Congratulations on the day of brothers and sisters. Pictures with the day of brothers and sisters: the history and traditions of the family holiday

Congratulations on the day of brothers and sisters,
I wish inspiration and happiness,
Let there be no quarrel in relationships
And there will be only harmony, luck.

Happy brothers and sisters you
I have a hurry to congratulate this morning!
Life shines letting your
Rays of gold and pearl.

Let the family be filled with good
Let the world reign around, not fading,
I wish you to brake all the heat,
And sincere once again congratulations!

Congratulations from the heart with a wonderful holiday, the day of the brothers and sisters! Sisters and brothers are not just our native people, this is our support and support in a difficult moment, our most faithful and devoted friends, our relationship with the world of childhood and the parent home. See more often with relatives, take care of each other, be healthy and happy.

Happy brothers and sisters you
Today I congratulate my soul!
Let there be a friendly family,
Her love let him fill.

Let the adversity bypass everyone bypass,
Obragrats on the way do not arise.
Good luck will let you
And never leaves.

Happy brothers and sisters
You congratulate you today
Bear warmly beautiful ultrasound
Always, I wish you everywhere.

Let friendship and love between us
We give power, protection, strength,
And so offense, bitterness in the heart
Our strong spirit did not touch.

You are brothers and sisters,
You are one native blood,
You are one family particles,
Let love live in the hearts!

Always be for each other
Strong friendly shoulder!
Brother - your friend, sister - girlfriend,
Just get closer every day!

How just sounds "brother and sister",
Just two words, but in them - two bloodshots,
They have so many care, heat and good,
After all, brother and sister are two halves!

We always appreciate your brothers, sisters,
Let your blood bond be strong!
The family is tight of all sorts of iron supports,
If you have to fall in life!

Happy holiday wonderful, family,
Glorifying the meaning of the blood bonds.
More joyful events and moments
Strong, friendly let your union be friendly.

Let you not be afraid of sadness,
Only happiness and love to know you.
To support each other in time.
Happy holiday you Happy sisters and brothers!

The holiday is a good year,
On other not similar
Very warm he, soulful
And so native, family!

Day when there is no quarrel -
Holiday brothers and sisters!
This connection is always strong,
Everyone and everyone is visible!

On this day you will call
Brother invite
Ile with sestroy you meet
This holiday is celebrated!

Brothers and sisters!
Run all each other!
After all, it is so valuable -
Merit parents.

What we go through life
Confidently easy
Look for us support
No need to go far.

And we can care
All equally divide.
Let's be very much
We appreciate each other.

Most recently, a holiday began to celebrate in Russia - the day of the brothers and sisters. This wonderful holiday calls to unite native people. Indeed, often, mature, brothers and sisters are scattered throughout the corners of the planet, some do not even support communication. So should not. And the holiday was formed, which connects his souls and collects the whole family at the festive table. After all, your parents are so nice to watch when their children are nearby. Maintain relationships, do not lose, love each other, brothers and sisters! Speak the words of love with native people without reason, and without reason. Greate each other meetings, because the phone call can not pass the warmth of your feelings. Our site congratulations is ready to help you like the words of love for your native person. Our congratulations are unique! Happy brothers and sisters you, friends!

Brothers and sisters! Make a family table more often!
Discuss the news by writing them with wine,
Hug around more often, go to visit to each other, go,
Yes, just like that, love each other!
After all, the thread of kinship is forever tied
And remember about each other you owe
We wish you remember for the home of the native
Brothers, sisters! Parents please yourself!

Congratulations on the holiday of brothers and sisters!
Let your married fire will never go out,
You will drag the firewood in the fire,
And never forget about each other!
Visit parents, they are waiting for you,
Only thoughts about your happiness and live,
They will be pleased to see you all together
And let your voices merge in the family song!

Your holiday today, brothers and sisters!
Gather all together, this is so simple
You need to quit all your urgent things,
And remember that you gave birth to you!
It takes more often with native to communicate,
Do not disappear, do not forget, call, not get lost,
We wish you today to sit at the festive table,
We wish you today to enjoy the celebration!

Brothers and sisters! Do not forget that you are relatives!
Do not become an arc to a friend indifferent, others,
After all, your mother is one at all,
As for this, even drink not sin!
Going more often, without reason without reason
Do not wait for someone birth or death,
You are relatives! Just like each other you love!
And the words of love are more often talking!

Congratulations to all brothers and sisters,
With this wonderful festive day,
And we want to wish you to be kinder,
And so that in your family has become a little warmer!
And if you need help, stretch your hand,
And do not allow you long separation,
Together you can turn over all the lights,
After all, there are no relatives of people around the world!

Brother, sister! We wish to disappear today
And in this life will never leave for a long time,
Let your destinies go to the shoulder go,
Let sorry and trouble your connection will not break!
Love you, good, understanding, health,
Take care of each other, feel love,
Goodbye offenses, and never hold evil,
You are native! We wish you mutual heat!

Happy brothers and sisters! Holiday beautiful!
Let your union of native hearts be happy
Take care of each other from adversity and troubles,
After all, relatively you, no one!
Sister need help? Brother, hand to run!
Brother saddled? Sister, seals to his chest!
Yes, it will be easier for you to live
Congratulations on the holiday and wish you friends!


By itself, the tradition of honoring the blood proximity to brother and sisters, warm relations between them existed for many nations throughout their lives. Unlike the Indian holiday, which is celebrated by the native brother and sister, the day of the brothers and sisters on April 10 is a holiday that implies not necessarily the relationship between the brother and sister, but between two brothers or several scenes.

The holiday, first spent in 1998, began to quickly gain popularity first in the United States, and then got the distribution in other countries and already "converts" traditions. So, on this day, it is customary to give gifts to brother or sister, congratulate on the phone, to meet in the cafe or the whole family at home, giving the heat and joy to each other and parents for whom there is nothing more pleasant than the close and good relationship between their children!

Day of brothers and sisters in Russia Congratulations, Poems: Beautiful pictures with holiday

You, sister, best girlfriend
We will understand each other without words!
I want to open you a secret:
You, sister, best friend,
And the other is there is no such in the world!

I want all the dreams to come true,
So that you can achieve
So you smiled more often
So that you have always been happy!

I am very, very, very proud of my brother
And in this, everyone with joy again confess!
Familiar from birth and childhood friendly,
Therefore, very familiar!

Thank you for being kind and clever,
Responsive, reliable, beautiful and strong!
Ready you help and understand me happy
You are the best and most devoted brother!
Congratulations to brother
How cool when there is a brother
Then happiness more,
And more fun life in a hundred times
And something can be easier

Happy Brothers and Sisters Dari
You are congratulations!
I love you since childhood
You are the best, no doubt!

Congratulations sister
Happy brothers and sisters, you
I congratulate me, sister!
I love me to please you
Since it was a child.
(Since I was a child.)

I now want you to
Laughed, smiled,
And so that under the wing of fate
Happy stayed!

Day of brothers and sisters in Russia Congratulations, Poems: Congratulations in prose

Congratulations from the heart with a wonderful holiday, the day of the brothers and sisters! Sisters and brothers are not just our native people, this is our support and support in a difficult moment, our most faithful and devoted friends, our relationship with the world of childhood and the parent home. See more often with relatives, take care of each other, be healthy and happy.

Congratulations on the day of brothers and sisters. I wish you to get along with my blood and share the most intimate, I wish to always feel the support of a loved one and also support him.

Congratulations on the day of brothers and sisters! As wonderful that I had with whom to share my children's joys and sadness, play and fight together, ask for advice and feel my native shoulder. I wish you real happiness, sincere love, and let your children be as close as we are with you!

Brothers and sisters, those native people who know us like no other. With them live and happiness, and grief. They are not scary with them, because they will always find the necessary words and will support in any situation! We wish to take care of each other!

Congratulations on the day of brothers and sisters. I wish you not to quarrel with the bloodstroke, but as much as possible to meet for a cup of mental tea, arrange funny gatherings and evenings of trust. Let in relations with an expensive person there will be no obstacles in the form of misunderstanding, let him be joy or sadness at any moment - a native person will always be there.

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A holiday that reminds of love and an important role in the life of each other brothers and sisters originated in the United States. He is celebrated on April 10, and Claudia Evart became the founding of such a day, which survived the loss of brother and sisters at an early age.

And in memory of his loved ones and expensive people, Claudia decided to organize such a wonderful holiday - the day of the brothers and sisters. And the date of the celebration of this day is the date of birth of sisters Evart.

history of the holiday

The initiative for the day of brother and sister belongs to Claudia Evart, the founder of the non-profit organization and the Siblings Day Foundation Foundation in the United States. She early survived bitterness of the loss of close people and offered to do on April 10 in memory. The idea of \u200b\u200bholding an unusual holiday was liked by Americans, they enthusiastically perceived the offer.

And in 1998, the day of love and warm family relations were celebrated throughout the country. Soon the holiday began to celebrate in other countries of the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bholding a holiday can not be called completely unique. In India, Rakshabandhan has long been celebrated. Hindu celebration does not have a permanent date - it is celebrated in the full moon of Spherian-Purin in July-August.

On this day, the sisters give to his brothers sacred amulets of Rakha (bracelets on hand, who ideally, should make them with their own hands, but you can also purchase a ready-made version). Brahmans believe that such dressings protect against evil spirits and demons. Close sweets exchange sweets and promise to remember each other all your life, protect and provide support.

Brothers and Sisters Day in Russia Congratulations in verse

On the day of the sisters and brothers
Strong all the arms
Warm relationships
Joyful moments.

Live without sorry try
Conduct more often
Help offer
And do not betray.

Happy brothers and sisters,
Native send congratulations
I wish you happiness
It came to you on the threshold.

Joy, love
I wish your families,
Good health
You - older, and younger.

Let him keep the Lord
Our family is big
You, brothers and sisters
I remember and love me.

Congratulations on your holiday, sisters and brothers!
May the pages of the lifebook pages,
Let them not be stained with sadness,
Let you all be fine!
We wish you a strong friendship with each other,
Check back to your home,
Appreciate the time, value the relationship,
Doors are always open to the parent home!
The day of the brothers and sisters is a wonderful holiday,
From the heart, take congratulations,
Let you smile always happiness
And there will be an excellent mood.
In your veins, blood flows one
You are one relatives, one family,
Remember this and appreciate,
Let your life flow as a complete river.
You have grown unnoticed
And scattered from the neck of the nest,
But related ties, everyone knows
It can never be forgotten.
On this day, for all the quarrels forget,
In a beautiful mood, be
About brothers and sisters take care of always
Friendly let him be fate.

Day of the brothers and sisters in Russia in prose

Sister, you are the closest, most native person. Take my congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you wonderful health, enormous personal happiness, mutual understanding and love. Let your life be bright and interesting, all intended turns out, all wishes are executed. So I always want to see you happy and joyful, successful and prosperous. Happy birthday, my dear!

Favorite and my only sister! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you health, attention, smiles and heat. So that you never be sad and did not lose to come true all your cherished dreams! Know that I am very happy to have such a sister like you!

I remember our pranks, I remember our childhood with a smile, and today's holiday for me tradition! My dear brother, I congratulate you on the day of birth, with a new step in life, with new achievements and successes. Each sister should have such a brother like you! After all, you will always come to the rescue, you will support and protect, we are pleasing to victories together and laughing at failures, we share joy and problems. I wish you never to lose heart, always go forward with a highly raised head and believe in your luck! Let their relatives and friends always be near, let the work gives pleasure, and rest brings peace of mind!

Those who have no brother will not understand how great when there is always a close person, when you know what he will stand for you, believes in your progress and support in failure! Dear brother, congratulations happy birthday and gratitude from the sister for what you have! Let your life be filled with miracles, let him be sad and concerns in it, let each last day brings you to a cherished dream! In life, the main thing to believe. I wish you to believe in love, believe in luck, believe in your achievements, then everything that you believe, will definitely fulfill, and happiness will not make yourself wait a long time!

My beloved brother! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! And I wish you just the best and joyful! Let your life get better and better, more fun, brighter, more interesting! Let your soul always be a holiday! Let you survive only good, good people! And know that I will always love you! For me, you are the best friend and very, very close person.

Brother, you hear, hear, turn on the pogrom! This song is for you, and this one is also for you! Today, all radio stations congratulate you on the holiday!

Since the whole world has fallen to your feet on this day, I want so that all the vertices are given to you - even the most unattainable. You are a man who can only proud, so forward and only forward. I wish new achievements, awards and any obstacles to the life path!

The words "brother" and "sister" in Russian have a biennial meaning. On the one hand, this is the designations of relatives close in the blood, and with other-some symbols of loyalty and mercy.

A bit of history:
In the Russian tradition, the brother was considered a representative and defender of the interests of his family, an assistant, follower and deputy father. It was the basis of relations between brothers and sisters.
In the everyday life of the Russian village, relations between brothers and sisters, as a rule, were based on mutual assistance and support, moral and material. Folk proverb says: "Brother for brother in the forest wall forest." The principle "Brother for Brother" encouraged the eldest to defend the younger and punish offenders, participate in his labor education, patronate. The younger brother provided a sense of substantial assistance in affairs (it was not by chance that power in an undivided family of her chapter often preferred to transfer to the Sown to her senior, but his younger brother). The position of the elder brother in the family was special. Relatives knew that under certain circumstances he would have to take on the functions of the father, the owner. After the death of the parents, it was often an older brother who was taken to lead to the whole yard. With the permission of community reign, the elder brother could become the main thing in the house and with living parents, if they were no longer able to cope with the farm. The older brothers contributed to the full socialization of the younger - served as intermediaries in their acquaintance with an adult world. For example, not only the father, but the elder brother supplied the younger brothers and sisters the first personal toy "instrument": a hammer, saw, a ribbed, made personally. Many younger works were held under the guidance of older brothers. Thanks to the eldest children in the family "Trifle" received a complete social and cultural "education." What you can do and you need, juvenile guys could learn from adult family members, as a rule, by parents. The older brothers acquainted the younger with what you can not do. For example, from four years old, they taught them to fight and swear "in an adult", despite the prohibitions of parents.

From an early age, the older sister plunged into concerns about the younger brothers and sisters. In the peasant families, the girls were considered full-fledged nanny years since 6 and often spent the whole day with the kids. As the baby is rolled down from the mother's chest, he more and more passed under the custody of the siblings, because the nanny from the side was not often hired and only those who were on the tools. The duties of the older sister included not only child care (dressed, feed, burn), but also the ability to entertain, teach.
The older sister served as an intermediary, conductor between the world of children and the world of adults. The kids opened the space outside the threshold of the house: the first walks on the street, the games in the company of neighboring guys were accompanied by. For graceless sisters, she served in the sphere of adult classes and relationships: the girls were trained in many types of work under the leadership of the older sister, they were released under her supervision to youth walking. The continuity and guardianship, which were the essence of the attitude of the older sister to the younger, gave rise to the proverb: "The first daughter parents marry, the second - sister."

Masha about Sasha:
Sasha is a very energetic boy, loves to do everything in his own way. Sometimes we are very scandaling, but if we are playing, I am very fun time, I am glad that I have such a brother !!!
Sasha about Masha:
Masha is very beautiful and smart, I love her very much. We sometimes twitch, and always argue. I always need, what Masha has everything in the world. She always helps me, removes toys with me, walks with me on the street. And I also have a younger brother, I love him too.

My favourite sister,
Perhaps remember us
All our quarrels, our fuse,
Who is not so who said?
And as I wanted to be the first -
All this is remembered and ... forget!
After all, we are with you - there is no closer.
Along the whole light invert.
We will achieve any awards.
So happy birthday, sister!

I loved my sister
Pull the pigties
But sister has grown
And braids broke.
From that beautiful it became
Like, with magazine pages:
Elegant, Majikhava
And steps, as if Pava.
But today has sisters
Breasts are bright -
Birthday Beautiful,
Smiling playfully.
Milo clap eyelashes
In the girl-mischievous.
Takes congratulations
And nods with apparent.
So I decided to congratulate -
Memory about yourself leave!
Therefore, I wish you happiness,
So as you did not know the bad weather,
Poverty saw in the movies,
Saw red wine,
Released for a millionaire
And found a cavalier in it -
To make coffee straight to bed,
To life like watercolor
Bright and cheerful became
So that the princess of the ball.
In general, happiness and wealth -
Do not forget your native brother !!!

Happy Birthday bro! -
Zabyaka, Chalubishka,
Fidget, mischievous,
Shustrik, merry, joker!
Whether if you, do not be shy,
Being others you do not try.
I'm always so happy!
Happy Birthday, younger brother!

Sasha walked out the sandpaper, primed the panel, and the background. Masha has suffered a napkin through a file, cracker, and several layers of varnish.

Education of the child is not easy and long. Education in the family, it is clear, the case is not limited to the environment, the school, the street, the whole world in general, has a significant impact on the formation of the child's personality. And there are a lot of problems in children with this world. Everywhere they face with rivalry, both at school, and on the playground. Do not worry if your children compete with each other. It is only important that the child be able to be a good friend to the success of brother or sisters, even if he feels envy. Teach the child to rejoice at success, and do not suffer with failure, and do not provoke themselves to rivalry.
The day of the brothers and sisters can be held in different ways, you can go to the cinema, in the cafe, eat ice cream, walk in the park, ride the carousels or together make the craft. The car and Sasha Delica will go to the grandmother, which will soon be the birthday!.