The religion in which the concept of karma exists. Karma in religion. General concept of karma in Buddhism and other religions

Three aspects of the law of Karma should be clearly distinguished.

The first is Sanchita Karma, the sum and treasure of all our actions, good or bad, from countless past lives that we have experienced from the moment we began to distinguish between right and wrong and thus began to act with our own responsibility and on our own. initiative. All this is written down and preserved; how could it be otherwise when we live under the rule of an immutable law?

The second aspect is Prarabdha, the inevitable Karma - this is that part of our Karma that is intended for us to be worked out in one life in relation to people and objects with which we have met and had experience in previous lives. This aspect is called “ripe Karma” because it is a debt that is overdue and must be paid for in the form of sorrow and suffering, gain and loss - for the tiniest little thing, whether we like it or not.

The third form is Kriyaman, which is Karma which is in the process of becoming. This is what keeps our free will within certain limits and ensures our future success. Since man is created in the image of God and shares divine life, he is free to act in any way he wishes. With the help of virtue of the same principle, whatever a person strongly desires, he will certainly accomplish over time.

Law of cause

The entire phenomenon of Nature is governed by one important law - the universal law of causality, which is also known as the law of Karma. The law of causality is a universal law that maintains the inner harmony and logical order of the universe. Human affairs are also subject to this law, as are events and incidents in this physical plane. Karma is a Sanskrit term that comes from the root Kri, meaning “to act” and means “action” or “deed”. Any physical or mental action is Karma. Thought is also Karma. The reaction that accompanies the action is Karma. Karma is a broad concept. Attraction, repulsion, gravity, breathing, talking, walking or walking, seeing, hearing, eating, perceiving, commanding, wanting, thinking - these are all actions of the body, mind and senses. All this is Karma. Karma includes both cause and effect.

The seed finds its cause in the tree and in turn becomes the cause of the tree. An adult father begets a son, and the son, in turn, becomes a father. The cause is found in the effect, and the effect is found in the cause. The effect is similar to the cause. It is a universal chain of cause and effect that has no end. No need for chain connection. This world lives on the basis of this fundamental and vital law. This law is adamant and unshakable.

There is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world. What gives you convenience and pleasure, what is useful to you, the world and your environment, is good. That which gives you inconvenience, causes anxiety, suffering and unhappiness, that which is not useful to the world and your environment is evil. That which gives suffering and pain to some and pleases others is a mixture of good and evil.

Every action you take has a dual effect. It makes an impression on your mind, and when you die, you transfer the Samskara to Karmashaya, or to the reservoir of actions in your subconscious mind. The world makes an impression or leaves a record in Akasha. Any action reflects and affects you with equal power and effect. If you harm another person, you are actually hurting yourself. This wrong action reflects and affects you and harms you. It will bring suffering and pain. If you are doing good to the other person, you are actually helping yourself. In reality, you are doing good for yourself, since there is nothing but the Soul. This virtuous influence will reflect on you with equal power and effect. It will bring you joy and happiness.

The law of action and the result of action

The great law of causality includes the law of action and reflection, the law of compensation and the law of retribution. All these laws go under one general, all-encompassing name - the Law of Karma. If there is action, there must be reflection. Reflection will be equal in strength of impact, and will have the same nature. The recent world war has had dire consequences. Trade fell into decay. Peace has disappeared in the country. People have become unhappy. The money market contracted. Many lives have been lost. It is simply that the death of the king results in an immediate violent reaction. Every thought, desire, imagination and feeling evokes a reaction. Virtue brings its own reward. Vice brings its own punishment. This is the work of the law of reflection. If I radiate joy to others, if I ease the suffering of others, surely I will find joy. This is the law of reflection. If I harm another person, if I bring suffering and pain to another, I will receive suffering and pain in return. God never punishes evil people or rewards the virtuous. It is their own Karmas that give reward and suffering. This is the law of action and reflection, which bears certain fruits. Nobody should be blamed. The law operates everywhere with impeccable clarity and scientific precision. The law of action and reflection operates on both the physical and mental planes.

The tennis ball hits the ground and bounces with equal force. This is the law of action and reflection. If I hit the pillow, the pillow affects me with the same force. This is the law of action and reflection. If I say words of love to someone, that person returns the feeling of love, and also says pleasant words to me. This is the law of action and reflection.

Compensation law

The law of compensation operates everywhere in the phenomenon of Nature. The seed is destroyed and from the seed a tree emerges. The tree arises in accordance with the law of compensation. The fuel is burned and destroyed. But in connection with the law of compensation, heat is generated. And many types of food can be cooked over a fire thanks to the heat. If there is an extraordinary heat in Bezvada, an extraordinary cold takes place on Mount Kailash or Uttarakashi in the Himalayas. This is the law of compensation. If 10 scoundrels live in some place, in order for there to be compensation, there must be two Sattvic souls. If high tide occurs in Puri, low tide occurs in Valtyre. This is the law of compensation. If it is day in India, in America it is night. Peace follows war and vice versa. The water becomes steam, and the steam drives the engine. The sulfuric acid in the battery is consumed, but electricity is generated for the light bulb. You get light. This is the law of compensation. The law of compensation also works mentally.

Every effect has a cause. Each subsequent has a previous one. There must be a perfect balance between cause and effect, between the previous and the next. The law of compensation maintains balance and establishes peace, harmony, balance, harmony and justice in Nature. Think hard. Think and reflect. You will notice that this law of compensation works beautifully throughout the phenomenon of Nature. He is adamant and unforgiving. No one can ignore this unshakable and irresistible law. If you do a bad deed, you will reap bad results in compensation.

The law of retribution

Every bad deed or crime brings its own punishment in accordance with the law of retribution. The law of causality, the law of action and reflection, the law of compensation and the law of retribution all work together. He who robs another robs himself. The one who harms another, first of all, harms himself. The one who deceives another, first of all, deceives himself. Every bad deed first causes punishment in the inner nature or soul, and outwardly in circumstances in the form of pain, suffering, loss, failure, misfortune, illness, etc.

The person is ignorant. It is driven by impulses, anger, passion, attachment, pride and disgust. He does all sorts of bad deeds. His intellect becomes perverted. He loses his memory. His understanding is obscured by selfishness and greed. He does not know what he is really doing. He later repents. The discipline of the Indriyas (senses) is necessary. He must remember the law of causality, the law of action and reflection, the law of retribution at every step, every moment of his daily life. He must control his emotions and impulses through the practice of Pranayama (Swara Yoga) and meditation. Only then will he not commit any bad deed.

The law of resistance

They say that habit is second nature. I always say that habit is all nature. Habit control is nature control. Old bad habits can be replaced with healthy and desirable habits with the help of sheer irresistible willpower. A weak, powerless person is a slave to habits. He always imagines that habits are innate and that they cannot be changed during life. It's a delusion. If you want to change old, painful, bad habits and establish new, healthy and beneficial habits, you must fight hard. Old habits will try to come back, resist, persist, and repeat themselves. There will be an internal struggle between old and new Samskaras, between old and new habits. You must be very alert, attentive and careful. You must be as attentive as the soldier who is on duty and guards the military warehouse. An old habit defends itself and says, “Oh, friend! You have given me a place in your body and mind for twenty long years. You enjoyed some things thanks to me. Why are you trying to get rid of me now? You are very cruel. I have all the rights and privileges from Nature, my kind mother, to stay here. Maya only works through me. The whole world works only through habits. Through the force of habit, a person clings to tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, smoking, movies, romance and gambling. The whole world can be turned into dust for no one else but me. Leela of the Lord will stop without my presence in your body. I will not leave my place in your body. ”

This is the law of resistance. If the person who is trying to eradicate a bad habit is inattentive, the old habit will come back again. In the beginning, she may return more often and remain for a long time. Or it may return less frequently and remain for a short time. But you will gain strength, and gradually it will be completely destroyed, and new, useful habits, in the end, will gain dominant power.

If a new healthy habit is attracted again, if you make just one attempt to cultivate, plant a new, good habit in the soil, a good habit will gradually grow. She will also assert herself in finding a place in body and mind. She herself will act until she finds perfect success, and until she overcomes the old, bad habit. This is another law of Nature. There is always a double life in Nature: Asuric and Devic (Demonic and Divine). In body and mind, there is a constant struggle between the Asuras and the Devas. If you fight really hard, new good habits will quickly take hold. You will make rapid progress on the spiritual path. A pure, strong, irresistible will will ultimately lead to success. She can do anything. Her powers are indescribable and remarkable

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Karma, Kamma(Skt. कर्म, pali kamma - "cause-effect, retribution", from Skt. कर्मन् karman IAST- "deed, action, labor") is one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, a universal causal law, according to which a person's righteous or sinful actions determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences. Karma underlies the causal series called samsara and is used primarily to understand relationships that go beyond one existence. different Indian religions have slightly different philosophical interpretations of the concept of karma.

The law of karma realizes the consequences of a person's actions, both positive and negative, and thus makes a person responsible for his life, for all the suffering and pleasure that it brings him. The results, or "fruits of karma," are called karma-phala... The operation of the law of karma covers both past and future lives of a person. Activities performed by a person in the liberated state of moksha do not produce good or bad karma.

The concept of karma has its roots in the early Upanishads, according to which all living beings are responsible for their karma - their actions and their consequences - and for their liberation from the cycle of birth and death of samsara. Vedanta assigns a certain role to God as the distributor of the fruits of karma or as the owner of the power to change the karma of an individual. in general, followers of Buddhism and most traditions of Hinduism regard natural laws of cause and effect as a sufficient explanation for the results of karma.

According to another point of view, a competent guru, acting as the representative of God, can at his discretion partially free the disciple from his karma.

  • 1 Hinduism
    • 1.1 Interpretation of karma in different philosophical schools of Hinduism
  • 2 Buddhism
  • 3 Gnosticism and Christianity
  • 4 Occult
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Literature
  • 8 References


One of the first dramatic descriptions of the law of karma can be found in the Bhagavad-gita, which is part of the Mahabharata epic. One of the main heroes of the epic, Arjuna, preparing for the battle realizes that in the ranks of his opponents are members of his family, his teachers and mentors. Frustrated, Arjuna decides not to take part in the battle. Krishna, playing the role of driver of his chariot, among other things, explains to Arjuna the concept of "duty" and convinces him that it is his duty to fight in the coming battle. The entire Bhagavad-gita is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna about various aspects of life and philosophical topics. The original concept of karma in Hinduism was further developed in various traditions and schools of thought, such as Vedanta and Tantra.

Karma means "action" or "action" and in a broader sense embodies the universal principles of cause and effect, action and its consequences, action and retribution that are ubiquitous in life. Karma is not destiny - people act according to free will, creating their own destiny. According to the Vedas, if we sow good, we will reap good; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma is the totality of all our actions and their consequences, both in this and in previous incarnations, which determine our future. The influence of karma can be overcome by intelligent activities without attachment to its fruits, carried out in accordance with the instructions of the scriptures.

The law of karma has a spiritual origin. Many Hindus see the direct intervention of God in karmic processes, while others see the natural laws of action and their consequences as a sufficient explanation for the effects of karma. Karma is not punishment or retribution, but is the natural consequence of an individual's activities. Karmic consequences can also be neutralized through certain actions and are not necessarily part of an individual's destiny that cannot be changed. That is, a certain action practiced in the present does not bind the individual to any certain future experience or reaction - karma is not such a simple relationship between reward and punishment.

In the scriptures of Hinduism, karma is divided into three types: sanchita(accumulated), prarabdha(bearing fruit) and kriyamana(accumulated at the moment). All kriyamana karma ultimately becomes sanchita karma. From the supply of sanchita-karma for each incarnation of the individual, a handful is taken - and this handful of actions, which have already begun to bear fruit, and which will be exhausted only after its fruit is eaten, is called prarabdha-karma. Thus, while the supply of sanchita-karma is not yet depleted, part of it is taken away as prarabdha-karma, giving the individual karmic results in this life, and keeping him in the cycle of birth and death. The jiva cannot attain moksha until the accumulated store of sanchita-karma is completely depleted.

The interpretation of karma in different philosophical schools of Hinduism

The followers of some systems of the philosophy of Hinduism (such as nyaya and vaisesika) believe that the law of karma is directly controlled by God - the Supreme Being, who created the world in accordance with this law. Thus, it is argued that adrishta- the virtuous and sinful karma of certain living beings - cannot by itself bring the proper results, since it is an unreasonable, unconscious beginning. The one who controls adrishta and distributes all the joys and sorrows of life according to karma is God.

In some other systems - such as sankhya and mimamsa- the law of karma is autonomous and operates independently of the will of God. According to these systems, the origin and structure of the universe can be explained using one law of karma without recognizing the existence of God.

Whatever the status of the law of karma, the scope of its application is limited to the area of ​​actions performed under the influence of ordinary passions and desires. All actions performed for the sake of obtaining benefits and benefits in the present or in the future are governed by this law. Just as a fried seed does not germinate, so disinterested, dispassionate actions do not lead to any - good or bad - results in an individual's life. Thus, under the influence of the law of karma are those individuals who, in one way or another, depend on the environment, are subject to the influence of ordinary passions and impulses of life and strive to obtain certain benefits in the next life. Selfless and devoid of passion actions do not cause either good or bad consequences, but on the contrary contribute to the eradication, destruction of the already accumulated consequences of our behavior in the past, when we were under the influence of attachment or addiction, selfish hopes or fears, and thereby leads us to moksha. With the achievement of liberation from dependence, our "I" comes out of obedience to the law of karma, lives and acts in an atmosphere of freedom.


In Buddhist theory, karma is created only by intentional, that is, conscious action, and not by any action in general. in Buddhist terminology, karma never denotes its consequences; its consequences are known as the "fruit" or "outcome" of karma (kamma-phala or kamma-vipaka; Mong. ilin үr). Intention can be good or bad, just as desire can be good or bad. Good karma (kusala) has good consequences in the future, and bad karma (akusala) has bad consequences.

Buddha denied both karmic determinism, according to which the present moment is completely predetermined by past karma, and the future cannot be changed, and indeterminism, according to which the present has no reasons. In addition to past karma (purana kamma), acting under a certain combination of factors, Buddha singled out karma formed in the present (nava kamma), which affects the future. According to another similar division, karma has two parts: daiva (destiny) and purusha-kara ("human action"). The first part of karma is related to past actions and is the part that a person cannot change. The second part is "free initiative" through which a person can act in such a way as to create conditions for a change in the future. As the ultimate manifestation of purusha-kara, a person, through “action without attachment to its results” (karma-marga) or special knowledge (jnana-marga), can “terminate the operation of the law of karma” and achieve nirvana.

While preaching about past karma to the monks in the Mahakamma Vibhanga Sutta (Discourse on the Great Classification), the Buddha pointed out that each of the following propositions may be true in specific cases:

  1. Bad actions bring bad results;
  2. Bad actions bring good results;
  3. Good actions bring good results;
  4. Good actions bring bad results.

The Buddha explained this by "an endless number of factors (in an endless chain of previous rebirths)" that must be taken into account. The intricate mechanism of action of karma, according to Buddha, can only be fully seen by one who has achieved awakening.

At the same time, when preaching to the laity, Buddha "for purely educational purposes" created an unambiguous connection between the results in the current life and actions in the past. Thus, in the Chulakammavibhanga Sutta, the Buddha pointed out that a person's short life is associated with a tendency to murder and violence, illness - with cruelty, ugliness - with anger, and poverty - with envy and greed.

The Buddha urged followers to shift their attention from the past to the present, saying that the expression "What you sow in the past, you reap" nullifies the value of correct behavior and removes the opportunity to achieve liberation. Therefore, the Buddha considered the expression "You reap what you sow in the present" as a more correct expression. The results of actions in the present, according to Buddha, can be manifested both in this life and in subsequent lives.

Gnosticism and Christianity

Christian denominations and Churches with Apostolic succession deny the belief in the existence of karma.

The doctrine of the transmigration of souls and karma was historically adopted by such Gnostic currents as the Albigensians (Cathars), Pavlikians and Bogomils.

Gnostic currents, as well as modern currents that do not belong to traditional Christian denominations, interpret some passages from the Bible as examples of karmic retribution. as arguments, they cite the interpretation of the episodes of the New Testament about John the Baptist and the words of Jesus Christ about Elijah.

In the teachings of the tradition of esoteric Christianity, karma is reflected as "the law of cause and effect."


Alice Bailey calls one of the most important laws "karma", the reasons and bases of which are hidden in the structure of any matter and in the interaction of units of this matter with each other. Hence, in addition to the karmic law itself and its principles, it is always necessary to consider that plan, that substance, matter in which this law operates, those atomic units of matter, whose interaction is regulated by the law, as well as that “greater life” into which this matter and these units are included and which also conditions them karmically, but already at its own, higher level of existence, at a higher level of cause-and-effect relationships.

There are different types and subtypes of karma, depending on the level of existence. Human karma (where the substance is humanity itself) is divided into: individual karma, family, national, racial, world. They also distinguish between karma of the kingdoms of nature (mineral, vegetable, animal), planetary, solar, cosmic karma.

The theme of liberation from karma is in reality only the evolutionary departure of one or another entity from the influence of the karmic limitations of a lower substance and a transition under the influence of a higher karmic vibration and the plan of its existence. For a person, this is a volitional overcoming of the karma of his animal, physical nature, separation from the influence of this nature and the transition under the influence of the karma of "God's Will". Literal "liberation from karma" is impossible in principle, just as emptiness is impossible in nature.

see also

  • Theosophy of Helena Blavatsky
  • Philosophy of Hinduism
  • Dharma
  • Four Noble Truths
  • Surat Shabd Yoga

Notes (edit)

  1. Karma is often confused with the fruits of karma, which leads to fatalism. An example of this error is statements like "This is my karma."
  2. Pratima Bowes, The Hindu Religious Tradition 54-80 (Allied Pub. 1976) ISBN 0-7100-8668-7
  3. Alex Michaels, Hinduism: Past and Present 154-56 (Princeton 1998) ISBN 0-691-08953-1
  4. Yogananda, Paramahansa, Autobiography of a Yogi, Chapter 21 ISBN 1-56589-212-7
  5. Swami Krishnananda on the Guru mitigating the karma of the disciple
  6. Swami B. V. Tripurari on grace of the Guru destroying karma
  7. Sant Kirpal Singh GodMan - God-Man 1971
  8. Sant Kirpal Singh THE WHEEL OF LIFE - The Wheel of Life 1971
  9. Pier Franco Marcenaro, Path of Spirituality 50.66 (Center of Man, Chisinau, 2003) ISBN 9975-9663-8-1
  10. E.g., Compare with Pratima Bowes, The Hindu Religious Tradition 54-80 (Allied Pub. 1976) ISBN 0-7100-8668-7
  11. Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol. II, at 217-225 (18th reprint 1995) ISBN 81-85301-75-1
  12. Alex Michaels, Hinduism: Past and Present 154-56 (Princeton 1998) ISBN 0-691-08953-1.
  13. Goyandaka J, The Secret of Karmayoga, Gita Press, Gorakhpur
  14. Lysenko, 2011, p. 362
  15. 1 2 3 Lysenko, 2011, p. 363
  16. Lysenko, 2011, p. 361
  17. 1 2 3 Lysenko, 2011, p. 364
  18. J. Lavrin "The Bogomils and Bogomilism" The Slavonic and East European Review (London, 1929, vol. VIII, p. 270)
  19. Avi Rabinowitz Karma in the Bible: Jacob, Joseph, Moses, the Egyptians, and the Ten Commandments
  20. Max Heindel, The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception | The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception or Mystic Christianity (Part I, Chapter IV: Rebirth and the Law of Consequence), ISBN 0-911274-34-0,1909.
  21. Heindel, Max (1910s), The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers (Volume II, Section 7, Question nº89: The Essence of Christianity), ISBN 0-911274-90-1, www2
  22. Alice A. Bailey Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 798
  23. Alice A. Bailey "Treatise on Cosmic Fire", p.469
  24. Alice A. Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p.802


  • Ayusheeva D.V.Interpretation of the law of karma by modern Tibetan Buddhists // Bulletin of the Buryat State University. - Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University, 2010. - No. 14. - P. 5-10. - ISSN 1994-0866.
  • Donets AM About some features of the Buddhist concept of karma // Bulletin of the Buryat State University. - Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University, 2011. - No. 14. - P. 210-215. - ISSN 1994-0866.
  • Carroll R. T. Karma // Encyclopedia of Delusions: A Collection of Incredible Facts, Amazing Discoveries and Dangerous Beliefs. - M .: Publishing house "Williams", 2005. - 672 p. - ISBN 5-8459-0830-2, ISBN 0-471-27242-6.
  • Lysenko V.G. Karma // Philosophy of Buddhism: an encyclopedia / otv. ed. M. T. Stepanyants ;. - M .: Vost. Lit., IP RAS, 2011. - S. 360-369. - 1045 p. - ISBN 978-5-02-036492-9.
  • Rosen, Steven J. (1997), "The Reincarnation Controversy: Uncovering the Truth in the World Religions", Torchlight Publishing, ISBN 188708911X.
  • Capel, Evelyn (1988), "Reincarnation Within Christianity", Rudolph Steiner College, ISBN 0904693082.


  • Karma - an article from the dictionary: "Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism"
  • The concept of karma in Hinduism
  • Frequently asked questions about karma and rebirth - an article by Alexander Berzin on the concept of karma in Buddhism.
  • Kamma in Theravada Buddhism
  • "How to Manage Your Karma" - Article from Hinduism Today Magazine - Bodhinatha Veilanswamy
  • Karma - The ABC of Esotericism

The main law of life in all inhabited Worlds of the Universe is the Law of Karma. It is also the basis of all past and existing religions, and is inscribed in their Sacred Texts in various ways: from direct instructions - "according to your deeds" to hidden meaning - behind the philosophy of parables and secret writing of words.

In the material presented by us, we will not analyze the attempts of the currently dominant religions to reduce the mention of Karma in their Texts to a different interpretation. Many polemical works have already been written about this at different times. In this work, relying on the "Linguistic Code of the Holy Scriptures" discovered in 1999 in Russia, we will show how and in what volumes the Law of Karma is spelled out in three existing religions: in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which have a single plot basis. of their Sacred Texts.

The "Linguistic Code of the Holy Scriptures" discovered in Russia is a secret writing system discovered in the Holy Texts, through which, behind the symbolic language of parables, the original meaning of spiritual Knowledge was hidden. Each person who decided to step beyond the limits of the everyday life of his life had to strive to discover and comprehend this Knowledge.

Moreover, all the Sacred Texts turned out to be just an instruction for a person to walk the path of life. In parallel with the indication of the correct steps in life, the Texts are also an intellectual test. The texts of the Holy Scriptures are like trials in a labyrinth, where at each fork you have to make the right choice, correctly solving the prescription set out in the parable. Nothing complicated, but very exciting. And, judging by the many symbolic labyrinths left at different times and in different nations, right up to church temples, such as, for example, in the center of Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos) in France, many minds have come to guessing at certain levels of life's labyrinths ...

In this material, we will show the supremacy of the Karmic Law hidden in the Sacred Texts. The reader should take into account that the premise of this material is our firm position in the existence of the Creator and His omnipresent presence and participation. That is, existence has an ordered system of construction and the purpose of its purpose.

The starting point for the search for references to the Karmic Law can be considered the fact that the word COSMIC turned out to be a hidden spelling of the word KARMIC (see figure). Thus, to the hypothetically asked question "what law rules in the Cosmos" we get the answer: the basic COSMIC LAW is the KARMIC LAW.

Recall that the word KOSMOS (kosmos) was interpreted by ancient Greek philosophy as an ORDER. Only, for some reason, they subsequently added to this interpretation that ORDER arose from the original CHAOS - disorder. What was the logic of such an addition, and what systematic series of examples can be given for such a conclusion? Unclear. But the events of today - the days of the End Time show the fallacy of the paradigm of the primordial chaos. With the beginning of the formation of the World of CHAOS, at the end of earthly days, humanity came to chaos in the structure of civilization. But, if the fundamental scientific paradigm of the universe were the original ORDER and God is His creator, then at the End of time humanity would again return to understanding the ORDER and to the primacy of God over the World.
Humanity, passing through the symbolic labyrinth of its existence, guided by its understanding of the Sacred Texts, has already reached the point of "self-destruction" (Armageddon), having made many wrong choices on its way at the forks of the path. But people still have a chance to fix the matter while God is present on Earth. And this chance is in the hands of Russia.

So, after God has determined the Karmic Law as the main Law of the Cosmos, then all attempts of people to change references to Karma in the Sacred Texts in their own way can be considered as failed. Or it must be admitted that attempts to remove from the earthly Knowledge and the spiritual Teaching of the Church the Karmic law with its constituent elements: reincarnation, cause-and-effect relationships and personal responsibility for one's own affairs, are a political mistake of the Second Council of Constantinople (553 A.D.), when the Church Fathers decided, to please the Emperor Justinian, to anathematize Origen's teaching "on the pre-existence of the soul" as an "unacceptable view" that was not understandable to ordinary Christians. Either, since the error has not yet been corrected and the Karmic Law has not been restored as the basic Law of God, today's Religions must agree that the religious (human) Tradition diverges from the Truth of the Word of God, due to a lack of understanding of the Sacred Texts, or, on the contrary, due to the complete understanding the obstacle that the Karmic Law places on its nurtured spiritual Teaching of a particular religion.
The sacred texts warn that it is better for a person to admit a mistake before God and try to correct it, than to persist in his apostasy, and, in the end, still receive retribution according to the Law of Karma for his criminal stubbornness.

What is the Law of Karma and what is its effect?
The word KAMMA (KAMMA) from the languages ​​of Sanskrit and Pali is translated as "cause-effect, retribution", but the word KAPMAN - as "deed, action, work." It is for this variegation that the interpreters were hooked in order to deprive the Law of Karma of the action of "retribution and personal responsibility for deeds." If the words are different, then it means that they also refer to different concepts. The interpreters did not take into account only one thing, that all the Sacred Texts are written in secret writing and should not only be read literally, but investigated to extract the Truth from them. Therefore, the words KAMMA and POCKET, from the standpoint of cryptography, are not different, but complementary meanings.

Man believes, and God disposes. God turned out to be "more cunning" people. He used in his God's Word to people not the direct word KARMA, but its meanings: retribution, retribution, revenge, cleansing. Plus, there is the secret spelling of the word KARMA itself, as, for example, in the phrase that actually replaces the Name of God - “I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the First and the Last” (Rev. 22:13) (see fig. ).

The fact is that, despite the general understanding of the Law of Karma as “retribution by the same to which you yourself are involved”, the philosophical interpretations of Karma by different religions differ from each other.

We have already said that the "Linguistic Code" discovered in the Scriptures made it possible to find a hidden secret indication that the Word of God is an INSTRUCTION for man. And the instructions must be followed in accordance with the recommendations, otherwise, what it was drawn up for will not achieve the correct result. However, the Word of God is carried out by his servants strictly as an instruction, but only literally: blood means blood, water means water, revenge means revenge. And a thousand-year debate lasts about the cruelty of One God and the kindness of the Other. In fact, the understanding of the Texts had to be done with MIND. This is what the Quran's frequent saying is dedicated to: "Maybe you will understand !?", which also means a secret addition to it - "if you have a mind?"

Consider a couple of examples for each religion, how the Scriptures indicate the Law of Karma through words that are directly related to it: retribution, retribution, revenge, cleansing.
23. If even after this you do not correct yourself and go against me,
24 then I also will go against you and smite you seven times for your sins,
25. and I will draw upon you a VENGEOUS sword in revenge for the covenant;
But if you hide in your cities, I will send a plague on you, and you will be delivered into the hands of the enemy.

Deut. 32:35 I have revenge and retribution ...

2 Tsar Ch. 22:
21. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands He rewarded me.
22. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not been wicked before my God,
23. for all his commandments are before me, and I have not departed from his statutes,
24. and was blameless before Him, and wasware lest I sin.
25. And the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my purity in His sight.

Is.61: 8 For I, the Lord, love justice, I hate robbery with violence, and I WILL RETURN their reward in truth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with them;

Jer.32: 19 Great in counsel and mighty in works, whose eyes are open in all the ways of the sons of men, to REWARD each one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his works.

1 Pet.chap 3:
8. Finally, be all of one mind, compassionate, brotherly, merciful, friendly, humble;
9. DO NOT RETURN evil for evil or curse for curse; on the contrary, bless, knowing that you are called to this, in order to inherit the blessing.
10. For whoever loves life and wants to see good days, keep his tongue from evil and his mouth from crafty speech;
11. shy away from evil and do good; seek peace and strive for it,
12. For the eyes of the Lord are turned to the righteous, and His ears are toward their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to destroy them from the earth.

Revelation 22:12 Behold, I am coming soon, and My RETURN is with Me, to reward each one according to his deeds.

Surah 2:45 (48). And be afraid of the day when the soul will not REWARD for another soul, and intercession will not be accepted from it, and EQUALITY will not be taken from it, and no help will be provided to them!

Sura 2: 175 (179). For you, in RETURN is life, O possessors of reason! - maybe you will fear God!

Sura 4: 122 (123). These are not your dreams and not the dreams of the possessors of the scripture. Whoever does evil will be REWARDED by the same, and he will not find an intercessor besides Allah or a helper.

Sura 6: 120 (120). Leave both obvious sin and hidden sin; verily, those who acquire sin will be REWARDED for what they have won!

Sura 11: 113 (111). Indeed, your Lord will fully REWARD everyone for their deeds: after all, He is knowledgeable in what they do!
Surah 24:25 (25). On that day, Allah will fully REWARD them according to their true faith, and they will know that Allah is the clear truth.

Sura 6: 161 (160). Whoever comes with a good deed, for that - ten like him, and who comes with a bad deed, then RETURN only to those who are like him, and they will not be offended!

Our use of a large number of quotations was necessary in order to show how and how often the Law of Karma is mentioned in the scriptures.

Thus, it was not the business of the church censors to correctly correlate this or that quotation from the Holy Scriptures with the Law of Karma and try to change its meaning, but to LEARN to read the Texts CORRECTLY.

In these examples, the direct spelling of words denoting the Law of Karma is given: retribution, retribution, revenge. But there are also secret phrases indicating the Law of Karma, which we will not talk about in this material, because they require a more detailed explanation and a different description format.
Why is the Law of Karma so terrible for individual Religions?

The fact is that Karma is an automatic Law of bestowal: receive in return what you have done, as it is indicated in the Quran by the word EQUILIBRIUM. Such automatic REMEDY (retribution) depends on the behavior of only the person himself, and does not provide for the institution of mediation, which is the host of priests with their sacred acts.

Sura 6:69 (70). Leave those who turn their religion into play and fun: they were deceived by their neighbor
life! Remind with it that the soul will perish for what it has gained. She has no helper besides Allah, or an intercessor! If she offers any replacement, then she will not be taken from her. These are the ones who are ruined by what they have acquired. For them - drinking from boiling water and a painful punishment for being unfaithful!

The task of a clergyman is not to perform a secret action in front of a believer, but to explain this secret to a person. And the Mystery of God is the Mystery of His Word, which must be revealed in the Last Time by Himself, and which is already revealed to the reader if he understands what has been written.
And if the Word of God has revealed its Mystery, then THAT DAY has come, in anticipation of which it carried its service and priesthood. And if the time has come, and the Lord Himself Came to Earth, then a choice must be made according to understanding, and not according to self-interest. At the Court it is already too late to build new versions in your own defense, the Judge already knows WHAT you have done, and whether you are worthy of reward or retribution.

Surah 82:19 (19). on the day when the soul cannot do anything for the soul, and all power on that day is for Allah.
Sura 6: 164 (164). What each soul gains remains on it, and the other who carries the burden will not bear. And then your return to your Lord, and He will inform you about what you disagreed with.

How does the Law of Karma work today, when many masks have been torn off, and almost everyone has taken one side or the other of the world events unfolding in front of him?

The thing is that a person of today, who has brought his planet to the brink of destruction, has completely no awareness of what he is doing. Neither the atheist has this awareness - that he destroys himself by his behavior, there is no awareness of the believer who, under the banner with the face of God, goes to kill an innocent, personally before him "enemy", and another believer, clothed with the title, blesses him to the feat of arms of the defender. After all, a medal always has two sides. It was necessary to live and build relationships with each other so that it never happened to become enemies. And the victory is always ultimately won by the MIND, awakened from the more prudent side, and not by force.

It was his personal IGNORANCE that brought man to his disastrous confrontation today. And first of all - ignorance in spiritual Knowledge, in the Knowledge of how the World is arranged, in the Knowledge of God. Ignorance is when there are all the possibilities to cognize, but a person refuses to do it. This happened with the spiritual guidance of a person through life - the Holy Scriptures about God. They should have been STUDYED, not BELIEVED in them !!

And now what happened has happened, and the person does not even understand that he is on the verge of this very Armageddon, which, for some reason, they decided, should happen somewhere far away - "there at that time." All these "somewhere" arose precisely from the ignorance that a person cultivated in himself.

We have presented to you the proofs of the Revelation of the Mystery of the Word of God and the proof of the great error of man in his opposition to God. Confrontation is rebellion, as the Scripture says. Rebellion against God provides for adequate punishment - the destruction of rebellious humanity.
In the light of the evidence presented for the special language of scripture writing, that is, evidence that a person misunderstood what was written in the Word of God and was guided by this misunderstanding in his life actions, we declare that in the scriptures it is today's time that is designated as “The time of God's presence on Earth and the Judgment of Men ”, regardless of whether a person wished to see God in the flesh or not. The trial is underway.

To save the planet from final destruction, the only reasonable step of man today is to find God and entrust Him with the salvation of the situation, for which He Comes in the flesh at such a moment among people.
Russia, Moscow is designated the place of today's presence of God. All evidence is presented in scriptures with signs of place and time.

None of the people know what God's RETURN is, and how the REMEDY of human sins works, so a person is not afraid to do evil.
A person does not understand that it is enough just to pick up a symbol of death, such as a portrait of a serial killer (for example, Hitler), or to put on its symbols, or to vote with his indifference for the death of others, so that the Law of Karma would make such a follower responsible for all the victims of that the killers. Or - the same RETURN (compensation) will go from God to the boss who condemns others to death. He will have to redeem every ruined soul. And what the mechanism of this redemption will be, such a boss can only imagine from the bodies torn apart from his will, but he does not even come close by understanding what this redemption really is.

Luke 12:48 And from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required, and to whom much has been entrusted, of him more will be required.

Eccl.8: 11 Judgment on bad deeds is not quickly accomplished; from this the heart of the sons of men is not afraid to do evil.

Job 28:28 The FEAR of the Lord is true WISDOM, and removal from evil is MIND.
Proverbs 1: 7 The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; Fools only despise wisdom and instruction.

Open chapter 22:
10. .. the time is near.
11. Let the unrighteous still do unrighteousness; let the unclean be filthy still; let the righteous do righteousness still, and the saint still be sanctified.
12. Behold, I am coming soon, and My RETURN is with Me, to RETURN to everyone according to his deeds.

Karma - in Indian religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) and philosophy, complementing the concept of samsara; the sum of actions committed by a living being and their consequences, which determines the nature of a new birth, reincarnation; the influence of committed actions on the nature of the present and subsequent existence. Translated from Sanskrit, "karma" means "deed." Karma is perceived as the law of causation (the law of retribution, the law of retribution). In Buddhism, karma represents a conscious effort of will.

It is believed that a person's life takes place in three worlds (planes) and in all these worlds a person manifests himself through actions, then karma passes through all worlds (planes). With the departure from the physical world, earthly karma ceases and the karma of the higher worlds comes into force. Death does not interrupt a person's work on himself, on his mental, emotional, motivating (manifested in action) qualities. Freed from the shackles of the physical body, a person can more easily and more fully assimilate the store of experience acquired in earthly life. Synthesized and replenished, this experience is transformed into those inclinations and abilities of a person that determine his next incarnation. The work of the spirit is not lost after the next incarnation, but is resumed from the very edge that he reached in his previous life. The aspirations (desires) of the current life are transformed into abilities in the next incarnation, repetitive thoughts turn into inclinations, volitional impulses - into activities, the trials that have fallen to the lot of a person - into wisdom, the suffering of the soul - into conscience. An act affects karma weaker, since it relatively little affects the true essence of a person, his immortal soul, the development of the latter is determined not so much by the action itself as by the motive that caused it.
Eastern tradition distinguishes between three types of human karma:
Mature karma, or karma of past actions ("the karma of an action cannot be exhausted by inaction"). It determines the duration of earthly life, the characteristics of the organism, affects the selection of relatives, friends, enemies and, in general, all people with whom a person comes into contact, determines the conditions for the manifestation of fortitude, determines the saturation of life with joy and suffering in the necessary proportions.
Latent karma is a consequence of causes that can be transferred from incarnation to incarnation, remaining unclaimed until the conditions necessary for its manifestation are created. In contrast to "mature" karma, "latent" karma can be changed. It reveals itself in the form of inclinations originating in the past. By influencing the inclinations, a person through inner work can alleviate this type of karma, and even failure is a step forward, since resistance to the negative destroys part of that negative energy that may be part of karma.
Incipient karma is the consequences that are created by thoughts, desires and actions in the present for subsequent working off in the future. By controlling these three plans, you can determine your future, consciously shaping your future life.

Judging by the number of spiritual teachings and religions that the concept of karma can be found in, one can suspect that this is not an invention, as many in our pragmatic world are inclined to believe today. Humanity has long begun to try to understand the laws of nature, to find the meaning of existence and to determine the peculiarity of its mental organization. Isn't it strange that these searches led him to the concept of "karma"?

Of course, we cannot affirmatively say that it exists - there is no evidence. But after all, there are no refutations, and the experience of life suggests that everything is interconnected: one bad deed leads to other similar ones, and a similar situation develops with good deeds. Roughly speaking, this is a simple example of a karmic chain, only in some religious teachings karma is called retribution and its essence changes somewhat: here good or evil returns to a person not for objective reasons, but because the Higher powers punish him in this way.

karma in christianity

Having opened the Bible, we will not find the word "karma" there, but we will find the word "retribution" somewhat similar in meaning. Here we are talking about the fact that for wrong actions - "sins" that lead to the destruction of the environment or the personality itself, God punishes a person, sending him severe trials that make him suffer and think about his behavior, and with the help of this, supposedly mistakes are expiated. Here, as karma, if we imagine a simplified model, is “work on mistakes”. This is the Christian sinner's chance to atone for his guilt and be forgiven before God.

But this is a religious view. If you objectively try to look at the situation, it becomes clear that thoughts and their consequences - actions, acquiring a destructive character, really harm their very owner: figuratively speaking, if you destroy your home, then only ruins will remain of it, although there is karma, at least not. And since all the elements of the world are interconnected, it turns out that if you harm someone / something from the environment, then this will affect the pest.

What is Karma in Buddhism

Buddhism became the popularizer of this concept. The laws of karma are one of the main concepts in the Buddhist religion. Here there is an idea that there is a universal law, according to which a person's actions determine his fate. This karmic law goes beyond one life incarnation and their succession (samsara) is determined by karma - the actions of a person. When a person can go beyond samsara, he will attain moksha (free).

Thus, we can understand that in Buddhism, with the help of the concept in question, a person is held accountable for their actions.

What is karma in esotericism and astrology

According to esoteric general concepts, karma is stronger than the desires of a person and it cannot be chosen by them. This shows the kinship in the concepts of karma and fate, fate.

You can also highlight another area related to esotericism and astronomy - karmic astrology, which studies the issues of rebirth and the role of rock in life.

It is assumed here that each person was born for certain reasons (not only physiological) and his present place was determined by life in a previous incarnation. Also, great importance is attached to the question of what a person should do in this life, following which path he can solve his karmic problems. Karma is determined by the position of the planets and fictitious points in a person, and, based on this information, practical conclusions are drawn about what exactly needs to be done in order to "correctly" live life.

How to find out your karma

This can be done through astrology or logical thinking. In astrology, to determine karma, an analysis of two points in the horoscope is used: the north and south node, where the first shows what needs to be done, and the second what to refuse.

But you can understand your karma without astrology: just do more good deeds, without expecting anything in return, and endure all difficulties with dignity and humility, perceiving them as life lessons that are needed to become stronger and wiser.

In general, representatives of different eras pondered over the question of what karma is for a very long time, which gave rise to many guesses and different ideas about it. However, only one thing is known: our future is determined by the present, and what we do today will bear fruit tomorrow.