Is it possible for pregnant women to cut their hair. Beautiful hair while waiting for a baby

A huge number of questions and fears arise in a pregnant woman - the fear of harming the baby sometimes causes even the most uncomplicated actions. It may seem strange to some, but the question "Is it possible for pregnant women to cut their hair?" asked by many women waiting for the addition. This superstition among pregnant women is one of the most common. Let's try to figure out where this formulation of the question came from at all - to get a haircut or not to have a haircut during pregnancy.

Why can't you get a haircut during pregnancy? History of tradition

The belief that pregnant women should not cut their hair comes from the distant past, since the days of paganism. Not only in Russia, but also in many other cultures, it was believed that hair is the source of a person's life force, and it is undesirable to cut it not only for women in position, but for everyone else, and even for men. Recall, for example, the myth of Samson, who lost his power after the insidious Delilah deprived him of his hair.

According to ancient superstitions, hair retains our experience and knowledge, carries a certain energy, the quality and duration of life depends on them. It is not surprising that in the past there was no question of burning or throwing combed hairs in the wind - it was believed that they could fall into the wrong hands, and this could lead to damage. A haircut was undesirable for both women and men. For married people, only trimming the ends of the hair was allowed, and even then only on certain days, on the growing moon. And for pregnant women, who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for the child in the womb, haircuts were strictly prohibited.

Someone believes in the possibility of miscarriage or premature birth due to the "fault" of a pregnant woman's haircuts. And here lies the roots of the frightening expression: "To cut a pregnant woman's hair - to shorten the child's life." Until now, some hairdressers, barely seeing a woman with a tummy, declare: "I'm not going to take a sin on my soul."

Definitely ridiculous is the conviction of some that during a haircut, a pregnant woman “cuts off the child’s penis,” that is, in this case, a girl will certainly be born. As you can imagine, the gender of the child is genetically determined, and the hairdresser cannot influence him in any way.

An additional factor that influenced the formation of the ban on haircuts is the subconscious attitude to hair as protection from the cold. Now it seems a little ridiculous, but if you look into history - in the Stone Age, it was long hair that could save the life of a mother and a bearing baby, heating them in the cold season.

Surprising but true! In China, there is a completely opposite tradition associated with hair - as soon as she learns about the onset of pregnancy, a woman makes a very short haircut. And, judging by the number of Chinese, the haircuts of expectant mothers have no effect on the life and health of their children.

Is it possible to get a haircut during pregnancy from the point of view of Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church calls on believers: beware of superstitions! Superstition (vain faith) and true faith are not just far from each other, they are incompatible. And the ban on haircuts during pregnancy just refers to such prejudices.

According to doctors, is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy?

The opinion of doctors is unambiguous - you can cut your hair during pregnancy! This can in no way harm either the expectant mother or the baby being born. There is not a single study or statistics to support popular belief.

Many pregnant women notice that their hair has become thicker, fuller, less shedding - this is due to an increase in the level of estrogen in the body. The lifespan of the hair and the hair follicle increases. But after childbirth, the hair seems to "catch up", becoming brittle, falling out in huge quantities. In fact, there is simply a restoration of balance, and exactly those hairs that did not fall out during pregnancy fall out. And here it is the competent care, including the timely haircut, carried out during the "pregnant" times, will help your hair to cope with this stress.

A very important factor in the successful course of pregnancy is a woman's positive inner attitude. Each of us wants to be beautiful and enjoy our reflection in the mirror. A neat haircut, straight ends of hair and ease of combing and styling will make you a little happier, and this will certainly be passed on to your baby!

There are a lot of discussions on whether it is possible to get a haircut during pregnancy. I think this question has arisen before every expectant mother at least once. Let's try to figure out where this fear came from, to cut the hair of the expectant mother.

Cutting the hair of a pregnant woman: is it possible or not

Let's talk about signs and superstitions. What were our ancestors guided by when deciding whether it is possible for pregnant women to cut their hair? In ancient times, there was a popular omen, following which, it was impossible under any pretext. The thing is that our distant ancestors saved themselves from the cold with the help of their hair, so they thought that there was life force in the hair, thus cutting a haircut, we shorten our life, lose strength, energy and even prosperity. Moreover, they believed, this should not be done during pregnancy, the body is already subject to all sorts of tests. They probably remembered one of the heroes of the Old Testament, Samson, whose wife had cut his hair, and he lost his mighty powers. But, of course, no one can scientifically substantiate this version.

Objective reasoning

  • What do they think today? What is the opinion of the doctors? Can I cut my hair during pregnancy? Hairdressers and doctors professionally convince us that it is possible to have a haircut during pregnancy. We are all modern educated people and should not rely on superstition. There is the experience and scientific explanations of professionals. One of my acquaintances in the first half of pregnancy, when the belly is not yet visible, cut the ends of her hair in a hairdresser. Later, two months later, she went again, her hairdresser was not there, and the other refused to cut her hair, convincing her friend that it was impossible to cut her hair during pregnancy and that this could harm the baby. She did not explain exactly how and what in the process of cutting hair can harm a child. My friend had to go to another hairdresser. Still, during pregnancy, you want to look especially beautiful! We were amazed at these ancient speculations. And yet, we believe that it is possible and necessary to get a haircut for pregnant women.
  • And if we turn to the Orthodox Church, then it will give an unambiguous answer: do not believe superstitions!
  • Naturally, expectant mothers are still tormented by this issue. But let's think logically. During pregnancy, most women try to eat right and on time, drink vitamins heavily, at different periods of pregnancy, they lean on different groups of foods that a child needs at different times of its formation. Accordingly, the balance of substances in the body is improving, including the content of calcium and zinc, which are important for hair growth and maintenance of healthy hair. Hormones are produced that make hair shine and thicker. Hair begins to grow faster. According to experts, the amount of hair increases by 60% during pregnancy. They grow healthy, so they need to be cut more often so that they are more well-groomed and beautiful. Long hair, like short hair, needs care during pregnancy too. For long and semi-long hair, it is imperative to flatten the ends once a month, and for short hair - once every one to two months - a haircut. The more often you go to the hairdresser, the more beautiful and well-groomed your hair, especially during pregnancy.
  • Modern medicine, when asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to cut their hair, will say unequivocally: yes. Expectant mothers can have their hair cut during pregnancy, this does not threaten the baby, moreover, it does not take away energy and vitality. A new hairstyle gives us new positive emotions and joy, and this will definitely only have the best effect on the unborn child.

We conclude: it is possible and necessary to have a haircut during pregnancy. Please yourself and those around you with your appearance and your baby will feel good and comfortable from your mood.

By the way, it should be added that after childbirth it often happens that hair begins to fall out intensively due to stress, breastfeeding and other reasons. So if you cut your hair during pregnancy, it will help your hair to survive the future crisis, i.e. will reduce the stress on the hair. And this is another answer "yes" to the question of whether pregnant women can get their hair cut.

One of the questions that expectant mothers ask themselves is the following - is it possible to have a haircut during pregnancy? At the same time, caring for the baby's future health wins the arguments of common sense, forcing them to listen to folk signs and beliefs. A haircut itself has no medical contraindications and obviously cannot harm a child, but we still remember the advice of our grandmothers and are afraid to cut our hair.

Why can't you get a haircut during pregnancy?

It is believed that the haircut shortens the life of a future baby(you cut your hair - you cut your life), and also increases the risk of premature birth (as if shortening the period of pregnancy).

Popular beliefs associate hair with human vitality. They cannot be thrown into the trash, blown down the wind, they must be burned after a haircut so that vitality is not wasted, they must be cut on certain days, and so on.

In past centuries, it was believed that Pregnant women need strength doubly in order to protect themselves and the baby. Therefore, cutting hair was strongly discouraged.

Scientific evidence

Doctors say that a haircut during pregnancy cannot in any way affect the health and development of your child... Moreover, due to the increasing content of the hormone estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman, the hair becomes stronger and thicker, so that it is even necessary to cut them. Especially haircuts are indicated after childbirth, when the hair becomes brittle and can interfere with caring for the baby.

A neat haircut is practical at home, it is more convenient to care for it than long hair, and besides, it is a great opportunity to change your image.

Haircut during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

All of the above allows us to do the following conclusions:

  • a haircut during pregnancy has no medical contraindications and is allowed for any period. Unless we are talking about hair coloring - it is;
  • the main is the psychological factor and the change in the hormonal background of the expectant mother, her excessive suspiciousness, therefore it is better to rely on your own beliefs about hair shortening;
  • short haircuts have many advantages for lack of time when caring for a small child who, moreover, will periodically test the hairstyle for strength.

If you still cannot decide to get a haircut, you should stop at cutting bangs - this small procedure cannot be dangerous from the point of view of folk signs.

In the case when long hair bothers you, and you are still afraid to cut them, various ones will come to the rescue as an alternative to the usual "ponytail": they can be braided, pinned, lifted up.

- the best and fastest ways

Pregnancy is a common cause of hair loss. How to deal with this, read

Are others at risk of cutting their hair during pregnancy?

Our grandmother told folk beliefs in our family, so I know them very well from childhood. When I was pregnant with my first child, I didn’t even cut my bangs, fearing the consequences. During the second pregnancy, looking at the experience of friends who had already given birth, she cut both the bangs and the ends of the hair, but still did not dare to sharply shorten the hairstyle! Marina, 32 years old

Every woman wants to always be beautiful and have well-groomed hair, including during pregnancy. But expectant mothers often have to deal with many of the prohibitions and prejudices associated with pregnancy.

That is why women often wonder if their hair can be cut during this period. Despite the lack of an exact answer to this question, many popular beliefs and superstitions strictly forbid pregnant women to do this. Now we will try to figure out whether this is really so, and also share the secrets of proper hair care during pregnancy.

According to popular beliefs, pregnant women are strictly prohibited from cutting their hair in Russia. But in China, for example, a woman, upon learning about pregnancy, has a short haircut and does not think at all that she can harm the child in any way.

Why you can't cut your hair for pregnant women

What are the main reasons for the ban on haircuts during pregnancy?

  • There is a breakdown in communication with higher powers that protect the mother and the unborn baby.
  • The energy is destroyed, and the mother, as it were, shortens the life span of the child.
  • There is a likelihood of a difficult or premature birth, or even a miscarriage.
  • Women's beauty and honor "suffer".

The first two reasons are similar to each other, however, they have certain differences in justification. The ancients believed that the connection between man and higher powers was carried out through the hair. / p>

That is why, when a person cut them, the algorithm was violated, which could lead to negative consequences for the child. As for the destructive effect of hair cutting on a person's energy, then this could still be read in biblical parables.

It was believed that from the very beginning of life, hair accumulates information about a person, and also gives him strength. That is why the most significant events in the life of an ancient Russian person were accompanied by certain manipulations with hair: at baptism, the hair was rolled up in wax, married and unmarried women wore certain hairstyles, etc. If you follow this tradition, then with each haircut, the expectant mother takes strength, energy and health from her baby.

The latter claim continues in yet another superstition that a pregnant woman, by cutting her hair, shortens the life of an infant. This omen has a rational rationale: long hair at the cave stage of human development protected people from the cold and helped to survive in harsh climatic conditions. That is why the health and survival of the unborn child depended directly on the thickness of the mother's hairline.

Another reason for the ban on haircuts during pregnancy was that a woman's braid, and just long beautiful hair in Russia, was considered a symbol of beauty, femininity and female honor, but a haircut destroyed all this splendor. / p>

A woman in Russia, in principle, did not cut her hair short (with the exception of special cases - epidemics of diseases, for example). Previously, instead of the usual styles and haircuts today, the hair was only slightly trimmed, and even then only on the growing moon.

By the way, not a single sign has a rational explanation for the prohibitions on hair cutting during pregnancy. If you listen to the opinion of doctors who are responsible for the health of mothers and children, as well as hairdressers-stylists who are responsible for the appearance of a pregnant woman, then if you want to cut your hair is not only possible, but even necessary. Moreover, both of them give many reasons in favor of haircuts during pregnancy.

  1. A well-groomed appearance and high spirits of a pregnant woman also means that the child feels great (it has long been proven that the baby is sensitive to the emotional state of his mother).
  2. Healthy hair is important not only during pregnancy, but also after pregnancy, so it needs to be given the necessary care, including a regular haircut.
  3. It is recommended to have a haircut during pregnancy, because after giving birth, the mother may not have time to visit the salon for a month or even more.

Mom's opinion

It is also worth taking into account the opinion of women who have safely survived pregnancy and are happy mothers: if you want something during pregnancy, then you need to eat it (if you want some product) or do it (this applies, first of all, to caring for by yourself). Indeed, during pregnancy, a woman should be as happy and calm as possible, and all this is for the good of the baby.

Well, bearing a baby is already often overshadowed by some unpleasant little things like toxicosis, tired legs, back, etc., so a good haircut will cheer up a woman in the best way possible and add positive emotions, helping to stay beautiful and well-groomed also after the birth of a baby. ... By the way, many women recommend especially impressionable young ladies to refrain from reading or listening to all sorts of signs, for their own good.

Hair care during pregnancy

We have already dealt with hair cutting during pregnancy, but now let's talk about caring for them during this period.

Scientists have not yet unequivocally proven the harm of dyeing hair during pregnancy, but, of course, you should not dye, color or highlight every week. You just need to warn the master about your situation so that he picks up the most gentle remedy for you, of which there are many today.

A haircut is recommended at 5-6 months of pregnancy. First of all, because in the 3rd trimester, a woman is usually closely involved in preparing for the birth of a child. In addition, after giving birth, your hairstyle will delight you for some time, because then you will not have time at all to visit the hairdresser.

  • use weekly masks for hair and nourishment of their roots;
  • use tint balms or shampoos for hair dyeing;
  • choose the right shampoo and conditioner balm that is suitable during this period, because during pregnancy your usual shampoo may no longer suit you;
  • avoid alcohol-based styling products.

Scientists have shown that under the influence of hormones during pregnancy, the so-called "dormant" hair follicles awaken, which in humans accounts for about 5-10 percent of the total amount of hair. Thanks to this, the condition of the hair of the expectant mother improves for a certain period, there are more of them, they shine, etc. / p>

But after childbirth, everything returns to its previous state, under the influence of all the same hormones. Therefore, if you do not take care of your hair during pregnancy, there is a risk of getting split ends, falling hair and their dull color in about 3-4 months after giving birth.

All human history is full of various legends, tales, superstitions and omens. Many of them are somehow related to hair. At different times, different peoples' attitude to hair was respectful, because "vlas" (hair) is consonant with the word "power". It is not for nothing that since ancient times it was customary to trim soldiers, slaves and monks, thereby emphasizing their social status and subordination. Previously, it was believed that the life force of a person is contained in the hair - they protect, accumulate experience and knowledge and store this information. Nowadays, hair is more an aesthetic characteristic of a person than any other.

To cut or not cut your hair?

A very popular superstition that pregnant women cannot get their hair cut. When asked why? not everyone can even give an intelligible answer. So what is this superstition about?

information This sign is rooted in those distant times when girls (and even men) did not cut their hair at all, believing that they contained the spiritual strength of a person, and cutting hair meant losing protection and exposing themselves to dangers and diseases. In the future, this superstition was supplemented by the prohibition that pregnant women should not cut their hair, allegedly this could lead to the death of the child or its premature appearance.

Another version says that by cutting hair during pregnancy, we thereby "shorten the life of the child", and also expose him to the fact that he can be born with a "short mind." But medicine and modern science sees no connection in any of these options.

As a contradiction to our Slavic superstitions, I would like to cite as an example an Eastern omen, according to which a Chinese girl, upon learning that she is expecting a child, cuts her hair short. As can be seen from the number of people in China, a haircut and a pregnant woman are compatible concepts.

All these superstitions last more than one century. Passing from mouth to mouth, they have undergone a lot of transformations, and apart from ancient prejudices they carry no information.

Is the result for or against?

In the modern world, a woman is an integral part of society. Beautiful and well-groomed, it evokes enthusiastic looks and a lot of positive emotions. And a beautiful pregnant woman is doubly eye-catching! It was during this period of her life that she wants to be and look better than ever before.

Previously, a woman was always at home, maintaining comfort in it and raising children. Now she has to constantly keep herself in order - this has become a necessity, since she is always in the spotlight. Suppose that, having become pregnant, the woman already had long hair, then of course a trip to the hairdresser can be postponed for an indefinite period of time. But if she has a short haircut? Then banning a visit to the hairdresser for 9 months can become a huge problem and lead to.

additionally And women who carry a baby under their hearts need positive emotions more than ever! A haircut or a new hairstyle is the best easy way to please yourself. In fact, there is no evidence whatsoever about the connection between haircuts and preterm labor.

From a medical point of view: you can cut your hair for pregnant women, and these actions do not carry any harm to the health of the baby and the expectant mother!

Of course, during pregnancy we become more suspicious, gullible and impressionable. Of course, if you are a supporter of all popular beliefs and firmly believe in their correctness, then it is better to refuse a haircut. After all, then your psychological disposition for an unfavorable outcome will necessarily affect the course of the pregnancy. Well, if you do not believe in all these prejudices, then go for it!

More superstitions related to hair

  • In the old days, women only wore long hair and never walked with their hair loose, as this was considered a sign of devilry.
  • Unmarried girls braided one braid, which symbolized their loneliness, and after marriage, two braids, thereby telling everyone that she was no longer alone.
  • It was also believed that long hair protected from the evil eye. For example, if an angry and envious person, standing behind, tried to send a conspiracy, then long hair was a kind of shield absorbing all the negative energy, which could be easily got rid of by washing your head.
  • The longer the hair, the more accumulated experience and information about a person they carry. In addition, they are, as it were, a conductor between man and space, cutting them off, thereby we lose this connection.
  • However, it is believed that after a serious illness or in the hair, negative energy accumulates, formed due to an overabundance of the hormone, in order to get rid of it, you need to cut your hair. No wonder they say that when you want to change something in life, you need to change your hairstyle. Do not forget that “hair is not hands, it will grow back,” which means that communication will be restored and information will accumulate.

Finally, I would like to say: do not believe in stupid superstitions - and everything will definitely be fine!