Why can't you rock an empty crib? You can't rock an empty cradle, otherwise...

Knowledge about the conception and birth of a child did not always have a scientific justification. A long time ago, when they were still primitive, different peoples developed signs about a rocking bed. More mythical than substantiated. And mostly negative.


So, a lot of superstitions about a crib have accumulated over the centuries.

  • Rocking an empty cradle - to the imminent death of an infant. So believed in Yorkshire and Scotland.
  • The Eastern Slavs also avoided this: you can’t rock an empty crib - you rock the devil.
  • A child who has grown up in this cradle can become very capricious.
  • Also, the unwitting authors of the "prophecies" predicted that the baby would not only sleep badly and grow, but also get sick.

The myth about the sickness of a child whose cradle was rocked without him is built around vital energy. It is believed that the crib, as an object closely associated with the baby, concentrates the energy of the child around itself.

It is this energy that protects him while he is small. And if someone starts rocking an empty cradle, then they waste the baby's vitality - he becomes defenseless.

A good sign or "punishment from heaven"

However, a positive interpretation of this ritual is also known. Rocking an empty crib foreshadowed the birth of a second child, and this is always a great happiness. True, twins could be born.

And in ancient times, this was not only a test, but also a great risk to the health of the mother. In addition, twins were considered “punishment for sins” (Slovakia). Times change, but signs remain.

Therefore, both then and today, mothers prefer not to think, just in case, not to rock their baby's empty crib. Is that now they also will not swing an empty stroller.


For a baby to grow up strong, healthy and beautiful:

1. At the birth of a baby, it is necessary to say: "Grow from an oak height, but from an oven of thickness."

2. In the old days, it was believed that a baby would grow up beautiful if it was covered with a green cloth.

3. In order for a girl to have clean and tender skin, she must be bathed in infancy in white clothes.

4. People used to say that for a child to be beautiful, he should be fed hare meat.

5. Don't leave your newborn's things outside to dry at night, especially on a full moon, otherwise it will be painful.

6. The ancients believed that in order for a child to be healthy, it must be carried through the branches of a maple.

7. To prevent diseases from clinging, the baby must be bathed before sunset.

8. It was believed that a newborn should not be left to sleep next to an elderly person, otherwise the old man in a dream could take the child's health.

For the baby to sleep soundly:

1. There is a belief among the people that the newborn should sleep soundly, immediately after birth it must be laid under the bench.

2. You can not rock an empty crib, stroller - the baby will not sleep well.

3. For the same reason, do not rock the cradle together at once.

4. You can not throw a child over your head after sunset.

5. Don't hang anything over a baby's cradle. Will be restless.

6. When a baby is bathed for the first time, silver is put into the water so that the baby is rich. This water is not poured out after sunset if they want the child to sleep well at night.

7. In order for the newborn to sleep soundly, a chicken bow is placed in his cradle.

So that the newborn does not cry and does not act up:

1. A child under one year old is not shown a mirror and does not look at it from behind the head, so as not to be frightened.

2. Mom should not leave spoons in the plate - the child will often cry.

3. Do not show the baby to people for the first time if he is sleeping.

4. So that the child is not nervous, it should not be combed until the age of one.

To help your child walk faster:

1. You can’t put the baby with its legs on the table, otherwise it won’t go soon.

2. Also, do not put the baby on the table - it will fall for no reason.

3. When the child does not walk for a long time, they take a broom, put it between the legs of the crumbs, and then take it apart into branches and scatter it along the street. You can also cut the broom between the legs of the child and spread the rods on the floor. The child will go soon.

4. If the baby did not walk for a long time, he was planted on the road before the herd of cows returned.

5. It is better for adults not to kiss the heels of the baby - he will not walk for a long time.

6. When the child stands up for the first time, take a knife and slide it between the baby's legs. By doing this, you will, as it were, cut the invisible fetters that may prevent the child from walking.

7. A child will learn to walk quickly if, during Easter matins, the baby's bare feet are held across the floor.

Happy omen for the newborn.

1. If a newborn was born with long hair, then he will be rich and happy.

2. The child has two whirlwinds on his head - he will be lucky.

3. When the girls in the family are like their father, and the boys are like their mother, they will be happy in life.

4. It is said that a child will love to travel if his front teeth are sparse.

5. If the baby has a big head, then it is believed that he will grow up smart.

6. A child born on the first day of the growing month, as well as on the new moon, will be distinguished by good health.

7. It was believed that if a newborn has a wide crown, then his life will be long.

8. If the baby was born when profit came to the house, then he will be rich. Therefore, on the birthday of a child from home, nothing can be given or borrowed so that throughout his life he does not know the need.

Every nation has had different signs and beliefs since ancient times. Let's talk about those that relate to babies and unborn children. Of course, they are more fabulous and mythical than justified. But every mother, with the advent of her crumbs, changes before her eyes. If before his birth she did not believe in all these superstitions, then after the baby was born she began to think. So, why can't you rock an empty crib, when there is no baby in it?

Bad beliefs why you can not rock an empty crib

Most will accept, about rocking the cradle without a child in it, negative. Some of them:

  • in Yorkshire and Scotland, it was believed that rocking an empty crib was for the early death of a baby;
  • you rock an empty cradle - you roll evil spirits, as the Eastern Slavs thought;
  • a baby who grew up in such a cradle can become very whiny and naughty;
  • the baby will sleep restlessly in such a bed and often get sick;
  • rocking an empty bed means that it is occupied and there is no place for the unborn baby in it, so he will not be born.

It is believed that light energy is concentrated in the baby's cradle, which protects him from various misfortunes. When an empty crib is rocked, it is wasted and the child is left without his "amulet".

good omens

Rocking an empty cradle is not always interpreted as something negative. Some peoples also had positive beliefs. For example, the rocking of an empty crib will be followed by the birth of a second child.

Although twins could be born. In ancient times, due to the lack of medical knowledge, this was considered a bad sign for the mother. Because in most cases, the woman died during childbirth. The birth of twins was considered a punishment from heaven for bad deeds.

How to restore protection to a child

Many peoples believed that when there is no mother (the most powerful protection for a baby) nearby, evil spirits and evil spirits can affect the child. To prevent this from happening, women put garlic and onions in the cradle. Also, negative energy could be prevented by a knife stuck in the leg of a bed, a cross made of rowan branches (hanging over the head).

In Scotland, it was believed that the boy should be covered at night with mom's skirt, and the girl with dad's cloak. Thanks to this, the protection of mom and dad passes to children. And if you hide a piece of iron in a baby's cradle, then you can protect your child from sorcerers and witches.


To believe or not in these superstitions is a personal matter for everyone. Someone considers this to be fairy tales and complete nonsense, but someone still decides to play it safe. It is not for nothing that so many peoples have negative signs about rocking the cradle without a child in it.

Modern parents are somewhat skeptical of all these signs. For example, there is a belief that you can not roll an empty stroller if there is no child in it. It turns out that if the child began to act up and ask for pens or wished to go on his own, the stroller must be abandoned, but in no case should it be rolled empty. Or you can just carry it in your arms with your child.

Or let's remember the myth about the birth of twins, if you rock an empty cradle without a baby. In the modern world, the birth of two babies at once is a great happiness. Perhaps everyone knows that such a phenomenon occurs quite rarely. For this miracle, it is necessary that two eggs and two sperm meet (the classic version) or IVF. But it is not so easy either. The family should have a predisposition to the birth of twins in the female line. Everything is very easy to explain from a scientific point of view. And the rocking of an empty baby's cradle has nothing to do with it.

With the birth of a baby, all women change right before their eyes. If earlier a young mother boldly walked across the road that a black cat had just crossed, then with the birth of a child, a woman will begin to “slow down” ... Naturally, this is not a rule of last resort, but most cases indicate that everything is true. So fiction or truth, all these "newborn" and "pregnant" superstitions? Let's try to figure this out.

Why can't you roll an empty baby carriage?

According to one version, if you roll an empty stroller, the baby will grow and sleep poorly, and according to another, his head will hurt. There is also a frightening "prophecy" that there will be no place for the baby in this stroller. It is believed that the energy of the child is concentrated in the stroller, and it is she who protects him from many misfortunes. If one of the close relatives or the mother herself rolls an empty stroller, then the energy, and with it the protective field, will simply be wasted, and the baby will be defenseless. Children feel a lack of this energy, they are capricious, they grow and sleep poorly. So if your child asks for a walk in his arms and flatly refuses to sit / lie in a stroller, then you need to pick him up along with the stroller, or let grandma or dad carry the stroller. How else? You can't roll it empty...

Why can't you roll an empty stroller. Reservations

In reality, there are some reservations in historical roots that allow you to roll an empty cradle while maintaining protective energy. To do this, you need to perform a certain ceremony. When a child was taken out of the cradle, a verst stone or scissors was placed in it, and a broom was placed under the cradle. Thus, these "magical" objects incredibly protected the child from all evil. The ancients believed that it was these things that created a kind of field, passing through which otherworldly forces stopped influencing the baby in the absence of the mother. But when mom is nearby - this is a wonderful magical amulet.

There are two other opposing superstitions. And if one says that rolling an empty stroller can lead to the death of a baby, then the other says about the imminent conception of another child.

In the old days, when they knew practically nothing about conception, and the sprouting of green onions was considered the best test for pregnancy, this superstition was treated with great respect. Whether this myth worked or it's not true, only they know. However, modern mothers are very skeptical of him. By the way, rolling an empty cradle foreshadowed the birth of twins. And if in our time it is considered wonderful, as young mothers say, she suffered once and two at once, then in ancient times the birth of two children at once was fraught with many problems and difficulties, up to death. The help of midwives left much to be desired. Therefore, for modern women, myths prophesying the birth of twins are pleasant, but for women in ancient times this meant only one thing - fear for the life of unborn children and for their own.

Nowadays, every student is a sign that for the birth of twins one fine day, two sperm and two eggs must meet - a classic option, well, or IVF as an option. But this is also quite difficult: you need a combination of certain factors at the genetic level, which are transmitted through the mother's line. If the family has twins or twins born, then the probability of having two children at once is much higher. And the cradle or stroller has nothing to do with it ...

You can not rock an empty cradle (crib). The sign is based on the fact that the child will sleep restlessly. And indeed it is. Every thing has white and negative energy. The baby crib is no exception. When rocking, white energy seems to spill out of it, and this will make the child sleep badly and cry. Pregnant women are not allowed to be photographed - this will affect the child. The sign is wrong. There is no harm. The sign comes from the beginning of the last century, when photographers used flammable magnesium for flash, which ignited with great noise. This could scare the expectant mother, now technology produces silent cameras with flash, which are absolutely harmless. Pregnant women should not beat cattle, scold and swear with others. The sign is old, but true. It means that any experience, excitement affects the unborn baby. You should not throw out black energy from your soul onto a child. A future mother should not become a godmother. Again, an old sign. It is not safe. It will be difficult for a pregnant woman to hold a child in her arms and walk around the font with him. In the old days, there was a high mortality rate during childbirth, so the godson could lose his godmother after baptism. You can’t tell anyone about childbirth so that they go well. Right. People's thoughts do matter. After all, it is not in vain that they say, be careful with your desires, they can come true. Someone will think well, someone will think badly, therefore, in order not to harm yourself, it is better to remain silent about the pregnancy and childbirth itself. The less people know, the better. A child born in a shirt will be happy. The sign is based on antiquity. "Shirt", "shirt" are called shells that are not torn during childbirth. And if before the baby survived in this state, it was a great happiness. But this does not affect his life in the future. Now medicine is able to prevent such troubles during childbirth. The daughter should not be called by the name of the mother, but the son by the name of the father. Right. When a child is born, he receives his Guardian Angel. When there are two people with the same name in the house, the Guardian Angel protects only one, most often the eldest. You can't tell anyone the name of the child. An old sign. The name is a charm. Now people give children two names, one name in the passport, the other at baptism. It is believed that the name given at baptism has a special power, it is able to protect him from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, the baptized name was kept secret until the end of life. A pregnant woman eats red fruits, berries - the baby will be born with a blush. The sign is based on the truth. But ... a red blush is nothing more than diathesis - an allergy to red fruits and berries. Dowry for a baby cannot be prepared before birth. The sign comes from ancient times. It is said to all expectant mothers in our time. In the old days, it was believed that if the clothes were prepared, then they were already “occupied” by otherworldly forces, and the child would not get anything. Although there is a simpler explanation for this sign. In large families in Ancient Russia, things were passed from the elders to the younger, so the need to purchase things disappeared. In those days, there were no shops, everything was prepared in advance: a cradle, clothes, diapers. It was impossible to prepare everything in one day. Nowadays, everything must be purchased in advance for the baby, otherwise then you will have to run around the shops in search of the right things.