Congratulations on family day to husband from wife. Congratulations with touching texts for Family Day for your beloved man. Congratulations on Family Day to a man friend: poetry and prose

Any holiday gives a special mood, a feeling of joy and anticipation of something good. And if behind this important event there is not only an extraordinary day off, but also bright and good customs, then such a holiday brings twice as much pleasure. For example, like the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which Russians celebrate on July 8, is a relatively young but very important holiday. It is based on the main not only Christian, but also universal values, designed to make this world better and kinder. Saints Peter and Fevronia are considered the patrons of the holiday, who during their lifetime became a vivid example of strong family happiness, true love and fidelity. It is not surprising that it is on July 8, when this holy married couple is honored according to the Orthodox calendar, that many lovers seek to tie the knot. In addition, congratulations on Family Day 2017, which can be both in verse and in prose, are usually prepared for relatives and friends. For example, on this wonderful holiday, you must definitely congratulate not only your beloved man / husband or wife, but also dear mom and dad, who personify the image of a family. Beautiful wishes on Family Day deserve both familiar women and close friends, even if they are still in search of their soulmate. And our best short and funny congratulations on Family Day, which you will find below, will help you find the perfect wishes for everyone!

Congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity-2017 in verse to your beloved wife

Of course, the most beautiful poems and warm congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity should be addressed to your beloved wife. It is the wife who is the keeper of the hearth and a powerful rear for her man. Many duties are assigned to the fragile shoulders of the wife, the main of which is the creation of strong family happiness. And she works on this task every day, making great efforts. So, why not take the opportunity and thank her for all her efforts on such a bright holiday! Just choose one of the beautiful congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in poems for your beloved wife, which we have collected below, and give her the attention she is waiting for on this day.

Poems for congratulations on the Day of family, love and fidelity to your beloved wife

I wish the feelings of maturity

My dear wife

May our family flourish.

I love you, I wish you health

And I send you daisies

Accept a bouquet from your spouse

Inhale this blooming aroma.

Keep family values

On this holiday of love and fidelity,

We will only strengthen the feelings of the holiday,

And what we need, we will repeat.

I thank God for life

For the family, for the wife, for the children,

Dear, pray for happiness

To keep us warm in cold weather.

On the day of family, love and fidelity,

I want us to go forever

Not letting in the despondency of jealousy,

Bypass all grievances.

As an alternative to the western saint,

On the day of family, love and fidelity, wife.

We need to fix our family,

So that our feelings rise like a wall.

Do not shake the wonderful abode,

Do not crush the built hearth,

Fill the senses with a well-fed attitude,

Do not dig a ravine under the citadel.

On faith and trust in heaven,

Be happy beautiful wife

It's all about useful understanding

And it will be stronger than a flint family.

The most beautiful congratulations in verse on Family Day-2017 to her husband from his wife

If the wife is the guardian of domestic happiness, then the husband is the main breadwinner and protector in the family. His mission in marriage requires no less effort than women's, and often takes a lot of time and energy. But if the wife manages to replenish her husband's energy in time with her care, affection and love, then family responsibilities bring happiness and satisfaction to her husband. And it's not only about a delicious dinner and a clean shirt, but also about a heart-to-heart conversation and even warm wishes for the holiday. For example, the most beautiful congratulations in verse for a husband from his wife, prepared for Family Day, can greatly improve the mood and self-esteem of a loved one. The main thing is to say them with love and gratitude so that the dear spouse feels the importance of his mission. And our most beautiful congratulations in verses on Family Day to your husband from your wife will help you choose the perfect wishes for this occasion.

Beautiful verses for congratulations on Family Day 2017 to her husband

My dear, beloved, only,

Now I congratulate you.

I am proud that fate is connected with you,

That you are my other half!

Family with you is the best thing in life.

And remember, I'm always with you.

In any situation in life

I won't leave you, dear!

Let there be reciprocity with openness

And happiness, and fidelity, love.

I love you, the only one

I confess my love to you again!

I congratulate you, husband, on the day

Family, love and fidelity,

I wish that you and I

There was always tenderness.

Loyalty to each other, so that keeping,

Year by year changing,

She grew and grew stronger so that the family,

She lived without worry.

I wish my love

We carefully kept

So that day after day, year after year

We loved more.

Congratulations to you beloved

Happy family holiday.

I promise to love you

You keep me faithful.

And let our family not have

Sad days, longing.

I will be faithful to you,

And you love me.

And let us, in the family nest

Beats happiness over the edge.

And you me, my beloved husband

Do not let go of your hands.

Cool congratulations on Family Day 2017 for friends and girlfriends in verse

Close friends and girlfriends also deserve warm congratulations and cool poems for Family Day 2017. After all, in fact, many of them are practically native people for us, part of our family. And even if one of them is not yet married, it is still important to congratulate him on this bright holiday by choosing the right congratulation. For example, one in which there will be words of support and wishes for the speedy acquisition of family well-being. And so that your wish is remembered and cheered up, you can choose a cool congratulation on Family Day 2017 for friends and girlfriends in verses, which are collected in the next selection.

Cool poems for Family Day 2017 to a girlfriend, friends

There is nothing more precious than a family.

She will always help in everything,

Support in goals and deeds,

In practice and in words.

There is nothing more valuable in the world

Family evenings in the apartment,

Joint trips to the country.

Family means a lot in the world!

So let peace and goodness reign in it.

And joy will become a private guest.

Let not a single bad word

Will not become a bone of contention.

The words "family, love and loyalty"

They carry great meaning.

Where there is family, there is always tenderness,

Where there is love, they are always waiting for us,

And where there is loyalty, they trust

No unnecessary and unnecessary phrases.

Let these feelings flourish

And happiness surrounds us!

Congratulations on Family Day.

I wish you love and fidelity.

May a glorious holiday bring

Wonderful days cycle.

Let the family grow stronger every day,

You be happy always.

Touching congratulations in verse on Family Day on July 8 to mom and dad

Parents are the brightest example of family life for every child. It's good when mom and dad live together for many years and are happily married. By their example, they bring up respect for family values ​​among their children, inspire them to create their own cozy nest ... Touching congratulations on Family Day in verse on July 8 for mom and dad is the easiest way to thank them and express your admiration. And even in the case when parents are divorced, which, alas, is not uncommon in our time, they should also be congratulated on this bright holiday. After all, once they were one family that gave this world a new life. The most touching congratulations for mom and dad on July 8, Family Day in verse in the next selection.

Touching poems for congratulations to mom and dad on July 8 Family Day

Mommy, I congratulate you

Happy day of fidelity, family, love,

May they be happy, dear,

Your eyes are filled!

Family is the greatest value

You keep it carefully

You always unite us all

You value our love.

Congratulations dad

Happy family and fidelity day,

Happy holiday of love

And great value.

Thank you for everything

For care and warmth

Let our hearth surround

understanding and kindness.

Happy family day, love and fidelity!

Be happy mommy.

In this gloomy everyday life,

Even in a busy life

Find always good

Be surprised, laugh sweetly

The sun shines better!

You hope for the best!

Congratulations to a woman on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity-2017 in prose and verse

It is no secret that women are by nature much more emotional and sensitive than men. Therefore, it is not surprising that they need much more words of support and warm wishes than the representatives of the stronger sex. Congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in verse or prose is one of the ways to cheer up any woman on this day. Colleague, close friend, sister or former classmate - each of them will be glad to hear good wishes on Family Day. You will find the best and kindest congratulations for women on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in prose and poetry below.

Poems and prose for congratulations on the Day of family, love and fidelity to a woman

Family is a reliable rear and fortress,

Its foundation is love and loyalty.

Let love live in the hearts

And glows in your eyes.

Live happily and amicably

Let there be everything you need in the house.

Prosperity, joy and comfort,

Let them understand you and wait.

On this beautiful day, the Day of Family and Fidelity, I would like to congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you to keep your hearth and not let it go out. Love and mutual understanding, patience and good luck, happiness and prosperity, kindness and smiles! Keep family comfort and warmth, love each other and give tenderness.

Family. In this word, all feelings have grown together.

The meaning of life is in the family. And yes, it is all life.

The family is not afraid of any trouble or adversity,

She is strengthened by the years she has lived.

May only love inspire your family,

May loyalty and happiness illuminate her.

Offenses - forgiveness, solution - problems.

Go with a smile to new victories!

A very kind holiday of the Day of family, love and fidelity is the best time to show all your care and respect for loved ones. On this day, it is worth sending congratulations to familiar couples, and mom and dad, and friends in love, girlfriends. You can select beautiful congratulations on Family Day 2017 in poetry or prose, short SMS messages. Unusually, you can wish all the best with the help of pictures, video cards. They, of course, should be sent to your partners: wife or husband, beloved man and adored woman. After all, July 8 is a holiday during which you should forget about all misunderstandings and tell your halves about great and sincere love.

Original congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2017 - in short poems and prose

You can send good wishes on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity not only to your relatives and loved ones, but also to just familiar couples. They will be very pleased to receive beautiful texts in verse and prose, to hear good wishes from familiar people.

Short congratulations in original verses in honor of the Day of family, love and fidelity

Small texts in verse are perfect for sending in SMS messages and instant messengers. Good friends can be rewritten on a greeting card and handed over at a meeting.

The family is a reliable rear and a fortress,
Its foundation is love and loyalty.
Let love live in the hearts
And glows in your eyes.

Live happily and amicably
Let there be everything you need in the house.
Prosperity, joy and comfort,
Let them understand you and wait.

The words "family, love and loyalty"
They carry great meaning.
Where there is family, there is always tenderness,
Where there is love, they are always waiting for us,
And where there is loyalty, they trust
No unnecessary and unnecessary phrases.
Let these feelings flourish
And happiness surrounds us!

Family ... How much in this word!
After all, this is friendship and love!
All in half - and laughter, and grief!
And the blood boils again!
I congratulate you today
I am with this family holiday!
I wish you love and happiness!
Take care of your family!

Original congratulations in the form of prose for Family Day-2017

Short prose is no less well suited for congratulations on Family Day. This form of submitting wishes will help to beautifully congratulate colleagues, boss on the holiday.

Congratulations on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. May your family be strong and strong, may there be no discord and resentment in it, may love inspire and give bright hope, may loyalty, trust and understanding reign in relations with relatives.

Congratulations on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Let your beloved and dear people always come first, let every day be joyful and happy for your family, let the loyalty of a loved one and his love inspire you to something beautiful, let mutual understanding, tenderness and trust always reign in relations with relatives.

We congratulate your friendly family on a wonderful holiday, on the day of which faithful, sincere relationships filled with love are honored. Never part with your loved ones, strengthen your family ties, express the warmth of your soul and be loved and happy.

Beautiful congratulations for mom and dad on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity-2017 - in prose and verse

Beloved and dearest people in the world - mom and dad on Family Day, be sure to send original congratulations. Among the proposed options, you can pick up good poems and prose with touching wishes for your parents.

Prose with beautiful congratulations for your beloved mom and dad for the holiday of Family Day

Sweet prose will help to give a great mood to the recipients and to congratulate parents in an original way on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Such beautiful wishes can be used to fill postcards or send them in SMS messages, social networks.

I congratulate you on the Day of family, love and fidelity! I wish that all three of these components will always be in your life! Let the family protect, support and warm with its warmth. Let love bring happiness, and fidelity gives confidence that it will always be so!

Today is a wonderful, important holiday - the day of family, love and fidelity! I wish you to breathe and always remember what is the main thing in life and appreciate your relatives, thanks to fate for every day. Let the family be strong, friendly and replenished with the desired heirs!

I congratulate you on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity! I wish that these three words, which are the stronghold of the happiness of any person, never leave your home! May happiness and luck always be with you, your family and friends! Happy holiday!

Beautiful verses with congratulations for parents in honor of Family Day-2017

Beloved mom and dad will be very pleased with the attention of children and their care for the family, not only during the holiday, but also at other times. Therefore, cool poems can be used both to congratulate them on July 8, and to cheer up parents on any other days.

Family. In this word, all feelings have grown together.
The meaning of life is in the family. And yes, it is all life.
The family is not afraid of any trouble or adversity,
She is strengthened by the years she has lived.

May only love inspire your family,
May loyalty and happiness illuminate her.
Offenses - forgiveness, solution - problems.
Go with a smile to new victories!

There is nothing more precious than a family.
She will always help in everything,
Support in goals and deeds,
In practice and in words.

There is nothing more valuable in the world
Family evenings in the apartment,
Joint trips to the country.
Family means a lot in the world!

So let peace and goodness reign in it.
And joy will become a private guest.
Let not a single bad word
Will not become a bone of contention.

Family is a fortress, family is a home.
It should be your cozy nest!
The bliss of comfort and the babble of children
More expensive than any of the most delicious sweets!

Love one another, love your home,
Love the family that is in it.
Appreciate relatives, respect, cherish,
You warm each other with the warmth of your hands!

I wish you happiness for many years,
Good friends and great weather.
And tender feelings to you, and pleasant moments,
And always the most beautiful impressions!

Colorful congratulations on Family Day-2017 - pictures and video cards

You can congratulate relatives and friends on Family Day not only with texts, but also with beautiful pictures, video postcards. Bright congratulations can be sent to close friends and your soul mate.

Congratulations in colorful pictures for the holiday of Family Day, love and fidelity

The pictures below will help on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in an unusual and beautiful way to congratulate friends on a kind and bright holiday.

Video cards about love and fidelity with congratulations in honor of Family Day

You can poison acquaintances and friends who are in another city or country, both pictures and such cool video postcards:

Lovely congratulations on Family Day-2017 - husband from wife and wife from husband

First of all, you need to congratulate your faithful and caring soul mate on Family Day. It will be easiest for busy men and women to send a congratulatory SMS message or a colorful MMS with cool text to their loved one.

What congratulations can be sent on the Day of family, love and fidelity to her husband?

On Family Day, a wife can send one of the proposed beautiful poems to her adored and beloved husband. They will certainly cheer him up and help him forget about problems, fuss or fatigue.

My love, there is no one more precious.
I'm happy that we are family.
And instantly goosebumps cover the skin,
When you just look at me

And Happy Family Day, I congratulate you,
I appreciate your care and loyalty.
I promise to be there forever.
And know that I love you very much.

I congratulate you, husband, on the day
Family, love and fidelity,
I wish that you and I
There was always tenderness.

Loyalty to each other, so that keeping,
Year by year changing,
She grew and grew stronger so that the family,
She lived without worry.

I wish my love
We carefully kept
So that day after day, year after year
We loved more.

There are many difficulties in this life
But I confess without irony -
We have enough wisdom
Maintain family harmony.

We are a family and we are one
There is no greater value in the world.
Together we are invincible.
Happy family day, love and fidelity!

Congratulations with cute texts for your beloved wife on Family Day

You can express your sincere love and respect for your beloved wife on Family Day with the help of short rhymes. Additionally, it is recommended to attach a cute picture to the message or supplement it with cool stickers, emoticons.

More beautiful I do not know women
And I confess I'm not melting
What's even stronger on family day
I realize that I am happy.

Your merit, of course,
After all, it's all thanks to you.
Congratulations, dear wife,
Happy family day, love and fidelity to you.

I want you to stay
Just as gentle and kind.
The rest is just my concern
After all, I am your protector and earner.

Happy family day, love and fidelity,
Precious wife!
An example of care, tenderness,
I need you all the time.

Be, like this summer, passionate,
Bloom like a daisy
I am to you - with kindness and affection,
And love! Accept!

Congratulations, unearthly
Happy day of love and fidelity.
You are forever my destiny
Happiness to you, tenderness.

Take care of your family, dear
Kindness and love.
I always get better
I'm next to you.

Short congratulations for loved ones on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2017 - SMS messages in verse

Lovely SMS messages have long been the easiest way to remind your loved one of your sincere love. You can send such original congratulations on July 8 to both your beloved man and your beloved woman. Beautiful wishes will surely please the recipient and cause him only positive emotions.

SMS messages with congratulations for a loved one in honor of Family Day

You can select short congratulations rhymes for sending in SMS messages from the options below. They are recommended to be supplemented with personal wishes, warm and kind congratulations from the heart.

When you can't think of the ordinary
And life seems to go off track
And the heart stops unusually -
It's time for big love!

And this hour is heaven's blessing,
They must be enjoyed to the end!
Feel the touch of love
And let the hearts beat in unison!

Love for all ages,
Any villages, cities,
She lived for millennia
And will live with us forever!

As long as we are alive, feelings will be
Give us happiness again and again
Such a fabulous miracle
It's called "love"!

We're so much better next to her
Much cleaner and bolder
She gives us inspiration
The key to all doors is hidden in it!

All words are null
All empty promises
If gentle "I love"
You won't say goodbye.

Love is measured
Not a word game
But I want to hear again
That I love you!

My heart flutter
Like a bird, it starts.
For you I give my life
Nothing will stop!

Funny congratulations on Family Day 2017 in verse - to acquaintances, friends and girlfriends

What poetic congratulations can be sent to friends in love, a girlfriend for the holiday of Family Day?

You can send not only beautiful, but also unusual wishes to your beloved friend, good friend. You can choose from the following options:

If you take
Love and fidelity
Add to them
Feeling of tenderness
multiply everything
For years
That will work -

Congratulations on Family Day.
I wish you love and fidelity.
May a glorious holiday bring
Wonderful days cycle.
Let the family grow stronger every day,
You be happy always.

Family is important
Family is cool
In the family for sure
Someone needs you.
Always take care and appreciate
What do you have.
After all, if you break -
Then you don't glue it.
I wish you
Love and comfort
And family happiness
Not for a minute
And so that for life
It's definitely enough
So that the sun to you
Even at night it shone.

Touching congratulations on Family Day 2017 - beloved man

Any woman is more enthusiastic about holiday preparations than her other half. But in addition to the gift, you should take care of choosing a good congratulations for your beloved man. In the following examples, there are many verses about love, affection and respect.

Congratulations with touching texts for Family Day for your beloved man

In the verses discussed below, light and tender feelings are very beautifully and touchingly told. They are perfect for congratulating your beloved man on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, and he will definitely like him with his interesting style and original content.

This day is a family holiday
I dream that with you
Definitely sometime
We will become one family.

I want to always be there
To love and be faithful.
Be your half
And raise children with you.

Will be cheerful and clear
Our happy days
Our life will be great.
Happy family day!

My darling is my support
Unique and native
I enjoy talking with you
And it's good to be silent with you.

And on this holiday, kind, bright
I wish you with all my heart
To win in everything,
In love, happy to be with me.

We are not a family yet, but, nevertheless,
I am faithful to you - and I believe:
You are the best and you can do anything!
And fate brought us together for a reason!

You are the only one in the universe for me
So beautiful, loyal and desirable,
Keep my feelings in your heart
I believe you are given to me by our God.

I sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy day of fidelity, love, family and light,
With you, I will definitely live my life,
Without anger, blatant lies and without secrets.

Having chosen beautiful congratulations on Family Day 2017 among the proposed options, you should not forget about the correct presentation of cool poems and prose. Beloved man or woman, adored husband and best wife in the world, they can be read when presenting a gift. You can send short and touching SMS to acquaintances, friends and girlfriends. But mom and dad should send a bright picture or a cute video postcard. Such congratulations will definitely help to give the recipients a great festive mood.

We hold on tight to each other
And we know for sure, if we are together,
Neither rain, nor snow, nor blizzard,
We will simply not care.

I wish you all the best, husband,
Let everyday life turn into a holiday
May all your dreams come true.

On the day of fidelity, love and family,
Accept, beloved husband, congratulations,
May happiness always accompany you
And God's blessing helps.

Let luck not pass by
Fate may reward you in full
And life will be long and beautiful.

Our life is a wide road
We walked hundreds of miles along it,
Overcome all obstacles and worries,
Only the best is yet to come.
Happy family holiday, beloved husband, congratulations,
All the best, I sincerely wish prosperity,
Let the family hearth warm us,

For many years we live without boredom,
We are a happy friendly family
Our grandchildren are growing up
And we are all young at heart.
Congratulations on the day of family and fidelity,
Good health, good luck, husband, I wish
May our life be full of happiness
And hearts always beat in unison.

Love and loyalty entered our house,
Not just, in a word,
She lives among us
Like air, like daily bread.
I am glad to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
Let the family be your joy
I wish you peace, joy, good luck,
Good health in addition.

Warms the warmth of our souls
Amid the storms of life and cold,
Safe harbor - family,
She is the most important thing in life.
Happy family day, husband, congratulations,
May only happiness and good luck await us ahead,
Let life flow like a full river
Be desired and loved, dear, always.

I wish you smiles, happiness, joy,
Never, dear, do not get sick,
Always young in heart and soul.
May all wishes always come true
Grievances and sorrows are forgotten
The fire of the native hearth,
May it always keep you warm.

Today is the day of family, loyalty and love,
We celebrate this holiday with pleasure,
The most precious and sacred for us is the family,
We always remember this.
Beloved husband, congratulations,
Let the mood be great
Let grief and trouble pass by,
Let fate reward in full.

Next to you we are a dozen good years,
And in the eyes of the same gentle light,
Hearts filled with love and warmth
Our family is friendly and strong.

From the bottom of my heart, husband, congratulations,
All that is conceived, let it certainly come true,
And all the bad things will be forgotten forever.

Today is the day of family, love and fidelity,
Accept, husband, congratulations,
May your dreams come true
And the mood will be great.
Let the fiery fire not go out,
Native, sweet hearth,
Let there be less stupid quarrels
And, like granite, the family will be strong.

You are my favorite,
The most gentle, kind and sweet,
The ugliest and most beautiful
I can do everything with you.
Today is a holiday of loyalty and family,
Congratulations, dear husband, accept
Be kind and surrounded by light,
Let our house be a full bowl.

Husband, you and I are two halves,
And our happiness is serene,
It's good that we have each other
Found all over the universe.
On the day of family, fidelity, love,
Accept heartfelt congratulations,
May all your dreams come true
And the mood will be great.

The most important thing in life is family
This is confirmed by you and me,
The family hearth is a place on earth
Where every day you and me are welcome.
Dear husband, congratulations on the holiday,
I sincerely wish you good health,
May our family be strong
Love and loyalty will always live in her.

Dear husband, my support and hope,
With you I am completely happy
I love you so tenderly
You are the best for me.
Let our family ship
Calmly floats on the waves of life,
Let the family both on holidays and on weekdays,
Warms our souls.

My affectionate, beloved husband,
Happy family holiday, I congratulate you,
You are my most reliable, faithful friend,
I only trust you in everything.
May our family always be strong
Let fate reward us in full
Good luck, husband, I wish you good luck,
Let life give only inspiration.

Love and loyalty is a family
She is the most important thing in life
This is our pier, our hearth,
Which is beyond all awards.
Happy family and fidelity day, husband, congratulations,
I wish all your cherished dreams come true,
Guiding star, let your path be illuminated
Happiness knows no boundaries.

Love, loyalty and family are three pillars,
On which the family rests,
We celebrate a wonderful holiday today,
We wish you all joy, good luck and luck.
I wish you happiness, beloved husband,
Let all bad weather fly by
May fate always be kind
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

Family is the most important thing we have
The advantages of the family are countless,
Family is the beginning of all beginnings,
Our safe harbor, our pier.
Congratulations on the day of family and fidelity,
I wish you all the best, beloved husband,
Let every day be the happiest
Life is long and beautiful.

Dear husband, congratulations
In honor of the holiday and celebration,
Let life give you only inspiration
And let the family come first.
Let our house be a full bowl,
Let joy and love settle in him,
I wish you all the best, good
So that life is like a fairy tale.

Let me congratulate you, beloved husband,
Wish happiness, joy, good luck,
Let the ground under your feet be strong,
I wish you never get discouraged.
Congratulations on the day of family and fidelity,
I wish you to be successful in everything
May the brightest star
Your path is always illuminated.

Dear, I congratulate you on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. I wish that our family only grows stronger, so that we do not know any hardships and sorrows. Let love, fidelity, tenderness, care, warmth and romance fill our family nest. Always remember that you have a strong rear - your family!

Congratulations, husband
Happy day of love and fidelity,
All-Russian family day -
A day of special value.

Family is always for you
Comes first,
And keep loyalty to love -
This is a matter of honor.

I wish every year we
So that we love more
And the happiest
They were a family in the world.

Dear, I congratulate you on this good family holiday! You are an attentive, loving husband, my support and support! I sincerely believe that we will overcome any difficulties!

Today, as you know,
Day of fidelity, love,
Let them be interesting
And our days are bright!

Come on endlessly
My husband, appreciate the family,
each other so carelessly
And affectionate love!

Happy family day, love and loyalty to you,
Dear husband, you are good
I wish you joy, happiness,
So as not to be touched by bad weather.

I love you very much
I want to live my life with you
On this holiday I wish
I am health, prosperity.

You are the head of our family
Will be bright every hour
Good days my beloved,
I stand up for you!

On the day of family, love, my dear,
I wish us happiness
To share everything with you
My glorious husband, in half.

Joy to you and happiness,
I want fidelity.
In understanding and in agreement
May the family prosper.

Family is wealth
What can not be measured by a coin.
She does not tolerate deceit
And lies sung by envious people.

Family is fragile
Only two can save it.
You hold my hand tight
Together we will burn enemies.

Beloved, my husband, good
On this family holiday
I wish you more
Happiness, joy and love.

My love, my dear prince,
I love you beyond measure.
I wish you happiness and good
So that joys are immeasurable!

You are a real family man
And you are my support.
You are the best of men
And there is no need for controversy.

Our union is wonderful!
We are wonderful with you.
Let's be together
Live a strong family!

Today we have a reason
Marriage to remember your vow.
My husband, my dear, my man,
My guardian from all troubles.

Heaven blessed us
Sending to life one path.
I gently congratulate you
And I send love with a postcard!

We met each other not in vain
We have a strong family.
Thank you, dear, for the trust and affection,
Because I'm happy with you.

Let the thread connect us with loyalty
And the joy of relationships will not go away.
I want to save our love
Forever, like Fevronia and Peter.

Today is family day, our holiday,
I congratulate you first
I wish you happiness in our life
I want more love.

So that we never fight
Lived neither poor nor rich,
To have children, you know
It's just my pleasure.

They complete our lives
Add joy and happiness
And the house will be full of love
Which will bypass bad weather.

Entries 1 - 20 from 27

Darling, there is no one more dear to me,
I'm happy that we are family.
And instantly goosebumps cover the skin,
When you just look at me

Happy Family Day, I congratulate you
Thank you for your loyalty and care.
I promise to always be by your side
Love you. Your wife.

Family is the most important value
And it combines friendship and loyalty,
Guardianship and faith, love in every gesture,
Go through all the hardships and difficulties together.

I will give my husband more happiness,
We are together, which means that misfortunes will disappear,
Nothing will break a wife and spouse,
When they are both always for each other!

Today, as you know,
Day of fidelity, love,
Let them be interesting
And our days are bright!

Come on endlessly
My husband, appreciate the family,
each other so carelessly
And affectionate love!

Beloved husband, my husband is wonderful,
Happy day of fidelity, family, love!
We live with you not in vain,
Sharing worries and dreams.

I wish you a lot of light
Health, joy, kindness,
Coolness in the heat, in winter - summer,
So that the soul basks in the sun!

We met each other not in vain
We have a strong family.
Thank you, dear, for the trust and affection,
Because I'm happy with you.

Let the thread connect us with loyalty
And the joy of relationships will not go away.
I want to save our love
Forever, like Fevronia and Peter.

On family day, I prepare a speech for my husband,
I love you, you are my ideal
I promise, my dear, to save all feelings,
And I hope that I'm the one you dreamed of
You and I will be together, because we are good,
Ahead of us is happiness and a lot of warmth,
I will be faithful to you, believe me, dear,
How wonderful that I have found you, dear!

Beloved, how many winters and years
Have we given to each other?
The hot light passed with you,
And ice blizzard.

On the day of fidelity, love, family
I want to wish
So that all your desires
Completed on "five".

Happy holiday, husband, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness, my beloved,
Remember, dear, that the family is Paradise,
Appreciate our feelings and always praise!

For the family, I will create: the comfort you need in the house,
May the Almighty forces take care of us,
Our happiness is with you, may it always last,
And love will not fade away, for us never!

I congratulate you on family day,
I want to confess my love to you.
I wish that you and I
Didn't have to separate.

May you have joy
That our children are growing up.
The warmth of the home
Let me get rid of sadness.

Today we have a reason
Marriage to remember your vow.
My husband, my dear, my man,
My guardian from all troubles.

Heaven blessed us
Sending to life one path.
I gently congratulate you
And I send love with a postcard!

On the day of fidelity, love, family, I congratulate my husband,
Like Peter and Fevronia, I wish you love,
You are my only, beloved person,
I swear allegiance to you forever!

So that you and I are not sad,
Let our feelings burn
Let the hearts beat in unison
Living for the family is the law for us!

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity -
This is the feast of infinity
This is a declaration of love to my husband,
For that happiness and charm,
For that kindness and warmth of heart,
For understanding and a true heart,
For "fireworks" in everyday life,
And for the delight, the power of unprecedented.
I give you great thanks,
Let the family remember this holiday.
I promise you, my beloved husband,
To be near in life and on this day - I swear!

On the day of family, love and fidelity,
You, my love, I want to congratulate.
With you I am happy to infinity,
You know how to yield and to direct in time.

I wish you long life
And the future is bright, boundless.
You are the very best of people -
May our happiness last forever!

Beloved husband, I want to say that I love you,
And our family is very important to me with you,
I know that you are faithful to me, and I am faithful to you,
And together we are not just a couple, but a whole country!

I want to wish you today with love,
So that our bed is always mint with you,
So that our children live only in happiness and love,
And so that the two of us always and everything could!

Great love, loyalty and care
You and I have reigned in the family for a long time.
With you next to eternity to be a hunt,
And let the hearts burn with burning passion.

Let the tenderness be only stronger over the years,
Know that I need you more than anyone else.
Let the feelings between us not fade away
And happiness flows like a river to our family.

Loved husband, I want to congratulate you on your family day,
And wish us mutual love.
So that we always remain faithful,
And remember that this is a value.

Congratulations my dear
The sweetest, gentlest, favorite.
I treasure you a lot
After all, we are called a strong family!