Congratulations on the Day of Russian Science in Prose. World science day

World science day(World Science Day) or more officially - World Science Day for Peace and Development (World Science Day for Peace and Development) is celebrated annually on November 10 with the aim of raising public awareness around the world of the benefits of science.

In 1999, in the Hungarian capital, the city of Budapest, the next World Conference on Science was held under the patronage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The delegates of this scientific conference (among which there were many prominent scientists, human rights defenders, ecologists, politicians, etc.) made a proposal to create a similar date in the calendar. The initiators argued that this would lead to better interaction between the public and science in solving the primary problems of a planetary scale.

Following the minutes of the meeting, UNESCO approved the "World Science Day for Peace and Development". It was officially proclaimed in 2001 and began to be celebrated in 2002.

On this day, UNESCO staff will intensify their work in the stated areas: they conduct lectures in schools and seminars for citizens, round tables, distribute thematic posters and posters, and special exhibitions are held in museums.

Despite the importance of the problems posed, this day is a holiday for scientists from all over the world, because, often, it is an opportunity to meet with colleagues, exchange their scientific findings, and it is possible to solve problems that have arisen together.

Congratulations on the World Science Day on your phone you can listen to and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the World Science Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying in advance the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on World Science Day on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on World Science Day

On Science Day, we are not bored
Let's celebrate scientifically
And to the staff of science
We will shake hands mentally
An inquisitive mind, interest -
This builds progress
And the planet is moving forward,
Thanks for this work,
And it is so nice to wish us
Unbelievable discoveries to you,
And new necessary achievements,
And aspirations endless into the distance!

Science is what separated us from barbarism and gave the light of knowledge. Thanks to her, we treat diseases, build houses and just live. The whole world, the entire human society is unthinkable without science and its achievements. And there is no point in denying it. But science is powerless without scientists, they are the ones who create the future. Therefore, today we congratulate them on World Science Day. Happiness, time and desire for them to create everything that ordinary people get ready-made!

Korite, learned heads, bright minds?
Are you preparing new discoveries?
We congratulate you today
With a special event for you!
World Science Day is coming
To note to you, important figures.
We wish you to improve your life
Your family, not just citizens!


Science gives birth to life today; so let this endless cycle of the withering away of the old and the birth of the new continue with your hands, your invaluable work and persistent efforts! Happy Russian Science Day!

Congratulations to Russian scientists on the day of their profession, the day of science. Your work, discoveries and achievements help and sometimes save lives. Let your work be appreciated at its true worth. We wish you progress, success, good technical and material support. We are proud of you.

We would like to congratulate the scientific workers of all branches on a holiday - the day of science in Russia. Bright thoughts, new discoveries and achievements to you. May your persistent, meticulous work not go unnoticed, may it be deservedly recognized by worldwide recognition.

We congratulate everyone who is looking for something new, striving to learn the unknown, learn the unknown and convey all their knowledge to people on the day of the world's greatest field of activity, the day of science! Let your hypotheses turn out to be correct, and the conclusions always serve the good of the country.

Happy Russian Science Day! Congratulations on the holiday of great minds and achievements! The power and possibilities of science are colossal. It gives knowledge, strength, recognition, power! Let each seeker find answers, solve problems, formulate the unknown, open up new horizons. I wish that the craving for knowledge, its acquisition, give super-expected results! Happy Holidays!

Congratulations to Russian scientists on the Day of Science. Thank you for the contribution you are making not only to the development of our country, but of the whole world. You give amazing discoveries and admire great achievements. We bow before your genius and talent and wish you further success, prosperity and optimism.

I am happy to congratulate you on the Day of Russian Science, your professional holiday! I am proud that among my acquaintances there is a person thanks to whom our civilization is moving forward! I wish you and your colleagues new discoveries, bold ideas and their successful implementation!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Russian Science! I want you to know that we are all proud of your accomplishments and wish you to keep moving forward! Do not be afraid to build the most daring hypotheses, because they can change the life of all of us!

Good day! Everyone who is close to science, who drives progress with their ideas and achievements, celebrates their holiday on February 8. Officially, this day has been celebrated by Presidential Decree since 1999. It can take a very long time to enumerate the names of those who glorified and continue to glorify Russian science. Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky, Kurchatov - these are the names that are known to the entire world scientific community.

It was Russian scientists who made such important discoveries as the first nuclear power plant and the launch of an Earth satellite. The Nobel Prize has also been awarded more than once to Russian scientists: Pavlov, Mechnikov, Kapitsa. Many research teams continue to celebrate the holiday of science on the third Sunday of April, as in the USSR. But there is no doubt that a new date will take root over time. Date, we celebrate the day of Russian science - February 8.

Congratulations on the Day of Russian Science

Congratulations to all scientists,
Daring, smart, enthusiastic,
Happy Science Day on this day!
They are not too lazy to wish us,
To move science
We lived so that they did not know boredom,
So that salaries rise
And dreams came true!

To gnaw on the granite of science
We need scientists.
Their brains, as well as their hands,
For everyone's discoveries are important!
Let Russian science
Moving forward firmly
And the Russian people
Let it bring prosperity!

Our science has something to be proud of,
Our scientists are accustomed to work,
Great inventions are countless,
They have intelligence, they have honor.
Many discoveries are yet to come
My heart is beating with delight in my chest!
Let science march forward
Let only happiness await our scientists!

The sciences are very different,
And all of them are very important -
They help us
Understand this complex world!
They have a weakness
They cannot live without them,
Science is their idol!
For candidates, doctors,
Academicians, professors
We wish you success, good luck
In conquering scientific peaks!

Scientists honor you, glory and bow,
And there are a lot of congratulations from all sides,
You always make your dream come true,
And you open something new always.
We wish you success, prosperity,
Fulfillment of any of your desires,
May the angel always keep you
We wish you well-being, achievements and goodness

Official congratulations to the team on the Day of Science in Prose

I want to congratulate you, the main scientists of the country, who, with their discoveries, make people's lives easier, better and more comfortable. You are the key to the prosperity of our country and pride in it. You are inventing something that saves millions of lives. On your professional day, Science Day, I want to wish you even more inventions, world breakthroughs in science, success and abundance of knowledge. May luck never fail you and may order and happiness reign in your life! Happy Science Day!

Not being afraid of being misunderstood, underestimated, you, a scientist, do not give up on your dreams! To be a scientist means to understand that your work is important, necessary, and the result depends only on you. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you good working conditions, generous funding for developments that will help all of humanity and, of course, well-deserved recognition and respect!

Science is a capricious lady. It does not reveal its secrets to everyone, not everyone is able to comprehend its laws and wisdom. You cannot become a scientist one day. A true scientist never stops learning, knowing, discovering, inventing and creating! And you, my friend, are a Scientist with a capital letter! I wish you to achieve such success that your name will go down in centuries! Happy holiday to you!

Funny poems Happy Science Day

The work of scientists is honorable and rich,
Their achievements in science are just a treasure,
Important discoveries have already been made
And how many are still ahead?
Happy Science Day, we congratulate you,
Worthy achievements may be with you,
So that the country is proud and appreciated by you,
We wish you well-being, health and kindness.

You are the famous minds of Russia,
All your achievements are strength
Always focused, a little strict
They are always true to their principles.
Happy Science Day, congratulations,
Let the discoveries bring inspiration
Find pleasure in your work,
Joy, health to you, patience.

You work tirelessly year after year,
Your contribution to science has earned merit,
Work hard on your dissertation,
And the opening is accompanied by a standing ovation.
May all wishes come true on a holiday
With gratitude, accept wishes,
Let luck never come to you,
I wish you success, health, strength and goodness.

You are driving progress by leaps and bounds
Interest in science is growing every year,
You conquer the peaks with your achievements,
You surprise with incredible and obvious discoveries.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
I wish you great luck and success,
God grant that the truth is valuable to you,
Good health, joy, goodness.

In February we celebrate a glorious holiday
Congratulations to all scientists,
Their contribution to science is large enough,
In his discoveries, the scientist is a leader.
We wish you ideas of accomplishments,
We wish you happiness from the heart,
In his own way, a scientist genius,
From dissertations and discoveries
The racks are already breaking.

SMS congratulations Happy Science Day

Science Day! Sunny, fine!
Congratulations! Away from the blues and shadows!
That passer-by seemed to me -
The resurrected sun by Einstein!

Science Day! What a miracle
This holiday is daring!
I will dive forever
I'm into science with my head!
Congratulations! But - looking at it.
Hire a taxi as soon as possible
Catch me by the heel
And save from those depths!

On Science Day, let me congratulate
With the fact that many of you are smarter in the world,
And science should be glorified as it should,
And all your discoveries are in it!

Science Day is a wonderful holiday!
Sparrows are glorified aloud
Celebration of liquids, gas and plasma
And, of course, a solid body!
I will sprinkle them with dried crumbs,
Let them peck until the solstice.
I wish you good days
With any state of matter!

We were bequeathed once - to study!
And then Science has come a bright day!
With a scientist - nothing will happen.
Well, if only a runny nose, sleep and laziness.

Fellow scientists
In discovering involved!
You open today
We'll have to, whatever -
Sprats and shrimps
The secret of the nucleus and the cell
And a jar of caviar
And the starry worlds
A bottle of Chablis,
Or maybe brandy
And the formula for love
For centuries to come.

Congratulations on the Day of Science to colleagues in verse and prose

Dear Colleagues! Please accept my sincere congratulations on World Science Day!
Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you bright thoughts, new discoveries and achievements! May your noble work not go unnoticed, may it be deservedly recognized by universal recognition!

Hello Russian science!
I want to congratulate you on this day.
Let, colleagues, luck will lend a hand to you,
Let your dreams come true now.

Let the scientific world not know sorrows,
He walks forward with brisk steps,
Let a series of new discoveries await
Let all the best happen.

The smartest, the strongest
The main brain in all of Russia,
We wish you, genius,
New glorious achievements!
Come on, colleague, come on!
Create, explore and discover!
Everything according to your mind and on the shoulder!
I want to congratulate you on the holiday!

Science is driven by scientists
Inspired by dream and knowledge,
Their ideas take a running start:
Inventions, discoveries
They fly through time so swiftly
The source is a learned person.
We, colleagues, have a low salary,
But the soul is rich in dreams!
Without us, all will be rolled back.
To lose us for all the loss,
After all, in the heads is the mind's chamber,
We are the most valuable treasure for the country!
Though they promise us in the West
Wealth countless hundredfold
Pobole than in the native country,
We are faithful to our Motherland.
We bow low to her,
Celebrating the holiday is more fun.

Beautiful congratulations to scientists Happy Science Day

Science is definitely an important matter,
But everyone needs rest in work:
Throw all your paperwork,
And antiquities frozen in ice.
Reckless are laid to you today
Celebrations, not alien to "minds".
Go to crowded restaurants,
To celebrate the day of science together there!

Everything we use every day -
After all, everything is created by your hands.
You are driving progress, not laziness -
We wish you a lot of inspiration!

Congratulations on Science Day, your day,
May everything you have planned come true,
We expect new discoveries from you -
May you get them more often!

Happy Science Day, dreamer scientist,
Which is always half a step forward.
You have talent and knowledge
Let Fortune not let you down!
I wish you strength and wisdom
And go ahead like a tank.
Complete all academic degrees
And skillfully go all-in.
And also, so that life is full
Happiness, joy and luck.
To visit you more often
Both discoveries and insights!

For true knowledge of Radeya
And giving the ardor of the mind to the country,
Are you used to working for an idea,
And therefore you will always be in value:
Head and hands live in harmony
Delivering stable results ...
Let me congratulate you on Science Day
And wish you discoveries and awards!

A learned husband, sage, keeper of knowledge -
There are many beautiful names,
They sound both significant and proud,
You have decided to become a scientist too.
And they began, devoting themselves to science!
So let there be no boredom in your work!
Create, learn, discover,
Succeed in everything, always, everywhere!

Comic congratulations on the Day of Science

Science celebrates its holiday today,
Maybe for others it's sheer boredom
But she helps us live and work,
And it opens its doors to the new world for us.
All who gave their lives to science,
Today I will say: hold on, brother, hold on.
Explore, discover, explore, discover,
And never give up your positions!

Science is our guideline with you,
And today, in her honor, we will have a feast.
After all, she not only helps us live,
Science opens doors for us to new worlds.
Let us be true to our calling
We will be distinguished by patience, perseverance, repentance,
I wish you success, dear friends,
After all, it is impossible without victories in this field.

Scientists are moving time forward.
They guide history.
And no matter how many secrets are revealed
And no matter how people honor them.
They continue their path in science.
Nothing will make their search collapse.
Let there be no demand for opening,
Let the sticks be inserted into the wheels
They will withstand an argument with amateurs
They will go to the stake for ideas,
But they will not be consigned to oblivion.
The fight will spur them on to strive
To reach high peaks in science -
The source of knowledge is inexhaustible!
We take off our hat to them.
We celebrate Science Day in winter,
We hope for them, we believe them, we wait
All new discoveries obtained by labor
Let their thoughts be winged
And they themselves are rich in life!

Happy Russian Science Day
I congratulate you, raising my hands,
To create loud applause,
To honor Russian science according to the rules!
Today I send, friends, congratulations to you,
With this science there will be peace and fun!
We will achieve a lot, just believe
Finally, believe in the power of science!

We congratulate you,
Happy Russian Science Day,
Let the heads be bright
Will be everywhere and everywhere
Science always helps us live,
And we wish you a lot to know,
May science always lead us
Only straight ahead and only forward!

Congratulations on the Day of Science in prose

Science is one of the most important pillars of the state. It is she who moves society forward, develops technologies, improves production and opens up new ways. On your professional holiday, I wish you only happiness, health and the opportunity for self-realization! May all paths in your life lead to high technologies and discoveries. May good luck be with you. And let every day bring satisfaction from work. Happy Science Day!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I follow your scientific career with great respect. It is immediately obvious that you are doing what you love. I wish you new interesting discoveries, interesting publications, intelligent graduate students. I wish you strong health, happiness, success in all your endeavors and pleasure from work for many years!

My dear highbrow friend! On the occasion of today's holiday, one could, of course, enter into a discussion with you regarding the Higgs boson, or Fermat's theorem, or some other nonsense that is important for you and your kind. But I prefer to once again check in practice the theses of the great Mendeleev, who achieved perfection in experiments on combining alcohol with water - to uncork the bottle and drink with pleasure for your holiday. Happy Science Day!

Every year in February all of Russia celebrates Science Day. This is a great celebration of innovative ideas, discoveries and knowledge presented to us by scientists. Today we express our gratitude to you, great minds, for invaluable knowledge, continuous experiences, achievements that make our life easier and more understandable. We wish you new achievements, achievements in science and, of course, world recognition!

Please accept my congratulations on the day of science! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, let valuable scientific discoveries lie ahead! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life is improving. I wish you good health, scientific inspiration, desire to show your abilities and never be satisfied with what has already been achieved!

On Science Day, we would like to heartily congratulate you, scientists! You give us a hand to lead us to the future, so let it, in your best theories, come as soon as possible! Solve all the tasks that life puts before you, and take care of your happiness, because it is the greatest reward in all life's experiments!

We need so much from science! A perpetual motion machine and a cure for all diseases, energy that does not harm the environment, and smart robots to simplify everyday life ... On Science Day - accept my congratulations! I am well aware that your mind is exceptional! And therefore I wish you clearly and with the greatest benefit for humanity to apply it to deep gray hair!

Today there are no obstacles for science in the form of an insidious Inquisition or an incredulous society ... It seems that we are ready for anything! So let me not only congratulate you on Science Day, but also wish you to work in the field of science at the limit of your capabilities! Let there be no boundaries for you either in this field or in your personal life!

Happy Science Day, scientist my friend! Get a grant - and not today, tomorrow will change the world for the better! It is not so important what you will work on, the main thing is how! Work boldly, but wisely, believe in success and respect your colleagues, and when it happens to get out “into the world” from the bowels of the laboratory, take the best from life! Love, dream and smile!

A clever head is more valuable than gold. Happy Science Day! It's good that not everything in the world has been studied yet, not all formulas have been written, and you have where to turn around! So let your work turn the world towards utopia and give you deep professional satisfaction! And, of course, do not forget that, in addition to your favorite work, you have relatives, loving people who wish you only well on this day!

You are not tempted by the West, you are promoting Russian science ... And you know, with such people it has a great future! Happy profession holiday, Happy Science Day! You have devoted the best years to learning, and there are still years of practice ahead. So let the taste of knowledge be only sweet, and the horizons opening up in the world of science justify all your expectations!

Wherever fate throws you, develop your mind and believe that scientists also have muses! On Science Day - I congratulate you and send you and best wishes! Of course, I wish you to develop happily as a specialist, but besides, do not neglect simple human happiness! Be a family man and generous, and every day look at the world so that you know with your heart that there is more white in it than gray!

How clever you are! Almost too much ... That's why we love ... On Science Day, we want to congratulate you quite simply and very cordially! To wish to make brilliant discoveries, to live happily ever after ... In a word, to make life successful! After all, according to scientists, she is a completely unique thing, and deserves the closest attention!

In your laboratory, you conduct mysterious experiments ... But you completely break the myth that geniuses are not of this world and generally want to enslave this very world ... You are a man of rare spiritual qualities, which we will not list, so as not to embarrass ... We congratulate you on Science Day and wish you all the best!

Who will fix the ecology, send ships to Mercury, connect parallel lines? To our scientists, on whose shoulders the entire planet lies, we today say congratulations on the Day of Science and in our sincere wishes we promise all earthly blessings and personal happiness to everyone! So let us also wish you, scientists, that your happiness develops not only from generally accepted positions, but also from personal dreams!

Every minute your mind works at full capacity ... Even in a dream you see a time machine or something else interesting ... But now - relax for a minute and hear my congratulations on Science Day, which you, as a talented scientist, rightfully belong to! Happy holiday to you! Live so that the world gasps at your talents!

I solemnly congratulate you on the Day of Science! Let life be filled with new discoveries and amazing knowledge of the unknown. I wish you success in achieving new heights, career growth and satisfaction from the work done. Let inspiration not leave you for a second.

Science is our future. This is what makes the world not stand still, but develops by leaps and bounds and moves forward every day. I congratulate all those who are involved in science on the Day of Science. I wish you discoveries, achievements and new scientific achievements!

I congratulate you on the significant Day of Science and sincerely wish you high academic activity, the achievement of serious success in this complex professional activity. Discover new patterns more often, implement ingenious scientific ideas, create new useful developments.

On the day of the scientist, accept my sincere joy that we know each other. I wish you to strive for the Nobel Prizes and leave your mark on science! In science, the main thing is experiment! I propose to move on to the famous experiment of Mendeleev: to study the ratio of alcohol and water in solution! And then your scientific Muse will definitely fly to you today and give you inspiration!

An uncountable number of times your intellect lit up like a light bulb, and then the thought was completed by the fall of an apple. And all these frictions of the body with science always ended with new discoveries. Let the triumphal lights continue to illuminate your path, dear scientists, and the apples fall more often, but not painfully.