At what temperature to store lipstick. Special containers for storing cosmetics. Can I store lipstick in the refrigerator?

How to store different groups of cosmetics. What should be the temperature and humidity. Ideas for placing cosmetics in the home.

How to store cosmetics to extend their lifespan

Care should be taken when storing cosmetics, since a correctly selected temperature and humidity regime will help to extend its service life. In most cases, cosmetic products have a shelf life of three years. If the product contains natural substances and very few preservatives, then it can be stored for no longer than 18 months. But products with minerals can last much longer.

Features of storing face and body creams

This group of products is not intended for permanent storage in wet bathroom conditions. This option is very convenient, because the creams are at hand after the toilet procedures, but the cosmetics will quickly deteriorate. High humidity and temperature are "contraindicated" for such products.

Organic cosmetics with a high percentage of natural substances are especially poorly tolerated in the bathroom. It contains unsaturated fatty acids that can oxidize at high temperature and humidity.

The best place to store your cosmetics is to be dark and dry. For example, a special container, an organizer, a drawer in a desk, a separate shelf in a wardrobe.

It is best if the temperature during storage of creams, fluids, serums, etc. will not exceed + 25 ° С and will not fall below + 5 ° С. If the product is too low, it can become supercooled and harden, and if it is too high, the cosmetics can oxidize and toxins will form in it.

Please note that the storage period for such funds usually ranges from 6 months to 1 year. Sometimes the packages indicate a longer shelf life, but it is relevant only for sealed cosmetics. After "depressurization" of the package, the products cannot be stored for more than a year.

How to store eye products

Such products contain a minimum of preservatives. Therefore, it requires a low storage temperature. In addition, a cold cream, fluid or serum applied to sensitive skin will help reduce the swelling, irritation that often appears in this area of ​​the face.

The best place for such cosmetics is the refrigerator. Moreover, the best temperature regime for caring agents remains on the door, and not in its depths. And, of course, you shouldn't keep them in the freezer. Minus temperatures are just as dangerous as high temperatures.

The shelf life of cosmetics intended for the eye area, on average, is from six to twelve months at temperatures above +5 degrees, but no more than 10-12 plus.

In what conditions to store products for washing

All cosmetics that need to be rinsed off can be stored in the bathroom in a closed cabinet. This category of products includes foams, gels, and creams for washing. In other words, any cosmetics that need to be removed with water can be stored directly in the bathroom.

The main condition for the long-term preservation of such products is to prevent the ingress of water into the bottles. Otherwise, the destruction of the structure of the cosmetics, delamination of the texture and a change in consistency may occur. This greatly reduces the shelf life of the funds.

The optimal storage time is 6 to 12 months.

It is customary to store hair products in a similar way, be it shampoo, conditioner or mask.

Lipstick storage rules

The main requirement for the preservation of this type of decorative cosmetics is the presence of shadow. Never store lipstick on open surfaces, such as a bedside table, which is regularly exposed to direct sunlight. In this case, the product will quickly become unusable.

Lipstick may leak under the sun. In addition, with regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the product begins to acquire a bitterness, the structure of the product is destroyed and toxins and poisons are formed in it. For this to happen, it is enough for cosmetics to be under the sun's rays for three months.

It is allowed to store lipstick in the refrigerator on the door shelf. However, with hypersensitive lip skin, the option with the use of refrigerated cosmetics will not work.

It is optimal to store lipstick at room temperature without exposure to sunlight. Lip products can be stacked together with body creams. In addition, it should not be left open for a long time. Frequent and prolonged contact with oxygen significantly degrades the quality of the product.

This type of decorative cosmetics is quite durable and can be stored under suitable conditions for about three years. After this period, lipstick may acquire a rancid taste and smell, and lose its elasticity.

How to store mascara properly

In general, mascara is similar in storage requirements to lipstick. However, it should be borne in mind that these cosmetics are less durable than lip products. It is highly discouraged to save money in this matter and use a tube of mascara for years. Even if the product is not over yet, keep a close eye on the expiration date.

The maximum storage time for an open package of carcasses is six months. After that, it is better to throw out the product so as not to provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. Indeed, in expired products, pathogenic bacteria that can cause conjunctivitis start up. In addition, expired cosmetics of this type dries quickly, falls unevenly on the eyelashes, and also sticks them together.

As a prophylaxis of eye diseases, it is recommended to regularly wash the brush intended for applying mascara once a month with soap and under running water.

How to store eyeshadow, powder, and blush

When choosing the optimal place and storage conditions for these cosmetics, their texture should be taken into account. This decorative cosmetics can be dry (compact), liquid and cream.

Compact cosmetic products are the easiest to store. As a rule, they are less demanding, contain more preservatives, which means that their shelf life is increased to three years. The main condition for the high-quality preservation of dry blush, powder and eyeshadows is thorough cleaning of the applicators and sponges used to apply the products. The instrument gets sebum, particles of the epidermis, which can contaminate the product and shorten its shelf life.

The recommended storage time for cream or liquid decorative cosmetics is no more than one and a half years. In this case, it is important to observe the temperature and humidity conditions. Overheating or hypothermia of such cosmetics should not be allowed, and it should also not be stored in a bathroom with high humidity. Optimally, if the temperature is + 8-22 ° С.

What are the best conditions for storing foundation

Regardless of whether you are dealing with an oil-based foundation or a hard corrector stick, you need to know how and where to store this type of cosmetics at home.

In order to use a quality product for as long as possible, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the container in which it is stored. From time to time, you need to clean the opening of the bottle, the neck, the inside of the cap or the dispenser with a cotton pad or swab. Scrub off any remaining cream to keep it dry.

Also check your foundation for scent. The appearance of an unpleasant odor or a change in the structure of the product is evidence of deterioration of the cosmetics. It must be recycled.

It is also important to correctly type the cosmetic product. Try to ensure minimal contact of the cream in the bottle with the skin of your hands. It is recommended to use special spatulas or spoons to set the product. This will prevent microorganisms from entering the open package, which will quickly ruin the cream.

The optimum temperature for storing tonal cosmetics is + 8 + 22 degrees. It is best to avoid direct sunlight on the product. The shelf life is on average two years.

Optimal storage conditions for nail polish

Nail polish is one of the few cosmetic products whose expiration date can be judged "by eye". The spoiled varnish dries up and becomes impossible to use. This usually occurs within 1-1.5 years.

Sometimes women try to reconstitute the product and dilute it with acetone or nail polish remover. Also, alcohol is often used for this. This cannot be done, since the infusion of such funds leads to a change in the structure of the varnish. It becomes unsuitable for high-quality application to the nail plate. In addition, such varnish can harm the nails, ruin them.

Nail polish remover can be used to extend the shelf life of the product. But only as a means for cleaning the neck of the bottle after each use. This will remove the remaining varnish, and the lid will open easily, and air will not penetrate into the bottle, which accelerates the process of its thickening.

If the varnish thickens ahead of time, then in extreme cases, you can use a special liquid to dilute it.

It is important to provide the facilities with proper conditions without access to the rays of the sun. The temperature should be between 10 and 22 degrees above zero.

The arsenal of cosmetics for a modern woman, as a rule, is quite impressive. Therefore, the question often arises of how to store cosmetics so that all the necessary items are at hand. In addition, it should take up a minimum of space. Beauty bloggers and inventive ladies offer a lot of storage options using both improvised items and special devices.

Consider the following ideas to keep your makeup “kingdom” in perfect order:

  • Organizer for paper... As a rule, such items are transparent and quite roomy. You can choose multi-storey structures that can easily accommodate a lot of cosmetics. And the transparency of the organizer will be an added bonus, since it will be easy to find the desired product. Sort your cosmetics into separate sections and you will always have the right products at your fingertips.
  • Cutlery box... It can store not only forks, knives and spoons, but also lipsticks, glosses, mascaras and more. One type of cosmetics can be placed in each section. You can store the box in a drawer of a dressing table or in a wardrobe.
  • Glass jars... On sale you can find a wide variety of jars with and without lids. They can store cosmetic pencils, as well as brushes, applicators and other elongated items. You can put some decorative stones or coffee beans in the container so that the objects do not come into contact with each other. This way you can quickly and easily find the right brush or pencil. And so that the elements do not gather dust, the cans can be closed with lids.
  • Chests and boxes... This is a classic option for storing cosmetics. You can optionally purchase dividers or plastic organizers to divide your space and sort your beauty products. Caskets and chests are good because they allow you to compactly store funds that do not get dusty and are always at hand.
  • Holders in cabinets... In hardware stores, you can find special acrylic or plastic holders that can be used not only for tools, but also for cosmetics. Attach these fixtures to the inside of your cabinet door and sort your makeup in them. This is a comfortable and ergonomic option.
  • Bottle holder... As a rule, such devices are used for alcoholic bottles, but they can perfectly store bottles, tubes with cosmetics. Sort the items into sections and place them on the bathroom shelf.
  • Ice cube trays... This is a great option for storing eye shadow. One package can be placed in each cell, sorted by color, texture, manufacturer and other characteristics.
  • Moldings and skirting boards... If after the repair you have unused cuts of skirting boards or moldings, then they can easily be adapted for storage of cosmetics. They are installed on the wall in a convenient place so that in the resulting cell you can store nail polish, small lip glosses, lipsticks and other bottles.
  • Baguette... Buy a beautiful picture frame and install miniature shelves inside so that you can place nail polishes, lipsticks, shadows on them. If necessary, the baguette and shelves can be painted in any color suitable for the interior.
  • Hanging hooks... These accessories will perfectly decorate the bathroom and help organize the storage of cosmetics. Hang tubes of gels, balms, shampoos that can be stored in humid conditions on the hooks.
And, of course, on sale you can find various variations of special organizers for storing cosmetics. Choose the one that suits you and decorate your dressing table with it.

How to store cosmetics at home - watch the video:

There are many ideas on how to store cosmetics. The main thing is not only to properly organize the space, but also to choose a suitable place for your funds, where the temperature and humidity conditions will be observed, so that they serve for a long time and do not deteriorate.

There are several options for where and how to properly store cosmetics:

  • Professional cases (beauty case) and travel bags. It comes in different sizes, which will allow you to choose the right one depending on the amount of cosmetics available. Differs in ergonomics, equipped with several compartments. An alternative would be special container or small transparent box... Their main advantage is that you do not have to flip the entire content in search of one particular medium. Typically used to store makeup. Suitable for travel cosmetic bags... They are made of waterproof material, roll up, taking up little space in the suitcase. Each bag is equipped with many different sized pockets.
  • In the bathroom it is worth keeping cleaners for the face and body. An important caveat: it is recommended to keep cleansers in a closed cabinet to avoid exposure to light. Make sure that no water gets into the inside of the bottles, otherwise the structure of the cosmetics will be disturbed. And here the bath is not suitable for care products... There is very high humidity and sharp temperature changes, which gives microorganisms a reason to start multiplying. Such conditions have a detrimental effect on the consistency of skin products, and the shelf life of cosmetics is significantly reduced. A bright light falling directly on the bottles heats the contents, degrading its quality.
  • In fridge. Ideal for keeping organic products lasting longer, gel patches for the eye area and homemade products, eye gels and rollers. Low temperatures have a beneficial effect on their properties. As a result, cosmetics for the skin around the eyes have a more effective effect, refresh the face, and constrict blood vessels.

It is believed that eyeliner, eyebrow pencils and should also be kept in the refrigerator. If you leave them there for a couple of hours, the lead will harden, it will be much easier to sharpen it. But keeping pencils in the cold constantly is not recommended... Otherwise, they will become unnecessarily hard and unusable.

Do not put the following products in the refrigerator:

  • ... Under the influence of low temperatures, the composition of the product can change dramatically.
  • ... When exposed to cold air, perspiration is produced, which consists of oils and wax. Because of this, the life of the lipstick is significantly reduced.
  • Mascara. Due to the low temperature, it begins to thicken, it becomes impossible to apply the product evenly to the eyelashes.
  • Cosmetics with oils... After storing it in the refrigerator, you can see a sediment at the bottom of the jar - white flakes. This means that the consistency of the product has changed.
  • Nail polishes... The temperature in the place of its storage should be from 10 to 22 degrees.

There is a special small refrigerator for storing cosmetics. The temperature in it is 12 degrees Celsius, and the inner surface of the device is treated with a special antibacterial agent.

How to properly store cosmetics at home:

  • Make-up can be stored at home in a room in a dark place. Moreover, it is convenient to fold it into a beauty case or box.
  • Brushes that are used to apply foundation or powder should be washed once a week. Eyeshadow gadgets - every three days.
  • Perfumery should not be put in the refrigerator; a shelf in the closet will be an ideal place to store perfumes - there is no light there, the optimum temperature.
  • Caps of creams, lotions and other products should be tightly closed.
  • The temperature for cosmetics should be no more than 25 degrees and no less than 5.

How much cosmetics can be stored:

Read more in our article on how to store your cosmetics correctly.

Read in this article

Where is the best place to store cosmetics

Every girl periodically buys new lipsticks, shadows, mascaras, varnishes, face tonics and makes them shelves. Over time, there are so many decorative cosmetics and face and body care products that the question arises of where to store it all. There are several options to help you free up space. In addition, choosing the right storage location will extend the life of your favorite products.

Professional cases and bags for travel

One of the best options is considered to be a special bag or case for cosmetics. It also has the name beauty case. It comes in a variety of sizes, which will allow you to choose the right suitcase, depending on the amount of cosmetics available. Differs in ergonomics, equipped with several compartments.

Girls going on a trip should also pay attention to cosmetic bags that you can take with you. Such devices are very convenient to use: they are made of waterproof material, roll up, taking up little space in the suitcase. Each travel bag is equipped with many different sized pockets, so there is no question of how to store your cosmetics when you need to take them with you.

In the bathroom

Many girls make the mistake of leaving their skincare products in the bathroom. It is this part of the apartment that is not at all suitable for such cosmetics. There is very high humidity and sharp temperature changes, which gives microorganisms a reason to start multiplying.

In addition, these conditions have a detrimental effect on the consistency of a cream or other skin care product. Also, under the influence of moisture and high temperatures, the shelf life of cosmetics is significantly reduced. And the bright light falling directly on the bottles heats the contents, degrading its quality.

Therefore, cosmetologists recommend removing all creams from the bathroom. Here you can store cosmetics that are designed to cleanse the face and body: facial cleansers, scrubs, shampoos, shower gels. But even here you need to know a couple of nuances. It is also recommended to store the cleanser in a closed cabinet to avoid exposure to light. It is also important that no water gets inside the bottles, otherwise the structure of the cosmetics will be disturbed.

In fridge

The bathroom isn't the only place where girls tend to arrange their makeup arsenals. Many ladies consider the refrigerator to be the ideal storage space for grooming and make-up products.

Cosmetologists say that for some types of cosmetics, low temperatures will really be beneficial. These include primarily organic products. Natural cosmetics do not contain any preservatives that help prolong their life. Therefore, the refrigerator will be an excellent option for increasing the service life.

Regardless of whether precious products are stored on a shelf in a closet or in a bathroom, it is important that they are not exposed to direct sunlight. This will only harm the properties of the cosmetics. Also, the temperature in the place where it is located should be no more than 25 degrees and no less than 5.

How long can you store cosmetics

The shelf life of certain products can vary greatly. In order to understand how much to store cosmetics, it is important to carefully study the labeling indicating until what date it can be used. It should be remembered that the shelf life of an open product is reduced. On average, cosmetics are stored for about as long:

  • Facial cleansers are suitable for 12 months if they have a uniform consistency. And two-phase lotions, foams, gels can be used from six months to 9 months.
  • About the same amount of products for the skin around the eyes are stored. As a rule, on the packaging itself there is a picture with a jar, which indicates the shelf life of the product after opening.
The shelf life of cosmetics after opening the package
  • Facial and body care products can be stored for up to three years in sealed containers. But as soon as its integrity is violated, the term is reduced to 6-12 months. In this case, it is important to monitor the state of cosmetics. If it has acquired a rancid odor, changed color and texture, the product should be discarded immediately.
  • , lotions and milk can be used for two years.
  • Masks, patches and hydrogels can be stored for a very long time. Before opening, their shelf life can be up to three years.
  • The same impressive figures are distinguished for body cleansers: shower gels, scrubs, shampoos and others. Some of them are able to serve even longer - up to 5 years.
  • Mascara is not that long lasting. It is usually recommended to store it for no more than four months. It dries up pretty quickly, so girls are tempted to dilute the product with something to extend its life. But this should not be done, because the properties of the mascara in this case change.
  • The eyeliner can be used for up to six months. The shelf life of such a variety as a marker is even shorter - 3 months.
  • Lipstick and are suitable for 12 months.
  • Same lifespan for eyeliners.
  • Powder is stored a little longer - up to one and a half years.
  • Eyeshadow has impressive shelf life. They can be stored for up to five years. The exception is cream cosmetics, which can be used for no more than a year.
  • The shelf life of blush depends on their texture. Loose cosmetics can last up to three years, and oily ones - only a year.
  • Foundations are stored for only 6 months from the very first application.

To understand how to properly store cosmetics, you need to carefully monitor the shelf life of products, as well as study which products get along best where. Space in the bathroom and refrigerator should not be overused. It is recommended to store most of the cosmetics simply in the room on a dark shelf. And so that she does not get lost and is always at hand, you can use special beauty cases.

There are never too many cosmetics in the women's arsenal, as well as jewelry or underwear. Powders, glosses, lipsticks, shadows, mascaras, blush - this kind of stuff is getting more and more in the fashionista's cosmetic bag every day. How to properly organize the storage of cosmetics at home?

Today we decided to answer this topical question for many and show 35 unique examples of how this can be done. The hostesses of these homemade organizers cannot take away their imagination and ingenuity!

1. Correct sorting

First of all, putting things in order in your cosmetic bag, you need to sort the cosmetics by type - lipsticks, shadows, blush, mascara, brushes. This will help save time looking for the right bubble in the future.

2. Jars-flasks

Jars are great for storing all kinds of brushes and pencils for eyes and lips. These can be special decorative containers or just tin or glass containers, which you liked for their interesting design. If desired, they can be decorated with lace, repainted in your favorite color or decorated with decoupage.

To make it more convenient to store and use brushes, it is enough to pour coffee beans or decorative stones into the container. Then, just insert your cosmetic tools - the original makeup organizer is ready!

3. Improvised means

From available tools, a transparent organizer for storing office paper can also come in handy. Its multi-storey compact design allows you to store a fair amount of cosmetics. At the same time, it is always convenient to get it at the right time.

Moldings and skirting boards left after the next renovation are also able to do a good job. You just need to install them on the wall. It is convenient to store nail polishes and oversized lipsticks or eye shadows here.

Even a vintage suitcase that you inherited from your grandmother can be an excellent storage for cosmetics.

Dividers for storing cutlery and decorative buckets are also useful organizers.

4. Storage as art

Why not make a cosmetic holder part of the interior? For example, take a beautiful baguette, equip it with several narrow shelves and place bubbles with nail polish on it. If desired, it can always be repainted in any color so that it can be combined with other interior items.

An interesting idea is to decorate one of the sections of the bookcase with varnishes, build small showcases from the most ordinary cardboard boxes, or store varnishes in a candy jar.

Textile or magnetic boards look great in the interior, on which you can fix cosmetics using Velcro or magnets previously glued to the bubbles.

5. Additional helpers

Fortunately, today cosmetics manufacturers make sure that their products are conveniently stored. Many brands produce special organizers for storing cosmetics.

These are vertical holders with convenient dividers, stands with space for a tablet and a phone, hanging plastic organizers with convenient sorting and inscriptions. With such a variety, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, puzzling over how to organize the storage of cosmetics.
  • How to store nail polish
  • How to extend the life of cosmetics

General rules for storing cosmetics

Want to guess what's on your bathroom shelf? At least a cream, serum, wash gel, micellar water, toner, tube with enzyme peeling. And the cosmetic bag contains lipstick (three), mascara (two), foundation and BB cream, and also blush, primer, highlighter ... Pot, don't boil it!

In general, there are a lot of cosmetics. And it's good if each product is used and ends before the expiration date. It's bad when there are too many jars. In this case, you will inevitably postpone something for later, forget about something. And when you remember, the product may already be overdue.

What is all this for? Besides, it's time to figure out how much cosmetics can be used and how to store it correctly so as not to shorten its service life?

Have you been revising your cosmetic bag for a long time? © iStock

All beauty products have a certain shelf life.

  • Until the package is opened, the product retains its qualities and properties for exactly as long as the manufacturer claims.
  • After opening, when the tightness of the package has already been broken, the shelf life is reduced. When reacting with air inside the cream, the processes of oxidation and reproduction of bacteria, imperceptible to the eye, begin to take place.
  • Manufacturing date. Usually the month and year are indicated.
  • Expiration date. Be careful here: if the product is valid for less than 30 months, such information is indicated; if more than 30 months, manufacturers are not required to indicate an end date.
  • Open jar icon and indicating the number of months, for example, 6M, 12M, 24M. The figure means how long the product can be stored after opening - no more than 6, 12 or 24 months, respectively.

Typically, organic cosmetics last no more than 6 months after you start using them, while other skin care products have a shelf life of 12 to 24 months.

On the packaging of the product, look for an icon with an open jar and an indication of the number of months. © iStock

Is it possible to store cosmetics in the bathroom

The most convenient location for the beauty arsenal is the bathroom. There we start the day with washing, and there we end with the application of night care.

But convenient doesn't mean right. "Living conditions" for cosmetics are not the most favorable there:

  • high humidity;
  • frequent and abrupt changes in temperature.

All this leads to the fact that creams can go bad ahead of time. Therefore, we suggest storing only shower gels, scrubs, shampoos and hair conditioners, as well as facial cleansers in the bathroom.

All beauty products have a certain shelf life. © iStock

Can I store cosmetics in the refrigerator?

Another common misconception is about the benefits of keeping creams in the refrigerator. This is unsafe for the integrity of the beauty formulas, and therefore for your skin, which will interact with these formulas.

Low temperatures transform the properties of the ingredients:

  • solubility;
  • structure;
  • particle sizes.

After cooling, textures can exfoliate, change color and odor.

Creams with SPF lose their properties most quickly under the influence of cold: the crystallization of filters under the influence of low temperatures reduces their effectiveness.

Perhaps the only thing that can be put in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes before use is eyelid patches and a tissue mask. If you need to quickly refresh the skin and remove signs of fatigue.

Cloth mask "Comfort" with chamomile extract, Garnier

© Garnier

The mask, impregnated with a gel with chamomile extract, hyaluronic acid and a moisturizing serum, instantly smoothes the skin, improves its tone and smoothes wrinkles. After using the product, the skin looks fresh and rested.

Refrigerate eyelid patches or tissue mask before use. © iStock © iStock

Storing skin care products

And now let's take a closer look at how to store this or that tool.


The best choice for jars of cream is in the darkest place in the room (makeup organizer, box, container, or cabinet with a door).

The optimum storage temperature is 15–25 ° С. Hypothermia does not benefit funds. You can put the cream in the refrigerator only for a few minutes if a tonic effect is needed.

Moisturizing cream for dry skin Maxi: hydrability, Shu Uemura

© Shu Uemura

It has a light and comfortable texture, combining the action of lotion, essence and moisturizer. Perfectly moisturizes even very dry skin, does not leave an oily sheen. Absorbs quickly.

Eye cream Nera Extrema, Giorgio Armani

© Giorgio Armani

The cream is based on a special mineral complex Obsidian, which takes care of the delicate and sensitive area of ​​the eyelids - moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes wrinkles.

Facial cleansers

Cleansers (gel, foam, mousse, scrub, peeling) can be stored in the bathroom. Make sure that the product lid is tightly closed after use. Otherwise, with high humidity and contact with warm air, a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria will be created.

Refreshing cleansing gel Pureté Thermale, Vichy

Suitable for use with very hard water - softens its action, copes well with all types of dirt. After use, there is no feeling of tight and dry skin.

Cleansing foam for dry and sensitive skin Crème Mousse Confort, Lancôme

© Lancôme

The foam is suitable for very sensitive and dry skin. Rose extract and rosehip oil promote gentle and gentle cleansing.

Face scrub "Pineapple Papaya" Pineapple Papaya Facial Scrub, Kiehl's

The scrub contains the best exfoliating ingredients - pineapple and papaya fruit acids plus apricot kernel powder. They gently break down, exfoliate and remove dead cells from the skin's surface.

How to store decorative cosmetics

The main rule for storing makeup is to ensure minimal contact with the skin (your fingers), as well as air and sunlight. In this case, the product will last longer.

Consider buying a special organizer or box with dividers - they are convenient for storing eyeshadow, lipstick, blush and powder so that they are always at hand.

Compact makeup products

Shadows, blush, powder can be stored for the longest time - this is the least "demanding" cosmetics, it has a rather long lifespan. Just remember to wash your brushes, sponges, and applicators with your designated cleanser.

Compact powder Poudre Compacte Radiance, Yves Saint Laurent

The advantages of this powder are obvious: it makes the face shine, mattifies, fixes makeup. The skin looks rested and refreshed all day long.

Tone cream

Take a closer look with him. If the product has a pungent, unpleasant odor, throw it away without regret - it is no longer suitable for use.

Long-lasting foundation Infaillible 24h "Matte finish", L'Oréal Paris

© L'Oreal Paris

Has a mattifying effect, does not interfere with skin breathing, and thanks to the new formula allows you to create very light makeup. A thin veil is hardly felt on the skin.


Store it in a cool, dark place. Close the case well after use to minimize exposure to air.

An unpleasant rancid odor (even if the shelf life has not yet expired) suggests that the lipstick should be thrown away.

Close the case well after using your lipstick to minimize exposure to oxygen. © iStock


The shortest shelf life for mascara is only 6 months. Continuing to use it for longer, you run the risk of getting conjunctivitis - an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by pathogenic bacteria.

How to store nail polish

If you are a fan of manicure and collect varnishes from limited collections, then most likely, the new bottles are quickly pushing the old ones off the shelf.

Now imagine this situation: you found in the bins the same color that blew up the catwalks two years ago, and you are going to paint your nails with it. Nothing will come of it.

Nail coatings last 1–1.5 years. Then the varnishes most often exfoliate and it is no longer possible to use them.

How to extend the life of cosmetics

You are quite capable of extending the life of any cosmetic product, if it is not expired. To do this, you must follow a few rules.

  • After using the product close tightly bank(tube, bubble) to avoid the ingress of air and micro-dust particles.
  • Pick up face and eyelid creams with a special spatula or cotton swab.
  • Wash regularly makeup spatula, brushes and sponges to minimize bacterial growth in open jars / cases / vials.
  • Store cosmetics in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

How to tell if a product is spoiled

Makeup unsuitable for use is hard to miss. She changes:

  • smell;
  • Colour;
  • consistency.

Even if the product looks perfect, but it's time to throw it away, get rid of the expired product if you don't want to expose yourself and your skin to unnecessary risks.

In European legislation, there is no concept of expiration date, but the permissible storage time after opening the package must be indicated. Russian legislation does not provide for the need to specify storage times after opening. According to Tech. Regulations TR CU 009/2011 on the packaging must be spelled out:

  • date of manufacture (month, year) and expiration date (months, years);
  • or the inscription "good before" (month, year) or "use before" (month, year).

There are individual products that indicate the expiration date of the product after opening the package and special storage conditions that differ from the standard. Standard storage conditions:

  • storage temperature for liquid products - not lower than 5 ° С and not higher than 25 ° С;
  • storage temperature for solid toilet soap is not lower than minus 5 ° С;
  • for the rest of perfumery and cosmetic products - not lower than 0 ° С and not higher than 25 ° С in the absence of direct exposure to sunlight.

For all company products L "Oréal expiration dates are indicated on the packaging (expiration date: month, year). And are 3 years from the date of production.

Greetings to regular and new readers of the site! Today, for lovely ladies, a relevant topic is how to store cosmetics.

In the cosmetic bag and bathroom of every self-respecting woman, there is a huge number of bottles, jars, tubes. And on each jar there is a modest inscription "use up ...".

But for all its invisibility, this is perhaps the most important information about the purchased cosmetic (especially).

How to store cosmetics and hygiene products correctly

It is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics after the expiration date. To achieve the best effect of the product, you need to remember: the closer this date, the less active substances remain in the components.

When buying food products, every housewife pays attention to the date of their production. Unfortunately, when buying decorative cosmetics, people are more worried about the smell and beautiful packaging.

If cosmetics are purchased at the end of their shelf life, you should not expect any wonderful results. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the product description before purchasing.

When the coveted jar has already been delivered home, it is important to observe the storage conditions. The most important task is to prevent foreign substances from entering the cosmetic.

Where to store cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics

It must be stored in a dry place. Frequent opening of packages can introduce dirt and bacteria. Therefore, sometimes it is better to dispose of the tube before the expiration date.

Mascara should not be kept in a cosmetic bag for more than three months (although the shelf life is 6 months), otherwise there is a risk of getting an eye infection. In addition, the ink begins to dry approximately two months after opening.

Lipstick should not be left open for long. Long exposure to oxygen and direct sunlight should be avoided. It can be stored in the refrigerator. Subject to these rules, lipstick can last up to two years.

The dispenser and the neck of the tube of foundation should be regularly cleaned with a cotton swab or cotton pad, then the product will last longer. Contact of fingers with the agent should be excluded. It is best to purchase dispenser vials.

The sponge, applicators, and foundation and powder brushes should be washed with hot water at least twice a week. Otherwise, a lot of bacteria will appear on them, due to which acne may appear.

The ideal temperature for storing decorative cosmetics is from +8 to +22 degrees.

Information on the storage of eau de toilette and perfume in the article

Hygiene products

As convenient as it is, you shouldn't leave your face creams on your bathroom shelf. Store only soap, shower and shaving gel, shampoo, and toothpaste in this room.

Hygiene products in the bathroom

Moisturizers and care products in a damp, warm room can oxidize and become hazardous to use. Creams, emulsions and cosmetic milk are best kept in a dark place at room temperature.

Serums most often contain a minimum of preservatives and a maximum of active ingredients and require refrigeration. Do not put the packaging deep into the cooling chamber; the shelf on the door would be an ideal place.

It is not enough to choose a product that is completely suitable in terms of composition and price. Cosmetics caring for the skin also requires care, then it will last longer and will not cause unpleasant consequences.

Shelf life of cosmetics

  • Tonal base - 2 years;
  • Powder - 2 years;
  • Proofreader - 2 years;
  • Liquid concealer - 6 months;
  • Mascara - 6 months;
  • Liquid eyeliner - 6 months;
  • Eyeliner - 18 months
  • Lipstick - 18 months
  • Contour pencil up to - 2 years;
  • Lip gloss - 2 years;
  • Nail polish - 1 year;
  • Skin care (creams, serums, gels) - 1 year;
  • Facial lotions with dispenser - up to 3 years.

Additional information on how to store cosmetics in this video ↓

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