The most popular biorevitalization drugs. Preparations for biorevitalization - which one to choose? "Innea" for biorevitalization

Beauty is a loose concept, but not in time. Even the most beautiful face acquires the inevitable wrinkles and folds over the years. Are there ways to combat the early harbingers of aging? But so as not to go under the knife. There is!

Biorevitalization is considered one of the most effective procedures for rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck and other open areas exposed to external negative influences. Its growing popularity has led to the fact that today more than 100 names of injectable drugs are offered to patients, each of which is declared by the manufacturer as "the best" and "most effective". the site will help you understand this variety and choose the most suitable one in terms of age, skin type and price:

Such a different youth: what are the drugs for biorevitalization and what are the main differences between them

In cosmetology, three generations of biorevitalizants are actively used, which differ from each other primarily in composition:

  • First generation products are clean, undiluted. Unstabilized and low density. It is evenly distributed in the target area, quickly moisturizes and nourishes tissues, after which it is equally quickly excreted from the body. Suitable for all skin types and all ages. This concept became the basis for the whole - manufacturers are still trying to improve and improve their products, but their basis is always just such a "fast" GC.
  • In addition to hyaluronate, second-generation preparations include various active additives that improve the quality of the skin - sodium succinate, amino acids, vitamins, etc. In this they are similar to mesotherapy cocktails, but, unlike the latter, the emphasis remains on moisturizing and general skin rejuvenation , and not on spot work with its defects (read).
  • The third generation is considered to be means enriched with nucleic acids, which “work” at the DNA level, restoring the internal structure of damaged cells and activating the entire “chain” in the body for the production of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.
  • The last word in "rejuvenating technology" is bioreparants. This is an enhanced version of biorevitalizants, as a rule, they have a complex composition of amino acids, vitamins, peptides, antioxidants, and other active components, and are mainly focused on the age of 40-45 years and older, when only deep skin hydration is no longer enough for a rejuvenating effect (find out, ).

Rating of the best drugs for biorevitalization

Some of the most sought-after brands that consistently receive excellent reviews from both beauticians and patients include:

1. . Universal Italian drug of the first generation, which for a long time remained the undisputed market leader. The composition is pure, chemically unchanged hyaluronic acid. It is produced immediately in a syringe, which makes it easier for the cosmetologist and eliminates the likelihood of an error in dilution. Has its own unique application protocol - the so-called. "Gold standard". This is a two-stage biorevitalization system, in which first 1-3 procedures are performed on the base preparation, during which the skin is intensively saturated with hyaluronic acid. Then, to consolidate and prolong the result, a session is performed on the IAL System ACP, which is based on stabilized HA of a higher density. These drugs can be used separately for patients from 30 and 35 years old, respectively.

2. . Classic biorevitalizant from the Swiss concern Galderma. The composition contains only pure hyaluronic acid in normal (Vital, 2%) and reduced (Vital Light, 1.2%) concentration. In addition, there is an option with lidocaine for simultaneous anesthesia of the procedure. The product is suitable for treating early signs of aging, and is most often used for preventive skin hydration and protection from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation - for example, before and / or immediately after a trip to a seaside resort. Target audience - young patients from 30 to 35-40 years old.

3. . Developed by the Swiss company Teoxane. The entire line is designed for biorevitalization and biorestructuring of the facial skin, the choice depends on the patient's age and the individual characteristics of his aging. The first preparation contains only hyaluronic acid, no additives, has a mild sparing effect, is suitable for thin, highly dehydrated skin, as well as sensitive and prone to allergic reactions. It is often used in the fight against the effects of sun, chemical and household burns.

Teosyal Meso Expert has a more complex formula, which, in addition to HA, contains antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins that activate metabolism and increase immunity. And PureSense Redensity's main goal is to restore the even texture, tone and ability of the skin to reflect light, thereby removing the characteristic dark areas usually associated with aging from the face.

4. ... Products of the Russian company "Medical Case" - 3 biorevitalizants and 2 bioreparants, based on classical hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 0.5% to 1.2%. In addition, more dense preparations additionally contain zinc hyaluronate. This component is designed to work with weak, aging skin: it strengthens the tone and provides a noticeable lifting effect. Thus, in addition to deep moisturizing, the senior products of the Medical Case line (Native Complex, Bioneedle and Bioneedle Active +) are used to eliminate wrinkles and carry out reinforcing procedures. Another big plus of these revitalizants is their affordable price, despite the fact that in their quality and characteristics they are in no way inferior to expensive foreign brands.

5. . Heavy artillery injection cosmetology. An American drug from ABG Lab LLC is designed specifically for patients over 40 years old. The uniqueness of the product lies in its ability to increase the number of stem cells in the skin, as well as to "revive" damaged DNA molecules. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains the patented Wharton Jelly Peptide P199 polypeptide, which activates the division and function of stem cells, which provides a pronounced and lasting rejuvenation. In addition, the composition is enriched with vitamins A, B, C, E, K and amino acids.

6. . Revolutionary domestically produced drugs that manage to compete on equal terms with eminent foreign brands. In addition to hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 1.4%, they contain amino acids, vitamin C, glycine, lysine and other active ingredients to solve various related problems, such as general skin laxity and age spots. Hyalripier bioreparant 08 contains a powerful lipolytic L-carnitine and is used to enhance the results of hardware or surgical liposuction.

7. . Another line of Italian biorevitalizants, this time from Ital Farmacia Laboratory. The first drug is intended for relatively young patients, the second is used for biorestructuring and correction of more pronounced age-related changes. In addition to HA, the preparations include amino acid complexes to enhance the production of collagen and elastin, as well as a carbonate buffer solution. Due to the latter, the preparations of the Skin line maintain a normal, natural pH level, while most other biorevitalizants shift this balance in favor of an acidic environment.

8. . Italian products based on high molecular weight unmodified hyaluronic acid from the Istituto Ricerche Applicate laboratory. The line contains 3 items with different concentrations of HA, intended for different ages: Beautelle 30+ (1%), 40+ (1.5%) and Age + (2%). They can be used in isolated procedures, but, in addition, a special course of alternation with the aforementioned Italian Skin line has been developed for them, which provides a long and lasting result of biorevitalization and correction of aesthetic defects.

9. . South Korean drugs with a very complex formula - each contains several dozen amino and nucleic acids, vitamins and other active substances. Both products are based on high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a density of 1.5%. The basic biorevitalizant Aquashine gives the classic effect of deep hydration, and BR has whitening components and additionally removes the characteristic age-related pigmentation. Due to this difference in action, the first drug is indicated for young patients, and the second for more mature patients who have already faced the problem of age-related pigmentation.

Choosing the right one: what to look for when comparing different products

The main difference between biorevitalizants of different brands and manufacturers is the concentration of HA and the presence of other active ingredients in the composition. But it is not easy to understand which one will help in each specific case. Of course, the best option is to entrust the choice to a beautician, who will assess the condition of the skin at an in-person appointment and select the optimal composition. But there are several points that are important for the patient to pay attention to:

Age. Three main groups can be distinguished here:

  • At the age of 30-35 ( and sometimes a little later) it makes sense to pay attention to the classic biorevitalizants of the first generation. During this period of life, our skin is still young and has a good potential for self-regeneration, all it needs is regular deep hydration to compensate for the effects of ultraviolet radiation, dry city air and other negative external factors. Use more complex ( and, accordingly, more expensive) formulas with a large number of active ingredients are inappropriate for young patients. You should not chase after the concentration of HA - otherwise, instead of the desired rejuvenation, you can get a bunch of unpleasant "side effects", such as persistent edema and deformation of the facial contours.
  • But preparations for biorevitalization after 40 years should already contain additional components: hyaluronic acid alone will not be enough for aging skin. To get a good effect, it is necessary not only to moisturize it, but also to actively stimulate it to produce its own “youth proteins” - collagen and elastin, nourish it with vitamins and amino acids.
  • After 45-50 years, you should pay attention to bioreparants. These are the most expensive, but also the most effective drugs. Using them at a young age is like firing a cannon at sparrows, expensive and pointless. But for aging skin, they will become a real salvation, will give a pronounced rejuvenating effect, enhance the results of other cosmetic procedures and allow you to delay the need for radical plastic surgeries for a long time.

Individual characteristics of the organism. This is primarily about allergies. Pure HA will not cause it, but some proteins, vitamins and other additional components of biorevitalizanots may well. In addition, many drugs contain lidocaine, which also often causes unwanted reactions. To avoid such troubles, a special allergy test is usually carried out before using products with a complex composition ( for more details see the article “

Biorevitalization is a popular, highly effective means of skin rejuvenation and restoration. The procedure became widespread 15 years ago and since then has not left the leading positions in the ratings of favorite methods for facial care. Demand, as you know, generates supply, which prompted scientists to release numerous solutions for biorevitalization with different costs and indications for use.

This diversity makes it possible to individually select the most suitable composition for the biorevitalization procedure. “Which drug is better? More efficient? What do cosmetologists recommend? " - a list of questions to which we will help you find answers.

The effectiveness of the procedure

In order to understand the variety of the assortment, as well as to understand which remedy will be the best drug for biorevitalization for you, you need to know the principle of action of the components and their orientation. The procedure is based on the injection of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the epidermis. After administration, the acid breaks down into components, activating regenerative, restorative, anti-aging properties.

Hyaluronic acid is found in large quantities in the eyes, bone and cartilage tissue, joints. For beauty cocktails, acid is synthesized using a biotechnological method.

Each of the products offered on the cosmetology market has a certain number of properties that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Undergoing the rejuvenation procedure, the patient receives:

  • smoothing of fine wrinkles, reduction of deep ones;
  • alignment and improvement of complexion;
  • increased elasticity;
  • moisturizing;
  • restoration of the skin;
  • the effect of lifting the eyelids, cheeks, chin.

Each means for biorevitalization gives a result on the above points to one degree or another. The unique composition allows you to achieve results with pronounced efficiency in the area of ​​interest to you.

The duration of the rejuvenation effect is individual, one patient needs to systematically visit the beautician's office, while another needs one procedure per year. This feature depends on many factors, including the manufacturer of the composition.

Classification of means for biorevitalization

To solve the problem and choose the right tool for skin restoration, it is necessary to get acquainted with the types of solutions for biorevitalization. In the price list of the salon, you can find lists with names that will not tell a beginner about anything. Let's take a look at the features of the proposed solutions in order to avoid unforeseen situations associated with ignorance of the issue.

There are differences in general type:

  • Concentration.

Preparations are divided into ready-made solutions and concentrated ones for further dilution.

  • Composition.

According to this criterion, hyaluronate without additives (IAL-system, Teosyal-Meso, Hyalrepair) and cocktails with impurities (Meso-Wharton P199, Jalupro, Hyalrepair 02 bioreparant, NCTF 135) are distinguished.

  • Application.

Universal solutions for all skin types (IAL-system) and highly targeted solutions for specific tasks (Teosyal-Meso, Hyaluform).

  • Volume.

Solutions are produced in two volumes:

  1. 1.5 ml (Teosyal-Meso, Hyalrepair 02), this volume will be enough for the treatment of the face, neck and décolleté;
  2. 1.1 ml (IAL-system, IAL-systemACP) amount is enough for the face.

Such a division by type allows you to navigate which drug you need. More detailed information on the use of this or that remedy in your case will be given by a cosmetologist, based on an assessment of the skin and its condition. Also, a beautician can be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Age group. The products are divided into highly effective, designed for maximum lifting effect and light cocktails to improve the condition of the epidermis, correct the first wrinkles and get a radiant face. Be sure to ask the beautician for which age group the drug is intended. The best drugs for biorevitalization after 40 are considered Hyalrepair 02, Jalucomplex, CRM soft, TeosyalPureSenseRedensity, Teosyal-Meso. The composition is aimed at reducing pigmentation, maximizing hydration and removing age-related wrinkles, as well as increasing the elasticity and tone of the skin.
  2. Company manufacturer. When choosing a solution, pay attention to the country in which it is made. Countries with developed scientific progress, having numerous laboratories for the development of technologies and research, will certainly offer a better product (France, Switzerland, Italy), the cost is corresponding. More budget options are also presented in the price list of salons, for example, goods from Korean brands.
  3. Quality. Certification of any drug is a certificate of quality, but our women, for the most part, are embarrassed to ask a beautician to provide it, fearing to seem intrusive or offend the doctor, doubting his competence. But getting information about the quality, shelf life of the substance injected under your skin will help you to be confident and calm about your face.
  4. Contraindications, consequences of use. Ask for a list of contraindications for use and the consequences after it. High quality drugs have fewer side effects lists.
  5. Release form. To exclude an error on the part of the cosmetologist preparing the solution for use, ready-made formulations with a proven concentration should be purchased. If you are prone to allergic reactions, avoid using formulations with impurities.

Not only the correct choice of means, but also the level of professionalism of the cosmetologist will help to achieve the maximum effect from the rejuvenation session. Trust trusted salons and quality products.

Top popular biorevitalization products

We will give examples of the most popular drugs for biorevitalization with names, indication of the country of manufacture of the product, features and average cost.

The list of drugs, which include hyaluronic acid without additives, can be used from an adult age to maintain elasticity and combat dry skin:

  • IAL-system or "Ial-System". Made in Italy. Hyaluronic acid with a saturation of 18 mg / g. The most popular among all the abundance of anti-aging products. The drug is universal, suitable for any age and skin type. The cost is about 8,000 rubles.
  • IAL System ACP. Made in Italy. The concentration of the composition is 20 mg / g, it has a higher density compared to its counterpart, it is used to increase performance in combination or separately from the IAL-system. Price from 9,000 rubles.

  • Teosyal Meso or Teosyal Meso. Country of origin Switzerland. Hyaluronate at a concentration of 15 mg / g. Has an effective penetrating power, which improves the quality of the final result. The price is about 5 500 rubles.
  • Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity "Teosyal Pure". Switzerland. The composition contains additional components in the form of amino acids, vitamins. The cost is from 8,000 rubles.

  • Viscoderm "Viscoderm". Manufacturer Italy. Acid solution with concentration 0.8%, 1.6%, 2.0%. The choice of concentration depends on the age of the patient and the tasks. Price from 8,000 - 9,500 rubles.
  • Jalucomplex "Yalucomplex". Italy. It is presented in three concentrations: 1% for the moisturizing effect, 2% helps in the fight against fine wrinkles, 3% for the correction of changes in mature skin. Has no side effects. Price up to 5,000 rubles.

Directional drugs or bioreparants - help in the fight against age-related changes, pigmentation, wrinkles of different localization and depth:

  • Hyalrepair or "Gialripier". Production Russia. It is produced in a concentration of 14 mg / g, as well as 2 mg / g with the addition of vitamins and amino acids to help cope with flabbiness and ptosis. Recommended for use after 35 years. The cost is up to 6,000 rubles.
  • Meso-Wharton P199, Meso-Wharton. USA. The solution consists of hyaluronic acid 15 mg / g and coenzymes, vitamins, amino acids and polypeptides. Recommended for patients over 40 years of age. The price is about 14,000 rubles.

  • Jalupro, Yalupro. Made in Italy. Acid at 1% concentration, enriched with amino acids. It is used to correct appearance after 35 years. The cost is from 6,000 rubles.
  • NCTF 135. Made in France. Hyaluronate with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes. The drug is one of a kind. Designed for skin over 30 years old. Price from 7,000 rubles per procedure.
  • JUVEDERM Hydrate, Juvederm Hydrate. Country of origin France. Concentration 13.5 mg / g. Highly effective extended-release formulation. Designed for all ages. The cost is from 6,000 rubles.

The list of suggested drugs is incomplete. Here are the most common representatives of the struggle for beauty. Before choosing, consult with an experienced cosmetologist, do not spare money and time to preserve youth and attractiveness.

What drugs for biorevitalization to choose - this question is very relevant lately. The fact is that this procedure has rapidly gained popularity all over the world.

To carry it out, the cosmetologist will have to choose a specific drug, and the choice of funds is wide enough today. But some of them are more effective and popular. It is worth understanding this.

Biorevitalization concept

Under the action of the biorevitalizer, the production of new collagen fibers begins, which form a kind of supporting frame for the face. Hyaluronic acid can be injected under the skin or.

What drugs are used for biorevitalization, and which is better? Over the years of existence, biorevitalizers have also significantly improved, their formulation has changed qualitatively. These funds differ in their effectiveness, indications for use, and also in price.

Basic principles of drug selection

The success of the procedure largely depends on the correct choice of biorevitalizer. The choice of the optimal remedy largely depends on the age of the patient, as well as on the level of severity of the changes that have befallen the skin.

Preparations for biorevitalization are ready-made (balanced products and so-called "cocktails") or may require dilution (concentrated hyaluronic acid).

What are the drugs for biorevitalization? For young skin under the age of 30, biorevitalizers, which contain concentrated unrefined acid, are well suited.

Such biorevitalizers are optimal for thin and dry skin. They are great for the epidermis, which tends to develop age spots and shallow expression lines.

Such "cocktails" have a complex effect on the epidermis, allowing for several sessions to solve the entire spectrum of cosmetic problems. Each drug for biorevitalization has its own individual characteristics, so it is best to choose a biorevitalizer with a qualified cosmetologist.

When choosing a biorevitalizant, the following concepts are taken into account:

  1. The age of the person. Some products are designed for slightly lifting, while others are for aging skin.
  2. Quality. It is recommended to ask the doctor which drug for biorevitalization he chose. Do not be shy, because the future result depends on it. In addition, you can find out about the shelf life of the product used.
  3. Manufacturer. It is worth carefully examining the country of the manufacturer. The fact is that there are companies that create quality time-tested products. It is recommended to pay attention to just such drugs. Although the price of such funds may be alarming. In this case, you can find good analogs, the manufacturer of which has also proven itself well.
  4. Contraindications It is definitely worth considering this nuance, since not all people can inject biorevitalizants.
  5. Dosage. Experts advise leaning towards funds that have already been disbanded at certain dosages, this will save you from medical error.

If you are prone to allergies, then be sure to inform the doctor about this and he will select the most harmless, safe hypoallergenic biorevitalizers for you.

Prescribing drugs

Biorevitalizers should:

  • moisturize the epidermis at the cellular level;
  • smooth skin relief;
  • eliminate wrinkles (including mimic ones);
  • improve complexion, make it even and radiant;
  • to increase the elasticity of the skin, to restore its lost tone;
  • regenerate damaged cells of the epidermis;
  • produce the effect of lifting the soft tissues of the face.

Visit the clinic in advance to get a consultation with a cosmetologist. He will explain what the advantages and disadvantages of this or that tool are and will help you make the best choice in each situation.

It is impossible to abuse hyaluronic biorevitalizants. The maximum course can be carried out once every 6 months, but it is better to repeat it no more than once a year.

The fact is, hyaluronic acid, which accumulates (attracts) a huge number of water molecules, in an overdose version causes stretching of the intercellular space of skin cells, which subsequently leads to ptosis (the face "slides").

The best drugs for biorevitalization

1 ml of biorevitalizer is completely enough for correcting imperfections on the face, and 1.5 ml for additional treatment of the neck.

3 ml of a product with hyaluronic acid will be enough to rejuvenate not only the face, but also the neck, décolleté and even hands. Biorevitalization preparations based on gold and silver ions (for example, "Bacillis Subtili") are recognized as especially effective.

It is better to carry out biorevitalization only with a qualified doctor who will provide you with certificates for product quality. This guarantees the safety of the cosmetic procedure, as well as its high efficiency.


The manufacturer of this cosmetic product is Switzerland. "Teosial-Meso" contains concentrated crude acid in its composition. Its concentration is 15 mg / g of active substance.

Only 1 syringe will be enough to treat the skin of the face. To treat other areas, you will need a larger amount of biorevitalizer. Teosyal-Meso is well suited for patients under 30 years of age who have thin and dry skin. The form of the product is 1 ml ampoules.


The manufacturer of this biorevitalizer is Italy. It, as well as "Teosial-Meso", consists of pure and crude acid, but its concentration in 1 ml of the substance is more - 18 mg / g.

The product is renowned for its excellent moisturizing properties. "" Nourishes the epidermis with the necessary moisture at the cellular level. Available in 1.1 ml ampoules.

One ampoule is enough for treating the face, for other areas (neck, décolleté, hands) you will have to take an additional portion.

The biorevitalizer "IAL-system" is characterized by a high density, therefore, after the procedure, the puncture sites will heal a little longer, compared to other means.

One of its main advantages is that this tool can be used for the epidermis of any age and type. Moreover, on dry and thin skin, the first results after therapy will become noticeable much earlier.


The biorevitalizer with peptides is manufactured in the USA. It contains a combination of 15mg of crude hyaluronic acid and P199 polypeptide.

This polypeptide is an excellent means for triggering the mechanism of enhanced regeneration in the layers of the epidermis. It also provokes the production of collagen fibers.

The drug for biorevitalization "Meso-Warton" is additionally enriched with vitamins, coenzymes and antioxidants. This composition is well suited for mature skin after 40 years.

Among the negative effects, it is possible to note the possibility of the appearance of bumps and redness at the injection sites. However, this phenomenon is temporary, and soon the state of the epidermis will return to normal.

"IAL-system ACP"

This product is also made in Italy. Differs in a high concentration of hyaluronic acid - 20 mg / g. Therefore, after the procedure carried out with the help of the “IAL-systems of APC”, the skin will look tightened, fresh and rejuvenated for a very long time.

To make this effect more persistent, the patient will be asked to complete a whole course using the "IAL-system ACP". One ampoule is enough for biorevitalization of the entire face.

"Yal-system" should be injected a little deeper into the layers of the epidermis. Therefore, one of its main advantages is the rapid disappearance of traces after injections. This biorevitalizer is universal, suitable for all types of epidermis, even porous and dense.

"Teosyal Meso-Expert"

Theosial Meso-Expert is produced in Switzerland. One ampoule of 3 ml contains 45 mg of crude acid, as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants useful for the skin.

This biorevitalizer starts active regeneration processes in the skin, stabilizes the metabolism in the epidermis.

Thanks to its rich, nutrient-rich composition and large release volume, it is suitable for all skin types and ages.

Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity

"Theosial Pure Sens", like all biorevitalizing preparations of the brand, is produced in Switzerland and contains concentrated and unrefined hyaluronic acid 15mg / ml. Additionally, it contains vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids useful for the skin.

Due to its rich composition, it increases the immunity of the epidermis, normalizes metabolic processes, gives the skin a healthy and radiant appearance, and also stimulates the production of collagen.

In addition, the formulation contains the analgesic lidocaine, which will additionally help the patient to minimize the discomfort during the session. Recommended for people who are sensitive to pain.

Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity is contraindicated in patients allergic to the analgesic lidocaine. The presence of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance should be reported to the cosmetologist before the start of the session.

"Gialripier 02 bioreparant"

This biorevitalization drug is produced in Russia. The concentration of crude hyaluronic acid in it is 14 mg / ml. The release form of the Russian-made biorevitalizer is ampoules with a capacity of 1.5 ml.

"Gialpayer 02 bioreparant" additionally contains a complex of nutrients and substances useful for the skin in the composition.

One of the main advantages of this Russian biorevitalizer is that 1 ampoule is enough to treat not only the face, but also the décolleté and neck.

The disadvantage is the fact that the marks at the injection sites remain swollen and red for several days. In some patients, the puncture sites were slightly itched for some time after the session.

"Juvederm HYDRATE"

Produced in the USA by the famous Allergan company. Contains 2500 KDa / mol of active ingredient. It moisturizes the epidermis well.

"" Is considered unique in the line of drugs for biorevitalization, as it contains mannitol. It protects the epidermis well from the negative effects of free radicals, and also provides a longer exposure to hyaluronic acid at the cellular level.


This biorevitalizer is also produced in Russia. Hyaluronic acid supplied by Shiseido is used as a base substance. Also used as a filler.

The biorevitalizer preparation is characterized by good hydration of the epidermis, smoothing of wrinkles (including mimic ones), modeling of the face contour and provoking active collagen production.

The concentration of the substance in the "Hialoform" lines ranges from 10 mg / g to 25 mg / g. Release form - ampoules from 0.8 to 2.5 ml. It has proved itself well not only in the domestic but also in the foreign market.


The French biorevitalizer drug "Butel" is considered one of the most effective and safe products in the line for biorevitalization.

It contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 3 KDa / mol to 4 KDa / mol. The biorevitalizer does not contain preservatives, anesthetics and other harmful substances in its composition, therefore it is well suited for those who suffer from allergies.

After the application of "Beautelle", the lifting and rejuvenation effect lasts for a longer time, because the composition contains well-purified hyaluronic acid.

"Princess Rich"

This is an Austrian biorevitalizer, which has already proven itself in the cosmetology market.

The composition contains crude hyaluronic acid of animal origin with a concentration of 18 mg / g, as well as glycerin 20 mg /. Thanks to this, "" is well suited for patients suffering from frequent allergic manifestations.

Most cosmetologists advise to conduct an initially full course, which consists of 3-5 sessions. Several weeks should pass between such rejuvenations. In the future, there will be enough support procedure, which is carried out every 4 months.

Approaching the 50-year mark, women increasingly notice the manifestation of irreversible processes associated with skin aging. Literally before our eyes, all its parameters are deteriorating: the skin becomes thin and very dry, the volume of subcutaneous fat in its facial area decreases, deep wrinkles and other negative changes appear. What is the reason for such metamorphoses? What happens during this period in a woman's body?

Why does the skin suddenly start aging with a vengeance? All these factors are the result of hormonal changes in the female body. Menopause usually occurs at the age of 50, characterized by a marked decrease in growth factors, as well as a decrease in estrogen and progesterone in the body, which contribute to the beauty and youth of the skin. Hormonal imbalance leads to changes in the structure of collagen and elastin, to a decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid and a slowdown in metabolic and regeneration processes.

Above, we have described the physiological causes of skin aging. Not always the standing of the skin depends only on age, but also on the quality of life: the presence of stress, overwork, living conditions in everyday life, the state of the environment, bad habits, diet and improper skin care. If at a young age the body is able to withstand these unfavorable factors, then at the age of 50 its own resources for regeneration are no longer enough, and it wears out in the full sense of the word. All internal and external regeneration processes of the body slow down. These changes especially affect the skin. What are the signs of skin aging? First of all, these are:

  • the appearance of excess skin in the eye area;
  • ptosis (drooping) of the oval of the face, eyebrows, nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • flabbiness and sagging of the skin;
  • increased pigmentation.

By the age of 50, the cheeks practically merge with the chin, the face loses its clear contours, the skin hangs over the eyes and creates a feeling of forever tired and tired eyes. Sometimes changes in the skin of the face take on such a character that it is difficult for a 50-year-old woman to recognize the former pretty beauty.

Morphotypes of facial aging and methods of their correction

Each organism has its own individual characteristics. Consequently, each organism ages in its own way. Let's find out what types of aging exist. There are four types of facial aging:

  • tired type;
  • wrinkled type;
  • deformation type;
  • muscular type.

The tired morphotype of aging is the most favorable variant of facial skin aging. This option is typical for thin women with an oval or diamond-shaped face. This morphotype is usually expressed by: a decrease in skin turgor, dryness and dullness of the skin, wrinkles and folds, deepening of the nasolabial folds and drooping of the corners of the mouth.

Based on the above characteristics, it is possible to improve the skin performance by applying fillers based on hyaluronic acid, with which you can effectively fill in wrinkles and folds, modeling the contour and volume of the face. A course of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid will help improve the quality of the skin and soften age-related manifestations.

Wrinkled aging morphotype - The dominant sign of aging of this type is wrinkles. Typically, this type of aging occurs in women with dry, problematic and irritated skin. Subcutaneous fat is poorly developed, thus wrinkles easily and in large quantities appear on the skin and cover it like a mesh. In this case, the approach to facial rejuvenation will consist in the simultaneous use of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid preparations to fill wrinkles and model the facial skin relief.

Deformation type of aging is characterized by skin flabbiness, especially in the lower part of the face and characteristic swelling of the facial tissues. The advantage of this type of aging is the absence of profuse wrinkles and age spots. The skin looks quite dense and porous. This type of aging is typical for women who are prone to overweight. An excess of subcutaneous fat leads to deformation of the contours of the face, the formation of a double chin, folds on the neck and bags under the eyes. In this case, it is possible to correct age-related defects with the help of plastic surgery.

The muscular type of aging is manifested mainly in pronounced nasolabial folds and ptosis of the corners of the mouth, as well as in a violation of pigmentation. The advantage of this type of aging is that the skin on the cheeks remains smooth and even, and the oval of the face remains clear until old age. Correction of age-related skin defects in this type of aging is carried out with the help of hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid can soften the line of the nasolabial folds as well as the horizontal fold at the mouth.

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of anti-aging techniques, you just have to choose the best option for each woman. We can say with confidence that biorevitalization is one of these methods that suits, if not all, then very many.

What is biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is an innovative method that allows you to deliver hyaluronic acid to the site of stimulation and regeneration of skin mechanisms. Biorevitalization is implemented in two ways:

  • laser;
  • injection.

Laser biorevitalization is a non-invasive method that is carried out with a special apparatus - a laser. This method does not violate the integrity of the skin, it is convenient in that it actually has no contraindications. How does the process of laser biorevitalization take place? Hyaluronic gel is applied to the skin of the face, and then it is promoted with a laser to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Injection biorevitalization is carried out with fillers (fillers), which are a thin sterile syringe with a ready-made dose of hyaluronate. A thin needle is used to make a puncture under the wrinkle, which needs to be corrected (filled with hyaluronic acid). The wrinkle in the eyes straightens, and the skin around it becomes even and smooth.

Why hyaluronic acid?

The greatest achievement of modern cosmetology is the use of hyaluronic acid to eliminate age-related skin defects.

After many studies, it has been proven that hyaluronate neutralizes the aging process of cells and improves many skin characteristics.

Hyaluronate is synthesized in our body, but with age, the production of its own hyaluronic acid is halved, respectively, the skin lacks moisture, which is reflected externally. To return the skin to freshness and elasticity, use biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid and preparations based on it. How does hyaluronic acid help moisturize the skin?

More than 70 years ago, hyaluronic acid was first isolated and studied from the vitreous humor of the human eye. Scientists have found that hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide. One molecule of hyaluronic acid is capable of binding and retaining up to 100 water molecules through hydrogen bonds.

Getting into the intercellular matrix, it attracts water in an amount exceeding its own weight 1000 times. In the skin, this "magic" substance greatly increases in volume and evens out the skin relief exactly where it is needed. Also, after entering the body, hyaluronic acid breaks down into small particles, which normalize the water balance and force the body to produce its own collagen and elastin.

This procedure is very effective in women over 50, since hormonal changes occurring during this period negatively affect the condition of the skin. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid improves skin parameters and the following processes in the skin:

  • increases the volume of the intercellular substance, which contributes to the immediate smoothing of wrinkles and a decrease in the depth of folds;
  • facilitates the migration of intercellular fluid through the basement membrane by reducing its viscosity, which accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells and improves cell nutrition;
  • renews the extracellular matrix against the background of fibroblast activation and high production of collagen and elastin.

As a result, the skin is transformed before the eyes: its relief and texture improve, it becomes elastic, soft and taut.

Specific features of biorevitalization at the age of 50

Are there any specific features of biorevitalization at 50? No, biorevitalization has no specific features for this age group. The main criterion for successful biorevitalization is the health of a woman at this age. For this reason, before undergoing a course of biorevitalization, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive health check. Consultation is necessary not only with a cosmetologist, but also with related specialists. A competent doctor will definitely take an anamnesis, prescribe laboratory tests and only after that will make a verdict. Depending on this, the doctor will prescribe an individual skin treatment program.

Biorevitalization has no age restrictions, it is indicated for everyone who suffers from excessive dryness and age-related aging of the skin. After 50 years, this rejuvenating procedure becomes less effective due to age-related skin changes and gravitational ptosis. For this reason, it is more expedient to carry out it in combination with other anti-aging procedures.

What these procedures will be, the cosmetologist will decide after examining the current state of the skin, the woman's health and the individual characteristics of the body. Biorevitalization sessions are conducted in courses. To achieve a stable effect, it is necessary to carry out 5-10 procedures with an interval of 1 time in 10-15 days. The number of procedures is always prescribed by the cosmetologist, depending on the initial condition of the skin and the reaction to the first sessions.

The face changes instantly after the procedure. The skin's relief is leveled, it becomes smooth, elastic and taut. But the full result will appear in a few weeks, when the body begins to independently produce hyaluronic acid. The result is especially noticeable on mature and dry skin, it is vitalized literally before our eyes.

Indications for the procedure

  • ptosis of the oval of the face;
  • loss of elasticity and dryness of the skin;
  • sagging skin;
  • the presence of wrinkles;
  • dehydration of the skin;
  • sagging nasolabial folds.

All these skin defects are present in women after 50 years, therefore, biorevitalization with hyaluronate will help to quickly and effectively eliminate them.

Contraindications to the procedure

Biorevitalization, like any invasive technique, has a number of contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic diseases;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • pregnancy and lactation is unlikely at age 50, but you need to be aware of this.

Side effects and possible complications after the procedure

After biorevitalization, both side effects and complications can occur. Side effects can be as follows:

  • bruises and microhematomas;
  • swelling;
  • soreness at the puncture sites.

Side effects always arise when it comes to a violation of the skin. This is the natural course of invasive treatment. Complications are another matter, they should not exist, but, unfortunately, they do happen.

Possible complications after biorevitalization:

  • vascular embolism;
  • loss of sensitivity in some areas of the skin (after vessel embolism);
  • tissue necrosis (after embolism);
  • contouring (bleeding through) of the drug under the skin;
  • an allergic reaction of an immediate and slow type;
  • fibrosis (tissue hardening);
  • granulomas (tiny nodules that appear on the surface of the skin)

Unfortunately, complications most often depend on the level of professional training of the cosmetologist. Therefore, if you decide on biorevitalization, carefully choose a specialist and aesthetic clinic.

Do not think that biorevitalization is a panacea for old age, it will not return youth and will not relieve you of wrinkles. Biorevitalization will only improve the condition of aging skin, make it elastic and fresh for a while - this is the essence of the procedure. For this reason, do not forget about everyday care, on the contrary, at this age it needs to be strengthened. It is problematic to preserve the youthfulness of the facial skin after 50 years if it has not been given proper attention before.

For women, the age of 50 is not the end of an active and fulfilling life, but just a new milestone on a long journey. You should not plunge into pessimism and cry about the old days. Some phenomena, such as menopause and hormonal changes, cannot be reversed, but age-related skin changes can be successfully corrected.

The biorevitalization procedure is considered highly effective for rejuvenating the neck, face and décolleté areas. Such beauty sessions optimally saturate all layers of the skin with hyaluronic acid. To make the right choice of a product according to the type of epidermis, age and price, it is necessary to take into account the features and composition of cosmetic products. There are many popular and effective biorevitalizants, but before using them, you should consult with a specialist and make an allergy test.

Basic principles of drug selection

The success of the biorevitalization procedure directly depends on the choice of drugs, among which there are ready-made (balanced products) and those requiring dilution (concentrated hyaluronic acid).

All biorevitalizants have a common feature: hyaluronic acid is present in the main component. Therefore, as a result of the effect of any product for biorevitalization, the skin is moisturized, new cells are stimulated.

The main differences between drugs for biorevitalization

In modern cosmetology, preparations for biorevitalization of three generations are actively used, which differ from each other in composition:

  1. 1. First generation tools. They consist of pure, undiluted hyaluronic acid of unstabilized and low density. This component is evenly distributed in the target area, quickly nourishing and moisturizing the dermis tissue, after which it is also effectively excreted from the body. Such preparations are suitable for different skin types and age groups.
  2. 2. Second generation tools. In addition to hyaluronate, their composition includes active additives that improve the quality of the epidermis (vitamins, amino acids, sodium succinate). In this they are similar to cocktails for mesotherapy, but the emphasis in biorevitalizants is placed on moisturizing and general rejuvenation of the epidermis, and not on spot work with its defects.
  3. 3. Third generation tools. The composition of these preparations is enriched with nucleic acids that work at the DNA level. They restore the internal structure of damaged cells and activate the entire chain in the body involved in the production of elastin, collagen and its own hyaluronic acid.

There are also new generation tools... The last word in "rejuvenating cosmetology" belongs to bioreparants (enhanced versions of biorevitalizants). Their complex composition includes amino acids, peptides, vitamins, antioxidants and other active components. These funds are targeted at women over 40 years old, since at this age, deep moisturizing of the skin is not enough for the effect of rejuvenation.

Rating of the best means for biorevitalization

List of the most popular and best means for biorevitalization:

Drug name Description Photo
IAL System - regular and ACPThe first generation drug created by Italian manufacturers. It has been the undisputed market leader for a long time. It contains pure and chemically unchanged hyaluronic acid. The product is produced immediately in a syringe, which greatly facilitates the work of specialists and excludes any possibility of error in its dilution. The drug has a unique proprietary protocol of use. The biorevitalization system is two-stage, at first 1 to 3 procedures are performed on the base preparation, during which the epidermis is intensively saturated with hyaluronic acid. To prolong and consolidate the result, then a session is performed on the IAL System ACP using high density hyaluronic acid. Such funds can be used separately for patients of the age group from 30 to 35 years, respectively. According to indications, IAL System preparations are used by patients from 30 to 60 years old. However, their use is more advisable only for minor skin defects.
Restylane Vital and Vital lightClassic biorevitalizant produced by a Swiss manufacturer. It contains only pure hyaluronic acid in normal and reduced concentration. A version with the content of lidocaine is also available for simultaneous pain relief during the procedure. The tool is used when working with early signs of aging, for preventive moisturizing of the dermis and its protection from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays (before or immediately after a trip to the sea). The remedy is used for patients of the age category from 30 to 40 years old
Teosyal - Meso, Meso Expert and PureSense RedensityThe development of the drug belongs to the Swiss company Teoxane. The entire product line is intended for biorestructuring and biorevitalization of the skin of problematic areas of the face. The choice of the remedy depends on the age of the patient and the characteristics of his aging. The content of the first preparation contains only hyaluronic acid without additives, with a gentle mild effect, suitable for thin and very dehydrated dermis and for those prone to allergic reactions. In most cases, it is used to combat the effects of chemical, household and sunburn. In addition to hyaluronic acid, Teosyal Meso Expert includes amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins, they activate metabolism and increase immunity. It perfectly copes with its main task of restoring the even texture and tone of the skin, its ability to reflect light. As a result, the characteristic dark areas of aging skin disappear from the face.
Meso-WhartonP 199The drug was developed by an American manufacturer and can be classified as "heavy artillery" in cosmetology for patients over 40 years old. The uniqueness of the product lies in the ability to increase the number of stem cells in the skin and repair damaged DNA molecules. It includes the activating work and division of stem cells Wharton Jelly Peptide P199, which provides a lasting and pronounced rejuvenation. Also, the composition of the product is enriched with amino acids and vitamins A, C, B, E and K
AquashineA drug with a very complex formula is produced by Korean manufacturers. In addition to the 1.5% content of hyaluronic acid, it contains 24 more components: amino acids, minerals, vitamins and coenzymes. The line includes 2 products: Revofil Aquashine (for patients from 35 to 40 years old, tightens pores, relieves rashes, tightens and plumps the skin, effectively removes wrinkle networks and slows down aging) and Aquashine BR (for the age category from 45 to 50 years old, with two additional oligopeptides, reduces the depth of wrinkles, improves complexion and relieves the epidermis from hyperpigmentation)
BeautelleThis Italian product is delivered to Russia by a French supplier. A product based on unmodified high molecular weight hyaluronic acid has been created. There are 3 items in the line, which are intended for different age categories. They are used in isolated procedures, a special course of alternation with the Italian Skin line has been created for them, this helps to ensure a long-term and highly effective result of the correction of aesthetic defects in the facial area.
Gialripier bioreparant 02, 04 and 08These domestically produced drugs compete on an equal footing with very popular and well-known foreign brands. In addition to 1.4% hyaluronic acid, it contains glycine, lysine, amino acids, vitamin B and other active ingredients involved in solving related problems (age spots and general skin laxity). To enhance the results of hardware and surgical liposuction, Hyalripier bioreparant 8 is used, containing a powerful lipolytic
Mesohyal SeriesSpanish manufacturers have created a line of 11 biorevitalization products with CE marking (for intradermal administration). Each is based on hyaluronic acid (15 mg / ml), vitamin cocktail NCTC 109 (intensive cellular biorevitalizant), to increase skin elasticity and firmness, Dimethylaminoethanol 3% (DMAE), 20% vitamin C and other active ingredients that smooth the dermis and relieve her from various defects