At what temperature to give antipyretic to a child 4. Hyperthermia in viral infections. Hyperthermia against a background of inflammation

A newborn is still in the stage of formation, so a fragile organism becomes an easy prey for any kind of infection. When the child begins to show anxiety, and the mercury thermometer rises above 37 ° C, young mothers panic.

Trying to alleviate the condition of their baby, some give him antipyretic drugs. However, inexperienced parents do not even suspect that completely harmless children's syrups can only aggravate the pathological process. In order not to harm your baby, you should know in what cases it is worth giving antipyretics to children.

Antipyretic for newborns

Once infected, the body produces protective antibodies to fight off foreign cells. As soon as the immune system begins to attack the infection, in a person. If an adult is in control of his condition, then the newborn needs parental help.

The reaction of the child's body is unpredictable, therefore it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician in case of any ailment. After an examination, the specialist will prescribe the optimal antipyretic drug. These funds do not allow prostaglandin E to stimulate an increase in body temperature during an attack on foreign microorganisms. When prostaglandin synthesis is inhibited, the body's opposition becomes less aggressive. For newborns and children of the first year of life, drugs are produced in an easy-to-take form.

When should a child be given an antipyretic?

Adolescents are knocked down with the temperature with the help of medicines only when the rest of the abundant drinking and rubdown have no effect. If the child's body temperature rises to 38.1 ° C in the first year of life, you need to give him an antipyretic. Do not wait until the accepted 38.5 ° C, because the child's body is unpredictable and in a matter of minutes the temperature can reach abnormal levels. If we are talking about a subfebrile increase, it is not recommended to interfere with natural immune processes.

The thing is that creating conditions unfavorable for infectious agents, the child's brain sends a signal aimed at raising the temperature. This is the moment of activation of the body's immune forces. Therefore, if the thermometer readings do not exceed 38 ° C, you should not panic. If it is above this mark, it means that we are talking about a serious pathological process and medicine must be given to relieve the fever.

If the temperature reaches abnormal values ​​(39 ° C and above), it will be difficult to cope with the disease. Since this condition indicates serious violations, a sharp drop in temperature can provoke seizures.

Video when you need to give antipyretic to a child

What if taking antipyretics is undesirable?

Since babies are very susceptible to drug ingredients, care must be taken during therapy. In some situations, when taking antipyretics is undesirable, you need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Constantly monitor the child's condition and strictly follow the pediatrician's recommendations.
  2. If the baby is feeling well, and the temperature does not exceed 39 ° C, wait until the body is struggling. Do not be distracted from the newborn for a second in order to immediately notice changes in his condition.
  3. If the child gets worse, give him an antipyretic in combination with the following methods:

  • Wipe off with water and vinegar or vodka in proportions of 1:10;
  • Make compresses with cool water on the head, wrap the baby's body with a diaper;
  • Provide an abundant drink: compotes, juices, teas, water;
  • To relieve fever, you can give diaphoretic decoctions of herbs and leaves: nettle, linden, raspberry, lingonberry;
  • Give pear broth to drink.

It should be noted that not all techniques are allowed for newborns, as they can provoke development. Therefore, before using them, you should consult your doctor.

What antipyretic to choose for a child?

When choosing an antipyretic for a newborn, it must be borne in mind that at this age he will not be able to swallow a pill or syrup. For this category of babies, the optimal form of medicine is candles. They consist of an active substance, oils, and do not contain a single drop of impurities.

For babies over 3 months old, a fragrant, sweet syrup is perfect. Children take such a remedy with pleasure and there are no problems with treatment. However, the composition of syrups contains far from harmless flavors and dyes that can cause allergies.

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic techniques, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

An increase in body temperature in an infant is always alarming for parents. Body temperature in young children can rise with various conditions and diseases. Lowering the temperature does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only temporarily improves the condition of the sick child.

It is important to remember that the baby an increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body that mobilizes the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses. At a temperature, the rate of biochemical reactions increases, protective antibodies are formed faster, thereby creating all the conditions for a successful fight against pathogens. Also, with a fever, the body produces interferons, substances that create favorable conditions for the death of viruses. Interferons put a kind of biological lock on the cell, preventing the causative agent of infection from entering the cell, call on the cells of the immune system - macrophages that kill harmful microorganisms - for help. An increase in temperature in non-infectious diseases and conditions plays the role of a kind of alarm signal, which indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body. Therefore, parents should avoid the uncontrolled use of antipyretic drugs and adhere to the correct tactics of providing first aid to a baby with fever.

What temperature should be considered normal for a baby?

The body temperature of a healthy child up to a year during the day can vary from 36.0 to 37.4 0 C. In the evening, it can be slightly higher than in the morning due to physiological changes in the level of metabolism in the body. By the end of the first year of life, the baby's temperature is set at 36-37 0 C.

When overheating (in summer heat, in a stuffy room, or wearing clothes not for the weather), anxiety, screaming for a short time within 15-30 minutes, the temperature can rise to 37 - 37 0 С, this temperature can also be considered normal in the absence of other symptoms. In this case, first you need to eliminate the cause that caused the rise in temperature, wait 20 - 30 minutes, and then re-measure the temperature, if it has returned to normal and the child has no other symptoms, he feels good, then there is no need for a doctor's examination.

Any temperature rise above or equal to 38 0 in an infant requires a pediatrician examination. If the temperature rises to 39 0 С and does not decrease with the help of antipyretic drugs, you need to call an ambulance.

At elevated temperatures, the child is crying, restless, refuses to eat, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent. At the peak of the high temperature (38 0 C and above), vomiting is possible. Baby's skin is usually pink in color, moist and warm to the touch. But in some situations, despite the fever, the feet and palms remain cold, while the skin is pale, this is due to circulatory disorders. With fever, the balance between heat production and heat transfer of the body is disturbed, as a result of which a disorder of the nervous system occurs, and the result of this disorder is disturbances in blood circulation, respiration and metabolism. The process of a rise in temperature in some children is accompanied by chills. Sometimes, against the background of a high temperature, it is possible that the stool can become softer, this is due to functional changes in the intestines and changes in the tone of the nervous system. Watery stools mixed with mucus and greens are already a sign of an intestinal infection. In children under 5 years of age, due to the immaturity of the nervous system against the background of fever (usually at temperatures above 39 ° C), seizures may appear, which are manifested by loss of consciousness and convulsive twitching of arms and legs (so-called febrile seizures).

How to correctly measure the temperature of a baby?

Kids can measure the temperature in the following places: in the armpit, in the rectum, in the oral cavity, in the groin fold, in the elbow, on the forehead, in the ear. It is preferable to measure the temperature in the armpit, this measurement method is considered the most reliable and convenient. It should be remembered about some of the features of measuring temperature in children. In different parts of the body, the temperature is not the same, for example, the temperature in the armpit is considered normal up to 37.4 0 C, and the ear or rectal (in the rectum) - up to 38.0 0 C. The child needs to measure the temperature at rest, he should not at this time, eat, drink or cry - any action that requires the slightest physical effort from the baby can affect the thermometer readings.

There is a huge range of thermometers in pharmacies. By the principle of action thermometers are divided into three groups: mercury, electronic and thermometer indicators. For accuracy, it is better to measure the temperature with two thermometers (electronic and mercury), then compare their readings. Thermometer indicators in the form of a polymer plate, which is applied to the forehead, are convenient for measuring the temperature on the road, but their readings are approximate, therefore, to check the temperature, an electronic or mercury thermometer should be at hand.

The reasons for the increase in temperature in infants

An increase in temperature in infants can be caused by a variety of reasons. Most often these are acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), influenza. In addition, various infectious diseases, an inflammatory process in the lungs - pneumonia, kidneys (for example, pyelonephritis), intestinal infections, stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa, reaction to vaccination, more often to DPT - vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus can cause fever. An increase in temperature causes the crude pertussis component of the vaccine (suspension of killed pertussis germs). Modern DPT vaccines (Infanrix, Pentaxim), which contain a purified pertussis component, cause fever much less frequently.

In newborns and children in the first year of life, the causes of non-infectious fever can be dehydration, excess protein, table salt in the diet, overheating (for example, in the hot season), nervous excitement with severe anxiety, crying, crying, reaction to pain. Intense teething can often be the cause of a fever. However, you should be aware that 90% of cases of fever in children who are teething at this time are due to other reasons. Therefore, with a fever, even if the child is teething, a doctor's examination is necessary to exclude other causes of the fever.

The most rare causes of fever in children are endocrine, autoimmune, oncological diseases, as well as hypersensitivity to certain drugs (most often antibiotics, sulfonamides, barbiturates, aspirin, allopurinol, chlorpromazine, atropine, theophylline, novocainamide, as a rule, fever develops on the 5-10th day after the start of taking such drugs).

How to help your baby:

Non-medicated ways to lower the temperature

When the temperature rises to 38 0 in children under 3 months of age and to 39 0 in children older than this age, you first need to try to lower the temperature by non-drug methods (cooling, rubbing).

At a temperature, the child needs to be calm and drink plenty of liquid (boiled water, baby teas or special rehydration solutions can be used), since it is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid that the child loses at high temperatures due to perspiration. A newborn with a fever above 38 0 should be supplemented with boiled water, from 1 month of age, you can use baby teas, special rehydration solutions. If the baby is breastfed, offer breastfeeding more often.

In order to improve the heat transfer, you need to open the child, take off his clothes for 10-15 minutes at a room temperature of at least 20 0 С; wipe the entire surface of the body with alcohol or an aqueous solution of vinegar (a solution of food vinegar in water in a ratio of 1: 1.) (when they evaporate, heat transfer increases). Or, instead of rubbing, you can wrap the baby in a damp diaper (sheet) for 10-15 minutes, in order to avoid chills, the temperature of the water for wetting the diaper should be at least 25 ° C. If, despite the high temperature, the baby's palms and feet are cold, it is necessary to warm the baby's limbs , give a warm drink and an antipyretic drug. Coldness of the extremities, which is caused by vasospasm, is a sign of an unfavorable course of fever, warming procedures in this case help to restore blood circulation.


If after 20-30 minutes there is no effect from the procedures performed, it is necessary to give an antipyretic. The effect should come in 30 minutes.

In children from 0 to 3 months, antipyretics are prescribed at temperatures above 38 0. If the child is older than 3 months of life, then the antipyretic is prescribed at a temperature of 39 0 C and above (if the child tolerates the temperature well). However, if the child, against the background of a fever of independence from the degree of severity, has a deterioration, chills, impaired well-being, pallor of the skin, antipyretic should be prescribed immediately.

At temperatures below the indicated numbers, antipyretic should not be given, due to the fact that, as already mentioned above, the temperature is a protective reaction of the body. With a fever, the body produces interferons, substances that create favorable conditions for the death of pathogens, prevent the penetration of the virus into the cell, and also stimulate the immune system to fight infection.

An irrational decrease in temperature leads to a longer, protracted course of the disease!

However, at temperatures above 39 0 C, and in some children (in children with concomitant pathology of the nervous system, with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system) and above 38 0 C, this protective reaction becomes pathological: the destruction of useful metabolic products, in particular protein, begins. the child develops additional symptoms of intoxication - pallor of the skin, weakness, lethargy, impaired consciousness.

Separately, it should be said about children at risk for the adverse effects of fever... This includes children with severe heart diseases (congenital heart defects, cardiomyopathies, a disease in which the heart muscle is affected) and the nervous system, as well as those children who previously had seizures at high temperatures. These children should be given antipyretic at a temperature of 37.5 to 38.5 0 C, depending on how the child tolerates it. It should be remembered that in children with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, fever can lead to severe dysfunctions of the heart and blood vessels. In children with severe pathology of the nervous system, fever can provoke the development of seizures.

Paracetamol is the safest for use in children. The drug is officially approved for use in children 1 month of age. Up to this age, it is used, but with caution for strict medical reasons. In our country, many paracetamol-based drugs are sold without a prescription. Panadol, Kalpol and Efferalgan, etc. For an infant, it is better not to use part of the "adult" tablet, but to use children's dosage forms that allow you to accurately dose the medicine. Paracetamol-based preparations are available in different forms (suppositories, syrup, granules for preparing a suspension). The syrup and suspension can be mixed with juice or milk, dissolved in water, which allows you to use fractional doses and to minimize the sensation of taking the medicine for the child. When using liquid forms of the drug, you must use the measuring spoons or caps supplied with the packaging. This is due to the fact that when using homemade teaspoons, the volume of which is 1-2 ml less, the actual dose of the drug is significantly reduced.

A single dose of paracetamol 10-15 mg / kg of the baby's body weight per dose, no more than 4 times a day, no more than every 4 hours, the daily dose should not exceed 60 mg / kg per day. The effect of paracetamol in solution occurs after 30 minutes and lasts for 3-4 hours. With nausea, vomiting, as well as for a longer effect (at night), paracetamol is administered in suppositories. The action of candles (Efferalgan, Panadol) begins later after 1-1.5 hours, but lasts longer - up to 6 hours, so candles are more suitable for lowering the temperature at night, since they provide a long-term antipyretic effect. Also, paracetamol is part of the "Tsefekon D" suppositories, which are approved for use from 1 month of age. The action of this drug begins somewhat earlier in 30-60 minutes and lasts 5-6 hours. Candles, unlike syrups, do not contain preservatives and dyes, therefore, when using them, the risk of allergic reactions is significantly reduced. The disadvantage of preparations in the form of suppositories is the later onset of the effect. The main disadvantages of the rectal route of drug administration are inconvenience in use, the unnatural route of administration itself and individual fluctuations in the rate and completeness of drug absorption. The difference in the time of action of suppositories and liquid forms (syrup, suspension) of drugs with the same active ingredient is associated with a different route of administration of the drug; when paracetamol is administered through the rectum, the effect occurs later. (Comment to the editor. Entering through the rectum, paracetamol first enters the general bloodstream, bypassing the liver, therefore the active metabolites of the drug, which are formed in the liver, will be formed later, when the drug reaches this organ. Accordingly, when the drug is taken orally, it enters into the general bloodstream, after metabolism in the liver.)

If the temperature does not decrease with the use of paracetamol-based drugs and the temperature continues to rise, give an antipyretic based ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen).

The drugs Nurofen (suppositories, syrup), Ibufen (syrup), etc. are produced. The syrup is approved for use from 6 months of age, suppositories from 3 months. The effect occurs in 30 minutes and lasts up to 8 hours. Single dose - 5-10 mg / kg of body weight 3-4 times a day after 6-8 hours. The maximum daily dose is no more than 30 mg / kg / day. It is prescribed when the antipyretic effect must be combined with anti-inflammatory.

Thus, parent behavior algorithm with fever in a child looks like this. When the temperature rises to 38 0 in children under 3 months of age and to 39 0 in children older than this age, you first need to try to lower the temperature using non-drug methods (cooling, rubbing), which was mentioned above. If after 20-30 minutes there is no effect from the procedures performed, it is necessary to give an antipyretic based on paracetamol. The effect should come in 30 minutes. If the temperature does not drop and the temperature continues to rise, give an ibuprofen-based antipyretic (Nurofen, Ibufen). Against the background of the use of drugs, we continue to reduce the temperature non-medically with the help of rubbing and cooling.

If, despite all the measures taken, the effect does not occur, it is necessary to call an ambulance, in this situation, after examining the child, analgin will be injected intramuscularly, most often in combination with an antihistamine (diphenhydramine or suprastin) and papaverine (with a vasodilator purpose, if there is a cold snap extremities, pallor of the skin).

Basic rules for taking antipyretics

  • Regular (course) intake of antipyretics is undesirable, a repeated dose is administered only after a new rise in temperature! Giving your child antipyretic drugs on a regular basis can create a dangerous illusion of well-being. The signal about the development of a complication, which is an elevated temperature, will be masked and time will be missed to start treatment.
  • Antipyretic should not be given prophylactically. The exceptions are situations when some children are prescribed an antipyretic drug after DPT vaccination to prevent a post-vaccination rise in temperature; in this situation, the drug is taken once only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
  • It is necessary to strictly observe the maximum daily and single dosage, especially to be careful with paracetamol-based drugs (Efferalgan, Panadol, Tsefekon D, Kalpol, etc.). Due to the fact that an overdose of paracetamol is the most dangerous, it leads to toxic damage to the liver and kidneys.
  • In cases where the child receives an antibiotic, regular use of antipyretic drugs is also unacceptable, since it can lead to a delay in deciding whether to replace the antibacterial drug. This is because the earliest and most objective criterion for the effectiveness of an antibiotic is a decrease in body temperature.

Forbidden to use!

1. As an antipyretic, aspirin is prohibited for use in children because of the danger of severe complications! With influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and chickenpox, the drug can cause Reye's syndrome (severe damage to the liver and brain due to the irreversible destruction of proteins).

2. Non-prescription use of analgin as an antipyretic in children, since it can cause dangerous complications, namely, severe damage to the hematopoietic system. Analgin in children is used only intramuscularly for strict medical reasons!

3. Also, the use of nimesulide (Nise, Nimulid) is unacceptable as an antipyretic. The drug is prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

The correct tactics of behavior of parents with fever in a baby, the absence of uncontrolled use of antipyretics and timely access to medical help will allow the baby to maintain health.

A high temperature is not always a sign of a terrible illness, but still, it is an alarm bell that something is wrong in the body.

It is most common in children. Parents need to be careful in choosing the means and before starting therapy, carefully study the annotation for a particular drug in order to know how often an antipyretic can be given to a child in order to prevent an overdose.

There are a lot of medications for lowering the temperature in pharmacies. In order not to get confused in their abundance, it is worth structuring the concepts of them a little.

Antipyretics for children differ in two main criteria:

  1. Active substance. For children, only two are allowed to use: paracetamol and ibuprofen.
  2. Release form. Medicines can be in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions, syrups, suppositories, and sachets.

There are dozens of combinations of these two criteria. It is also worth noting that there are homeopathic remedies for lowering the temperature, as well as alternative methods.

You should consult your doctor before giving any medicine to your child.

Which antipyretic agent to choose?

Depending on the specific problem, at a temperature, it is worth remembering that you need to rely on the following points when buying an antipyretic:

  • The presence of contraindications for use.
  • Action speed.
  • Permitted duration of the course of admission.
  • Ease of use.

It is also necessary to keep in mind the individual characteristics of the patient.

For example, if a child is allergic, then antipyretics in the form of syrup, sachets and suspensions may not work, since they always contain flavoring and aromatic additives that can cause allergies. If the baby's illness is accompanied by loose stools, candles will not work. Capsules and tablets are used when the child is 12 or more years old.

Do not use an antipyretic “just in case”, for example, when vaccinating. It is only necessary to knock down the existing temperature, and not the one that may be in the future.

How long should the temperature drop?

It should be borne in mind that according to the recommendations of doctors, the temperature up to 38 ° C in children should not be brought down.

It is in this state that the production of interferon begins and the body's defenses are turned on.

But! It is much more difficult to bring down a temperature of 39 ° C than 38 ° C, so if a tendency to an increase in temperature is visible, then it is better to give an antipyretic as soon as the thermometer has jumped over the 38 mark.

Absorption of drugs through the intestine is slower than through the stomach.

Therefore, the rate of action of the drug depends on the form of release.

  1. Syrups, suspensions, sachets begin to work in 15-20 minutes.
  2. Candles - after 30-40 minutes.
  3. Tablets and capsules - after 20-30 minutes.

Children tolerate temperature differently. Someone may be lethargic and inactive, while others, as if nothing had happened, does not pay attention to her. Therefore, if it is clear from the baby that he is moping and the temperature is high, then it is better to use medications that enter the body orally.

You need to know that any drug containing paracetamol takes effect within 15-50 minutes. The effect lasts for about two hours. Therefore, if the effect of paracetamol on the body is not enough to lower the temperature, it is worth using medications based on ibuprofen.

Its effect can last up to 8 hours, but such drugs have more contraindications than paracetamol drugs.

How often can antipyretics be given?

After the first dose of the drug, you must wait for the drug to take effect for at least an hour.

Do not expect the temperature to drop immediately to normal values. Such leaps are harmful to the body.

A decrease will occur by 1-1.5 ° C and this is normal. If after some time the temperature rises again, then you need to withstand at least 4 hours between taking the antipyretic.

Preparations based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are compatible, so if the effect of one does not come, then you can use the other one hour after taking the first. But the total number of doses per day should not be more than 4 times for each medication.

Particular attention should be paid to measuring the temperature of the child. Until now, according to many mothers, the best thermometer is a mercury one, because it has the smallest error and less chance of distorting the measurement, in contrast to electronic and laser thermometers. But do not forget about safety measures when using a mercury thermometer.

The temperature should not be measured if the child:

  • eats or recently eaten;
  • crying;
  • recently woke up;
  • recently played active games.

Taking antipyretic medications should not exceed three to five days. If the febrile condition persists longer than this time, consultation with a pediatrician is needed.

Taking the drug can be extended for more than 5 days, only with the approval of the doctor, since we are talking about the accumulation of the drug in the body, which can lead to intoxication. So that the drug does not linger in the body for a long time, you need to give the child more often to drink.


Sometimes, at an elevated temperature, the baby's condition can cause concern. In such cases, there is no need to waste time and urgently call an ambulance.

These situations include:

  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea;
  • after relief of symptoms, their sharp deterioration;
  • lack of urination;
  • labored breathing;
  • abdominal pain;
  • rash on the body.

In the presence of the above symptoms, antipyretic should not be given until the arrival of an ambulance doctor or strictly on his recommendation, while he is on the road, absolutely all the signs must be described.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky, like many pediatricians, believes that the temperature below 38 ° C does not need to be touched. Especially if the child feels normal at the same time. Under such circumstances, to begin with, you can not resort to the help of drugs, but take simple measures to maintain the child's body so that it can cope on its own:

  1. Regulate the temperature in the room where the patient is. It should be no higher than 20 ° C. Then the child, by inhaling cool air and exhaling air at his own temperature, will be able to lose the heat accumulated in his body.
  2. If possible, do not let the kid play active games. Calm and distract from crying. With this behavior, the temperature only rises.
  3. Keep the air humidity at the optimum value; it should be in the region of 50-70%.
  4. Do not feed more than usual, and even better less. If the child refuses to eat, no need to insist.
  5. Provide the baby with plenty of drink, then he can reduce his body temperature through sweating.

Evgeny Olegovich claims that the above measures help the child to regulate body temperature himself and do not in any way affect the production of interferon. In contrast to cases when parents resort to the help of antipyretics and reduce the fighting ability of the body.

Moreover, if the mother immediately gave the medicine for the temperature, without completing the five points listed above, then its effect will be less effective.

Some advice from a doctor on the use of antipyretics:

  • at a high temperature in a child, it is best to use a medicine in the form of a suspension. Moreover, the closer its temperature is to the child's body temperature, the faster it is absorbed in the stomach and begins to act.
  • if within 40 minutes after taking the drug, the effect does not come, you need to call an ambulance, since it is pointless to continue trying to cope with the temperature;
  • According to Komarovsky, a medicine based on paracetamol is considered safer;
  • if the baby's temperature is less than 38 ° C, but at the same time he is very lethargic, does not want to eat or drink, it is better to give an antipyretic;
  • if the baby has diseases associated with pathologies of the nervous system, there is no need to delay taking an antipyretic, otherwise seizures may occur;
  • the temperature must not rise above 39 ° C;
  • the absorption of the rectum is 2 times worse than that of the stomach, so the dosage when using suppositories must be doubled;
  • it is optimal if there is a medicine based on ibuprofen in the form of a suspension at home, and paracetamol in the form of suppositories, or vice versa.

Before giving your child a medicine for temperature on your own, you need to carefully read the instructions and calculate the dosage. Most medications include measuring spoons, syringes, and the like to facilitate this process. Usually, the child's problems do not begin from a fever, but from an overdose of drugs given by the parents.

How often you can give your child an antipyretic, every parent needs to know. After all, these drugs often cannot be used. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage corresponding to the age of the child, the frequency of taking the medicine per day.

Every child reacts to high temperatures differently. One at a low temperature is lethargic, sleepy, the other at a high temperature, on the contrary, is cheerful and playful.

According to the pediatric standard, there is no need to bring down the temperature of 38-38.5 ° C. At this temperature, human interferon begins to be produced, which helps fight infection. Above 38.5 ° C, the fever must be brought down with antipyretic drugs.

Types of antipyretic drugs

What antipyretic to give to the child, the doctor will prescribe. It is allowed to give children two drugs - ibuprofen and paracetamol. They can be included in various medications for children. Produced in children's forms in the form of a suspension, syrup, rectal suppositories. The dosage is always small, for children. The drug is in tablets of a higher dosage and is prescribed for children over twelve years of age. It is necessary to ensure that the rectal suppository remains where it should be. The syrup and suspension may contain flavorings and food colors. May cause an allergic reaction in children with allergies. Therefore, you should choose preparations in the form of suppositories or without additives in syrups.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They not only relieve fever, but also relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect. They will help relieve the inflammatory process in case of infection, relieve pain in case of pain during sore throat, stomatitis and teething. Also, antipyretics are used to relieve post-vaccination symptoms. After vaccination, the temperature may rise, this is the body's response to the vaccine.

The effect of drugs in the form of syrups occurs within 20-30 minutes, after suppositories in 40. It is more advisable to put candles at night. Their effect will be longer.

Medicines are taken no earlier than 4 hours later.

The number of receptions should not exceed four times a day.

Fever types

Depending on the hyperthermia, fever begins, which is of two types: pink and pale. Pink fever is characterized by warm, moist skin that is reddish or pink in color. This means that the heat output corresponds to the heat transfer. At the same time, the child feels more or less normal. And if the temperature does not rise more than 39 ° C, then it is better not to give medicines either. Physical exposure can help lower the temperature. The room should be warm, humid and clean at 19-20 ° C. They give the child often and abundantly to drink water, juices, decoctions, fruit drinks and fruit drinks. Drinks should be warm or hot. Increase heat dissipation by sweating. Bed rest is required. Rub the baby with a damp towel at room temperature.

With pale fever, treatment is different - medication, in which antipyretic, antihistamines and vasodilators are prescribed. In this condition, the child does not feel well, he has pale skin, fever, cold extremities, he is shivering. This condition is associated with impaired peripheral circulation. The temperature must be lowered. Dress the child in warm clothes and socks, wrap a blanket.

Prescribe antipyretic drugs, prescribe their single dose, the frequency of administration and duration should be a children's doctor. It can be individual for each child.


There are situations when antipyretics cannot be given, but you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • the appearance of seizures;
  • after improvement, a sharp deterioration in the condition;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • hemorrhage on the body;
  • slow and difficult breathing;
  • lack of urination, tears;
  • bad breath;
  • an incomprehensible rash on the body.

If the temperature is accompanied by abdominal pain, there are no more symptoms, then you need to urgently call an ambulance, as this may be a symptom of an inflammation of the appendix. Antipyretic should not be given at the same time.

Re-taking the drug is carried out only with the next rise in temperature.

The child should not take medication for more than three days. In other cases, you need to consult your doctor.

There are traditional medicine methods such as rubbing with vinegar and alcohol. Such procedures should not be carried out with a child. Since this can lead to poisoning and worsening of the condition. Alcohol and vinegar enter the bloodstream through the skin.

Antipyretics should not be taken out of control just for insurance purposes. Re-admission is carried out after the temperature rises beyond the specified level, so as not to exceed the daily dose.

Any medication, especially for children, should be coordinated with a competent treating specialist.

A feverish condition in a baby is a frequent and important symptom of various diseases. Anxious parents immediately run for medicines, trying to help their child.

According to doctors, the use of drugs is not always advisable. It all depends on the cause of the appearance of the heat and the mark opposite which the mercury column of the thermometer stopped. In order not to harm the health of the crumbs, relatives need to know exactly at what temperature to give an antipyretic to a child.

Fever as a defensive reaction

Fever is the body's "response" to pathogens. Changes occur in the mechanism of thermoregulation of the body, which are manifested by an increase in temperature. This restructuring activates the body's natural reactivity.

The biological significance of fever is the stimulation of immunity. In a febrile state:

  • phagocytosis increases;
  • the synthesis of interferons increases;
  • lymphocytes are activated and differentiated;
  • antitelogenesis occurs faster.

This is an obstacle for viruses, cocci and other pathogens, preventing them from multiplying.

Fever: causes of occurrence

Many scientists have devoted their research to the problem of the onset of fever. They proved that viruses, inflammation, allergies, neurogenic disorders cause fever.

The body of most impulsive babies quickly reacts to the state of the nervous system and muscle activity. The thermometer will rise to 37.70 or 38.10 after shouting, active games or strong feelings.

At this temperature, it is not necessary to give an antipyretic child to a child. He should be seated and reassured. Everything stabilizes by itself. An extreme measure is to wrap the crumbs for 1-2 minutes with a sheet soaked in a weak aqueous solution of vinegar.

Multiple infections are the most common cause of fever. With the help of drugs, parents try to alleviate the patient's condition and calm down themselves.

According to statistics, 20% of schoolchildren have a so-called subfebrile temperature of non-infectious origin. Within 3 weeks the thermometer rises to 37º or 38º and no medication can change the situation.

Temperatures up to 37.4º for babies are normal. Its daily fluctuations are caused by physiological changes in the level of metabolism.
The thermometer will jump by 1º, if the baby is overheated, he cried a lot. The fever is observed for 15-30 minutes. When there are no other alarming symptoms, it is impossible to give an antipyretic to a child at this temperature.

When is it necessary to bring down the temperature?

All children have different reactions to fever. Many babies from the second half of the year to 4-5 years old feel vigorous at 38.5º and above. Some people feel bad already at 37.1 - 37.5º. The condition of children will not be the same even with the same reasons that caused the fever.
If the baby normally tolerates an increase in temperature, the parents have the opportunity to control his well-being, there is no need to interfere with the natural healing process.

Situations in which, when the temperature rises, it is necessary to give before the arrival of the pediatrician:

  1. Initially healthy baby over 2 months old at temperatures exceeding 38.5º. Younger children are given medicine already at 38º.
  2. If a child with a diagnosed disease of the central nervous system, congenital heart disease with impaired blood circulation, hereditary metabolic anomaly, the temperature rises above 38º.
  3. The thermometer has risen above the 38º mark and the child previously had convulsions against the background of fever.
  4. Any fever, accompanied by a painful syndrome, obvious malaise, impaired consciousness.

Parents need to be aware that antipyretic medications do not cure. They simply bring down the temperature - a specific symptom of the disease. Irrational use of drugs will lead to a longer and protracted course of the disease.