Why female friendship ends. Why even the strongest friendship ends

Probably, few can answer this question. We do not immediately feel that a person has become closer to us and relatively. As R. Bradbury said, "... In a number of good actions, some one suddenly overwhelms the heart."

And even more so do not immediately realize that there are no more so warm feelings to man, mutual understanding and interest. People are moving away from each other slowly, gradually, sometimes not aware of the consequences. Even if relations are broken at one moment, we still feel pain and insufficiently because they trusted, but they lost.

Let's try to figure out why everything ends?

We constantly meet such expressions as "childhood friend", "school friend", "friend from the university", etc. You see that at every period of the formation of a person, a person has new acquaintances and gets closer to people. It's fine. But what happens to those previous friends? Do they always stay nearby?

Unfortunately no. Most often when a person mature Or changes, his environment is also updated. He is bored and uninteresting to communicate with the last circle of friends: the common topics disappear, the views on life and thoughts do not often intersect. Then he is looking for more appropriate interlocutors who can teach a new one or support a conversation. Which will be able to understand and take it new, changed.

However, if with a person matters and his environment is changing, then such friendship is only strengthened. There is nothing better than proven people. As they say in the proverb, "old friend is better than new two."

As far as stupid, neither the next wording sounds, but even in the modern world, a friendship can break loss of Communications. In most cases, this is not due to the loss of addresses or phones. People forget to call back. Once, then the second. Then they call only on holidays. After - even less often. After a couple of years, the thought flashes in my head: "You need to call." But just talking about nothing. It is unlikely that one memories without mutual efforts can be returned to the past.

It happens that man moves. And most often on this, all friendly communications end. Especially if a person leaves the place of residence forever. Friendship requires attention and "feeding"; Without meetings, calls, letters, mental conversations, she cannot live. She will die.

Sometimes in friendship between two people rushes the third. It can be like just a new acquaintance and lover. If in the first case there is the likelihood of conflict due to jealousy or a sense of property, then in the second friendship can dash in different ways to prioritize. It happens that people cannot share a girl or a guy among themselves, rivalry begins. Naturally, no about any friendships of speech can not be.

Friendship is built on confidence sincereness and understanding. If something is missing, there is a mental connection, proximity. A man evades answers to questions, becomes secretive and suspicious. Can fool. And more than once.

Everybody lies. But the cheating is different. If he is associated with household topics, then this is nothing. However, if he affects the lives of others, their values \u200b\u200band feelings, then such a friend is unlikely to want to see.

Many believe that friendship has its own time. Of course, it is so more convenient to think, because you do not have to be buried in the real reasons for the break. If people are soulfully close, understand and trust each other, then the minimum effort from their part - and friendship will be stumble.

Pay attention to friends, give pleasant moments and smiles, see more often. Peace and good to you and your loved ones!

And true love, and friendship can end. Try not to dive into the despondency and continue to move forward.

None of us turns out to be ready for losses and to the rupture of existing connections, which until recently meant a lot. When friendship ends, and the flame of love fades, in us as if something dies ...Our brain is genetically programmed to communicate with other people. So we learn and, without exaggeration, survive, that is, we can move forward in our life path.

What if love passed and friendship ended ...

But when our brain clings for something permanent, we forget one very important thing: life does not stand still, it moves, things change, and together with them should be changed and to adapt to circumstances.

When friendship ends, we experience sadness and can feel lost.This is normal.

After all, the real friendship gives us joy and emotional support. However, sometimes life is unpredictable. We may have new interests, and the former friendship will begin to gradually disappear (it is inevitable).

The same thing happens with love relationships. Perhaps there was a betrayal or disappointment, or love caused us more suffering and pain than joy. Maybe love "left" from one of the partners has evaporated, and no one knows how it could happen.

In these cases, it is necessary to take a step forward.Even if it is difficult for you and it will seem that the puzzle of life broke up into small pieces, know, it can be collected again!

And today we will explain to you how to do it.

When friendship ends ...

This fact may seem curious: For men and women, friendship has a different meaning.Moreover, it does not mean that it is more important for representatives of the same sex than for others.

  • Here the difference is more likely in exposure. According to the study conducted at University College of London (United Kingdom), friendship has a soothing effect on women.
  • For a woman, friendship with other women is an opportunity to speak out, pour out the soul. This is one of the ways to solve problems, combating accumulated stress and a sense of increased anxiety. That is, an intimate friendly connection goes into the emotional world of a woman.
  • For men, friendship is a more practical phenomenon: This is a joint pastime, leisure planning, achieving professional goals, etc.
  • Men more appreciate their family and life companion.So they can really achieve emotional intimacy with a person. To communicate on personal topics with friends is optional for them, and, as a rule, they do not let friends so close to themselves.

Maybe therefore loss of friendly relationships for a woman more traumaIf you can say so.

How to accept the fact that the friendship came to the end?

One friendship does not replace another, you just need to let go. Stop relationships - this is the ability to flip the page of your life and move on.

  • Each person, every friendly feeling and affection give us a certain experience.You should not look for in another person what gave you longtime friend. Let everyone be himself and acts as he tells him the heart.
  • Just try to accept the fact that some connections exhaust themselves, friendship endsAnd there is nothing wrong with that.
  • People are developing, becoming more mature, they have new interests. It happens that former friends no longer give us positive emotions.
  • So that sometimes stop friendly relationships - this is another way to grow on yourself and develop. It is important to stay nearby only with those people who are really important to you.

When love passes ...

When love ends - it hurts. As if the lungs are compressed and do not give us a breath of air.

  • No one knows how and why love disappears.
  • When this happens to us, we cling to hope. "It is possible if I do it or say, everything will come back and will be as before." "Perhaps if I change, he / she will love me again ..." But it does not happen. Moreover, such behavior is incorrect. So you will only strengthen and "close" the circle of negative, frustration, false hopes and pain.
  • If love ends, we must be understandable. Clear the situation.This is the end and at the same time starting point.

How to accept the fact that love has passed?

Completion of love relationships is a difficult period, and he does not pass overnight. In order to morally recover a person, as a rule, it takes from six months to two years. Of course, here everything is strictly individually, but There are several ways to help them cope with a similar situation:

  • Act without losing self-esteem. If you understand that you do not like, take it.
  • It is not easy to look forward when so much is left behind. However, before you feed your soul with nostalgia and thoughts in the conditional ignition ("If I said, or did it"), Try to focus on the present.
  • You deserve to take care of yourself and restore your spiritual forces.
  • Look for support from family and friends, live hereby. Only so you can build new happiness.

Time and your positive attitude make a miracle: soulful wounds will be lit, and life will fill the emptiness in your heart. Posted.

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

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It happens so, you are friends for many, many years, perhaps, even since childhood, but with time the abyss grows between you. It seems to be nowhere to take it. You did not swear, did not argue, and even misunderstanding between you was not, but something went wrong. Let's try to figure out what exactly I broke.

Remember how in childhood did you start the girlfriends? For this, only a good mood was required, a new toy or something else insignificant. And there were many reasons for the quarrel. Today they were knighted - and tomorrow again the boating girlfriends forever. And everything is so easy and simple.

Over the years, everything is complicated. It seems and quarrel less and less, but if the quarrels happen - then in the fluff and dust, and sometimes the full collapse comes, without the possibility to return everything back.

What is not worth doing so that your friendship does not become anger.

Stop to forgive everything. She is constantly late, forgets about his debts, throws you in a difficult moment, well, you all forgiveness, because you are the best, all-friendly and understanding girlfriend. But with time she is,girlfriend will sit on your neck, and it will assume that you must do it. But when the freebie is over, she will be offended wildly, and maybe accuse you in all mortal sins.

Do not let the tips. It sounds strange, but it is. You are fine in life, and you are trying to help your girlfriend, give it a good advice that maybe. Once helped you. But the girlfriend is spinning in the head "constantly she gives me advice, thinks that I myself can not!".

Do not make a vest from a girlfriend. Nobody loves to constantly listen about how bad you have. And believe me, the longer you will talk about your problems, the farther from you will be your girlfriend. Stop doing a vest from a friend - and your friendship will last long.

Do not go away. When the girlfriend has bed. Never throw a girlfriend in a difficult situation, otherwise you will immediately lose it, and then you will regret for a long time. After all, you probably hope to support a friend when you have trouble. Know, she is waiting for the same.

Do not demonstrate your wealth. You invite it to cafes, restaurants, shops in which she can not afford anything. Or you tasify it in expensive gifts. You think this is normal, and she is experiencing due to the fact that he cannot repay you the same, and in general, that on your background it is almost a beggar.

There are many myths about women's friendship, many assure that it is impossible that it is madly having fun of those women who managed to preserve friendly relations during many years.

Often, it is still necessary to part with close friends for various reasons, but with age every woman understands how important it is to have a good and devoted girlfriend, which will always be able to support, and makes more efforts to preserve friendship. How to save friendly relationships and not to lose touch with the girlfriend, which became you very expensive?

To blames other people

When you get acquainted with a new person, you will find out about his hobbies, interests, lifestyle, to such an extent they are fond of them that it seems to other things there are simply no time. With a girlfriend you ready to meet at least every daySince you need to urgently tell each other something important, solve a complicated problem together or simply discuss the next series of your favorite series or a new collection of clothing from the fashion magazine.

Over time, interest is cool, you get used to each other and understand that there are many people around there, which also need your attention. Friendship did not disappear, no, just the relationship became stable and, if this period is survived, your friendship will become much stronger. Very often everything changes when in the life of the girlfriend a loved one appears. Increasingly, she may refuse meetings, as a date is scheduled or they leave together for the weekend to their parents.

No need to be offended and jealous, such feelings can only spoil everything. You just need to try to understand a girlfriend and get up in her place.

If you had a friend, you would also like to spend a lot of time with him. In order to maintain a relationship with the girlfriend, you can offer to meet all three of the cafe or go to the movies. So you can become a friend and the guy of your girlfriend and sometimes spends time all together.

In no case Do not impose a friend, Make music, needlework, or start, like she, communicate with other people.

Your interests

What to do in case If your life began to change And you are more and more difficult to find time for the best girlfriend?

  • It is not worth spending time on reflections, you need to urgently meet and talk to it, until she is offended so much to stop talking with you.
  • Do not waste and admit that I really appreciate it, but unfortunately, because of the guy or new hobbies, it is not possible to meet with it as before.
  • Promise each other that you will have a special day when you spend your bachelorette party and can communicate without restrictions in time.

If the time deficit has become your study of foreign languages, find a free evening to date with the best friend. If you have a guy, it is not only possible to find time, but also need. Even at the first stages of relationships, it is useful sometimes to spend time apart to get new emotions and chat with other people.

Resentment. Can I forgive betrayal?

With your girlfriend, you told about everything in the world, we were shared by experiences and fears, and once either with evil, or not thinking to support the conversation or stand out from the crowd, your friend told your familiar about your weaknesses or a humiliating situation for you. It happens that because of the envy or as a result of a woven intrigue, your girlfriend betrays you and makes it very painful. Can I forgive betrayal?

It is necessary to understand everything - was there really a direct intent or a deed was perfectly perfectly.

It is necessary talk with girlfriendTo once and forever find out everything and do not suffer then from the thought that you did nothing to save your friendship. Looking into the eyes of a near person, you will understand everything. If it happened that the relationship is no longer returning to your girlfriend, you do not need to save hatred in yourself, otherwise it will destroy you and you can no longer trust good people.

Do not look for a girlfriend of justificationThat was her choice, because the only thing you remains to come to terms and continue to live further, communicating with other people. Also, you should not blame yourself, you are not guilty of anything, things often happen in life regardless of our will, you just need to take everything as it is.

Friend of girlfriend. Reconciliation or end of friendship?

If you were the role of a traitor and the offender, no matter how terrible, you need with my girlfriend talk and explain your behavior. Of course, most likely forgiveness, you will not deless immediately, but it is necessary to repent necessary, otherwise the relationship does not save. Think over the girlfriend would like to hear from you or so that you can do for her to somehow soften your guilt.

If you talked about her disgusting, you are obliged to restore her reputation if there was a lot of superficial in the mouth of the quarrel, give a large box of sweets in reconciliation and invite them to the movies to your favorite movie. For the sake of friendship, sometimes it is worth passing through pride, always try to put a girlfriend and understandWhat caused her resentment.

Enlighten your girlfriend

At first, you could not notice the development of your friendship and not to notice that the girlfriend is better than you that she has a better phone, and parents can afford to send a daughter not in Sochi, but in Italy on vacation. However, over time, your different material situation can be felt. In the end, you can even envy the fact that your friend is more successful in school or at work, that it has excellent relationships with the beloved, which you remind you of a guy - a dream.

Envy is a bad feeling and change everything only in your power.

Most likely you suffer from the complex of inferiority, you simply do not suit your personal life or what you cannot afford the same handbag as your friend. P try to equal to your girlfriend:

  • She improved estimates - tighten your studies and you, the boss raised a girlfriend in positions - try to work better and productively.
  • If you so want a beautiful handbag - copy money, earn them or lend them, but never let the envy of destroying your relationship with your loved one you.
  • If the object is envy you, do everything so that your girlfriend does not feel next to you unfortunate. Come up with one lesson for two, which can bring you closer.

Guy - Apple Conference

To allow that the guy gets up between girlfriends cannot, but it happens that you and the girlfriend really like the same boy and rivalry spoils your relationship. In this case, it is important not to do anything so that it could humiliate your girlfriend in the eyes of the chosen. You must understand that your sincere friendship is much higher than rivalry and because you see that the guy likes your girlfriend, just go to the side and Do not interfere with the development of their relationship.

If everything is exactly the opposite, and you notice that your novel makes a friend, think about whether your beloved is so expensive that you are willing to sacrifice your friendship. If you fell in love, honestly admit to your friend. Perhaps after this conversation in your relationship there will be a pause, but if you have a real friendship between you, you will never lose it.

You are with a girlfriend - different people

All people differ from each other - who is character who hobbies, who is a worldview. Girlfriend is a person with whom a lot of you combines, you spend a lot of time and often happens that your opinions regarding people or things completely coincide. However, all change, therefore should not be surprisedWith the times, you will more and more wonder the changes in the nature and behavior of the girlfriend.

Changes - quite an ordinary thing, people change the environment, events set.

Please accept what your girlfriend has changed and do not try to restrain it in the endeavors and the implementation of new plans. In addition, you are also changing, just for you it is not so noticeable as for others. It is not known how the accuracy of the changes may affect your relationship, but different views are not yet a reason to stop being friends, because sometimes it is so interesting to listen to the opposite point of view, especially since it helps to look different about the situation and faster find a right decision.

If your ways with a friend diverge can remember that two different paths are sometimes leading to the same road and if you are no accidents for each other, your friendship will be saved.