Receptions of independent activity of children. Independent activities of children

"Upbringing should be organized so that the child is not brought up, but the child is brought up by himself."
L.S. Vygotsky

"Independent activity of children" ..., "Organization of independent activity" ..., "Independence" ..., "Independent activity" ... etc. So what is autonomy? It would seem that the answer lies on the surface, but we all understand it a little differently. The most typical answers: "This is an action that a person performs himself, without the help and help of others"; “The ability to rely only on one's own strengths”; "Independence from the opinions of others, freedom of expression of one's feelings, creativity"; "The ability to manage yourself, your time and your life in general"; "The ability to set yourself such tasks that no one has set before you, and to solve them yourself." It is difficult to object to these definitions. They accurately indicate the independence of a person and, by and large, the maturity of his personality. But how can these assessments be applied to a preschool child?

The independence of the child is, of course, relative, but it originates precisely in early childhood. Guessing its manifestations, helping the first shoots to grow stronger and develop is not an easy task. Both overestimation and underestimation of the emerging independence of children are very important for the developing personality of the child and are fraught with the same result - the helplessness of our children in the face of life's problems, and even gross delays in development. Independence can manifest itself in all types of activity, and it is this that is the ideal that any preschool institution strives for.

How to direct each child to a useful and interesting game without suppressing his activity and initiative? How to alternate games and distribute children in the group room, on the site, so that it is convenient for them to play without interfering with each other? How to eliminate misunderstandings and conflicts arising between them? The skill of the educator is most clearly manifested in the organization of the independent activity of children. The all-round education of children and the creative development of each child depend on the ability to quickly resolve these issues.

Speaking about the independence of children, one cannot but touch upon such an important topic: "Personality-oriented model of upbringing", the purpose of which is to reveal and develop the individuality of each child on the basis of the formation of the basis of his personal culture. In this process, great attention is paid to the personal (subjective) experience of the child, which becomes the subject of close and careful study and serves as a necessary support in learning. It consists in organizing such an educational environment that assumes the opportunity for the realization of the individual interests and needs of children, their independent activity and the effective accumulation of personal experience by them. Taking on this new role gradually leads to the formation of different pedagogical views and attitudes. Respecting the individual interests and needs of each child, we recognize his right to independently decide what and how to do it. For this, a comfortable, variable and changeable developmental environment is created in the group, saturated with a wide variety of changeable activities and materials, which helps children to make an independent and informed choice. With this approach, the concept of a sample as something static and uniform (that is, assuming the only correct way of behavior or activity) gives way to the concept of a norm as a manifestation of a variety of equally possible ways of behavior or activity. The mastery of such norms allows the child not only to enter the world of universal human culture, which presupposes a wide variety within the framework of a certain unity, but also, most importantly, to independently and consciously find his own place in this culture, based on his individual characteristics. Observing the activities of children, it is necessary to provide them with assistance and support only to the extent necessary for their further development.

In personality-oriented upbringing, children develop the ability to show their own initiative, to set goals for themselves and to systematically go towards their achievement. In order for each child to be able to reveal himself as a person, to show his individual interests and to freely put forward his own initiatives, he must feel himself in an atmosphere of social and emotional comfort. This is achieved through genuine respect for his individual interests, through positive support for his emerging ideas, and by continually reinforcing his sense of self-confidence. Therefore, it is so important for teachers to celebrate the successes of children and rely on them in planning their future work.

Obviously, such a role requires great flexibility from the teacher, the ability to improvise and constant comprehension of the ongoing changes. He must learn to grow with the children and with each of them individually. Realizing the complexity of this role, Vygotsky noted that “in the process of upbringing, the teacher with a new understanding of the matter is not only no less important than before, but immeasurably greater. And although his role apparently loses in external activity, since he teaches and educates less, it wins in internal activity. "


  • Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. M., 1968
  • Smirnova E.O. The problem of communication between a child and an adult in the works of L.S. Vygotsky and M.I. Lisina. // Questions of psychology, 1996, No. 6. P. 76-87.
  • Kononova I., Ezhkova N. Preparing children for independent activity. // Preschool education, 1991 - № 6. - P. 11-14
  • Dyachenko O.M. Educational work in kindergarten according to the "Development" program. - M., 2001. p. 44

© I.M. Gorbovskaya

teacher-defectologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 5"


Joint partnership activity of an adult with children



Model educational process

(Korotkova N.A.)

Free independent activity of children

Productive activity is present in two components of the educational process: as a joint partner activity of an adult with children and as their independent free activity.

At the stage of completion of preschool education targets set by the Federal State Educational Standard, the following age characteristics of children's capabilities are provided:

  • shows initiative and independence in various activities;
  • able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities;
  • the child is capable of volitional efforts;
  • tries to independently come up with explanations for the phenomena of nature and the actions of people;
  • capable of making decisions.

Timely development of independence expands the possibilities of cognition, communication, prepares the child's successful entry into the situation of schooling.

Therefore, one of the tasks of the kindergarten is the task of developing independent children's activity by stimulating the child's own internal active position.

The qualities of children's independence:

  • initiative, independence and responsibility in various types of activity - play, communication, construction and others, the ability to independently choose their occupation and participants in joint activities; show interest in learning;
  • the establishment of causal and spatio-temporal relationships and patterns, the desire to observe, experiment, formulate their own conclusions, distinguish between conventional and real situations;
  • manifestations of creative initiative in a story game, in specifically children's (productive) activities;
  • possession of developed large and fine motor skills, dexterity, endurance, strength, speed, etc .; the ability and readiness for self-control, self-regulation and physical activity;
  • a healthy and safe lifestyle, personal hygiene, including the ability to independently use personal hygiene items, observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a responsible attitude to their health, and observe the rules of safe behavior.

A). Let us dwell on the qualities related to the development of children's independence in all educational areas:….

B). Thus, independence is the pivotal quality of the personality... The subject-spatial environment of the group should contribute development independence and communication of the child if it is created according to certain rules, if developing situations are modeled in it, there is an opportunity to discuss, interact with other children, adults.

Modeling principles independent activity of children:

Principle 1 - taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the pupils;

Principle 2 - interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family;

Principle 3 - creation of optimal conditions for independent activity of children;

Principle 4- organization of independent activity / can be organized individually, in a small group of children, frontally and have a short-term, medium-term and long-term time interval /.

Principle 5- feasible / the task should be within the child's powers, take into account the "Zone of proximal development". Independent activity should correspond to the zone of actual development of the weakest and the zone of proximal development of the strongest child in the group /.

Principle 6 - rewards (for example, for the successful performance of the action, for the shown volitional effort).

The object-spatial environment of the group will contribute to the development of the child's independence and general development, if it is created according to certain rules, if it contains developing situations are modeled.

The task of the educator - to create a diverse subject-spatial environment that provides the child with a choice of activities corresponding to its interests and having developing character p, allowing to kid interact with peers or act individually.

After all, the child's activity depends on how the object-spatial organization of his life is arranged, what toys and didactic aids it consists of, what is their developmental potential.

Therefore, in order for a child to self-develop, be active and independent, the teacher must model / prepare / a variety of subject-spatial environment.






In the centers of the groups there can be a variety of diagrams, pictograms, operational maps, algorithms and tables, models that contribute to the formation of independence, planning skills, and the development of children's thinking. Each age group should have a different set of schematic material. The selection of materials, especially its placement, should be scientifically grounded in nature, take into account the psychological characteristics of the development of children of every age, as well as age patterns of changes in activities. In the selection of material, its cognitive value is of great importance. When acting with objects, the child should have a problematic, prompting for active action for the sake of its solution.

transaction cards


Algorithm for creating simulating situations for self-education of preschoolers through the subject-spatial environment of the group

  • Setting goals and objectives in accordance with the theme of the week or project.
  • Selection of developmental tasks of different levels of complexity and content.
  • Determination of motivation for completing tasks / desire to join the club, replenish the Olympic reserve, receive a diploma "Ready for school", etc.
  • Preparation of inventory, equipment, advertisements, printing and making assignments, forms, making badges, diplomas, etc.
  • Planning the location of all tasks so that the children do not interfere with each other, they can retire or, on the contrary, unite with someone.





educator together


by the child himself

with child

Operational card reflects the sequence of the child's actions in various activities. This helps to educate children in independence, the ability to determine the sequence of performing various actions.

The operational map can be created by the teacher, the teacher together with the child, the child himself. The child needs to be taught to “read” the card. For this, the teacher, together with the children, examines the map, pronounces each individual operation. Agree on the legend (if necessary). At the same time, one must not forget - the smaller the child, the less legend, the easier the map should be. When drawing up a map, it is necessary to follow the principle - from simple to complex, try not to use words, instead of them - signs, symbols, etc. For younger preschoolers….

For younger preschoolers, the number of card transactions can be reduced to a minimum of 2-4 actions, for older preschoolers - up to 7, but no more.

It is imperative to indicate the end result - the child must see what to strive for!

During independent activities the child can:

  • to consider;
  • research;
  • be wrong;
  • sample;
  • think;
  • doubt;
  • seek help from comrades;
  • study diagrams, drawings, drawings;
  • experiment with different materials;
  • sketch;
  • demonstrate your successes, achievements, etc.

Adults, on the other hand, should remember and accept the fact that during the period of their own activity, preschoolers have an extremely negative attitude towards any intervention on the part of an adult. Therefore, in order to stimulate children's cognitive activity, the teacher may, by encouraging children to independently search for answers to emerging questions; paying attention to new, unusual features of the object, make guesses; encouraging people to turn to other children for help; target experimentation, reasoning, assumptions, etc.

The introduction of operational cards gives high results in the development of constructive, logical, motor, speech and creative skills, in the upbringing of independence in children.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

“Children are the happiness created by our labor. Classes, meetings with children, of course, require mental strength, time, work. But, after all, we are happy when our children are happy, when their eyes are filled with joy. "

Introduction 2

1. Theoretical justification 4

1.1. The concepts of "independent activity", "independence".

1.2. Conditions for the formation of independent children's activities in a preschool educational institution:

1.2.1. Building a subject-developing environment that promotes the child's self-activity.

1.2.2. The project method as a means of stimulating children's independent activity.

1.2.3. Providing children with sufficient time for independent activities.

1.2.4. Reorientation of the pedagogical process from an educational and disciplinary model to a personality-oriented one.

1.2.5. Reliance on the system of children's activities.

2. Practical part 17

2.1. Creation of optimal conditions for organizing independent activities in a preschool educational institution:

2.1.1. Forms of methodological work for teachers to master the content of the educational process, taking into account Federal state requirements.

2.1.2. An innovative approach to organizing a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution.

2.1.3. The use of the design method in the preschool educational institution.

2.1.4. Interaction of preschool educational institutions and families on the problem of creating conditions for independent children's activities.





Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 15 of the Yemanzhelinsky municipal district

Chelyabinsk region

Experience on the topic:

"Creation in preschool educational institutions of optimal conditions for the organization of independent activities of children, taking into account

FSES of preschool education "

Artist: Netsvetaeva T.V.,

senior educator

Yemanzhelinsk, 2015

Introduction 2

1. Theoretical justification 4

  1. The concepts of "independent activity", "independence".
  2. Conditions for the formation of independent children's activities in a preschool educational institution:
  1. Building a subject-developing environment that promotes the child's self-activity.
  2. The project method as a means of stimulating children's independent activity.
  3. Providing children with sufficient time for independent activities.
  4. Reorientation of the pedagogical process from an educational and disciplinary model to a personality-oriented one.
  5. Reliance on the system of children's activities.

2. Practical part 17

2.1. Creation of optimal conditions for organizing independent activities in a preschool educational institution:

2.1.1. Forms of methodological work for teachers to master the content of the educational process, taking into account Federal state requirements.

2.1.2. An innovative approach to organizing a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution.

2.1.3. The use of the design method in the preschool educational institution.

2.1.4. Interaction of preschool educational institutions and families on the problem of creating conditions for independent children's activities.





Society has always made an application for the formation of an independent, creative personality: it is one thing to shape a person as a personified function, and another thing to shape a person-creator, an active builder of one's life and society. However, most of the research carried out in this direction is related to the study of the formation of independent activity in primary schoolchildren, adolescents, and students. Preschool age, in fact, falls out of the field of relevant research. As for practical works that offer a methodology for pedagogical support for the independent activity of preschoolers, there are practically none at all. The works highlight numerous conditions that affect the formation of independence, but they are singled out quite formally, as a maximum list (it is obvious that a lot can have an impact - from the type of the child's nervous system to the characteristics of family interaction). In fact, the task of the researcher should be to identify those factors, the reliance on which would contribute to the formation of children's independent activity in the conditions of a preschool educational institution.
The importance of the problem is also evidenced by the fact that the amateur performance of preschool children was proclaimed one of the basic principles of development practically from the very beginning of the formation of the domestic system of preschool education. Back in 1919, in the Instructions for the management of the hearth and kindergarten, it was stated that "the basis of the kindergarten and the hearth should be children's initiative, their free creativity, play." However, attempts to implement this idea within the framework of the concept of “free upbringing” turned out to be a failure, since the child left to himself was deprived of the necessary conditions for his own development and, accordingly, could not fully realize it. Teaching a child also could not always ensure the formation of independent children's activity: teaching methods, being of very high quality, were applied within the framework of the then prevailing "disjunctive" (A. Brushlinsky) approach and were often limited to the formation of certain actions (skills) in the child, without assuming special creation of conditions for the generalization and wide transfer of the experience of the received activity. As a result, the rich experience gained by the child was not generalized, actually (outside the classroom) was not applied and as a result never became the property of the child himself, that is, it did not work for his development.
The modern approach to solving the problem of the formation of independent activity of preschoolers indicates that the problem is really extremely complex, the existing model of the formation of independent activity, which involves the transition from independent work in the conditions set by the teacher on the basis of the algorithm of activity with fully or partially organized activity through a decrease in the proportion

component of organization to independent creative activity, is, in our opinion, a somewhat mechanistic approach. Given the completely transparent mechanism of such a transition, its motivation remains unclear; it is clear how such a transition is carried out, but it is completely incomprehensible why and why it is carried out. What makes a child move from a simpler algorithmic activity to a more complex creative one? The motivational component of such a transition remains undeveloped, which means that in practice the organization of such work is fraught with the fact that the ideal creation of conditions may not provide the desired transition, because the child himself objectively does not need it. At preschool age, neither the "free" upbringing of the child, nor his active teaching, nor the progressive decrease in the organization of activity, automatically ensure the formation of children's amateur performance. It is obvious that it should be based on different principles.

An object research: the process of independent activity.

Subject of study : conditions necessary for the organization of independent activity.

Hypothesis research: for the development of independent children's activity, it is not enough to confine oneself only to the creation of appropriate material conditions.

Purpose of the study : identify and create conditions in the preschool educational institution that stimulate the independent activity of children, taking into account the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

Theoretical part

Independent activity involves building one's own activity in accordance with one's needs and interests and its implementation, taking into account the existing conditions, that is, the development of children's activity, including the leading one. It is these moments that sink into the work of the preschool educational institution today, as evidenced by the entire system of work organization. Real conditions in a preschool educational institution often do not imply the practical implementation of activities that arise at the initiative of the child himself and meet his needs and interests. Typically, in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, the components of activity (like the tops and roots in a famous fairy tale) are divided between the child and the teacher: behind the teacher - the motivational and target components of the activity, behind the child - the development of methods of action. As L.A. Venger quite rightly noted, “adults teach children not about activities, but only about actions,” that is, the habitual regulation of children's activity leads to the fact that its structure is disturbed: the stages of the emergence of a motive and setting a goal fall out of it, since it is completely are taken over by the educator. Even if a child has a motive for some activity (for example, the desire to play, the desire for this activity in children is obvious), he will face problems at the next structural stages of the implementation of this activity. Therefore, within the framework of the traditional pedagogical process, the child is only half the subject of activity, since when he is introduced to various types of activity in a preschool educational institution, he is not actually motivated to implement them, does not set independent goals, but only partially (based on the results of the work carried out with him) armed with methods of action. In the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution, subjectless activity is represented very widely. Paying maximum attention to solving the problems of education and upbringing, teachers actively organize the activities of children, direct and regulate it. However, this often leads to the fact that such an organized activity does not move to the level of independent, which means that it does not receive the conditions for its own formation. Thus, an extremely important and difficult task arises - to restore activity to its integrity and unity. This is an indispensable and indispensable condition for the formation of independent activity.

What is it - independence?Ironically, the answer to this question differs from person to person. For some people, these are actions that a person performs on his own, without outside help and advice. For others, it is the ability to rely only on their own strengths. For others, it is an opportunity not to depend on the opinions of others, to freely express their thoughts and feelings. Someone will say that independence is the ability to manage yourself and your time at your own discretion. And for some, it means the need to set tasks that no one else has set before, and to solve them yourself. Self-reliance is valuable

the quality that a person needs in life, he needs to be educated from early childhood.

All these assessments are correct, they clearly speak about the independence of a person, mark the maturity of the individual. But is it possible to say so about a toddler of two or three or four years old? Unlikely. None of these definitions can be unconditionally attributed to a child for many reasons, and above all age. What happens: those psychologists who argued that complete independence in children is impossible, were they right? Yes and no. In the question of independence, one can find both positive and negative sides.

Positive aspects of independence: independence is programmed in any child, the time will come, it will certainly manifest itself, then teachers and parents will only need to direct it in the right direction; independence needs not only to be encouraged, it is necessary to prepare for it: to deal with the child, help him at first in everything, gradually trusting more and more; since the child's self-esteem is not yet sufficiently developed - it is being replaced by the opinion of adults, especially parents (“And my mother said so!”), then the first manifestations of children's independence must be stimulated. But self-esteem is closely related to the quality of self-criticism, which is considered the opposite of self-reliance. After all, self-criticism is constant doubts about the correctness of their actions, deeds, opinions, that is, constant uncertainty. And self-doubt suppresses independence. However, self-criticism is a companion of adequate self-esteem, as it allows you to control and correct your actions.

It is necessary to distinguish independence from stubbornness. Self-reliance suggests that the child is ready to overcome difficulties, that is, he has a will. A stubborn person is weak-willed, he cannot refuse a decision when the situation and common sense require it, even if he sees that the decision is wrong and will lead to negative consequences.

Stubbornness manifests itself in the desire to do everything in spite of adults: to all requests, he says: "No" - and does the opposite. The child often says no to validate himself. And this applies to almost all areas of his life - eating, walking, playing, bathing, sleeping, etc. It seems to parents and teachers that they are failing, that everything that was achieved in the previous period is going down the drain, but this is not so ... In this way - through opposition - the child gradually builds his personality, becomes an individuality.

Experts define independence in this way:

  • the ability to act on their own initiative, to notice the need for their participation in certain circumstances;
  • the ability to do the usual things without seeking help and supervision of an adult;
  • the ability to consciously act in a situation of given requirements and conditions of activity;
  • the ability to consciously act in new conditions (set a goal, take into account the conditions, carry out elementary planning, get a result);
  • the ability to carry out elementary self-control and self-assessment of performance results;
  • the ability to transfer known methods of action to new conditions.

Self-reliance develops gradually, and this process begins early enough. Let's mark the most important stages and age periods for the formation of this most important human quality.

Some psychologists define the first year of a baby's life as a "starting point". From 1 year (or even from 9 months) to 3 years, the emergence of independence is considered the main task of this age period. So, from 9-17 months, children begin to drink from a mug on their own, and from 12-20 months - use a spoon. Other psychologists argue that independence in a child manifests itself from 2 years old, when the baby moves independently and operates with objects himself.

At first, the child perceives his independence as separation from his mother. By the age of three, children are already actively moving around, interacting with objects and people (from 3-5 years old they show a desire to dress themselves; they understand that they can interact with other children, and also show their desires to their parents ("I want" / "I do not want")) ... They are ready not only to master independence, but also make attempts to defend it.

There is even such a thing as a 3-year-old crisis, when a child now and then declares: "I myself!" At this age, he wants to do everything himself, without the help of an adult. But at this stage, independence is only an episodic characteristic of children's behavior.

By the end of primary school, independence has become a relatively stable feature of the child's personality.

Adolescence - when a child is separated from his parents, strives for independence, independence, "wants adults not to get into his life."

As you can see, the prerequisites for the development of independence are formed at an early age, however, only starting from preschool age, it acquires a consistency and can be considered as a special personal quality, and not just as an episodic characteristic of children's behavior.

By the end of adolescence, with proper development, independence is finally formed: the child not only knows how to do something without outside help, but also take responsibility for his actions, plan his actions, as well as control himself and evaluate the results of his actions. The teenager begins to realize that independence does not mean complete freedom of action: it is always kept within the framework of norms and laws adopted in society, and that independence is not any action without outside help, but an action that is meaningful and socially acceptable.

Self-reliance means:

  • taking care of your needs(starts with using a bottle, spoon, mug);
  • choice at will(carried out very early);
  • making decisions independently(at first it appears in the little things: choose one of two things);
  • ability to take responsibility for decisions, actions(appears when the concept of "no / no" is formulated and in the knowledge of the consequences established by the parents, in their prevention, as well as in the observance of some aspects of safety);
  • goal setting(begins with planning your daily routine, sequence of actions, changes in your behavior).

Some psychologists divide children's independence into 3 basics:

  1. independence of action;
  2. everyday independence;
  3. educational independence.

Specialists call the signs of correct children's independence: actions that are distinguished from spontaneous behavior; compulsory cumulative development of independence with age; passing the main stages of development (manifestation of independence in a normal environment; independent behavior in new but similar conditions; independent actions in any situation). Independence can manifest itself not only in the initiative of actions, but also in stubbornness, self-will, pranks and disobedience. She also allows the child to open the world for himself, to know his own personality. Adequate level of independence will be one of the criteria for a child's readiness for school. If we talk about small children, then it is more acceptable for them to use the following definition of independence: "this is the ability to occupy oneself, the ability to do something for a while, without the help of adults."

What conditions must be created in a preschool educational institution for independent children's activities?

1 ... Building a subject-developing environmentadults should allow organizing both joint and independent activities of children.

In this case, the environment performs educational, developmental, upbringing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it works to develop the child's independence and initiative.

From what environment surrounds the child before entering school, his intellectual, physical, moral and aesthetic development largely depends. The work of many researchers (N.A. Vetlugina, G.N. Panteleev, V.B. Chumicheva, L.M. Klarina, V.A. Novoselova, N.A. Korotkova, T.N. Doronova, N.A. Ryzhova and others). Considering issues related to the design of a kindergarten group room, the authors often draw attention to the fact that sometimes in all age groups there is the same organization of play corners with the same composition of toys and their arrangement, rightly emphasizing the incorrectness of the situation. Currently, there is again an increased interest of practitioners in updating the subject developmental environment of the group room, based on the awareness of the fact that the child's development environment in kindergarten is not only a set of isolated thematic corners and zones where the educational process of preparing children for learning, given by the teacher, takes place. at school. First of all, this is the "environment" of a preschooler child, in which he is a significant part of the time, and where he can realize his own needs and interests. Implementation of the educational process in

groups assumes a rational organization of the subject-spatial environment, characterized by the availability and functionality of materials and manuals intended for children, providing conditions for self-realization of children with different levels of development. This, as the head of the laboratory "Games and Toys" of the FIRO, Candidate of Psychological Sciences N.A. Korotkova rightly emphasizes, is especially important for supporting meaningfulindependent activitysenior preschoolers.

When designing the educational and educational process in accordance with the contingent of pupils, their individual and age characteristics, for the successful implementation of the goals and objectives of the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution, and most importantly, the development of integrative qualities in children, it is necessary to ensurean integrative approach to the organization of developmental centers for the activity of children(see Appendix No. 1).

The integration of the developmental centers of children's activity ensures the process of coherence, interpenetration and interaction of individual educational areas of the content of preschool education, ensuring the integrity of the cognitive-speech, physical, artistic-aesthetic and social-personal spheres of the child's development in the educational process.

Children develop their best when they are truly passionate about the learning process. A carefully thought-out developmental environment itself encourages children to explore, be active, show initiative and creativity, that is, it contributes to the development of their integrative qualities.

At the same time, educators:

They have an idea of ​​the zone of actual development and design the zone of proximal development of each child;

Create a setting and provide materials for development;

They set goals of a developmental nature for each child and for the group as a whole, taking into account the interests, abilities and needs of each;

They support in children independence, natural curiosity, initiative, activity in mastering the surrounding reality.

Based on this approach, children:

  • actively develop, assimilating information about the world around them during games and other types of children's activities;
  • go through regular stages of development;
  • provided with social interaction aimed at emotional and cognitive development.

The innovativeness of the approach to organizing the child's developmental environment is determined by the relevance of integrating not only educational areas,

Defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, but also by the need to organize centers of activity onprinciples of development and integration.

The enrichment and meaningful integration of the centers of activity of the subject-spatial environment, which has a versatile potential for activation, contributes to the active inclusion of the child in the educational process, is one of the significant psychophysiological mechanisms for translating play into educational activity in order to form intellectual, personal, physical qualities, cognitive, social motivation of the child to development, self-realization.

In addition to the principle of integration, when organizing a subject-development environment, it is necessary to take into account the following principles:

The principle of distance, positions when interacting.The primary condition for personality-oriented interaction between adults and children is to establish contact between them. The establishment of contact can be hindered by the fundamentally different positions taken by the educator and the child. Within the framework of authoritarian pedagogy, the educator is, as it were, “above” or “above”, and the child is “below”. This position of the educator presupposes diktat and edification. In contrast to this, the teacher's personality-oriented position is that of a partner. It can be designated as "next", "together". At the same time, the developing environment creates conditions for an appropriate physical position - communication with a child on the basis of the spatial principle "eye to eye". This presupposes the striving of the educator to come closer, to "descend" to the position of the child, as well as to create conditions under which the child can "rise" to the position of the educator. For this purpose, for example, furniture of different heights is suitable, the height of which can easily change depending on the pedagogical tasks, the so-called "growing furniture". It is equally important for an adult to find a distance to make contact with a child. For each person, the feeling of comfort when communicating with others is associated with a subjective, most convenient, distance. In this regard, the size and layout of the premises should be such that everyone can find a place for study or independent activity, sufficiently distant from others and, conversely, allowing for closer contacts.

The principle of activity.The design of the kindergarten provides for the possibility of developing activity in children and manifesting activity in adults. They become the creators of their objective environment, and in the process of personal developmental interaction - the creators of their personality and their healthy body. These are primarily large-scale play and didactic aids - light geometric modules covered with fabric or leather, which are easily rearranged in the process of transforming space. One of

walls can become a "drawing wall of creativity". On it, children can draw with crayons, charcoal or felt-tip pens, creating both individual and collective pictures. For the smallest children (2-4 years old), pictorial rugs with removable image elements are suitable, which can be transformed using buttons, Velcro or buttonholes (a butterfly "transplants" from grass to flower, a bird "flies" into the sky, a tree moves from the house to the river bank Such actions of the child allow him not only to transform the environment, but also contribute to the development of his fine motor skills.

The principle of stability-dynamism of the developing environment.The environment should be able to change it in accordance with the tastes and moods of children, as well as taking into account a variety of pedagogical tasks. These are lightweight partitions that can be moved to form new rooms and transform existing ones. This is the ability to change the color and sound environment. This is a variable use of objects (for example, soft poufs become either children's furniture or elements of a large designer). This is also the multifunctional use of premises (the "mini-stadium" sports complex can be installed not only in the gym, but also in the games room, bedroom, dressing room).

You can change "backgrounds", change the environment beyond recognition, filling it with emotionally rich "childish" content: "magic", "ship" or "Martian" rooms; the sports rope looks like the "trunk" of an elephant, "mysterious plants" are painted on the wall, etc.

The principle of aggregation and flexible zoning.This principle is closely related to the previous principle of stability-dynamism and more broadly reveals precisely dynamism. The living space in kindergarten should be such that it makes it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity. This allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to engage in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other. The kindergarten should have the following functional rooms that can be used by children: musical; theatrical; laboratories; "classrooms" (with books, games, puzzles, filmstrips, slides, etc.); creative workshops, design; laundries, etc. The arrangement of these premises should create a different emotional mood, ie. become "mysterious", "scary", "magical", "magical", "fantastic", etc. In other words, “space” allows the child not only to master the truth, but also to “escape” from it in fantasies and dreams, not only to construct creatively, but also to disassemble what has been built, to see not only the beautiful, but also the ugly.

The principle of emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of a child and an adult.The environment should awaken activity in children, give them the opportunity to carry out various types of activities, get joy from them, and at the same time, the environment should have the properties, if necessary, to "extinguish" such activity, give them the opportunity to rest. This is provided by a well-thought-out set of impulses and stimuli contained in the developing environment: a lack of impulses impoverishes and limits the child's development in all areas, and an oversaturated environment with a chaotic organization of stimuli disorients him.

Here, in addition to the already designated zones of activity, it is appropriate to recall once again the zones for relaxation (relaxation). These are both "privacy corners" and a cozy room (corner) with upholstered furniture and other elements conducive to relaxation. It is desirable that the kindergarten has a "living room for adults", where children have free access. The constant emotional stress that a teacher experiences in his difficult professional activity inevitably affects the general emotional background of his communication with children and, consequently, their emotional well-being.

Each child in the kindergarten should be provided with a personal space (a crib with a high chair and a rug, a locker for storing personal belongings belonging only to him, photos of his family, etc.).

The design of the environment takes into account the creation of conditions for the formation and development of a full-fledged image of "I". This is facilitated by the presence of mirrors of different sizes, movable mirrors of different curvatures. Emotional comfort is also maintained by exhibiting children's works, in which a place is allocated to each pupil, regardless of the level of his achievements in drawing, modeling, etc.

The principle of combining familiar and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment.Children's comprehension of the aesthetic category begins with "elementary bricks", a peculiar language of art: the beauty of sounds, color spots, abstract lines, an ingenious interpretation of the image with laconic graphic means. Therefore, it is important to place in the interior not bulky "classical" works of painting (by Aivazovsky, Shishkin, Surikov and other authors who have become traditional for decorating orphanages, camps, boarding houses, etc.), but simple but talented sketches, prints, abstract or semi-real sculptures that give the child an idea of ​​the basics of the graphic language and of different cultures - Eastern, European, African. It is advisable in different styles to present to children the same content of a fairy tale, episodes

from the life of children, adults: realistic, abstract, comic, etc. Then children (with the help of an adult) will be able to pay attention not only to what is depicted in front of them, but also to how it is done, mastering the beginnings of the specifics of different genres ...

The principle of openness - closedness.This principle is presented in several aspects.

Openness to Nature is such a construction of the environment that contributes to the unity of Man and Nature. This is the organization of "green rooms" - small patios that can be glazed, with plants growing in them - trees, shrubs, grass. This is living with the children of pets - cats, dogs, which the children take care of.

Openness to Culture - the presence of elements of real "adult" painting, literature, music.

Openness to Society - the environment of the kindergarten corresponds to the essence of the concept of "My home", in which parents are endowed with special rights.

The openness of one's "I", the child's own inner world (see also the principle of emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being).

The principle of taking into account the sex and age differences of children.It involves building an environment taking into account gender differences, providing opportunities for both boys and girls to show their inclinations in accordance with the standards of masculinity and femininity accepted in society.

In addition, when building the environment, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children when implementing each of the principles disclosed in the previous sections of this paragraph.

Today it is clear for everyone that modern children need to be taught in a new way. This is dictated by the modern socio-political situation, the rapid changes in the modern world, and our children must be ready for this. “The new school is a school where children will be involved in research projects and creative activities in order to learn how to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and realize opportunities. A new school means new teachers who are open to everything new.
The new school is the center of interaction with both parents and society "
Quote: “... initiative becomes the most important personality traits,

the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions ... ”The foundations of these qualities are laid and developed in preschool childhood. Studies show that these abilities decrease with age, which leads to a decrease in learning motivation, and in the future to an inability to adapt to social life.
All of the above indicates the relevance of the issue of the development of children's cognitive activity. Therefore, teachers of all educational institutions should teach children specific ways of learning about the world, develop the cognitive abilities of children and bring up the desire of children to acquire knowledge on their own.
The desire to comprehend the world is inherent in the child at the biological level, but it needs to be developed. And the child will be lucky in whom the adults living nearby will awaken a cognitive interest in the world around him. If not, then the child will develop at a lower level. Therefore, we, teachers and parents, need to build the pedagogical process in such a way that it gives the greatest result in the cognitive development of pupils.
All this led us to the conclusion that it is necessary to look for and apply more effective means of education and training that serve the development of the cognitive abilities of children. One of the promising methods is the design method.

The didactic meaning of project activity is that it helps to connect learning with life, forms the skills of research activities, develops the cognitive activity of children, teaches them to act independently, plan work, bring it to a positive result, show initiative and creativity. In the project, children study the object from different angles, all its characteristics, that is, a holistic vision of the picture of the studied object is formed.

Therefore, the second optimal condition for organizing independent children's activities is a special organization of direct educational activities (GCD), which becomes a working tool for a child to acquire practical experience in the implementation of a particular activity. Organization of the learning process in such a way that the child is an active participant, not a passive observer.
Very often, the child's craving for knowledge of the world is not developed, but dulled by presenting ready-made truths, ready-made conclusions and generalizations during organized educational activities, instead of the child himself exploring, experimenting, observing, feeling, comparing, analyzing, seeing the results of his small experiments , ask adults about what to do next or where to find out, look for material on your studied object at home, in kindergarten or in other social objects, make independent conclusions according to your abilities, get some result.

Often adults use a form of direct learning. It is easier for them to tell the children certain information themselves than to organize the process of independent children's research. Such training can be called passive, i.e. the child passively listens, remembers (and sometimes does not remember), but he himself does not participate in the active study of the object, and the child's chances of developing high cognitive activity are reduced.
It was found that constant restrictions on the independent activity of a child in preschool age lead to serious mental disorders that negatively affect the ability to develop and learn in the future at school. For a child's cognitive interest to be high, it is necessary that he himself be an active participant in the pedagogical process.
Of course, he will do this under the skillful pedagogical guidance of an adult who will not replace the child, but guide.
In kindergarten, this process is easier to organize than in school, because children are here for a long time, and the learning process is not limited to organized educational activities. However, if there is no organized educational activity at all, a modern child may not receive the necessary experience of activity, but if the teacher's work is limited only to organized educational activity, the child will never learn to apply the experience gained in activity. Therefore, the organization of meaningful organized educational activities of any topic is only half the battle.

The second (and, in terms of importance, the first) necessary half is the provision of sufficient time for the active appropriation of this experience and the construction of independent activities of children. on his basis. Therefore, at the end of the organized educational activity, we necessarily provide sufficient time for the independent activities of children, when the child actively appropriates this new content. This element of work is a fairly obvious thing, but at the same time, it can be stated that it is not specifically spelled out in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution, nor in programs, nor in teaching methods, and is not implemented in practice. We shift the focus and pay attention not only to the quality of organized educational activities, but also to the formation of integrative qualities in children, which are manifested in independent children's activities.

The fourth condition necessary for the formation of independent children's activity, highlighted by our research,a special position of teachers in the framework of the implementation of the pedagogical process, associated with the reorientation of the pedagogical process from an educational and disciplinary model to a personality-oriented one. In the course of our research, it was revealed that the majority of teachers try to direct even the independent activities of children.

The last condition: reliance on the system of children's activity, which provides a motivational connection between different types of activity (when, in order to continue one activity, the child necessarily turns to another and then returns to the original one); this contributes to the fact that the activity is formed as a holistic and unified: standard in the conditions of a preschool educational institution

the components of the activity are divided between the child and the teacher, the formation of the system of activity allows us to overcome this gap.

Practical part

We began to create optimal conditions for organizing the independent activity of children in our preschool institution with the implementation of annual tasks: studying the approximate basic educational program "From birth to school" (N.E. Veraksa) and creating conditions for its implementation, since the child reinforces activity experience gained during organized educational activities. In the course of our research, it was important for us to connect learning with life.

We began to implement the annual tasks by compiling schedule measures for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

The next step wascreation of a creative teamon the development of the basic educational program MKDOU d / s No. 15, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

At the meetings of the creative group during the academic year, work programs were developed for all age groups.

During theoretical seminars,organized in the form of "pedagogical readings", during the academic year the teachers got acquainted with the content of the maps of mastering the exemplary educational program "From birth to school", gave an analysis of the complication of the program content by age groups.

On council of educators number 2(December 2013) Order No. 1155 of 17.10.2013 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education" was studied, teachers.

The approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school", revised in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, reflects the innovative development of the organization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution. The program says that properly organized training "leads" development. Correctly organized teaching in this case involves the construction of the teaching process in such a way that the child independently obtains knowledge, and is not a passive observer - this condition can be fulfilled only if the teacher organizes optimal conditions for independent children's activities.

That's why, the next optimal condition for organizing independent children's activities is a special organization of educational activities... For this, it is necessary to look for and apply more effective means of education and training, which serve to develop the cognitive abilities of children. One of the promising methods isdesign method.

The topics and content of projects can be very diverse. In the younger groups, projects are short and simple. For example, "Truck". During the day, the kids in the game examine the parts of the truck, the purpose of this type of transport, the purpose of the wheels. Experiment: Will a truck drive without one wheel? etc. In older groups, projects are more difficult. They study physical bodies and natural phenomena, plants and human actions, objects of the man-made world, etc.
The topic of the research is suggested by the children themselves, you just have to not miss what exactly they are interested in:
Why is the refrigerator cold?
Why don't the stars fall?
Why does the cat meow?
Where does the cake grow?
Why is the rainbow colored?
Our preschool educational institution practices children's creative, research projects.

In 2010. Dunno came to visit the children of the sanatorium group and said that he would soon go to school, but he did not know where it was. During the excursion to the school, it turned out that Dunno does not know the rules of the road, so the problem of the project was formulated: help Dunno, teach him

19 safe behavior on the street. To implement the project, the children split into creative groups: pedestrians, drivers, traffic police inspectors, and children's research activities began. "Pedestrians" decided to help Dunno by making the "ABC of pedestrians", traffic police inspectors were preparing a collection of suits - "Road jerk", "drivers" made a model of the microdistrict. The final event of the project was the “Celebration of Our Street”, where children presented for Dunno the products of their activities, made by themselves.

In 2011, the year was declared the Year of the Cosmos, the children of the older group took up research work on the project "This is a miracle - space", the result of their work was a planetarium and a mini-museum of space designed in the group, some of its exhibits were made by children in independent activities ...

The result of the implementation of the leisure and educational project "Maslenitsa-wide" (responsible - Mavrova A.N., musical director) was the creation of a mini-museum of folk life at the preschool educational institution, the museum exhibits were brought by children from home, each child told about the exhibit he brought. At the moment we are working on a leisure and creative project "Star Factory" (responsible - S. Simicheeva, educator of the preparatory group). On the first day of the opening of the "Star Factory" was held in the form of difele costumes, prepared by children together with their parents, and their presentation. On the second day, the competition "For the best dancer" took place, the children independently invented a dance and selected costumes that reflect the intended image. On the third day, preschoolers demonstrated their vocal abilities in the contest "For the Best Singer", the children also invented songs for performance on their own. On the fourth day of the "Star Factory" children showed their acting skills in different types of theater. The work on the project ended with a reporting concert of the "Star Factory", which the children showed to the pupils of the middle group.

A lot of work has been done by the teaching staffon the development of a version of a developing environment that stimulates the amateur performance of children in preschool educational institutions.

To support the independence of children in the framework of the leading activities, a special subject-play environment was created - homemade models ("Zoodvorik" (2,), layouts "Microdistrict" (2 mln. suburb "," Aquarium "(middle group)," Jungle "," Tales of A. Pushkin "(sanatorium group), model of the planetarium (senior group). his ideas and ideas, provides a truly developing nature of such an environment, contributes to the formation in children of a universal ability to build new wholes of various types (L. Paramonova), provides a motivational connection between different types of activity, making them meaningful and necessary for the child.
The game model, created by the children themselves with the help of the teacher, allows you to organize the game on different topics and plots, the subject-play environment in accordance with the intentions and preferences of the child, including those related to his age (the desire for a realistic toy by the end of preschool age), to organize structurally complex plot games, it is convenient for organizing games that continue for a long time (play in the environment created by the child here and now is most often destroyed and not renewed). The layout allows the child to find the most comfortable place for him in the course of common joint activities (some children actively develop the plot, acting with toys or implementing role-based dialogues, others comment on what is happening and offer advice on the further development of the plot, others are actively involved in creating the subject environment of the game, others are watching ; at the same time, children easily change their position in the game, freely moving from one activity to another), acts as a successful space of opportunities for socialization and introduction to joint games of poorly playing children, activates the child's project thinking, his manual skills, contributes to the generalization of the experience of constructive activity, since all these skills are practiced in a situation of high motivation of activity, it becomes an excellent springboard for the formation of a system of children's activities based on plot games.

When constructing a subject-play environment, we take into account the age characteristics of children. The younger the child, the less developed his imagination, which means that the more toys he needs, the more detailed the space should be organized. Therefore, in our nursery group, object toys prevail. In play activities, the tasks of the educational area "Social and communicative development" are realized, the child learns the skills of role behavior, connects plot actions with the role in the games "House", "Chauffeurs", "Hospital". In order to integrate the tasks of the educational area "Cognitive development" into the game activity, the group has board-printed games, sets of toys for wild and domestic animals, the child has the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge gained in organized educational activities through play. In the second junior group, the role-playing game "House" is combined with a family corner in it, children consolidate knowledge about family members, their kinship (the tasks of the educational areas "Social and communicative development", Cognitive development "are solved), consolidate the ability to call their names and patronymic. Through the game "Hospital", children gain basic knowledge about the profession of a doctor: his tools and labor actions, through thematic albums "Healthy Eating", "Hardening", etc. children learn the skills of a healthy lifestyle (integration of educational areas "Cognitive development", "Physical development").

In the same age group in the role-playing game "Chauffeurs", in addition to the attributes of the game, there are:

Traffic light layout, children fix in the game the semantic meaning of each color (integration into the game of the educational area "Cognitive development"),

Products of children's activities, drawings and applique works on the theme "Traffic light", "Pedestrian crossing", which indicates the integration of the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" into the game,

The game presents different types of transport: land, air, water, children consolidate their purpose, in practice the knowledge of the educational area "Cognitive development" is realized.

Children of middle preschool age are interested in the role and relationships in it. Therefore, they are interested in costumes, outfits and various accessories that emphasize not only typical features, but also the individuality of the role he has chosen, so we combined the role-playing game "Home" with the theatrical zone. In the role-playing game "House" of the middle group, there is an algorithm for table setting with the help of which the skills of those on duty in the canteen are consolidated in children, the "Cookbook", made by the hands of children, allows the pupils to consolidate the sequence of making dishes, the use of this didactic material contributes to the implementation of the tasks of educational areas "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development". With the help of the “Furniture” scheme, children consolidate their knowledge of the classification of objects, this allows integrating the task of the educational area “Cognitive development” into the game.

Older preschool children are interested in changing their roles and plots of the game. They need to have the characteristic attributes of the role - some toys and a set of items for a wide variety of uses. The older preschooler needs more space than toys. Children of this age like to have several "real" toys, as realistic as possible, with characteristic details. In the role-playing game "House" in this age group there are schemes of safe behavior in the kitchen, which indicates the integration of the tasks of educational areas "Cognitive Development" into the game. In the role-playing game "Shop" there are price tags with the image of numbers within five (integration of the tasks of the "Cognitive development" area into the game), the collage "Useful-harmful products", made by children independently in artistic and creative activities, helps to consolidate children's knowledge from the educational area "Physical development", "Cognitive development". Children play with great interest the role-playing game "Museum of Cosmos" with the help of their exhibits and a model of the planetarium (educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"), children consolidate the knowledge gained in organized educational activities, the area "Cognitive development".

The role-playing game "Travel Agency", organized in a sanatorium group, allows children to consolidate knowledge about their hometown, region (integration of the regional component into educational work), country (educational area "Cognitive Development"), favorite places to visit in the city, children depicted in drawings (educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"). In the “Fitobar” of the same group, children consolidate knowledge about medicinal herbs, thus integrating the tasks of the educational areas “Physical development”, “Cognitive development” into the game.

In the course of the study, the behavior of educators when the child shows initiative was analyzed, while it was revealed that most teachers try to manage even the independent activity of the child, directing it, as they believe, in the right direction, it was noted that children do not always show interest in that equipment, games , which were prepared for them by educators, in this regard, options for unobtrusive support by the teacher of various types of children's activities in the form of schemes, models, algorithms for different types of activities were developed, their use made it possible to reflect the principle of integrating educational areas in the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution. However, the independent activity of a preschool child balances on the fine line of jointly shared activity with an adult; without the “joint” component, it loses its cultural origin, without the “divided” component, it loses the child's initiative.

Also, the elements of the environment that stimulate the independent activity of children in preschool educational institutions may include mini-museums of "People's Life" (music hall), experimental zones (preparatory, sanatorium, middle groups), a zone of water and sand (nursery group), corners of creativity, in which the most diverse material for creativity is collected, including waste, natural. Moreover, in each group, these corners have their own content, taking into account the age of the children.

In our preschool educational institution, in order to activate the independent artistic and creative activity of children in the corner of visual activity, there are a variety of materials and equipment (see Appendix No. 3)

In each age group of our preschool educational institution, children in independent artistic activity use operational cards for modeling and drawing, manual labor (senior preschool age), application samples for consolidating the skills of visual activity acquired in organized educational activities by children in independent activity. In the senior and preparatory groups there are schemes for the safe handling of scissors (integration into the area of ​​"Artistic and aesthetic development" of the tasks of the educational area "Cognitive development"), ladders of the labor process and organization of the workplace during visual activity (integration of the area "Social and communicative development" in "Artistic and aesthetic development"). In the second junior group, pencils are ordered by color, which helps to consolidate children's knowledge of color (integration of the task of the area "Cognitive development" into "Artistic and aesthetic development").

The corners of nature in our preschool educational institution are organized in such a way that they implement the tasks of several educational areas:

Educational area "Social and communicative development" - children of middle, senior, preparatory, sanatorium groups in independent activity can engage in labor in nature, household labor, manual labor for this there are the necessary equipment, tools, labor organization schemes;

Educational area "Artistic - aesthetic" - in the corners of nature there are products of children's art: sketches of plantings, works reflecting seasonal changes in nature;

With the help of board games, models of plants, animals, birds and books, children consolidate in independent activity the knowledge gained about living and inanimate nature in organized educational activities from the field of "Cognitive Development".

To stimulate independent cognitive activity in groups (middle, senior, preparatory, sanatorium), there are experimental and experimental zones in which a variety of equipment and materials are used (see Appendix No. 4)

Equipment for theatrical activities is always in demand by children in independent activities.

At the younger preschool age, we create conditions for individual directorial games by saturating the subject-playing environment with small figurative toys (table theater, dolls, nesting dolls, animals, technical toys, designers, furniture, etc.). The teacher's participation in individual director's games is manifested in playing out everyday and fairy-tale situations (from nursery rhymes, works by V. Berestov, E. Blaginina, etc.), showing the use of role speech, onomatopoeia, drawing the child into the game, prompting replicas, explaining actions.

In the middle group, conditions are created for collective directorial games. In the subject-playing environment, in addition to figurative toys, table and finger theater, a variety of waste material appears (boards, coils, unbreakable bubbles, etc.), which contributes to the development of imagination, the ability to act with substitute objects.
The child is offered creative play tasks aimed at organizing an individual or joint director's play: complete the story shown by the teacher; come up with and show the beginning of a story that the caregiver or another child will continue.

Senior preschool age - the subject-play environment for directorial games is constructed on the basis of multifunctional play material (map-layout of the play space). Its use helps the child to come up with and act out the events that make up the plot outline, before

to pose the plot situation even before it is played out, and then to concretize it in the process of the director's game, filling it with game events. The closeness of the structure of the game and the fairytale plot makes it possible to use a literary tale as a basis for the development of the plot structure.

When organizing a subject-developing environment in group rooms, we try to move away from the generally accepted clear separation of the "study area", with the classical arrangement of double desks, and the "play area" that occupies space around the perimeter of the carpet. The fact that the "learning" area is actually a multifunctional space serving both for organized forms of interaction between adults and children (organization of classes, meals), and a convenient place for a variety of independent activities of preschoolers, is supported by our observations. Outside of class, older preschoolers use the "learning zone" as follows (see Table 1):

Table 1

Types of independent activities,
deployed by children in the "learning area"

Duration of independent activity of children
(as a percentage of the total observation time)

Productive activities (drawing, modeling, embroidery)

42 %

Story game

17,3 %

Cognitive and research activities (games with puzzles, mosaics, operating models of vehicles; finding solutions in labyrinths, missing or unnecessary images in pictures, etc.)

13,6 %

Playing with the rules

8,5 %

Construction from building materials and children's construction sets

Communication activities (communication with peers)

5,2 %


4,5 %

Viewing (reading) books

2,6 %

The analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that practically all the main cultural practices unfold at the desks, introducing preschool children to the world of culture (play activities, productive, cognitive-research, communicative, reading fiction). Consequently, the diverse use of the equipment of this zone in the free independent activity of children, as well as its use in everyday situations for organizing food and training, allows us to conclude that it is advisable to more accurately designate this polyfunctional zone as N.A. Korotkova: "working area". Further, we will also adhere to this formulation.

The study of the preferences of older preschool children in the use of thematic corners of the group room and the effectiveness of the use of materials and equipment presented in the group by children in independent activity was carried out by us in the course of a series of observations of the independent activity of children 5-7 years old, using a special observation technique developed by N. .A. Korotkova.

Observations were carried out throughout the week during the free activity of children in the morning from 10.00 to 10.30 and in the afternoon from 16.00 to 16.30. During this time period, with an interval of 5 minutes on the group map, the one-time position of all children in the group was recorded, and in individual maps, the location of children in the spatial zones and the routes of their movement in the interzonal space.

Based on the analysis of the existing pedagogical practice, we have identified ten typical spatial zones: living space (corridor, toilet, sleeping area), play corner (puppet, transport, construction), work area, cognitive center (didactic corner), book, natural, physical , musical, pictorial corners and theatrical area ("dressing-up"), the filling of which involves the storage and use of materials and equipment selected in a certain way in this space. The visits to the above zones by preschoolers were noted in the group map of movement and in the individual route of movement of each child, while the nature of the activity that the children unfolded in this group space was additionally recorded.

In the course of the study, it was found that the priority type of free independent activity of older preschool children is productive activity; almost a third of preschoolers (31%) are enthusiastically engaged in it, sitting at their desks in the working area.

The use of a special scheme for observing the use by children of the objective developmental environment of the group room made it possible to concretize the duration of the stay of all children in the group in each of the allocated zones. The table below shows the duration of stay of all children in a group in a particular zone as a percentage of the entire observation time (see Table 2).

table 2

Play corner (dollhouse, transport, builder)


Pictorial corner



Theater-lized zone

Book corner

Sports corner



47,8 %








The subsequent analysis of the duration of stay and the content of the activities of children in the group zones contributed to the identification of the most demanded and ignored spatial zones of the group room.

It was found that "centers of concentration" of children's interests are manifested in the choice of a place by children to participate in certain activities and the use of materials and equipment presented in the group. In a number of cases, these centers do not coincide with the thematic corners (zones) traditionally highlighted in the pedagogical literature.

Spatial “centers of concentration” of interests and preferences of older preschool children

Thematic corners (zones)

Preferred activity
children in the area

game Zone
(shelves and racks near the carpet with shaped toys (dolls, plush animals), transport, dishes, sets of small figures of people and animals, fairy-tale characters)

story game using building material

work zone
(tables or desks and chairs)

productive activity (drawing)

The most popular among preschoolers 5 - 7 years old is the play area. Organizing independent activity in it, children most actively use objects and toys presented in the building and puppet corners.

Girls play with the greatest interest with small dolls, boys - with sets of small figures of soldiers and robots. Children, regardless of gender, prefer games with LEGO-type constructors, from which mini-models are built on the carpet or at the workplace: a bridge, a gas station, a parking lot, a stage for a puppet theater. In addition, older preschoolers show an increased interest in games with flexible plastic constructors, which make it possible to create objects - operations with rounded shapes (space blaster, flying saucer, cell phone, binoculars, etc.) or role-playing attributes (bracelet, crown, belt, spider-man's web, etc.).

The working area is very actively used by older preschool children as a place for individual and subgroup independent games and classes with materials of various types. In most cases observed in the working area, children 5-7 years old use materials and toys stored in thematic corners, located mainly nearby on shelves or racks.

Along with the "centers of concentration" of interests and preferences of preschoolers (play, work areas) in the group space, we identified unclaimed areas, which should include the musical, physical culture, natural, book corners and theatrical area, despite the materials and equipment available in them. , are practically not used by children in meaningful independent activity.

The main reasons for the lack of demand for these zones in older preschoolers include the following:

Staticity and uniformity of materials. The teacher ceases to draw the attention of children to the materials presented in the "decorated" corners, or introduces additional, convenient for him, rules for use. For example, the ban on moving toys and decorations to the tabletop theater from the shelf on which they are stored contributes to the extinction of children's interest in this type of equipment and ignoring it in free independent activities. The rare change of materials in thematic corners also causes the children to be satiated with their content and unwillingness to use them in their activities;

Inconsistency of equipment and materials with age capabilities and actual interests of children. For example, flags and sultans stored in a sports corner are used mainly in morning exercises; hats and medallions to designate the roles of characters in outdoor games of a plot nature in the free activities of preschool children are practically not used. Storing figurative and symbolic materials (pictures and illustrations) in a book corner in folders with ties prevents children from looking at them. The absence in the group assortment of the book corner of art albums for viewing, children's high-quality illustrated books for independent reading and perception of the visual range also does not help to attract the attention of children to the objects of this thematic zone;

Direct verbal ("Put the metallophone in its place - you are making a lot of noise") or an unspoken ban on the possibility of using materials and equipment of the corners in free independent activity. This suppresses the motivation of children to use them. The need for prior agreement with the educator on the possibility of children using drawing materials stored in the pictorial corner leads to the fact that in independent activities children use materials brought from home, which are stored in their individual drawer of the table;

The aesthetic unattractiveness of materials, their dilapidation and obsolescence, as well as the uniformity of their possible use, do not stimulate children's interest in their use in free activity.

In the course of individual conversations with children, it was found that 28.8% of the surveyed preschoolers call the carpet a favorite place in the group space for independent games and classes as a multifunctional zone in which they play, work with a designer, and communicate with their peers.

The second most attractive 24% of pupils call the working area, around which a sufficient number of various play, cognitive and productive materials are concentrated, allowing children to realize their interest in quiet types of activities: looking at books, playing with mosaics, designing, drawing, participating in story games with small toys etc.

When asked what the children would like to change in their group, most often there were suggestions about the need to purchase additional toys ("more toys", "well, there are new cars to buy", "toys need new ones, with radio control"), as well as concerning the renovation of the interior design of the group room (“glue other wallpaper”, “rearrange the cabinets in the group”, “buy new cars, sofas”, “to make it fun and funny, more beautiful, paint the walls in different colors”).

Analyzing the above, it should be noted that our study of the effectiveness of the use of the object-spatial environment of group rooms by children of older preschool age allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

Rigid zoning of the subject-spatial environment of the group room into corners and isolated thematic zones, which prescribes the use of materials and equipment in a strictly defined place and in a given way, does not provide for the possibility of its versatile and creative use by children in free independent activity;

The static and inert nature of the subject environment, the cumbersome and unbearable furniture, its fastening "tightly" to the floor or walls, does not allow changing the group space in accordance with the objectives of the educational process and actual children's interests.

The next important condition for the development of children's independent activity is the connection between the preschool educational institution and the family. Parents must create all conditions for the child to show independence.

At the parent meeting in the middle age group, the educator (Mikheeva O.V.) made a presentation of the art corner, the literary and theater center, told the parents about the conditions created in the kindergarten for the development of the artistic and creative abilities of children. Parents, in turn, shared their experience of family education on this issue, a slide show was presented on the topic "Creating conditions for the artistic development of children in the family." It is important for the child to feel like an active member of a small, close team. Getting acquainted with the methods of upbringing in kindergarten, parents should monitor the content of TV programs and how much time the baby spends in front of the TV. Everything that the child observes outside the kindergarten and receives in the process of communicating with parents, brothers, sisters, is also reflected in their drawings, modeling, stories, song, dance, play creativity. Bright characters from puppet shows, cartoons, children's programs, which children watch on television or listen to on the radio at home, and then portray in their own way, have a particularly strong effect on a child.

At the parent meeting, the teacher explained to the parents that the parents' interest in art contributes to the development of interest in children, which, in turn, is reflected in their independent manifestations. The child sees, for example, how a father or mother is engaged in music, the visual arts, together with them he visits museums, theaters, and the impressions received are not

transforms into his own artistic activity. New themes appear in his drawings, new melodies heard in singing, in conversations: stories about what he saw. Children very emotionally convey everything they saw themselves. The richer the impressions received by the child in the family, the more interesting and richer his independent activity. Therefore, parents should create all conditions for the child to manifest independent activity, in every possible way encourage his desire to do, for example, drawing, help organize a puppet show, and take part in this. If, not only in kindergarten, but also at home, adults encourage and support the child's creative inclinations, then they will develop successfully.

The child often takes a great interest in one particular activity. However, even special abilities develop better in conditions of a wide variety of activities that require physical, artistic, and mental actions.

In the parental corner of the sanatorium group (tutors TP Kryuchkova, LP Radionova) a stand with photographs on the theme: "Creating conditions in kindergarten for physical activity of children in independent activity" was arranged. At the parent meeting, held in the form of a "round table", teachers held a master class for parents on the manufacture of non-standard equipment, which they can make together with children so that the child can realize himself on the move at home. The teachers told the parents how important physical activity is for the growing body of the child. According to modern research, children move half as much as the age limit. Obviously not enough attention is paid to the independent motor activity of children. The teachers explained to the parents that, along with the factory allowances, it is advisable to use equipment from waste material and showed how it can be made.

Taking into account the age specifics, a parent meeting was held in the preparatory group on the topic "The importance of independence in teaching a child at school." A primary school teacher was invited to the meeting in order to show continuity in the approaches to this problem of kindergarten and school. During the meeting, parents received answers to the questions: “Does the student need independence and what is it? Teachers led parents to the conclusion that the earlier children learn to be independent, the easier it will be for them to learn. Parents were shown an open event with their children, where they demonstrated the skills of independent activity acquired in kindergarten.

In an early age group at a parent meeting, parents watched a flash video on the topic “This is what we have learned,” parents learned what self-care skills the children learned during the school year. The teachers, together with their parents, discussed what independence consists of, what it looks like, how to distinguish independence from stubbornness.

Close contact between the educator and the parents is important in organizing the conditions for the formation of the child's creative inclinations in kindergarten and at home. Parents should take into account the recommendations of educators, talk about the interests of their child, his games at home. This is how connections are established between various forms of organizing children's activities.

OUTPUT: for the development of independent children's activity, it is not enough to confine oneself only to the creation of appropriate material conditions. It is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: support for children's activities, providing children with sufficient time and freedom of action, integrating their knowledge from various educational areas into independent children's activities, organizing meaningful organized educational activities, interacting with the preschool educational institution and the family on the designated problem, as well as the emotional comfort of the child in DOE. At the preschool level of education, the formation of independent children's activity contributes to the formation of an educational motive and the future academic success of such children.


  1. Selection of materials and equipment for a kindergarten in modern conditions / N.A. Korotkov. - M .: Education, 2009 - 202 p.
  2. Materials and equipment for productive activity / T.N. Doronov. - M .: Education, 2007. - 176 p.
  3. Educational process in groups of older preschool children / N.A. Korotkov. - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 2007 .-- 208 p.
  4. I play !: conditions for the development of the first amateur plot games of kids: a guide for educators and parents / E.V. Zvorygin. - M .: Education, 2007 .-- 112 p.
  5. Materials and equipment for cognitive research / T.N. Doronov. - M .: Education, 2008 - 96 p.
  6. Kindergarten invites! - M .: - LINKA-PRESS, 2002.-144 p.
  7. Growing up playing: middle and senior preschool age: A guide for educators and parents / V.A. Fidget. –M .: Education, 2003. - 94 p.
  8. Children's art / T.S. Komarov. - M .: Mosaika-synthesis, 2005.0120s.
  9. Game activity in kindergarten. / N.F. Gubanov. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006. - 128 p.
  10. Labor education in kindergarten / TS Komarova.- Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.-48 p.
  11. 11. Musical education in kindergarten. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005 .-- 88 p.




In the younger groups, there are sets of 5 pencils (red, blue, green, yellow, black).

In the middle group of 6 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, black, brown).

In the older groups, orange, purple, dark red, pink, blue, light green are added.

In the younger groups, the pencils are round. For older children, soft graphite pencils are recommended.


For painting with paints, round, hair brushes with fine and elastic bristles. Brushes are distinguished by numbers. C No. 1-8 are thin, with No. 8-16 thick. Children of younger groups are advised to give brushes no. 12-14. Such a brush, pressed against the paper, leaves a bright, clearly visible mark, facilitates the transfer of the object's shape.

From the middle group, children use both thin and thick brushes.

PAINTS: for drawing children use two types of water paints - gouache and watercolor. For preschool children, opaque paints are most convenient - gouache. Gouache must be diluted to the thickness of liquid sour cream, so that it stays on the brush and does not drip from it. Watercolors are used by children of the senior and preparatory groups.

PAPER: in the younger group, we give paper the size of a writing sheet for drawing, which corresponds to the span of a child's hand. For children of the middle group and older groups, half a sheet of paper can be used to depict individual objects, but you can also use a whole sheet. For plot drawing, we give a larger format paper. Preparing paper for drawing, the teacher takes into account the structure and size of the depicted object. For toning paper, gouache and watercolors and thick soft brushes are used. It is very convenient for this to use flat paint brushes - flutes.

We also use for our own children's artistic activities: pressed charcoal, sanguine, pastel, colored wax crayons, felt-tip pens.

COAL - it is a large stem 10-12cm long with a diameter of 5-8mm. It is small, brittle, crumbly and dirty and should be wrapped in foil. Charcoal leaves a matte black mark on the paper. It is better to work with coal on fluffy paper that retains coal dust, for example, on wallpaper, wrapping paper, drawing paper. You can fix the charcoal drawing with slightly sweetened water, applied to the paper with light vertical movements using a cotton swab.

SANGINA - pressed in the form of sticks (without a wooden frame) natural clay containing anhydrous brown iron oxide. It is good to use it to depict bushes, trees, animals, a person onalready prepared background.

COLORED WAX BELLS - look like colored rods. The advantage of these is that they can give a line of almost pencil thickness. Therefore, drawing with wax crayons is done without using a simple pencil.

COLORFUL FINE - are used for drawing on the board in their free time. To erase chalk from the board, you need to have two rags - dry and slightly damp. Dry eliminate mistakes, and wet at the end they erase the drawing from the board.


Children use plasticine. Plasticine is an artificial plastic mass made from clay, wax, lard, paints and other additives. It is soft and mobile, does not harden for a long time, but softens and melts when the temperature rises. It is not recommended to knead it in your hands for a long time before sculpting. Before working with plasticine, it is slightly warmed up by placing the boxes closer to the heat source.

In older groups, children use stacks, children sculpt on plastic boards, they are easier to wash and during sculpting allow you to turn the work, as it is convenient for the child.


Children use:

Flat boxes for ready-made forms, paper, paper scraps,

Oilcloth for spreading forms with glue,


Jars for paste with low edges,

Brush stands,

Bristle brushes,

· Scissors with blunt ends (levers length 18cm).

White and colored paper of various grades is used for application work, and thicker paper for the background.

All materials for children's independent art activities are sorted and stacked in order, each in a certain place.


Equipment and materials for independent experimental research activities


1. Transparent and opaque containers.

2. Measuring spoons, strainers, funnels of different sizes.

3. Pipettes, plastic syringes (without needles).

4. Rubber pears of different sizes.

5. Plastic, rubber tubes.

6. Wooden sticks, spatulas, spatulas.

7. Plastic containers.

8. Roulette, ruler, magnet.

9. Scales, compass, hourglass, flashlight, candles, thermometer.

10. Oilcloth aprons, brushes, scoops.

11. Magnifiers, mirrors, magnets.

12. Diagrams of stages of work, pre-prepared cards for

independent research activities.

Material to be researched

1. Food grade materials: sugar, salt, flour, coffee, tea, activated


2. Soluble aromatic substances (bath salts, baby

Shampoos, bath foam).

3. Iodine, manganese, brilliant greens, gouache, watercolor.

4. Natural materials: pebbles, acorns, tree bark, twigs,

chalk, soil, clay, seeds, cones, feathers, shells, shells


5. Waste material: paper of different texture and color, foam rubber, pieces of fabric, fur, cork, cotton wool, napkins, threads, rubber

Task 1. Help "Organization of the work of a preschool institution"

Full name of the institution, its type: MADOU "Kindergarten №233 - School of Knights and Princesses"

The address of the institution: Perm st. Podlesnaya, 21/2

Founder and departmental affiliation: Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Perm.

The contingent of children in the preschool educational institution: 102 children.

Acquisition of groups: 5 groups.

The composition of the preschool educational institution: 20 employees.

Educational level of the teaching staff:

· Higher education - 77%;

· Secondary vocational - 23%.

Qualification of the teaching staff:

· Not certified - 22%.

Opening hours of the preschool educational institution: 8:00 - 20:00

Functions of preschool educational institutions: education of preschool children

The purpose of the DOE: To be the Inspirators and Helpers for our children, parents and partners in the self-expression of their Talents and Individuals.

The tasks of the preschool educational institution: Help the children understand all the features of gender ("social gender"), learn to appreciate and use different character traits (both in oneself and in others), organize suitable plot games and, of course, maintain an individual approach to each student.

Preschool services:

1. Co-Creation of Light;

2. Buffet for knights and princesses;

3. Pies for knights and princesses;

4. "Pearls of Belogorie";

5. Sunny weekend;

6. Tutor program "Special child";

7. Montessori school for children 1-3 years old.

The main program documentation (list): "From childhood to adolescence".

Main regulatory documents (list):

· Certificate of accreditation with attachments;

· Charter of MADOU No. 233;

· Municipal assignment;

· Certificate of state. registration;

· Resolution on the approval of the new charter;

· Plan of financial and economic activities - 2011-2013;

· License.

The name of the early age group: the "Solar" group, the short-stay group.

Surname, name, patronymic of educators-mentors: Domnina Marina Nikolaevna.

Mentor education: Higher.

Work experience with young children: 3 years

Number of children in the group: 20

The age of children at the time of admission to the preschool educational institution: from 1.5 years to 2.5 years.

Age of children at the time of practice: from 2-3 years.

Group attendance this year: 100%

Group morbidity: 70%

Complex program: "From childhood to adolescence" 2007.

Partial programs: "Health" V.G. Alyamovskaya, the Musical Director uses the program "Kid" V.А. Petrova.

The list of pedagogical documentation maintained in the group: a long-term work plan, a work schedule, adaptation maps, morning, evening filter, a walk log, an observation log (for individual work.

Task 2. Organization of independent activities of children

Part 1. Analysis "Conditions for the organization of independent activities of children in a group room"

The group includes the following play centers:

1. Tables and next to them open shelves with books - designed for quiet board-didactic games. These are games that contribute to the mental development of children and the development of fine motor skills, such as: laying out mosaics, pyramids, nesting dolls, board games. For example, a board game: "What kind of children did mom lose?", "Let's help the girl get neat." For the game "What kids did mom lose?" there are large pictures with the image of a cow, chicken, dog and small - with the image of calves, chickens, puppies. and other board games: "Who needs what?" Large pictures depict people of professions familiar to children: janitor, postman, hairdresser, salesman, doctor, etc. Small pictures are attached to them depicting certain objects, tools, characteristic of each type of work. It is necessary to determine that the janitor needs a broom, a shovel, a doctor - a thermometer, a white coat, etc. In another game for a girl who is wearing one shoe, they are looking for a second; for uncombed - a comb, etc.; folding cubes (4 parts) depicting simple objects that differ in shape and color. For example, different vegetables and fruits: orange, pear, carrot, beet; dominoes with pictures.

2. There is also a fine art corner for the development of visual skills, creativity, imagination of children, for the organization of joint and independent activities of children. It is equipped with the following manuals and materials:

Wooden board and colored crayons to it;

Wax pencils;

Colored pencils in jars by color and paper;

Didactic guide "Settle in your house" - by color.

3. A corner with a building material, including a variety of volumetric shapes: cubes, cylinders, bars, etc., plastic constructors from various building parts.

4. A wardrobe with open shelves on which various plot-shaped toys are presented: dolls, soft toys, large plastic toys depicting animals, cars.

5. Play area "machine park", which is represented by the following toys: trucks and cars, a crane, a tractor, a fire truck.

6. The play area "home", which is represented by the "room" is a bed, table, chair, ironing board, iron, blanket, doll, wardrobe with doll clothes, telephone, clock and "kitchen" is a stove, a set of dishes, a set products, washing machine.

7. Play area "Shop", a panel with a picture of vegetables and fruits, cash register, bags.

8. Play area "Hospital" - doctor's dressing gown, accessories for the doctor.

9. Play area "Hairdresser" - mirror, toy hair dryer, various tubes and other accessories.

10. Sports corner - a set of balls, hoops, rolling toys, skittles. Oversized toys such as cars, rolling horses, jump ropes.

11. The musical corner is represented by the following attributes: a tape recorder with a set of cassettes of children's songs, metallophones, balalaikas, tambourines, a keyboard drawn on cardboard, rattles, an accordion.

12. The theater corner is represented by cut-out painted figures that depict the heroes of folk tales: "Ryaba Chicken", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip"; theatrical costumes: a pilot, a sailor, or animal hats: a lamb, a bunny, etc.

The play centers in the group, in my opinion, are located rationally. For example, there is a book corner and a board game corner next to tables and chairs where children can sit down and work out.

The building material is located in an area where a carpet is laid and there is a lot of space for buildings, there is a car park nearby, where you can take a car for transporting goods or to build a garage or a road for it, as well as various figurative toys.

The "kitchen" area is located next to the "room" and "hospital" areas. Children's access to play equipment is free.

The placement of materials in play centers has not changed for two weeks. Dining tables are used for temporary placement of visual arts corner materials.

Part 2. Analysis "Conditions for the organization of independent activities of children in a group walking area and the composition of portable material"

The group site has:

House (3 windows; there is a bench and a table);

Sandbox (large, roomy, there is a border for children to sit or make "Easter cakes");


Large veranda;

Swing rocking chair.

Table "Conditions for the organization of independent activities of children on the walking area"

Kind of activity

Name of equipment, external material

Location, its appropriateness

Compliance with hygienic and aesthetic requirements


Buckets, scoops, molds, rakes, brooms, watering cans,

Leading. Activity

In a separate box next to the sandbox. Involvement in labor.

corresponds to

Physical education

Balls of different sizes, rolling cars, pins.

Physical development, the ability to navigate in space

corresponds to


Jars, boxes, bottles, sticks, natural material

Development of the symbolic function of thinking.

corresponds to


Crayons, plasticine, pencils

Striving for self-expression

corresponds to


Carriages, dolls, appliances, dishes, cart, animals.

For game action

corresponds to

Thus, the subject-spatial environment corresponds to the age of the children. Children calmly find objects and toys necessary for games. Without interfering with other children, which ensures smooth, calm communication between children and adults. The conflicts that arise between children, because of the toy, are quickly "eliminated". Educators teach children to share, not take away, negotiate. All this is done in an even, balanced tone. Thus, without suppressing the child's psyche and creating a comfortable climate in the group.

For a more developing environment in the group, you can bring in more toys such as: "rustling", "earbuds", "lacing", in order to develop the fine motor skills of the hands of children. Games and toys are also needed to develop color and shape.

The independent activity of children in the third year of life is diverse: plot-role, construction, didactic games, objective activity, movements, orientational cognitive activity, observation, viewing books, pictures, visual activity, manifestation of elements of labor in the form of self-service, performing practical instructions of an adult.

For the correct organization of independent children's activities, the teacher must first of all observe a number of general conditions:

1. Free enough time for working. This can be achieved only under the condition of methodologically correct organization of regime processes, if the principle of gradualness is strictly observed. This frees up more time for the child's independent activity.

2. Create adequate room for movement and environment for all other activities.

3. Ensure the selection of material for children of the third year of life in all types of activities. Game material needs to be changed from time to time, which increases interest in it and promotes better use. So, if the teacher sees that the children have stopped playing with a large builder or pyramids, it is advisable to remove these toys for a while.

4. Correctly arrange the play material in the group room. For each type of activity, it is imperative to allocate a certain place: children should know well where this or that material is stored, where to get the desired toy and where to put it after playing. However, this does not mean at all that kids should play only in those places of the group room where this material is located. Taking a toy, kids can act with it anywhere, but the teacher must make sure that the child is comfortable playing, that other children do not interfere with him and that this place is convenient for this type of activity. If the kid took small building material and began to study with him on the floor, where other children play with large toys, it is better for him to play at the table, but, which should be mandatory, ask after the game to put everything in the designated place. This teaches the baby to order.

5. During the activity, it is advisable that at this age stage the educator uses individual communication with the child; at the same time, he can use such a method of influence that is more consistent with the level of development and the individual characteristics of the baby.

6. It is necessary to ensure the correct management of all activities.

Leading the independent activities of children, the educator directs his attention, first of all, to keeping all the kids busy and in a cheerful, calm state. Depending on their behavior and mood, the teacher determines with which of the children and what exactly it is advisable to do at the moment. It is especially important to direct the activities of those who practice with insufficient interest, play primitively for their age, monotonous or unstable. The active participation of the teacher is also needed by children who, although they can play with interest, they need help, advice, guidance from an adult. For example, a child begins to build something, makes a floor, but it does not work. The teacher shows how best to put the cubes and which shape to choose for overlapping. But, helping the child to cope with the task, the teacher should take into account that in this age period of the child's development, he should not be given ready-made recipes for action, as was done in the previous group: he must encourage the child to perform a familiar action, figure out how to work faster and better.

Let's dwell on some methodological instructions for guiding a story-driven game.

In order for the plot game to be diverse in its content, it is necessary to have toys, various attributes that would help the child reflect his impressions. In the practice of children's institutions, the material is often located in the form of ready-made plot corners (plot corner for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop, etc.). Such an arrangement of manuals for the development of plot games at this age stage is unsuccessful, since it does not take into account the changes that occur in the development of the child in the third year of life. Everything has already been thought out for him, certain plots have been given and the necessary material has been completely selected. Therefore, children often play monotonously, uninteresting, the plots are repeated from day to day.

So how do you place the manuals on the premises of the group?

In the group room, where there is large furniture (table, chairs, beds, a closet for storing clean dishes), it is necessary to allocate space for story games. Here you can place a wardrobe for dolls (it changes depending on the season), a stove, a sofa on which the dolls will be located, and other plot toys. In this part of the room, children can play with toys, displaying various everyday scenes. It is also a good idea to install an open closet or rack for various toys or attributes here. For example, to play the store, you will need scales, some vegetables, fruits (you can use toys or dummies), handbags, baskets or other equipment, for example, to play doctor. This material is replenished depending on the enrichment of children with impressions, new knowledge.

Children need a variety of experiences to develop story play. Children's experiences are replenished on thematic excursions, during observations (in the doctor's office, in the kitchen, at the work of a janitor, nanny in a group). During excursions and observations, the teacher draws the attention of the kids to the main, essential. Thus, he helps the child not only to remember what he sees, but also to understand the relationship between actions, in the relationship of adults. The impressions received provide the child with material for new story games.

As in the second year of life, an important means for enriching the content of the game are demonstrations-dramatizations specially organized by the educator. They help children understand the good deeds and actions of people. For example, having staged a performance "Stubborn lambs" (they did not want to make way for each other across the bridge and therefore fell into the water), the teacher contrasts the shown behavior of two girls - Masha and Dasha: they also walked across the bridge, but made way for each other and overcame the obstacle safely ... The storyline for such performances can be fairy tales with the participation of toys familiar to kids. This expands the possibilities of their use in everyday games.

To enrich story games, you can use toy models, for example, a winter plot: winter, dolls sculpt a snow woman, sledding, skiing downhill; or mock-ups that are made for the holidays: smart dolls ride cars with balloons and flags.

It is useful to consider the models together with the children, talk about where the smart dolls go, etc. Joint games between the teacher and the children are an effective method of enriching their activities. While playing with kids, the teacher maintains their interest in the game, trying to complicate its content. If he sees that one of the children is playing inactively, remains indifferent, sits down next to him, asks questions during the game, evokes memories, stimulates the reproduction of past impressions. This not only lengthens and enriches the game, but also exercises the baby's memory. The teacher's questions cause children to talk, and this, in turn, has a positive effect on the formation of speech. Or, for example, a teacher sees how a child ties his hand with a bandage, but he is not good at it, and now he is ready to quit this business without reaching the goal. The teacher, referring to the baby, says: "I am a doctor, let me treat you." He carefully examines the hand, wipes it with cotton wool, bandages. Then he offers: “Go ask the guys if somebody’s doll is sick, I’ll fly”. By his actions, the teacher brings the child to the role-playing game.

Communicating with children in the game and directing their actions, the teacher does this with great care, sensitive to the interests of the kids. It is impossible to interfere with the emergence of their independent play, the participation of an adult in it should in no case turn into coaching.

A special place in the independent activity of children of the third year of life is occupied by plot games with building material. At this age, children can be given all kinds of existing kits and all forms of building material. The group should have a large building material from which the kids build buildings on the floor, as well as medium and small, with which they study at the table. Playing with building materials, the child consolidates and improves the skills that he acquired in the second year of life. In addition, children of the third year of life are brought to the plot construction, taught to build. This type of activity is also used to familiarize the child with the shape of objects, for the development of spatial relationships. Therefore, the teacher's guidance in the children's play with this material is important and necessary. For example, a teacher creates different structures in the presence of children, then combines them into a plot structure. While working, he plans his actions out loud, explains what he is going to build: he organizes the work so that the children help him, choose the right shape. Guiding the games of the kids, the educator clarifies their ideas about the shape and size of objects, maintains interest in building material, offering to make the structures necessary for the game. For example, a child is playing at the zoo. The teacher clarifies whether he knows where the animals live, what can be built for them. Together they decide: it is necessary to make a house out of cubes. It is advisable to supplement the sets of building material with toys (dolls, animals, birds), various attributes for decorating buildings (flags, stars, Christmas trees, etc.).

At the end of the game, children are taught to remove building material in a closet or put it on racks in accordance with the shape. Such storage helps to keep it always in order. In addition, the child gains an understanding of the shape of objects.

Along with building material, children of this age can be given and simple constructors, with the help of which the child can make simple objects, for example, a house from the parts of the constructor, which are connected by means of adhesion, etc. If, while acting with the constructor, the child finds it difficult to do something, there is no need to rush to his aid. But if a child cannot do without an adult, without doing absolutely everything for him, it is necessary to show and explain to him what can be done from the details and why exactly so that in the future he can solve a similar problem himself.

For the development of independent activities of children, it is of great importance observation. Through observation, kids get to know the properties of objects, their shape, size, color. Objects of observation can be animals in a group, fish in an aquarium, plants, paintings depicting landscapes, flowers (they need to be changed from time to time). By examining the environment with the children, the educator awakens in them a desire to observe on their own. If the educator sees that the child is observing something, he must be supported, help him see the main, essential thing in the observed object or phenomenon. At the same time, kids can ask questions, which will indicate the level of their cognitive activity.

It is useful to give for independent use to kids didactic games. While playing, the child clarifies the knowledge of the properties of objects - color, shape, size. After that, the kids successfully assemble the pyramid in shape and size. Children from 2 to 2.5 years old can be given pyramids of 6-8 rings, children from 2.5 to 3 years old - a pyramid of 8-10 (12) rings and even curly pyramids.

Toddlers love to play with nesting dolls. In the first half of the year (between the ages of 2 and 2.5 years) they collect and disassemble 4-5-seat toys, and in the second half of the year - 6-7-seat toys.

With enthusiasm, the kids are engaged with geometric mosaic. For independent study with her, children are given samples of simple drawings of geometric shapes. When drawing according to a model, the child should be guided by shape and color. So, playing, he consolidates the knowledge of the properties of the object.

The group should have game material, different in color. Place the toys so that the kids can use them. The teacher helps the children organize the game. For example, the box contains various items of basic colors: mushrooms, balls, sticks, rings. Colored plaques of the same colors are given to them. Taking a manual for the game, the child must himself put these objects on the boards of the corresponding colors.

For exercises in the perception and memorization of basic colors, you need to have toys, objects painted in these colors. For example, dolls should have red and yellow dresses, bears should have blue pants, and other dolls should have red kerchiefs. The building material should also have different colors. During independent activity, children can be offered, for example, the following task: "Let's take a close look, and what do we have in the group of red, yellow, green or blue?" Such tasks contribute to the development of orientation in the environment in children, observation.

Children are of great interest in independent play folding cubes: from their parts you can assemble a whole item. Children from 2 to 2.5 years old can be given from 2 to 4 parts, children from 2.5 to 3 years old - up to 6 parts. The pictures should show objects and their parts well known to babies so that they can put the whole object together.

In independent activity, the child uses a variety of lotto(Lotto for kids, botanical, zoological, Lotto Transport, Furniture, Dishes). These games were used in the class and the children know what to do.

In work with children of the third year of life, they widely use books, series of pictures to educate the ability to independently use a book, pictures. Examining images, telling about them, carefully, carefully treating books, after considering putting them back in place - the educator solves all these tasks by organizing the child's independent activity. The choice of storage location for books and pictures should be taken into account especially carefully. The place should be calm, bright, so that other children would not interfere with the kid who wants to take up the book. Books are stored on a shelf or in a closet so that they can be freely taken. For independent study, children are given those books and pictures that were used in the lesson and are familiar to them. But it is quite natural that it is possible to offer for independent use what the kids are not familiar with. In this case, the content of illustrations in a book or pictures should be such that, having a certain experience, the child can navigate in it himself, for example, thematic albums (furniture, clothes, dishes, vegetables, fruits, etc.). We must strive to ensure that children talk more while looking at the illustrations. If the educator sees that the child's interest in the book has disappeared, it is necessary either to get involved and support the child's interest with his participation, or to switch him to another type of activity. But it is to the book that the child should have a special attitude from the very beginning, and this completely depends on the adult.

To consolidate skills visual activity in the third year of life, the child can only be given chalk and a board for independent use. It is impractical to use pencils and plasticine, since children still do not have a stable attitude to the use of this material, therefore, without the attention of the educator, kids can use it for other purposes. The group should have a wall or portable board with legs.

In the independent activity of the child, a special place should be occupied by actions that contribute to the formation of elementary labor activity, mostly related to self-service and some errands. The kid does them with great pleasure. But the assignment should not be offered to the child in order to just keep him busy. It should be one of the means of labor education, as well as contribute to solving the problems of developing orientational reactions and speech. When giving an assignment to a child, it is necessary to make sure that the baby is able to complete it, since at this age stage children are often distracted and forget about the task. It is necessary to select such assignments for the child, in the implementation of which he will need to make an effort, to think about how to act. A variety of verbal instructions are useful: “go tell me”, “go call me”, etc. They contribute to the development of communication with peers and with adults.

A large place in the independent activity of children of the third year of life is occupied by movement, but even at this age the child gets tired of their monotony. Children cannot walk, run, or move monotonously for a long time. There are many tools for developing movement. For this purpose, they use regime and hygienic processes, attract children to participate in the work of adults, give various feasible assignments - to bring or take something. Such techniques expand the orientation of children in the environment, complicate and diversify their activities, and increase physical activity.

But a particularly effective means of developing a child's movements is the game. During the game, the baby is provided with conditions for movement both in the group and on the site. There should be enough space in the playroom where children can run freely, play ball and other outdoor games. The group should have toys that encourage children to move: balls of different sizes, wide hoops, tricycles, all kinds of carts, toy cars, small boards, boxes. This is especially important when children, for whatever reason, do not walk in the area. In the group room, if space permits, or in some other room, you can allow the kids to ride a bike (under the supervision of an adult), play ball, asking the child not to throw it aimlessly, but to be caught by one of the children or an adult, and show what movements need to be done.

On the site there should be special aids - hexagons, ladders, boards of various widths, devices for playing ball, so that during walks children can move sufficiently and variedly: develop coordination of general movements, learn to overcome small obstacles, go up and down stairs in alternating steps, coordinate your movements with the movements of other children.

Exercise aids should be stored outside the group premises.

The creation of conditions for all types of activity, the correct guidance of the educator with independent children's games contribute to the mental development and formation of the child's personality.