Congratulations to officials on their birthday. Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman in official prose

However, as life shows, this is far from the case. And in practice, we often have to deal with a situation where all other, except for official, forms of congratulations are simply inappropriate. An example is the case when you need to congratulate your official business partners on a holiday or birthday. Of course, if you have known each other for many years, such a congratulation can be drawn up in a fairly free form. And if not? In this case, any familiarity will be completely superfluous, and in order to exclude the occurrence of delicate situations, it is worth making congratulations strictly in accordance with the official ritual and traditions adopted in this area. Simply put, congratulations on your birthday are officially the only possible option. And to make sure that it is compiled in this way is absolutely necessary.

We wish you happiness and good
We wish you a full life
We wish you joy in the morning
Until late at night.

We wish you to do everything in life,
And not getting old, but getting younger.
Health, vigor to maintain,
And live for many, many years.

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,

Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

Congratulations on your birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
With a smile, good mood
Continue your path through life.

May your every ordinary day
Will turn into a wonderful holiday
And never sadness shadow
It won't reflect in your eyes.

We wish you only success in life,
Fewer tears, more laughter
The path of life is longer
And a lot of joy on it.

I congratulate you on your birthday!
On my own behalf and on behalf of the company, I would like to wish you good health,
success, prosperity and achievement of all goals,
so that impassable obstacles never arise on your life path,
May good luck always and everywhere accompany you and a clear sky shine over your head!

Sometimes our congratulations are not able
On special, joyful days
Reveal the full depth of that meaning,
which they must bear.
But let there always be light in your life
In the circle of relatives, in the circle of great friends.
Let many times a smile of happiness splash
The same light of the same good days.

May your life become fuller
And every day you be wiser
Let youth not wither for a long time,
And life is more fun.

Let there be joy and fun
After all, this is what we live for
And we say
Happy Birthday!
Happy and bright day!

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And an eternally young soul.

Please accept our congratulations,
Part of our warmth.
We wish you good health
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

Entries 1 - 20 from 109

Colleague charming,
Insanely attractive
And very hardworking
In place of not sitting
We send a bunch of congratulations
And the occasion is a birthday.
And you need to live, shining,
Excited to love, dreaming.
Be loud, creative,
Still active.
May happiness be eternal
And the joy is endless!

I want to get up to work with a smile,
To start work with inspiration, with a desire
And to be with the boss forever in high esteem,
And the days end on a happy note.

Always be beautiful, cheerful, perky,
Deal with any business promptly.
Achieve all goals, plans,
Be successful, wise, chic, desirable!

And at home to bathe in boundless love,
Always be in a great mood.
Let the guardian angel give you guardianship!
Wonders unearthly and good to you, colleague!

Happy Birthday
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Lots of happiness and health
Peace, money and love!

So that health is normal.
Beauty and kindness.
So that there is joy in the house,
So that all dreams come true!

happy Birthday
And we want to wish you
Women's happiness, patience,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged.

inspiration, enthusiasm,
Easy working days,
Let your career go uphill
Big bonuses and salaries.

Don't let the years scare you
Let the light not fade in the heart,
We appreciate you, respect!
Long and happy years!

Peace, joy, warmth,
Happiness, light and goodness,
Long years, happy days
Eye of shining lights.

Friendship devoted and strong,
And in the work, the grip is tenacious.
May you always be lucky in business
Six-figure bank account.

Be beautiful day and night
And good luck in love.
Let dreams come true
Everything will be as you want.

It only remains to add:
Leave all sadness
In a life of true success,
Happy birthday, colleague!

We wish to live and prosper,
Fly on the wings of joy.
Anything you want to do,
Soul rejoice and sing.

Shine a smiling face
In work, always be a specialist,
New ideas to give birth,
Shine with mind and appearance.

In love, do not give up positions
And charm everyone around.
Accept, slowing down the run of life,
All congratulations from colleagues!

A wonderful colleague, charm itself,
Today we give our confession to you alone:
More fervent, fresher and more beautiful not to be found,
You are a soulful person. We want to bloom.
Resolutely and boldly always go forward,
And in the plans we will designate a career take-off for you.
Always be healthy and very young,
We want to hug you on your birthday.
Have a beautiful life and sincere love!
Do not dare to be shy and cleverly catch your luck.
Know how to be the brightest. And live brighter than all!

Meeting your birthday
Smile gently with happiness.
Let sorrows be forgotten
So that dreams come true easily.

Enough money for everything.
Peace, joy, love!
So that you catch luck
Just live positively.

Congratulations! Be healthy,
Let love live in the soul.
And let again and again
The heart sings joyfully.

We congratulate you today
We are sincerely happy for you
And on your birthday we wish
So that the supply does not run out.

So that beauty does not fade,
Health did not fail
To always have enough
Satisfied to be yourself.

So that happiness with tender care
Surrounded you forever
And so that love was without a quota
For very long years.

Congratulations to our team
The one that does not require awards,
All day in labor, like a bee,
Not resting at all.

And congratulations on your birthday,
From all we wish you
Income, joy, success,
And in the house - warmth and laughter.

Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you all the best.
Let your career grow up
And let luck come.

Lots and lots of happiness
And health and love.
Let the bad weather pass by
Let dreams come true!

Let this day play loudly
Gives the keys to happiness
And the heart of anxiety does not know
Lucky rays shine.

We wish you prosperity in the house,
Comfort, kindness, warmth.
Let your life be smooth
Your dreams will come true!

We work as one team.
We all confess to the birthday girl that
What better colleagues we all can not find,
So let them wait for you good luck on the way!

We want to congratulate and wish you well,
So that in life you don’t get bored for a single day,
So that every morning a bouquet is waiting for you,
Happy to have you for many years.

In a career - success, big salary,
Be loved and love with all your heart.
To be a classy woman - such as now.
Accept congratulations from all of us!

Working together brings us closer
You will find the truth in that.
We have more time sometimes
We go to work.

We warmly congratulate you
And we wish you a lot:
Love, work and more
You live easily and long.

Celebrate the holiday "one hundred percent",
Be full of positivity.
And in this difficult life
Hold on to the team!

Good clients, career growth,
Higher pay but less hassle.
Issues are resolved quickly and easily.
Good luck pursues from year to year.

I wish you a vacation on the warm sea,
Where palm trees and cicadas sing at night.
There are more wonderful stories in life.
And let there be peace and comfort at home.

May your birthday be bright
Let gifts bring joy
Let the flowers shine with beauty:
Today everything is for you.

Let the authorities believe in you
Let all colleagues appreciate you.
Let the salary be decent
The family loves you very much.

Let work inspire
Let the family help in everything.
Let health not fail
And troubles all bypass you!

It's your birthday today!
We congratulate the team from the bottom of our hearts.
A wonderful, kind woman
We are glad to have you by our side!

We sincerely, sincerely wish you all
Huge, pure, fiery love!
Always to have happiness next to you,
May every moment be wonderful for you!

Always have a dream and strive for it,
To be surrounded only by good friends.
Always fly, flutter like a bird
And hear the trill of the nightingale in the heart!

Happy Birthday! I wish to be loved, desired, irresistible, dizzying! Health, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of the most secret desires, women's joys, life's sweets, wonderful moments and endless happiness!

Dear colleague, I congratulate you on your birthday! May your career bring you joy. let there be enthusiasm in the work. I wish you creative success, unprecedented ideas, great optimism and self-confidence. May you never run out of strength.

Happy birthday to my colleague. I wish you to be an extraordinary woman. I wish that the heart was always filled with warmth and light. May you always be calm. So that no troubles and frosts touch your heart.

With the most successful, happy, cool birthday today, I congratulate my best colleague from the bottom of my heart. May fate favorably resolve all questions and problems. May there never be conflicts in your life and career. May your path be smooth, straight and easy!

Happy birthday! The warmest and most tender congratulations on this special day! Wishes for good, happiness and harmony in everything. May health, good luck in business, prosperity and family well-being accompany you on your life path. Smiles to you!

You can’t get away from anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, the cordiality of the particle.

We want to wish you now
Good health and good luck,
Joy and devoted friends,
Let the work argue in addition.

Your Anniversary is quite a bit,
But the years have not been spent in vain.
Great road traveled
Big things are done.
May life always be like this:
So that the years go by, and you do not count them,
Never grow old in soul
And they would never sigh bitterly.

Long life and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday
Cherished dreams come true.

We wish you bright and joyful days,
Success, health, reliable friends,
Always love and be happy
And may you never grow old!

Happy Birthday! I wish good health, joy, fun, prosperity and good health to you and all your relatives and friends. And also many smiles, confidence in the future, success and huge, immense, daily and high-quality female happiness!

Madame, dearest Diana,
Love, you opened the magic for me!
Everything about you is flawless! You have no flaws!
You are an angel! Perfection! Deity!

I am fascinated by you from the first meeting,
Which, I think, was the will of God.
At the request of a friend, I drove you that evening,
That request could become fateful.

Than you, there is no more beautiful girl in the world!
So wonderful is your appearance, so flexible is your camp,
So gentle is the voice, the look of the eyes is so clear,
It's hard to stop thinking about you!

You may be at a loss at this moment,
And think, perhaps: "Why
I did not ask for hands this summer,
Hiding the secret of your heart?

I confess to you, as in spirit, Diana:
Admiring the sea surface with you,
I reproached myself more than once that the most important
I could not, timidly, I could say a word to you!

Dear, I congratulate you on your holiday! Today is your day and all the best wishes for you today! I wish you to remain as beautiful, feminine, sweet and beautiful! I wish you to drown in love, respect and admiration. Good health, patience, strength! Be truly happy!

Of course, if you have a fairly close relationship or have known each other for many years, the text can be drawn up in a fairly free form. And if not, it is better to avoid familiarity and, in order to avoid delicate situations, congratulate in full accordance with business etiquette.

Accept congratulations on this day, it is only yours,
We wish, without a doubt, that there is courage in life,
Always and let everything work out, but there are a lot of plans,
What is conceived - comes true, we wish you good luck, only her!
Let there be steel in the mood, the family pleases,
A smile - so in the morning. In general, - the mountain of joys!

Happy birthday to you,
We wish you with all our heart today
Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration,
And reaching high peaks.
So that always at work and at home
Things were in perfect order!
Happiness, good luck, success in everything,
Life stable in full abundance.

Like you - cheerful, smart, energetic,
Nice to admire, admire!
Let everything be perfect
Always, not only on this bright holiday!
Let life become even more beautiful and brighter,
Surprises more often surprises
Let wonderful gifts please
And everything that helps to be happy!

When the birthday comes
Everyone remembers - relatives, friends.
Colleagues in the bustle of excitement,
After all, we are a family in the profession!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best!
Let happiness, fluttering like a butterfly,
It flies to your palm in silence!

Dear colleague, dear woman, happy birthday! I wish you from the bottom of my heart to be the most mysterious and attractive, mysterious and unique, the most inexplicable and attractive for men. After all, men like those women who have some kind of mystery and zest.

Happy birthday! I wish you as many positive emotions as possible. To make plans come true and dreams come true. Women's and maternal happiness, to be loved, desired, priceless. Greedy glances of men, sweet kisses and the embodiment of the most secret desires.

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman! I wish you health and inspiration, love and attention, warmth and sunny mood, success in everything, vivid impressions and a rainbow of emotions! May there always be flowers and surprises, smiles and good events, happiness and joy, good luck and luck in your life!

Happy birthday to you!
May life smile positively at you
And what saddens in the end
Let profit, joy suddenly turn around!

Official birthday greetings will always come to the rescue when comic poems or ambiguous congratulatory phrases look ridiculous, and warm words and sincere expressions cannot find a response.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on this wonderful holiday! We sincerely wish that your aspirations and achievements, triumphs and successes are intertwined with good health, spiritual harmony, universal respect and recognition! Happy anniversary!

Millions of good wishes
Mom, please take it from us!
We wish you, dear, -
Joy, hope and dreams.
And on your anniversary birthday
We wish you with all our heart:
Be always healthy and beautiful,
Much happiness and love to you!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the founding of our organization! Let all the difficulties and problems that we had to face remain in the past, and the future will bring success and good luck to the team in all endeavors. We wish you and your loved ones health, prosperity, dreams come true.

Dear () I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of your company. I would like to wish your enterprise further prosperity and stability, and you and your colleagues good health, strength and perseverance in work for the benefit of the enterprise. Let all your plans bring you only a stable income.

Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary!
We want to congratulate you
To grief and bad weather
They flew past you.
To make all problems disappear
To make dreams come true
Happiness, joy, success
And kindness!

May this long-awaited Anniversary be -
One of the brightest days
Sincere smiles to you, warm words,
Beautiful congratulations and flowers.
Let the house of friends be full
Let bad weather pass him by,
We sincerely wish you
Big love, health, happiness.

You can’t get away from Anniversaries in life, they come as an inevitability. After all, the main thing is that you were able to carry the warmth and cordiality of your soul through the years. And your wonderful family, which you protect and care for, is proof of this. Let my sister wish you health, happiness and joy.

Our dear (). Let your wonderful human qualities and professionalism help you in your work and life. Always remain as cheerful, purposeful, creative, full of strength and energy. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

60 gold
60 labor
60 - your life has counted!
60 is a moment
60 is life
60 is just the beginning!

Our dear birthday girl. We hasten to congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish that fate send you a lot of vigor and strength, and may your years never become a burden to you, but only a bright and pleasant memory.

You are an accountant - just an ace,
What would we do without you!
You run our company
And we are always honored.
On an anniversary birthday
We wish you with all our heart:
Earthly blessings, love, luck,
To be young at heart.

Dear friends. We thank you for the love of art that you so skillfully pass on to children. We are proud of you and express our gratitude to you for your boundless dedication to your work. Please accept our sincere congratulations and best wishes.

Well, you, as if 20 years old,

The one like a preserved bouquet.

And other pretty flowers
In order not to wither in the cold,
Your feelings, bright dreams!

Today you are thirty:
Great anniversary!
Let life sparkle with happiness
Don't regret the past!
Let it be for surprises
Your fate is generous!
Fulfills all whims
Give peace and kindness!
30 years is not so much
You have everything ahead!
Let the road be easy
Believe, hope and love!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the anniversary of the university. Thousands of your graduates are working in the vastness of our country. I wish you new success in shaping the spiritual future of our Motherland, good luck to you in such a noble cause as education.

Mom, Happy Anniversary!
You've only gotten better over the years.
And the eyes are still young,
We make everyone close to us happy.
Let the years run like rivers to the sea
They can't change your soul.
I want no sorrow
It didn't stop us from having a happy life.

Our dear (). Let your wonderful human qualities and professionalism help you in your work and life. Always remain as cheerful, purposeful, creative, full of strength and energy. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Everyone congratulates you on your Anniversary,
Well, you, as if 20 years old,
Who does not grow old in heart and soul,
The one like a preserved bouquet.
Let there be roses in this bouquet
And other pretty flowers
In order not to wither in the cold,
Your feelings, bright dreams!

Our dear (). Let your wonderful human qualities and professionalism help you in your work and life. Always remain as cheerful, purposeful, creative, full of strength and energy. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Our dear birthday girl.

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For some cases, wishes are not suitable, replete with salty jokes and unambiguous allegories. Official congratulations on your birthday will come to the rescue. They are intended, to a greater extent, for superiors and people with whom we are not familiar enough. But this does not mean that words should be on duty and soulless. Even the most official wish can be made sincere and sincere, filling it with deep meaning and beautiful turns. Without a doubt, the birthday man will be satisfied, and the congratulatory person will be known as a person with taste, tact and a good judge of etiquette.

We wish you success in your chosen business, love and warmth in the family, good mood! the way on your day, the closest people will gather around you and give you the most sincere wishes! Congratulations!

Congratulations on your birthday! We wish you happiness in your personal life, zeal and success in your work! We wish that health never fails, that there is always and everywhere good luck, joy and excellent results!

Sincere congratulations to the most pleasant and intelligent boss on Earth! let everything in your life be only the best, and if there is no better, then the good will not hurt! We wish that incomes grow, and profits double, and that there is enough time for rest!

On your birthday, accept congratulations, all the most pleasant and beautiful wishes to you too! Let flowers bloom in your soul, and such a mood will be even in a harsh winter! Happy holiday, Spring Woman!

We wish you sincere smiles and best wishes! May all the bouquets and gifts on your day be only for you! We wish you heroic health, unearthly beauty, an unsurpassed mind, you have all this, but let it stay with you forever!

On your wonderful holiday, let me express my most sincere wishes to you! May all the stars of the world fall today so that you can make all your wishes! And let them come true as soon as possible! Congratulations!

Happy birthday, our beloved and respected ....! Let an unexpected and pleasant surge of money and mood come in your life! And let this wave of good things cover you for a long time! Congratulations!

Please accept our congratulations on this best day of the year! We wish you fulfillment of desires and good mood! Let success come, and all plans come true! and let your career growth be very fast!

Do not cool down to worldly worries,
Be generous in your love.
We will help you work
God bless, bless you!

Long and happy life
Always be beautiful everywhere.
At work, only success
At home - joy and laughter.

So that the caress warms the heart,
And nothing would hurt
All troubles are forgotten
And dreams would all come true!

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always look cheerful
Never know where it hurts.

We wish you health, vivacity, success,
More joy and laughter
Happiness as much as you need
So that the soul would be glad

For your heart to sing
To make things happy,
So as not to grow old over the years,
And bloom and look younger!

Well, our dear friend? Today we all gathered for a reason. Today we have a great occasion - your birthday. We are very glad to be in the circle of your friends, we are glad to share good luck and bad luck with you, we are glad that we can always rely on you in difficult times. May your life be filled with warmth and light today. Let all the goals that you set - you succeed. Let there be no black or gray stripes in life, let there be no doubts and double standards of life. And May you always be surrounded by such wonderful people as we are :) Happy Birthday!

Birthday is a holiday when you are waiting for something wonderful. Therefore, I wish you a lot of magic on this day: let there be an incredible number of surprises, all gifts will please you, and secret desires come true and let only joyful faces meet around.

On his birthday, a handsome man would like to wish to meet a beautiful companion - his ideal - and soar together in the clouds of love and the ocean of hopes on the waves of success in this mortal life, enjoying every day, hour, moment spent together.

A man was born on this day many years ago. Yes, it is a man with a capital letter! This person, with his presence, fills every moment in the life of the people around him with meaning. He helps with advice and deed, inspires accomplishments, heals the soul. There is not an ounce of laziness, fussiness and anger in him.

Today, on your birthday, I want to wish only eternal fire in these eyes, aspirations in your noble thoughts and endless warmth in this huge heart!

Happy birthday dear (name)! Today, it is more pleasant than ever for me to congratulate you on your holiday, because a good person always wants to say nice words. You are a very kind, courageous, unique man, you will always lend a man's shoulder and help with wise advice. Thank you! I wish your heart to remain as big and sincere, let your eyes always burn with the fire of happiness, let your attractiveness and charm always have! You are a real man, so you will always be on top. I wish you prosperity, success, prosperity!

I would like to wish you today to have a reliable and strong rear, devoted and faithful comrades-in-arms, valuable and tireless helpers, disinterested and good friends. May you meet your muse on the way, which will inspire you to new feats and accomplishments, will help you achieve incredible heights. Let the family be your main life value and vocation. No matter what, boldly go to the cherished and bright dream, an important goal. Be confident in your abilities and unshakable in your correct convictions.

Today you have become richer for one year of your life, do not occupy your mind, do not carry knowledge behind your shoulders, do not look for happiness in your pockets ... You have everything. I wish you on your birthday to have a full bowl of all the qualities that you possess, to be complicit in the problems and joys of colleagues and never lose heart!

Dear colleague! You and I have been working with the water team for a long time. And during these years - our team is the second family in which you celebrate your next birthday today. We wish you cheerfulness, good luck and success, recognition of colleagues, female love and affection, fun from children and grandchildren, as well as a comfortable life!

Happy birthday to you, dear colleague! Today, on this beautiful day, I wish that the sun and the love of loved ones always warm you, nature gives you health, vigor and strength, let fate protect you from all troubles and problems, fortune will be inseparable from you. And let your work be successful and enjoyable and worthy of its reward.