Gift for the new year 11 years old. Photo gallery: presentations from peers. New born baby doll with pacifier by Simba

Boys aged 10-12 are still a little children, but with obvious features of growing up. The desires of children at this age are contradictory and fickle. Therefore, parents have to puzzle over what they can give their child for the New Year. A toy? Suddenly he will be offended. A fancy gadget? And if you don't like it. Candies? Clothes? Sports equipment? My head is spinning - the choice of options for what to give children for the New Year is so great. And you need to choose exactly for your dear and beloved boy. We will figure out what to give a child for the New Year - a boy 10, 11, 12 years old.

Rules for choosing gifts for the New Year: pictures for children and adults

Have you ever wondered at what age we stop believing in a fairy tale? Probably never. And with the advent of each New Year, we expect miracles, regardless of age.

Why, then, do many parents rush to dissuade their growing children in the existence of Santa Claus or firmly believe that the boy is already old enough to believe in miracles.

If your son is 10 or even 12 years old, and he managed to find out the "great secret" of Santa Claus, extend the children's fairy tale in your home circle.

Believe me, many children are happy to write letters to their New Year's grandfather even at this age, although many of them are well aware that the "sponsors" of the wizard are their parents.

Let the boy list in such a letter the desired gifts for the New Year (it is even easier to draw pictures for children). Such a letter will be an excellent guideline for parents on what to give the boy for the New Year.

Even if the child's desire seems stupid, inappropriate, not for age, try to fulfill it. Remember that we are giving children a real fairy tale for the New Year and we are extending the growing boy's childhood.

Are you worried that your child's wishes are incompatible with the size of the household budget? Choose budget gifts for children for the New Year. This is not a standard sweet set, but useful little things.

The optimal New Year gift for a 10 year old boy from the world of toys

Can you give toys to boys at this age? Definitely, yes, if you approach the choice of a gift for the New Year for a 10-year-old boy deliberately.

Consider the constructor option. Just not a childish primitive one, consisting of plastic or wooden blocks, but a real workshop of a small designer.

It can be a large complex constructor from which you can build real cities, robots, and construction vehicles.

Or an option supplemented with a solar battery. A homemade model of a car, plane, helicopter or scooter, catamaran will literally come to life after connecting the power source.

It is not easy to assemble such a craft, but imagine how much excitement and pride there will be when the toy starts to move.

Such gifts for children for the New Year will please their parents, especially dads.

Creative New Year's gift for a boy 10 years old

If you have a creative boy growing up who enjoys modeling, painting, and other exciting activities, feel free to buy him sets or items related to a hobby.

You can pick up ready-made kits for modeling from clay or sculpting from plaster, painting on canvas. Boys are happy to make soap or candles, magnets or clay crafts with their own hands. Some even weave with elastic bands or make pictures from sequins.

A young artist can be presented with a set of high-quality paints and an album or a real painting for coloring for the New Year. Usually the shades of paints in such a picture are marked with numbers. Some kits come with paints and brushes.

One of the most popular New Year gifts for a 10-year-old boy is a set for burning. The kits contain the device itself, several different attachments and examples of pictures.

Often a child's hobby develops into a real hobby or even a profession. Therefore, it is worth developing creativity in your children and giving them gifts that will contribute to this.

Interesting gifts for the New Year for an 11 year old boy

Boys at 11 are incredibly curious. They like to experiment, do different experiments. Channel this energy into a peaceful channel - present an 11-year-old boy for the New Year with a science mini-game for a young explorer. What could it be?

Experiment set "Optical illusions". This game will help you create and study optical illusions at home. Moreover, it is absolutely safe. To do this, the kit contains everything you need: light filters, blanks, instructions.

Not only 11-year-old boys, but also older children and their parents are delighted with the possibilities of the set "Chemical experiments in the kitchen".

Indeed, right on the kitchen table, you can create an apple battery or starch ink, citric acid volcano or tea miracles, conduct a real home examination or experiments with hibiscus, and even draw with invisible ink. The guidelines describe detailed instructions for conducting such experiments.

Another set for home experiments is "Experiments with crystals." Growing and creeping, from salt and alum, from tea and sugar. Experiments can be varied from 1 to 30.

The boy will learn to work with test tubes, spatulas, a thermometer and various reagents. Such experiments will definitely require endurance, attention and scrupulousness.

A modern gift for the New Year for a boy 12 years old

New Year's for children 12 years old is no longer a children's holiday with sweets and rhymes, tangerines and round dances. They are happy to dive under the tree for gifts, but expect to find substantial or fashionable gifts there.

In the first place of gifts for the New Year for a 12-year-old boy are various electronic gadgets. Large-scale gifts such as computers, tablets, phones are usually given by parents. But such things are quite expensive and not always affordable.

You can get by with cheaper accessories. Unusual speakers, flash drives-transformers, high-quality headsets, wireless mice, dual keyboards - the choice is huge.

Sports gifts for the New Year for a 12 year old boy are no less popular. If the boy goes in for sports, give him a new uniform, running shoes or a winter outfit.

The child will like mini or real videos. By the way, the miniature version is much cheaper and can be attached to any shoe.

Skates, skis, sledges or snowboards will perfectly fit into the New Year's theme. But the child should be interested in such sports entertainment.

An interesting gift is a set for home basketball, which includes a detachable hoop and a small ball. Such a ring is attached to a wall or door.

Prefer to give useful things - buy a children's sports bracelet. This fashionable thing will definitely appeal to the boy.

You can choose cheap models that count steps, show the time. In a series of expensive bracelets, the possibilities are incredibly expanded. They know how to count the pulse, blood pressure, steps, calories worked, show the time, communicate with other electronic gadgets, remember information, have geolocation tracking, etc.

Gifts for boys related to hobbies

At the age of 10-12, boys begin to collect their first collections or they develop certain hobbies. Not all modern children, as is commonly believed, constantly spend time at the computer. And even if a boy prefers electronic "runners" to jogging in the air, he should take a closer look, listen to what is interesting to him.

Perhaps your New Year's gift to the boy will radically change not only his hobbies, but also the relationship between the children-parents.

A musical child can be presented with a real guitar. How can a boy remain indifferent to such a present? It would not hurt to add paid courses on playing to the guitar.

Finances allow - give your child a real drum kit. Or a miniature copy of it for practicing rhythm with your fingers.

Your boy is happy to invite friends to his house - give him board and floor games. This can be the popular Twister or the improved Grand Twister with a larger margin. The boy will like table football or hockey.

Exciting and educational board games. Consider the options for the games "Rules of the Road", "Erudite", "Magicians", etc.

Children of 11-12 years old master various business games perfectly. Therefore, you can safely start teaching the future millionaire financial management with games like "Monopolist", "Millionaires", etc.

Video: cool gifts for the New Year

If you want to really surprise your child with a cool gift, check out the cool New Year's presents in the video:

New Year and Christmas are the most favorite children's holidays. As soon as the parents made a present for the child for one holiday, they immediately begin to think about how to surprise the baby in the new year.

Children are really looking forward to New Year's gifts

What gift will make your baby smile?

All mums and dads try to make their child the happiest. Remembering themselves at this age, many parents feel a sense of pleasant surprise and joy when receiving a gift. However, the gifts that the older generation rejoiced in is now no longer relevant to the child.

Therefore, the topic of gift ideas for children will always be lively and relevant, like the kids themselves.

The gift must be selected according to age

When choosing a gift, you need to be guided by the age of the baby, his interests, your budget, the number of children with whom you celebrate the new year. If you bought the right gift, then the eyes of the child will say more about it than any other words, it is in childhood that emotions are most real.

If you love giving gifts to a child, then you probably noticed how children rejoice in beautifully wrapped gifts with personalized inscriptions. Such a present can be easily placed under a New Year tree or given to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. During the presentation, your purchase will quickly find the owner. And how much pleasure unpacking the presentation will bring.

There shouldn't be too many gifts

Some tricks when buying a gift:

  • Purchase a gift for your child in advance, work through several options, follow the wishes of the baby - this way you will give the most desired gift.
  • After purchasing, safely hide the present, if the child finds and tries the presented item, then no miracle and magic will happen.
  • Try to make the child believe that Santa Claus really brought the gift. The point is relevant when a child believes in a bearded wizard.

A very interesting and memorable gift will be the New Year's performance of Santa Claus and Snegurochka. If the child is still blissfully unaware of their existence, then no better gift can be found. You can take a picture with Santa Claus, cute baby photos will forever remain in the family archive.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden brought gifts

Choose the optimal age from 3 to 7 years. Children who are too young will not understand what is happening, and older children will want to check the authenticity of the beard.

If you have organizational skills and charisma, then you can continue the program with contests and fun tasks. Children of different ages and adults will be happy to participate in such an event. Props and prizes will need to be prepared. Such a New Year's surprise will be remembered better than material gifts.

If children are under three years old, then in this case toys of all sorts and clothes will be relevant. Children at this age grow very quickly, interesting costumes will never be superfluous for the child and his parents. Choose festive clothes for your child to associate the gift with a celebration.

Gifts for the little ones

The theme of toys at this age is inexhaustible, the kid will be happy with any gift of the category. Just make a note regarding age, toys should not contain small size detachable and detachable parts. An excellent choice would be:

Large puzzles - a gift for children 2-3 years old
  • constructors with large elements, you can purchase wooden models;
  • soft constructor
  • puzzles with large elements;
  • educational toys in one of the pedagogical directions, for example, Montessori;
  • pyramids from molds;
  • at this age, children are preparing for admission to kindergarten, the development of such skills will be very useful;

Lace-up shoe - a teaching gift
  • a rolling toy, you can pick up a model in the form of an animal or buy a car that rides when you turn the pedals;
  • a bicycle will be a fascinating gift, at this age kids are already tired of sitting in a stroller, and a small bicycle with a handle for a parent will take into account all interests;

an interesting gift for children will be a developmental mat, toys, rattles, a mirror, rings can be located there, such a present will develop the child's senses, can distract the baby, give the parents time to catch their breath;

What to give a child for the New Year - children from three to six years old

With the development of the child, gifts are transformed, which gift will be relevant:

Children from six to ten years old

Children at this age are more pragmatic and no longer believe in Santa Claus, you should not deliberately assert the opposite, so you will retain your authority.

What to give a child for the New Year - teenagers

Creative kit for teenage girl

The selection of gifts is very large

Perfume can become an expensive and luxurious gift for a child at the age of 13-14, if you know specific preferences, then give a certain scent, if a teenager's tastes change, then a gift card to a perfume shop.

If you want your New Year's gift to be associated with warmth and comfort, then present a set of hat, scarf, gloves or mittens. Knitted items last for a short time, so such a present will never be superfluous.

You can give a set in the New Year's style, this option will be appropriate on New Year's holidays and after them, spending money on a thematic hat or scarf is not always appropriate, but if this is a gift, then it is quite the place to be.

The drone is a modern gift

If a teenager aged 13-14 is passionate about creativity, you can donate a set for weaving from rubber bands, polymer clay, a set for soap making. And for a music lover, the best gift will be musical instruments or a ticket to a concert of your favorite band.

Adolescence is interesting and challenging at the same time. Literally before our eyes, yesterday's boy turns into a young man with his own opinion on various issues. The time comes for mutual learning: the son learns to defend his point of view, and the parents try to respect her, despite the divergence of views. The sensitivity of a child at this age is very high, any little thing can offend him and unbalance him. Therefore, gifts must be selected carefully, focusing primarily on the hobbies of the birthday person.

Cultural event

At the age of eleven, it is more important to get impressions, rather than the physical component of the gift. To this date, you can time a family trip to city places of entertainment and leisure, or go to another city to see unique sights. It can be:

  • the circus;
  • a museum (tank in Kubinka, Kalashnikov (firearms) in Izhevsk, Zadorozhny (military equipment) in Arkhangelsk, experimental sciences, where you can independently stage various experiments);
  • theatre;
  • exhibition (moving dinosaurs, exotic butterflies);
  • attractions (house upside down, mirror maze, fear maze);
  • planetarium;
  • zoo;
  • ostrich farm;
  • a concert of your favorite band;
  • bowling;
  • airsoft, paintball or laser tag;
  • crossbow shooting range;
  • karting;
  • quest;
  • hippodrome or horseback riding with a photo session;
  • husky house (dog sledding, photo session and just talking with dogs).

Children remember emotions, so if you want to have a really bright children's party, gather their peers at a themed party. You can rent a suitable room and invite an animator or do everything yourself - the second way is more difficult, but more economical. Carry out the preparation together with the child - it is both more interesting and useful for the boy. To begin with, make a guest list and choose a theme ("Trouble in Egypt", "Watermelon Party", "Mysterious Island", "Journey to Mars"). In accordance with the plot, decorate the apartment, organize the menu and select contests. If the weather permits, transfer the event to the street, arrange a pioneer fire with a guitar and songs, spend the night with the guys in tents on the river bank.

Photo gallery: cultural events as a gift

You can shoot a weapon in a shooting range, or in the Kalashnikov Museum The theme of space leaves a rare boy indifferent, and in the planetarium they will show everything and tell about everything Hippotherapy is both useful and pleasant Communication with dogs will bring joy and pleasant emotions Boys have been interested in cars since childhood, and karting gives a feeling of speed and adulthood Bowling is good because you can gather friends and have fun with a wonderful company.

Hobbies and hobbies

An eleven-year-old boy, most likely, is already seriously interested in something. It is enough to find out what interests him, and a wonderful gift will be ready.

Perhaps you want to show your child something that is beyond his knowledge, to draw his attention to a new hobby. The holiday is a good reason. When choosing a present, take a look at:

  • collectible and prefabricated models (cars, ships, planes, tanks, railway);
  • recruiting a young chemist to carry out simple experiments at home;
  • an artist's kit or painting for coloring by numbers;
  • a set of knives for wood carving;
  • a set of a magician;
  • a set for growing crystals;
  • children's telescope, microscope, home planetarium;
  • globe and wall map of the world;
  • pottery set;
  • a set for making soap;
  • a set for creating candles.

Photo gallery: gifts of interest

Wood carving is soothing and gives cause for pride - the boy creates real masterpieces Distant stars beckon with their mystery and enigma, it is incredibly interesting to look at them through a telescope. Having mastered the tricks, the boy will amaze his peers at every holiday It is a joy for a young artist to master new techniques and find interesting color solutions Pottery is becoming more common, so a boy's hobby can easily turn into a profession. An inquisitive boy will be carried away by the study of the geographical location of countries and the names of their capitals

Business - time, fun - an hour

Despite the boy's considerable age, there is always a place for toys in the children's room. You just need to remember that you are already a teenager, so pay attention to:

  • complex constructors. It is better if the kit includes a solar battery and an electric motor. Thus, after recharging, the collected item turns from static to dynamic;
  • a set of puzzles complete with a book describing logic games;
  • team board games (military or economic strategies are better);
  • air hockey (if there is not enough space for it, buy a tabletop);
  • chess, backgammon developing logical thinking;
  • radio-controlled quadrocopter with camera, airplane, boat.

Photo gallery: toys for the birthday boy

Tabletop or stationary air hockey is a fun game that develops reaction A quadrocopter is an unusual-shaped toy, by controlling which a boy will acquire basic piloting skills. Chess helps to develop logical thinking With the help of a twister, the holiday will be noisy and memorable Board games will bring friends together and brighten up the evening

Every joke has its share of a joke

Eleven years is a happy childhood age, harmoniously combining mischief and seriousness. You can safely give frivolous gifts with meaning:

  • a suitcase with food for astronauts;
  • officer dry rations;
  • a set of socks in a case;
  • running away alarm clock;
  • an alarm clock with a target (you need to hit it with a laser pistol to turn it off);
  • mini rollers (small wheels that are easily transported and attached to sports shoes);
  • spinner;
  • miniature finger drum kit.

Photo gallery: frivolous surprises for a teenager

A set of food for an astronaut can be eaten at home and taken on a hike Socks are lost all the time, and in a special case, each pair is stored in a separate cell In the morning, to turn off the alarm, you must first catch up with Spinner - fashionable entertainment for teenagers Mini rollers easily transform sports shoes into a high-speed vehicle

Sports gifts

A good gift is remarkable in that with its help you can both consolidate the hobby that has manifested itself for something, and instill new interests. For the most part, teenagers are active and enjoy spending time on the street. The child will be especially pleased with a thing that will make it possible to stand out among his peers. If you want to keep the boy healthy, hand over:

  • bike;
  • rollers;
  • skates;
  • tubing;
  • skateboard;
  • Kick scooter;
  • skis;
  • expander;
  • typesetting dumbbells;
  • sports uniform;
  • tennis rackets;
  • punching bag;
  • fishing gear;
  • an inflatable pool (if there is, where to put it and there are no problems with water intake);
  • air mattress, swimming goggles, diving mask and fins, wetsuit.

Photo gallery: gifts for sports boys

Roller skating will give vivid emotions The inflatable pool in summer will give you a pleasant coolness and a fun pastime Any teenager is happy to kick a ball in the yard You can ride a bike alone, or you can invite friends and master new routes Winter, snow, slides, wind in your face - and all this is tubing The scooter is becoming an increasingly popular vehicle for children of all ages.

Digital devices

It is a rare teenager in our time to give up some kind of technical novelty. Feel free to give:

  • cellular telephone;
  • tablet;
  • headphones (preferably wireless);
  • columns with an optical effect (during operation, colored fountains appear inside them);
  • flash drive-transformer (combines a carrier of information and a game, easily turning into a beast or a robot);
  • camera;
  • music player;
  • e-book;
  • clock (better electronic with more functionality or with a built-in SIM card).

Photo gallery: gadgets as a gift for a boy

A cell phone in our time has become no longer a luxury, but a necessary attribute of modern life. A tablet is both a friend and a teacher that you can take with you on the road, to school, for a walk Columns "Singing Fountains" create interesting color effects inside themselves, which, like a fire, you can look at for a long time With a slight movement of the hand, the flash drive turns into a puma

Books for an eleven year old boy

Adolescence is difficult for a young man, so you should not try to instill an interest in reading at this time of doubts and searches. You just need to delight and surprise. It is likely that the boy will be drawn to print editions in five to seven years, but for now, you can go to the bookstore for a gift only if you are sure that the book will be desired. The choice of literature is large and varied:

  • Adventure;
  • detectives;
  • colorful encyclopedias;
  • historical novels;
  • series "Do it yourself".

From the book, you can glean a lot of useful information, and have a good time.

Gifts from friends

The similarity of interests and hobbies allows peers to find wonderful gifts for each other. Most often, these are inexpensive gifts that invariably evoke joyful emotions:

  • computer game;
  • sweets (now there is a large selection of high-quality figured chocolate, chocolate colorings, chocolate greeting cards);
  • youth backpack;
  • T-shirt with the image of an idol;
  • a cover for a phone or tablet (with a photo of the person being gifted or with a plot on the subject of his interest);
  • wall map of the world.

Photo gallery: gifts from peers

A computer genius will appreciate the chocolate keyboard Computer games are a kind of relaxation for a brain loaded with studies. Backpacks can be serious, stylish and fun: choose the one that suits your teenager's taste You often have to carry a tablet with you, and with an interesting case, the boy will stand out

Gifts from relatives

When there are many relatives, they can unite and give one thing, but bright and memorable. For a sports boy, if space permits, it would be nice to equip a gym. Get:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • barbell;
  • indoor basketball.

Don't be discouraged if the room is small. Buy a fitness center membership for your teen. If you know his interests, choose a lesson in a specific section. The child has not yet decided what attracts him to physical activity? Give him a certificate for attending several master classes:

  • swimming;
  • oriental martial arts;
  • hand-to-hand combat;
  • football;
  • hockey;
  • basketball.
  • Group lessons provide an opportunity to immediately demonstrate the result to understanding people

    Treat your home boy with repairs in a room on a specific theme. Decorate the nursery in style:

    • space (with a spaceship bed, planets and stars on the walls and ceiling);
    • cars (car-bed, city tracks on the floor);
    • sea ​​(seagulls and waves on the walls, a bed in the form of a shell or a pirate ship).

    Photo gallery: design of a children's room as a gift for a boy

    The young footballer will be delighted with the sporty design of the room An interesting design of your own room is a separate reason for pride in a teenager It's nice to bring friends to an unusual room It is immediately obvious that an addicted person lives in such a room.

    Gifts for grandson

    Grandparents can safely donate clothes. You just need to make sure that the selected wardrobe items are sure to please the boy, are stylish and make him stand out from the crowd of peers:

    • fashionable denim suit;
    • branded sneakers;
    • stylish jacket;
    • branded baseball cap.

    Not sure if you are keeping up with the times - present a gift certificate or coupon to a fashion store. The grandson will independently select the things he likes.

    Grandparents can make sure their grandson looks stylish on city streets

    Video: what to give an eleven-year-old boy

    The best thing you can do for a teenager is to give him happy, memorable moments. It is both difficult and simple to accomplish this at the same time. It is enough to listen carefully to the needs of the child, not aggravate his doubts and give him your love. Time spent together is an incomparable gift. Fill him and your life with meaning, and the boy will grow up harmonious, inquisitive and balanced.

New Year's festivities are one of the most beloved for everyone, especially for the kids. Both very crumbs and older children with a sparkle in their eyes are preparing for New Year's matinees, parties and will certainly wait for presents. And it is very difficult for a girl to find a cool surprise. Are you thinking about what you can give a girl of 9, 10, 11, 12 years old for the new year 2020? Our tips and advice to help you! The ages from nine to twelve are already the origins of adolescence, so it is important to consider various options here, because some still play with dolls with pleasure, while others will already consider it an insult!

Possible presentation ideas for 2020

Before choosing a surprise for this age, it is best to take into account the wishes of the girl, as well as a number of other factors. If you know well the tendencies, character and temperament of the child, then there will be no problems with choosing a gift, so to speak, "to the point". Congratulations for a girl will not be a problem for you. When choosing a toy, consider the child's temperament. An active person will not like a board game, while sports equipment will definitely delight her!

Ideas of classic gifts for toddlers 9 - 12 years old

At this age, girls are already very actively interested in everything around. Babies develop their own tastes and preferences, but they still like traditional gifts that always bring joy. Popular options for New Year's surprises for a girl of nine - twelve years old:

  • plush cute toy or one more doll will successfully replenish the baby's favorite collection;
  • Dollhouse- what a present for nine years and even an older child? With various kitchen gadgets and furniture, it will delight the recipient of the presentation;
  • all kinds of children's musical instruments- if a girl is passionate about musical art, she will like the idea;
  • beautiful sports uniform perfect for the color of the baby's eyes - a cool present for dancing or rhythmic gymnastics;
  • a set of markers of various shades, high-quality paints, brushes for painting - all this will delight a little girl, because art at this age is one of the main hobbies, and a large set of felt-tip pens is a real reason for pride;
  • special set for painting with light;
  • funny bunny webcam to chat with your friends on Skype;
  • fashionable among kids interactive pet;
  • beautiful carnival outfit with a fashionable handbag - what is not a cool present for a girl who wants to shine like a princess on New Year's Eve?
  • various play sets according to the girl's age;
  • sewing machine for those who are keen on creating doll clothes. Your budding fashion designer will bring his best ideas to life with such a surprise;
  • set of accessories for making your own chocolate egg with a surprise inside;
  • children's cosmetics or costume jewelry- believe me, at the age of 9 you have not just a child, but a true lady is growing up!

Surprising a 9-12 year old girl taking into account her hobbies

When choosing a New Year's surprise, set a specific goal, for example, present a thing related to a baby's hobby to support her in her hobby. The best hobby-related New Year gift ideas for girls from 9 to 12 years old are:

  • set for macrame or embroidery;
  • everything for creating origami;
  • a set for sewing or knitting;
  • tickets to a sports event in the sport that the girl likes.

And there are also many interesting unusual gifts for girls who are obsessed with fashion and strive to imitate the heroines of their favorite films! For example, you can present a fashionable interactive mirror with various sound and light effects. It will definitely interest the little princess!

On a note If a girl is seriously engaged in some kind of sport, she can be presented with especially useful things - beautiful equipment, a medal for the true winner, a bright sports bag.

What to present as a present for the New Year for ten years?

Ten years of age is a certain milestone for a child, when a girl begins to take everything seriously, and presents are no exception! Just a doll in a pretty dress may not be enough. The most important thing is to take into account the interesting babies. What can be presented for the New Year to a ten-year-old girl? Our tips:

  • developing sets of various topics... They will help the child to learn the basics of adult life in a fun way;

  • set for experiments "My laboratory";
  • children's home planetarium;
  • cool Lego constructor;
  • cool simulator "Rotating disc"... It improves coordination of movements by strengthening the legs and waist;
  • rollers for those who like to drive them;
  • age-appropriate bike;
  • special set for creating fashionable girly jewelry;
  • various mobile phone accessories;
  • stylish and popular smart watch;
  • cool mobile phone- at her age, this is a very suitable present. It would be nice to pack your surprise in a stylish personalized case;
  • soft toy, well, who doesn't adore her? The girl will be delighted with a huge teddy bear;
  • 3D puzzle, just choose it with the maximum amount of detail;
  • interesting board game will be great entertainment;
  • special music mat... It's not just a fun toy, it's gorgeous
  • device for the development of plastics and beauty of movements;
  • funny school accessories that will make school life more enjoyable;
  • microphone for karaoke fan, you can choose a colorful model with rhinestones;
  • certificate for children's manicure, it's time to get used to being a woman, albeit a little one for now!

Interesting It is important to create a fabulous atmosphere in the house on a magical New Year's Eve. Then the mood will be more fun, and the presentations will become much more pleasant! Therefore, be sure to leave the gift under the tree, and not just give it to the child, pack it in an interesting way, or maybe hide it among the green branches.

Eleven years old - what does a girl want for the New Year?

A girl at this age is already beginning to look for her place in life, thinking about her future profession. She also thinks over her own image, gradually delves into fashion and world trends. So your present simply has to meet these requirements. In this difficult, but interesting period, you can please the girl with such ideas for New Year's gifts for an eleven-year-old:

  • natural cosmetic: nude nail polish, invisible wet lip gloss, hand cream, eau de toilette - there are a lot of options;

  • fashion jewelry(spectacular pendants, earrings and a ring) - such gifts will not leave indifferent any recipient;
  • bright box with merry new year melodies- why not a good idea for storing girly jewelry?
  • quality player;
  • bright gloves will delight every girl;
  • beautiful earmuffs made of fur irreplaceable in cold winter;
  • T-shirt or T-shirt with a photo of a girl will amuse her vanity;
  • cool notebook or notebook with the symbols of the coming year;
  • special photo book "My image";
  • eBook- a wonderful surprise under the herringbone for a reading lover;
  • hoverboard;
  • manicure set teaching a girl to take care of her hands is also the perfect surprise;
  • accessories for hairstyles... It can be a beautiful set of headbands, elastic bands, fashionable elastic bands, springs, and even ready-made braids from kanekalon;
  • cool christmas cup or plate with a good photo of a girl - a great idea for a New Year's presentation;
  • elegant handbag or a stylish backpack;
  • special set for painting boxes either ceramic figurines will also be an excellent present;
  • fashionable smart phone- every girl will certainly be delighted with him;
  • modern bedside lamps with many additional functions - a real decoration of a child's room.

Important In the coming year, it is important to complement the surprise with a cute souvenir with the symbols of the year. It can be some kind of an original talisman, a calendar, an original Christmas tree decoration, a rat keychain, etc.

What to present to a twelve-year-old girl for 2020?

At this age, girls already tend to be interested in appearance, fashion trends. This is almost a girl with a teenage outlook on life! Start from this when choosing a successful gift for the New Year 2020 for a girl at 12 years old.

  • illuminated makeup mirror;

  • stylish girl's handbag;
  • a fashionable gadget that raises the status of a girl in the eyes of her peers;
  • good player;
  • various beauty products (curling iron, hair dryer, iron);
  • a cookbook if the girl is interested in cooking and is happy to help her mother in the kitchen.

Gifts for creative girls

Many girls at this age can be safely called creative natures. If you want to please such a girl, choose things that help create a non-trivial masterpiece, for example:

  • kit for embroidery with beads or ribbons- cool idea;
  • patterns to create funny felt toys;
  • blanks for silk painting to create your own designer wardrobe items;
  • 3D pen, which makes it possible to create cool three-dimensional objects.

When choosing a present for creativity, you should start from the girl's hobbies. Well, if she doesn't have a hobby yet, buy something universal.

Advice Girls of twelve are already a gradual transformation from a child to a teenager. Naturally, they want their own jewelry and their real cosmetics. However, parents are worried about the effect of cosmetics on their child's skin. Here special skin-safe kits on a completely natural basis will come to your aid. They include scented creams, lipsticks, shampoos, nail polishes, etc. Why not take a young girl to a beauty salon before the New Year? There she will be offered to do a stylish hairstyle or make-up. This kind of surprise will definitely delight the girl!

When choosing a gift for a child, try to think in childish categories, turn off an adult and remember yourself at the age of a girl. What have you dreamed about? Definitely not a useful warm jacket or winter boots, which you can buy for your child anyway, even without a holiday! Therefore, give possibly inexpensive, but desirable, bright, albeit useless gifts. Childhood runs too fast to deprive the child of true joy and New Year's wonders.

Nata carlin

There are many options for what can be presented to children for 11 years for the New Year. It is much easier with adults in this matter - a cosmetic set, shower gel, perfume or jewelry, if not very happy, will quite pass as a sign of attention. However, with babies, everything is much more serious, every parent wants to become a kind wizard for this holiday and fulfill the child's most cherished desire.

Children are spontaneous, and it is unlikely that a girl or boy will be able to hide their preferences and desires from their parents. What does not arouse interest in a teenager is also not a secret.

However, the ubiquitous advertising of super-expensive and fashionable toys, gadgets and things distorts the child's idea of ​​the real value of each item. Therefore, choosing a gift that will not cost like a three-deck yacht and at the same time will become a real surprise is quite problematic. But do not despair, a gift for a teenage child 11 years old for the New Year can be found and bought quickly enough if you use the following recommendations:

  • Consider expanding circle of interests of the child and find toys that match his age, preferences, but a slightly different focus. For example, if a boy is interested in cars, buy him a book that tells the story of mechanical engineering in a simple way.
  • Your baby loves sweets? The gift box of chocolates will be eaten in the next couple of days. The best gift for an 11-year-old child in this case is a play set for making chocolate figurines or ice cream.
  • Choose toys that contribute to the development of creative skills, ingenuity and communication skills. Monotonous, specific games limit the flight of fantasy and deprive the imagination.

  • Never buy games that a child saw in a TV commercial and immediately got the idea of ​​receiving them as a gift. Think about whether such an acquisition is justified from the point of view of necessity and from a financial position.
  • It is advisable not to purchase low quality toys. After all, they quickly break down, and for a boy or girl it will be a real trauma. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a higher quality, albeit smaller, product for the same money.

And the main thing - try to buy toys only in specialized stores, this reduces the risk of injury and is a guarantee of the quality of the products.

What gifts to choose for a girl of 11 for the New Year?

All parents, on the eve of the holiday, are wondering what to give an 11-year-old girl for the New Year. It is not difficult to make a choice, it is enough listen to the child's requests and go through toy stores, picking up the ones that you think are the most suitable, of high quality and affordable. So, what gifts can you ask Santa Claus for the New Year for a girl of 11 years old:

  • DollsBarbie or other fashionable today princesses, fairies, witches. The stores offer a wide range of different sets for girls. These can be options with accessories for young hairdressers, cosmetologists, fashion designers. It all depends only on the wishes of the girl.
  • Knitting kits, embroidery with floss threads, beads, ribbons, sequins - these are the best New Year's gifts for girls 11 years old. They have everything a young needlewoman needs to learn how to hold a thread, a needle, knitting needles, scissors, and use schemes in her hands. In addition, such gifts teach perseverance, concentration, and develop imagination and creative thinking.
  • For a little fashionista and lover of jewelry, bijouterie and children's cosmetics, you can buy interesting music box... For example, products in retro style are perfect, where music starts playing in the opening box and a completely charming ballerina is spinning. In these models, as a rule. There are many shelves and drawers, each of which the girl uses at her own discretion.

  • Interesting young perfumer's set will also be a pleasant surprise. These kits include several different essential oils, mixing them in different proportions, you can get a completely unusual, unexpected and exclusive scent.

Gifts-toys at this age can and should be given to girls. However, in modern reality, most young ladies prefer more serious presents.

It is worth making a reservation that parents need to take into account their own financial capabilities.

The best gifts from parents are those that the child most dreams of, but does not expect to receive. For example, a kind and generous Santa Claus for the New Year can give:

  • new gadget with a set of unique features;
  • fashionable clothes, about which one could only dream of or a set of children's decorative cosmetics, the one that was previously prohibited;
  • pool pass, to the skating rink or to equestrian sports;
  • skates, rollers, bike, hoverboard.

New Year's gifts for a girl of 11 years old - Monster High dolls

However, such presents cannot be purchased inexpensively; this requires a certain amount of money. That's why it is advisable to always correlate the whims of the child with your financial capabilities.

What to give an 11-year-old boy for the New Year?

The coolest gifts for an 11-year-old boy are, of course, robots, cars, weapons. There are a lot of options for choosing today:

  • Boys who like to watch cartoons and movies about spies, scouts and aliens are perfect state-of-the-art "spy gadgets" in the form of megaphones and recording devices with a wide variety of functions. Toys can make a variety of sounds, record, broadcast it in a distorted form, glow and respond to a specific sound or word.
  • The coolest gift will be the perfect gift space and fantasy weapons- blaster. For example, now there are models that shoot soft rounds, rockets, etc. In a set with such a toy there are targets of various shapes, types and functions.
  • The best and most desirable gift for an 11 year old boy who is fond of cars - super modern jeep or racing car radio controlled. These toys can have a variety of functions, for example, they can roll over when overcoming any obstacle, while continuing to move, light up, make various sounds, open or close doors when a button is pressed, transform into robots, and much more.

For a boy who is keen on music, you can give wireless headphones.

For a child who has chosen any science for detailed study, in children's toy stores, you can choose a set of a young physicist, chemist, mathematician or biologist

For parents who can afford to buy an expensive toy for their child, it might be advisable to buy a tablet. The gadget will not only be a source of entertainment and games, but will also help the kid gain new knowledge. Virtual reality glasses- an interesting gadget that allows you to play mobile games with the full effect of being present in that environment. An interesting and cool gift for a boy can be a quadrocopter, helicopter, hoverboard, gyro scooter, action camera. The choice is yours!

12 January 2018, 03:25