How many times a day should be urination. Little urine is bad. Neurosis and psychosomatic violations

"How often have to change diapers! Is it normal? " - the newly new parents sigh are sighs. The baby grows, the number of diapers changed over a day, one day mommy first understands that the child woke up in the morning completely dry. It is important to know that these changes are natural, the child develops normally, and urinary bodies work well. For it is important to know how many times the baby pisses at night, why he pisses a little or a lot of what color urine. Study the contents of the diaper only seems like a funny occupation for the first time. Sometimes, even in the appearance of urine, you can judge the health of the baby. Many parents are interested in the question, how many times a day the child should write. There are age norms depend on the size of the bladder, the nature of feeding and the individual characteristics of the child.

How many times a day should you write a child up to a year?

On the first day after childbirth, the baby usually pisses 2-3 times, but may not pee at all. Newborn children piss infrequently, and urine color on the diaper is usually "rusty" - orange or even reddish. The fact is that a child during this period consumes little liquid, since the colostrum sometimes stands out for a woman not immediately, in addition, it is quite thick. In addition, newborn in the urine many products of the exchange - urates, they give it a specific reddish color. Literally after 2-3 days, urine color comes to normal and becomes light yellow or even transparent.

The number of times a day, how much does a child pisses from birth to six months, approaching 20-25, of which 16-18 times in the afternoon and 4-6 times at night

For one urination, the kid allocates 20-30 ml of urine. On average, the child until 6 months in the afternoon he writes 1 time per hour.

From half a year, the child flies less often - 15-16 times a day (10-12 times in the afternoon and 4-5 times at night), highlighting at the same time 25-45 ml of urine.

He can keep urine just over an hour.

Babes on breastfeeding piss more often than artificials. In the heat or dry room, the introduction of urine supplies is also allocated less, and this is normal.

How many times a day should the child write a year?

An annual child pisses 10-12 times a day (8-10 times in the afternoon and about 2 times at night, but sometimes at night he does not piss at all, in this case the morning portion of urine increases).

It is allocated at a time of 60-90 ml of urine. In the year, the kid is already eating many products, drinks water. In many ways, the amount of urination per day depends on the amount of drilled liquid and the nature of the eaten products (for example, some vegetables and fruits have a significant diuretic effect - cucumber, watermelon).

How many times a day should the child write in 5 years?

By 5 years, the kid writes 7-9 times a day (approximately 1 time in 2 hours), highlighting up to 100 ml per urination.

For comparison, an adult urins 4-7 times a day, highlighting about 200-300 ml at times.

How many times the child should write in the afternoon, and how much at night?

Regardless of age, urine at night should stand out 4-5 times less than the day.

If the main number of lifts to the pot in the child falls at night, the consultation of the urologist (nephrologist) must be immediate. In this case, the kidneys literally "confused" day at night, which often happens with such serious diseases as acute and chronic pyelonephritis and renal failure.

What does it mean if a child writes often / rarely?

If a child drinks a lot, he pisses a lot, and vice versa. However, sometimes the cause of early urination is not related to the drinking and temperature regime.

The child often pisses with general cooling (or if the legs frozen), with cystitis or urethritis, some nervous disorders. Cystitis and urethritis is usually accompanied by pain or discomfort when separating urine. The volume of selected urine is increasing more than 2 times from the age norm.

In the section on the question how many times a day should we write? Posted by the author User deleted The best answer is on TV in the program Health said that women should write 5-6 times a day. And if this happens much more often, you need to contact the doctor, maybe the bladder is bubble, maybe diabetes wants to be attached ...

Answer from retrospective[guru]
If the question of the urine-sex sphere, then let's consider. The physiological volume of the bladder G. 250, the urge is felt during the filing of g 150. Drinking the liquid should be not less than 2 liters. So it turns out at least 8 times, or even more. Depending on how much drank.

Answer from Europeanoid[guru]
Depending on drunk

Answer from User deleted[master]
It's really not clear that the author meant

Answer from PrettyDoctor.[guru]
How much drank - about the same amount should leave the body. If you drink hot coffee or strong tea. You will run to the toilet in 30-40 minutes. On the nervous soil, you can also go to the toilet more often ... But if you run every 10-20 minutes, and the effect is small, but there is a feeling of burning when urinating, false urges (when urine is not), etc. , Be sure to go to the urologist .... good luck!

Answer from Luda[guru]
Chumava question. Write once per hour will be enough

Answer from Elenka[active]
well, in fact, the amount of drinking liquid should be equal to the number of selected

Answer from User deleted[master]
Write or write. If first depends on what activity you have. But I think you were asked exactly the second, then depending on the amount of fluid consumed! Some 3-4 times a day, and some 10-15 times run!

Answer from Boris Izikovich[guru]
no less often and no less drink diuresis

Answer from Oom Romov[guru]
Well, if the question is not about letters,
then 4-6 times a day

Answer from Atustelecom[newcomer]
How much do you want. The body itself determines how much and when to do it.

There is a certain norm of urination per day, and its increase or decrease can signaling serious violations in urinary organs. Normal indicators in men, women and children are different. They also fluctuate depending on the amount of drilled liquid and other external factors. If the rapid selection of Urin becomes constant, then it is worth consulting a doctor who will help restore the normal of urinary.

Doctors have long been calculated by the daily norms of urination, thanks to which you can learn about your health at home.

What are the norms of the characteristics of urine?

Color and smell

Normal urination in adults and in children is not accompanied by any pathological signs. Normally, Urina has a straw shade or yellowish. The color of the released fluid during urination depends on the human diet. In the morning hours is considered normal if the saturated fluid color is seen. After eating, the beets of Urina can paint into a reddish tone, which is also normal. In a healthy person, urinary is not accompanied by an unpleasant and sharp odor. If a person feels that urine gives rot, this is the first signal of diabetes mellitus.

What is the normal composition?

Normally, humans should be allocated in humans without impurities. Also there are no bloody and putrefactive spraces. In pregnant women, children and adult sediments in the urine is not detected. If changes are seen as part of Urin, then it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since the deviation from the norm indicates the development of serious anomalies in the urogenital system.

How many times to write in the normal day?

The amount of urination depends on the diet and age: from 4 to 25 times a day.

The number of urination per day for each age is different. It changes with different temperature modes of the environment and from other external indicators. It is important for the ratio of day and night diurea, because if the patient does not urinate in the afternoon, but it often stands out to the night clock, then this is also not the norm. The table shows how many times a day in a healthy person takes urinary.

It is important to take into account that in a pregnant woman, these norms can increase slightly, and the amount of urination per day is greater. This is also considered quite natural. The above number of trips to the toilet is normal under such conditions:

  • indicators of human body temperature within 36.2-36.9 degrees;
  • air around no more than 30 degrees;
  • used water within 40 ml per kg of weight, in the infant and infants this indicator may be higher;
  • diuretic preparations and decoction of rosehip, green tea;
  • there is no shortness of breath and frequent breathing.

At night, it is considered normal if a person gets small once. If the indicators are lowered or overestimated, then check the daily amount of urine. If it is rejected from the norm, and at the same time there are additional pathological signs, it is necessary to see a doctor who will help determine the source of the violation.

Features of urinary in children

Urination in children occurs more often, but in smaller quantities than in adults.

In childhood, Urina leaves much more often than adults. This is due to the fact that a small boy or girl requires more fluid per day. The newborn, the process of removal of urins occurs reflexively, and the amount of fluid released at a time is about 30-40 ml. In children urine of yellowish color, but its color can change when changes in the diet or reception of some drugs. Normally, Urina boys and girls are transparent and without sediment. Sometimes the baby crying before urination, which does not always speak of deviations. Often, children are frightened by the process of urinary, and after that Urina will have a state stabilizes. But still it is worth seeing a doctor to eliminate pathological conditions and normalize the volume of urine in a child if it is broken.

What is the amount of urine derived per day?

Normally, if women and men, the daily amount of urine released is from 800 milliliters to 1.5 liters. Indicators can vary from different external factors. In some, there can be less fluids, others have more, and there will be no disorders in the body. The table presents the laid urination volume depending on the age parameters.

If a person suffers from the allocation of a large amount of urine, it may indicate a serious illness.

Nepatological increase in the volume of urins in a woman is observed during pregnancy.

In women, the process of urination is expected when having tolerance of the baby, so more than 400 ml of liquid may be released during one hike to the toilet. It happens due to inflammation in the bladder, as a result of which the receptors irritate and the reduction of smooth muscles is provoked. In case of violation, frequent urination is observed, but the amount of urins does not increase. The urine rate deviates for such reasons:

  • Jet arthritis. An adult often suffers from such a deviation of an autoimmune type that occurs when chlamydia or other microorganisms penetrate into the urinary organs.
  • Vassed urine composition. Frequent urination is often a consequence of an unbalanced diet, in which meat and spicy dishes are dominated. In this case, the urine becomes too concentrated, which increases the number of visits to the toilet per day.
  • Incontinence. The removal of urin in small quantities is connected with the weak muscles of the bladder. In this case, the patient marks the leakage during sneezing, cough or with a laugh.
  • Inflammatory process in the bladder. During the day in an adult, the amount of selected urine can change due to cystitis, there will also be painful manifestations at the bottom of the peritoneum.
  • Conductors in the kidneys. With one urination, a small amount of urins is highlighted, while going to a small study. The patient suffers from pain. From the norm deflects the color of the liquid.
  • The narrowing of the urinary channel. When the absurd of urethra decreases, the yen yield is reduced. It is possible to suspect the disease in the case when a thin stream comes out when urination.

How many questions arise from parents in connection with the care of a newborn child! Then it seems to them that the baby often sneezes, the fact that it is pushing, or, on the contrary, the chair is too rare. So how many babies do you really cook during the day? And where is the edge when the digestion is violated and need to help?

The fact that the child often pokes, talks about his good health. If the baby feels perfectly perfectly, there are no other symptoms, worry about the cotton chairs or a change in color to yellow with a shade of green should not. However, when Croaches whimsides, the weight is poorly gaining, colic is strongly tormented, there is a reason to apply for a consultation to the doctor.

Melting norms

On the frequency of exemption from felling masses, their color, odor, consistency affects many factors:

  • feeding method;
  • mom's nutrition principles;
  • the volume of drinking drink;
  • individual features of the body.

What does a normal physiological chair look like, and how does it change as the newborn grow?

If breastfeeding

Day after childbirth. Must get the original feces of Mekonia. It is scaled both in color and consistency, a little sticky, the smell does not have. It is very important that Mekonius come out in the first day after birth.

The next 4-5 days - the so-called transition period. If Mekonia was initially a lot in the intestines, the child can continue to chat them. Because feeding is only installed, and the baby first gets small portions of colosure, and only for 3-4 days the milk arrives, kakka kids from 1 to 3 times a day.

Second week. Chair daily, but the amount of emptying ranges from 1 to 10 per day. The first three weeks the composition of milk is inconsistent, it changes along with the needs of the baby. Quite fine when the child pokes every time after feeding. But by the end of the second week there are intestinal colic and increased gas formation, which make their own adjustments to the digestive process.

With breastfeeding, the number of emptying per day varies from 10 to 1 or even every other day

Until the sixth week. Mamino Milochenously transmits a monthly laxative effect to a monthly child, so he pokes the same time as he eats. During this period, it is believed that if the chair in the crumbs is less likely to 4 times a day, it means that it does not eat, the milk is not enough and necessary to urgently stimulate lactation. To do this, it is best to contact a breastfeeding specialist.

1.5-2 months. It would seem that everything went well, as suddenly the baby begins to empty less often, once in 2 or even 3 days. In medicine, such a phenomenon is called an enzyme crisis. The breast milk is updated again, and the baby's digestive system is trying to adapt, producing suitable enzymes. Such a restructuring can delay for several weeks, and on the part it seems that the kid began constipation.

After debugging the child's body chooses an individual emptying mode. In most cases, the act of defecation is carried out 1-2 times per day. However, there are kids who prefer to cachat up to 5 times a day. Repeat that if there are no other suspicious symptoms, you should not worry.

6 months . Time when the first lure is introduced. The enzyme system of crumbs is ready for new tastings, so Cal becomes like "adult", with a characteristic sharp odor, decorated.

If feeding artificial

We must admit that, being on artificial feeding, the newborn pokes less frequently. This is due to the fact that the mixture, in contrast to breast milk, is more dense, which means that it is digested longer.

Kids feeding with mixtures more often suffer from constipation

At the beginning of the stool frequency in most cases will coincide with the feeding frequency: approximately the cauda 3-4 hours. Due to the fact that the feces of artificials are denser and more slowly moving into the intestines, often such children suffer from constipation (). Unlike baby breastfeeding, the latency of the chair for a day in artificials is a signal to action. Perhaps you will have to work hard to pick up a suitable mixture.

About wet diapers

And how many times a day the baby should write in the first year? This question also worries many moms. Interesting the fact that on the first day after the birth of urination may not be, and this is normal. The next few days the newborn rarely pisses, and urine can have a rich orange color due to the increased content of urates in it.

But then the urine becomes so frequent that it can be judged by them, the child is eaten by breast milk or not. The first month of diapers when changing sweatshirts, full, because the crumb is soaked until 20 times a day. The following months are about 15 times a day. Thus, if diapers every 2-3 hours are filled with content, everything with your child is in order. Successes to you in counting!

Often women begin to suffer such a problem as permanent and painless calls for visiting the toilet room "in small". It can also talk about the presence of any disease, and about a certain physiological state. In medicine, this phenomenon is called Pollakiuria. And not always with such symptoms ladies go to the doctor, not counting it a special problem. So we learn more about the possible causes of frequent urination in women without pain.

For what reasons are frequent painless urges for urination in women

This delicate problem is a frequent phenomenon in our time, with which the French representatives are faced in their lives. If during the day a trip to the toilet happens from 10 to 13 times, then this is considered the norm. Anxiety should cause more frequent visits to this institution, especially when painfully feeling at the bottom of the abdomen.

But by and large, each organism is individual and the amount of urination depends on the set of factors.

And with a simultaneous presence with frequent visit to the toilet of the following symptoms, we can talk about the development of pathological processes:

  1. The emptying of the bladder is accompanied by pain and burning or itching in the field of urethra.
  2. A small amount of urine allocated.
  3. Violation of the usual lifestyle, discomfort.

The lack of pathologies in the body will be evidenced by the following factors with frequent urination:

  • if you drank a large amount of liquid;
  • if you are taking diuretics and other medicines, forcing frequently go to the toilet;
  • if you drink herbal infusions or decoctions with a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • if you have reached the period of menopause, or are in old age;
  • if you are experiencing stress, or worry hard.
  • during pregnancy and supercooling.

The development of any disease can also cause frequent calls for visiting the toilet.

What diseases indicates

Such symptoms are with diabetes mellitus, when the sugar is achieved in high-level blood, and for a long time. This pathology is accompanied by a feeling of thirst, forcing a woman to drink a lot, and accordingly, often attend the toilet.