Open lesson in the nursery group 2 3. Activities for early preschool age. Nursery classes

UDC 373.23
B B K 74.102
K26 N. A. Karpukhina
Summaries of classes in the nursery group of the kindergarten. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh:
SP Lakocenin S.S., 2010 - 208 p.
ISBN 978-5-98225-086-5
The proposed class notes are recommended for use.
for work on the programs "Education and training of children in kindergarten"
(Vasilyeva M.A., new edition), "Childhood" (Herzen State Pedagogical University), "Development
(a team of authors led by L.A. Wenger) and others.
The book is recommended for use by methodologists and educators.
kindergarten, parents and tutors.
ISBN 978-5-98225-086-5 G ^ l o "
B B K 74.102
Other publications of this publication in any form,
in whole or in part, are illegal
and are prosecuted
© Karpukhina N.A., author, 2010
© SP Lakocenin S.S., publisher, 2010
Signed for printing on 25.08.10. Newsprint paper. Format 60x84 1/16. Printing office
net. Volume 13 p. L. Circulation 5,000 copies. Order No. 3745.
Chief editor S. S. Lakocenin. Responsible editor Yu. A. Krapivin.
Proofreader A. N. Taltynova. Layout A. Naydenov
SP Lakotsenin S.S .: Voronezh, st. South Moravian, 156
Printed at the OJSC of the Order of the Badge of Honor "Smolensk Regional Printing House
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Foreword 3
The newborn is a mystery. No one
does not know what will come of it. He can
become a genius and enrich the world if for
favorable conditions will be created for him
viya. But all the promising makings
will remain in vain if parents, raised
bodies, doctors will not help to reveal them.
Look for a friend in a child, learn
put his interests above all else.
After all, in the end, all the best
in life is done for the child.
Professor M. Korshunov
During the 2nd year of life, significant changes take place in the child's body, both in physical and neuropsychic development. ...
The most characteristic feature of the behavior of a child of this age is high physical activity, emotionality, great interest in the environment, a great need for frequent communication with adults and high learning ability.
How the child will develop when he becomes older, what his relations with the people around him will be like, largely depends on whether adults will have to develop and continue what has already been brought up by the baby, or whether it becomes necessary to re-educate and change undesirable forms of behavior.
Early age is literally Start. The child is just entering the world of relationships, he is not experienced and very gullible.
Our task is to help him preserve this gullibility, to love those who tirelessly take care of him, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood - all this is necessary for a comprehensive and harmonious development in the coming years. At the age of up to 2 years, the state of health is of decisive importance for the correct, all-round development of the child.
A healthy child, if raised correctly, is emotional, eats with appetite, and is active. To do this, it is necessary to create in the child, as A.S. Makarenko said, "a habit at a certain hour", i.e. properly organize the daily routine - play activities, sleep, food, walk, targeted activities should replace each other in the most appropriate sequence.

Foreword 4
The daily routine organizes the behavior of children, creates a feeling of well-being in children, brings rhythm to the work of the nervous system.
When it is performed, conditioned reflexes are developed for a while.
Thanks to this, the body is, as it were, prepared in advance for this or that activity. Correct conduct of regime processes is a prerequisite not only for the full physical development of children, but also for their cheerful mood, good appetite, calm and deep sleep.
When carrying out regime processes, it is necessary to observe the principle sequences and gradualness.
Principle sequences lies in the fact that adults should instill in children from early childhood the skill of performing certain actions in a certain order. For example, before going to bed, you need to collect all the toys, before eating, be sure to wash your hands, etc.
Principle gradualness consists in the gradual involvement of children in small groups in the performance of this or that regime process, the younger the child, the smaller the group. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of children of the 2nd year of life: they do not know how to wait for a long time, begin to be capricious if crowding appears, quickly get tired of the monotony of actions.
In implementing the principles consistency and post-
foam certain rules must be followed:
1. Each of the regime processes must go through only
against the background of the game.
2. When carrying out regime processes, it is necessary to use an individual-personal model of education.
3. Implementation of the principles consistency and gradual
ness provides for the unity of requirements on the part of adults both in preschool and at home.
The methodology for conducting regime processes involves the use of mandatory techniques:
1. Creating a preset in children for a given
2. The implementation of one or another regime process should
flow without fuss, without causing discomfort to babies.
3. When carrying out any regime process, the child should
can build confidence that everything will work out, he will be able to
tolshti. action to the end if he tries.

Types of occupation
Expansion of orientation in the outside world and development of speech
3 2. Development of speech
2 3. Classes with didactic material
2 4. Classes with building materials
1 5. Musical lesson
Duration of classes - 10-15 minutes, with a subgroup of children from 8-12 people.
For all types of activities, approximate long-term plans and class notes for the year are presented.
Foreword 5
4. An adult should definitely rejoice at the success of the kids and
praise them more often for any new achievements.
In order to systematically influence the all-round development of children at this age, special classes are held in which children are taught to listen, to follow what the adult is doing and showing, encouraged to imitate his words and actions, and to carry out the tasks of the educator.
We bring to your attention a list of basic activities with children of the second year of life according to The program of education, training and
development in kindergarten under the new edition of V.M. Vasilyeva.

, 10 Child and the world around
The child and the world around him

for children of the 2nd year of life
1. "On a visit to the children" phenomena of social life:
family, culture of behavior
2. "Okay, okay" inanimate nature: sand properties
3. "Leaves are falling" wildlife:
vegetable world
4. "Our toys" object world:
toys - color, shape
5. "The path to the rabbit phenomenon of public life: the hut" town
6. "Cockerel-cockerel" inanimate nature: Sun
7. "Wonderful bag" wildlife: vegetables fruits
8. “Who lives next to us? »The objective world:
purpose of items
9. “Who lives in the house? »Phenomena of public life:
a family
10. "Bumps and bumps, smooth inanimate nature: the soil
11. "To the forest to friends!" Live nature: wild animals
12. "Room for Katya" object world:
furniture - name, color
13. "Along the path to the winter forest" phenomena of public life:
14. "The doll Katya walks" inanimate nature:
seasons - winter
15. "Our faithful friends" wildlife: winter hut of animals
16. "Toys in places" object world:
purpose of items

Long-term planning for the year 7
17. "How we play together" phenomena of social life:
a family
18. "Snowflakes are flying" inanimate nature: snow properties
19. "Little Christmas tree" wildlife:
evergreen herringbone
20. "Masha the Confused" object world: clothes
21. "Caprice-Bear" of the phenomenon of public life:
culture of behavior
22. "The doll is cold!" inanimate nature: signs of winter
23. "Bear on the hill" wildlife:
plants, animals
24. "What are you going to take?" objective world: transport
25. “What will we give Tanya? »Phenomena of public life:
a family
26. "Let's dress Katya for a walk" inanimate nature:
seasons - spring
27. "Where is my mom?" Live nature:
animals and their babies
28. "Let's feed Katya" subject block: dishes
29. "We are mother's helpers" of the phenomenon of social life:
a family
30. "Come out, friend, wildlife: plants
on a green meadow "
31. "Yellow, fluffy" wildlife: poultry
32. "Toys for Misha, the objective world: toys
and Mishutki "
In May, you can conduct classes to consolidate the knowledge of children about the world around them, practicing the skills of observation, research, curiosity.

, 10 Child and the world around
The child and the world around him
Cycle of classes
Lesson number 1
On a visit to the children
Software content: To acquaint children with the elementary ethics of greeting, develop communication skills in relation to adults and peers, and develop the skill of cultural communication.
Material: screen; doll, bear, bunny, dog - toys.
Course of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the weather outside the window: leaves are falling, children go to kindergarten. There is a knock on the door, the doll Tanya appears from behind the screen and conducts a dialogue with the teacher:
- I am a doll Tanya. I came to the kids. I want to say hello to them
(greets children and gives green leaves).
The teacher attracts all children to greet.
Then another knock is heard and alternately other toys appear from behind the screen: a bear, a bunny, a dog. They don’t know where they are and don’t know how to say hello.
The teacher explains to the toys where they got to and invites the children to teach the animals to say hello. The animals thank the children and give them leaves: red, yellow.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher draws attention to the fact that many guests have come to them, calls them: Tanya doll, bear, bunny, dog. They all look at the leaves together and say: “Autumn has come. The leaves are falling. The leaves are different - yellow and red. "
Lesson number 2
Okay, okay
Software content: To acquaint children with the properties of sand, to develop attentiveness and motor skills of fingers, to bring up accuracy and mutual assistance during the game.

September 9
Material: molds for sand, a container with water, sand, tablets, a doll Tanya.
Course of the lesson
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that soon the doll Tanya will come to visit, she needs to be treated to pies and offers to cook pies.
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs, the teacher takes sand and molds for sand and tries to make a pie, but the pie does not work, the sand crumbles. She takes water, pours sand, children consider wet sand and possible options for making pies from different molds.
The teacher explains why pies are obtained. Then he invites the children to make a pie themselves using molds from the sandwich set.
Oh, okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes
We will invite Tanya,
We'll treat you to pies.
The doll Tanya comes in, examines the cooked pies, thanks the children.
Lesson number 3
Leaves are falling
Software content: To acquaint children with the colors of autumn leaves, to compare the leaves by size: large, small, to foster a love of nature, to develop cognitive interest.
Material: autumn leaves: green, yellow, red - large and small.

Course of the lesson
The teacher offers to approach the carpet, on which there is a basket with leaves of different colors and sizes. Children look at colored leaves with the teacher: red, yellow and green.

, 10 Child and the world around
Then carried out outdoor game "Leaves are falling"- to the music, children spin with leaves, at the signal of the teacher they sit down with the leaves.
The teacher asks questions to children:
- What is your yellow leaf? (yellow leaf)
- And what is your red leaf? (Red)
At the end of the lesson, the children lay out the autumn pattern on the carpet.
- a large and a small leaf and once again admire and examine the leaves.
Lesson number 4
Our toys
Software content: Help find toys, distinguish them by size, name them, develop orientation in space, bring up forms of careful handling of toys.
Material: a set of toys: a teddy bear - large and small, a bunny - large and small.
Course of the lesson
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the sounds of an approaching car, a big car with a big bear drives in.
The teacher says:
- Look who came to us? (bear)
- What a big bear, he wants to play with a little teddy, let's help him find him.
Together with the children, they find a bear in the group room. Held an outdoor game "Find a bear". Similarly, work is carried out with large and small bunnies. Children find a little bunny.
At the end of the lesson, an active game is played, where the teacher puts on two children hats "bears" and "bunny", all children dance and jump to a tambourine, start to run away at the signal, and "bunny" and "bear" catch up with them. The role of "bunny" or "bear" can be performed by a teacher.

September 11
Lesson number 5
The path to the hare's hut
Software content: Promote the development of visual perception of a moving object, coordination of movements, give the concept and name "Path to the hut". Cultivate accuracy when completing the assignment.
Material: bricks of the same color, a bunny toy, Christmas trees, trees, a house from a tabletop theater.
Course of the lesson
The teacher draws the attention of children to a forest clearing with a hut, the children examine it: “There are so many fir trees and trees, but here is the hut. Who lives in this hut? " A little bunny appears and cries bitterly, he does not know how to get to his hut in the forest. The teacher invites the children to help the bunny build a path from bricks to the hut. Together with the teacher, the children are building a path of bricks towards the hut. Then the teacher invites the children to lead the bunny along the path to the hut, saying: "top-top".
V at the end of the lesson, the bunny thanks the children and under-
visual game "Zainka, dance". Children together with the bunny dance and jump to the tambourine.
Lesson number 6
Software content: To acquaint children with temporary concepts: morning, develop imaginative thinking. To educate cultural and hygienic skills.
Material: doll Tanya; a cot, a hairbrush, a towel, soap, a bowl of water, a toy - a cock.
Course of the lesson
The teacher and children examine the crib and sleeping doll
Tanya. The cock's voice is heard: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" The teacher conducts a dialogue with the cockerel:

, 10 Child and the world around
Cockerel, cockerel!
Golden scallop!
Butter head,
Silk beard,
Why are you getting up early?
Don't you let Katya sleep?
The cockerel answers:
It's time for everyone to get up
And Tanechka, and Vanechka,
And to all the guys!
The teacher, together with the children, raises the Tanya doll, dress her, comb her hair, wash her. Tanya says to everyone: "Good morning!"
At the end of the lesson, the children play with the doll Tanya and the cockerel, and the teacher reminds that the cockerel wakes up all the children in the morning, all the children get up and say: "Good morning!" The cockerel leaves and says to all the children: "Goodbye."
Lesson number 7
Wonderful pouch
Software content: To consolidate the knowledge of children in the naming of fruits: pear, apple, banana; recognize them in the picture.
Foster a love of nature.
Material: dummies of fruits: pear, apple, banana; wonderful bag, doll Tanya, cut cards with the image of fruits
(2 parts).
Course of the lesson
The teacher and children examine the nature of autumn through the window: leaves are falling, a breeze is blowing, children are dressed in jackets, coats, hats, and boots. There is a knock at the door, the doll Tanya comes in with a wonderful bag containing fruits. Children greet the doll, and it begins the game
"Guess what it is?" The doll Tanya takes out an apple and asks the children: “What is this? »If the children find it difficult to name, the teacher helps them.
- Apple.
- The apple is red? (red)
- And what's that? (pear)

September 13
- Is the pear green? (green)
- And what's that? (banana)
- Is the banana yellow? (yellow)
V at the end of the lesson didactic game "Collect the card
tinku ". Children first assemble the picture on the model of the teacher, then on their own.
Lesson number 8
Who lives next to us?
Software content: To form the child's skill to correlate his actions with a simple (consisting of one task) speech instruction, not supported by a gesture or other auxiliary means, to give an idea of ​​how the chicken moves, pecks the seeds. To foster care for neighbors, love for animals.

Natalia Semina
Methodical manual "Developing classes for a nursery group."

What child age requires the most attention in terms of the opportunities provided for mental acceleration child development the use or non-use of which could have serious consequences? From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, this is an early childhood age from one to three years. This age is one of the key in a child's life and largely determines his future psychological development... The special significance of this age is explained by the fact that it is directly related to three fundamental life acquisitions baby: upright posture, speech communication and objective activity. But the main thing is that at this age the child masters a skill that significantly affects his subsequent behavioral, intellectual and personal development, namely, ability understand and actively use the language in communicating with people. Through the speech that the child masters during these years, he gets direct access to the most important achievements of human material and spiritual culture. And the process development speech is inherently associated with development fine motor skills of the hand. Developing fine motor skills of the hands, we simultaneously have a beneficial effect on development of the child's intelligence... That is why special attention to occupations should be given to productive activities.

In the second year of life, the child reproduces the actions of adults with objects, he has object-based imitation games. They represent the first steps towards symbolization associated with the assimilation of the norms and forms of behavior of adults, and then with the formation of certain personal qualities in the child. Later, a role-playing game appears in which the child copies ways handling of objects and communication with each other in different situations. In the process of playing, the child will create life stereotypes for himself, which he will be guided by in adulthood.

I suggest developmental activities with children of the nursery group(1.5-2 years old). Classes are held in a group number of 5-8 people. Young child "Works for imitation", that is development from the age of 1, 5 to 3 years of age is most active if a nearby adult does everything together with the child. The kid feels comfortable, protected and at the same time receives new information, which the adult helps him to assimilate. Therefore, the psychologist should take an active part in occupations: crawl together on the rug, build turrets, dance, feed the dolls, sing. Ability to imitation is the basis of motor and intellectual child development.

the main goal classes - full development a young child using the experience of folk pedagogy and modern pedagogical methodologies.

On occupations the following tasks:

Formation of correct speech

Development of thinking

Development ability to focus and retain attention

Deepening knowledge about the world around

Wellness for children

Development motor activity

Development general and fine motor skills

Awakening interest in creativity

Classes are held in the evening. Duration lessons 10 minutes... Change of activity to occupations prevents babies from feeling tired.

Special focus on occupations paid to productive activities and finger gymnastics. After all, it is in these activities that fine motor skills developing more actively.

Classes based on fairy tales "Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip", "Teremok"... The fairy tales themselves and the heroes from these fairy tales with various interesting games come to visit the children. Classes are held once a week. Then, within a week, the material received on occupations, fixed: games, conversations, observations, reading of fairy tales are held.

Visual material on class should be bright, large and safe for children. And also durable, so that every child can personally get acquainted with the Poached Chicken or Kolobok. Natural colors are welcome, since at this age it is necessary to give the child adequate ideas about the world around him. (there are no blue cats and green bears).

When a baby comes to kindergarten, he needs to adapt to new conditions. The adaptation process is different for all children. Therefore, in September, the psychologist observes the adaptation of the child, gets to know him.

As already mentioned, the adaptation process is different for all children. Therefore, initially it is not necessary to include all children in class... It's okay if the child watches first.

I would especially like to say about the atmosphere classes... At this age, it is very clear that every child is an individual. And the first commandment of a teacher-psychologist should be like the first commandment of a doctor - "do no harm"... Our task is to help development this individuality, and not the desire to level it, to make the child "like everyone else." Therefore, our concept of discipline is very relative. We need to try to ensure that children are constantly involved in constructive activities, but if everyone wants to build a house, but one child does not want to. He wants to drive a car. Let him go and ride quietly, because this will not bother anyone.

I give rough notes occupations... Naturally, they can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of your group.

Purpose: To unite the group, teach cooperation skills.

Tasks: 1. Develop speech skills.

2. Develop communication skills.

3. Work on coordination of movements, develop gross and fine motor skills

4. learn to navigate in the space of the group.

Materials: Doll Tanya, musical accompaniment.

Course of the lesson:

Calm music sounds.

Teacher: Hello guys! See what a beautiful doll greets you. (Shows a beautiful doll). Let's stand in a circle so that the doll can clearly see everyone. ...

Game technique "Bubble":

Children are invited to join hands.

"Blow up the bubble,

Pout big

Don't burst "

(The teacher, using the "Bubble" play technique, helps the children build a circle)

Children sit on the carpet in a vicious circle.

Teacher: Guys, the doll's name is Tanya. Does Tanya look like you and me?

(Answers of children)

How is it similar?

How many hands does the doll have?

What are her eyes, nose, show.

(Answers of children)

The teacher emphasizes that all children also have two arms, two legs, little eyes. She asks to show them to each other and to the doll.

(Children show body parts to each other and to the doll)

Teacher: Guys, Tanya really wants to play with you, but she doesn't know your name. What do we do?

(Answers of children)

Educator: Let's take turns giving the doll our names.

(The teacher tells the doll his name and gives it to the child. Children take turns getting to know the doll, passing it from hand to hand in a circle.)

Well, Tanya now knows our names and can play with us.

Game "Where are our pens?"

Goal: work on coordination, develop gross motor skills.

(Preliminary work is being carried out with children on how to hide the handles behind their backs, hide the legs, covering them with their hands.)

The teacher says:

Where are our pens

Both of our pens?

Children hide their hands behind their backs.

A teacher with a doll walks in front of the children and looks for pens.

Here, here, here they are,

Playful pens.

Our hands are dancing

Our hands are dancing.

Children raise their hands up and show

Movement-rotation "flashlights".

Where are our legs

Where are both legs?

Children cover their legs with their hands.

The teacher walks with the doll in front of the children, looking for legs.

Here, here, here they are,

Playful legs,

They dance, our legs

Legs are playful.

Children stamp their feet rhythmically.

(If the children wish, the game can be repeated).

Teacher: Doll Tanya, did you like how the guys played?

Doll: Yes. I liked it very much.

Teacher: Children, did you like playing with Tanya? Do you want her to come to visit you again?

(Answers of children)

Guys, let's give the Tanya doll a gift in gratitude for an interesting game.

(Children come to the table. On the table is a sheet of Whatman paper with a vase and large blanks of flowers on an adhesive basis. Children are invited to put flowers in a vase together. Children, with the help of a teacher, stick flowers. They give a poster to the doll.)

Kuka Tanya: Thank you, what beautiful flowers, I am so pleased.

Teacher: Guys, Tanya really liked your gift, but unfortunately it is time for her to visit other children, but she will definitely come to you to play in the next lesson. Let's say goodbye to Tanya. What should I say to the doll?

Children say goodbye to the doll, the teacher takes her away from the group to the music. Children wave their hands to her.

(A number of subsequent classes are held with the participation of the same doll)

What child age requires the most attention in terms of the opportunities provided to accelerate the child's mental development, the use or non-use of which can have serious consequences?

From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, this is an early childhood age from one to three years. This age is one of the key in a child's life and largely determines his future psychological development. The special significance of this age is explained by the fact that it is directly related to three fundamental life acquisitions of the child: upright posture, verbal communication, and objective activity. But the main thing is that at this age the child masters a skill that significantly affects his subsequent behavioral, intellectual and personal development, namely, the ability to understand and actively use the language in communication with people. Through the speech that the child masters during these years, he gets direct access to the most important achievements of human material and spiritual culture. And the process of speech development is inherently associated with the development of fine motor skills of the hand. By developing fine motor skills of the hands, we simultaneously have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's intelligence. That is why special attention in the classroom should be paid to productive activities.

Ø Formation of correct speech

Ø Development of thinking

Ø Development of the ability to focus and retain attention

Ø Deepening knowledge about the world around

Ø Health improvement for children

Ø Development of motor activity

Ø Development of general and fine motor skills

Ø Awakening interest in creativity

Based on this, it is recommended to start classes in October. The course ends in April. In the month of May, the psychologist conducts leisure activities, games, diagnostics.



Explanatory note.

What child age requires the most attention in terms of the opportunities provided to accelerate the child's mental development, the use or non-use of which can have serious consequences? From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, this is an early childhood age from one to three years. This age is one of the key in a child's life and largely determines his future psychological development. The special significance of this age is explained by the fact that it is directly related to three fundamental life acquisitions of the child: upright posture, verbal communication, and objective activity. But the main thing is that at this age the child masters a skill that significantly affects his subsequent behavioral, intellectual and personal development, namely, the ability to understand and actively use the language in communication with people. Through the speech that the child masters during these years, he gets direct access to the most important achievements of human material and spiritual culture. And the process of speech development is inherently associated with the development of fine motor skills of the hand. By developing fine motor skills of the hands, we simultaneously have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's intelligence. That is why special attention in the classroom should be paid to productive activities.

In the second year of life, the child reproduces the actions of adults with objects, he has object-based imitation games. They represent the first steps towards symbolization associated with the assimilation of the norms and forms of behavior of adults, and then with the formation of certain personal qualities in the child. Later, a role-playing game appears in which the child copies the way people handle objects and communicate with each other in various situations. In the process of playing, the child will create life stereotypes for himself, which he will be guided by in adulthood.

I offer developmental activities with children of the nursery group (1.5-2 years old). Classes are held in a group of 5-8 people. An early child “works to imitate,” that is, development at the age of 1.5 to 3 years is most active if a nearby adult does everything together with the child. The kid feels comfortable, protected and at the same time receives new information, which the adult helps him to assimilate. Therefore, the psychologist should take an active part in the lesson: crawl on the rug together, build turrets, dance, feed the dolls, and sing. The ability to imitate is the basis of the child's motor and intellectual development.

The main goal of the classes is the full development of an early child using the experience of folk pedagogy and modern pedagogical methods.

In the classroom, the following tasks are solved:

  • Formation of correct speech
  • Development of thinking
  • Development of the ability to focus and retain attention
  • Deepening knowledge about the world around
  • Wellness for children
  • Development of motor activity
  • Development of general and fine motor skills
  • Awakening interest in creativity

Classes are held in the evening. The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes. Changing activities in class prevents babies from feeling tired.

Particular attention in the classroom is paid to productive activities and finger gymnastics. Indeed, it is in these types of activities that fine motor skills develop more actively.

Classes are based on the fairy tales "Kolobok", "Chicken Ryaba", "Turnip", "Teremok". The fairy tales themselves and the heroes from these fairy tales with various interesting games come to visit the children. Classes are held once a week. Then, within a week, the material obtained in the lesson is consolidated: games, conversations, observations, reading fairy tales are held.

The visual material in the lesson should be bright, large and safe for children. And also durable, so that every child can personally get acquainted with the Poached Chicken or Kolobok. Natural colors are welcome, since at this age it is necessary to give the child adequate ideas about the world around him (there are no blue cats and green bears).

When a baby comes to kindergarten, he needs to adapt to new conditions. The adaptation process is different for all children. Therefore, in September, the psychologist observes the adaptation of the child, gets to know him.

As already mentioned, the adaptation process is different for all children. Therefore, initially it is not necessary to include all children in the lesson. It's okay if the child watches first.

I would especially like to say about the atmosphere of the lesson. At this age, it is very clear that every child is an individual. And the first commandment of a teacher-psychologist should be like the first commandment of a doctor - “do no harm”. Our task is to help the development of this individuality, and not the desire to level it, to make the child "like everyone else." Therefore, our concept of discipline is very relative. We need to try to ensure that children are constantly involved in constructive activities, but if everyone wants to build a house, but one child does not want to. He wants to drive a car. Let him go and ride quietly, because this will not bother anyone.

I am giving a rough summary of the lessons. Naturally, they can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of your group.

Developmental activities

In the nursery group.

Lesson 1.

Tasks: 1. Make contact with children.

3. Facilitation of the course of adaptation.

Material for the lesson:1.Chicken toy

Course of the lesson:

A psychologist appears in the group.

Psychologist: "Hello guys! You can visit you. Only I'm not alone. Ryaba Chicken came with me. "(the psychologist shows the chicken)

"A beautiful chicken has come to visit you

She decided to meet you.

We will make friends with her, we will sing a song,

Let's dance and go for a walk together. "

The psychologist approaches each child individually. Asks to pet the chicken and tell her name. After that, together with the children, we consider the chicken: a comb, a beard, eyes, wings, a tail.

Ryaba Chicken: “What are you all good, kind !!! Let's play with you? "

(Bend the palm a little, the index finger rests on the thumb. First, "peck" on one palm, then on the other.) Gymnastics is carried out 3-4 times.

Ryaba Chicken: "Well done boys!!! It's very interesting with you. I have to go home now to feed my chickens. Can I come to visit you again? "

Psychologist: “I have to go too. Goodbye! "

Lesson 2.


2. make contact

Material: 1. table theater "Chicken Ryaba"

2. pouch.

Course of the lesson:



Psychologist: This is grandfather.

When the mouse breaks the egg, together with the children and the chicken, we feel sorry for the grandfather, the woman.


Finger gymnastics "Chicken" is carried out.

The hen pecks grain by grain.

In its beak it carries a grain to its children.

(Bend the palm a little, the index finger rests on the thumb. First, "peck" on one palm, then on the other.)


Lesson 3.


Material for the lesson:1.Chicken toy


3.constructor with large elements

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: "Hello guys!!! How are you in the mood? And I came again with a chicken! "

Ryaba Chicken: "Hello guys! Today I came to you not alone, but with my baby chickens! "

We put chickens on the carpet in front of the children.

Ryaba Chicken: “My children have grown up, and our house has become small for us. Can you help build a new house? "

Psychologist: "Well, guys, can we help the chicken?"

Ryaba Chicken: " What beautiful houses we have turned out !!! What good fellows you are! Are you tired? Let's rest and play? "

(pull the cams forward)

(clap our hands).

Psychologist: “These are great fellows! And the house was built and played! But, unfortunately, it's time for the chicken and me to leave. But we will definitely come to you! Bye!".

Lesson 4.

Tasks: 1. development of imagination

2. development of memory

Material for the lesson:1.Dolls based on the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"


3.Felt-tip pens (thick)

5.A3 sheet of paper

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: "Hello guys! Today we will remember one fairy tale. Will you help me?"

The psychologist takes a chicken doll out of the bag and invites the children to remember which fairy tale it is from. If the children do not succeed, he prompts them. Then he shows the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken". You can involve children in showing a fairy tale. When the mouse breaks the testicle, the grandfather and the woman begin to cry.

Ryaba Chicken: “Don't cry, grandfather! Don't cry, baba! I will lay another egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one! Just give me some grains. "

Grandfather: “But we ran out of seeds. Guys, help us! "

Psychologist: “Let’s help grandparents to feed the chicken together. Shall we go and draw some grains? "

Children, together with a psychologist, come to the table and draw seeds on a sheet. The hen comes up, pecks at the grains and gives the egg.

The grandfather and the woman thank the guys. The psychologist praises for the work done. Everyone says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 5.

Tasks: 1.development of memory

2.development of fine motor skills of the hand

3. development of creativity

4.development of coordination of movements

Material for the lesson:1. dolls of a chicken, a dog, a cat, a mouse. music

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: "Hello guys! Remember what we had in the last lesson? What fairy tale did we watch?(children answer) Well done! Let's call a chicken to us now with you? "

The psychologist, together with the children, calls the chicken: "Tsyp-tsyp-tsyp."

The chicken comes:"Hello guys! I am in a very good mood today! Let's sing a song and dance together? "

The psychologist turns on the music. Together with the children we sing a song and stage it.

The chicken went out for a walk, nibbling fresh grass.

And behind her are the guys, yellow chickens.

Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far!

Row with your paws, look for the grains!

The psychologist praises the children.

Ryaba Chicken: Guys, today I came to you not alone, but with my friends. Let's get to know them.

Kitty. How does she speak?(together with the children we depict, as the cat says)

Dog. How does she speak?(depict, as the dog says)

Mouse. (depict, as the mouse says).

Psychologist: What good fellows you are! Tried well today! It's time for us to leave, but we will definitely come here.

We all thank the chicken and see her off.

Lesson 6.

Tasks: 1. to consolidate the concept of colors.

Material: 1.doggie doll

2.Girl Brush

4.yellow, red, orange paint

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! I again came to visit you not alone, remember the dog that came to visit with a chicken? She wants to play with you. Let's play?

Dog: Do you know what time of year it is? Autumn! In the fall, the trees are multicolored. But soon winter will come and all the leaves from the trees will fall. Let us make an autumn forest that will delight us all winter. The girl-brush will help us with this.

Children are given brushes. On the table in front of them is a large sheet of paper with painted trees. Children poke orange, red, yellow leaves. In the process of work, the psychologist praises the children and helps them.

After we all consider the picture, we thank each other. We go to wash our hands and brushes. We say goodbye and leave.

The psychologist and the dog say goodbye to the children, praise them.

Lesson 7.

Tasks: 1. development of memory.

2. development of imagination

3. development of movement coordination.

4. Encourage children to respond emotionally.

Material: 1.doggie doll.

Course of the lesson:

The psychologist comes to the group, we introduce the children to the dog. Reminds the kids that this is the hen's friend. The dog greets the children and offers to play.

We carry out finger gymnastics "Sun".

This is how the sun rises:

Higher, higher, higher!

(put your hands up, reach out)

By nightfall, the sun will set:

Below, below, below!

(squat down, lower your hands to the floor)

Good good,

The sun is laughing.

And under the sun we all

It's fun to live.

(clap your hands, smile)

Dog: What good fellows! Guys, can you help me? My house has broken down. Will you build me a new house?

A constructor is laid out in front of the children. We are building a house together with the children. During construction, we cheer up children, help, advise. If someone decided to build something else, we do not forbid, but we try to connect his building with the main one.

Psychologist: These are great fellows! Such a beautiful house was built. Will anyone else live in this house?(we put some toy from the group in the house).That's how good we did it! But it’s time for the dog and me to go home.

The psychologist and the dog say goodbye to the children.

Lesson 8.

Tasks: 1. development of movement coordination.

2. development of memory

4. development of speech.

Material: 1.Cat toy

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! It's me again! Are we going to greet the guests?(children answer) Remember, the chicken introduced you with your friends? Today a kitty has come to visit you. Her name is Murka.

A psychologist approaches every child. Offers to pet the kitty. We remember how the kitty speaks. Consider a toy

Psychologist: See how smooth, soft her coat is. Let's become kittens with you too.

Fist - palm,

I walk like a cat.

Repeat 3-5 times).

Psychologist: Well done! What good kittens turned out. It's time for the kitty and me to go home. But we will definitely come to you! Goodbye!

The kitty says goodbye to the kids. Everyone leaves.

Lesson 9.

Tasks: 1.development of coordination of movements

2. development of memory

3. lay the foundations for dramatization.

Material: 1.Cat toy

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! I came to visit you today for help. Our kitty can't catch a fish for lunch.

Kitty: Yes. And so I want to eat ... Catch me a fish ...

We carry out finger gymnastics "River and Fish".

The river, shining with waves, beats.

A tiny fish lives in the river.

(wavy smooth movement of relaxed hands. Repeat 3-5 times)

A tiny fish swims along the river,

The little fish beats with its tail.

(Straightened palms are pressed against each other. We turn to the right and left, imitating the movements of the fish with its tail).

We imitate throwing a fishing rod with children. Then we are glad that we caught a fish.

Psychologist: These are great fellows! Fed the cat! Now she will be happy to play with you. Let's blow balloons together.

I inflated an elastic balloon.

He was bitten by a mosquito.

A balloon burst - no problem!

I'll blow a new balloon.

(inflate the balloon again).

Psychologist: Well done! And now it's time for the kitty and me to go home. Bye guys!

The psychologist and the kitty say goodbye to the children.

Lesson 10.

Tasks: 1.develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax muscles

2. development of memory

3.development of fine motor skills of hands

Material: 1.mouse doll

Course of the lesson:

The psychologist enters the group, greets the children. Introduces a new friend to the chicken - Mouse. The mouse offers to play. Children "turn" into mice.

Finger gymnastics "Mouse" is carried out.

Before grumbling drying,

You, little mouse, wash your ears,

To hear the rustle of a cat

What is sneaking along the path.

(The little finger and index finger are bent. The middle, ring and thumb are closed and extended. You can walk during the exercise.)

Psychologist: Oh, mice, the cat is running! We hide!(children squat down, cringe, cover their faces with their hands)

Psychologist: here the cat ran away, let's go for a walk again!

We are doing the "Mouse" gymnastics again. Then we hide again.

Psychologist: That's it, the cat ran away. It's time for us to become children again. One two Three!!! This is how well we played! But we have to go home with the mouse.

The psychologist and the mouse say goodbye to the children and leave.

Lesson 11.

Tasks: 1. to acquaint with the features and signs of winter.

2. develop the ability to use the accumulated experience in life

3. develop the ability to work together

4.development of fine and general motor skills

Material: 1.mouse doll

2.PVA glue

3.large sheet of paper with painted trees

4. cotton wool.

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! I again came to visit you not alone, remember the mouse? She wants to play with you again. Let's play?

Mouse: Guys, winter has come. It's cold outside and it's snowing. All the trees are in the snow, there are no leaves. Let's make together the painting "Winter Forest"

There is a large sheet of paper with painted trees on the table in front of the children. We tell the children that we will now glue cotton wool. After all, it is as soft and white as snow. The psychologist tears off a small piece of cotton wool, dips it in glue and invites the child to glue it on a piece of paper.

After we all consider the picture, we thank each other. We say goodbye and leave.

Lesson 12.

Tasks: 1. development of fine motor skills of the hand.

2. development of imagination

3.Continue to develop the ability to work together

4. to acquaint children with the New Year's holiday.

Material: 1.Santa Claus doll

2.A3 sheet with a painted herringbone

3. multi-colored plasticine.

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys. There are guests again. Do you know who this is?(we get the doll of Santa Claus)... This is Santa Claus. We will have a new year holiday soon. This is a very funny holiday. There are beautiful, elegant Christmas trees in every house and on the streets. Let's dress up the Christmas tree with you too.

We show the children a picture with a Christmas tree. We distribute a small piece of plasticine. We show children how to roll balls. After that, we invite the children to "hang" the balls on the tree. Each child can make several balls. After the tree has been decorated, the psychologist draws a star on the top of the head.

Psychologist: Here is what a beautiful tree we got. Now we have a real new year. You are great. But I have to go. See you.

Lesson 13.

Tasks: 1.development of fine motor skills

2. consolidation of the experience gained.

3. development of memory.

Material: 1. grandfather doll

2.Carton in blue (A4 format)

3.white plasticine

4.spice peas (for the eyes)

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: hello kids. Today grandfather came to visit you. Let's say hello to him together.

Granddad: Hello guys! Do you know what time of year it is? That's right, winter! And what lies on the ground in winter? Snow. And what kind of snow: cold or warm? You know, my favorite thing is to make snowmen. But you have no snow in your group. Let's make another snowman with you - from plasticine.

We put cardboard in front of the children, on which the outline of the snowman is marked, and explain to them that the plasticine must be smeared gently with a finger inside the outline. We say that you need to pinch off a small piece. Next, we help the children to pinch off a small piece of plasticine. In the process of work, we remind you that plasticine must be placed only inside the contour. If one of the children put it outside the contour, we attach it to the general work. After the peppercorns, lay out the eyes.

Granddad: what a beautiful snowman we got! Well done boys! I am tired, I have become quite old. I'll go home.

The psychologist says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Lesson 14.

Tasks: 1.fixing the names of the main geometric shapes

2.forming the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper

3. consolidation of the concepts "above", "under".

Material: 1.granny doll

2.A4 sheet

3. red square, yellow rectangle, blue circle, two green triangles.

4.PVA glue

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys. Grandma has come to visit you. She really wants you to help her. Will you help me?

Granny: Guys, I have become quite old. I just can't make my bed. Here, look, everything is mixed!(showing the children a plate with geometric shapes).Help me put everything together correctly.

We remember with the children what we cover ourselves with (a blanket), what we put our head on (a pillow), we lie on the mattress. We tell you that at the very bottom we have a red mattress. The psychologist pastes a square on a piece of paper. We remember what we cover ourselves with. We say that we put a blanket on the bed. Accordingly, glue a rectangle onto a square. Next, we glue a circle (pillow) and two triangles (on a duvet cover).

Granny: thank you guys! You helped me a lot. But it's time for me to go home, to do the rest. Thanks again.

The psychologist and the grandmother say goodbye and leave.

Lesson 15.

Tasks: encourage children to respond emotionally

2. continue to teach to listen to the teacher.

4. to cultivate a good attitude towards man-made

5. development of attention, perseverance.

Material: 1. table theater "Repka"

2. pouch.

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we will go to a fairy tale!

The psychologist sits down at the table, and the children gather around.

Psychologist: I have a bag. Want to know what's in it?

He takes his grandfather out of the bag. Children are examining a toy. After we get the turnip. We put her opposite grandfather.

Then we take out the characters of the fairy tale one by one, telling it in parallel. Children consider the heroes of the fairy tale, trying to imitate them.

When the turnip is taken out, we rejoice, clap our hands.

Psychologist: These are great fellows !!! Now let's play.

We raise our hands up

And then we omit them,

And then we will separate them

And we will quickly press to ourselves.

Clap one more time, one more time

We'll clap now!

Now hurry, hurry

Clap, clap more fun!

The psychologist says goodbye to the children, praises them.

Lesson 16.

Tasks: encourage children to respond emotionally

2. make contact

3. to teach to listen to the teacher.

4. to cultivate a good attitude towards man-made.

5. development of attention, perseverance.

Material: 1. table theater "Kolobok"

2. pouch.

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we will go to a fairy tale!

The psychologist sits down at the table, and the children gather around.

Psychologist: I have a bag. Want to know what's in it?

He takes his grandfather out of the bag. Children are examining a toy.

Psychologist: This is grandfather.

We take out the grandmother from the bag. We put her opposite grandfather.

Then we take out the characters of the fairy tale one by one, telling it in parallel. Children consider the heroes of the fairy tale, trying to imitate them.

Psychologist: What a fairy tale !!! Now let's play.

We carry out finger gymnastics "Ball".

I inflated an elastic balloon.

(put your fingers in the position that happens when we hold the ball)

He was bitten by a mosquito.

A balloon burst - no problem!

(fingers of both hands are collected with a "pinch" and touching the tips)

I'll blow a new balloon.

(inflate the balloon again).

Psychologist: Well done! We played well with you.

The psychologist says goodbye to the children, praises them.

Lessons 17.

Tasks: 1.development of coordination of movements (catching and throwing the ball)

2. consolidation of knowledge about the shape of a circle.

3. to consolidate the concept of yellow

Material : 1.Doll Kolobok


Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Guests have come to you today (we take out the kolobok).Who is this? That's right, bun. And what is the shape of the bun? What color? And let's look with you now, what else we have in the round-shaped group.

Together with the children we walk through the group, looking for round objects. The psychologist focuses on these things in children. If one of the children has found it, we praise it.

Gingerbread man: That's what great fellows you are! How many round were found. And I also have a round object - it's a ball! Let's play with you?

The game "Catch the Ball" is held. Children stand in front of a psychologist, who has a ball in his hand at a distance of 1.5 m. First, the hands will work for us: the psychologist throws the ball, and the child must catch it. If it didn't work out to catch, we raise the ball and put it in his hands. Then our legs work: the psychologist kicks the ball slightly, the child catches it, and then kicks the ball back to the psychologist. The game is played 2 times (first one stage, then the second).

Gingerbread man: That's what great fellows you are! How good are you at catching the ball. They are already quite big. Guys, it's time for me to roll on. May I come to visit you again?

The psychologist and the gingerbread man say goodbye to the children and leave.

Lesson 18.

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys. Today Kolobok has come to visit you again. Remember what shape it is? What color? he wants to play with you again. Will you play?

Gingerbread man: Guys, do you remember the tale about me? Let us remember her.

We remember the fairy tale "Kolobok" with children. We imitate the movements of animals.

Bunny: jumped like bunnies, hid from the wolf, jumped (repeat 3-4 times)

Wolf: hands in front of you, fingers in different directions, jump on Kolobok (repeat 3-4 times)

Bear: waddle (duration 15-20 seconds)

Fox: soft hand movements, walk smoothly (duration 15-20 seconds)

Psychologist: Guys, but we don't want the fox to eat the kolobok, do we? Let's then show Kolobok how to run away from the fox(ran with small steps).

Gingerbread man: That's how great we played! Thank you! But it's time for me to go home to my grandparents.

The psychologist and the Kolobok say goodbye to the children and leave.

Lesson 19.

Tasks: teach to work together

Material: 1.granny doll

2.A3 sheet with painted apron

4.PVA glue

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today a grandmother from a fairy tale about Kolobok came to visit you. What are we going to do now when she comes? That's right, say hello!

Granny: Hello guys! You know, when I was cooking Kolobok, my apron got all dirty. Will you help me make a new beautiful one? Well, then let's try ...

In front of the children we put a sheet of A3 format with a drawn apron. We invite them to glue multi-colored geometric shapes on the apron. We draw the attention of the children that we glue the figures inside the outline. In the process of work, we praise the children and encourage them.

Granny: Thank you guys! What a beautiful apron you made for me! I'll go and show him to my grandfather, I will boast!

Psychologist: What should I say to grandma? That's right, goodbye! And now we will play with you.

Finger gymnastics "Kneading the dough" is carried out.

Dough mnem, mnem, mnem!

We press the dough, we press, we press!

We will bake the pies!

(with our hands we imitate the process of kneading dough and sculpting pies).

Psychologist: These are great fellows! What delicious pies baked! Let's slap ourselves !! And they also helped my grandmother to sew an apron! That's how many things we did in class today !!! And now you can play!

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 20.

2. development of a sense of beauty,

3.the ability to work together

4. learn to stick, taking into account the compositional position.

Material: 1.A3 sheet with a drawn and painted vase

2.Flowers cut from white paper (according to the number of children)

3.PVA glue

4.Picture depicting spring

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Do you know what time of year it is? That's right, spring!(discuss the signs of spring in the picture).And we have a holiday soon! Feast of mothers and grandmothers. And we definitely need to make a gift for them - a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Let's try to do it!

In front of the children we put a sheet of A3 format with a drawn and painted vase. Please note that there are no flowers in the vase. We distribute to children flowers, cut out of paper and painted. We invite them to glue them on a sheet, then we will get a wonderful bouquet for mom.

In the process of work, we help children, we encourage them, we correct them.

Psychologist: Look what a beautiful bouquet it turned out! Your mothers will definitely like this bouquet! Let's play now - turn into flowers.

The sun is rising

The flower is blooming!

(we spread our fingers apart in different directions at the same time. If it works, then we can raise our hands at the same time).

The sun sits down -

A flower to go to bed.

(we bring our fingers together, lower our hands. You can squat down).

Psychologist: These are great fellows !!! What beautiful flowers you made. Now let's pat ourselves with you! We will put the picture so that mothers can see your beautiful bouquet!

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 21.

Tasks: 1.development of fine motor skills of the hand

2.developing the ability to work together

3. to consolidate knowledge about the time of day, night and morning.

4. develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax muscles.

Material: 1.painting depicting the starry sky

2. yellow plasticine

3.Carton in dark blue

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Guys, look at what time of day is shown in the picture? That's right, night! And what appears in the sky at night? Moon and stars! Is the moon large or small in size? Are the stars big or small? Let us now also make the night sky.

In front of the children we put a sheet of dark blue cardboard. The psychologist makes a moon (a large piece of plasticine) and invites the children to make many small stars. We distribute to the children a small piece of plasticine. We constantly remind them that the stars should be small. We help children, fix the work, if necessary.

Psychologist: Here is what a beautiful night sky we have! Now let's show you how the sun rises. Let's first squat down and rest a little(children imitate sleep).And now morning has come! We wake up, we rise, we reach for the sun high, high!(repeat the exercise 3-5 times).These are great fellows! Let's clap each other and ourselves.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 22.

Tasks: 1.development of fine and general motor skills

2.development of speech, imagination

3.development of coordination of movements

4. to form the ability to correlate their movements with words.

Material: 1.Cardboard in A3 format (tracks are made of plasticine on it)


Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello my dear! Well, let's play? Let's turn kittens with you? First, let's meow like kittens ... .. And now we'll show everyone our tails ... And now we need to wash: first the ears, then the eyes, then the nose, then the mouth, and also the tummy and, of course, the back! That's how clean we are now. Come on, kittens, let's take a walk.

We carry out finger gymnastics "Kitty"

Fist - palm,

I walk like a cat.

(simultaneously squeeze two palms into fists and put on the table, then simultaneously straighten your fingers and press your palms against the table. Repeat 3-5 times).

Psychologist: What wonderful little fluffy kittens. Do you know what kittens love to do? They really love to play. Let's now jump merrily with you, and now let's spin, and now we'll clap our hands, and how our legs stomp loudly! And when kittens run along the paths, they leave footprints. Look, we have a track(showing the children cardboard with plasticine tracks).Let us now leave such traces of seeds with you(we press the beans into plasticine with the children).These are the funny kittens - how fast and fun they run along the paths. Do you like to walk? Of course! Then let's play a little more, and then let's go for a walk.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 23.

Tasks: encourage children to respond emotionally

2.development of speech

3. to cultivate a good attitude towards man-made

Material: 1. table theater teremok

2. pouch.

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we will go to a fairy tale!

The psychologist sits down at the table, and the children gather around.

Psychologist: I have a bag. Want to know what's in it?

With a wave of his magic wand, he takes out a little tower from the bag. Children are looking at the teremok.

Psychologist: Teremok stands in the forest. Here is a tree.

We take out the Christmas trees from the bag. Children arrange them around the house.

Then we take out the characters of the fairy tale one by one, telling it in parallel. Children consider the heroes of a fairy tale, depict them: voice, gait.

When the bear destroys the house, we focus the attention of the children on how upset the animals are. But the bear is not a bad character. After all, he helped build a new teremok.

Together with the children, we decide how the animals helped at the construction site, who did what work.

Psychologist: These are great fellows !!! What a teremok they built !!! Better than ever! Now let's rest.

Finger gymnastics "Pipe" is carried out.

The house stands with a big chimney,

In it we will live with you.

The chimney on the roof looks up,

And smokes, as if breathing.

(hands are clenched into fists, round holes inside. Hands in front of the chest. We put the cam on the cam, changing the position of the hands. It turns out a long "pipe").

Psychologist: Well done! We played well with you. Remember what fairy tale we visited? ... Teremok!

The psychologist says goodbye to the children, praises them.

Lesson 24.

Tasks: 1.development of fine motor skills of the hand

2.development of perception, memory

3.learning in design techniques

Material for the lesson:1.bear toy

2.constructor with large elements

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys!!! How are you in the mood? And I was not alone. With me came a bear from the fairy tale "Teremok"

Bear: Hello guys! Remember what a beautiful teremok my friends and I built in a fairy tale? Do you want to learn how to build such a tower yourself?

A constructor is laid out in front of the children. We are building a house together with the children. During construction, we cheer up children, help, advise. If someone decided to build something else, we do not forbid, but we try to connect his building with the main one.

Bear: What a beautiful teremok we got !!! What good fellows you are! Are you tired? Let's rest and play?

Finger gymnastics "Building a house" is held.

All day - thump and thump, there is a resounding knock.

Hammers are knocking, we are building a house for chickens.

(hands are clenched into fists, we knock alternately with one fist on the other).

This is what a good house we will live in gloriously!

(pull the cams forward)

We will sing songs, have fun and dance.

(clap our hands).

Psychologist: These are great fellows! And the house was built and played! But, unfortunately, it's time for me and the bear to leave. But we will definitely come to you! Bye!

Lesson 25.

Tasks: cultivate a kind attitude towards others

2.develop the perception of composition teach to work together learn to fill the space without going beyond the contour

Material: 1. fox doll

2.A3 sheet

3.Multicolored geometric shapes made of paper

4.PVA glue

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today a chanterelle from the fairy tale "Teremok" has come to visit you. What are we going to do now when she comes? That's right, say hello!

Chanterelle: Hello guys! You know, we need a beautiful tablecloth on the table in our new teremok. Can you help me do it? Well, then let's try ...

We put a sheet of AZ format in front of the children. We invite them to glue multi-colored geometric shapes to make a pattern. We draw the attention of children that we glue the figures, paying attention to how other children glued the figures. In the process of work, we praise the children and encourage them.

Chanterelle: Thank you guys! What a beautiful tablecloth you made for me! I'll go show it to my friends!

Psychologist: What should I say to the chanterelle? That's right, goodbye! And now we will play with you.

A physical training session "Clap Times" is held.

We raise our hands up

And then we omit them,

And then we will separate them

And we will quickly press to ourselves.

Clap one more time, one more time

We'll clap now!

Now hurry, hurry

Clap, clap more fun!

(we perform movements in accordance with the text).

Psychologist: These are great fellows! Let's slap ourselves !! Moreover, they helped the chanterelle to sew the tablecloth! That's how many things we did in class today !!! And now you can play!

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 25.

Tasks: 1. development of imagination

Material: 1.A3 sheet tinted green


3.Picture depicting spring

4.PVA glue

Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello. Do you know what time of year it is? That's right - spring! Look at the picture(we look at the picture, pay attention to the signs of spring).

Now let's make a beautiful picture together with you. You will now become magicians yourself. Look, we have a green meadow. There are not enough flowers in this meadow! Let's plant dandelions here with you now.

We distribute pieces of cotton wool to the children. We propose to glue it on the meadow (the psychologist puts a point of glue, and the child must put cotton wool on this point).

Psychologist: Here are some beautiful dandelions we got. Now let's play with you a little.

Finger gymnastics "Flower" is carried out.

The sun is rising

The flower is blooming!

(we spread our fingers at the same time in different directions, at the same time raise our hands).

The sun sits down -

A flower to go to bed.

(we bring our fingers together, lower our arms, squat down).

Psychologist: well done! Let's clap each other.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 26.

Tasks: 1. development of imagination

2. consolidation of skills to use a brush

3.developing the ability to work together

4. fostering a sense of beauty.

Material: 1.meadow with flowers, made in the last lesson

2.white paper butterflies

3.gouache of different colors

4.brushes (according to the number of children)


Course of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello. Remember, we made a magic meadow in the last lesson. Look how beautiful we did it! But still something else is missing. Magic butterflies! Now let's everyone try to make a magic butterfly. After all, now you are wizards.

We distribute white paper butterflies to children. Each child colors it the way he wants. Then we fold each butterfly in half so that the paint mixes. We put it to dry.

Psychologist: Here are some beautiful butterflies we got. Now let's play with you a little. Let's turn into butterflies! First we'll fly ... And then we'll sit on a flower and rest. And now they flew again! Time to rest.

Well done! Let's clap each other.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Note: the next day we come and glue the flowers on the meadow.

Professional competition for educators



(2012/13 academic year)

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

secondary school № 000.

Nomination of the competition: Organization of holidays and events in

preschool educational institutions

Scenario of an open class in a nursery group:

GBOU SOSH № 000, Preschool department № 3, Moscow.

115563 Moscow, Borisovskiy proezd, house 40, building 3.

Tel. (4, fax (4

"Travel to the village to grandmother"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge gained by children about pets and their cubs.


development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, the ability to quickly respond to instructions;

teaching to distinguish colors, to relate them to objects;

development of general motor skills;

development of memory, speech and imagination;

development of the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children, with the rhythm of the verse.


Painting or toy farm, traces of three colors and boxes of the corresponding color,

Goose and ducks toy, Dyenysh blocks of three colors, hoop.

Course of the lesson

Children enter the hall.

They sit on chairs (in a semicircle).

Guys, show your eyes - do they see the eyes?

Show your ears, ears hear?

Show the pens - do the pens clap?

show feet, feet stomping?

Educator: And let's go today to visit my grandmother in the village.

Chu-chu-chu - far away, I'll rock you. (the song of the locomotive sounds - on disc no. 12)

But here's a stop, "Grandma's House" (showing a picture, a panel hanging on the wall). (At this time, the teacher changes into a grandmother)

Granny: Hello guys, you came to visit me. Well done. Come in, sit down. (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.) Look, I have a chest, and what is in it, we will now see. Oh, yes, I lost the key to this lock. How do you open it? Do you know this game: "There is a lock on the door" - let's play, let's say everything, maybe the lock will open

There is a lock on the door

Who could open it

Knocked, twisted

They pulled it out and opened it.

Granny : I'll tell you what animals live with me (takes out a toy). I have a cat, and she has very funny kids, and their names are (kittens). Let's tell you together.

Grandma: Look, who's meeting you? (Recorded with the voice of a dog, a toy dog ​​comes out). That's right, this is my dog ​​Bug.

Here is the dog Bug! Sharp teeth

The tail is a squiggle, the coat is variegated.

Granny: - What is the name of the puppies of the dog (puppies)

How do puppies differ from dogs? (puppies are small, the dog is big) - How does a big dog bark? (Children bark loudly)

How do puppies bark? (children bark softly)

Where does the dog live? In the kennel.

And they also live in my yard (showing illustrations):

    duck with ducklings. How is the duck quacking? horse with foal. How does a horse gallop? pig with piglets. The pig grunts. chicken with chickens. How does the chicken call its children? cow with a calf. How does a cow speak?

Granny : Oh-oh-oh, I had a problem. All the children of my animals scattered. Help the little ones find their mothers.

Game "Whose Mom?"

Children are given cards with images of babies for whom the child must pick up a mother.

Foal, pig, kitten, puppy, calf, chicken, goat.

Granny: Well done! You are my assistants, you helped the kids find their mothers.

And at you have a family at home ? (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather). Children you have your helpers - friends, they are your fingers. Let's count on our fingers what a big family we have turned out.

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is grandpa

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me, that's all my seven

Granny : Ouch! Look guys, whose tracks are they here? Let's follow them.

Various prints of footprints of various shapes are spread on the floor. The tracks are made of cardboard, fabric, paper.

Where do these tracks lead? Let's follow in the footsteps!

Children walk along the obstacle course. A children's song is played - №6. (Big feet walk along the road ...)

Game "Footprints"

Granny: Stamping our feet in the footsteps! Let's jump on them! We squat! We stand on one leg! Children: “I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking, I can't resist. Stop!"

Game "Bring the Same"

The teacher shows the child a trace of a certain color and asks him to bring the same. Traces are collected in a box.

Granny: We walked, walked and came to the pond . On the pond, the mother duck calls her ducklings: KRYA-KRYA-KRYA. And the mother goose calls her goslings: HA-HA-HA, run the goslings here.

Granny: Shows the yellow ball is a ball, what color? Yellow, we'll put it to the duck. And this ball, what color? White, put it to the goose.

Educator: Come guys, we will help grandmother, put the balls: yellow - to the duck, white - to the goose.

Granny: Oh yes guys, oh yes well done! Everyone knows how. Can you dance?

Educator: We are able! Grandma, let's dance with the kids!

A children's song sounds: “Where, where are our pens. No. 4 "(" The giraffe has spots "," Bus ").

Educator: Guys, let's take our grandmother for a ride on the carousel? Just don't forget your tickets. Bring figurines the same color as the carousel.

"Find the color"(Gyenysh's inserts) children find figures by the color of the carousel -. You can walk in a circle holding the hoop with one hand and reciting a poem.

Then, the children's song "Carousel" sounds

Barely, barely

The carousels spun

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two

The game is over!

(One of the options: everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. They walk in a circle, gradually switching to a run, then again slow down to a step and at the end everyone squats together.)

Granny: Thank you guys! Here you have pleased the old grandmother! It's been a long time since I had such fun!

Oh, guys, but I just have to go, and the toys are tired of waiting for you. And on the path I prepared a present for you: a basket with apples in bulk. Get ready to go to kindergarten and come visit me.

The children took the train to the kindergarten.

Chu-chu-chu - far away, I'll rock you. (The song of the engine is playing - on disc)