Almond body oil. Almond oil is the composition, body benefit, nails and hair. Where to buy almond facial oil

Many consider almond nut, but in fact it is a core of a soft fetus. This bone contains a huge amount of oil (from 40 to 60 percent, depending on the grade and conditions of cultivation). For the production of bones, dried and crushed, and then spend a double cold spin. As a result, it turns out a natural product used in cosmetology. The meal remaining from production is used for the production of natural cosmetics. The beneficial properties of this product were known in antiquity and successfully used for more than 8 thousand years. Earlier, almonds are only in North Africa and the Mediterranean, but gradually the plant has spread to other regions. At the moment, the greatest plantings of almond trees are in California.

The base of almond oil is oleic and linoleic acids. In addition, it contains vitamin E and B2, as well as useful trace elements. The concentration of components may differ depending on the variety of plants, climate and the conditions of its cultivation.

Almond eyelashes and hair oil is used, as a means that accelerates them grow, to strengthen the nails and in general.

The beneficial properties of oil have a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminate acne, improve the condition of the chest and hair. In addition, it is capable of healing small wounds and burns, softens the cuticle and is actively used in cooking.

So, again about how the almond body oil is useful:

  • Retains skin youth;
  • Creates a reliable barrier from ultraviolet during sunbarr;
  • Improves the work of the sebaceous glands, narrows the pores and helps to get rid of acne;
  • Removes signs of inflammation and irritation on problem and sensitive skin;
  • Strengthens hair bulbs, makes hair more shiny and elastic;
  • He treats burns (including solar), as well as mechanical damage to the skin;
  • Makes elastic even dry and dery-skinned hands;
  • Pregnant women prevents stretching;
  • Accelerates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, and can be used as a means for removing makeup and dark circles around the eyes;
  • Used to strengthen nails, simultaneously contributing to the mitigation of the cuticle.

According to reviews, the product has almost no contraindications and can be used even to children and pregnant women.. Only people with the individual intolerance of the product components can be exception.

Features of application

As cosmetologists say, almond oil can be used not only in its pure form, but also complement other natural components to achieve the desired effect.

For body

Very often, squeezing from almonds are used to combat various skin problems.

Stretch marks

  • For prophylaxis and use a mixture of fresh carrots and almond oils. For this, carrots rubbed on the grater, poured with cold water and leave for 15 minutes. After that, the vegetable mixture must be squeezed and add 3 tablespoons of squeezing of almonds to it. Such a tool can be prepared in advance and store in a container with a dense lid in the refrigerator. To use, you need to wipe the problem areas with stretch marks before bedtime.
  • To remove stretch marks, almond oil can be complemented by others. For example, if you add five drops of lavender to 5 tablespoons of almond oil, you can get rid of stretch marks, rubbing the problem zones is only twice a week.

Anticellulite massage

  • To get rid of cellulite, you need to prepare a special mixture based on only 20 drops of almond oil, which are complemented by essential oils (10 drops of bergamot and grapefruit, 8 geraniums, 5 muscat and 3 cinnamon). This mixture is used during massage. You can fight cellulite at home, intensely rubbing the thighs, buttocks and stomach twice a day.
  • Almond oil and in itself is an effective means against cellulite. To get rid of orange peel, a few drops need to be confused in the palms and apply to preheated wet skin (for example, after bath, soul or sauna).

Skin damage

  • In the presence of wounds, cuts and burns, pure squeezing from almonds rubbed into damaged areas to speed up the healing process. The procedure should be carried out only on clean skin, and repeat after full oil absorption.
  • Squeezing from almond bones effectively relieves pain and inflammation. Therefore, in the presence of stretching or damage to the skin, clean napkins impregnated with almond oil can be applied to the body. The compress should be done three times a day, leaving a napkin on a damaged area for 30 minutes.

Hand and nails

The skin of the hands is most exposed to negative external factors (dyeing, cold, impact of aggressive household chemicals). To eliminate this problem, you need to wash your hands, wipe the bottom and top of the palms with almond oil and put on gloves. The procedure must be carried out twice a week for prevention, and if the skin cracked and got drySuch compresses are recommended to apply daily before bedtime, leaving the remedy for half an hour.

Almond nail almond oil helps. If they become broken and began to get out, squeezing from almond bones will help eliminate this problem. To do this, it needs to be heated and carefully launched into the nail plate. Another better results can be achieved if you add a drop of lemon and ylang-ylang to 5 ml of almond oil. With daily use, after 7-10 days, the nails will become healthy and strong. With this fund, the nails will not be strengthened, but also will significantly ease the process of removing the cuticle.


Since almond oil has amazing softening properties, its often used to eliminate fire-leather stop. To do this, simply rub the natural product into the flapped areas after the bath or soul. Already after several procedures, the skin will become softer.

In addition, this product perfectly relieves irritation, so it can be applied not only instead of a cream for the feet, but also as a means after shaving.


Almonds and oil based on it helps to keep the elasticity of the chest and even slightly increase its volume. To prepare this means you need to take a handful of oat flakes without additives, pour boiling water and leave, while flakes will not get a pasty state. Then the flakes add 2-3 teaspoons of almond oil and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied to the chest and the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline, leave for 25 minutes and washed off with cool water.

The faster to restore chest elasticity is pure almond oil. It you just need to warm in the microwave or on a water bath, and labeled in the skin of the chest.


  • On the basis of almond oil, you can independently prepare a tanning agent, adding to 100 ml of oil 30 ml of water carrot oil. Before going to the beach, the resulting mixture must be labeled into the skin and periodically repeat the procedure when the tanning agent will be absorbed or washed off with water.
  • In order for the tan longer preserved, and the skin has acquired a uniform golden shade, in 100 ml of almond squeezing, you need to add 3 ml of sea buckthorn oil and apply the resulting mixture on the skin after a hike to the beach.

Especially often, almond oil is used to prepare various faces. On it is based on masks, scrubs, means for removing makeup and eliminate acne. The almond leather oil helps to eliminate the bold glitter, leads to normal the work of the sebaceous glands, removes peeling and redness (in people with sensitive skin). In addition, applying clean and natural almonds for eyelashes and eyebrows, you can help strengthen their growth and increasing density. It can also be eliminated with dark circles and minor wrinkles around the eyes, and its use softens the skin of the lips.

For hair

This natural product is also used to improve hair condition:

  • Accelerates growth;
  • Makes hair elastic and shiny;
  • When rubbing in the roots of the hair, eliminates excessive fatty;
  • Makes hair obedient and silky.

To saturate the hair with the useful substances contained in almond oil, you need to apply a few drops on the comb and just spend on the hair after washing.

For aromatherapy

Almond oil is neutral in terms of smell, so it is used as a base for aromatherapy sessions. A homogeneous consistency is perfectly combined with most essential oils, so the fragrant mixture can be prepared independently and fill it with aroma lamps and pendants.

Based on it can be prepared fragrant bath mix, Just adding 3 droplets of your favorite essential oil in 15 ml of squeezes of almond bones. The fluid must be thoroughly mixed and pour into warm water (not higher than 38 degrees). You can be in such a bathroom not more than 15 minutes, and after it it is not recommended to wipe dry so that all useful substances have absorbed into the skin. It is possible to achieve a positive effect for the skin only with regular bathing (on average, once every 2-3 days).

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the naturalness of the almond squeezes, it is not recommended to use people with individual intolerance to the almond itself or any oil components. And although the side effects after the use of the product - quite rare enough, some people have a product can cause:

  • Local and general allergic reactions;
  • Itching around the site to which the tool was applied;
  • Irritation and redness of the skin.


In order for the use of oil did not lead to side effects, it is necessary to choose only a high-quality and natural product. As a rule, its cost is 350 rubles per 30 ml. Value bottles are a bit more expensive.

Almonds are associated primarily with sweet creations of confectioners, but do not underestimate these nuts. Their oil will become a pleasant and useful dessert for the skin: it will help to cope with many problems, it will be saturated with vitamins, add beauty and charm to face.

Almond oil - the history of the occurrence, species, characteristics and properties

The almond nuts call the core of seeds of the same small tree or shrub. It is from the methods of cold or hot pressing that the famous oil is obtained, which is used in the food, cosmetology, pharmaceutical industries. Different varieties of sweet almonds are used as raw materials.

Almond oil with excellent nutritional, moisturizing and softening properties is indispensable in care for any skin type

Oil composition

The oil includes many substances that are of great importance for maintaining the health and beauty of the skin:

  • oleic acid - stimulates the metabolism and protects cells from external factors;
  • linoleic acid - kept moisture in the skin;
  • palmitic acid - makes skin more susceptible to useful components;
  • vitamins of group B, A, are involved in the exchange of substances, tissue regeneration, have a moisturizing, softening, nutrient, protective action;
  • vitamin E is the strongest antioxidant, protects cells from free radicals;
  • microelements - potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc.

How to choose and store

Purchase the oil follows in pharmacies or specialized stores, paying attention to the product shelf life. Preference is worth the oil obtained by the cold spin method, because the maximum amount of beneficial substances is saved. In appearance, it is a light yellow liquid with an almost imperceptible aroma and gentle nut flavor. The precipitate and clouding are unacceptable. Store the oil follows in a dark cool place in a tightly closing capacity, better glass to protect the product from oxidation.

Contraindications for use

The main limitation is the presence of allergies. Before use, it is necessary to carry out a test for the presence of allergies, for this, the oil drop is applied to the inner fold of the elbow and expect about 20 minutes if redness or itching appeared - it is impossible to use this product.

Application of almond oil for face skin

Almond oil is an ideal tool for skin care, besides universal, it will be suitable for any skin type.

From wrinkles on face

Almond oil is perfect for the fight against age-related skin changes, while using it in different ways:

  • daily application instead of cream. The oil is distributed over the face with a thin layer of soft movements through massage lines, the procedure is best to perform in the evenings, shortly before sleep, after 40-60 minutes, the excess is removed with a napkin;
  • enrichment of purchasering cosmetics. If the skin is dry, mix the cream and oil in the proportion of 1: 1, in other cases the ratio can be changed by reducing the share of oil;
  • the use of almond oil as an alternative to means for removing makeup, because this product not only perfectly dissolves even persistent cosmetics, but also moisturizes the skin, drinking it with vitamins, thereby preventing the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • facial massage. Finger pads before carrying out the oil massage you need to dip in the oil. Methods for carrying out the procedure can be diverse: tapping, point presses, pressure and skin delay. All touches must be gentle and smooth, coarse stretching and friction are unacceptable. All directions of movements should be carried out through massage lines. The procedure is made 1-2 times a week for 3-4 minutes;
  • application 1-2 times a week Face masks based on almond oil, especially popular recipes are:
    • the cocoa powder teaspoon is diluted with 20 ml. Warm milk, when the mass becomes homogeneous, pour the teaspoon of oil and stirred again. Mask are applied for half an hour, wash off warm water;
    • half of the ripe banana knead to the state of the puree, add 5 ml. Oil. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes;
    • yolks of one eggs are whipped with a fork and mix with 5 ml. Oils, mask are applied for 20 minutes.

Properly observing the application scheme, you can direct the skin to the right side and avoid its excessive stretching

From acne, acne, scars, black dots, cooperosis

Almond oil can be an excellent assistant to care for problem skin:

  • oil normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, has a narrowing effect on the pores;
  • it has an anti-inflammatory effect, well soothes the skin;
  • has a regenerating property, which allows pimples to quickly heal, not leaving scars and other traces;
  • it feeds and protects the skin from external influence.

Almond oil normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, will help the pimples to heal faster, without leaving traces

Use oil to get rid of acne and other rashes in different ways:

  • applying oil on the skin. There are several drops of oil, it is applied with your fingers to the problem areas with neat massage movements, through an hour of surplus is cleaned with a paper napkin. Procedure to repeat 2-3 times a week;
  • enrichment of cosmetics. Here, too, it is better not to overdo it, 2-3 drops on a single apparatus of cream are enough, add them immediately before use;
  • use of almond oil as masks ingredient:
    • the teaspoon of oil is mixed with whipped protein, 10 ml. Tincture of the Hypericum and a tablespoon of honey. The mixture is applied to problem areas for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week;
    • 5 tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese or sour cream are mixed with a tablespoon of fruit puree (a banana, apple, pear) and a teaspoon of oil. The mask is applied for half an hour, use once a week.

For skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is four times thinner than on the face. It practically does not contain sebaceous glands, which are natural humidifiers, and in addition prone to the formation of edema. For these reasons, this area needs special care. Almond oil is well suited to this zone - it struggles with wrinkles, eases, bruises under the eyes, actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin. There are no little ways to use this product:

  • it is possible to use it in its pure form, for this, the oil is applied with a thin layer on the eye around the eye in pattering movements. Friction and pulling skin cannot be allowed. After 30-40 minutes, the remains of the oil are riveted with a napkin. Such a procedure can be done shortly before sleep on a daily basis for 2-3 weeks, then the skin needs to relax about a month;
  • if the skin is dry and has many wrinkles, it is worth making oil compresses. For this, oil impregnate cotton discs and are applied to the area around the eyes for 20 minutes, after which it is necessary to make a neat massage with finger pads to give the medium to absorb. After half an hour, the remains of the oil are cleaned with a paper napkin. Even after half an hour, you can wash with the help of the gel or leave for the night. Such robes can be done every other day, then take a break in 2-3 weeks;
  • oil can be added to cream or serum for the area around the eyes, the pairs of droplets on the reception will be enough;
  • almond oil is an excellent component of masks:
    • you can connect the oil with liquid honey in the proportion of 1: 1 and apply to the area around the eye for 20 minutes;
    • mix almond and apricot oil in equal proportions, the mask is applied for 15 minutes;
    • add to the teaspoon butter a drop of essential oil sandalwood, wash off after 15 minutes;
    • mix egg yolk with 5 ml. Oil, apply for 15 minutes.

The area around the eye is thinner, gentle and sensitive, so need more care

It is worth considering the test on allergies, if we are talking about the skin around the eyes, as there is a risk of waking up with swollen eyes.

From pigment spots

Almond oil has a delicate whitening effect, regular use of oil on problem areas will help get rid of excessive pigmentation of the skin. You can apply it using a cotton swab before bedtime. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil to the tablespoon of the product. To brighten the skin, it is possible to use such a recipe: 10-15 grams of fresh green parses are crushed and poured with a tablespoon of oil, apply to the skin of the face for 20-25 minutes, washed off with warm water.

For dry skin

To moisturize dry skin, you can use the following masks:

  • avocado pulp teaspoon mixed with the same amount of oil, apply for 20 minutes;
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese (with a high weight of fatty) is mixed with 15 gr. fruit pulp. You can take avocado, apple or banana. Then poured 10 ml. Oils, mix thoroughly. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water;
  • egg yolk mixed with honey and oil taken on a teaspoon. The mask is held 10-15 minutes.

Oil can enrich cosmetics by adding it to creams, masks, lotions and tonic, 3-4 drops per 10 grams of the product. Also, this tool is ideal for skin care, inclined to the appearance of the feeling of grinding and peeling in the cold and wind. It is necessary to lubricate the problem areas and leave overnight, the oil can be applied using a cotton swab. What to get rid of peeling, irritation, you can make a bummer. For this, the oil impregnate pieces of gauze and applied to the desired zones for 30-40 minutes. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a day. The enrichment of the product with essential oils enhances the effect. For these purposes, it is possible to use lavender oils, neroli, roses - no more than two drops on a tablespoon of the base.

Almond oil will help to cope with natural dry skin, and with seasonal peeling and irritation.

For cleansing face

The oil perfectly cleans the skin from makeup, it can be used instead of the usual liquids for removing cosmetics. To do this, oil is applied to a cotton disk (it can be pre-mixed with warm water and squeeze) and spend on the skin. It's not worth rubing your eyes, you only need to apply a cotton swab to the eyelashes and wait 20-30 seconds until the oil solurates cosmetics. The skin is cleaned of contamination, simultaneously saturates with nutrients. After such a procedure, it is necessary to wash warm water.

For lips

The almond oil moisturizes and nourishes the gentle skin of the lips, protects it from the influence of ultraviolet rays, quickly restores in case of dyingness, heals the cracks. It is possible to use it in its pure form, or spreading with other oil, for example, avocado or grape bone in the proportion of 1: 1. The tool is applied to the skin of the lips 2-3 times a day, you can use instead of balm. Almond oil makes lips soft, gentle, well-groomed. Decorative lipsticks fall exactly, not clogging into folds on the lips.

To improve blood circulation and the exfoliating effect, the oil can be applied on the lips using an ordinary toothbrush, making a small massage.

Using a regular toothbrush for oil massage lips will improve blood circulation and make them visually more

For eyebrows and eyelashes

Regular applying almond oil on eyebrows and eyelashes contributes:

  • restoration and strengthening the structure of hairs;
  • awakening sleeping hair lows;
  • activation of hair growth;
  • prevention of their falling out;
  • skin saturation with nutrients.

Almond oil will help to prevent hair loss and accelerate their growth.

To use the oil to bring maximum benefit, it is worth remembering some of the required rules:

  • the main anti-oil contraindications are the presence of allergies and acute infectious diseases of the eyes;
  • the oil is quickly absorbed and penetrates deep into the skin, so it is necessary to wash it out necessarily, you only need to get the eyes and eyebrows with a paper napkin after half an hour after applying, an exception is to use a multicomponent agent, it is better to wash with a soft gel to the use of a multi-component agent;
  • before use, the oil is slightly heated in a water bath to a temperature of about 40 degrees;
  • it is possible to apply oil with a clean tassel from an old carcass, on the eyebrows - with a cotton waller or cosmetic brush;
  • oil can cause eye irritation, so when applied to the eyelashes, the contact with the hair growth line should be minimal, surplus it is necessary to immediately remove the dry clean napkin or cotton swab;
  • eyebrows and eyelashes must be carefully cleaned of cosmetics residues;
  • the medical course should not exceed 8 weeks, then the eyelashes and eyebrows need a vacation in 1-1.5 months;
  • the procedure is repeated daily or every other day in the evenings in 1.5 - 2 hours before sleep;
  • it is possible to use oil in pure form or as a mixture component:
    • mix on a teaspoon almond, castor, top oil;
    • cutlery spoon of almond oil mix with a teaspoon of burial oil, a half teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and vitamin A.

Scrub for face with almond oil

Almond oil is an excellent basic for various types of scrubs, which in addition to activating blood circulation and the exfoliating effect will bring other benefits:

  • from black dots: a teaspoon of the sea salt is divorced with 5 ml. Almond oil. The mixture is applied to problem areas, massage is carried out, washed with warm water;
  • from excessive pigmentation: 4-5 almond nuts are crushed into a mortar, add a teaspoon of oat flakes, grinding on a coffee grinder. A tablespoon of almond oils, the resulting means massage the desired sections of the face and the body for 2-3 minutes, washed off with warm water;
  • for a rejuvenating effect, you can take 5-6 ground almond nuts, a teaspoon of oil, as much honey and fresh orange juice, the mixture is applied to the skin, gently massage 2-3 minutes;
  • if the juice of orange in the previous recipe is replaced with the lemon, it turns out a scrub with whitening effect.

Almond oil and sea salt - light and fast way to help skin get rid of dead cells and black dots

In order for the skin to have time to recover after peeling, use scrubs more than two times a week undesirable.

Video: Almond face oil

The use of almond oil gives not only beauty, but also health. No wonder the Tsarina Savskaya itself used him in daily procedures. It is difficult to find so universal tool that is suitable for absolutely everyone. The product easily solves medical and cosmetology problems, struggling with cellulite and stretch marks, helps with pain and inflammation. On the basis of almonds, masks, scrubs, massage mixes for face and body care are preparing. It is used on all problem areas - flapal elbows and heels, weathered lips, burned skin areas.

Application of almond oil

Oriental sages call the nut of sweet almonds "beauty lord", and it is not surprising. Indeed, in its nuclei, a huge amount of biologically active substances concentrate. Most of the composition - polyunsaturated omega fatty acids 6 and 9. Tocopherol, also present in almond oil, has a powerful antioxidant action, slows down aging and stops inflammation, and vitamin A returns youth and beauty.

Methods and methods of saturation of tissues with oil of sweet almonds are absolutely democratic. They depend on the goals, addictions and the availability of a specific problem.

So what is the plant applied for? The product from a sweet almond has a nutritious, softening and regenerating action, well penetrates into the skin, tones and pulls the fabrics.

The oil is especially useful for the mature, tired and dry dermis, the treatment of flagrated plots, wound healing and scratches, small burns and inflammation. The healing fluid returns a natural blush face, gives tenderness and velvety, cleans, simulates the growth of the nails of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Why still need sweet almond oil? In addition to skin care, the vegetable product is used to combat herpes, eczema and dermatitis. The tool reduces pain when tensile tensions and muscles, is dissipating the hardening of the mammary glands, relieves inflammation in the ears.

How to use almond oil? Instructions for use says that the healing fluid can be applied to the skin in its pure form or mixed with leaving agents: masks, creams, serums.

In addition to all the famous cosmetic oil, there is a bitter almond ester. What can this product use for? Considering its toxicity and strong fragrance, the tool is most often used to create perfume compositions.

Almond nail and skin oil

The skin of the hands is more than other parts of the body are exposed to adverse factors (cold, household chemicals, water). Mitigate and moisten the flabbing areas will help almond oil. The fat is recommended to be applied to the hands after washing and before leaving the street in the winter.

A simple care will help to cope with the edged and red-free dermis: to abundantly lubricate the skin with a vegetable product and put on rubber gloves. The procedure can also be carried out for prevention, causing oil 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes.

For nails and cuticles, the use of almond concentrate in the mixture with the esters of Ilang Ilanga, Lemon, Sandala or Gerana is more efficient.

The composition is applied to the nail plates and thoroughly rub, capturing dry skin around. The first results will appear in 5-7 days.

Council. With the help of almond oil, you can not only strengthen and moisturize the nails, but also facilitate the removal of the cuticle during the manicure.

Almond body oil

Cosmetics for body care are becoming increasingly popular. Shelves of stores are filled with all sorts of masks, creams, gels, anti-cellulite and massage products. But why spend money on beautiful jars when there is almond oil. Golden liquid is not inferior to the advertised means, and sometimes exceeds them.

Numerous beneficial properties make a vegetable product with a universal assistant. The tool moisturizes and pulls the flabby skin, softens the flabbing places, smoothes irregularities and tones. Perfectly copes with peeling, irritation and redness, heals small damage without scars and scars.

Almond oil can be used differently - apply in pure form or add to creams, prepare massage compositions on it or do wraps. At the same time, any other oil or ether is allowed as additional components.

Application for massage

Experts consider the almond concentrate with the best massage agent. It is especially effective for the withered skin of the body, a long time of short-term nutrition and moisturizing. Cosmetologists noticed that such a derma literally "eating" the healing fluid.

For the preparation of massage composition, almond oil is better mixed with suitable ether. For example, for dry skin, it is recommended to take sandals, neroli, geranium, rose concentrate or limetic. Bergamot, grapefruit, rosemary, lavender are added at the oily derma.

Before the procedure, the fragrant mixture is heated to a comfortable temperature and applied to the skin.

Almond leg

Amazing softening and moisturizing properties make this oil the best tool to care for the flawed footsteps and skin on the knees. It is enough once a day to rub the fat product in problem areas and improvements will be noticeable in a week. Cracked and peeling heels before applying oil is recommended for several minutes to hold in hot water with the addition of salt.

Council. The almond product perfectly relieves inflammation and irritation, so it can be used as a soothing agent after shaving.

Chest oil and zone neckline

Vintage records report that almonds and products based on it are not only tightened by the skin, but also increase the volume of the mammary glands.

Believe this statement can be very simple - to prepare a nutritional mask from the grusty of oat flakes and 2-3 hours l. Almond oil. Hercules are poured with boiling water and bring to the state of homogeneous mass. Then mixed with a vegetable agent and in warm form are applied to the chest and zone. After 30 minutes, the mask was washed off with cool water and wipe the skin with ice cube. The procedure is recommended to repeat every 3-4 days.

A simpler and fast way to support the chest tone is rubbing clean oil. The tool is preheated and applied by massage movements to full absorption.

Almond oil from cellulite

Good anti-cellulite mixtures are obtained by mixing the plant product (1 tbsp. L.) With one of the following combinations of ethers:

  • bergamot, Grapefruit and Muscat - 5 drops, geranium - 7 drops, cinnamon - 2 drops;
  • fennel, dill, juniper, rosemary - 6 drops of each;
  • rosemary, Lavender, Sandal - 10 drops, Thuya - 5 drops;
  • lemon and juniper - 5 drops, orange - 8 drops.

For mixing ingredients, glass dishes are taken, where oils are added, starting with the smallest number. Last but pour almonds. The mixture is heated in the water bath and apply to the body.

Application in medicine

Almonds have long been used in folk medicine as a good anti-inflammatory and healing agent.

For example, with herpetic rash, a mixture of almond oil and a tea tree ether in equal proportions is very effective. This composition lubricates unpleasant bubbles 3-4 times a day.

In front of burns on the affected places, almond oil is applied in its pure form or mixing it with a geranium ether, an empty, rose petals (2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. Loams). Treat damaged skin several times a day before tissue healing.
Easy pain when tensile tensile helps appliques from almond oil and carnation or oregano esters. Cotton cloth or folded in several layers of gauze is impregnated with a heated mixture and impose on the affected place. Hold 2-3 hours or leave overnight.

No less useful almond oil when pain in the ears. If sulfur bumps are blown or tormented, it is enough to enter in the auditory passage of 3 drops of warm liquid and lay the cotton.

With a cold, a mixture of almonds with garlic will help. Oil can be pre-insisted on the burning vegetable or mix with half the clove with juice immediately before use. The resulting composition is drunk twice a day before the disappearance of pain and noise.

There is a very interesting recipe for ear, eliminating hearing loss after otitis or as a result of rheumatological ailments. Next technique will help to return health:

  • on the first day, enter 5 drops of the plant in one ear, cover with a vat and impose a warming compress or set up a blue lamp;
  • on the second day, to do the same manipulation with another ear;
  • in the following days, the procedure is repeated according to the scheme before improving hearing.

During the period of treatment, the auditory passage should rinse with warm water and cleaned from oil residues.

Almond oil from stretch marks during pregnancy

The vegetable agent during pregnancy increases the tone and elasticity of the skin, makes it more elastic and warns fibers. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the use of oil is well supplemented with the reception of vitamins and trace elements: tocopherol, beta-carotene, magnesium, selenium, zinc.

So, we remove stretch marks with almond oil:

  • fresh Strya helps a mixture of orange or geranium ether of the concentrate under consideration. The course of treatment lasts 30 days;
  • the forged stretch marks are not so well amenable to therapy - they will have to be smeared with an oil product for at least six months. Treatment is recommended to supplement sports, massage and a diet with a high content of vitamins.

Almond oil can be an ideal tool in the prevention of Striy. It is better to start using the first trimester of pregnancy, causing 2-3 times a week.

Helps vegetable agent and against stretch marks formed after delivery as a result of weight loss. The natural product is completely harmless to the mother and the child, it can be used without fear of using the entire period of lactation, preferably in its pure form.

Council. Masking ugly stripes on the stomach and hips will help a mixture of almond oil with carrot juice. The composition will give the skin a pleasant shade and hobs a little stretching.

Almond oil for sunburn

Good moisturizing and regenerating properties of the plant product make it possible to use it after tanning. The remedy quickly soothes the burnt and inflamed skin, removes redness, restores the water balance.

No less often, almond oil is used to obtain a smooth and beautiful shade of bronze. The protective properties of the concentrate allow you to burn in the sun without the risk of burning and lose a few days to heal burns.

Council. Apply oil on the skin is better in 1-1.5 hours before a hike to the beach. The fatty product requires time for full absorption and manifest itself as Sanskrina.

In addition to leveling harm from the effects of sun rays, sweet almond protects the skin from the influence of salted seawater, warns the tears and irritation of the fabrics.

Almond oil in cosmetology

What is the vegetable agent in cosmetology? Almonds, rich in active substances, restores the pH balance of the skin, moisturizes and tones, struggles with excessive salo-waste and acne. Therefore, the oil is suitable for all skin types and any age.

The beneficial properties of the natural product make it possible to use it for purification, regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues, as well as as a rejuvenating and toning. More interesting about the use of almond face for face.

Liquid containing a huge amount of fatty acids is very useful for dry, lifeless hair. The vegetable remedy feeds the roots and stimulates the growth of curls, eliminates the dandruff, eliminates the irritation of the scalp. Concentrate is especially useful for strands that are exposed to frequent color or traumatic laying. On the right use of almond hair for hair, read in.

Thanks to the saturated composition, the vegetable agent is a component of many leaving products. In cosmetics, it is used to enrich anti-aging creams, tonic and hair masks and face.

Attention. For applying the skin in pure form, only sweet almond oil is suitable. The bitter contains blue acid, so it is usually used as a perfume component or added to the base drop.

Where to buy almond oil and reviews

Natural product is an inexpensive, safe and effective body for skin care. Judging by the reviews, for most women, it is the most versatile and affordable oil, besides, it really helps to cope with many problems.

Where can I buy such a remarkable tool and how much does it cost? You can purchase a natural product of my almond nuclei at the pharmacy, but it is better to order on the Aiherb website. In this case, you are guaranteed to get excellent quality for the minimum price.

Popularly popular with buyers enjoys organic almond oil from NOW Foods in a plastic bottle with a volume of 473 ml. It is food quality, as indicated on the label, so it can be used without fear for applying to the body and face. The remedy does not cause allergies and irritation, quickly absorbed and softens the skin.

A huge advantage of NOW Foods oil is its ease - the product is perfectly washed off from the hair even by the distinct shampoo, does not block the pores and does not leave the sticky film. Ideal for moisturizing and softening the dermis. As a result of regular use, the skin becomes smooth and shining, wrinkles and folds smoothed. Used as a soft massage agent.

Almond oil uses rabid demand in the cosmetic industry, and in aromatherapy it occupies a leading position. This is a stunning remedy with excellent softening properties is indispensable in care for any skin type. With systematic use, almond oil returns elasticity and elasticity, suspends the natural skin aging processes, forming a protective barrier from the negative effects of ultraviolet and other external factors.

Useful properties of almond oil

Let's start with the fact that almond oil is called oil, which is produced by cold spin from the core of the bone of sweet and bitter almond. The main appointment of the almond oil has been considered to be the restoration of the skin, not only in adults, but also in infants.

Almond oil, transparent and light by texture, with barely noticeable sweet odor, is a universal cosmetic means as suitable for any type of skin and perfectly absorbed. Well, due to the high content of oleic and linoleic acids, as well as useful protein substances, sugars and minerals, almond oil is used as a basis for various cosmetic and therapeutic ointments, as well as a solvent for drugs.

The useful properties of almond oil include:

☀ Ability to remove irritation, inflammation and dry skin;

☀ Moisturizing, nutrition and stimulation of hair growth;

☀ The ability to dissolve in any cosmetic agent, thereby enriching it with useful vitamins;

☀ The ability to prevent early skin aging due to the high content of vitamins A and E;

☀ Treatment of problem skin;

☀ Use oil for therapeutic massage, as well as to combat cellulite and stretching.

Moreover, the almond oil is perfectly combined with essential oils, which allows you to carefully care for the skin of the face and body, as well as to give health and glitter to our hair.

Almond face oil: testimony

To make almond skin for the skin of the face, it turned out to be destructive and justified all your aspirations and hopes, try to stick to readings for use:

  • dry skin will be softer
  • tired skin with the smallest loss suffers stress
  • faster will be healing damaged tissues
  • acne and acne rash will no longer disturb
  • relief faded and wrinkled skin will be significantly smaller thanks to the rapid smoothing of wrinkles

Whatever you use in your home cosmetology (lotions, creams, compresses, scrubs or masks with almond oil), always remember these testimony. Only in this case can you enjoy the excellent effect of this unique natural product on the skin.

Best Mask Recipes

Hot oil mask

On a cotton napkin, moistened with hot water and pressed, apply 20-25 ml of almond oil, impose on a face and neck for 20-30 minutes, covering the towel above.

To preserve the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to carry out such procedures 1-2 times a month.

Such a mask is especially shown in age-related skin changes to reduce the negative effects of exposure to artificial cosmetics.

Mask almond with yolk

Sweet almond kernels crush in a coffee grinder or rub in a porcelain mortar. To 1 teaspoon of a broken almond add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or sour cream and 1 teaspoon of yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on face and neck for 20-30 minutes.

Nourishing mask

The flesh of the watermelon, an apple or grapes is rubbed with one tablespoon of cottage cheese, a gram of 10 almond oil is added to the mixture. The finished mixture is washed off with warm water after 20 minutes after applying. The mask is used to power and moisturize dry skin.

Cosmetic mask for normal, dry, mature skin

For the preparation of this mask 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder should be dissolved with a small amount of warm milk before receiving homogeneous thick mass. After that, 1 teaspoon of honey is dissolved in the mask and 2 tablespoons of almond oil are added to it. Stirred to homogeneous consistency, mask are applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Washed warm water. The prepared mask feeds intensively, improves the complexion of the face, increases the skin tone.

Almond oil to reduce dark circles under the eyes

The use of almond oil will help struggle with dark circles under the eyes, if they appeared as a result of a long fatigue and lack of full sleep.

  • Moisten the gauze or cotton disk by almond oil.
  • Apply oil on the skin of the eyelid.
  • Finger tips neatly massage the skin.
  • Give oil to drink into the skin, while the skin under the eyes should be a little wet, do not wipe it.

Make rubbing, applying almond oil, every evening before bedtime, for two weeks to one month and you will feel the difference.

Daily applying almond oil on the skin of the eyelid before bedtime, and lightweight massation, make the skin condition much better. Massing can help in increasing blood circulation, which will allow the skin to look fresh. This simple way will allow not only to reduce the ethnicity, but also will return the skin under the eyes healthy and natural color.

Facial massage

Almond facial massage oil is just the perfect option. Just clean your face and make a massage with almond oil. If you make such a massage before bedtime, its benefits will be even more tangible, as the oil will remain on the skin for the whole night. In addition, massage with almond oil is perfectly relaxing. Before the start of massage, the person can be treated, which will also be only a plus for you.

The almond feeds dry skin, smoothes it and removes pollution and dead cells. The complexion is improved, dark circles decrease under the eyes, and the texture of the skin is restored. For a variety you can choose a sweet almond oil. It is widely used in aromatherapy and especially if you have sensitive skin.

Is such a large number of useful properties do not deserve so that you use almond oil for your skin as often?

Almond oil is widely used in cosmetology. The benefits of the product is due to its rich composition. Oil is rich in useful substances and microelements. It contains iron and phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, organic acids. The almond product is rich in vitamins A, B, E and F. The oil has numerous useful properties, which allows it to be used to eliminate and prevent various skin problems.

The use of almond oil for leather

In most cases, sweet almond kernels are used to obtain an oil product. The abundance of healing properties makes it effective to use almond body for body and for face for the following purposes:

  • Removing inflammation. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, the oil product contributes to the elimination of irritation and swelling of the skin.
  • W. moisture and nutrition. Thanks to the moisturizing property, the tool helps to eliminate excessive drying of the skin - moisturize and soften it.
  • Rejuvenation of the face . The use of oil product due to the rejuvenating effect helps to smooth out minor wrinkles, and large to make less deep, contributes to the elimination of pigment stains and dark circles under the eyes, gives the skin elasticity, aligns its structures and color by improving subcutaneous blood circulation.
  • Removal Makeup . Oil is used as a means for removing cosmetics and deep pore cleansing.
  • Healing . Because of its regenerating properties, the tool accelerates the process of tightening various skin damage - small wounds, cracks, scars and burns.
  • Protection of the skin of the face and hands from the harmful effects of external factoroin. Application of a cosmetic agent before reaching fresh air will save the skin from the negative effect of sun rays, wind and frost.
  • Elimination of stretch marks . Little almonds due to the presence of a large amount of organic acids helps tighten the skin and get rid of stretch marks and cellulite.

One of the most important advantages of the oil product is that it is suitable for any type of skin.

Means with almond oil, indications for use

To use almond oil brings only benefits, it is important to adhere to the preparation of funds based on it:




Masks for face

From deep wrinkles

  1. 1. In half a cup of warm milk, dilute cocoa powder and almond oil (1 tablespoon), add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  2. 2. mix thoroughly

The resulting composition is applied to face and eyelids for 20 minutes. Its regular use will contribute to the smoothing of deep wrinkles.

From small wrinkles

  1. 1. Grind 1 medium apple with a grater or meat grinder.
  2. 2. The resulting apple mass is mixed with a fatty sour cream and almond oil product (2 tbsp.)

From acne scope

It is necessary to prepare a chamomile or mint infusion:

  1. 1. 2 tablespoons of dry flowers of pharmaceutical chamomile or peppermint leaves brew boiling water, then the liquid is insteaded under the lid for 20 minutes and strain.
  2. 2. To the obtained infusion, add 1 tablespoon of almond oil

A ready-made healing solution should be wiped with distressed places twice a day - in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before bedtime. You can freeze herbal liquid in ice cubes and process them face. Daily use of such a means will help clean the skin from acne and prevent them again

From dark circles under the eyes

Connect the oil tool with honey (1-2 teaspoons)

The resulting composition is applied to the skin around the eyes. The tool is withstanding 10 minutes. Procedure every night before bedtime will help to return the skin of a healthy color

From acne

In equal amounts, mix oil and honey (1 tablespoon), then add 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil to mass

Mixture apply to problem skin for 20 minutes

From oily shine

  1. 1. It is required to boil potatoes in the uniform (1 pc.).
  2. 2. Then clean and rub on the grater.
  3. 3. Add egg protein to the resulting potato mass (1 pc.), Oil almond product and alcohol tincture of the Hypericum (1 tablespoon)

The resulting composition is applied to problem areas and keep for a quarter of an hour. The use of the mixture normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Nourishing mask

  1. 1. Clear 1 kiwi fruit and grind it with a fork.
  2. 2. To the resulting mass add 3 crushed strawberry berries, almond oil and cottage cheese (1 tablespoon). In this recipe, Kiwi can be replaced with grapes, watermelon or apple

Means to apply on the face for 20 minutes.

The use of such a mask will contribute to the saturation of the skin of the face with vitamins, which will extend its youth and warn various skin problems.

Cleansing mask

  1. 1. Connect the oat leap with warm water (1 tablespoon).
  2. 2. After the mass is sweeping, add an oil product from almonds and juice of fresh lemon (1 teaspoon)

Apply the mixture to apply the skin of the face. To withstand at least 15 minutes. Regular use of the tool will help clean the skin pores, which will prevent its inflammation.

Moisturizing mask

  1. 1. Grind with a fork 1 ripe banana.
  2. 2. In a banana mass Add 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of almond oil

The composition is applied to the face by a quarter of an hour. Its application will protect his face from drying out and will warp

Tools for body

Hand Moisturize Mixture

Mix in equal almond and lavender oil ratio

The composition is applied on the washed hands by massaging movements. The procedure is performed before bedtime so that the means affects the skin all night. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to put on your hands after applying oils of cotton fabric gloves.

Oil mixture perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminating peeling and warning her dryness in the future. The same tool can be used to moisturize the skin of the legs.

Oil composition for skin elasticity

To prepare a mix of almonds of almond oil with a 1 teaspoon of soul oil essential oil, lavender or bergamot

  1. 1. Oil composition is required to apply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and hips, rubbing it into the skin by massaging movements.
  2. 2. Then the processed areas are wrapped with a food film.
  3. 3. After 1 hour, the remnants of the means are removed with a soft paper napkin.

Prepare masks at home is required every day fresh, the optimal option is immediately before use.

To remove makeup, almond oil is applied to cottonies and wipe the eyelids and eyelashes, avoiding getting into the eyes.

Before using any of the compositions, you need to make sure that there is no allergies to its components. To do this, apply a small amount of the finished mixture on the wrist and wait 20-30 minutes. If, after this period of time, the rashes on the skin, itching, inflammation and swelling does not follow, then the tool can be applied by appointment.

To get rid of bags under the eyes, you can mix the almond and sandalwood oil in the ratio of 10: 1, rub the resulting arraying movements into problem places before bedtime.


From using almond oil, it is highly recommended to refrain if there are following contraindications:

  • Allergies to almonds. The use of the product in the cosmetology of the product during individual intolerance is dangerous by the manifestation of the strongest allergic reaction in the form of abundant rashes on the skin with itching, inflammation and swelling. The use of allelery oil with allergies can provoke anaphylactic shock that without operational medical intervention is fraught with fatal outcome.
  • Pregnancy . During the baby tooling, all folk remedies, both internal and outdoor use, can only be used with permission of the observing physician.
  • Children's age up to 3 years . Apply almonds for skin care of newborn children can only be permitting the observer pediatrician. The doctor on the basis of inspection, based on the overall state of the child's health, will determine the safe duration of each procedure. Therapy without a specialist control can provoke an occurrence of even larger skin problems in the baby, cause an allergic reaction and lead to anaphylactic shock.