The child has gone 3 months what is happening. The makings of speech development. Boundary indicators of the main physical parameters of child development, depending on gender

During the first year, the baby develops so intensively that it will never be ahead. But even against this background, there are periods of slower and more accelerated growth. The third month of life is a period of acceleration. In four weeks, the child usually reaches the maximum monthly increase - about 900 grams and grows another 2-2.5 centimeters. The baby's undershirts and blouses, in which he literally drowned when you brought him from the maternity hospital, are already too small for the baby. It's time to replenish your wardrobe with sliders, putting them on while you are awake.

In the third month, not a day goes by without some new achievement, a new skill. And the most visual and cute of them is the kid's ability to rejoice, as they say, with his whole being. As soon as you go to the crib, talk to the child, and he will readily answer you not only with the widest of smiles, with shining eyes, but also with quick, brisk movements of his arms and legs. In medical language it is called the "revitalization complex". Like a smile in the fourth or fifth week of life, this complex in the third month is one of the signs of the normal psychophysical development of the baby.

In an upright position in your arms, the child already confidently holds his head, lying on his stomach even raises his shoulders a little, and when you, holding him under the armpits, put him on a solid plane, he rests well with his feet. Health portal

A child of 2-3 months knows how to actively have fun and seems to be studying himself. In the supine position, in the crib, he waves his arms and, accidentally grabbing one hand with the other or stretching both out in front of him, examines them with the greatest interest. This is so typical for the third month that the German pediatrician Professor Hellbrügge, in a book addressed to parents, writes that if a child at three months does not examine his pens, this may be one of the reasons for going to the doctor.

Other reasons: if, at 3 months, the baby, lying on his stomach, cannot hold his head even for one minute, if he does not reach with a half-open handle to a bright object shown to him.

It is no longer enough for a three-month-old child to simply look at a toy - he seeks to act with it, play enters his life. Hang a few easy-to-grip toys at arm's length. Having stumbled upon one of them, at first he freezes in surprise, then begins to feel and tries to pull it towards him. There is a lot in these attempts: cognitive interest, training of tactile sensations, strengthening of the small muscles of the fingers. The exercise of the brush will subsequently have a tremendous, universal meaning for the child: it will facilitate writing, mastering any instrument, any work. In the meantime, which is very important, hand movements associated with the speech areas of the brain contribute to the development of speech. Put small plastic rings, sticks with a smooth, rough, ribbed surface alternately in the child's right and left hands, take them away and offer them again. Let it capture, touch, hold. All this is a prologue to speech activity, and it will come soon.

You can already talk with a three-month-old baby. You tell him "ah, ah", he listens, looks at your moving lips and answers something like "egh" or "agkh". You are again "agu", he is "egh" again ... That's the dialogue!

The child is more and more purposefully interested in sounds. Will the bell ring, will the phone ring, he will concentrate and search not only with his eyes, but also with a turn of his head: “Where is this from? What is it?"

Physiologists have proved that your child perceived music already in the prenatal period, and when it sounded quiet, melodic, he behaved calmly, and when loud, with emphasized rhythms of percussion instruments, with sharp jerks he let his mother know about his displeasure or excitement.

Such music scares and excites him now, and calm, melodic music can be given to him to listen for 10-15 minutes. The baby still likes the human voice most of all sound sources: mother's or father's - after all, he heard them even before birth, these sounds are dear to him. And it happens when the child is uncomfortable, when he is crying, as soon as the parent takes him in his arms, begins to tell something, the child calms down and calms down.

From time immemorial, mothers and grandmothers, putting their children to bed, sang lullabies to them. Hum you too, it works well for the child. And during your waking hours, sing something funny, danceable. You can also walk in front of the bed, dancing, shrugging your shoulders, playing with your hands. In the third month, the child already follows the movements of the mother, turns his head after her. And if at the same time the mother is wearing a bright robe or blouse, this is even more attractive for him.

In all the new skills of a 3-month-old child, one unique feature of infancy is especially clearly manifested - a close relationship, interdependence of motor skills and psyche, "mental" and "bodily". Interest in the environment, positive emotions stimulate the development of movements and, conversely, muscle activity stimulates the psyche. So, playing with the child, giving him joy, you help to improve his physical condition; paying maximum attention to hygienic care and feeding, contributes to the development of the psyche.

Feeding a three month old baby

In one feeding, a child of the third month of life should eat 130-150 grams, in just a day - one-sixth of his weight. Try to get at least part of this norm in the form of breast milk. No matter how little you have it, still first apply the baby to the breast, and then feed it from the bottle. You probably already know how much it sucks, and if you haven't already, weigh the baby before and after breastfeeding. Let's say he lacked seventy grams. On the first day of complementary feeding, give it not all 70, but 15-20 grams less. If everything goes well, add a little more the next day, and so in 5-7 days, reach the norm. Do not be alarmed if your baby's stool color changes slightly. It will turn greenish - this is natural.

The method for preparing the mixture is indicated on the box, it must be followed very punctually. The mixture should be warmed up to the breast milk temperature usual for the baby, that is, up to 36-37 ° C, and the usual feeding situation should be completely reproduced - in the mother's arms, near her warm breast.

In the third month, bright red spots may appear on the baby's cheeks, which then become covered with a thin crust. They feel itchy and sore. This so-called milk crust, or milk crust, is one of the characteristic manifestations of improper metabolism, exudative diathesis.

Yes, be on your guard - it is in the third month that rickets often begins. Its first signs: the child becomes restless, fearful, shudders at a sharp knock, especially when falling asleep. He begins to sweat, during feeding, beads of sweat appear on his face, at night his head sweats so much that by morning a damp spot remains on the pillow. Every now and then he rubs his head against the pillow, because of this, the hairs on the back of his head fall out. You can also notice that the urine has acquired an unusually pungent smell - the amount of ammonia in it has increased.

Caring for a two month old baby

By the age of two months, the child becomes more active. He can already turn the head from side to side. If a moving object appears in the infant's field of vision, the child follows it with his eyes. Activity is also manifested in the fact that if the child is put on his tummy, then he begins to raise his head, bend his back and move his arms and legs.

A kid at this age is already screaming more consciously and demandingly. The scream takes on a different color: when a child is hungry, he screams in a completely different way than when he has a problem with his tummy.
The child grabs with pens all objects that are near him, and pulls them into his mouth. Your finger, pacifier or toy - it doesn't matter ... He is already able to distinguish the smile on the face of his mother (or other loved ones) and respond with a smile.

At this age, the child begins to get used to the regime of sleep and wakefulness, to the regimen of food intake. And parents, for their part, should try to comply with the regime strictly.

At the age of two months, it is enough to visit the local pediatrician at least once every two weeks.

In babies, nails grow quickly and can break or bend if not trimmed in time. A child who is already quite actively moving their arms and legs can scratch themselves. Therefore, do not forget to cut your baby's nails. Inspect your baby for this object every time after bathing.

Try to cut your nails carefully - without giving your baby any unpleasant sensations. When a mom cuts her baby's nails too short, she can hurt. A child at this age is already perfectly developing conditioned reflexes, and the next time he simply will not give you his pen, he will start to be capricious.
Nails in children under three months old are very thin - you cannot file them with a nail file, so as not to scratch. This means that it is necessary to cut them off - without leaving sharp ends, with a rounding.

If you continue to regularly weigh your child at home or in a child care setting and draw a graph of weight change, then know that the curve should normally still move smoothly upward - without sharp jumps. By the age of three months, the baby should weigh approximately six kilograms.

If you suddenly notice that the child does not gain weight for 10-14 days, consult your pediatrician. In general, at the age of three months, the child should add up to 200 grams weekly.

If before your child had enough physical activity when screaming, then by the age of three months this is already not enough. For normal development, the child wants more movement. By the time he is three months old, you don’t need to swaddle him too tightly - let him jerk his legs and arms if he wants to.

Daily “physical exercises” (of course included in the daily regimen) for the child are also recommended. At the optimum temperature for him - 22 ° C - you need to undress the child and lay him out on a blanket (on the bed or on the same changing table). Let the kid do what he wants. When he twitches for pleasure, turn him over on his tummy - in this position the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened, since the child is forced to keep his head suspended.

Hygiene of the baby at 2 months

As the baby grows, the number of feedings decreases, but the baby eats more. The duration of sleep also changes. In the first weeks of life, the baby, if he does not eat, then sleeps, and if he wakes up, then only to announce to you with a cry that it is time to swaddle him; often the child falls asleep, full, but not yet letting go of the breast. From the second month, the duration of sleep is gradually reduced, and the baby sleeps for 18-20 hours. The waking hours appear. The child begins to more actively comprehend the world around him, looks around with a more or less meaningful gaze. Chat with him at this time. Be sure your child will appreciate it and give you a lot of pleasant minutes.

In the third month, the baby should sleep about the same as in the second. The only difference is that he is already beginning to slowly navigate the time of day. Some babies at this age do not wake up at all from evening to morning feedings. If your child does not belong to such children, do not be upset or annoyed - everything will come, you just have to be patient a little.

Within two months, the child had to rinse his eyes with boron water, boiled water, weak tea or a decoction of chamomile. This was done because the child's eyes did not yet emit tears and could not cleanse themselves. In the third month, the lacrimal glands begin to function, so regular rinsing of the eyes becomes less and less necessary. Unless with conjunctivitis.

From this age (as you noticed tears), you only have to periodically clean the corners of your eyes, where after sleep, especially at night, dried secretions accumulate. It is necessary to remove these secretions carefully, with a gauze swab or cotton swab dipped in boiled water (however, make sure that the villi do not get into the eye). Toilet your eyes carefully so that the lumps that are removed do not fall on the conjunctiva. Don't rub your eyes. If you still need to rinse them, rinse so that the flow of fluid is from the inner corner of the eye to the outside and so that the rinsing solution does not get from one eye to the other.

Your child's marigolds are already growing quite quickly. Do not forget to cut them in time so that the child does not scratch himself. Do not cut your nails too short, otherwise the skin will subsequently grow on the nails - a very unpleasant phenomenon, and it torments some people all their lives. Who would have thought that the origins of this phenomenon are here - in the first months of life ...

Over time, the child's daily routine will diversify. After all, your baby is no longer only asleep, but also requires communication. From time to time, you leave him undressed for a while - so that the child can move at his own pleasure, so that his skin can breathe. In summer, try to keep the child more outdoors - sleeping in the garden, and if at home - then by the open window.

At this age, the foundation of health is laid.

Keep your toys clean, especially if you have children who may be taking toys from your baby. Remember that older children already have strong immunities and are not as susceptible to infection as a baby. Preferably toys made of those materials that can be treated with an antiseptic or simply washed - toys made of wood, rubber and plastic. You know that a child pulls all objects into his mouth. And this is no coincidence, he explores the world: visually, by touch and, of course, by taste ...

Be on your guard - rickets often begins in the third month of a child's life!

What a child can do by the end of 3 months of life

  • The kid in the arms of an adult in an upright position is already able to follow the toy for 30-40 seconds, turn the head 180o. He actively follows a stationary or moving object, the face of an adult talking to him. But eye movements are still poorly coordinated.
  • Many babies can squint with their eyes, which is natural at this age. It disappears by 4 months. The baby is especially well entertained by moving toys that swing easily and smoothly in the air. It is important that the toy has a few clear details. The ideal distance to the toy is 30-50cm. Most of all, babies love round objects, and their favorite color is red, which has been remembered since the time of intrauterine development.
  • By the end of 3 months, lying on his tummy, the baby already knows how to lean on his forearms and raise his head for 2-2.5 minutes.
  • This pose gives the baby new development opportunities! He looks around with interest and perceives the world around him from a different angle. More complete head mobility is a great neurological achievement for him!
  • At 10-12 weeks, the most mobile babies begin to roll over from their backs onto their tummies.
  • During this period, the so-called "stability of the body" develops, which is the main prerequisite for the child's first voluntary movements and the basis for independent activity.
  • While the baby still most often lies on his back, since it is from this position that it will be most convenient for him to sit down later.
  • By the end of 3 months, the baby begins to feel his body more and more. Take a closer look at him - he lies right on the back, but at the same time his nose, chin, sternum, navel and pubic bone form a straight line. And he plays with his hands in front of his face, examines his fingers, his legs are bent and slightly pulled up to the navel.
  • The complex of "revival" in response to the speech addressed to him is clearly expressed.
  • The kid is very actively looking for the source of the sound with his eyes, smiles in response to your smile. This smile is already called "social", because it appears in response to a human face. This is a huge step for a crumbs in the field of interpersonal relations!
  • At the end of 3 months, the baby should disappear from the Moro reflex.
  • Please note that now, when suddenly exposed to light and sound, your baby will not be incoherently twisting with arms and legs. Playing with the handles, the baby bends the legs at the same time.
  • At 8-12 weeks, the grasping reflex also disappears. The crumbs have a conscious voluntary grasping.
  • From about 10 weeks, the baby begins to enthusiastically play with his hands, touch his fingers. He tries to hold the toy, tries to touch something with his own hands. This creates a connection between vision and action. Of course, the baby will not immediately be able to grab the toy itself. This he will learn gradually.
  • With the support of the baby under the armpits, he already confidently rests for 45-60 seconds on firm support with the feet of the legs bent at the hip joints.
  • The kid responds well to sounds.

So, the baby is 3 months old. In appearance, this is still the same crumb, only gaining 2-3 additional kilograms and plus / minus 10 cm in height. However, in terms of development, a 3-month-old baby is very different from that helpless baby who came home from the hospital. What should a baby be able to do at 3 months old? Let's take a look at the main points of development that the baby may have already reached by this age.

1. At the age of 3 months, children begin to become more familiar with their body in the surrounding space. First of all, this can be expressed in the fact that the baby begins to spend more and more time lying on his tummy. He no longer just keeps his head up, but more or less confidently rests on his arms and elbows, lifting his body. Sometimes children can do the so-called. "Boat", i.e. raise both the head and legs at the same time, without leaning on the arms. Of course, lying like that for a long time is difficult, but it is not necessary. This position speaks of the increased confidence of the baby in relation to controlling his body.

2. Gradually, by the age of 3-4 months, the baby begins to move slowly, lying on his stomach. Those. if he is interested in something, he can change his position relative to the horizontal plane. So far, the child cannot have much confidence in this movement, because he hardly crawls. Rather, he can try to crawl, but so far his body is too heavy to move due to the strength of his arms and legs.

However, do not be surprised if, after leaving the child turned to one side, after a while you find him turned 180 degrees or more. Therefore, be extremely careful when leaving your baby on a bed, development rug, or other surface from which he may fall. Be sure to insure yourself in one way or another (we put thick pillows over the baby, through which he will definitely not crawl).

3. The kid swims well. At least, if there is no opportunity for him to swim, then bathing already ceases to cause him fear or displeasure. Now it is already a problem to take the screaming and smiling child out of the water.

Our toddler almost did not accept bathing as such until this age. I did not lie on my back at all, I started screaming. But, at the same time, I swam almost all the time of swimming (with my mother's help). We recently bought a special bathing circle for him, which is attached to the baby's neck, so that he can move independently in the bath. From that moment on, absolutely everything changed. The kid laughs, smiles, swims (on his own!) On his chest and on his back, pushes off with his legs from the bottom and walls of the bath, sometimes he himself turns over from back to chest and back. The main problem now is to take him out of the bath.

4. The child is actively mastering spoken language. Here, probably, mom and dad play the main role. The more conversations are held with the baby on any topic, the more poetry, songs, etc. are read to him, the more often he should have a desire to say something in response.

In one of the articles on the site (What a baby should be able to at 2 months old) I wrote that our baby almost never said "aha", no matter how much we asked. But now everything has changed. He puts his cam in his mouth and chatters incessantly. There are both "agu" and "bo", and much more that cannot be described, but it is very pleasant to hear.

5. Probably one of the most enjoyable skills of 3 months old children is the ability to laugh. Previously, the child only smiled, but now he laughs if he really likes something.

Here we should also mention the less pleasant, but probably necessary, ability to squeal. It is interesting to observe how the baby is constantly getting better and better at this business.

At the moment, our baby is learning to do this in a very high-pitched voice (his wife jokes like a peacock from a cartoon about Munchausen). It is not working yet, but perseverance is to be envied.

6. This month, children are getting to know their surroundings more and more actively. That is why it is believed that the baby should prefer to lie on his tummy. In this position, it is much more convenient to “scan” the surrounding objects than lying on your back. And that is why you should be on your guard if the baby prefers to lie on his back.

Our baby (unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look) is used to often being on the pens of his parents. And he loves very much when you turn him with his back to you and bring him to the window. I don’t know how far he can see, but he can see the cars moving below, it seems, endlessly. You have to endure (I mean, me).

7. At 3 months or a little later, the baby can already (of course, with support) stand on a full foot, without tightening his toes. In general, he no longer tries to "walk" (raise the leg) as soon as he touches the surface with his feet. It is possible that your baby is already perfectly and straight on his feet. It seems, let go of him, and he himself will stand, but this, of course, cannot be done, because the spine is still not strong enough. But with support, and especially in water, the baby is already given this position without any problems.

8. Perhaps your little one is doing a lot more (or a little less) than mentioned. I have been and remain in the position that the child does not owe anything to anyone. I have not learned now, will learn tomorrow.

However, there are some points in the development of babies that should alert parents. In this regard, they propose to get acquainted with a short video, which, in addition to the general skills of children at the age of 3 months, mentions the main points to which parents should pay close attention.

In this article:

The development of a 3-month-old child is the main concern of his parents. They closely monitor the emergence of new skills, weigh the crumbs, measure growth rates. It is important for a mother to know the baby's weight in order to understand that the breast milk he receives is fully sufficient for full growth and development. The average norm for a 3-month-old baby is weight from 3 to 6 kg and height from 54 to 64 cm.
As you can see, the corridor between the numbers is quite large. This is due primarily to factors that can affect the weight and height of the baby. This is about:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • type of food (breast milk or adapted formula);
  • full-term or prematurity;
  • susceptibility to diseases, etc.

Numerous tables, which present growth indicators for a 3-month-old child, were mainly compiled back in Soviet times and for the most part imply the development of children receiving artificial mixture.

Features of motor development

The motor (motor) development of a three-month-old child has its own characteristics. By this time, the baby is already quite confidently holding his head both in an upright position on the hands of adults and lying on his stomach. The grasping reflex begins to develop in the baby, so he exercises from time to time, clenching and unclenching his fists,
holding light toys in hand.

At this time, toys that can be hung over the bed at such a distance will become a find so that the baby can touch them with his hands. Alternatively, you can use a developmental mat, lying on which, the baby will actively develop basic tactile skills.

If you support the child by the arms, he will be able to rest his straight legs against the surface of the floor or arena. Another achievement of this age is the ability to independently turn from back to side and back.

Basic reflexes in the 4th month of life

Most of the movements of a three month old baby
dictated by his reflexes. By the end of the third month, most of them disappear. It is worth worrying if the following reflexes are still observed in the child at three months:

  • search (turns his head when he touches the corner of his lips);
  • proboscis (touching the upper lip provokes the folding of the mouth in the form of a proboscis);
  • Babkina (if you press on the palm, opens her mouth and leans forward with her head);

All these reflexes in a three-month-old child, if the neuropsychic
its development proceeds harmoniously, should be absent. But the Moro reflex, manifested by a sudden throwing up of the limbs, when the baby is put in bed or raised in his arms, many children still have by this age. Its history is rooted in the distant past, when in this way nature took care of how to protect the baby as much as possible during the fall.

The sucking reflex and the crawling reflex are still pronounced. They are necessary for a three-month-old baby, as they have a serious impact on development.

Hearing and perception

How developed is hearing in a three month old baby? We can safely say that it is much better than in the first 2 months of life. The baby still reacts to harsh sounds with a startle, and this reaction
is completely normal. On pleasant sounds, especially the voices of loved ones, the child's auditory and emotional development allows him to react with a smile, gurgle, and motor animation.

At three months, a child no longer just listens - he listens to sounds and tries to determine their direction and source by turning his head. This can be easily checked by ringing a bell or a rattle away from the baby.

It is noteworthy that in response to an affectionate speech addressed to him, the baby no longer just smiles, but tries to enter into a dialogue. With great pleasure, children at this age listen to slow melodic songs, but their mother's voice remains their favorite sound for each of them, without exception.

Verify, how much the auditory development of the crumbs corresponds to its age standards, you can very simply: address him in a calm voice, not trying to grimace and experiment with intonations. After 20-30 seconds, carefully observing and listening, the baby will definitely try to keep the conversation going: first with a friendly smile, and then with humming, copying the manner of the person speaking.

Exercise in three months

Development of a three-month
Your toddler can be sped up with a series of specific exercises. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the body of the crumbs, in particular the limbs and fingers, which are responsible for the development of fine motor skills.

From time to time, small toys of various sizes and materials can be put into the baby's pen, making small toys, making sure that he deliberately grabs them. You can also let your baby grab a small object attached to a string above his head, thus again training the grip.

Speed ​​up overall
the development of a three-month-old baby will be helped by regular "walks" around the apartment in the arms of the parents, during which he will be able to look at everything around. It is better to keep the baby facing away from you at such moments.

At three months, you can already start developing the facial expressions of the baby's face, showing him funny grimaces, pictures, reflection in the mirror.

Day regimen in three months

A three-month-old child can already have formed and fixed his own individual daily schedule. All children at this age, on average, need 15-16 hours of sleep, of which no more than 6 hours of sleep are spent during the day.

Every kid
lives according to the internal clock. If one crumb falls asleep early and gets up early, then the other falls asleep not earlier than 23 hours, but also gets up not earlier than 9 in the morning. There are children whose daily routine is still "floating". If desired, the mother is able to influence his change. It will be enough to try to withstand the necessary break between feedings and sleep, be outside at the same hours, and bathe the baby at the set time.

As for feeding, at three months the baby receives a portion of milk or mixture as often as a month ago, that is, every 2-2.5 hours. But the norm of milk required by the baby for one meal is increasing: now the toddler, instead of 120 ml, will be able to eat up to 140 ml. The total amount of milk per day should not be less than 850 ml.

Do you need complementary foods at this age? Modern pediatricians assure that there is nothing more useful for a three-month-old baby than breast milk. Therefore, if the mother has no problems with lactation, it will be possible to wait with complementary foods for now.

Do I need to give the baby
drink, for example water or compote? Opinions on this score are again divided. Some pediatricians assure that in the summer heat a baby simply cannot do without water, while others believe that water only takes up space in the stomach of the crumbs, which, as a result, will not be able to eat the portion of milk necessary for its development.

It is especially not recommended to experiment with tea and water during periods when the baby is unable to empty the intestines. Additional liquid will not give a result, moreover, it can damage the crumb. Remember that at 3 months for a baby who is breastfed, bowel movements just every 3 days, and 4-5 times a day is completely normal.

The main thing is to pay attention to the general condition of the baby. If nothing bothers him, he is sociable and mobile, then everything is in order with him.

First laugh at three months and basic skills

Psycho-emotional development allows
a baby at three months old not only smile and gag with family, but also fully laugh. Usually, the first laughter delights the loved ones of the child primarily because of its surprise and, of course, sincerity. Kids laugh openly, loudly, loudly and, as a rule, make their most innocent things laugh.

In general, emotions are characteristic of a three-month-old baby. He can laugh and smile, and after a few minutes cry from hunger as bitterly and sincerely as he recently rejoiced. Therefore, you need to be especially attentive to children, communicate more with them, anticipating desires.

By the end of the third month of life, the development of a healthy child allows him to:

Interesting games, which are described below, will help speed up the emotional and physical development of a child at this age.

How to entertain your baby?

The kid spends more and more time awake, and it becomes boring for him to lie in the crib alone. The baby is looking forward to being picked up, gladly supports the initiative of adults when they offer to play.

It is natural that
games with a three-month-old baby are the simplest and most short-lived. It is desirable to accompany all actions with nursery rhymes that stimulate speech development. As part of the game activity, you can engage the kid with finger gymnastics, play with him finger games such as "white-sided magpies" and pads.

At three months, the child can already be shown bright pictures, for example, depicting faces expressing different emotions. It is imperative to talk to the baby, read poetry to him and sing songs, play the favorite children's game "peek-a-boo", hiding your face behind your palms or a diaper.

Medical control

Some parents believe that there is no place for a healthy baby in a clinic. They are partly right, but not in this case. The fact is that three months is the age when a child should receive standard vaccinations against such serious diseases as whooping cough, diphtheria, polio and tetanus. You may also need to visit a pediatrician in cases of prolonged intestinal colic, allergies and rickets.

Read in this article:

A baby who is 3 months old changes significantly, not only externally, but also emotionally. He grows, gets stronger, his face smoothes more and more, the look becomes conscious, facial expressions appear. Knowing what physiological and psychological characteristics are characteristic of this period, parents can assess the development of the child at 3 months.

Physiological development

For 3 months of his life, the baby gains about 800 g of weight, his height increases by 2.5-3 cm. Minor deviations from the accepted norms are allowed. All organs and systems of the child continue to grow rapidly. The intensive development of the nervous system and brain cells is reflected in the behavior of the baby, characteristic of this period.

Hand movements of a 3 month old baby become more coordinated. Now he can bring toys and other objects to his face, play with a rattle, and pull his fingers into his mouth. He also controls his legs: putting a ball on them, you will see that the baby is trying to kick him. If the baby lying on his back is pulled by the handles, he will try to sit down, but this does not mean that at 3 months the baby is ready to sit down: his spine and back muscles are still very weak.

If you put the child on his stomach, he will rise with support on his forearms and will hold his head well. Some children at this age are able to roll from back to side and vice versa. Taking a crumb of armpits, you will find that it rests firmly on the surface with slightly bent legs and even tries to walk.

A three-month-old baby will definitely be interested in a spinning mobile suspended above his crib. Such a toy will stimulate the cognitive development of the baby, help form a relationship between his vision and hearing. Choose a high-quality mobile with vivid details, flashing lights and a calm melody that can be turned off.

Parents should understand that a 3-month-old baby has become very mobile, some children at this age are able to roll over on their stomach and change the position of their body in space. Now you cannot leave the child alone for a minute. If you need to move away, leave your baby in the playpen, crib or on the floor with a blanket.

Baby's day regimen

Many babies have a well-formed wakefulness and sleep pattern at three months. A healthy baby sleeps for about 10 hours at night, sometimes waking up to get food. Pediatricians do not recommend that parents go to the crib every time the child wakes up. If the baby is not worried about anything, he does not cry, then, waking up and fiddling a little, he will fall asleep again. The baby's daytime sleep from 2 to 3 months still consists of 3-4 periods of 1.5-2 hours.

Pediatricians recommend walking with your child more often in any weather. It's good if every baby's daytime sleep takes place outside. Only strong wind, heavy rain or air temperature below 10 degrees can prevent you from leaving the house. In such cases, while the child is sleeping, it is necessary to open the window. In summer, the duration of walks should be up to 6 hours.

The child's morning should begin with hygiene procedures. The face and eyes of the crumbs should be wiped with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water, if necessary, clean its ears and nose with a cotton flag. If the baby gets wet or stained his pants, it must be washed off with running water. There is no need to abuse baby cosmetics if the baby's skin is clean.

Every day, before going to bed, the child should be bathed in a tub. If the baby is very aroused, this procedure can be performed during the daytime. For a 3 month old baby, the water temperature is very important: it should be at least 36.6 and not higher than 37.5 degrees. In the presence of rashes on children's skin, after consulting a doctor, after bathing, you can rinse the child with a weak infusion of chamomile, string or celandine.

Baby feeding

According to most pediatricians, breast milk is the only food for a 3 month old baby, providing it with all the substances necessary for growth and development.

It is not recommended to feed during this period: there is no need for cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is not required for a breastfed baby and supplementation with water. After consulting a doctor, the child can be given vitamin D drops to prevent rickets from occurring.

The approximate volume of milk that a three-month-old baby should eat per day is 800 ml. If the baby receives 7 meals a day in 24 hours, the amount of milk required for 1 meal should be at least 115 ml. However, if the mother sees that the baby is sucking in less volume, but asks for breast more often, she should not interfere with his desire. Scientists have long proven that on-demand feeding has a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional development of an infant.

Various reasons - stress, poor nutrition, various diseases - can lead to the fact that the mother's milk production decreases. To restore lactation, you should often apply the baby to the breast. If this does not help and the child is not full, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the possibility of supplementary feeding with mixtures. With fully artificial feeding, you cannot give the baby a bottle on demand: a period of 3-3.5 hours must be kept between feedings.

Psychological changes

A small person at 3 months is already able to recognize his mother and the people he often sees. The kid actively expresses his emotions by shouting, humming, smiling. Parents can hear the child singing out vowels when in a good mood. The mimicry of the baby also becomes more active. A "revitalization complex" appears: a joyful reaction to an adult, manifested by active movements of arms and legs.

Some children of this age prefer to be in the arms of mom or dad most of the time. Do not deny the child this desire and you will see what the baby can do. While staring at your face, listening to your voice, your child will smile, frown, stick out their tongue, and try to repeat the sounds you make.

The baby still expresses his desires by crying. Whether he needs food, a change of diapers, parental attention - the child will cry in different ways. Usually, by the age of 3 months, the mother can already distinguish what the little one needs. During this period, the baby begins to be capricious simply because he is bored. Doctors do not recommend running to the child in such cases. Give him time to calm down on his own.

What should a 3 month old baby be able to do?

By the end of 3 months, many babies are usually able to:

If parents appreciate what their child can do and find that his or her accomplishments do not match those listed, they should not be alarmed or panicked. A slight delay in development does not indicate the presence of problems, but can only talk about the individual characteristics of the crumbs. It is worth expecting that in a few days the baby will surprise mom and dad with new abilities.

How to stimulate development?

To encourage your child to make sounds, have constant conversation with him. Call him by name, explain what objects are next to you, voice all your actions. you will be surprised when you see what your child can do. A three-month-old baby, looking at your lips, will repeat their movements and even imitate speech. Pronounce the same sounds that the baby makes. This will encourage him to develop communication skills. While doing your homework, try to stay in your baby's field of vision. So he will see and hear you, and if you begin to explain all your actions, then over time and understand. When communicating with a child, change the timbre of your voice, sing out the words.

Toys will help stimulate the cognitive development of a 3-month-old baby. Hang them over the crib or playpen so that the baby can look at them, touch them with a pen, hit, pull. For a baby of this age, 1-2 objects are enough at a time. It's good if, by knocking on the toy, the child can hear sounds. For a three-month-old baby, you can purchase a soft developmental mat, which is specially created for the development of all the baby's senses. Do not forget to periodically change the items hanging in front of the toddler. Choose toys that are different in shape, color, material, sound. Make sure that the child cannot reach small parts.

Introduce the baby to the pictures. Print on a color printer or purchase ready-made images of animals, people, various objects. Show the pictures to the child, clearly naming what is drawn on them. You can invite the baby to look at his reflection in a safe mirror: for some children, this is a huge delight.

To evoke positive emotions in the crumbs, dance, spin, jump, holding it in your arms. Children love music, so get a collection of children's songs or classic tunes and play them often. Scientists studying the cognitive development of babies have shown that the mother's singing affects the emotional state of the child in the most positive way. Even if a woman has no voice at all, she should hum lullabies and other songs to her baby.

Exercises with the child

To speed up your child's development, do healthy exercises with your child every day:

  1. Prepare a ball, baby cream, a small bowl of warm water, and a rough mat. Apply some cream to the table surface. Take the baby so that he rests on his legs. Perform sliding movements with the child's feet, first on a surface lubricated with cream, then on a rough rug and on water. At the same time, tell a nursery rhyme or sing a song. Observe the reaction of the crumbs: he should not be painful or uncomfortable. At the end of the exercise, kick the ball with your child's feet.
  2. Place your baby on the changing table. Show him a bright, monochrome object. Make sure your toddler is looking at him. Move the object slowly in different directions, while the child must follow him with his gaze. Use words to accompany your actions.
  3. Repeat the previous exercise with a toy that makes a sound, such as a bell.
  4. Place the crumb on a tummy on a hard surface. Place a bright toy in front of him. When the baby is interested in her and wants to grab, place your palm on his legs so that he can push off with his feet. This helpful exercise will speed up your baby's development by encouraging crawling.

Finish exercises with your child with massage sessions. This procedure is indispensable for babies 3 months old, especially premature and developmentally retarded babies. The massage relieves hypertonicity, helps to form the skills of sitting and crawling, and strengthens children's muscles. To do this, you can contact a specialist or perform the basic movements yourself:

  1. Put the baby on his stomach, stroke his back with your palm from the head to the buttocks.
  2. Turning the baby over on its back, walk your hands from his chest to the navel. To strengthen the transverse and oblique muscles of the baby's tummy, make circular movements, hugging the baby on the sides in the lumbar region.

Don't worry if your little one is physically or mentally inferior to their peers. All children are individual. Continue to develop the baby's skills, and then he will soon surely please, touch and make you laugh with new skills, catching up and overtaking other children in development.

After intrauterine development and birth, the baby begins to get used to the conditions of a new life. After the first 2 months, the body continues to develop rapidly: it is gaining weight, the norms of nutrition, sleep and wakefulness change. Every month the baby learns something new, acquires new skills and abilities. A lot depends on his parents on how a child develops at 3 months. So, we will consider the main achievements of a three-month-old toddler, what he can do, and when a specialist consultation is necessary.

Baby 3 months old: what should be able to?

Pediatricians believe that the third month of a baby's life is one of the turning points in his psychomotor development. This is the time when the active phase of studying the external world begins.

Changes take place in the mental, physical, physiological and emotional stages of the formation of a small personality.

At 3 months of age, a child can do a lot:

  • examines toys and confidently holds the handles with his fingers;
  • knows how to focus his gaze, closely follows moving objects, recognizes his parents, especially his mother;
  • gets used to the established routine of sleep, wakefulness and feeding;
  • likes to pull his fist into his mouth and everything that falls into his little hands;
  • knows how to rise, leaning on elbows, roll over from back to side;
  • makes sounds and begins to walk;
  • learned to confidently hold his head in the “lying on his stomach” position;
  • if the baby is dissatisfied with something, shows emotions: cries loudly, laughs, listens attentively to music;

Physical development: height and weight

Monthly scheduled checkups with a pediatrician are necessary to monitor the physical development of young children. There are certain indicators of the norm for weight, height, chest and head circumference, both for boys and girls.

The development of a child at 3 months is very intensive. By medical standards, with a crumb weight of 5600 and a height of 59 cm, the average head circumference is 38-39 cm.

With normal development, his body weight is in the range of 800-900 grams, and his height increases by 2-3 cm. For more details about the physical changes in three-month-old children, see the table.

Mommies should not panic when they notice small deviations in the lack of weight or height of the child. If he is in a good mood, active, eats well and sleeps well, and also has a normal stool consistency, then there is no reason for particular concern.

The indicators of the physical development of a child at 3 months are influenced by many factors:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • way of feeding (breast or artificial);
  • congenital pathologies and other objective reasons.

In any case, only a specialist can give a conclusion about the presence or absence of any developmental problems in a child.

Changes in physiology

As for the physiological development of the child in the third month, the following features can be distinguished:

  • due to the rapid adaptation of subcutaneous adipose tissue to the external environment, positive changes occur in the body: folds appear under the knees, elbows, around the neck, the body becomes soft, and the face becomes round;
  • muscle hypertonicity, which was present in the first two months, has already passed and the child is ready to learn new achievements. He already knows how to roll over on his tummy and back on his back and confidently hold his head. Fine motor skills gradually develop, a curious baby touches and pulls into his mouth everything that gets in his way;
  • the development of the digestive system occurs. The volume of consumed milk or a specially adapted mixture for "artificial" babies is increasing. The daily norm of breastfed milk reaches 900 ml. Premature babies and those with weakened immunity are additionally prescribed vitamin therapy against rickets.
  • One of the indicators of normal ventricular function is the child's stool. Stool at 3 months becomes regular (2 to 5 times a day) and uniform.


How does visual perception develop at 3 months old? At this age, children clearly focus their eyes on objects that are close and follow distant objects in the room. The child squints with his eyes less and less and often concentrates on one object, can hold his gaze for a long time, examining and studying unfamiliar objects.

A mother may notice how her little child gazes intently into her eyes and face while feeding. If you pick up a bright toy and move it up and down, left and right, then the child will follow with his eyes, both vertically and horizontally.

At 3 months of development, the baby distinguishes not only voices, but also recognizes mom and dad.

It's important to know! If a three-month-old baby has a slight asymmetry of gaze (squint), without visible movement disorders of the eyeballs relative to the vertical and horizontal, do not worry. This natural phenomenon is not a pathology and is typical for all small children. Closer to the 4th month of development, "imaginary strabismus" will disappear on its own.


The development of hearing in a 3 month old baby is significantly increased. If you rattle a toy, turn on quiet music, then the baby will be able to determine where the sound is coming from or the source of the sound is.

Also, by the end of the third month, the baby recognizes the voices of parents and strangers well. In an effort to see the source, he quickly and unmistakably turns his head to the side where he heard the sound background of the speaking person.

How to develop hearing in a child?

The ability to distinguish and identify sounds helps the baby to better perceive the world around him. To help the baby develop the hearing organs, parents should contribute to this.

  • observe intonation, (speak in a gentle tone);
  • show emotions, tenderness and affection;
  • include audio recordings of classical music;
  • use educational toys and sonorous rattles;
  • constantly communicate, read books and children's stories.

The development of auditory attention should be under constant supervision of the baby. How well he hears can be determined by the parents themselves, if they are vigilant. In case of poor sound perception, urgently contact a pediatrician.

Nutrition and sleep for a baby 3 months

Not only the waking time, but also how much a 3-month-old baby sleeps and eats, depends on a correctly designed daily routine. Not all children have the same routine, it all depends on the characteristics of their individual development.

At 3 months old, sleeping and feeding the baby make up the bulk of the daily routine. Unlike 2 months old, a 3 month old baby should sleep:

  • in the afternoon (4/2) - total time, no more than 7-8 hours;
  • at night - up to 10 o'clock;
  • the total sleep time during the day is 17-18 hours.

Consider the main nuances of feeding in the third month of a baby's life.

At this age, pediatricians are not advised to supplement the baby or switch to complementary foods. The main source of nutrition is breast milk, which contains all the nutrients necessary for the proper development and growth of children.

At 3 months, you can gradually transfer the baby to hourly feeding. With breastfeeding, the meal schedule is as follows: 6.00, 9.30, 13.00, 16.30, 19.00 and before bedtime 22.00. This meal schedule is also suitable for formula-fed babies.

In the third month, many breastfeeding women experience breastfeeding difficulties, the so-called "lactation crisis". Mom thinks that the milk flow has decreased significantly and the baby is hungry. Some, without consulting a pediatrician, begin to feed and supplement the crumbs, which is absolutely forbidden to do.

Advice! During this crisis period, breastfeeding experts recommend that nursing mothers consume lactation teas, be less nervous and apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. Thus, the mammary glands will begin to produce more milk. The lactation period lasts no more than 3-5 days, after which everything falls into place and the problems that arise disappear.

Development activities and games

For the harmonious development of a child of 3 months, time should be devoted to fun games and activities. Play activities should not irritate the baby and give her discomfort. Developmental games and gymnastic exercises aimed at developing visual, tactile and motor abilities are best done when the child is alert and in high spirits.

Turn pictures and wall art into an entertaining game. Introduce the baby to the images, taking turns telling what is shown in the picture. If these are fairy-tale characters or animals - voice them, this will fascinate the child even more.

You can use a bright ball or balloon to develop your gaze. Move objects alternately in different directions. The baby loves to watch the movement of objects and will learn to concentrate (hold a gaze) on them.

Hanging rattles, tweeters and musical toys help your child to develop quickly. They are hung over the playpen or crib so that the baby can touch and hear the sound.

At the age of 3 months, children begin to develop speech. Therefore, you need to talk with your child more often, for example: read nursery rhymes, sing songs, pronounce simple sentences (mom, dad, bbb, ah-ah, ooh-ooh).

Games for a three-month-old baby don't have to be difficult and tedious. Communication should take place in a calm atmosphere, without harsh emotions. Indeed, for every baby, the feeling of security, love and care is something more than mastering skills and abilities.