Foot pedicure at home. DIY pedicure at home: step by step instructions. Hardware pedicure: step-by-step instructions with a photo. What to expect from a manicure and pedicure in the salon

A pedicure is no less important for a modern person than a manicure. Feet should always look neat, so it will be useful for everyone to learn more about caring for them. In addition, a pedicure does not require special skills, and everyone can learn how to do it at home if they carefully study the nuances of the procedure.

What is a pedicure

Pedicure is a toenail treatment. It should be noted that the process also affects the skin of the feet. Everyone knows that a quality pedicure is not only beauty, but also health. Most people remember this procedure only with the arrival of the warm season, because it is then that our legs are constantly in sight. Of course, this approach cannot be called correct. It must be remembered that foot and nail hygiene is important throughout the year. This is the only way to avoid the following problems:

  • corns;
  • corns;
  • hyperkeratosis of the feet;
  • foot fungus;
  • onychocryptosis (ingrown nail);
  • etc.

Note that a pedicure should be done not only for women, but also for men.

Procedure frequency

As for the frequency of the pedicure, everything is individual here. Depending on the season and the condition of your feet, the procedure can be done one to four times a month. The type of pedicure also matters. The effect of the hardware lasts a very long time, thanks to which you can save time and money on the next trip to the master. The classic procedure cannot give you the same effect, so you will have to do it more often.

A pedicure performed by a professional in a beauty salon will delight you for a very long time

It is worth noting that in the summer, a pedicure must be performed at least once every two weeks. The same goes for people who have problems with their nails or the skin around them. In winter, you can perform the procedure only once a month, if everything is in order with the health of the feet. It must also be remembered that in case of serious diseases (fungus, onychocryptosis, etc.), you need to consult a doctor. In such a situation, you cannot do a pedicure yourself, as there is a risk of harming your health.

If you have thin and dry skin on your feet, then do not have a pedicure more than once every three weeks.

Benefits of ghjwtlehs

  1. Healthy and attractive appearance of nails and feet in general.
  2. Prevention of most skin diseases.
  3. The procedure includes a light foot massage, which improves blood circulation in the legs.
  4. The skin of the feet is moisturized and beautiful even in the interval between procedures, because during the pedicure, special creams and agents are used to soften and remove the rough layer of the epithelium.
  5. Pleasant sensations for a long time after the procedure.

Necessary materials and tools for the implementation of a pedicure at home

  1. The first step is to choose the right nail file. Its surface should not be too rough or soft. The first option can lead to rapid delamination of nails, while the second will be inconvenient to work with. The ideal choice is a glass nail file, because it is almost not subject to grinding and cannot damage the nail.

    A glass nail file is better for pedicure.

  2. File for polishing. It's pretty easy to choose such a tool. One side should be stiff, the other a little softer.
  3. Bath set. Everything here is at your discretion. For example, there is a bath for toning the legs. To prepare it, you need to stock up on sea salt and mint essential oil. The antibacterial effect can be achieved with the help of baking soda, and a decoction of chamomile will help to relax.

    Mint essential oil has a tonic effect, thanks to which a bath with this product will relieve fatigue from the legs.

  4. Pumice. It is thanks to her that you can achieve the smoothest skin on your feet. Choose a fine grained tool.

    It is very convenient to use a pumice stone to remove dead skin from the feet.

  5. It is impossible to treat the entire surface of the skin on the feet with a pumice stone. That is why you need to get a foot scrub.

    A coffee scrub is ideal for a pedicure, you can make it yourself or buy it in a store

  6. Wooden stick. It is designed to push back the cuticle.

    A wooden stick is essential for a quality pedicure

  7. Massage cream or any vegetable oil. You can choose any of the options depending on your skin type. For dry, oil is more suitable, for oily - a light moisturizer.

    Olive oil works great for a foot massage

  8. Means for degreasing the surface of the nail. Better if it is acetone-free.
  9. Nail polish. You can choose the color and texture of the product at your discretion.

    You can choose any varnish for a pedicure

  10. Special spacer pads to help you spread your fingers and make the procedure easier.

    The spacer pads are very comfortable to use

  11. Base and top coat.
  12. Nail polish remover.

    Nail polish remover is designed to remove old coatings from nails

  13. Cotton buds and discs. Thanks to them, the process of performing the procedure will be greatly simplified.

    Cotton swabs are needed to remove excess nail polish from the skin around the nails.

  14. You can buy the most ordinary manicure scissors, but of high quality

    A manicure spatula is necessary to push back the cuticle

Stages of execution: step-by-step instructions with a photo

  1. All instruments must be thoroughly disinfected before the procedure.
  2. First of all, you need to wash your feet. For this, it is better to use ordinary soap.

    When washing your feet, you can use a brush to achieve maximum effect.

  3. Now you can safely remove old nail polish using a special tool and a cotton pad. Better to use a liquid without acetone. If your nails were covered with shellac, apply the product and wrap your fingers in foil for 15 minutes. After this time, you can easily remove the residues from the surface.

    Old varnish must be removed from the surface of the nails just before the procedure.

  4. The next step will be to file the nails. This must be done in one direction. It is not necessary to carry out experiments on the shape of the toenails, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences (for example, to onychocryptosis). But if you have already encountered such a problem, and it is at an initial stage, then treat the affected area with soda mixed with potassium permanganate. Remember that an advanced disease can only be cured by a specialist.

    A pedicure usually starts with a nail file.

  5. Now you need to use a file for polishing. Just run the tool over the entire surface of the nails, but try to do it as carefully as possible.

    You need to polish your nails very little to acquire a natural shine.

  6. The next step in the procedure is to soften the skin of the legs with a bath. Pour warm water into a special device, add sea salt and essential oils to it. Find the right care for your skin, as there are many options.
    The foot bath can also be done in a regular basin. The procedure takes 15 minutes. This is enough for the dead cells of the epidermis to soften.

    Chamomile infusion bath will relax your legs

  7. After the bath, you can start taking care of your feet. The purpose of this stage is to remove the hardened layer of the epidermis. The easiest way to do this is with a pumice stone. If the skin has not had time to soften, then lower your feet into the bath for another 15 minutes. Remember that the pumice stone can only be used on the heels and feet. The rest of the skin on the feet can be cleaned with a foot scrub.

    Pumice stone treatment is a simple procedure to keep your feet smooth and healthy.

  8. If you need to trim your nails, now is the time. Take your nail scissors. Gently cut the nail in a straight line to create a square shape. This will prevent a problem like onychocryptosis. Remember to trim the cut with a file. In this case, you need to work with a tool from the edges of the nail to its center.

    You can trim the nail, if necessary, only after taking a bath and processing the skin.

  9. Now you can start pushing back the cuticle. With the help of a wooden stick, you will do this as quickly and safely as possible. Before the procedure, it is advisable to apply a special emollient to the cuticle. The experts advise not to trim the skin, as this can lead to infection. It is better to remove the remaining product and pieces of epidermis with an ordinary napkin or damp towel. At the same stage, you need to clean the area under the nails from the accumulated dirt. This can be done with a manicure spatula.

    You can remove the remnants of dead cells from the skin of the feet with a damp towel.

  10. The next stage of the procedure is massage. Take a special cream or ordinary vegetable oil and get started. You don't need special skills for this, just stretch your leg with light hand movements. Try not to squeeze your foot too much, your goal is to improve blood circulation and moisturize your skin with a cream or oil. If you suffer from excessive sweating of the feet, then use a product with a deodorant effect.

    The classic pedicure includes a light foot massage that anyone can do

  11. The last step is to apply the varnish. For convenience, you can use spacer pads to keep your fingers away from each other. Do not forget to degrease the surface of your nails with a special tool. Apply top coat first, then two coats of colored or clear varnish, and then top coat. Be sure to dry your nails after each treatment.

    Applying polish will be easier with the special toe pads

Video: performing a classic pedicure at home

Nail care after the procedure

At the end of the procedure, you must continue to care for your feet. Apply a thick layer of nourishing cream to your skin and wear cotton socks on your feet. This should be done right before bedtime. During the night of using these socks, the skin of your feet will become even more hydrated and soft.

In the interval between pedicure procedures, it is enough to nourish the skin of the feet with a foot cream daily. You can also trim the burrs neatly if necessary.

Features of the implementation of various types

Of course, in addition to the classic, there are other types of pedicure. Consider the features of performing the main ones at home. We will also separately study the distinctive features of a male pedicure.

Using gel polish

The main difference between a pedicure using gel polish and a classic procedure is the mandatory presence of a UV lamp at home. It is desirable that it be powerful (36 W). Of course, gel polish can dry even at 9 W, but a pedicure in this case will take much more of your time and energy. It is also worth noting that before applying shellac, it is better to treat your nails with bondex. This agent is necessary for good adhesion of the coating to the surface. You can miss this point, but the result in this case may not meet your expectations. Do not forget that when performing a pedicure with gel polish, you must use a base.

A UV lamp is required to perform a pedicure with gel polish


Acid pedicure differs markedly from the classic one. The peculiarity of the procedure lies in the use of a special peeling. You can buy a product for such a pedicure on the Internet or in a beauty salon. After applying the peeling, you need to put on socks and leave them on your feet for several hours. It is better if you lie all this time, covering your feet with a towel.

Acidic pedicure can be done with napkins as special socks are not always available

The advantage of an acid pedicure is that you can get rid of corns, old calluses and other skin irregularities without much effort in a short period.

It should be noted that such a pedicure cannot be used for hypersensitive skin of the feet.


Dry or European pedicure differs from the classic one in that it is carried out without using a softening foot bath. Interestingly, this procedure is suitable for any skin type, gender and age. The risk of contracting nail fungus when performing a dry pedicure is minimized. Note that when the feet are neglected, the European procedure will definitely not work. In addition, this type of pedicure uses alkaline emollients, which, if used continuously, can cause allergies.

Express pedicure

Express pedicure is mainly used to keep the feet well-groomed between treatments. In this case, you do not have to bother with preparing a bath and massage. It is enough to use a softener, remove excess skin and file your nails a little. This type of pedicure takes no more than twenty minutes.

Express pedicure can be performed without removing the varnish, just cut off the burrs and file your nails a little


It is a type of dry. The main feature of the procedure is the use of a wooden stick instead of scissors and tweezers. With the help of a simple device, the cuticle is pushed back, and the surface of the nail is also cleaned. This method minimizes the risk of injury and cuts. This implies a light massage with moisturizing cream at the end of the main procedure.

French pedicure must be completed with a foot massage


Japanese pedicure is more curative than aesthetic. The procedure involves the use of exclusively natural tools and products that will not be able to cause you allergies or harm your feet. No metal or artificial materials are used during Japanese pedicure. You need to stock up on silk, essential oil and soft sponges made from natural materials if you decide to do the procedure at home. Japanese pedicure differs significantly from the classic one, so let's look at its main stages.

Stages of performing a Japanese pedicure at home

  1. The first step is to apply a scrub and pumice the feet.
  2. Now you need to polish your nails well using special blocks.
  3. It's time to treat the cuticle with oil and massage each finger with wooden sticks.
  4. The next stage involves filling the irregularities on the nails with a paste filled with vitamins and microelements. Simply rub the product into your nails with a genuine leather sponge and a wooden stick.
  5. Now is the time to process each nail with warm wax, so that the water balance of the plate is normalized.
  6. The next step is to treat the nail with a healing serum and moisturize the cuticle with a special oil.
  7. The treatment ends with a foot massage with hot silk bags, which are usually filled with medicinal herbs and coarse salt.

Japanese pedicure is not only a treatment, but also a good prevention of most diseases of the skin and toenails.


It is rather difficult to perform a trim pedicure on your own, since such a procedure will require extreme concentration and accuracy from you. The point is that the instruments must be literally sterile, otherwise you can easily infect an infection. The essence of a trim pedicure is to remove the cuticle, dead cells of the epidermis, calluses, corns and ingrown nails. For such a procedure, you need to purchase a special razor with a blade, good nippers, and a coarse pumice stone. A trim manicure should always start with a hot foot bath. After the procedure, the legs become smooth, the skin is tender, and the effect lasts up to a month.

In a trim pedicure, the skin around the nail is removed using special forceps


During a hardware pedicure, you do not have to steam the skin of your feet with a bath. For this purpose, you can use a special spray. Thanks to this approach, living cells will not be hurt, and dead ones will be easily removed. It should be noted that the product also has disinfecting and wound healing properties. Treatment of nails and skin during the procedure is carried out using a special apparatus. The excess is not cut off with a blade, but with grinding attachments and cutters. This minimizes the risk of injury. A big plus of the procedure is that the device will be able to reach the most inaccessible places on the feet (for example, between the toes). Of course, to do such a pedicure at home, you need to know how to use the tool.

Hardware pedicure involves the use of a special tool

Spa treatment

To do a spa pedicure at home, you need to be willing to spend a lot of time and effort on it. The treatment includes a relaxing bath with aromatic oils and a moisturizing mask. The rest of the spa pedicure is the same as usual. But it should be borne in mind that the bath will take at least half an hour. It is better to buy a special mask, but you can also use an ordinary nourishing cream. Apply a thick layer of the product to your feet, wrap a plastic bag over them and put on your socks. It is recommended to keep the composition on your feet for at least two hours. Then you can have a classic pedicure and enjoy the result.

Spa pedicure differs from the classic one by taking a bath and applying a mask.

Features of a male pedicure

The only difference between a man's pedicure and a woman's is a more thorough treatment of the feet with a pumice stone and a scrub. The skin of the stronger sex is much rougher, so the process will take a little longer. The rest of the procedure does not differ from the classical one. Of course, a man needs to apply only transparent varnish and only if he wishes.

A male pedicure differs from a female pedicure in that varnish in this case is almost never applied.

Photo gallery: design ideas

White pedicure is suitable for weddings and business receptions
An unusual pedicure in blue tones will suit a courageous girl.A multi-colored pedicure will look great on any occasion
The yellow pedicure looks unusual, but very stylish. Yin and Yang pedicure will appeal to most girls
Pedicure "Blue Lagoon" is performed using several colors of varnish
Purple pedicure is perfect for gentle ladies There is nothing better than a classic French pedicure, because it always looks very stylish Few girls like black pedicure, because it is considered quite unusual.For a pedicure in pink, it is better to buy the brightest varnish of this shade

Lesson # 4: How to properly give clients a pedicure with graters

Recently, most of the masters have adopted the trend of hardware pedicure, what is the reason? - hardware pedicure saves time. At the start, you must learn the classical pedicure technique with the help of graters, time is a relative concept, the classical technique is in no way inferior to the hardware one, including in time. In this lesson, learn how to quickly do a classic hygienic pedicure.

Your professional tasks as a pedicure master:

  • remove outdated rough skin in the aisles of the norm.
  • work with problem areas (corns and cracks), not only remove them, but also carry out manipulations so that they do not appear again.
  • hygiene the skin on the fingers, remove the cuticle and shape the free edge. Special work with corners.
  • remove residues after polishing feet and moisturize the skin. It is very important to avoid dry feet after cleaning.

We will familiarize ourselves with all the smallest details and rules, and most importantly we will learn 4 home online lessons in the material

Skin types of feet and their characteristics - you must determine them:

There is no need to be afraid of working with feet, it is absolutely not scary and not long if you go the way that suits the skin of your client or client. You will not have problems if at the first glance at the client's legs you have a model of work in your head. The key to the result is to correctly determine the scale of the work, that is, to understand how rough and trampled the skin is. You have to do this in order to choose the right grater, if the grater is selected correctly, you will cope with rough skin without problems.

Normal skin type of the foot- the skin is usually light, it can trample a little on problem areas (on the pad below the toes on the side and heels), usually such skin is not prone to dryness, but in the summer, when dust gets into open shoes, the heels may become a little dry. It is easy to work with this type of leather, because the degree of coarseness is minimal, if the care is correct and regular, there may be no coarseness at all and you will just need to polish the skin. The period between pedicures is 3 weeks.

Average skin type of feet- in this case, the skin is also not particularly problematic, but it has its own nuances in hygiene, you, as a master, must be ready and remember the average type is prone to dryness, which means that improper care can lead to dryness and cracks. This type is usually more common in work. The skin of the feet of medium coarseness has a slightly yellowish color, since the percentage of skin that needs to be removed is greater than that of the first type. The most problematic part is the heels. The period between pedicures is 2-2.5 weeks.

Problematic skin type of feet prone to damage- this is very dry skin, which is why it is often damaged. You should not only cleanse the skin, but ALWAYS give the client recommendations for home care, if you follow all the rules of care, this skin can be restored. You need to carefully carry out hygiene procedures, here you need a golden mean when removing, you cannot remove more skin than you need, but you should not leave a little more either. In both cases, the problem can only be exacerbated. If you grind off more leather than necessary, the cracks will spread deeper, if not removed, the skin will become drier. The period between pedicures is 1.5-2 weeks.

How can a beginner pedicure master learn how to do a classic pedicure according to each skin type correctly?

To do a pedicure, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Heel grater;
  • Finger grater;
  • Scissors and 2 types of nippers (nail and cutaneous);
  • Orange stick;
  • File for natural nails, buff;
  • Gloves and a mask for you;
  • Disposable bag, slippers and a towel for the client;
  • Foot remover, scrub, cuticle cream and oil;
  • Bath salt.

Learn to do a pedicure with graters (without apparatus and blade):

  1. Make the client more comfortable, treat their feet with a disinfectant, then treat your hands with a disinfectant, wait until it dries and put on disposable gloves. Carefully examine the client's feet, determine the type of skin according to the signs indicated above.
  2. Place the client's leg on the stand and move the cuticle away with an orange stick.
  3. Take the remover and apply to the client's feet, more liberally on the heels and below the toes, less on the toes and midfoot. Let the liquid sit for 2-4 minutes before steaming in water. Put on the mask and prepare the bath. Place a disposable bag on the tray, add salt and draw in warm water.
  4. Ask the client to put their feet in the tub. While the legs are steaming, prepare the tools and use the grater you want. Disinfect each instrument separately. Remember - graters with a hardness of 80/120 grit - for medium hard heels, 100/120 grit - for soft heels. Laser cut graters are universal, suitable for all skin types.
  5. Let's start cleansing the heels. Ask the client to take the leg out of the water and place it on the stand with the foot facing you. Blot your foot lightly with water, but it should remain damp. Take a grater and dip it in water. Important!- the graters should always be damp, a dry grater irritates the skin and makes it coarse. Take the grater in a hand that is comfortable for you, with the hard side and back and forth movements "wash" rough skin from the feet. You will see a creamy gruel on a grater and shavings, this is normal, then you are acting correctly. Start right from the heel - this is the most problematic area. After you remove dry skin, polish the foot with a very soft grater. Treat your fingers at the very last moment. Remember to moisten the grater. Each type requires a certain time, for example, it will take you about 10 minutes to clean the feet of a normal type (time calculation for both legs), on slightly dry feet about 20 minutes, on problem skin from 25 minutes, it all depends on the degree of dryness.
  6. After finishing the work with the feet, ask the client to rinse the leg and place the foot on the support. Trim the cuticles and corners of the nails if they bother the client. Do the same with the foot of the second leg.
  7. After processing the feet with a grater, another stage of cleansing follows - exfoliation of the remnants of the skin from the graters. Apply the scrub to a damp foot and massage gently.
  8. Rinse off the scrub and wipe the legs dry. Give the nails a shape and treat with a buff.
  9. Apply oil to the cuticle and rub it in, apply cream to the feet and massage it in.
  10. If the client wants coverage, prepare their nails.

If a client has cracks, what to do:

After you remove the stale skin, the client is obliged to take care of the heels at home, otherwise the cracks will not get rid of. Your professional hand + home care will get rid of cracks. In order for the cracks to heal, you need to remove the dry skin from which they formed, you have already done this. The home care that the client should do is to apply an antibiotic ointment to clean feet at night, which promotes healing, this is a common ointment for wounds. The ointment should be applied with a compress, under a cotton pad, putting on a sock on top. In the morning, you need to remove the socks, wash off the rest of the ointment and let the legs dry for 15 minutes. Such procedures will help to cure problem skin, but the client should regularly attend hygiene procedures and do homework.

The result that you get after all the actions:

Be confident in your abilities, the main thing is to observe the right proportions and choose the right tools. This procedure requires your attention, it all depends on how visually you will assess the amount of work. You will succeed!

If you have any questions or need to clarify something about the lesson, contact a specialist online for help, via a comment.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity regularly visit beauty salons, entrusting their feet only to a professional master. However, the procedure is easy to do at home, while saving money. To do this, you just need to purchase the necessary tools for a pedicure and familiarize yourself with the technique of its implementation.

Types of pedicure and technique

The following types of pedicure are made in beauty salons: hardware, edged, unedged and SPA. Each method has its own execution technique, advantages, disadvantages, having studied which, you can make a choice in favor of one of them and learn how to do the procedure at home. Unedged or European pedicure is done on unstained legs, therefore it is also called "dry". The skin of the feet and cuticles are softened with special agents that must be used strictly according to the instructions.

After that, the cuticle is pushed back with a pusher, the nails are given the desired shape, and the feet are processed with grinders. At the end of the procedure, an emollient cream or oil is applied. The pruning pedicure is called classic and is one of the simplest and most popular ways to care for your feet. It is performed with the help of special tools (pumice stone, scrapers, scissors, tweezers, etc.), it involves preliminary steaming of the legs in a bath, mechanical removal of the cuticle and skin treatment, which differs from other types of procedure. Easy to do at home.

The hardware view is made using a special device with different milling nozzles. The salons should only be conducted by qualified professionals who have undergone the required training. It belongs to the dry type of the procedure, since it is carried out on the non-soaked surface of the legs. Doing it at home without prior preparation is fraught with damage and injury.

During a SPA pedicure, in addition to skin resurfacing, you can treat corns, cracks in the heels, massage the feet, which increases the tone of the whole body. For softening, different masks are used, sometimes fruit acids. Cleansing from keratinized skin is carried out using a special apparatus or a scrub, then nourishing, softening masks, oils or a toning gel are applied. Each of the above types of procedure has advantages and disadvantages:



Fast cuticle removal, foot skin softening, budget

In the absence of experience, there is a risk of injury, infection, infection with a fungus, provokes accelerated growth of the cuticle


Safe, the skin is not injured, there is no risk of infection, does not take much time

The cuticle edge turns out to be uneven, and the skin of the feet is not very soft, the procedure requires frequent repetition


Takes a minimum of time, eliminates burrs, the likelihood of injury is minimal

It is impossible to do it at home with your own efforts without certain skills, and in the salon the service is expensive

SPA pedicure

Includes a much larger complex of foot care, has a relaxing effect

In case of violation of the technique, ignoring the disinfection of instruments, there is a possibility of injury and infection.

Pedicure tools at home

A proper home pedicure starts with choosing the right tools and appliances. You will need:

  1. Tray for steaming feet (a special massage or basin is suitable).
  2. Iodine, sea salt, lemon juice, essential oils, etc. Will be needed to strengthen the nail plate, saturate it with vitamins during steaming.
  3. A file, a pumice stone, a float, a machine for removing rough skin of the feet, or a scrub if you need to get rid of a thin layer of keratinized particles.
  4. A foot mask that softens the skin, saturates it with nutrients.
  5. Wooden (orange) sticks or a spatula to push back the cuticle and nail scissors to remove it.
  6. Nippers to trim off burrs and keratinized skin around the nail plate.
  7. Grinding and glass files to process the free edge of the nail, give it the desired shape, polish its surface.
  8. Cuticle softening oil.
  9. Liquid for removing varnish, nail varnish, base for it, varnish drying agent, fixer.

How to properly do a pedicure at home - stages of the procedure

You need to do a pedicure at least once every 2-3 weeks, but when it's hot outside, the cosmetic procedure will have to be carried out more often. Having prepared the necessary tools, you can begin to put your legs in order. To do this, follow these steps in stages:

  1. If there are deep cracks, wounds on the feet, you need to take measures to eliminate these problems, wait until the dermis is completely restored and only then do a pedicure. An ingrown nail at the initial stage of the disease is treated with a soda solution or potassium permanganate. A neglected form should be treated by a doctor.
  2. Prepare, disinfect instruments using, for example, Chlorhexidine.
  3. Remove the varnish, treat the surface of the nail plate with a double-sided polishing file: first hard (to get rid of irregularities), and then polish the other side to make the nail smooth. Saw off unnecessary lengths, giving the nail a natural square shape.
  4. Make a bath with soapy water, sea salt, essential oils. Hold your feet for 15 minutes, dry with a waffle towel. Wait until completely dry.
  5. The next step is getting rid of the rough skin of the feet, corns, calluses. To do this, use a fine-grained pumice stone, and in hard-to-reach places, apply a scrub or peeling. Rinse your feet.
  6. Next, you need to move the cuticle with a wooden stick, clean off the dirt from the nail plate and under it.
  7. Massage your feet using nourishing, moisturizing creams. If these are not at hand, use olive or vegetable oil.
  8. The final stage is varnishing, but before that, the surface of the nail must be greased with an acetone-free degreasing agent. After the varnish has dried, treat the cuticle and periungual epidermis with jojoba or peach oil.

Foot baths

A beautiful pedicure at home should be started with a foot bath. The main task of the procedure is to steam, soften the skin of the feet, prepare them for further manipulations, and facilitate the process of removing the hardened epidermis. Baths, in addition to water and soapy water, often contain additional components that have different effects on the legs.

Toning bath

A fragrant bath with a tonic effect helps to relieve leg fatigue after prolonged exertion, a hard day at work. To prepare it, you need to dilute sea salt (2 tablespoons per 5 liters) in hot water at an acceptable temperature for the skin and add peppermint infusion. You can use esters of eucalyptus, spruce, pine, chamomile flowers, calendula, St. John's wort, nettle. Dry components must be brewed and added to the bath at the rate of 1 liter of decoction per 3 liters of liquid, the amount of essential oils per liter of water is 7-8 drops. The procedure takes 15 minutes.

Antifungal and antibacterial

The procedure helps to disinfect the epidermis at home from fungal infections, bacteria that could get on your feet while visiting the pool, water park, where you had to walk barefoot. Baking soda has an antibacterial effect and the ability to get rid of an unpleasant odor, with which you can prevent fungal diseases. It must be dissolved in warm water, the approximate amount of powder is 4-5 tablespoons per 3 liters of water. Soak your feet in the bath for 20 minutes, then pat your feet dry with a waffle towel and move on to the next step.

Relaxing with moisturizing effect

Chamomile and calendula flowers perfectly tone up, relax and moisturize the skin of the feet. Baths with these plants are suitable for those who spend a lot of time on their feet and women who wear high-heeled shoes on a daily basis. In addition to the above properties, this procedure perfectly disinfects the skin of the feet, killing bacteria. Three tbsp. l. of dried plants, you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, and then dilute in 3 liters of warm water. Soak your feet in the bath for about 15-20 minutes, wipe dry and proceed to get rid of rough skin.

Treatment of nails and cuticles

After the bath has been taken, and the skin of the feet is steamed, proceed to the next stage of the pedicure - the treatment of the cuticle and nail plate. The free edge of the nail must be trimmed evenly with nail scissors or cut off, giving it a square shape (so that it does not grow in), and then process the irregularities with a nail file. You cannot cut too close to the skin, otherwise irritation may begin or an infection will get. Further, with the help of nippers, it is necessary to get rid of the keratinized particles around the nail.

Then the cuticle, previously treated with softening oil, is pushed back with an orange stick. With a trim pedicure, it is trimmed with scissors (tweezers), but it is not recommended to do this on the legs. Further, with a manicure spatula, the remnants of the cuticle, dirt and dead cells under the free edge of the nail plate are cleaned off. The next step is to polish the nail with a sanding file to smooth out irregularities and prepare it for decorative varnish.

Foot skin care

A quality pedicure at home will not be so if you do not pay enough attention to the skin of your feet. First, you need to get rid of keratinized particles of the epidermis using pumice, scrub or peeling. The next step is moisturizing, nourishing, for this you need to apply the cream with light massage movements. If you have excessive sweating of your feet, use a special ointment or deodorant cream.

Removal of corns and keratinized skin

Some people need to remove rough skin on their feet more often - once every 2 weeks, as they grow back much faster. In addition, corns are often formed there, in the fight against which you need to use special tools. At home, pumice stones, nail files, a foot grater or a machine are used to treat feet. The first two help when you need to get rid of a thin layer of keratinized particles, in hard-to-reach places you can apply a scrub with abrasive particles.

In more advanced cases, it is necessary to use a grater with a processing surface made of plastic, pumice, nickel, etc. It is better to purchase a double-sided grater for a home pedicure and treat the legs first with a harder surface, then rinse off the removed stratum corneum and, after wiping the feet, rub it again. but on the less abrasive side.

If you have dense corns, you should use a machine with blades. It is necessary to work with this tool on steamed feet, moving gently, almost without pressure, in the direction from the edge of the heel to its center. After completing the procedure, the legs are placed in a bath for a few minutes, wiped dry, then sanded with a nail file and smeared with cream.

Nutrition and hydration

Our feet are almost devoid of sebaceous glands, so they need additional moisture, especially after cleaning. To do this, you need to use special creams with different effects (nourishing, moisturizing, deodorizing, etc.). The composition is applied in the direction from the heels to the fingers with light massage movements. It is advisable to use such means daily before bedtime.

Hardware pedicure step by step with a photo

Some women prefer the hardware type of pedicure and, having purchased a machine for home use, do the procedure in comfortable conditions with their own hands. Sequencing:

  1. Softening the skin of the feet with special lotions with a disinfectant effect.
  2. Removal of hardened skin. When changing the attachments on the device, first treat the periungual skin, then cut off the cuticle and finally work on the heels, removing calluses and corns. For each area of ​​the feet, it is necessary to change cutters, which differ in shape, size and degree of abrasiveness.
  3. Cuticle polishing with a round tip.
  4. Grinding, polishing the nail plate, the surface of the feet.
  5. Mitigation. Apply a moisturizing (nourishing) mask containing paraffin or lubricate your feet with cream.

DIY SPA pedicure

If you have free time and are ready to devote it to caring for your feet, be sure to do a SPA pedicure. The procedure at home consists of the following sequential actions:

  1. Bath. Steam the skin in warm water for 30 minutes, adding soapy water, 1 liter of chamomile decoction and any aromatic oils (8 drops per 1 liter of water).
  2. Remove the rough skin from the surface of the feet, massage them.
  3. Apply a foot mask, either purchased or made by yourself. For example, glycerin, honey, paraffin, with clay, aspirin or laundry soap.
  4. Make an edged or unedged pedicure of your choice.
  5. Cover the nails with varnish, lubricate the cuticles with softening jojoba, peach oil, and let it soak.

Coating toenails with varnish

After completing the main stages of a pedicure at home, you just have to apply a varnish coating to your nails, choosing its shade at your discretion. For lovers of naturalness, naturalness, you can use colorless enamel, which will strengthen the nail plate, give the nails shine and a well-groomed attractive look. Depending on the season, clothes and mood, a pedicure can be made an important detail of your image: plain or multi-colored, bright or neutral, with or without a pattern.

As a base, it is necessary to apply a base colorless coating, which will ensure an even distribution of the base varnish and prevent cracks and chips. The next step is to apply the main shade, it is better to do this in 2 layers so that the color turns out to be saturated, bright. Finally, the marigolds are covered with a fixative. Recently, shellac has been very popular, which adheres to the nail plate for a long time, does not chip and remains bright.

Contraindications for home pedicure

Before proceeding with the pedicure in the salon or at home, study the contraindications for which the procedure cannot be carried out:

  1. Damage to the nail plate with a fungus.
  2. The presence of injuries, cracks, ingrown nails, hematomas.
  3. Pustular ulcers.
  4. Poor blood clotting (for a cut look).
  5. Thin nails, skin (for hardware pedicure).

Nail plate design - fashion trends of the season with photos


In order to have neat nails flaunted on your feet in the summer season of open shoes, it is not necessary to run to an appointment with a specialist. The correct pedicure can be done by yourself. For beginners, there are a couple of secrets that will allow you to do a pedicure with your own hands without any problems.

If everything is more or less clear about manicure, then there are many questions about a pedicure at home. For example, how often to change the coating on the legs. Many experts believe that a classic pedicure should be done every eight to ten days.

If you take care of the skin on your legs on a regular basis, it will become tender, therefore, a professional pedicure is not required at all. Before starting a pedicure, you need to remove the old coating from your toenails. All pedicure instruments must be disinfected.

Before considering a pedicure at home, you need to mention the most common mistakes:

  • Warm water is suitable for steaming the skin on the legs; it is not recommended to use hot water. It is necessary to withstand the feet for 15–20 minutes.
  • Mechanical removal of calluses is prohibited. In the most unfortunate set of circumstances, you risk getting blood poisoning. Home pedicure is performed only with a scrub and natural pumice stone, which can be replaced with a professional scraper.
  • It is not worth removing the cuticle. If cut the wrong way, it will only grow faster. Better to just push it aside with an orange stick.
  • Root trimming or corner trimming is not permitted as it can lead to an ingrown toenail. To prevent this from happening, you need to cut only in a straight line.

A beautiful pedicure at home is possible only with additional devices. With the help of some of them, manicure is performed, most likely you already have something. Some items are optional, but they help you get the best results.

For example, a special massager mat. Usually it is inexpensive, the surface imitates the bottom of the sea, lined with pebbles. Walking on it for a few minutes is enough, and the acupuncture points will be stimulated. Professional pedicure scrapers allow you to achieve perfect, even and smooth skin. However, if you are not doing a professional pedicure, pumice stone may replace it.

Orange tree sticks are familiar to all girls who do their own manicure. This versatile tool helps to gently remove cuticles. Self-massage socks are essentially similar to a massage mat, however, they are easier to wear.

Preparation is the key to success

How to do a pedicure correctly? Just like a manicure, you need to start with the preparation of the plates. Remember to remove the old coating before proceeding with steaming and other steps.

The first step for a pedicure is preparing the instruments. You should have a good nail file in your arsenal. She will also help you get the perfect manicure. It is best to give preference to glass options without using "emery" files.

By working with a glass object, you will be completely protected from damage to your toenail or hand. In addition, it does not grind off, which means that you can perform a pedicure at home with it for a very long time.

The filing of the plates is carried out in one direction, with the help of which the nails get the desired shape. Don't experiment too much with it. This is more true when you are doing a manicure. The unusual shape of the plates on the feet is not recommended due to the problem of ingrown nails. If you notice signs of this disease in yourself, it is better to immediately contact a specialist for quality treatment and prevention of relapse in the future.

A professional pedicure, like a manicure, involves polishing the nail. For this, a special double-sided nail file is used, designed for such purposes. First, the rough side is used, which allows you to remove small irregularities from the nails, as well as the remains of the coating. The second, less rigid side allows you to polish the surface of the marigold, obtaining a shiny top layer.

An important step for a pedicure is to steam your feet. The skin needs softening before processing.

To do this, prepare a pedicure bath with warm water. Lather is added to it. To enhance the effect, you can add a small amount of sea salt. After 15 minutes, you need to walk with a scraper over the skin to remove dead cells and wipe your feet dry. After that, a moisturizer is applied.

There are four types of foot baths. The simplest of them is tonic. To prepare it, you need sea salt and peppermint ether. If you don't have oil on hand, you can use dried mint.

An antibacterial bath will be relevant for those who suffer from fungus or need decontamination after visiting the pool, water park and other crowded places. To do this, you need four to five tablespoons of baking soda per bath. This solution is an excellent disinfectant, eliminating bacteria from the nails. Additionally, you can eliminate sweat odor with this procedure.

To prepare a relaxing bath, you will need chamomile or calendula infusion. Additionally, you will achieve skin hydration and disinfection, which is important in the presence of small cracks or wounds. The wellness bath is one of the most popular. This is the same bath with sea salt, which also begins the manicure. It helps to get rid of rough skin.

Skin care

For a classic pedicure, and indeed a manicure, to be perfect, it is necessary to pay due attention to the skin of the feet. The main goal in caring for her is to remove rough skin. The main assistant can be a pumice stone. It processes not only the heels, but also the feet over the entire surface. Additionally, you can use special peels or scrubs. Often, a woman's supply of funds has special tubes for the skin of the feet.

After such a cleansing procedure, do not forget to take care of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. For this, the feet are lubricated with a nourishing cream, a light massage is encouraged. It is best to leave your feet in special spa socks so that the cream is absorbed as deeply as possible. If you have a problem with excessive sweating, then you can use a special deodorant in a cream form.

It happens that girls do not pay due attention to the skin of the feet, and as a result, it becomes very neglected. If you are the owner of severe corns or cracks, then a classic pedicure is not your option.

To put the skin in order, you need to make a nourishing mask. Special formulations are easy to find in the store. For big problems, it is best to withstand them overnight. To do this, you need spa socks or regular cellophane, which is wrapped around the leg, and a sock is put on top. In the morning, just wash your feet and apply a moisturizer. Just a few treatments will bring your skin back to normal.

Color is our everything

A classic pedicure always ends with a coating. It all depends not only on fashion trends, but also on your preferences. You can simply use a colorless varnish or special strengthening compounds. They will add shine to the plate and strengthen it.

If you are wondering how to make a pedicure at home original and at the same time know how to draw well, then you can paint on your nails. Before proceeding with the design, the plate must be degreased. For convenience, it is best to use special finger separators. This will allow you to accurately paint over each nail without smearing it with a neighboring finger.

The base is always used as the first layer. Most often it has no color. Due to this, the nails will be protected from toxins. The surface will be smooth, which means that the varnish will last longer on it.

After the base is completely dry, you can cover the plate with colored varnish. For the winter period, experts recommend choosing calm shades of varnish. The summer version of the pedicure can be painted in bold, original shades. Just do not forget to combine them with your clothes and color type.

The color coating is applied in two layers. This allows for a rich, long-lasting color. The end of the pedicure is the coating with a fixative. This will further extend the life of the varnish.

Despite the fact that toes are often hidden under closed shoes, pedicure is always relevant. Neat nails and smooth skin of the feet are what demonstrates the degree of human grooming.

You can leave with a beautiful pedicure from various beauty salons. Unfortunately, professionals are ready to take relatively large sums of money for their work. To save your budget, but please your feet with a useful procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the intricacies of a pedicure.

One of the most common reasons for going to beauty salons to get a pedicure is to make mistakes with this procedure at home. Due to errors, the result is not very good, so it seems that only a master can make a dream come true. Here are the main mistakes:

Using too hot waterIf you do not want to turn a pedicure into an extremely painful procedure and do not want to see the skin peeling off at all, select the temperature of the water so that it is tolerable
Removing corns and rough skin with a sharp bladeThere are many ways to delicately get rid of such a problem, so there is no need to use such "dangerous" items as scissors and razors.
Incorrect scissors movements when shortening nailsTrimming the sides of your nails increases the risk of ingrown nails. Cutting "under the root" is also highly discouraged. The cut must be straight and even
Cuticle cutTo remove it, there are masses of other safer devices and means.
Using oils before varnishingKeep your nails dry and clean before painting.

How to steam your legs effectively

You can do a pedicure after taking a bath, but it is better to make a mini-bath just for the feet. A small bowl is suitable for this purpose. The water temperature in it should be as pleasant as possible. Too hot and too cold won't do. Do not forget to remove the old varnish, if any, before taking water procedures.

A popular remedy for mini foot baths is regular sea salt. Flavored, with oils, with extracts - all of these are fine too. A couple of spoons are enough for one bowl.

To arrange a spa procedure at home, it is enough to add healthy dry plants to the water. A handful of dried mint is enough to relax your feet after a hard hot day. Chamomile and rosemary are suitable for pain in the legs.

Essential oils will be no less effective, which you can stock up in pharmacies or specialty stores. Here is a table of oils with cold or warm aromas. The former have a refreshing effect, while the latter carry invigorating and sweet aromas.

Intensive foot cleansing and nail care

After the legs are steamed, you need to carefully remove the rough skin. If there is not much of it, a scrub will suffice. You can not only purchase it, but also create it at home.

A mild egg scrub will be very effective. To prepare it, you need several shells, one yolk and essential oil. The shell must first be cleaned and dried, and then crushed very finely. Next, mix it with the yolk, drip oil and rub your feet.

Another recipe is a fruit scrub with salt. It will require fresh grapes, lemon and apple. We make gruel from the apple and grapes using a grater and add salt so that the fruit mixture is combined with it in equal proportions. Add some lemon juice and rub into the feet.

If the peeling on the feet is strong, you will need a pumice stone. It should be used very carefully so as not to touch soft areas.

Cuticles are best removed with orange sticks. Manage to do this before your feet cool down after a bath. Do not try to push the cuticle too far along the edge, it is enough just to remove the excess. Try to keep the bottom edge of your nail straight. This will make the varnish easier to apply. The use of sticks can be combined with cuticle remover.

After removing the cuticle, you need to take care of the length and shape of the nails. Marigolds that are too long can be trimmed, but do not forget to use a nail file too, so that there are no irregularities and notches. The choice of shape should be done taking into account your own wishes, but the most suitable options are a soft square and a semicircle.

Moisturizing your feet

The next mandatory procedure is moisturizing. Without it, the cleansing effect will soon disappear and the hardened skin will reappear. Suitable products are special gels, creams, masks and wraps.

In order not to waste finances once again, you can create a foot mask yourself. Take four large tablespoons of sour cream, add a large spoonful of olive oil and apply for ten minutes.

You can also pamper your legs with a honey wrap. Add a couple of tablespoons of warm milk to four large tablespoons of liquid honey. Pour in a teaspoon of cocoa butter and grease the legs with the mixture. We put plastic bags on them and tie them with an elastic band. We remove the mixture with water after fifteen minutes.

We decorate marigolds

The toe separator is an incredibly handy invention that is worth getting if you are planning to do a pedicure at home. To buy it, you will not need a lot of financial resources, and processing nails with its use will be much easier.

Before applying the varnish, you should thoroughly prepare the nail plate. Make sure there are residues of moisturizers on it. To make the varnish better, polish the nail with a special soft nail file. Ordinary files are not suitable in any way, because they can severely damage the surface. Be careful, because even not too rough tools can ruin the skin on your fingers.

Don't ignore the primer application. Applying a degreasing liquid will allow the varnish to last longer and prevent chipping. After applying it, try not to touch your nails.

When the primer is dry, you can safely start applying varnish. Before using it, prepare a thin stick in advance, on the tip of which there will be a piece of cotton wool dipped in nail polish remover. It will be needed to instantly correct errors.

If you do not want to change the color of your nails, cover them with a colorless nail polish or other suitable coating. Its role can be played by enamels with different effects.

The toenail area is very small, so the design choices are limited. If monotony is your thing, there is no problem. In case you want to make a different design, follow these simple tips.

French manicure looks equally beautiful on both hands and feet. An important condition is that the nails on the toes should not be too short, otherwise it will look ridiculous. If you are not fluent in the art of applying it, use adhesive strips. You can also make them from ordinary scotch tape, just do not forget to cut it out so that the mold is not straight, but slightly rounded. There are several simple steps in the French manicure technique:

  1. Applying a base tone. If you like the classic, use a transparent or translucent varnish with a light natural shade. You can arm yourself with other colors, but it is desirable that they are not too dark.
  2. Bonding a boundary strip. Here you need to be as careful as possible and try to make sure that the length of the upper edge, which will be painted later, is the same on all nails.
  3. Top edge painting. For this purpose, you need to use only a varnish with a dense texture. Transparency and translucency do not belong here. The classic color is white, but if a creative base was used, you can choose a different shade to match it.

An effective solution for decorating toenails is to frame them with small rhinestones. But, they will look good only after applying the base. It is better to glue them not on it, but on a thin layer of transparent varnish.

After creating any nail design, you need to apply a protective coating. The nails on the toes are susceptible to damage in the same way as on the fingers, especially in the summer. The role of the final layer can be played by a colorless varnish or a special gloss-imparting agent.

The end of the pedicure is the application of special oil to the cuticle. It perfectly softens it and helps to preserve the beauty of nails.

Video - classic pedicure inside and out