal Related: Silver.

Strengths: Love, money, protection, luck.

The magical properties of pearls, like amber, other substances obtained from living beings are highly valued and used in magic. Some believe that when an oyster dies while picking pearls, then it is a heavy karmic debt for those who sell it, who wear it and use it. The choice is yours ... you will understand whether to use it intuitively or not.
Mother of pearl is closely related to the Moon, so much so that some are worn or used at night - the time of the Moon.

The healing properties of pearls.

They said that if you use a pearlescent water ball regularly, for a long time, the production of hormones in the body is stabilized. Chronic headaches and migraines can be alleviated or cured completely by wearing the pearl necklace directly on the skin. Pearls can relieve allergies. It is believed to help treat abdominal pain, colds, bronchitis, and lung infections. Healing properties of pearls help digestion, strengthen the stomach, immunity and fight emotional stress.

Pearls are the highest element in the symbolic hierarchy of gems as an image of perfection (since they have the shape of a ball) and beauty.
As a rule, it symbolizes absolute reality, the highest wisdom and purity, as well as the human soul (hidden in the body).

Pearls are a stone of organic nature. Pearls are available in white, silvery white, cream or hot pink. There are even golden brown and black pearls. Known for sea and river pearls.

In China and India, pearls were associated with the feminine principle, with the Moon, fertility and magical powers. The ancient Greeks considered the pearl to be a symbol of marriage. In Islam, the pearl is seen as an image of the sky. In ancient Rome, pearls were dedicated to the goddess of love Venus. It is also believed that the pearl is the fruit of the union of fire and water.
Usually pearls contribute to prosperity and longevity, bring happiness to their owner.

In the esoteric tradition, pearls are a symbol of secret knowledge and soul.
Best of all, he reveals his essence to those people who devote themselves to spiritual development or manifest themselves in a spiritual society. Therefore, you can often see pearls on icons in the church.

It is best to buy and wear pearls on the 29th lunar day. It can be worn by Pisces, because he protects them from rash actions.

Who is contraindicated to wear pearls

Pearls and mother-of-pearl are stones that can make you a completely frustrated, disorganized person if you are not in control of yourself. In frivolous people, pearls make their epileptoid disposition of nature even more unstable, gives congestion, eternal concern and misanthropy. Pearls are contraindicated for those who do not have their own pair. It works well only for family people. For loners, he can give bouts of melancholy and depression. And to those people who have lived together for a long time, he brings peace and tranquility.
Pearls immediately tarnish and can crumble if a person begins to follow the "low path". It is bad for travelers, actors - it deprives them of opportunities. Suppresses sexual activity.

Who should wear pearls

It is good only for fanatical, self-confident people. He provides them with different options for choosing actions, he distracts them from fanaticism, gives them objectivity.
He makes convinced people more objective, closer to other people, he knocks down pride, arrogance, vanity, makes it possible to look back and secure their rear.
Pearls strengthens loyalty in love for the chosen one and the loyalty of the chosen one herself, but does not contribute to treason. Pearls strengthen the house, home building.
It gives widows and divorced people the opportunity to find a life partner.
Pearls love and quickly get used to the owner, but they are extremely reluctant to serve another, if given. It protects its owner from anger, hatred and betrayal.
In water travel, pearls make sure that they are unimpeded, and they know how to negotiate with the water element and its population, as soon as it is lowered into the water. The ring with pearls protects from thieves and unfortunate transactions.

The healing properties of pearls

Pearls are believed to promote longevity.
In the Middle Ages, children with anemia were given milk with crushed pearls to drink. For liver diseases, they drank a solution in which pearls were boiled.
Even the ancient Chinese believed that pearls enhance visual acuity and heal ear diseases. In the form of ash it is used to cleanse the stomach and for inflammation of the intestines as an internal one. It can be used in the treatment of hepatitis and in the presence of stones in the gallbladder.
Pearls are a good styptic. Therefore, it is used in the form of powders and infusions for bleeding gums, vomiting blood, blood hemorrhoids.

Pearl water

Pearl water is a traditional Chinese medicine. It is taken to balance all metabolic processes and, as a result, heal the entire body as a whole. In fact, under the influence of PEARL WATER, the body restores health, youth and beauty.
"Pearl water" treats the whole organism in a complex way - that is, removes from the body the cause of disease, and not the disease itself (the commandment of Hippocrates).
The main composition is calcium salts, which are a NATURAL building material of bones, teeth, nails. They promote the growth and development of the body, improve and coordinate the functions of all organs, improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, participate in the processes of blood formation, metabolism, help to reduce the conductivity of the vascular walls and prevent the penetration of microorganisms into the blood, as a result, the body's resistance to infections and toxins increases. ...

To get charged pearl water, you need to put four to five small pearls in a glass of water and let it brew overnight. You can drink the water the next morning. Pearl water helps with inflammation. It is alkaline and akin to "living water".

Pearls are a unique stone that has long symbolized happiness, love, beauty and wealth. For thousands of years, people have believed that pearls have magical and healing powers. Each pearl is priceless and unique. Pearls are the only stone that wildlife has spawned!

But pearls are appreciated not only for their magical and healing properties, but also for their beauty. After all, pearl jewelry is suitable for all styles of clothing and is appropriate in any situation. A string of pearls can be worn on an anniversary, wedding, or youth party. And then pearls will be not only a beautiful decoration, but also a talisman that will protect you from the evil eye.

Pearl mascot target

Pearls are a symbol of loyalty, love and devotion, it strengthens the relationship between spouses. This stone helps women find happiness and faith in love. It protects from the evil eye, helps a person think more objectively and not commit rash acts. However, pearls help not all people, but only fanatical and self-confident individuals. Also, pearls are recommended to be worn by young girls and unmarried women, regardless of age.

A pearl ring protects its owner from theft and fraud, and also gives its owner the gift of foreseeing the future.

But besides the positive properties of pearls, there is also a negative property. Mother of pearl and pearls can contribute to complete disappointment in life, but this can only happen if a person is not in control of himself.

Pearls of arrogant and convinced people can make them more objective, bring them closer to other people. It helps to bring down arrogance, pride and vanity. The pearl talisman will make you look back and correct your mistakes.

Pearls get used to their owner extremely quickly and begin to protect him in every possible way from offenders. It makes its owner a softer and more sensitive person, protects him from hatred and anger.

In a bad person, pearls quickly deteriorate: they can tarnish, or even completely crumble.

Pearls Promote Longevity, Health and Wellbeing, and the brilliance of pearls depends entirely on how healthy their owner is.

As mentioned above, in addition to magical properties, pearls also have healing properties. In the form of powder or ash, pearls are used for internal or external inflammation, it is used for hepatitis and stones in the gallbladder. In the Middle Ages, children who were sick with anemia were treated with pearl powder. They were given warm milk with pearl powder to drink. And in case of liver diseases, they drank water in which they boiled pearls. Pearls are good at stopping blood, which is why they were used in medicine as a hemostatic agent. In the form of a powder or infusion, it is used for bleeding gums, hemorrhoids and vomiting of blood. Water infused with pearls helps with inflammatory processes. To do this, put 4-5 small pearls in a glass of plain water and leave overnight. You can drink this water in the morning. Such water can be compared to "living water".

Thanks to the potassium carbonate contained in pearls, it has a soothing and cooling effect, which, when applied to a sore spot, create healing vibrations that lead to harmonious work of the whole organism.

Origin of pearls

Natural pearls have been known for a long time. It was mentioned in the most ancient Persian and Indian legends, it is still found in ancient Chinese burials. The name of the pearl comes from the Latin word pernula, which means sea shell. In European and Slavic languages, pearls are called "pearl". Pearls are of two types - sea and river. The color of pearls can be white, silvery white, hot pink and cream shades.

New Year's pearls, which were mined in the northwestern rivers, were especially valued in Russia. The inhabitants of North America also made all kinds of jewelry from river pearls, but this pearl was called - American. In the countries of the southern coastal region, sea pearls were best known; the best varieties were found in the lagoons of Polynesia and in the Persian Gulf. But the most valuable were the pearls mined in the Persian Gulf, they were called oriental or oriental pearls. This pearl occurs during the life of molluscs. It is very difficult to find it, tk. out of thirty or forty shells, only one can contain a pearl or several pearls. These pearls vary in size. From a match head to a quail egg. Large sea pearls are very rare. The largest pearl, weighing 450 carats, can be seen at the Geological Museum of London.

Who is the pearl talisman for?

Pearls are a very dangerous stone. He only suits fanatical people.... He is able to distract such people from fanaticism and helps to gain objectivity in thinking, and this stone can dissolve eccentric and windy people even more, make them unstable, give congestion and constant concern.

Pearl talismans are especially suitable for Pisces and Aquarius. Astrologers recommend putting pearls in water on the first, second, twenty-eighth and thirtieth days of the lunar calendar. It is recommended to buy and put on pearl jewelry on the twenty-ninth day of the lunar calendar.

Jewelers recommend wearing pearl jewelry as often as possible and protecting them from drying out; for this, pearls are sometimes washed in a soapy solution at room temperature. The pearl is a symbol of the soul and most willingly it reveals its essence to those people who often visit a spiritual society and who are engaged in their spiritual development. Pearl jewelry should not be worn by actors and travelers, otherwise it will deprive them of all opportunities and extinguish their sex appeal.

Black pearls are considered a stone of sadness and longing, so it is not recommended for young girls and women to wear it; it can provoke the death of a spouse or lover. But for widows, on the contrary, black pearls will help find a lover and start a family.