Registration of the front door for the new year. Grandfather from a decorative broom. CD door decor

New Year and Christmas are such bright and good holidays, in which it is customary not only to please yourself, but also to give joy to those around you. Have you ever wondered how you can cheer up those people who will not come to your house or apartment? The surest way is to decorate your front door!

The New Year is already knocking on our doors, therefore, it is better that it knocks on beautifully decorated entrance doors. I want to say right away that this article will write ways on how to decorate the door for the new year. Moreover, it can be not only the entrance, but also the interior door. There are many ideas for decorating doors: from a traditional wreath to a Christmas-themed rug.

The most successful at how to decorate the front door for the new year, Americans and Europeans. Therefore, many decor ideas will be borrowed from them. But these ideas are real and quite feasible even to themselves in our conditions.

One of the easiest ways to decorate New Year's doors. This method also applies to very budget options. It can be compared with the tradition that existed even among our grandmothers: they themselves cut paper snowflakes and decorated the doors with them before the New Year. You can either cut out the snowflakes yourself, or buy ready-made vinyl stickers for the Christmas theme. After the holidays, these stickers will be easy to remove from the door: not a trace will remain of them.

Think about the fact that Christmas lights look beautiful not only on the tree or window. They can also decorate interior doors or spans. Also, the lights will perfectly decorate the railing of the stairs, if there are any in your house or apartment. The lights are perfectly combined with live or artificial pine branches and create a solemn atmosphere of the New Year holidays, adding even more magic and magic to the space.

A very suitable New Year's decoration for the front door. This category of decorations includes bells, Christmas toys, and traditional wreaths. There are a huge variety of options for how to make such jewelry yourself. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to decorate a door for the new year with your own hands. We will also consider some methods a little later in this article.

Hanging decorations give the door comfort and charm, and everyone who looks at such a door is sure that a friendly and happy family lives behind it. Bells will make a pleasant sound every time someone walks through the door. Thus, they seem to remind that the holiday is already very close and miracles are somewhere nearby.

Snowman, Christmas trees, snowflakes

The main attributes of the new year can also help on how to decorate the door for the new year. The snowman will be a great alternative to traditional wreaths. Moreover, you can make it just from these very wreaths. A snowman on the front door will definitely give everyone a New Year's festive mood.

How to make a snowman yourself? We need to take an armful of bending twigs and twist three wreaths of different sizes. Paint the finished wreaths from a spray can, best of all - white or silver paint. Put a knitted hat on the snowman's head, and a scarf on the neck. Don't forget to make the eyes and nose on the top wreath. A couple more branches - and the snowman had hands. You can also make a snowman out of spruce branches, they bend well, there are lush themed needles.

A Christmas tree on the door can be built from small balls of different colors. You can complement the composition with paper snowflakes. You can attach the balls to the door using ordinary double-sided tape. Original snowflakes can be cut out of paper, as our grandmothers did, or made from old newspapers, music books.

How to make a snowflake from newspapers yourself? It is necessary to cut a small circle out of cardboard and glue the sheets of newspapers wrapped in envelopes to it in turn. Glue a flower in the center of the snowflake. You will get a very original decoration for the door for the New Year.

This decor option is suitable when you are looking for an option to decorate the front door inside the apartment. There are a lot of models, it all depends on your taste and imagination. But such a New Year's rug will set a festive mood for you and your guests right from the door.

How to make a Christmas wreath yourself

To make your own New Year's wreath - the most traditional decor for doors on winter holidays, you need to stock up on tools and try a little. You will need a strong wire, which will need to be shaped into a circle. For strength, use 3-4 rows of wire to secure the decor more firmly and reliably.

You can glue whatever you think is necessary on the wire frame. These are traditional cones, spruce branches, dried flowers, pieces of fruit, gingerbread figures, bottle caps and much more.

Options for original wreaths on the door:

Of ties. A very original and festive decor idea. At home and with friends, find a sufficient number of multi-colored ties. Then cut off the tabs and glue them to the wire base;

From wine corks. If you have been collecting wine bottle corks for a long time, but did not know how to apply them, then the time has come. When making this wreath, you can place small Christmas balls or beads between the corks so that it looks elegant and New Year's. Complete the composition with bows, ribbons;

In the snow. The main of this wreath will not be wire, but well-bending branches. After twisting, they must be dipped in glue, then in salt. Allow to dry. On the side, to give the wreath a New Year theme, glue a couple of cones and Christmas balls.

Drying of oranges, gingerbread, cinnamon sticks. All of these products can make the perfect decoration for your wreath. It will not only look very impressive, but also fill the room with pleasant aromas.

It is interesting! You can complement the decor of the entrance or interior door by also decorating the handles. Take a couple of spruce ribbons, a small bell and tie it all in a pen. Even if such a small detail contributes to the creation of a fabulous holiday atmosphere.

There has always been a special attitude towards the door. After all, the owner or guest, when he comes to the house, first sees the door. Therefore, great importance was attached to it and is still attached to it all over the world. So why not decorate the door for the New Year in a beautiful and original way to please yourself, your family, your friends? Read on to learn how to do this!

How and what to decorate

You can decorate not only the front door leading from the entrance and the street (if you have a private house), but also interior doors. Thanks to this, the entire home for the New Year will shine with colorful and festive decor!

Do-it-yourself traditional door decoration for New Year and Christmas for many countries is a wreath. It can be wreaths made of twigs, spruce branches, rain, even candy! How to do it will be described below.

How else can you to decorate the front and interior doors for the New Year? Several options :

  • themed stickers (for example, a snowman, a cartoon character, a tree, Santa Claus);
  • a poster with drawings, wishes (it is especially interesting to involve children in drawing);
  • decor from artificial / natural branches of a Christmas tree;
  • traditional shiny rain, tinsel;
  • New Year's sock / boot;
  • Christmas decorations, balls;
  • rain of snowflakes;
  • snowflakes;
  • Garland.

To beautifully decorate such an element of the home for the New Year, you can use purchased decorative items, or you can do it yourself! It all depends on your desire and free time.

Of course, the above list does not end with the options. You can always come up with something of your own to surprise your loved ones with originality. It is worth noting that snowflakes and stickers are perfect for decorating for the New Year balcony door... There are also other specific guidelines regarding door decor.

  • Start decorating this part in two weeks., because unlike a living Christmas tree, you can hang various decorations in advance. This will help heighten the anticipation of the holiday.
  • Use the main symbol of 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig... It is very relevant and beautiful.
  • Avoid using sharp details when making DIY jewelry... Also, do not buy such items in the store. This is necessary in order to protect yourself, children, pets from accidental injuries.
  • When attaching a decorative element be careful not to scratch the doors.

And don't forget that 2019 is the year of the Yellow Pig! Choose it to decorate the door for the New Year. She will guard your home, give joyful emotions!

Video: how to decorate the front door for the New Year.

How to make a wreath to decorate a door

A wreath is a wonderful decoration not only because of its festive look, but also because it can be made from a wide variety of materials! For example, from cones, artificial, living branches of a Christmas tree, branches, dried flowers, acorns, chestnuts, dried leaves, Christmas tree decorations ... There are a lot of materials! Let's look at classic and original ideas for decorating a door for the New Year 2019.

Classic wreath

Traditionally, it is made from fir branches and candles. Now there are other "classic" options, for example, a wreath of cones.

By the way! You can put a toy yellow pig inside the wreath! Children will love it!

You yourself can choose wreath festivity level:

  • if you like modest but stylish wreath, then use several solid materials, for example, cones, branches.
  • if you want to solemn Christmas wreath, you can use bright colored ribbons, beads, artificial berries.

Video: how to make a classic wreath to decorate the door for the New Year.

Sweet jewelry is always in trend, because they are not only original, but also delicious. And making them is not difficult at all!

To make a wreath of jelly (marmalade) candies you will need:

  • foam base in the form of a donut;
  • toothpicks;
  • jelly candies;
  • satin ribbon.

You need to buy colorful beautiful candies, string each on a toothpick, then decorate with a foam wreath.

You can use a variety of wrapped candies. The video below describes in detail and shows how this is done.

For your ideas, inspiration, you can see photos of door decorations for the New Year from candy wreaths:

Wreath of twigs

A wreath of twigs is perfect for decorating a street door for the New Year. It is made from natural materials, so you don't have to spend money. And he looks great - stylish, elegant.

What you need for a wreath of twigs:

  • thin twigs of shrubs, trees (willow twigs can be used);
  • glue gun;
  • twine;
  • ribbons, beads, chestnuts, acorns, cones, other decor.

If the rods are dry, bend poorly, then they are initially needed soak in water... Then take enough twigs, connect them in an oval, wrap the string th. Now the workpiece can be decorate with improvised means, paint with paint and decorate doors before the New Year.

Photo and video:

And also from the rods it turns out whole snowman that is attached to the door. Use spray paint to paint over the twigs. The parts are connected to each other with a thin wire.

Original ideas

As mentioned above, such a decoration craft can be made from almost any material. This provides an opportunity to perform interesting, original options that can surprise even a person who has seen a lot in life.

Photos of how you can decorate the entrance to the house for the New Year with wreaths:

And here's how you can complete the original version:

Other door decorations

The wreath will always look interesting on any door - from the entrance to the interior. But there are other, no less wonderful and beautiful decorations for the door for the New Year. They also deserve attention!


You can cut many different snowflakes, attach them to absolutely any door. With snowflakes you can decorate a glass door for the New Year, it will look stylish and graceful!

Use white, blue, red, green, shiny, mother-of-pearl paper to make snowflakes. Your interior will sparkle with new colors!

Video: how to make paper snowflakes.

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations are beautiful not only on a green, fragrant tree. They can decorate any doors for the New Year! These can be both traditional balls and original figurines.

Christmas decorations can be used to craft:

1) a wreath;

2) frames;

3) Christmas trees.

Note! Secure toys well so that they do not accidentally fall or break.


The New Year's sock can be used not only to decorate the house and fireplace, but also the door. It is the best way to attach it to a wreath or hang it separately and decorate with Christmas tree decorations, beads, ribbons.

Video: New Year's sock in 10 minutes.


Garlands can be used to decorate not only the doors themselves, but also the doorway for the New Year. Usually, garlands are used as an addition to wreaths, Christmas trees from Christmas decorations, compositions from fir branches.

Important! When decorating doors and doorways, remember to be safe during operation: use only high-quality garlands, do not leave appliances unattended, and for decorating a street door, use only those garlands that are intended for the street!

Decoration in kindergarten, school, work

We spend a lot of time not only in our home, but also in kindergarten, educational institutions, at work. So, they also need to be decorated in order to create a good mood!


Little children love bright, funny details, so they will be delighted with decorating the doors of the kindergarten for the New Year 2019. You can place drawings that were drawn by the kindergarteners themselves, stick colorful New Year stickers with cartoons, Santa Claus.

By the way! In addition to the door in the kindergarten, lockers can be decorated for the New Year.


It is possible to decorate the premises with such elements for the New Year at school not only for primary school students, but also for middle and senior students. After all, the holiday has no age restrictions! It's just that younger kids are advised to make simpler jewelry, and high school students - something more complicated.

The original door decoration for the New Year at school - school wreath:

Also decorate the school door for the New Year just right with bright tinsel, large snowflakes, colorful themed posters drawn by the students themselves and even balloons!


Of course, decorating the door for the New Year at work should be chosen more moderately and more modestly than at your home or at school. But this does not mean that everything should be dull! On the contrary, use stylish decorations, posters with wishes. It will be great if you hang a poster on which your colleagues will write congratulations.

Or you can decorate the door in a very original way for the New Year at work! For example, do a wreath of office supplies- stapler, pens, pencils, office paper, markers.

To decorate the office door for the New Year, it is not a sin to make a very original Christmas tree made of stickers:

If your field of activity proceeds in a different direction, then you can use materials characteristic of your profession in the manufacture. For example, if you are sewing, it is not forbidden to use fabric, threads, buttons, zippers.

New Year is a wonderful holiday that inspires and inspires for original interior solutions. You can afford to make absolutely any decor, and then admire it during all the holidays. We wish you all the best for the New Year 2019!

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During the New Year holidays, the owners of suburban housing have the opportunity to decorate the front doors without fear, but not everyone knows how to do this more successfully. In this article, we have collected beautiful door design ideas to make your holidays bright and memorable.

New Year's entrance doors

  • Close star

In the design of this entrance door, the laws of symmetry are applied, which are clearly felt in the deflection of the green garland that frames the opening on both sides, and also in the completely equally decorated Christmas trees installed on the sides of the door. But the abundance and splendor of the accessories is balanced by a simple five-pointed star attached to the door leaf, the frame of which is tightly wrapped with twine.

  • New year blues

Here's another clue of how you can successfully beat the constant color of the front door, in this case, a piercing blue hue. Thus, there is an opportunity to deviate somewhat from the usual Christmas colors (white, red, green).

An evergreen tree or an artificial garland, decorated with shiny silver and blue-blue balls to match the door, creates a feeling of fabulous peace

  • Rustic decor

If your front door is made of natural wood, then it can be a great backdrop for discreet decorations inspired by winter nature. The natural texture of the door leaf itself attracts attention, so it is better if there are few decorations, for example: a garland in the form of a thin chain, a wreath of bare branches and wicker fairy-tale characters entwined with a white textile ribbon.

  • White frost

Pay attention to artificial decorative flowers and branches with snow-white berries, as if covered with snow and ice. Such a decoration looks great against the background of a bright colored door, and if it is supplemented with an electric garland with warm white lights, the effect will be unsurpassed.

  • Bows and ribbons

You can simply and tastefully decorate the front door by using long textile ribbons of red or red-white color in decorating the opening. By the way, fluffy bows can also be formed from them, in order to then attach them to the visor over the porch, the back of the bench, the door wreath.

  • Ringing is heard

Here is one of the most effective and affordable solutions for decorating the front entrance to a private house. It should be said that he will need to stock up on a large number of pine cones, but for those whose country house is located near a wooded area, this cannot be called a problem. A lush cone garland, complemented by red, white or gold bells, is created in a short time, but the effect is incredible.

  • Riot of colors

The combination of green and orange colors is so unusual that we strongly recommend using it in the festive decorations of the front door to all admirers of unusual ideas in design. Perhaps some will consider decorating with real oranges as an excess, but this is the point, because many, nevertheless, believe in traditions that will contribute to the prosperity of the family in the coming year.

  • Discreet chic

Among the variety of colors and the abundance of festive decor that we all love so much, it was decided to add this minimalist solution to the list of ideas for those who are close to restrained design. The decoration of the front door can be unassuming, nevertheless, stylish and luxurious at the same time, you just have to look at the paired decor items (lanterns and mini-trees), as well as a monogram and a lush wreath on the door leaf.

  • Easy and stylish

A bright wooden frame instead of a wreath, decorated with a bunch of Christmas tree decorations, helps to decorate the door in a matter of minutes, when it needs to be done without much hassle. True, the workpiece itself will have to be created in advance, but its fasteners are already a question for your skill and resourcefulness.

  • Ease of festive mood

A positive charge will be passed on to everyone who visits your home, because at the entrance, guests will be greeted with an unusual door design. We suggest putting aside shiny toys and replacing them in a wreath with textile flowers and pastel ribbons. You can also put metal lanterns near the door, and decorate the opening with a white electric garland.

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Many people notice that the older they get, the more difficult it is to re-experience that magical feeling of a fairy tale and miracle that always came to us in childhood on New Year's Eve.

But we are in site We are sure that the New Year's mood will not keep you waiting if you make one of these wonderful decorations for your home and Christmas tree with your own hands. Almost all, with the exception of two or three, do not require much time and any special materials - they can be made in half an hour from what is at hand.

Thread sprockets

A wreath of balls and an old hanger

In just half an hour, you can make a colorful wreath by buying a couple of sets of inexpensive balls. Blogger Jennifer, the author of this article, recommends unbending an old hanger, but if you don't have one, a piece of sturdy wire is perfect.

  • You will need: a pair of sets of balls (20-25 balls of different colors and sizes), a wire hanger or wire, spruce branches, braid or a ready-made decoration for decorating a wreath.

Snowflake tablecloth

A delicate and surprisingly festive tablecloth will turn out from snowflakes, on which we have stuffed our hands since childhood. You can sit down and cut snowflakes with the whole family, and then lay them out on the table and fasten them with small pieces of tape. A great solution for receiving guests or just dining with your family during the holidays.

Multi-colored caps

The cutest colored hats can be made from leftover yarn, from which you can assemble a garland for a Christmas tree or to decorate a wall. Or hang them on a window or chandelier at different levels. Children over the age of five will do just fine with this simple decoration too. See details.

  • You will need: a roll of toilet paper for rings (or ordinary cardboard or thick paper), scissors, colorful yarn and a good mood.

Lamp "Snowy City"

For this charming lamp, you need to measure a piece of paper around the circumference of the jar with a small margin (to glue it together), depict and cut out the simplest city or forest landscape. Wrap around the jar and put a candle inside.

  • You will need: a jar, thick paper of any color, you can white, any candle. Alternatively, you can coat the top of the can with "falling snow" using a special "snow" spray that is sold in hobby stores.

Balloons with photos

A great idea for decorating a Christmas tree or as a gift to relatives and friends. The photo must be rolled up into a tube so that it goes into the hole in the ball, and then straighten it with a wooden stick or tweezers. Small black and white rectangular shots will do, and you can also cut out a photo to fit a ball or silhouette (like a cat in the snow).

  • You will need: plastic or glass balls, photographs, various sundries to fill the ball - tinsel, garlands, coarse salt (for snow).

Christmas lamps

And this miracle is a matter of five minutes. It is enough to collect balls, fir branches, cones and put them in a transparent vase (or a pretty jar) and supplement with glowing garlands.


Glowing garlands hidden among cones, branches and pine paws create the effect of embers smoldering in the fireplace or a cozy fire. They even seem to give off a fever. For this purpose, a basket that has been lying on the balcony for a hundred years, a nice bucket or, for example, a wicker container for small things from Ikea, is suitable. Everything else (except for the garland, of course) you will find in the park.

Floating candles

A very simple decoration for the New Year's table or for a cozy evening with friends on New Year's holidays is a composition with candles floating in a vessel with water, cranberries and pine twigs. You can use cones, orange circles, fresh flowers and leaves from a flower shop - whatever your fantasy tells you. And as a candlestick - deep plates, vases, jars, glasses, as long as they are transparent.

Snowman on the fridge or door

Children will definitely be delighted with this - quickly, fun and very simple, because even a three-year-old can handle cutting out large parts. It is enough to cut the circles, nose and scarf out of self-adhesive paper, brown paper or colored cardboard and attach them to regular or double-sided tape.

Snowflakes on the window

An interesting use for a glue gun lying around. In order to glue these snowflakes to the glass, it is enough to lightly press them to the surface. For details, see our video.

  • You will need: a stencil with a snowflake drawn with a black marker, tracing paper (parchment, baking paper), a glue gun and a little patience.

Christmas trees-sweets

Bright Christmas trees can be built together with kids for a children's party or to decorate a festive table with them. Cut triangles out of colored paper or cardboard, tape them to a toothpick, and stick the resulting Christmas trees into the candy.

  • You will need: Hershey's Kisses or any other truffle candies, toothpicks, scotch tape, colored paper or cardboard with a picture.

Garland with pictures and drawings

New Year, Christmas - warm, family holidays. And it will come in very handy with photographs, children's drawings, pictures. The easiest way to secure them is with clothespins, which can be decorated with hearts or snowflakes.

Origami star

Painted spoons

Ordinary metal spoons or wooden cooking spoons turn into interesting New Year decorations with the help of acrylic paints. This idea will surely appeal to children. If you bend the handle of the metal spoons, you can hang them on the tree. And wooden spoons will look great in the kitchen or in a bouquet with spruce branches.


Wreath on the door from different materials

If earlier it was believed that wreaths on the door were hung only somewhere in the USA or in England, today this tradition is familiar to people in other countries as well. Decorate the front door and interior doors. Let's start by decorating the door with fir branches. We need:

  • fir branches;
  • glue gun;
  • cones;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • a foam base in the form of a wreath or a cardboard base.

First you need to select good spruce branches, clean them of dirt, perhaps rinse and dry. The twigs must be carefully glued to the base so that it is not visible. Attach Christmas balls, cones, ribbons, garlands and other decorations to the branches. The wreath can also be decorated with leaves, fake apples, beads, ribbons and other decorations.

Doors for the New Year can be decorated in colors that the whole house is decorated in, or you can choose shades that match the upcoming New Year. For example, 2018 is the year of the dog, and the color that will accompany all 12 months is yellow.

Instead of spruce branches, you can use dried flowers and straw.

Cork wreath

Do not rush to throw away wine or champagne corks, they will always come in handy in creating such compositions. The wreath is created according to the principle of the previous ones, only instead of spruce branches, you will use corks. They can be used in their original form, they can be painted, they can be cut into circles, you can use corks of different sizes in one composition.

As an additional decoration, attach small ribbon bows, large beads, artificial berries, and coniferous twigs. But in such a wreath there should not be too much additional decor, because the corks themselves are already arousing interest and it is very easy to spoil them with unsuitable stylistic details.

The design should overlap with the overall decor of the house. You may need several cork compositions to decorate rooms. These can be cork Christmas trees, photo frames, cork balls for decorating a Christmas tree.

Clothespin wreath

But such a wreath is, rather, better to hang on the interior doors. It turns out not as large-scale as the previous ones, but it looks very gentle and stylish.

It is necessary to wind a circle out of the wire and thread the wire through many clothespins. Remember, each of the clothespins also has a through hole.

But before that, you can paint the clothespins green or gold, silver, whatever you like. When the product is ready, you can decorate it with a red bow. As a metal base, you can use a hanger, which must first be unbent. By the way, the hook of the hanger is useful for you to hang the wreath.

The base can be cardboard, but before that, the cardboard must be beautifully decorated with paints.

Please note that such a wreath can be used as a kind of photo album, let's call it a "photo holder".

Compositions in the form of a Christmas tree

Let's leave the wreaths, you have already figured out how to make them and in which direction to develop. Now let's think about how to decorate the front door for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree.

You can use anything: Christmas balls, felt figures, different bows, Christmas tree beads, garland, paper snowflakes and so on. Use double-sided tape to position and glue the pieces to the door. Stick to the schematic tree shape. See how it might look:

You can also take this idea into service and decorate the door using many small details: from small photographs to stickers, dolls and pictures.

And from wooden logs and ropes, you can make a creative Christmas tree using different Christmas tree decorations and a garland.

Creative new year compositions

For example, you can hang a composition in the form of a snowman on the front door. You only need three wreaths of branches of different sizes, as we did at the very beginning. And also a scarf, hat and mittens.

Get creative, use the decorations familiar to the Christmas tree, create a complex composition from them and boldly decorate the front door of your home.

Another variation on the theme of a snowman looks interesting. Use twig wreaths this time.

The following composition is very easy to create: you need to take an ordinary wooden photo frame, paint it white or whatever you like and hang Christmas balls in the middle.

It seems to us that the decoration of the front door for the New Year should indicate that behind this door there is fun, comfort, warmth, joy. Try from the bottom of your heart to make this New Year's composition. It is always more pleasant and more willing to enter a decorated door.

DIY garland

You can decorate the door around its perimeter using a garland. You will need, in principle, the same materials as for the wreath: spruce branches, cones, decorative fruits, bows. Use a wire or glue gun to pull everything together. It might look something like this:

Please note that you can decorate not only the door, but all the space around it. This option is more suitable for the front door.

Use tree branches, paper-cut snowflakes, pine branches, and various other decor.

Let's look at some ideas from people from other countries. For example, the next door is decorated with a paper garland, bright colors and small details. Looks very cute. The idea can be adopted when decorating a store, school or kindergarten.

Do not forget that for any composition you will need a lot of material and tools: cones, branches, paints, brushes, glue gun, dried fruit slices, cinnamon sticks, beads, electric garlands. Prepare all this in advance. Then the design of the door will not take you much time and will not require a lot of costs.

And as usual, we offer you to watch the video master class. This will be a very delicate composition of paper on the door: