Full lips in men. What are the types of lip shape

Lips- this is a part of the face that always attracts the eye of the interlocutor and arouses keen interest in others. Even Aristotle believed that the lips and the shape of the mouth of a person are a kind of indicator of the state of his soul. Full lips of the correct shape at all times have been evidence of increased sensitivity and sexuality.

The most famous owner erotic full lips was Marilyn Monroe, who inspired almost the entire male population of the planet for feats. But not all people are given lips of the correct and beautiful shape, many are content with thin or thick lips, and some even inherit lips of an asymmetrical shape.

No problem today give the desired shape to the lips with the help of plastic surgery, it is especially useful to do surgical correction of the mouth for owners of thin lips. After all, what vices are not attributed to thin-lipped people. They are envious, and spiteful, and self-serving, and in general, they are capable of any meanness and it is better not to have anything to do with them.

Actually, far not all people with thin lips meet this characteristic. Thin ones are most common among the inhabitants of the Far North, and representatives of African tribes can boast of thick and fleshy lips. It would be extremely wrong to argue that the inhabitants of Africa are kind and generous than those who were born in Yakutia. After all, it is clear that every nation has people with a different character, regardless of the fact that the shape of their lips is the same.

The study of the dependence of the character of a person the science of physiognomy deals with external appearance. Physiognomists interpret the main traits of a person's character not only by the width of the lips, but also by the size of the mouth, the brightness of the skin, the location of the upper and lower lips relative to each other and other small details. Let's take a closer look at what can be said about a person by looking at his lips.

1. Thin and narrow lips... If the face of women is decorated with a small mouth of a beautiful shape, then the face of men is a mouth proportional to the width of the cheekbones. For women, narrow and thin lips look great when her mouth is small. Thin and narrow lips of a beautiful shape indicate intelligence, crystal honesty and modesty of its owner. These women are very generous and not at all rancorous.

However, people with small mouths are constantly preoccupied with the struggle for survival, they are not able to show perseverance and willpower. Narrow thin lips with a large mouth shape indicate excessive severity of character. A person with such lips likes to criticize not only others, but he himself suffers from exaggerated self-criticism. The owners of narrow and thin lips are independent people, most of them suffer from a lack of communication and loneliness.

2. Regular lips of medium thickness... The main character trait of people with lips of medium thickness is their naturalness. In any situation, they know how to remain themselves, which attracts other people to them, like a magnet. Kindness, caring, non-conflict and friendliness distinguish them favorably from representatives of other lip shapes. It is easy and simple to live with the owners of lips of medium thickness, since the family union with them can be reliable and strong. In family and life, they show themselves to be faithful friends and helpers.

3. Full, swollen lips... Full lips of a swollen shape speak of a rich life of a person. These are people who live by the principle: "Everything is either now or never!" By nature, these are capricious natures who adore being in the center of everyone's attention. Very often, the owners of such lips are looking for pleasure and an easy life, for the sake of which they can be cynical, calculating and heartless. Women with plump lips twist men as they want, so they are never alone. In family life, they show themselves to be good wives and wonderful mothers.

4. The lower lip is thinner than the upper... Women with a full upper lip are real coquettes, they always know how to look beautiful and stylish. This lip shape is typical for purposeful people who love themselves and are not afraid of difficulties. They know how to behave in society and always find the right ways to dispose of their interlocutor. Asians consider people with thick upper lips to be insincere and capable of stabbing in the back at any time.

5. The upper lip is thinner than the lower... According to physiognomists, every eighth man out of ten has a thinner upper lip than the lower one. This lip shape is a sure sign of a fickle relationship. But in women, too, the lower lip is often fuller than the upper one, which is also a sign that she loves to live for her own pleasure. It makes no sense to demand from her to stay at home and take care of the children; it is more important for her to search for new experiences. Only when she meets a worthy man can she change her attitude towards marital fidelity.

6. Any asymmetrical lip... Uneven lips give the mouth a crooked shape and therefore cause dislike in people. Apparently because of this, any lips of an asymmetrical shape are considered a sign of deceit and backbiting. But as history shows, many people with a kind character have an ugly mouth shape. For example, the host of the TV show "Full House" Regina Dubovitskaya and the wonderful actress Goldie Hawn managed to achieve a lot in this life, despite the asymmetrical shape of the mouth.

It is believed that the eyes are the mirror of the human soul. But the mouth and lips are no less eloquent than the eyes. Their shape, thickness, mouth size and brightness of the skin frankly betray persistence and weakness, sensuality and firmness, stupidity and vanity of a person.

Ancient Chinese wisdom says that people with narrow mouths are ruled by their heads, while people with wide mouths are ruled by their hearts. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle pointed out the relationship between the shape of the lips and the internal energy of a person. Many grandmothers can tell at first glance whether the groom is suitable for the granddaughter or is it better not to bring this to the family.

People inherit facial features from their parents, as well as many character traits. By learning to “read” people's faces, you can make your life safer and your communication more enjoyable. Restraint in emotions sometimes disguises kindness and devotion, and a sweet smile can hide anger and meanness. Before getting to know a person better, it is useful to look at him from the outside, when he is relaxed and does not think that he is being considered. The mouth and lips can open up a lot.

The main thing that people pay attention to is the clarity of the lines and the tension of the muscles in the mouth. A slightly open mouth, relaxed lips often speak of a weakness of character, but this is also characteristic of many creative people, romantic natures and gullible good people. A clear line drawing of the lips, their compressed corners, the tension of the peri-labial muscles are characteristic of people with a strong character, capable of taking responsibility, but sometimes showing excessive rigidity and intolerance in relationships.

Mouth size and character

Mouths vary in size. Regardless of the shape, the mouth can be small, large, or medium. Differences also depend on belonging to a particular nation.

A big mouth is a sign of a reckless person prone to rash actions. But they are also independent and courageous, generous, open-minded and able to go against everyone, upholding their principles or defending the weak. People with large mouths tend to be very talkative and like to talk without listening to others. They often have a bad relationship with their parents and older people, because they do not like to follow directions, do not tolerate teachings.

A small mouth is more common in people reserved, inclined to first think and consult with everyone, and then make a decision. Sometimes they are stingy, but often this is the usual prudence, which does not allow you to recklessly scatter money. Men with small mouths are often talkative, emotional, annoying, but behind this masquerade they hide a sober mind and logic, their real actions have nothing to do with what they demonstrate to the public. Women with tiny mouths seem to be naive and helpless "sparrows", weak-willed and submissive. Some, indeed, are in reality, but most are able to firmly grasp the gape of prey with their "beak".

A medium-sized mouth indicates a harmonious balance of character traits and the absence of extremes.

Lip thickness and character traits

Perfect lips are when the upper and lower lips are about the same size, not too thick or very thin. The color is even, light red. The thickest (swollen) lips are characteristic of the equatorial (negro-australoid) race. The thinnest lips are found in some peoples in the North of Europe and Asia. National characteristics should be taken into account when determining the type of personality.

Physiognomy teaches that full, rounded lips mean that a person is caring and sensitive. The thicker the lips, the more passionate the person is. Full, convex lips with a beautiful clear shape are found in successful, fortunate people, full of energy and optimism. Thick lips of an indefinite shape are found in good-natured, sensitive and sympathetic, but weak-willed people.

People with thin lips are more careful about feelings and relationships. They are distinguished by perseverance, decisiveness, they are not so easy to deceive with flattery. They do not like to be teased and ridiculed, they can harbor resentment for a long time. People with thin lips are more serious, hardworking and responsible. However, people with very thin lips can be emotionally cold and have a hard time finding a match for themselves. Sometimes excessive scrupulousness and prudence prevents them from building harmonious relationships.

According to ancient Chinese ideas about the correspondence of facial features and character, the upper lip represents the "feminine" side (yin) while the lower lip represents the "masculine" side (yang). The upper lip of a person can show his sensuality and ability to love, the lower lip speaks of how much he needs to receive love from other people.

A thick lower lip combined with a thin upper lip is a sign of greed and selfishness. Such people love pleasures, but only their own, what they feel and what their partners desire does not interest them at all. But they can be witty and funny, gush with energy, entertain and captivate. They know how to get joy from life and this is worth learning from them.

If the upper lip is full, and the lower lip is narrow, then often such people are indecisive, unable to stand up for themselves. They willingly take care of someone, help and save. At the same time, they often like to manipulate others, are vain, strive to set the tone, make plans and captivate others with their ideas. Surprisingly, they usually succeed.

Where are the corners of the lips directed?

People with raised lips are considered optimistic and cheerful, they are sociable and greet every day with a smile. People with drooping lips are often pessimistic, very shy and tend to be alone. However, you can count on their honesty and fairness.

With age, facial muscles weaken and the corners of the lips sink in almost all people. Nevertheless, in some they form a hard line, while in others they give the face an unhappy expression of bitter disappointment.

Which lip protrudes more?

If you look at a person in profile, you will notice that one lip almost always protrudes forward more than the other.

The upper lip protruding above the lower one indicates the owner's indecision. Such people are distinguished by kindness, understand others well, they are sincere and honest. They do not like confrontation, it is difficult for them to prove their case and defend their desires, they are prone to compromises. It's easier for them to give in than to offend someone.

If the lower lip protrudes forward, then the owner of such a mouth has a tenacious and decisive character. They are assertive and impetuous. People with a protruding lower lip can fight for their interests, prove their case, even if they have already realized that they are wrong. They have their own ideas about honor and pride, sometimes they are too demanding both to themselves and to others.

How to check the reliability of the lip characteristics?

The answer is very simple: take a closer look and observe the people with whom you are well acquainted and whose character is not a secret to you. Start with yourself and those people who have clearly expressed certain features of the structure of the mouth and lips.

It's not always convenient to gaze at someone closely, so start with photographs. Choose the ones where your friends and family do not pose, but were caught in the frame by accident. Give a characterization of the person's lips and check if your personal opinion matches what the lips are pointing to. And do not forget to look at the photographs of your elderly relatives in which they were taken when they were young. Old pictures will reveal a lot to you.

P.S. The character of men is easier to determine, for girls it changes depending on the makeup.

Based on site materials http://bezsekretov.net

Do you want to know how easy it will be to communicate with the man you just met? Look closely at his lips: they will help you find out what type your new friend is.


The mouth is large, lips are clearly defined, wide in the center and tapering towards the edges, the corners are raised.

He is: open-minded, confident, loves to be in the spotlight. He needs a relaxed partner capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a play where he plays the main role. He will publicly make you tender confessions, but be prepared for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very well defined lips.

He is: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Loves stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, he prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on the mood and situation.


Lips "bow", plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding to his companion: at any time of the day she must look stunning and be ready for love. Loves sex without frills and frequent change of position.


The lips are thin, pale, and compressed.

He is the leader. Lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If he breaks up a relationship, then forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the cutout of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


The lips are well defined. The groove in the center of the upper lip has slightly sharpened edges.
He is: relaxed, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but at the same time not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not easy. He can take the lead in the relationship, but he will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand boundaries, restrictions, obligations in relation to sex. Appreciates freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places for this: in a fitting room, in a dark corner of a park, on an airplane.


The lips are of medium size or rather large, well defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is: reckless, ambitious, loves to effectively joke and turn his attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love, she often pursues sports interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. In sex, he does not like long foreplay, he is ready to experiment.


Lips are medium in size, even, in the form of a leaf. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower lip or slightly wider, with almost no center bend.

He: will rule in love. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either prone to extreme, or very conservative.


The lips are medium, well defined. The lower lip is even, straight, tapers at the very edges, the upper lip rises to the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, make eyes, make hints. He does not reject the counter initiative, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics, he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears as if by the way


The lips are thin, not too defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself to be an extremely romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over emotions. In his feelings he is restrained, does not like the manifestation of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's love relationships are of priority somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning an apartment. But sex as a wellness procedure is highly rated. He attaches great importance to the technical side of the issue. Loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

We read on the lips further ...

If you know how to "read lips" correctly, then the shape of the lips and the outlines of the mouth as a whole will reveal the secrets of the character of their owner.

Chubby lips are a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Isn't that why we are trying in every possible way to draw the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

The narrow mouth speaks of the heavy and gloomy nature of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are closed and sullen. Even if your lips are not yours, it is quite possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in cases where you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation for you. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create the impression of "beeches" about yourself.

A convex or simply plump lower lip is a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. It is difficult to communicate on an equal footing with a person whose lower lip is much larger than the upper lip, he will always try to prevail over you. And, again, such a lip can appear in a person with a normal mouth if he disrespects you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. To persuade someone whose lower lip is too protruding is a bad job, you don't even have to try.

A protruding upper lip is a sign of stubborn, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you hook such a person to the living, then you risk losing his disposition forever. Your opinion won't mean anything to him anymore. Such people, although very tolerant, still deep down in their hearts are completely sincerely convinced that they are right.

A bulging mouth with well-defined lips is a feature inherent in "earthly" people who have no illusions about themselves, unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles on the sand and do not hover in the clouds, their lot is ordinary affairs. A distinctive feature of people with a clear lip contour is low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have a strong enough character to cope with themselves and improve their lives, no matter what.

Have you ever heard that the character and personality of a person can literally be "counted" by certain features of his face? Indeed, there is even a special science - physiognomy, the purpose of which is to establish the personal qualities of a certain person by her appearance.

Physiognomy secrets

Speaking spatially and going into ancient teachings, it is believed that a person's face completely identifies his three worlds. The forehead marks the divine sphere of being, the eyes and eyebrows - the mythical, and the nasolabial triangle - the material.

Roughly speaking, it is most expedient and preferable to determine the character by the shape of the lips. It is they who speak about the personal qualities of their owner, and help to unmistakably determine how kind, generous or altruistic a person is, how pure his thoughts are about others, how faithful he is and an ingenuous partner.

If you want to determine in advance the character of a new acquaintance, and understand how productive and cloudless communication with him will become, just look at his mouth. What is it in shape, fullness and width? So, how to correctly determine the character of a person by his lips?

Large lips and wide mouth

If your new acquaintance has plump lips, this undoubtedly speaks of his sexuality. But under the same line lie other, more important personal aspects. If the lips of your chosen one are big, and, as they say, "juicy" - it means that in life he is a good, worthy and honest person. However, there is a spirit of adventurism in it, which may not please calm women and homebodies. Get ready that this representative of the stronger sex will constantly pull your hand towards adventure.

Large lips and character in men can be compared with kindness and simplicity. Such a person is definitely ingenuous and open, on his part you are unlikely to experience evil intrigues, deceptions and cunning. At the same time, if the mouth of your interlocutor is "weak", and the lips do not close well together, this indicates his indecision and carelessness. In addition, such a person may be prone to impulsive, thoughtless actions, including in terms of interpersonal and intimate relationships.

The scarlet or hot pink color of a man's lips speaks of his positive authority. He will become a reliable support and support for you, you can be 100% confident in him, because he will become a great family man. Such men are usually loyal, self-sufficient, single-minded and persistent in achieving good goals. They will always give you a sense of confidence and peace of mind. They are also extremely responsible and fair in relation to strangers. They never judge others without clear reasons and arguments.

Crescent-shaped lips are rare, and therefore are a fairly clear, memorable feature. A man who has raised the corners of his lips is always cheerful and straight, has remarkable charisma and a sharp analytical mindset.

He always tries to get to the point and knows how to argue his position eloquently. Among the negative qualities is pathological stubbornness, which often affects your personal life in a negative way. It is not easy to cope with such a man, but it is so pleasant to have him! ..

Thick, lush lips indicate that their owner has a passionate nature. Such men know how to give great love. But sometimes they are let down by their own temperament. Sometimes it may seem that with his exorbitant passion, he incinerates everything around, including himself.

Such a person is also prone to rash acts in his personal life. In the professional field, men of this type are more balanced and calm, since they are prone to luxury and strive to get it by hook or by crook.

Small mouth

"Reading" the character of a person on the lips can be done by looking at their overall size. If the mouth of your new acquaintance is small and narrow, it means that he is quite calm and peaceful, not prone to novelty and conservative, in particular, in love and family relationships. If, at the same time, he is poorly revealed, this may indicate a weak character and a constant struggle for survival.

A fish mouth is a mouth with thin lips and constantly drooping corners. Such an external feature gives out very strong and cold-blooded personalities who rely exclusively on themselves. In a critical situation, this person can be alone, and not feel any discomfort about it. Such men have a very strong will, they are completely resistant to outside influence. If they have decided something, they will not be confused by any authority. Sometimes "fish mouth" is found among avid gossips and schemers.

Those with thin lips are usually pragmatic, calculating and cunning. Such is their essence. Thin lips in a person can also indicate his greed and stinginess. At the same time, the personality itself considers itself not trivially tight-fisted, but economical and practical.

Also, these people are distinguished by assertiveness and activity, which can often be mistaken for aggression and excessive impulsivity.

They can be belligerent in defending their interests, but they will never offend a neighbor whom they truly love. Due to their innate severity, these people are often skeptical about life and are pessimists. If, at the same time, the mouth is clearly outlined, this can signal high intellectual development, as well as sentimentality, intertwined with rationality.

"Special lips"

You can also determine the character by the individual characteristics of the lips:

  1. The protruding upper lip speaks of capriciousness and childish spontaneity;
  2. If the lower lip pushes forward strongly, this signals that there is a smug person in front of you, who is guided only by his own desires. Such people can easily commit treason and not see anything shameful in her;
  3. Twitching lips are a sign of a nervous, emotional and unstable personality;
  4. Pursed lips betray a secretive, insincere, deceitful person. You can easily expect from him "Sticks in the wheel" or "a knife in the back";
  5. Parted lips, on the contrary, speak of sincerity, honesty and openness, the inability to lie and cheat in their favor.

Men's lips, as you already understood, can say a lot about their owner. However, you must understand that it is important to consider every little detail before drawing any global conclusions.

Female lips and character

The shape of the lips and the character of a woman is rarely analyzed. For men, this part of the face is simply an attractive and sexy addition to the rest of the beloved's features.

So, if you are a man, and want to "count" the character of your young lady on the lower part of the face, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with certain criteria that demonstrate personality.

If the lips of your friend, beloved or partner ...:

  • - she is very proud and capricious. If she wants something, she will achieve it by all means. And it doesn't matter whether it is a Birkin purse or a man standing next to it. She can be extremely freedom-loving and at the same time domineering. Her motto is "now or never!", and mama's sons and mumbles are clearly not in the category of her preferences;
  • Plump but small- in front of you is a romantic person who loves to build "castles in the air" and hover in the clouds. She does not delve into serious problems and life vicissitudes, preferring to close her eyes to them and engage in self-deception. Her choice is an ideal man, as they say, a "fairy-tale prince", and you can conquer her only if you have the very features of a worthy gentleman;
  • Narrow and wide - your passion is an inveterate realist. She loves to plan ahead and can seem like a classic pedant. She never demonstrates her own emotions and experiences in public, often gives the impression of a closed and proud person. She likes extremely reliable men, and she prefers to bypass romantics and madmen. The girl's thin lips also indicate a calm and balanced character;
  • Narrow and small- before you is a real adventurer, always ready to go towards adventures, even if very risky. She cannot sit in one place, and this is reflected even in the choice of places of rest. She is unlikely to be attracted by an island vacation with endless "wallowing" on the beach in a hammock. She is strong, she is often called a real fighter. The man of her dreams is strong and confident. Henpecked people can immediately pass by such a person.

By studying physiognomy, you can learn a lot about your new acquaintances and partners.

There are many ways to find out about a person's character - it does not matter whether he is familiar or not yet. One of the simplest methods, combining ease of observation and ease for the subject of research, is to determine the character by the outlines of the mouth and lips.

Many psychologists agree that it is these parts of the face that are able to tell not only about a person's experience, but also about the most frequently experienced emotions, experiences, and even about his possible future.

What can this or that lip shape say?

Classic mouth- even lips of the same shape and size, located parallel to each other and symmetrically relative to the nose, is a sign of an even calm character, self-confidence and great potential. For men, in this case, the lips should be firm, for women - soft. It often happens that such people achieve significant success by the age of 40, and by 50 they are experiencing real heyday.

Mouth shape like a young moon- the lips are even, the corners are raised up, - indicates that the owner of such lips has a logical mindset. In business, he is focused and stubbornly achieves the set goal, in a conversation he is extremely convincing. Usually these people have a well-developed artistic taste.

Thin, tightly compressed lips- evidence of the coldness of their owner and even some prudence. Such people are scrupulous in business, show enviable energy and ingenuity in achieving goals. Having made friends with the owner of narrow lips, you can get a loyal ally who will do everything possible for a friend.

Lips folded in a bow, speak of the heightened sensitivity of the owner, the ability to charm others and at the same time - about insincerity, turning into deceit. Men with such lips are characterized by frivolity and a desire to become famous, combined with natural kindness and a desire to be in the center of events.

Mouth with large, fleshy lips signals the tendency of its owner to sentimentality, excessive mental anguish and self-examination. But, thanks to good self-control, such people are always good-natured, radiate a good mood and love to talk.

Mouth tilted to one side typical for people who love and know how to speak in front of others; they are often good speakers. The owner of a slanted mouth usually becomes the center of any company, he is ready to constantly joke and tell stories - this is a way to isolate his innermost thoughts from those around him. Usually such a person has money, but he spends more than he can afford.

Pushed forward lower or upper lip indicates a lack of inner strength, self-doubt and willingness to compromise. However, in decisive situations, it is the owners of such lips who are able to show miracles of courage and stand to the end. This shape of the mouth indicates a habit of forgiving the mistakes of others and a great sexual potential.

Large mouth and radiant lips in deep red usually found in a person who is accustomed to secular life, who is popular and quite successful. Usually, the owner of these mouth contours is witty and loves public speaking, but he is not attached to the family, relying primarily on public recognition.

Small mouth- a sign of an extremely honest, but insecure person, whose main desire is to get the approval of his actions from others. It is because of this that people with such a mouth shape are often unlucky in their personal lives, because they are not used to relying on their strengths and their opinions.