Mental health is the basis of full development. Complete home development of the child

Organization: Kindergarten No. 1

Location: Voronezh region, Gribanovsky village

Today, society and the state set many tasks for a modern kindergarten. One of them is the full development of the child's personality. But it is impossible to achieve this task without interaction with the family. Yes, and kindergarten, today, it is difficult to do without the support of parents, without their participation. In turn, the full development of the child, his correct and good upbringing is possible only with the close cooperation of parents with the educational organization. From practice it can be seen that the involvement of the family in the educational process helps to improve the emotional well-being of children, enrich the educational experience of parents and increase parental and pedagogical competence.

Every educator should begin their work by building trusting relationships with parents. Only by joint efforts can one educate a person who has a thirst for knowledge, knows how to enjoy life and sympathize with another, a person who can do anything!

Interaction should be based on the principles of joint activities of educators, parents and children. At the same time, the goal, both for the family and for society, should be the development of the personality of the child.

There are many forms of organizing and conducting joint leisure activities of the educator and parents. One of these forms is holding competitions and entertainment in kindergarten together with parents. Organizing joint events is a good activity to work with parents. When parents see how and how a child lives in a group, they begin to better understand their child, see the problems that he faces, notice and are proud of his successes. All these nuances in everyday life at home are not visible. Modern life has turned into a constant rush, into a "chase", the attention of parents is focused on where and how to earn as much money as possible. After a hard day at work, they want to sit in peace and quiet, and have a little rest and escape from pressing problems. Thus, almost completely excluding the possibility of a joint favorable pastime with your child. They do not want to draw, design and craft, read books, watch cartoons with their child. And instead, they take their children to circles, instead of being with them together, learning about their interests and experiences. Another problem follows from this - children do not see what knowledge, skills and abilities their parents have. Our task, as a teacher, is to competently and interestingly organize a joint business for children and parents. A prerequisite for organizing such meetings should be that children and parents leave the event in a good mood.

When organizing leisure activities with parents, you can always provide such an opportunity as a joint solution of logical problems or a task that requires the development of joint tactics. With this option, parents have the opportunity to exchange experiences, learn interesting skills from each other. Parents also have the opportunity to see their child from a different angle, rejoice at his success and help get out of a difficult situation.

Each kindergarten traditionally celebrates the Autumn Festival, Mother's Day, New Year, March 8, Summer Festival. But the life of children in the garden becomes more interesting if you organize holidays to which parents are invited not only as spectators, but also as participants.

It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to hold parent-child holidays. We compose scenarios in such a way that parents become direct participants in the holiday. Our parents play different roles: they were both Carlsons and Santa Clauses, and "Mom - Goat" and many others. Our parents willingly take part in various dramatizations, in mathematical KVN, competitions, both individually and in families. On holidays they read poetry, sing songs, dance, play musical instruments. We also actively involve parents in the design of the hall, photographing children, video filming of all events. In our opinion, this is cooperation with parents through joint activities.

Family and kindergarten are two educational aspects in a child's life, each of which socializes him in his own way, but only in combination with each other they create the best conditions for the full development of the child's personality, his entry into the big world - the world of adult relationships.

As a result of such cooperation, misunderstanding and distrust of parents gradually disappear. There is a mutual understanding of parent-child relationships and positive interaction between parents and educators. But this is a very long, complex process that requires patience and strength to achieve the goal.

Mathematical KVN between mothers and children in a preparatory group for school.

Program content: to develop the desire of children to compete with adults; logical thinking of children; the ability to solve logical and mathematical problems to consolidate children's knowledge of the composition of the number 10; develop the ability to work together.

Equipment: masks with numbers, "wonderful boxes" with geometric shapes; cube with numbers; tea house; 3 dolls; rug with seven clearings; fake gingerbread; music Center.


Educator. Hello dear mothers, hello guys. Today our meeting promises to be very interesting. I suggest that you and your children play mathematical KVN. And who knows what the letters KVN stand for? (answers).

The theme of our KVN is “And the country of Mathematics is beautiful and strong.” Two teams are participating in KVN today: the “Moms” team and the “Children” team.

KVN, as you already said, is a club of cheerful and resourceful people, so you shouldn't be bored today. Be attentive, resourceful and answer all questions. For each correctly completed task you will receive medals.

And our competent jury will evaluate your answers:

Head of the kindergarten, deputy for teaching and educational work, senior educator.

Well friends. Today we have

Special, unusual day

We have prepared a fun

And interesting KVN

And so that this KVN

Liked by everyone

You need to show solid knowledge,

Be cheerful and resourceful.

Educator. Why do you think a person needs to know mathematics?

Team "Children". Without an account there will be no light on the street,

A rocket cannot take off without a score.

Team Mom. Without an account, a letter will not find an addressee,

And the guys will not be able to play hide and seek.

Educator. Let's make an extraordinary journey into the world of entertaining questions and puzzles.

Attention! Attention!

We find out now

that each team

Prepared for us.

Math workout.

Each team is asked to solve math riddles.

Mathematical riddles for the kids team.

  1. A puppy sits on the porch

Warms his fluffy side.

Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

How many puppies were there? (two)

2. Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother

  1. Seryozhka fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyoshka.

And behind him Irinka,

And behind her is Marina,

And then Ignat fell,

How many were all the guys? (five)

Now for the jokes for the mom team.

1 Six happy piglets

They stand in a row at the trough.

Here one lay down to sleep,

Pigs left ... (five)

2. The hedgehog walked through the forest,

Found mushrooms for lunch

Two under a birch

One at the aspen.

How many will be in a wicker basket? (three)

  1. I draw a cat house:

Three windows, a door with a porch,

There's another window upstairs

To not be dark.

Count the windows

In the cat house (four)

Educator. The next contest is "Collect 10".

On my command, each team must form pairs of their numbers so that the total is 10. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task will win.

Educator. The next contest is "Homework".

I suggest you remember the proverbs that mention numbers.

1. One mind is good, but two is better.

2. If you chase two hares, you will not catch one.

3. An old friend is better than two new ones.

4. Seven troubles - one answer.

5. Seven do not wait for one.

6. Measure seven times, cut once.

7. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

8. A good deed lives for two centuries.

Educator. The next competition is "Wonderful Boxes".

Each participant from each team will take turns approaching the table, sticking their hands into the boxes, recognizing the geometric figure by touch, naming it, and then showing us and naming its color. And the jury will check the correctness of your answer.

Educator. The next competition is "Come on, count it."

The members of each team should stand in a circle holding hands. When the music starts, you must run in a circle. As soon as the music stops, I will call any number, for example 3, and you should stand in a circle in threes. Then the game will continue, but with a different number.

Educator. The next task is "Logic puzzles".

We will now find out which of the teams is better at solving logic puzzles.

1. Six sparrows are sitting in the garden. Two more flew up to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left in the garden? (None. And if there was no cat? 6+2=8)

2. There is an oak in the field. There are two branches on the oak. There are three apples on each branch. How many apples are there? (Apples do not grow on oak. And if it were an apple tree - 3 + 3 = 6).

3. What is an acrobat figure?

If you stand on your head,

Exactly three less? (Six)

4. Egorka was lucky again

It is not in vain that he sits by the river: Two crucian carp in a bucket

And four minnows.

But, look, by the bucket

A sly cat appeared.

How many fish home Yegorka

Will it bring it to everyone's ear? (None).

Educator. The next task is "Name your neighbors."

Let's get up and play the game "Name Your Neighbors" now. I have such a cube with numbers. I will throw it to you, and you must name the neighbors of the number that will be written on the side. If you complete the task correctly, you will also receive a medal for it.

Educator. Last task -game "Polyanka" (partitioning into sets).

Gingerbread Russian sweet, mint,

For tea, a fragrant treat is a noble!

After all the hard tasks, it's so nice to drink tea (invites 3 members of each team to go to the tea house).

To drink tea with us, you have to set the table

For Katyushka, for Andryushka, for any of my girlfriends. So that they eat gingerbread first.

In front of the participants of each team, on the floor, there is a rug with seven clearings, on three of which they put a doll - Katyushka, a doll - Andryushka, a doll - Tanya. The clearings between the dolls and in the center of the rug remain free. In a beautiful box are fake gingerbread, which differ from each other in shape (round, square, trapezoid, pentagonal), size (large, small), the number of decorating beads (one, two). The participants of each team are offered to choose one "gingerbread" and distribute them to the dolls: Katya - large, Andryushka - trapezoid, Tanya - with two beads.

Conversation on the questions: What kind of gingerbread will we give to all the dolls? (Large, trapezoidal, with two beads).

What kind of gingerbread will we give Katyushka and Andryushka, but not Tanyushka? (large, trapezoidal, not with two beads).

What kind of gingerbread will we give Andryushka and Tanya, but not Katya? (trapezoidal, but not large).

What kind of gingerbread will we give Katyushka and Tanyushka, but not Andryushka? (large, with two beads, but not trapezoidal).

What kind of gingerbread will we give only to Katyushka? (large, not trapezoidal, not with two beads).

What kind of gingerbread will we give only to Andryushka? (with two beads, small, not trapezoidal).

What kind of gingerbread will we not give to anyone? Not big, not trapezoid, not with two beads).

Educator. Now for the jury.

Jury: Well done both teams. We counted your medals and the jury had no doubts. Friendship wins today!

Thanks to all the players for a good and interesting game.


  1. Kovalenko V. G. Didactic games in mathematics lessons. - M., 2000.
  2. Mathematics from three to seven / Educational mathematical manual for kindergarten teachers.-M, 2001.
  3. Novosyolova S. A. The game of a preschooler. - M, 1999.
  4. Popova V.I. The game helps to learn // Elementary School, 1997, No. 5.
  5. Tikhomirov J1. F. The development of the logical thinking of children. -SP., 2004.
  6. Anikeeva N. B. Education by the game.-M., 1987.
  7. Mikhailova 3. A. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers./M. Enlightenment, 1985.

8. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate general educational program of preschool education (pilot version) / Ed.

N. E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.-3rd ed., corrected. and add.-M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.-368 p.

What is the best age to start raising a child? Most modern educators and psychologists are unanimous in their opinion: this process begins long before the birth of a child. That is why the task of parents is to closely monitor the progress of its process from an early age. The psychology of a child from the moment of birth to a year will be the subject of our study today.

A child up to a year goes through a grandiose path of development

The early age is no exception. Despite the fact that, according to a common misconception, babies still have little understanding and are not aware of the events taking place around them, in fact they are very active in learning about the world around them and adapting to its conditions.

Already by the first year of life, he perfectly distinguishes the voices of people and even makes it clear who is more pleasant to him. He feels the mood of his loved ones and can already respond and react to it. there is an initial formation of the properties of his character and individual personal qualities. That is why raising a child under one year old is a task no less important than observing the diet, observing the rules of hygiene, etc.

Baby development calendar from 0 to 12 months

Psychology conventionally divides the age period from birth to a year into four main periods.

Raising a child from birth to three months

The main role in this period is played by the development of the child's sensory (that is, sensory) perception of the world, as well as the formation of good habits and the prevention of harmful ones. The child gradually begins to get used to the regimen and daily routine.

Newborn baby sleeps most of the time

The development of children's communication skills in the period from birth to one year is carried out unobtrusively and, mainly, by including the child in the simplest forms of play activity. To do this, you need to talk with the child all the time, smile at him, watching his reaction. This will not only prepare the child for the perception of speech, but also forms the right culture of communication in him. It is also useful to accompany the simplest daily actions (dressing, washing, etc.) with children's songs and nursery rhymes, as well as giving the child music to listen to (natural sounds of nature or classics in a special arrangement are good for the development of the child). Introducing the child to culture and attention to early aesthetic development - this is the condition on which the upbringing of children from birth to a year should be built. Psychology knows many examples of how it was at this age that many talents and inclinations were revealed.

A child at 3 months recognizes relatives and tries to answer

The accustoming of children to regime moments is expressed mainly in the fact that they are taught to sleep, wake up, and eat at a time specially allotted for this.

Despite the fact that during this period the child is still very attached to his parents, it is important that he can sleep alone for at least some time, without needing the presence of someone close to him.

Not forgetting the important role of play at this age, it is also necessary to pay attention to the right choice of toys for children. It is desirable that they not only have an entertaining function, but also effectively develop the sensory and motor skills of the child.

For the development of hearing, vision, touch, musical rattles, bright mobiles hung over the bed, bracelets with bells are perfect.

Baby toys must be safe

Among the skills necessary for development from birth to three months, psychology includes:

  1. Ability to hold head.
  2. Spend some time in bed without disturbing others and finding something to do on your own.
  3. Actively respond to light, sound.
  4. Show signs of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
  5. Fall asleep on your own and without a pacifier.

Raising a child from the third month to six months

What is the psychology of the development of a six-month-old child? In the second stage, which will last from the third to the sixth month, the child will also actively continue sensory development, and he will also prepare to start acquiring speech skills. He discovers the world around him and strives to get involved in his life as actively as possible, to know it. The task of parents is to maintain interest in him and stimulate him as much as possible.

Baby at 4 months actively shows emotions

For example, when taking a child for a walk, you need to focus his attention on the singing of birds, the sound of a babbling stream, or the rustling of leaves and grasses. And at home - to include him music of various styles and genres.

The play activity of children at this age also acquires new features. First of all, the child no longer plays independently; an increasingly important role in his games begin to play parents, and a little later, peers. It is communication with them that will play a decisive role in the intellectual development of the child.

It is best to play with the child during those periods when he is properly rested, nothing bothers him and does not disturb him.

Accustoming to accuracy must begin from infancy.

To the toys already used during this period, you can add:

  1. All kinds of toys for chewing and sucking (you need to pay special attention to the composition of such toys!).
  2. Soft cubes and balls, comfortable to grip.
  3. Figurines of animals, plants, etc.
  4. Finger paints, soft plasticine.

Raising a child from six months to nine months

Raising a child from nine months to a year has its own distinctive features. The psychology of this period is such that by this age the child becomes especially inquisitive and restless. Children already know how to crawl, freely sit on the floor and even try to get up. This gives them the opportunity to gain greater independence and be even more active in the knowledge of the world around them. At this time, among other things, you need to pay maximum attention to the physical development and upbringing of the child.

A child at 7 months actively explores the space at home

When children's interest in the world around them grows, it is very important to do everything possible so that cognitive activity does not fade away, but only increases with time.

For full development, he needs to prepare a space for active research: at first, his role will be played by an apartment. Of course, all rooms must be secured as much as possible by hiding the wires and removing all sharp and breakable objects away. But to prevent the free movement of children around the house is still not worth it.

Baby 8 months interested in everything around

At this stage, it is better than ever to introduce massage, outdoor games, gymnastics and physical exercises into the child's daily life. At the same time, the child is highly desirable for other sanitary and hygienic procedures.

The child is taught to be careful when eating, dressing, falling asleep, etc.

At the age of six months, the child is already quite receptive to speech and can remember the simplest instructions, he can be offered simple finger games. Since by the end of the period the child's stock of ideas about the world around him will increase significantly, he can already be offered those games that will allow him to demonstrate them in practice. It is also good to encourage the first attempts of children to speak, but in no case distorting the words and pronunciation of sounds.

At 9-10 months, the baby begins to explore the world around him.

Teaching a child to restrictions and prohibitions is another important educational point that the psychology of this age suggests.

Encouraging the right deeds, do not forget about the censure of the negative. But at the same time, the child must clearly understand what exactly he did wrong and for what exactly he received punishment. On remarks and any words limiting his actions, the child must respond the first time.

For the development of auditory memory, attention, as well as coordination of movements, musical toys and developmental centers are the best suited. Having learned to press the buttons and remembering what they are responsible for, the child will quickly find a use for the toy.

Educational toys for toddlers

Developing game complexes allow not only to properly develop fine motor skills, but also allow the child to remember, and later to put into practice forms of role-playing behavior.

Raising a child from nine months to a year

Psychology characterizes the fourth period of a child's development from birth to a year as the most intensive development of all aspects of his psyche. The child begins to walk or at least get up without the support of an adult. It is necessary to encourage these attempts by no means suppressing and, as necessary, provide him with support and assistance. You can also develop coordination of movements with the help of special rocking toys.

The key point in the intellectual development of the child is the psychology of manipulation with various types of objects. It is then that the child discovers that each object has its own shape, texture, color and size. And also understands the function of objects and learns to use them for their intended purpose.

11 month old baby can play alone for a long time

When a child learns even the simplest functions and properties of objects, one can begin to develop the ability to identify the key features of objects and classify them according to certain properties.

At the age of one year, the child already begins not only to look closely at the behavior of the people around him, but also unconsciously imitate them. Therefore, more than ever, it is important for parents to strictly monitor their behavior, by personal example showing an example of a respectful, benevolent attitude towards each other and the people around them. The atmosphere reigning in the house should be as comfortable and friendly as possible.

By the age of one, the child should have a sufficient level of understanding of himself and the world around him. For example, to correctly show parts of your body, to distinguish between pure colors, to know the purpose of toys and other objects.

A child at 12 months is already trying to independently explore the world around him.

For these purposes, the child needs to be involved in all kinds of games aimed at developing all types and aspects of memory. Reading poetry, singing songs, listening to fairy tales will also be of great help to parents in this.

For the development of thinking, the formation of children's ideas about the part and the whole, it is possible to offer to assemble and disassemble structures from cubes, pyramids, selecting elements by size, color and shape.

Basic principles of raising a child in the first year of life

The psychology of the emotional and mental development of a child from birth to a year is quite simple to understand. What should be taken into account for the effective upbringing of a newborn?

Close contact with mother is the main condition for full development
  1. Close contact with the mother and the ability to freely communicate with her through touch, conversations immediately after birth is the key to peace and moral well-being of the child. But it should be noted that education is the business of both parents and the role of the father is no less important than the role of the mother!
  2. The atmosphere in the house should be calm and friendly. It is unacceptable for parents to sort things out loudly and raise their voices at each other in the presence of a child.
  3. The key aspects of the full development of the child are healthy sleep, proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air.
  4. A decisive role in the formation and consolidation of good habits in children is played by the personal example of the parent.
  5. During developmental activities, prompts from adults should be kept to a minimum.

Speech therapist MBDOU d / s No. 8 "Fairy Tale", Mineralnye Vody
Shestakova Svetlana Alexandrovna
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The most important element of the environment, which determines the nature of human development, is Liberty . Until recently, this complex phenomenon in pedagogy and psychology was not considered in any way. The need for freedom experts call one of the initial human needs. Freedom, in everyday language, implies a weakening of management, a weakening of control and pressure, and giving a person responsibility for his choice, the opportunity to realize his creative potential. In other words, freedom implies that someone controls his own choices, decisions, actions. Feeling that external factors play a minor role in a person's behavior. Circumstances that create feelings of impotence, emptiness and helplessness for the child contribute to the development of cruelty and sadism in him. Fromm refers to such circumstances everything that causes fear. Recall that fear is an emotional state that occurs in the presence or anticipation of a dangerous or harmful stimulus. This may be an "authoritarian" punishment, it "does not have a strict form" and is not associated with this or that offense, but is arbitrarily determined at the discretion of the "powerful person." Depending on individual characteristics, the fear of punishment can become the dominant motive in a child's life, which leads to the loss of self-esteem.

Another important circumstance leading to loss of vitality may be related to the situation mental impoverishment- the child lives in a joyless atmosphere of callousness and spiritual deafness. The lack of emotional warmth, participation, love causes a feeling of despair and complete powerlessness, which can cause his cruelty.

An important factor causing violations of personal development are the nature, values, norms, guidelines, meanings of the social group (family, school) of which the child is a part.

Karen Horney (a well-known American psychoanalyst) in her aspects believes that the influence of the social environment dominates the development of a person's personality. The main concept of K. Horney is "basic anxiety", which is understood as "a feeling of isolation and helplessness of the child in a potentially hostile world." This feeling of insecurity can be the product of many harmful factors: indifference, lack of respect for the individual needs of the child, lack of warmth, understanding, too much admiration or its complete absence, compulsion to take sides in parental quarrels, too much or vice versa too little responsibility, isolation from other people (children), injustice, broken promises and much more.

These factors become the basis for the development of anxiety in the child. To overcome this condition, may resort to different strategies. He may become hostile and want to pay back those who rejected him or treated him badly. Or maybe, on the contrary, obedient, meek, in order to regain favor and return lost love. To compensate for feelings of inferiority, the child may develop an inadequate, unrealistic self-image. He may bribe others or use threats to gain respect and love. He may "stuck" on self-pity in order to evoke sympathy. The child may seek power over others. Any of these strategies is characterized by the presence of a conflict, which, during normal development, is resolved in a natural, or unnatural, irrational way, in violation of development (aggression, isolation, indiscipline).

Many works of domestic and foreign scientists (A.I. Zakharov, M. Rutter, A.E. Lichko, etc.) are devoted to the problems of child development, emotional disorders, and behavioral disorders. The collected factual material allows us to understand the mechanisms and causes of violations.

Violations in the development of the child are associated with adverse events in the child's childhood. These are family conflicts, lack of emotional warmth, love, and responsiveness. Relations in the family are significant not only in childhood, but also in later periods of life, a lack of communication, deformation of significant relationships of the personality that form an integral system, determine the development of the personality according to the neurotic type (V. N, Myasishchev).

The need for emotional communication with others, with parents is especially important in childhood. By the age of 4-5, the emotional development of the child reaches its maximum. Violation of emotional contact with parents and, above all, with the mother, cause significant psychological problems in the development of the child. So, the basis of neurosis is the lack of sincere, trusting - warm and directly - emotional relationships between parents and children. The lack of emotional support, love of recognition in the family causes the child to fear loneliness, a feeling of isolation, downtroddenness and uselessness. An acute need for recognition is at the same time a need for self-affirmation. The child needs self-disclosure, support and loving attitude. Lack of love can be compensated by fears, whims. From here, isolation, distrust of others is formed.

The American psychotherapist K. Rogers, on the basis of significant clinical experience, came to the conclusion that in the social. The environment contains the conditions for the formation of a "fully functioning person." A mentally healthy person who is able to hear himself, experiencing what is happening in him. He is able to recognize his feelings and live them without resorting to defensive reactions. The most important - creating such human relationships that a particular person could use for his personal development.

Rogers identifies two needs:

・In a positive way

· Self-attitude

The first arises as a result of love and care for the child, the second is formed with a positive attitude towards the environment.

Assessments from others, especially in childhood, can distort a person's inner experiences. The child, on the basis of positive or negative assessments of his behavior by adults, tries to be what he is. External assessments lead to a distortion of the child's self-relationships, which leads to a distortion of the "I" (isolation, aggression, conflict, anxiety, communication disorders)

And to avoid this, Rogers developed a method of psychotherapy - client-centered therapy. The basis is the creation of helping relationships that actualize a person's ability for self-change and self-development. This method is applicable to all relationships with people. Creating a therapeutic, helping relationship is possible when 3 important conditions are met:

1. frankness, sincerity, truthfulness of relations with a person.

2. Unconditional acceptance of a person. Acceptance implies not only respect and warm feelings, but also faith in positive changes in a person, in his development. The child needs a positive attitude towards himself. Adults tend to evaluate, approve or disapprove of the feelings and behavior of the child. In order to be good, the child tends to adapt to the assessment of an adult, which leads to a distortion of the "I - concept", and to the further immaturity of a person who focuses only on external assessments. Unconditional acceptance of a child does not mean the absence of restrictions, discipline and negative attitudes towards his act. However, they should be expressed not in the form of a negative assessment of a person's personality, but in the form of subjective attitudes to a given "here" and "now" event.

It is necessary, of course, to accept not only others, but also yourself. This means perceiving yourself in such a way that all your qualities are normal and none of them is more worthwhile than the other, i.e. if a person values ​​only his own merits, evaluated or approved by others, anxiety appears, mental health worsens.

3. Empathic understanding (empathy is empathy, emotional responsiveness of a person to the experiences of another). It includes penetration into the feelings and thoughts of a person, the ability to see the problem from his position, to take his place. This is an understanding together with a person, not an understanding about him.

Behavior models of significant people (parents, teachers, idols) become the basis of behavior not only for acquiring habits, but also for developing ways to resolve conflicts and life problems. Especially important are the models of parental behavior (the child acquires a response style similar to the parent). The same is true for interpersonal relationships. Children master the same relationships that they observe in the family (parents teach the rules, but they themselves do not follow them). However, children do not always accept the behavioral patterns and views of their parents. And it depends on other people and on relationships with parents. If the relationship is bad or the children see that the behavior of their parents only leads to new difficulties and failures, they may reject parental norms.

Disciplinary Requirements, the nature of punishments and rewards are equally important for "good" or "bad" behavior. The situation is detrimental when the child gets used to being guided by external control - he does not have his own system of values, with the help of which he can regulate his behavior, regardless of rewards or punishments from other people. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the motives of actions with the child and involve him in the development of intra-family norms of behavior.

Severe restrictions and overprotection also have a negative impact on the child. A fundamental description of the consequences of this factor for the formation of character is given by the well-known Rus. teacher, psychologist, doctor - P. F. Lesgaft.

Separation from parents, life away from the family, the loss of a parent, quarrels in the family can cause behavioral disorders and emotions. disorders, childhood neuroses (det. psychiatrist A. I. Zakharov)

antisocial, criminal parental behavior leads to the formation of behavioral disorders in children (quarrels, fights, alienation create an atmosphere in which behavioral disorders are more likely to occur, especially in boys). Often the aggressive behavior of parents becomes a model of behavior for the child.

Scarcity, monotony environment, its limitations can lead to profound delays in the mental development of the child, hinder his intellectual development and cause behavioral disorders.