Why the child is constantly hanging on his chest. Why do we have this reason? How to break out of a closed circle

Baby is often applied in the evenings.

Most babies in the evening become more capricious and more often require breasts. Some can literally hang on the chest for hours in the evening. Problem Evening hours are quite frequent phenomenon. Baby need to pay more attention, to donate on the handles or in the sling. Allow it to be in the chest how much wants.

Often evening whims are a reason to make the mode earlier.

The child is constantly asking for the chest, if sick or wants to drink.

During the illness, the child feels calmer and can easier to carry pain during breastfeeding. Also, the baby can more often ask the chest when it is very hot.

Abnormal behavior.

The child who cries, even if you just fed it, constantly looking for the chest.

This behavior is considered abnormal if it happens very often. Several "capricious" hours a day - ok. But if the kid is constantly hanging on the breast day and night is the indicator of the problem. Yes, all moms and babies are individuals: but it is better to reinforce and eliminate malnutrition.

The child is too much or sleep too little.

If the child constantly awakes or, on the contrary, sleeps all the time, it may mean that he is not enough milk or something else happens to him. If your newborn sleeps at night, not waking up, more than five hours in a row is not a reason to rejoice, and the reason to alert. In the first weeks of life, the sleep of the child is evenly distributed over 24 hours and the longest sleep is usually not more than 4-5 hours. And on the contrary, if the child is asleep only with short dreams, it can be a symptom of hunger.

The kid sucks for too long in each feeding.

Usually the child eats approximately 5 - to 45 minutes. At the same child, the duration of one feed may vary every time. But if your baby sucks for too long with each feeding, then most likely, he has problems with efficient milk suction. It's time to seek help from a breastfeeding consultant.

Reflux .

Reflux can be made often applied, as the child is looking for additional calm. A child with the symptoms of reflux requires urgent help of a doctor.

The child does not gain weight.

The minimum weight gain per week should be 140-200 grams (according to WHO) aged 0-4 months. If the child is gaining much less or not dials at all, consult a doctor urgently. The problem with the newborn is one: often pediatricians come to patronage without weights! If your baby behaves restlessly, urgently check the addition. You can rent weights, call the house consultant on breastfeeding or paid pediatrician.

Problems with a dream child are not related to breastfeeding. It's all about the Associations for sleep. This is how the child falls asleep.

If you want to keep breastfeeding and at the same time sleep well - you need to divide food and sleep. That is, to divide the sleep and feeding. When you can share food and sleep, you can quickly sleep your child quickly, cut the night applying in a dream, but do not leave the GW.

This is a very important topic. To defeat the stereotype, based on many years of experience, is very difficult. Year after the year of the mother improves the night's sleep of children by excommunication from the chest.

Photo source: pexels.com

Sleeping and food is separated, the association for sleep is cleaned - sucking the chest, and the child begins to sleep remarkably at night. Annexed by such achievements, Mom talks about this way to improve sleep with all his friends and willingly shares the secret of good sleep on the Internet.

She sometimes regrets that he had to turn the GW at 10 months, she wanted to feed longer, and the child began to hurt more often. But the dream is more important. It was simply impossible to endure the problems with a dream, I had to get a child, there was no choice.

In the end, the child is already eating the "adult" food, and a child is important to the child, and not the chest. But there is a choice!

How is the child who falls asleep on his chest?

Let's watch a child who falls asleep exclusively with breasts in the mouth.

In the evening, the child is tired, the time of sleep comes. From birth, the child got used to fall asleep with the help of Mom, she gives him her chest. It is so natural and pleasant, warm and comfortable. This is the Association for Sleep.

In this case, to fall asleep, the child needs to eat, that is, sleep \u003d food. Somologists, Russia, America and Europe, in most cases, consider the child's falling asleep to the breast after the year in the wrong association to sleep.

Why wrong? Because she worsens sleep. Waking up at night, the child will be crying to demand the creation of those conditions in which it usually falls asleep. That is, he needs not food, but help to continue sleep.

And indeed, children are very often waking up at night and this is an absolute norm. . The child sleeps with constant awakening between sleep cycles. We, adults, too. But we immediately fall asleep and do not remember this. And in order to continue the sleep after the next awakening, you will need the usual setting conditions (in another way he just does not know how to fall asleep), in our case - the chest.

Do you need to share food and sleep?

Most experts on sleep - men. Perhaps they cannot fully believe that some moms do not know with a child with a child at all how many times their baby feeds, because Night feedings do not interfere with their sleep. The main criterion in this matter is a calm child and a pouring mother.

What else affects the sleep of the child?

So, now we know why the situation may arise "hanging all night on the chest, it does not eat much, but it is impossible to put it without a chest." The baby falls asleep, as he can, but he knows how to fit only with breasts in the mouth.

Photo source: pexels.com

At the age of 9-15 months there are some more objective reasons that may worsen the quality of the child's sleep (not counting "eternal teeth" and diseases):

Stage of Development: The kid gets up, tries to walk. It is likely that he can do it at night - jump right in a dream, so he worries a new skill.

Changing the mode, the transition from 2 dreams to 1. Temporarily can be reflected on the duration and quality of night sleep.

At such moments, it is necessary to help the baby to survive this difficult stage, if possible, not to introduce new incorrect associations to sleep - the tech, for example.

How to share breasts and sleep, not folding guv?

It was decided that we will not enter new incorrect habits, but how to be with feeding at night? Maybe we will rush breastfeeding, and the eating association will disappear \u003d sleep? But why finish the GW, when you can simply dissemble the moments of feeding and falling asleep over time.

How to teach a child to fall asleep without a chest? When to feed the kid?

You can feed the breast 30 minutes before sleep. And necessarily in the morning (5-8 in the morning) if you plan to preserve lactation.

If you want to better improve the sleep of the whole family, you can and need to teach a child to fall asleep yourself.

Waking up at night, the baby calmly will pull himself over to the other side, or it will be enough for you to just say: "Sleep, my good," and he will be able to continue his sweet dream.

There are many learning techniques with an independent population, but not about them in this article. Now we are interested in how to wean fall asleep on your chest, how to share food and sleep?

We proceed from the fact that parents decided to teach the baby to fall asleep with the breast. Decided, because He is already 2 years old, the child hangs all night on his chest, crying, no way falls asleep and does not fall out; Decided, because The baby falls asleep only at his chest and sleeps on her mother, and mom sleeps sitting (and soon just go crazy).

Photo source: pexels.com

We decided, as they decided - all their own source data.

I will give a few practical ways that, I hope you can adapt your child's needs and your situation.

1. When the kid 4-6 months suddenly fell asleep without his chest - rejoice

If a child himself gives you this opportunity, do not miss it. This ability (often natural for many children) will greatly facilitate life in the future.

When the child wakes up, feed it well. After the games, try to put it again without your chest. When the baby falls asleep on the chest - perfectly; When without - maintain it. As a result, the dream will not depend on the chest.

2. Spend preparation

If you decide to wean to fall asleep on your chest:

Cut out as much time as possible with the baby. Physical contact and proximity will help very well. Much attention in the afternoon is a calm dream at night.

In the afternoon, offer to calmly not breasts, but other methods - hug, wear in your arms, intend, play together, keep on the bed.

Believe that calm and comfort comes from you, and not just from your chest. Your child will be given your confidence.

3. You can try to change the situation, the ritual of laying or the direct "stacker" - most often it is Mom

Mom feeds his breast, and then dad or grandmother honors a book, it will sing a song, it is born and will help the baby to sleep. On the first night, at least on the handles, most importantly - without a chest.

Practice shows that this method often works. The chances are increasing when there is a fairly clear mode, a ritual of waste to sleep, the workshops of family members: a gentle, calm, confident voice and methods of distraction.

4. You can apply one of the learning techniques with an independent population.

Training techniques are different. Babysleep does not use techniques based on the division of the child and mom ("leave to pay") and does not recommend them.

We work on copyright techniques that combine softness and fast efficiency. The technique of consultant is selected individually depending on the age of the child, its individual characteristics and temperament, habits, wishes of mom and many other factors.

5. Fading technique

Fading is a soft gradual separation of food and sleep. We act according to the rule "two steps forward - one back".

Essence: Do not refuse sucking before bed! Mom feeds, and then suggests to listen to a fairy tale or a song, talk, stroke - you need to experiment and choose the congestion.

The baby may ask the chest again. It is important that the entertainment and sucking breasts do not occur at the same time. Mom gives the chest, but after a while again takes the chest and distracts the child with a book or conversation.

If the baby wants to listen or talk, he stops sucking his chest. At this stage, Mom's goal is to get used to a child that you can listen to something interesting in the performance of my mother, or that Mom can stroke him, and that you can sleep without a chest in your mouth.

After some time, the kid can sometimes fall asleep without a chest in his mouth. When it is consistently to get a little feed, then sing or read for falling asleep, you can begin to "forget" give the breast to sleep - that is, immediately move to other ways to calm down. If the child does not want to forget, then let him suck a little.

I wish you a good sleep and happy breastfeeding!

Elena Muradova,
head of the Center for Child Sleep and Development "Babysleep"

Have you had problems with a dream baby? How did you decide them?

Moms of babies on natural feeding are often experiencing various kinds of inconvenience due to the fact that the child is constantly hanging on his chest. Often, such a situation is interpreted by "experienced" grandmothers, as however, modern pediatricians see other reasons.

Why is the child constantly hanging on his chest?

Regardless of age, the baby can suck the chest for a very long time. Frequent reasons are the need for bodily contact with the mother and fear that it does not come to the first requirement. Frequent applied to the chest of a year old child may indicate that the crumb does not develop harmoniously, and in habit, trying to satisfy its needs and solve problems at the expense of the chest. According to experts, only in 3% of cases, the child hangs on the chest due to the lack of milk or its insufficient calorie.

When is frequent applying needed?

For a newborn under the age of 2 months, such behavior is considered the norm. The formation is almost impossible without frequent and long-term applies to the chest. So in the body of the mother maintained a high level of prolactin hormone responsible for the production of milk. Feeding on demand is useful for baby. After all, its ventricular volume is approximately 30 ml, and the digestion time of milk does not exceed 15 minutes. Accordingly, applying to the chest every 3 hours will lead to the fact that the crumb will not have enough nutrients, and eat a large portion at a time will not allow a small volume of the stomach.

How to wean a child hanging on the chest?

To eliminate the shortage of milk, you need to carry out an experiment - refuse a day from using diapers and calculate the number of wet diapers. If there are more than 12, there is nothing to worry.

Understanding the main reason why a newborn baby hangs all day on the chest - the main landmark in the future actions of the mother. If the milk is sufficient for the feeder, then the crumb is in dire need of corporal contact and protection. She needs to talk more with a baby, do not be shy to show his love and care. You should not try to wean the baby from the chest forcibly - it will only aggravate the situation and will become a big stress for the kid. Only patience and calm, and the time will come soon when the child will stop hanging on the chest all day and all night.


We disassemble a lot of breastfeeding after a year, but I feel that we need an article in which the main causes of "hanging" on the chest and are given recommendations that you can do about it.

Why? Because the topic is really burning, and if you read most maternal forums or communities, we will see that a large number of mothers face problems with breastfeeding after a year.

Moreover, these problems are not so much associated with the amount of milk, as with the incorrect arrangement of priorities in relation to the child.

I will give a little excerpt from the chat of the seminar of the same name (by the way, if you have not yet viewed it - subscribe and get a link to the mail. It's free!) Since such issues are typical and very often found among nursing mothers:

We are 1,1, apply about 20 times in the afternoon, we refuse to completely from normal food, can I just not give the chest to get hungry?

I answer:

Such a frequent sucking in 1 year is no longer the norm, because when the child hangs on the chest, it does not develop harmoniously and tries precisely at the expense of the chest to solve his needs and problems.

To make it more clear, let's take an analogy with us, adult women: if we focus on 1 sphere of life - career, or, on the contrary, home and family, then the rest of the spheres are early or late come into decay. If we focused on children - we can forget about your self-realization, interests, hobbies. All this will lead to internal dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.

Or, on the contrary, they focused on a career - immediately scandals in the family, jealousy between children, spoils health.

Save one way is always bad.

And in modern living conditions, frequent sucking baby breasts we provoke moms.

Sometimes unconsciously, and, of course, our living conditions do not allow the child to go through the age standards and reduce the amount of feedings naturally.

That is, our kids suck much more than it is assumed to nature initially.

Why do we have this reason?

  1. The mismatch between the natural expectations of the child and the fact that he sees in reality.

Who read a wonderful book Jeancertoff "How to grow a baby happy"?

Just she very interestingly describes the life of the tribe of the Indian Indian, who seem to live very well and harmoniously. And, in fact, even watching the baby, watching kids aged, you can see that they really have a natural expectation that he will not be born in a small family, but still the family will be big.

That is, it's not just a mom with dad who live on 50 square meters, maybe someone even less, but still this is a big family, a large number of people.

Children from these people can learn, he can interact with them.

In practice, it turns out that we have to accommodate money and mom with a child stay at home alone.

It turns out that almost the entire first year of life, the child interacts mostly with mom. During the day. Dad is usually joined in the evenings and on weekends. Great, if at least on weekends, in some holidays you still choose to grandparents, to grandparents.

Most likely, you notice how different a child begins to behave.

For example, when you leave for the country, or you meet friends, you have some big company, or you leave to relatives, does the number of feedings shrink? That is, do you notice that the child is much less in you need? Mostly "yes." Here, this is the first reason that such frequent sucking occurs from a child older than the year.

  1. In anticipation of the child, Mom is an active unit of society, and not a single woman sitting at home.

What does it mean? This means that mom has some of their own interests, Mom has interesting gatherings with other women, perhaps, Mom has a very important job to which she goes 1-2 times a week, not necessarily every day. In any case, mom comes somewhere. That is, your significance is necessary to show your child.

Because if the mother performs the role of the maid, if the mother is always available, and the child has never come across that mom can have some kind of desires, then, just he can be very interesting to treat breastfeeding and demand it practically constantly.

And if there is still a branch that mom is a mother, that mother is active, mother is in demand, and you are a child, you have your own children, I have my adults and there are some kind of our common things where we intersect .

Then the child can already be more closely related to feeding, it is in principle ready for the fact that the mother sometimes refuses and does not give the chest immediately.

From what point may be this separation from mom? In fact, the branch from the mother occurs after 1.5 months.

Because if the first 1.5 months we try to satisfy the needs of the child, that is, we try to act on the principle of soft adaptation, feed on demand, wear the maximum amount of time, then at 1.5-3 months we need to show that we have Some of your own affairs.

How do we show it? We take the child with you on the handles and periodically some things on the house are doing with him, that is, it seems to show his place. I do not throw you, you are with me, but now we are doing things, we water the flowers, or cook to eat, or we take a laundry to wash.

  1. Limited space, boredom.

This is also the Beach of modern mothers. Apartments, children's toys - while the child is much more interesting to play adult things and kitchenware.

And it turns out that by age, the child should have to reduce the amount of applying to the chest, and the features of urban life do not allow this to do.

What to do modern mom?

Need to start with yourself.

And change your attitude to breastfeeding and to your child. Indeed, often we are reluctant to perceive the growing up the child, and very few people have time to restructure in accordance with the age of the child.

So, for example, the child is already 2 years old, and Mom still offers him a breasts for each squeak, and such a behavior literally prevents the child to grow up, immersing it to the level of newborn.

From here and there are problems with food behavior, with a night bed, with socialization by a child.

Very detailed the theme of the child's maturity and how the feeding changes, how to treat them after 1 year, we consider in the first lesson of the course

The first thing that receives the child after birth is the mother's chest. Breastfeeding is so natural that a woman after childbirth is trying to satisfy this need for a kid. If the first 1-2 months is the situation when a child hangs on his chest, it seems the norm, then over time, any mom begins to disturb.

Anxiety for the newborn coupled with an appeared irritation from a lack of free time is able to seriously affect the psycho-emotional state of the woman. What are the reasons for a crowded chest sucking? How to deal with it, and is it necessary?

Causes of the frequent need of a child in the chest

A complaint that the child asks the breast all the time is one of the most common. It is important to learn how to recognize when it serves as a source of food and a coherent means, not allowing the transformation of sucking into fun. The determining factor is the age of the child.

In the first month, the newborn should receive unlimited access to the chest, it will help:

  • adapt to new living conditions and cooking;
  • launch the process of normal digestion;
  • get the most valuable vitamins and trace elements for the full development of all organs and systems;
  • establish emotional contact with mom;
  • to gain a sense of security from the potential hazards of the outside world.

The volume of the stomach of the child after birth is so small that its frequent need for breast is completely natural. Not worth the baby in this limit, it is necessary to feed it.

When the child reaches 1.5 - 2 months most of the moms begin to be drawn by the fact that it hangs on his chest all day. At this time, it can be found that the baby has become rustier - it can already withstand the clock between feeding, and in the interruptions just use the chest instead of the nipple. It is not necessary to fully teach it from it - the child still needs close contact with her mother, but it is already possible to try to distract him with toys.

If after 6 months the child hangs on the chest as often, it becomes a serious problem. At this age, children do not need feeding in the first person, and breast milk serves as an addition to various conformities. You can not deny the child in sucking before bedtime - so he will calm down faster, but the rest of the time the breast is most likely, is a toy.

Exceptions are racing growth, when it is important to offer the child the chest in the first call. They are manifested by whims and sleep disorders at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months. Feeding mode is restored in a few days, and this difficult period you need to simply wait.

Baby sucks chest after 2 years

Is it enough baby breast milk?

When a child hangs on his chest for hours, any mom involuntarily visits the idea that he is constantly hungry, he lacks breast milk. And if the kid is crying without a chest, she is convinced of her right and translates the child to the adapted mixture. This approach is not true.

First of all, you need to exclude the causes of crying that are not related to lack of food:

  1. Pain. To understand what the baby is discomfort is not easy. If he has something hurts, he begins to cry complaints, occasionally passing to a desperate cry.
  2. Fear. Manifests himself loud, hysterical cry. As a rule, the child is afraid of loneliness - in this case, he first definitely pay and calm down, waiting for mom's arrival. If this does not happen, the crying is enhanced and goes into hysterics.
  3. Wet diaper. The child will be intermittently honest. If you take it on your hands, he will not calm down.
  4. The child is cold. If the kid froze, its limbs become cold, can begin.
  5. Child is hot. Crying attacks are accompanied by a red face and hot skin.
  6. Fatigue. The child is capricious, when trying to point, subsides.

If the baby cries during feeding, it is also not direct evidence of a shortage of milk. Crying may indicate inflammation of the oral cavity (for example, o or stomatitis) ,. In addition, it is important to know which products used by the mother are changing the taste of breast milk - it may not like the child.

If all the reasons are excluded, and the child still hangs on the chest for several hours in a row, you need to analyze if milk is enough.

With breastfeeding, it is almost impossible to understand how much milk has a child sucked.

Mama who are accustomed to all accurately measure, have to rely on other ways to determine the degree of child's satiety:

  • Observation of the quality of sucking.

A child can hang on the chest for hours and at the same time not to drink milk. The throats should be clearly heard, and the baby is characteristic of meals, the sucking is characteristic of food: the pause is ends with a pause, then the mouth cavity is relaxed as much as possible, the sip clearly heard. One sucking is one sip.

  • Chair.

Not a very demonstrative sign, however, a child who receives only breast milk, after 2-3 weeks after birth should, according to pediatricians, empty the intestine at least 2 times a day. This generally accepted rate is actually purely individual and depends on the degree of mastery of milk by a child organism. If the cashey-shaped chair and the defecation process does not cause discomfort, there are no reasons for concern. The absence of a chair is more than 5 days - a significant reason to show the kid to the doctor in order to clarify the cause, perhaps he misses milk.

  • Urination.

A child who receives a sufficient amount of breast milk is completely filled with at least 6 diapers. This only applies to children exclusively on breastfeeding, which do not additionally offer water.

The test can be carried out and with the help of ordinary diapers. If the situation is normal, the baby is purified for a day 12 or more times. If urination is less, then it is customary to talk about reduced lactation, with the indicator below 6 it is important to show a child to the doctor. In this case, fears are confirmed and the pediatrician will prompt further actions to prevent dehydration.

The child constantly asks the chest - what to do?

If Mom sees that the child needs a chest for fun, then you need to know how to wean him from this habit.

Children aged 3 months become very curious, at this time it is important to show that there are other ways to entertain - toys, books, joint classes. The child will quickly switch his attention very quickly, but it is not necessary to hope for a quick result, it will take a little patience. If the child is full and in good health asks the chest, you must immediately distract him. Such training will soon bring fruit, but only if the baby sucks breasts from boredom.

The child to whom she needs to calm and contact with mom will not give up long sucking. He just won't understand why mom deprives him chest and will be capricious even more. Both will fall into a closed circle: the child is crying - Mom does not give the chest - he cries even stronger and the chest is already needed - the mother still does not make concessions - the child has a hysteria - mom is surrendered - the baby sucks for a long time - mom is annoyed and trying to take his chest - Mom is annoyed. A child from misunderstanding crying.

Total: And mom, and the child is exhausted, one wants to suck the chest, the other is to relax. Output one - wait. At this time, you can organize a joint sleep, and to free your hands - to purchase a sling. The difficult period will not last for a very long time, and mom will subsequently will not consider it the hardest test in life.