Social development of preschool children. Social development of preschoolers

Preschool pedagogy

The social function of a preschool educational institution is to provide conditions that develop in children a positive attitude towards themselves, other people, the world around them, and communicative and social competence.

In the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education social development is considered as a complex process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live.

In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, the main lines of the child's social development, the content of pedagogical work, the technology of forming the social world of children are shown, the task of adults is to help children enter the modern world. The formation of social behavior is impossible without the recognition by teachers and parents of the uniqueness of each child, taking into account gender, individuality, age characteristics of his psyche.

Psychological foundations social development are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonina, M.I., Lisina, G.A. Repina, Dr.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, the social situation of development is nothing other than a system of relations between a child of a given age and social reality. The social development of a child in society occurs in the course of joint, partner activities with an adult. Many psychologists note the role of the child's cooperation with the people around him in assimilating the achievements of social experience, mastering moral norms and rules of behavior. Social development of the child also occurs in communication with peers (Ya.L. Kolominskiy, MI Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, T.A. Repina. B. Sterkina). In the monograph by T.A. Repina identified the features of the socio-psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group and its socializing role in the development of the child; shows the dependence of the nature of children's relationships on the style of communication with them teachers.

"Children's society" (the term of AP Usova), or the group of a kindergarten, is the most important socializing factor. It is in the peer group that the child manifests his activity, acquires the first social status (“star”, “preferred”, “rejected”). The criteria for securing a sign of social status are basic personality traits (competence, activity, independence, freedom of behavior, creativity, arbitrariness).

The results of the study by T.A. Repina, L.V., Gradusova, E.A. Kudryavtseva indicate that the psychological sex of the child is intensively developing in preschool age.

This is manifested in the formation of gender-role preferences and interests that are different for boys and girls, as well as behavior in accordance with gender-role standards accepted in society. The main reason for the process of sexual socialization is in different socio-pedagogical requirements for boys and girls on the part of parents and teachers. In modern educational programs ("Childhood"; "Origins", "Rainbow"), methods of a differentiated approach have been developed depending on the gender of the child.

Thus, in the social development of a child, it is very important to pay professional attention to the psychological mechanisms of the formation of social emotions. The pedagogical value of solving this problem lies in the fact that social emotions not only facilitate the process of the child's entry into the world of the group, but also the process of self-awareness (self-image), their relationships, feelings, states, experiences.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations are revealed in modern Child social development concept preschool age, presented in the works of S.A. Kozlovoy

Let's give a brief description of this concept. Basic concepts of the concept: social experience, social feelings, social reality, social world, social development, socialization of the individual, social "portrait" of the environment. There are hierarchical connections between these concepts. As noted, S.A. Kozlova, child, born in social world, begins to cognize him from what is close, what surrounds him, i.e. with social reality, with which he begins to interact. The social “portrait” of the environment evokes different emotions and feelings in the child. Still not knowing in detail and meaningfully about the social world, the child already feels it, empathizes, perceiving the phenomena and objects of this world. That is, social feelings are primary, social experience accumulates gradually, social competence is formed, which forms the basis of social behavior of social assessments, awareness, understanding, acceptance of the world of people and leads to social development, to socialization.

Socialization is considered by S.A. Kozlova in the trinity of its manifestations: adaptation to the social world; Adoption social world as a given; ability and need change, transform social reality and social world.

An indicator of a socialized personality is its orientation (focus) on other people and on oneself. The task of the teacher is to form in children an interest in another person, in the world of his work, his feelings, in his characteristics as a person. Cognition of oneself includes the formation of interest in oneself ("I" is physical, "I" is emotional, etc.).

The concept also contains a technological part, in which includes several provisions:

The process of socialization by the mechanism coincides with moral education (the formation of ideas, feelings, behavior);

Socialization is a two-way process, it occurs under the influence of the outside (society) and is impossible without a response from the subject.

This concept is implemented in the program of S.A. Kozlovoy "I am a Man". Social development is also presented in comprehensive educational programs. In the program "Origins", the section "Social development" is specially highlighted, this section includes a characteristic of age-related capabilities, tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work. Social development begins from the first days of a child's life, covers a large age range: from junior to senior preschool age.

The basis of social development is the emergence of a sense of attachment and trust in adults, the development of interest in the world around us and in oneself. Social development creates the basis for the assimilation of moral values ​​by children, ethically valuable ways of communication. Formed interpersonal relationships, in turn, become the moral basis of social behavior, the formation of a sense of patriotism in children - love for their native land, native country, affection, devotion and responsibility towards the people inhabiting it. The result of social development is social confidence, interest in self-knowledge, education of the child towards himself and other people.

In the educational program "Childhood" (St. Petersburg.), The social and emotional development of a preschooler is considered as the central direction of the educational process in modern preschool educational institutions.

Important factor in the social development of children is the family (Work of T.V. Antonova, R.A. Ivankova, R.B.Sterkina, E.O.Smirnova, etc.). Cooperation between educators and parents creates optimal conditions for the formation of the child's social experience, her self-development, self-expression and creativity.

General conditions for cooperation of teachers with parents for social development will be:

Ensuring emotional well-being and meeting the vital needs of the child in the kindergarten group;

Preservation and maintenance of a single line of positive social development of children in preschool educational institutions and families;

Respect for the child's personality, awareness of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood;

Formation in the child of a positive sense of self, confidence in his abilities, that he is good, he is loved.

Thus, social development is the formation of a child's attitude towards himself and the world around him. The task of teachers and parents is to help the child enter the modern world. Social readiness includes the child's social adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution and the family, to various spheres of human life, a pronounced interest in social reality (S.A. Kozlova). Social competence presupposes the presence of the following components in a child: cognitive (associated with the cognition of another person of the same age, an adult), the ability to understand his interests, mood, notice emotional manifestations, understand the characteristics of himself, correlate his own feelings, desires with the capabilities and desires of others: emotional motivational, including the attitude towards other people and oneself, the desire of the individual for self-expression and self-respect, with a sense of self-worth; behavioral, which is associated with the choice of positive ways to resolve conflicts, the ability to negotiate, establish new contacts, ways of communication.

Question - Historical sketch of the creation and improvement of the program. Modern programs.

The educational program of preschool organizations plays the role of a reference point for the educational process as a whole: it determines the content of the cognitive and educational process in preschool educational institutions, reflects the worldview, scientific, methodological concept of preschool education, fixes its content in all main (comprehensive program) or one (several) areas (specialized , partial program) of child development. In accordance with the direction and level of implementation of the programs, methodological work and the content of the educational process are built.

For many decades, the preschool education system was the only one and compulsory for all children under the age of seven who attended kindergarten. In just 20 years (1962-1982), this pedagogical program was reprinted nine times and was the only and obligatory document for all workers in preschool education.

The first draft of the program for the preschool educational institution was created in 1932. The program was improved until 1962. In the same year, a unified program of educational work with children in kindergarten was approved and recommended for use by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, then in 1978, after revision and addition, it was named Typical. This program ensured continuity in the teaching and upbringing of children of early and preschool age.

The theoretical basis of the Soviet system of preschool education was the cultural and historical concept, within which the development of the child was understood as the assimilation of the social and historical experience accumulated by mankind. This meant that all higher mental functions, worldview and human abilities are formed as a result of his assimilation of various concepts, values, methods of human activity, knowledge, ideas, etc. This approach put in the first place the figure of the adult - the educator, since only he, who possesses the cultural and social experience, could pass it on to the child. This determined the leading and guiding role of the educator in the development of the child. At the same time, the educator acted as a bearer of knowledge and methods of activity, as an intermediary between the culture and the child. Its main task was to pass on to children the knowledge and skills that exist in society.

The original principle education in this system was ideological orientation the entire pedagogical process in kindergarten in accordance with the goals and objectives of communist education.

The principle of purposefulness and programmaticity Soviet pedagogy resisted the tendencies of "free upbringing", which denied the need for any single program for all children. These trends have dominated Western technology.

In the works of Soviet teachers, it was repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to take into account age and individual characteristics every child, without which it is impossible to realize the tasks of all-round education. The integrity and continuity of the pedagogical process had to be combined with a clear and systematic arrangement of the material according to the age principle, which made it possible to gradually complicate the material from group to group, from one age to another.

Another most important principle of Soviet preschool pedagogy is principle of operation... Preschool education and upbringing can be effective only if the child is active. The formation of the personality occurs in various types of child's activities - play, work, study, therefore it is so important that educational work with preschoolers not only includes different types of children's activities, but also contributes to the formation of various skills.

The next principle is the unity of education and training, the inextricable connection of these processes... Education is always associated with the transfer of certain knowledge to children. At the same time, systematized and specially selected knowledge contains an educational aspect. At the same time, both upbringing and teaching have a certain independence in a single upbringing and educational process.

Educational work with children requires systematic and consistent, certain repeatability and generalization, those. return to previously covered material at a higher level. This principle allows the teacher to lead the children from simple to complex, from direct acquaintance with the surrounding things and phenomena to the ability to generalize and highlight their essential qualities and features, to the understanding of the simplest connections and relationships.

These pedagogical principles formed the basis of the Soviet program for the education and upbringing of children in kindergarten, which was an obligatory document and guide for all educators in our country.

The overall goal of preschool education in kindergarten was the comprehensive and harmonious development of children. There were five main directions of preschool education: physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic. Each of these areas had its own tasks and methods of solving them.

The standard program was structured according to the age principle and covered the development of a child from two months to seven years. Within this age range, two nursery groups were distinguished (the first - from two months to a year and the second - from one to two years) and five age groups for preschool children:

· The first junior group - two to three years;

· The second junior group - three to four years;

· Middle group - four to five years;

· Senior group - five to six years;

· Preparatory group - six to seven years.

For each age group, a certain content of classes and their number were provided. Classes were educational in nature and were aimed at assimilating specific knowledge and skills. They rigidly determined not only the development of the child, but also the activities of the educator, leaving virtually no room for his initiative. Some freedom remained in the choice of teaching methods. According to the form of influence of the educator, teaching methods are divided into verbal and visual. For the successful assimilation of material by children, it was recommended to combine verbal and visual with practical. However, practical methods in the classroom of children actually took the form of imitating the actions of the teacher: the teacher gave examples of correct actions with the material, and the children reproduced them.

For the implementation of practical methods, special conditions are necessary for an individual approach to become possible, which is very difficult in frontal teaching of a large group of children, therefore, the prevailing methods of teaching preschoolers, as a rule, remained verbal and visual, i.e. adult story and display.

The daily routine in kindergarten for each age group was also strictly defined. Strict regulation did not leave room for any independent decisions or the manifestation of the teacher's initiative, but required only to strictly observe the established regime, to regularly conduct training sessions provided for in the program. This limited the creative possibilities of the educator, but at the same time gave a clear algorithm for his activities.

The cardinal socio-economic and political changes that took place in our country in the late 80s and early 90s of the XX century, affected almost all aspects of public life, including preschool pedagogy..

The obvious shortcomings of the system of preschool education that had developed in the USSR and its obvious discrepancy with the new ideological and socio-economic realities led to the development of a new concept of preschool education (authors V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky, etc.), which was approved by the State Committee for People's the formation of the USSR in 1989.

In this concept, for the first time, an analysis of the negative aspects of the current state of preschool education was given and the main guidelines for its development were outlined. In its positive part, the concept focused on overcoming the main shortcomings of the existing state system. As the main disadvantage of the preschool education system, the author pointed out the authoritarian nature of the educational and disciplinary model of the pedagogical process in kindergartens, in which the teacher guided and controlled the child's actions in accordance with a given program. As an alternative to authoritarian pedagogy, the new concept proposed a democratic, student-centered approach to education.

With this approach, the child is not an object of learning, but a full participant in the pedagogical process. The new concept suggested changing the assessment of the preschool period of childhood itself, oriented teachers towards recognizing the intrinsic value of preschool childhood as a unique period in a person's life. The most important direction of reforming preschool education was the transition from a single standard program to pluralism and variability. This opportunity was provided by the "Provisional Regulations on Preschool Institutions", approved by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in 1991. The regulation made it possible for each preschool institution to choose a training and education program, make changes to it and create author's programs. Later, the "Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution" (1997; amendments - in 2002) secured the right of a preschool institution to independently choose a program from a set of variable programs recommended by state educational authorities, make its own changes to it and create author's programs in accordance with with the requirements of the State Educational Standard.

The "Model Regulation on a Preschool Educational Institution" gave impetus to a rapid growth in the number of educational programs for preschool institutions. These programs include complex , i.e. covering all areas of life and education of the preschooler, and partial programs aimed at the development of any area of ​​the child (artistic, social, intellectual, etc.).

The following programs can be referred to the main complex programs: "Rainbow" (edited by TN Doronova); "Childhood" (V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva and others); "The program of education and training in kindergarten" (edited by MA Vasilyeva, VV Gerbova, TS Komarova); "Development" (edited by O. M. Dyachenko); "Origins" (edited by L.E. Kurneshova); "From childhood to adolescence" (edited by T.N. Doronova) and others.

So, for example, Rainbow program- was the first innovative preschool education program to receive a recommendation from the Ministry of Education. Developed by the staff of the laboratory of preschool education of the Institute of General Education under the leadership of T.N. Doronova. Designed to work with children from two to seven years old and covers all spheres of life of children. In terms of its goals and objectives, this program does not differ significantly from the traditional one. It considers the protection and strengthening of children's health, the creation of conditions for full and timely mental development, and the provision of a happy childhood for every child as its main value orientations, just like the traditional one. However, in determining the specific tasks of mental development, this program differs significantly from the traditional one. The theoretical basis of this program is the concept of A.N. Leontiev, where the main categories of analysis of the psyche are activity, consciousness and personality. For each age, specific tasks are assigned to the development of the activity, consciousness and personality of preschoolers. So, the tasks of the development of activity include the formation of motivation for various types of activity (play, educational, labor), the formation of arbitrariness and mediation of mental processes, the formation of the ability to adequately assess the results of activity, etc. The tasks of the development of consciousness are the expansion of the child's knowledge about the world, acquaintance with sign systems, the development of imagination and logical thinking. The tasks of personality development involve the education of self-confidence, independence, the establishment of trusting relationships and personal contacts with adults, the formation of relationships of mutual assistance and cooperation between peers, the education of emotional responsiveness, etc.

The program is adjusted according to the age principle and ensures the holistic progressive development of children. For each age, the main psychological neoplasms are identified, the formation and development of which is directed by specific pedagogical work. The development of these neoplasms occurs in various types of children's activities. The most important activities of the preschooler are indicated in the program with the colors of the rainbow (hence the name of this program). Based on the concept of M.I. Lisina, in which communication with an adult is considered the driving force of a child's development, the authors of the program rightly believe that a full-fledged upbringing and education of a child is possible only if there are adequate forms of communication with an adult and only in an atmosphere of goodwill. The program is based on principles that reflect humanistic attitudes:

· Respect for the freedom and dignity of every child;

· Creation of conditions for the development of his individuality;

· Providing psychological comfort;

Interaction of the educator with the child according to the type of subject-subject communication, etc.

Many pedagogical attitudes are aimed at the implementation of these principles:

· Work of a teacher with children, from a young age to their graduation from kindergarten;

· The formation of traditions in each group of kindergarten;

· The possibility of choice both for the educator and for each child;

· Meeting the child's needs for free motor and play activity, etc.

THIS EXAMPLE MAY NOT BE PROVIDED, TO BE LIMITED TO ONE PROGRAM A comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers in the educational system "School 2100" (" Kindergarten 2100») Is based on taking into account the psychological neoplasms of preschool childhood: the first schematic outline of the children's worldview and primary ethical instances (LS Vygotsky); subordination of motives (A.A. Leontiev); voluntary behavior (D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets); personal consciousness.

According to the authors of the program, the content and didactics of preschool education determine the following lines of children's development: the formation of voluntary behavior, mastering the means and standards of cognitive activity, the transition from egocentrism to decentration, motivational readiness.

The program reflects the psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects of the development and education of children from 3 to 6 years old. Its content is due to the need to create a "single chain" of continuous education, the links of which are linked to each other, but each is the basis for the other. The goal of the program is to ensure the continuity and continuity of preschool and school education. Tasks solved by this program: creation of a developing environment; protection and strengthening of the health of preschoolers, the development of their physical culture; development of the content of the disclosure of the personal qualities of the child, his thinking, imagination, memory, speech, emotional sphere; the formation of the experience of self-knowledge.

Preparing a child for school within the framework of the implementation of this program allows to ensure the successful study of school subjects and self-awareness ("I am"), their capabilities and individual characteristics ("I am so"), the formation of the ability to communicate and cooperate with adults and peers. Game learning technologies are the leading ones in the sections of the educational and cognitive block of the program, and the proposed knowledge acts as a means of developing a child's personality.

Partial programs include one or more areas of children's development. Examples of specialized programs that can be successfully combined as part of the implementation of the main educational activities of a preschool educational institution may be the following: “Dewdrop. In the world of beauty "(L. V. Kutsakova, S. I. Merzlyakova)," Nature and the Artist "(T. A. Koptseva)," Harmony "," Synthesis "(K. V. Tarasova)," Musical Masterpieces " (O. P. Radynova), “I am a man” (S. A. Kozlova), “I - you - we” (O. L. Knyazeva, R.B.Sterkina), “Young ecologist” (S.N. Nikolaeva) and others.

The above list of programs is recommended for use in preschool educational institutions at the federal level. In addition to them, others recommended by regional education authorities can be used as the main specialized programs.

In connection with the transition from a unified state program to variable education and with the emergence of many alternative innovative programs for preschool institutions, the question of developing a unified educational standard that sets the necessary and sufficient requirements for the operation of a children's educational institution was of particular relevance.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education / 2013 /, which is aimed at regulating the quality of education in terms of its variability and diversity and at maintaining a single educational space. And on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, preschool education programs are being finalized and developed.

Topic - Labor education ... accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

The federal state educational standard of preschool education outlines the goal of labor education of preschool children - the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity.

Labor education of preschoolers is a process of interaction between the teacher and the child, aimed at the formation of labor skills, hard work, and a creative attitude to work.

All scientists affirm the need for labor education from an early age.

R.S. Bure pays special attention to educational opportunities for teaching children to work skills. Shows that, on the one hand, mastering skills raises labor activity to a higher level of development, allows the child to set and achieve a goal. On the other hand, the availability of skills ensures a more complete and successful use of labor activity as a means of moral education. Emphasizes that the tasks of labor training and labor education must be solved in close relationship. It also pays attention to the types of skills, the complication of their content from one age group to another: the formation of productive actions, planning skills, organization of a "workplace", self-control in the process of searching for the most rational methods of work.

VG Nechaeva formulates the main task of labor education as the formation of a correct attitude to work. The task can be successfully solved only on the basis of taking into account the peculiarities of this activity in comparison with the game, classes, based on the age characteristics of the child. Forming hard work in children, it is necessary to teach them to set a goal, find ways to achieve it, and get a result corresponding to the goal. In this case, it is necessary to strictly take into account the peculiarities of the labor activity of preschoolers.

RS Bure, GN Godina, VG Nechaeva in the book "Teach Children to Work" reveal the content, methods of labor education, give a description of the types of labor, forms of organization.

The Concept of Preschool Education emphasizes that labor activity corresponds to the main channel of mental development of a preschooler child due to its attractiveness and the ability to show its autonomy and independence from the adult use of technologies for introducing preschoolers to work.

VG Nechaeva and Ya.Z. Neverovich in their research revealed the formation of components of labor activity in preschool childhood.

The labor activity of children consists of four components:

1. Ability to set a goal.

2. Ability to act under the influence of socially significant motives.

3. Ability to plan work.

4. Ability to achieve a result and evaluate it.

The labor activity of preschoolers is a developmental activity .

Each of the components of activity changes with the age of the child.

Various researchers have proposed different formulations of the tasks of labor education.

Based on the classification of Yu.K. Babansky, V.I. Loginova, V.G. Nechaeva, two groups of tasks can be distinguished:

Helping a child in mastering work activities (in mastering the structure of activities, acquiring work skills, skills);

The development of the child's personality in labor (development of properties, personality traits, the formation of relationships and the acquisition of social experience of interaction).

In the studies of Michurina Yu.A., Saigusheva L.I., Krulekht M.V., the goal, objectives, content of modules for the implementation of the model of introducing preschool children to work within the framework of the subject - subject interaction are formulated.

Purpose: socialization of the child as a full-fledged member of society, perceiving work as a social norm of life, as well as the formation of a value-based way of interacting with others and the manifestation of one's individuality in multifaceted activities.

1. Formation of systemic knowledge about the work of adults, professions, the structure of the labor process;

2. Formation of general labor and special labor skills and abilities;

3. Development of labor activity of older preschoolers.

In the developed model of labor education, the authors distinguish 4 modules (blocks).

1. The relationship between the means of introducing preschoolers to work.

2. Organization of labor activity of preschoolers in the process of subject - subject interaction.

3. Organization of a labor subject-development environment.

4. Improving the level of readiness of preschool teachers to implement the model.

The following types of labor are used in preschool institutions: self-service, household (household) labor, labor in nature, manual labor.

For example Self-service- this is the child's labor aimed at serving himself (dressing and undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The quality and awareness of actions in different children are different, therefore, the task of developing skills is relevant at all age stages of preschool childhood.

Household labor- this is the second type of labor that a child at preschool age is able to master. The content of this type of labor is labor of cleaning the premises, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc. This type of labor has a social orientation. The child learns to create and maintain his environment in an appropriate form.

A special type of labor is allocated labor in nature... The content of this type of labor is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden (garden on the windowsill), landscaping the site, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc. Labor in nature affects not only the development of labor skills, but also the upbringing of moral feelings, lays fundamentals of environmental education.

Manual labor according to its purpose, it is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the manufacture of handicrafts from natural material, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development of imagination, creativity; develops small muscles of the hands, contributes to the education of endurance, perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

In science, various different forms of labor organization for preschool children.

Assignments- tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, experience, as well as educational tasks. The assignment is the first form of organization of labor activity (research by V.G. Necheva, A.D. Shatova).

Duty- the work of one or more children in the interests of the group. It highlights the social orientation of labor, the real, practical care of several (one) children for others, therefore this form contributes to the development of responsibility, a humane, caring attitude towards people and nature. In preschool practice, shifts in the canteen, in a corner of nature, in preparation for classes have already become traditional.

Collective labor, according to the method of organization, it is divided into work side by side, common work, joint work.

Work nearby - usually organized in a younger group (middle, senior and preparatory groups for school with new mastering of skills), 3-4 children, each doing the same work (remove the blocks).

Common work - unites 8-10 people, starts with the middle group, there is no division of labor, children are united by a common goal and generalization of the results of labor.

Joint labor (operational) - is present in the preparatory group, unites up to 15 people, the peculiarity of such an association is the presence in it of a number of successive stages, the children are dependent on each other, the work done by one child is transferred to another. Everyone performs their own operation.

Question - Family and preschool educational institutions: content, goals, forms of cooperation

The family and the kindergarten have common goals and objectives, but the content and methods of raising children are specific.

Psychological, pedagogical and sociological studies have shown that the family desperately needs the help of specialists at all stages of preschool childhood. Based on this, one of the most important tasks of modern society is the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents, the provision of assistance from teachers (E.P. Arnautova, L.V. Zagik, O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova, T.A. Markov, etc.) The need to solve this problem is caused by a number of circumstances. Thus, researchers highlight a change in the modern rhythm of life, an increase in the general level of education, an increase in the requirements for the level of socialization and upbringing of children, as well as an increase in the number of single-parent families, families with an unfavorable psychological climate, i.e. crisis processes, more and more covering the modern family and affecting its educational potential.

The Concept of Preschool Education (1989) shows approaches to cooperation with parents, which are based on the relationship between two systems - kindergarten and family. The essence of this approach is to combine the efforts of preschool institutions and families for the development of the personality of both children and adults, taking into account the interests and characteristics of each member of the community, his rights and responsibilities.

At the present stage, family education is recognized as the leading one, which is reflected in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 18). The law says that parents are the first educators of the child. There are preschools to help the family

A child matures not only as a representative of a certain biological species. He grows among people, constantly learning to interact with them, both with elders and with peers, and preparing for future adult life, which will be exclusively the life of a member of human society, that is, a social life. Therefore, in addition to the processes of growth, development and biological maturation, the child in parallel goes through the most difficult path, which can be designated by the term "socialization", or the social development of the child. These are all forms of communication, interaction, cooperation with other people, establishing relations of mutual understanding and mutual respect, mutual support and mutual assistance, joint solution of urgent tasks of protecting life on Earth and social progress of mankind. And all this, the highest and the most global, has its small origins, fragile roots. These roots are the first gaze into the face and eyes of their mother, the first participation in feeding, the first smile and gurgle.

Socialization is a phenomenon that is not always parallel to the development of the physical body and biological maturation. For socialization, you need to accumulate experience of communication and interaction, moreover, experience not only positive, but also negative, you need the experience of empathy, love, pity, and necessarily the experience of activities of a very different orientation. First of all, it is self-service, then there is work, and creation, and creativity, and the ability to protect oneself, compatriots and just other people. Socialization includes the acceptance and mastery of all the cultural and scientific heritage of parents and compatriots, and of the entire world culture in general. Socialization does not come through special forms of education or training, that is, this is not enough. You need support from your own experience. Throughout the ages in childhood, this experience is accumulated both from living together with family and other adults, and from playing. Game, children's fairy tales, children's literature and cinema are the second after family stimulant of socialization. The next places in importance are occupied by school, group hobbies and creativity. The socialization environment as a part of the integral developmental environment is far from always optimal and, accordingly, the child's socialization and his subsequent fate in society will be suboptimal. The socialization process must also have its own conditional end point or border of full completeness. There are various proposals on the criteria for such completeness, but there is still no generally accepted formulation. Of course, these criteria should include the ability to make responsible decisions, achieve an independent position in society, the ability to provide for a family, raise their own children, contribute to the creation of material wealth and the protection of the natural environment, etc. It is obvious that the final stages of social maturity will be attributed already to the dates pushed back by at least 15-30 years from the end of puberty or biological maturity.

Concrete attempts are being made to create scales for diagnosing the stages of the socialization process in childhood and adolescence.

In Russia, the best studied and adapted scale for measuring social competence, E. Doll, modified by V.I. Gordeev et al. The degree of social competence, or maturity, is assessed in several areas of the child's socialization. The trait number in the scale below is at the same time an estimated score. You can use the assessment for any of the profiles, while identifying the presence of discorrelations in development and education.

E. Doll social competence scale modified by V. I. Gordeev et al.

1. SHG (self-help general)

General self-service and safety self-test

2. SHE (self-help eating)

Self-help with feeding

3. SHD (self-help dressing)

Self help with dressing

4. SD (self-direction)

A responsibility

5.O (occupation)

The ability to manage your time

6.C (communication)

7.L (locomotion)

Self-reliance when moving

8.S (socialization)


1.6. Screams, laughs

2.1. Keeps the head in balance

3.1. Grabs items that are within reach

4.1. Reaches out for familiar people

5.1. Flips over

6.1. Reaches out for nearby items

7.5. Left unattended, he finds something to do

8.1. Sits without support

9.1. Pulling up, takes an upright position

10.6. Babbles, imitates sounds

11.2. Drinks from a cup or glass with the help of an adult

12.7. Moves across the floor from place to place

13.1. Two-finger grabbing (first and whichever)

14.8. Requires special attention

5.1. Stands alone without support

16.2. Doesn't drip (when eating)

17.6. Carries out simple directions, requests, tasks or commands

18.7. Left unattended, walks around the room

19.5. Leaves marks with pencil or chalk

20.2. Chewing food

21.3. Pulls off her socks

22.5. "Converts" items

23.1. Overcomes simple obstacles or obstacles

24.5. Finds or brings (upon request) familiar objects

25.2. Drinks without help from a cup or glass

26.1. No longer needs a baby stroller

27.8. Plays with other children

28.2. Eats with a spoon himself

29.7. Walks around the apartment or yard (under supervision)

30.2. Distinguishes edible from inedible

31.8. Uses names for familiar objects

32.7. Goes up the stairs on his own

33.2. Unfolds the candy

34.6. Speaks in short sentences

35.1. Asks for the toilet

36.5. Develops his own gaming activity (comes up with games)

37.3. Takes off coat or dress by herself

38.2. Eats with a fork himself

39.2. Looks for and pours himself water, milk or juice to drink

40.3. He wipes his hands after washing himself

41.1. Knows how to avoid simple dangers (car, stranger's dog)

42.3. Puts on a coat or dress himself

43.5. He cuts the paper himself with scissors

44.6. Tells about some events or stories

45.7. Goes down the stairs: one step - one step

46.8. Plays community games in kindergarten with pleasure

47.3. He fastens the buttons on his coat or dress himself

48.5. Helps with small household chores

49.8. Plays performances for others

50.3. Washes hands without assistance

51.1. He sits on the pot himself and wipes himself off after the pot

52.3. Washes face without assistance

53.7. Can walk around unattended

54.3. Dresses on her own, but cannot tie her shoelaces

55.5. Uses chalk or pencil when drawing

56.8. Plays competitive games

57.5. He sleds or skates himself

58.6. Writes simple words in block letters

59.8. Plays simple board games

60.4. A child can be trusted with money

61.7. Can go to school unattended

62.2. Uses a table knife for spreading

63.6. Uses a pencil to write

64.3. Washes in a bath (shower, bath) with limited help

65.3. Can go to sleep unaided

66.1. Knows the time by the clock with an accuracy of a quarter of an hour

67.2. Uses a table knife for cutting

68.8. Denies the existence of Santa Claus and other fairy-tale characters

69.8. Participates in games for older children and adolescents

70.3. Brush out with a comb or brush

71.5. Uses a work tool for different purposes

72.5. Can do normal household chores

73.6. Reads on his own initiative

74.3. Washes in the bath (shower, bath) independently

75.2. Takes care of herself at the table

76.4. Makes small purchases

77.7. Walk freely near the house

78.6. Sometimes writes short letters

79.6. He calls himself on the phone

80.5. Performs minor jobs of economic importance

81.6. Reacts to sources of information (radio, newspapers, advertising)

82.5. Planning and executing small creative works

83.4. Stays at home in their own care or to look after others

84.6. Enjoys books, newspapers, magazines

85.6. Plays difficult games

86.3. Mastering complete self-care

87.4. Buys clothing accessories on his own

88.8. Included in the activities of teenage groups

89.5. Doing responsible chores at home

90.6. Maintains contacts by mail correspondence

91.6. Follows the latest news

92.7. Walks alone to the nearest places of pastime

93.4. In the daytime, is out of the house without supervision

94.4. Has his own pocket money

95.4. Buys all his clothes on his own

96.7. Leaves (leaves) alone to distant places

97.4. Keeps track of your health

98.5. Has a job or permanent place of study

99.4. Leaves for the night without limits

100.4. Controls own cash spending

101.4. Takes personal responsibility

102.4. Uses money prudently

103.8. Takes responsibility above one's own needs

104.8. Contributes to social welfare

105.4. Provides a future for itself

106.5. Performs skilled work

107.5. Respects prudent limits

108.5. Organizes his own work

109.8. Inspires confidence

110.8. Promotes social progress

111.5. Improving professionally

112.4. Acquires values ​​for others

114.5. Performs expert professional work

115.8. Shares common responsibility

116.7. Creates favorable circumstances for itself

117.8. Promotes public welfare

SA totals (years)

The scale determines the social age of the subject and the degree of correspondence of this age to the chronological age, which ultimately gives the coefficient of social development in percentage similar to 10.

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Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

Eastern Economic and Legal Academy of Humanities (VEGU Academy)

Direction Pedagogy

Profile focus - Preschool education


Preschool pedagogy. Features withsocial development of preschoolers

Khusainova Irina Vladimirovna

Almetyevsk 2016

  • 1. Social and personal development
  • 2. What affects the social development of preschoolers
  • 3. Help in the social development of preschoolers
  • 4. Stages of personality formation
  • 5. Methods of social and moral education
  • 6. Five basic elements of the development of preschool children
  • 7. Social factors in the development of the child's personality
  • 8. Basic principles of organizing the process of social education
  • Conclusion
  • Literature

1. Social and personal development

The full-fledged formation of children largely depends on the specifics of the social environment, the conditions for its formation, the personal characteristics of the parents, which serve as the most important example for the formation of the personality of children. The closest circle of a child is considered to be parents and close relatives - grandmothers, grandfathers, that is, his family. It is in her that the final basic experience of relationships with others will take root, in the process of which the child develops ideas about adult life. It is their child who then transfers them into communication with a wide circle - in kindergarten, on the street, in a store. The child's assimilation of social norms, models of role behavior is usually called socialization, which is considered by famous scientific researchers as a process of social development through a system of all kinds of relationships - communication, play, cognition.

The social processes taking place in modern society create the preconditions for the development of new goals of education, the center of which is the individual and his inner world. The foundations that determine the success of personal formation and development are laid in the preschool period. This important stage of life makes children full-fledged personalities and gives birth to such qualities that help a person to make his / her determination in this life, to find his worthy place in it.

Social development, being the main task of upbringing, begins during the period of primary socialization in infancy and early age. At this time, the child receives the necessary communication skills in life. All this is cognized through sensations, touches, everything that the child sees and hears, feels, is laid down in his subconscious as the basic basic program of development.

In the future, cultural experience is assimilated, aimed at reproducing by the child the historically formed abilities, methods of activity and behavior fixed in the culture of each society and acquired by him on the basis of cooperation with adults. This also includes ritual traditions.

As children master social reality, the accumulation of social experience, it becomes a full-fledged subject, personality. However, in the early stages, the priority goal of a child's development is the formation of his inner world, his self-valuable personality.

The behavior of children in one way or another correlates with his ideas about himself and about what he should or would like to be. The child's positive perception of his own "I am a personality" directly affects the success of his activities, the ability to make friends, the ability to see their positive qualities in communication situations. Its quality as a leader is determined.

In the process of interacting with the outside world, a child is an actively acting world, cognizes it, and at the same time cognizes himself. Through self-knowledge, the child comes to a certain knowledge about himself and the world around him. He learns to distinguish good from bad, to see what to strive for.

Morality, morality, rules of behavior in society, unfortunately, are not laid down in a child at birth. The environment is not particularly conducive to their acquisition. Therefore, purposeful systematic work with the child is necessary to organize his personal experience, where self-knowledge is naturally formed in him. This is not only the role of parents, but also the role of a teacher. In the types of activities available to him, the following will be formed:

Moral consciousness - as a system of simple moral ideas in a child, concepts, judgments, knowledge about moral norms, rules adopted in society (cognitive component);

Moral feelings - feelings and attitudes that evoke these norms of behavior in a child (emotional component);

The moral orientation of behavior is the actual behavior of the child, which corresponds to the moral standards adopted by others (behavioral component).

Direct training and upbringing of a preschooler occurs through the formation of an elementary system of knowledge in him, the ordering of disparate information and ideas. The social world is not only a source of knowledge, but also of all-round development - mental, moral, aesthetic, emotional. With the correct organization of pedagogical activity in this direction, the child's perception, thinking, memory and speech develop.

At this age, the child masters the world through acquaintance with the main aesthetic categories that are in opposition: truth - lies, courage - cowardice, generosity - greed, etc. To get acquainted with these categories, he needs various material for study - this material is contained in many respects in fairy tales, folklore and literary works, in everyday life events. By participating in the discussion of various problem situations, listening to stories, fairy tales, performing game exercises, the child begins to better understand himself in the surrounding reality, compare his own and the actions of the heroes, choose his own line of behavior and interaction with others, learn to evaluate his own and others' actions. While playing, the child is always at the junction of the real and the game world, along with this, occupies two positions: the real one - the child and the conditional one - the adult. This is the most important achievement of the game. It leaves behind a plowed field in which the fruits of abstract activity - art and science - can grow.

And didactic play acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality. With the help of instructive games, the teacher teaches children to think independently, to use the knowledge gained in various conditions in accordance with the established task.

Children's play is a type of activity for children, which consists in repeating the actions of adults and the relations between them, aimed at orienting and comprehending objective activity, one of the means of physical, mental, mental and moral education of children. When working with children, it is suggested to use fairy tales of a social nature, in the process of telling which children learn that they need to find friends for themselves, that one is bored, sad (the tale "How a Truck I Was Looking for a Friend"); that you need to be polite, to be able to communicate using not only verbal, but also non-verbal means of communication ("The Tale of an ill-bred mouse").

Through the children's subculture, the most important social needs of the child are satisfied:

- the need for isolation from adults, closeness with other people separately from the family;

- the need for independence and participation in social transformations.

Many didactic games pose a task for children to use the existing knowledge in mental operations: to find inherent features in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; classify, compare objects according to certain criteria, draw correct conclusions, generalizations. The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude to the acquisition of solid, deep knowledge, the establishment of reasonable relationships in the team.

2. What affects the social development of preschoolers

preschool personality social education

The social development of preschoolers is strongly influenced by the environment, namely the street, house and people, who are grouped according to a certain system of norms and rules. Each person brings something new to the baby's life, influences his behavior in a certain way. This is a very important aspect in the formation of a personality, his perception of the world.

The adult serves as an example for the child. The preschooler strives to copy all actions and deeds from him. After all, an adult - and especially parents - is a standard for a child.

Personal development occurs only in the environment. To become a full-fledged person, a child needs contact with the people around him. He needs to realize himself separate from the family, to realize that he is responsible for his behavior, actions not only in the family circle, but also in the world around him. The role of the teacher in this regard is to correctly guide the child, to show by the example of the same fairy tales - where the main characters also experience some moments of life, solve situations. All this will be very useful to the child, especially in the identification of good and evil. Indeed, in Russian folk tales there is always a hint that helps the kid to understand, using the example of another, what is good and what is bad. How to act and how not.

The most important source of development of the child's personality is the family. She is a guide who offers the child knowledge, experience, teaches and helps to adapt to the harsh conditions of life. A favorable home atmosphere, trust and mutual understanding, respect and love are the key to the success of the correct development of the personality. Whether we like it or not, the child will always be like his parents in some sense - behavior, facial expressions, movements. By this he is trying to express that he is a self-sufficient person, an adult.

From six to seven years old, children's communication takes on a personal form. Children begin to ask questions about the person and his essence. This time is the most responsible for the social development of a small citizen - he often needs emotional support, comprehension and empathy. Adults are a role model for children, because they lively adopt their communication style, behavioral features and develop their own individuality. They start asking a lot of questions, which are often very difficult to answer directly. But it is necessary to reveal the problem together with the child, to explain everything to him. In the same way, in due time, the child will give his knowledge to his child, remembering how the parents or the teacher did not push him away by the lack of time, but competently and easily explained the essence of the answer.

A child's personality is formed from the smallest bricks, among which, in addition to communication and play, various activities, exercises, creativity, music, books and observation of the world around them play a significant role. At preschool age, every child deeply perceives everything interesting, therefore the task of parents is to acquaint him with the best human works. Children ask adults a lot of questions that need to be answered fully and honestly. This is very important, because for a child your every word is an immutable truth, therefore, do not allow the collapse of faith in your infallibility. Show them your openness and interest, participation in them. The social development of preschoolers also occurs through play as a leading child's activity. Communication is an essential element of any game. During the game, the social, emotional and mental formation of the child takes place. Play gives children the opportunity to reproduce the adult world and participate in the social life they represent. Children learn to resolve conflicts, express emotions, and adequately interact with the people around them.

3. Help in the social development of preschoolers

The most convenient and effective form of social development of children is the play form. Play until the age of seven is the main activity of every child. And communication is an integral part of the game.

In the process of playing, the child is formed both emotionally and socially. He seeks to behave like an adult, "tries on" the behavior of his parents, learns to take an active part in social life. In the game, children analyze different ways of resolving conflicts, learn to interact with the world around them.

However, for preschoolers, in addition to play, conversation, exercise, reading, study, observation and discussion are important. Parents should encourage the child's moral behavior. All this helps the child in social development.

The child is very impressionable and receptive to everything: he feels beauty, with him you can visit cinemas, museums, theaters.

It must be remembered that if an adult is feeling unwell or in a bad mood, then you should not organize joint events with the child. After all, he feels hypocrisy and deception. And therefore can copy this behavior. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the child is very sensitive to the mood of the mother. It is better at such moments to distract the child with something else, for example, give him paints, paper and offer to draw a beautiful picture on any topic you choose.

Among other things, preschoolers need communicative communication - joint games, discussions. They, like small children, learn the adult world from the beginning. They learn to be adults in the same way as we did in our time.

The social development of preschoolers occurs mainly through communication, the elements of which we see in the facial expressions, movements, and sounds of children.

4. Stages of personality formation

The theoretical foundations of the social and moral education of preschoolers were laid by R.S. Bure, E.Yu. Demurova, A.V. Zaporozhets and others. They identified the following stages of personality formation in the process of moral education:

the first stage is the formation of moral feelings and social emotions;

the second stage is the formation of moral ideas and the accumulation of knowledge;

the third stage is the transition of knowledge into beliefs and the formation on this basis of a worldview and value orientations;

the fourth stage is the transformation of beliefs into concrete behavior that can be called moral.

In accordance with the stages, the following tasks of social and moral education are distinguished:

- the formation of moral consciousness;

- the formation of social emotions, moral feelings and attitudes towards different sides of the social environment;

- the formation of moral qualities and the activity of their manifestation in activities and actions;

- the formation of friendly relations, the beginnings of collectivism and the collectivist orientation of the preschooler's personality;

- education of useful skills and behavior habits.

To solve the problems of moral education, it is necessary to organize activities in such a way as to create a maximum of conditions conducive to the realization of the possibilities contained in it. Only under appropriate conditions, in the process of independent various activities, the child learns to use the rules known to him as a means of regulating relations with peers.

The conditions of social and moral education in kindergarten should be compared with the conditions for the implementation of other directions of children's development, since it is pivotal for the organization of the entire educational process: for example, the integration of the lines of socio-moral and socio-ecological education of preschoolers.

At the same time, the content of social and moral education includes the development of a social and moral culture of a preschooler's personality and its individual components - motivational-behavioral and emotional-sensual.

These components are formed and added to a single system during the following stages of work (according to S.A. Kozlova):


· Artistic and educational,

· Emotionally effective.

Their content is selected in accordance with educational programs (for example, the program of social development and education of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren "I am a man!"

5. Methods of social and moral education

There are several classifications of methods of social and moral education.

For example, V.I. Loginova, based on the activation of the mechanism of moral development in the process of education:

* Methods for stimulating feelings and relationships (example of adults, encouragement, demand, punishment).

* Formation of the child's moral behavior (training, exercise, activity management).

* Formation of the child's moral consciousness (persuasion in the form of clarification, suggestion, ethical conversations).

B. T Likhachev's classification is based on the logic of the process of moral education itself and includes:

* Methods of trusting interaction (respect, pedagogical requirements, discussion of conflict situations, persuasion).

* Educational influence (clarification, stress relief, appeal to consciousness, will, deed, feeling,).

* Organization and self-organization of the educational team in the future (game, competition, uniform requirements).

As methods aimed at the child's comprehension of the meaning and correctness of moral rules, researchers suggest: reading literature, in which the meaning of the rules is revealed by influencing the consciousness and feelings of a preschooler (E.Yu.Demurova, L.P. Strelkova, A.M. Vinogradova ); conversations with the use of assimilation of positive and negative images of characters (L.P. Knyazeva); solving problem situations (R.S. Bure); discussion with children of acceptable and unacceptable ways of behaving towards others. Consideration of plot pictures (A.D. Kosheleva). Organization of games-exercises (S.A. Ulitko), games-dramatizations.

The means of social and moral education are:

- acquaintance of children with different aspects of the social environment, communication with children and adults;

- communication with nature;

- artistic means: folklore, music, films and filmstrips, fiction, fine arts, etc.

- organization of children's activities - games, work, etc.,

- the inclusion of children in the subject-practical activity, the organization of collective creative affairs;

Thus, the content of the educational process can vary depending on the direction of social and moral education. At the same time, the originality of the process of social and moral education of preschool children lies in the decisive role of the environment and education in the formation of a child, in the absence of principled interchangeability in the process of moral education and flexibility of educational actions.

Social and moral upbringing is an active purposeful process of a child's entry into the social environment, when the comprehension of moral norms and values ​​takes place, the child's moral consciousness is formed, moral feelings and behavioral habits develop.

The upbringing of ethical norms of behavior in a child is a moral problem that has not only social, but also pedagogical significance. At the same time, the family, kindergarten, and the surrounding reality influence the development of children's ideas about morality. Therefore, teachers and parents are faced with the task of educating a highly educated and well-bred young generation, possessing all the achievements of the created human culture. It is necessary to convey to children, especially preschool age, all the most important aspects of human life. Try to bring the positive aspects of upbringing from your life experience as much as possible.

Social and moral education in preschool age is determined by the fact that the child develops the very first moral assessments and considerations, he begins to understand what a moral norm is, and develops his attitude towards it, which, however, does not always ensure its observance in real actions. Social and moral upbringing of children occurs throughout their life, and the environment in which he develops and grows plays a decisive role in the formation of a child's morality. Therefore, it is very important not to miss important moments in a child's life, thereby giving him a chance to become a person.

The solution of the problems of social and moral development is facilitated by the organization of the educational process on the basis of a personality-oriented model, which provides for close interaction of children with a teacher who admits and takes into account the presence of preschoolers' own judgments, suggestions, and disagreements. Communication in such conditions takes on the character of a dialogue, joint discussion and development of common solutions.

6. Five basic elements of the development of preschool children

This is the development of the child's nervous system and his reflex activity, as well as certain hereditary characteristics. This type of development is primarily affected by heredity and the close environment of the baby.

If you are interested in the smooth development of your child, then pay special attention to special courses that help parents better understand their child and learn how to interact with him as effectively as possible. Thanks to such courses, the child easily goes through preschool development and grows up to be a very successful and self-confident person.

This type of development is influenced by absolutely everything that surrounds the baby, from music to observing people who are in the close environment of the child. Also, the emotional development of preschool children is greatly influenced by games and stories, the child's place in these games and the emotional side of the game.

Cognitive development is the process of processing information, as a result of which the aggregate facts are added to a single store of knowledge. Preschool education of children is very important and requires taking into account all stages of this process, namely: what information the child will receive and how he can process it and apply it in practice. For example, these are retellings of fairy tales for practice. For the harmonious and successful development of preschoolers, you need to select information that will:

· Set out from an authoritative source by the right people;

· Meet all cognitive abilities;

· Opened and properly processed and analyzed.

Thanks to the preschool development of children in special courses, the child will receive the most necessary information, which will have a very positive effect on his general development, as well as the development of logical thinking and social skills. In addition, the baby will replenish his knowledge base and rise one more step in his development.

PsychologicalOe development of preschool children

This type of development includes all aspects that are associated with age-related characteristics of perception. At the age of three, the child begins the process of self-knowledge, thinking develops and initiative awakens. In any course, teachers will help the child cope with psychological developmental problems, which will contribute to the child's quick socialization.

Speech development is personal for each child individually. Parents, as well as teachers, are obliged to help the formation of the child's speech, increase his vocabulary and the formation of clear diction, and the elimination of speech defects. The development of children in preschool age will help the child to master oral and written speech, the baby will learn to feel the native language and can easily use complex speech techniques, as well as form the necessary communication skills.

It is important not to leave your child's development unattended. The temporary intervention of experienced teachers, as well as the attention of parents, will help the child to assimilate as painlessly and easily as possible in this frightening adult world.

If you feel that you cannot give all the necessary skills and abilities to your own child, be sure to contact the specialists at the preschool development center. Thanks to experienced teachers, the child will learn to speak, write, draw and behave correctly in society.

Social and personal development of preschool children

The development of a baby in society means that he understands the customs, values ​​and culture of the society in which he is brought up. The child receives the first skills of social development when communicating with his parents and close relatives, then from communicating with peers and adults. He is constantly being formed as a person, he learns what can and cannot be done, take into account his personal interests and the interests of those around him, how to behave in this or that place and environment.

The social development of preschool children plays a significant role in the formation of personality formation. Helps the child to become a full-fledged person with his own interests, principles, attitudes and desires, which should not be infringed upon by his environment.

For social development to take place rhythmically and correctly, each baby needs communication, love, trust and attention, first of all, from parents. It is mom and dad who can give their baby experience, knowledge, family values, teach them the ability to adapt in life to any conditions.

From the first days, newborn babies learn to communicate with their mother: to catch her voice, mood, facial expressions, some movements, and also try to show what they want at a certain point in time. From six months to about two years old, the baby can already communicate with parents more consciously, can ask for help or do something with them. Helping around the house for example.

The need to be surrounded by peers arises by about three years. Children learn to interact and communicate with each other. To come up with various games, situations together, play around with them.

The development of children in society from three to five years. This is the age of "why". Precisely because there are many questions about what surrounds the child, why it happens this way, why it happens and what will happen if ... Children begin to diligently study the world around them and what is happening in it.

The study takes place not only by examining, feeling, trying to taste, but also by speaking. It is with her help that a child can receive information of interest to him and share it with the children and adults around him.

Preschool children, six to seven years old, when communication is personal. The child begins to be interested in the human being. At this age, children should always be given answers to their questions, they need the assistance and understanding of their parents.

Because close people are the main example for them to copy.

The social and personal development of children occurs in several directions:

· Obtaining social skills;

· Communication with children of the same age;

• teaching the child a good attitude towards himself;

· Development in the course of the game.

In order for a child to relate well to himself, it is necessary to create certain conditions that help him understand his significance and value for others. It is important for children to find themselves in situations where they will be the center of attention, they are always drawn to this themselves.

Also, each child needs approval for their actions. For example, collect all the drawings made by children in the garden or at home, and then show them to guests or other children at family celebrations. On the child's birthday, all attention should be paid to the birthday person.

Parents should always see the experiences of their baby, be able to sympathize with him, be happy or upset together, and provide the necessary help in case of difficulties.

7. Social factors in the development of the child's personality

The development of children in society is influenced by some aspects that play a significant role in the development of a full-fledged personality. Social factors of child development are divided into several types:

· Microfactors are family, close environment, schools, kindergartens, peers. That which most often surrounds the child in everyday life, where he develops and communicates. This environment is also called the microsociium;

· Mesofactors are the place and living conditions of the child, the region, the type of settlement, the ways of communication of the people around;

· Macro factors are the influence of the country, state, society, political, economic, demographic and environmental processes in general on the child.

Developing social skills

The development of social skills in preschoolers has a positive effect on their activities in life. General good manners, expressed in graceful manners, easy communication with people, the ability to be attentive to people, try to understand them, condole, help are the most important indicators of the development of social skills. Another important thing is the ability to speak about one's own needs, set goals correctly and achieve them. In order to direct the upbringing of a preschooler in the correct direction of successful socialization, we propose to follow the aspects of the development of social skills:

1. Show your child social skills. In the case of babies: smile at the baby - he will answer you the same. This is how the first social interaction takes place.

2. Talk to the baby. Answer the sounds made by the baby with words, phrases. This will establish contact with your baby and teach him how to speak soon.

3. Teach your child to be sympathetic. You shouldn't bring up an egoist: more often let your child understand that other people also have their own needs, desires, and concerns.

4. When raising, be affectionate. In upbringing, stand your ground, but without screaming, but with love.

5. Teach your child reverence. Explain that items have value and need to be treated with care. Especially if these are other people's things.

6. Teach to share toys. This will help him make friends faster.

7. Create a social circle for your baby. Strive to organize communication between the baby and peers in the yard, at home, in a childcare facility.

8. Praise good behavior. The child is smiling, obedient, kind, gentle, not greedy: what is not a reason to praise him? He will record an understanding of how to better behave and acquire the necessary social skills.

9. Talk to your child. Teach preschoolers to communicate, share worries, analyze actions.

10. Encourage mutual help, attention to children. Talk more often about situations in the child's life: this way he will learn the basics of morality.

Social adaptation of children

Social adaptation is a prerequisite and result of a preschooler's successful socialization.

It takes place in three areas:

· activity

· consciousness

· communication.

The field of activity implies a variety and complication of types of activity, good command of each of its types, understanding and mastering it, the ability to carry out activities in different forms.

Indicators of a developed sphere of communication are characterized by an expansion of the child's circle of communication, an increase in the quality of its content, possession of generally established norms and rules of behavior, the ability to use its various forms and types, suitable for the child's social environment and in society.

The developed sphere of consciousness is characterized by work on the formation of the image of the personal "I" as a subject of activity, comprehension of one's social role, and the formation of self-esteem.

When socializing, the child, simultaneously with the desire to do everything as everyone else does (mastering the established rules and norms of behavior), shows a desire to stand out, express individuality (development of independence, his own opinion). Thus, the social development of a preschooler occurs in harmoniously existing directions:


· Individualization.

In the case when a balance is established between socialization and individualization during socialization, an integrated process takes place, aimed at the child's successful entry into society. This is social adaptation.

Social maladjustment

If, when a child enters a certain peer group, there is no conflict between generally established standards and the child's personal qualities, then it is considered that he has adapted to the environment. If such harmony is violated, then the child may show indecision, isolation, depressed mood, unwillingness to communicate, and even autism. Children rejected by a certain social group are hostile, withdrawn, and inadequately assess themselves.

It so happens that the socialization of a child is complicated or inhibited for reasons of a physical or mental nature, as well as as a result of the negative influence of the environment in which he grows up. The result of such cases is the emergence of asocial children, when the child does not fit into social relations. Such children need psychological help or social rehabilitation (depending on the degree of difficulty) in order to properly organize the process of their adaptation to society.

The childhood of any baby consists of a certain number of different periods, some of them are very easy, and some are quite difficult. Children are constantly learning something new, getting to know the world around them. For several years, the child will have to overcome a lot of crucial stages, each of which becomes decisive in the crumbs' worldview.

Features of the development of preschool children are that this period is the formation of a successful and mature personality. Preschool development of children lasts for several years, during this period the child needs caring parents and competent teachers, only then the child will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills.

In preschool age, the child enriches his vocabulary, develops socialization skills, and also develops logical and analytical abilities.

The development of children in preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 years, each subsequent year you must take into account the peculiarities of the child's psychology, as well as methods of getting to know the environment.

Preschool development of a child is always directly related to the play activity of the child. For the development of the personality, plot games are necessary, in which the child is unobtrusively learning with the people around him in different life situations. Also, the tasks of preschool development of kids are that kids need to be helped to understand their role in the whole world, they need to be motivated to succeed and taught to easily endure all failures.

In the development of preschool children, many aspects need to be taken into account, of which five main ones stand out, they need to be smoothly and harmoniously developed along the entire path of preparing the child for school, and throughout his entire subsequent life.

If we try to take into account all aspects of the harmonious upbringing of a child, create favorable conditions for all-round development, maintain friendly relations and contribute to the disclosure of his creative potential, then the process of social development of a preschooler will be successful. Such a child will feel confident and, therefore, will be successful.

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage in the socialization of a child in the general process of assimilating the experience of social life and social relations. Man is by nature a social being. All the facts describing cases of forced isolation of young children, the so-called "Mowgli", show that such children never become full-fledged people: they cannot master human speech, elementary forms of communication, behavior and die early.

Socio-pedagogical activity in a preschool educational institution is that work that includes pedagogical and psychological activities aimed at helping the child, teacher and parent in the development of their own individuality, organization of themselves, their psychological state; assistance in solving emerging problems and overcoming them in communication; as well as help in the formation of a small person in society.

The very word "society" comes from the Latin "societas" meaning "comrade", "friend", "friend". From the very first days of life, a child is a social being, since any of his needs cannot be satisfied without the help and participation of another person.

Social experience is acquired by a child in communication and depends on the variety of social relations that are provided to him by the immediate environment. A developing environment without an active adult position aimed at translating cultural forms of relationships in human society does not carry social experience. A child's assimilation of universal human experience accumulated by previous generations occurs only in joint activities and communication with other people. This is how the child masters speech, new knowledge and skills; his own beliefs, spiritual values ​​and needs are formed, character is laid.

All adults who communicate with the child and influence his social development can be divided into four levels of proximity, characterized by various combinations of three factors:

· The frequency of contacts with the child;

· Emotional richness of contacts;

· Informativeness.

At the first level parents are found - all three indicators have the maximum value.

Second level occupied by preschool educators - the maximum value of information content, emotional saturation.

Third level- adults who have situational contacts with the child, or those whom children can observe on the street, in the clinic, in transport, etc.

Fourth level - people whose existence the child may know about, but whom he will never meet: residents of other cities, countries, etc.

The immediate environment of the child - the first and second levels of intimacy - due to the emotional richness of contacts with the child, not only affect his development, but also themselves change under the influence of these relationships. For the success of the child's social development, it is necessary that his communication with the closest adult environment be dialogical and free from directiveness. However, even direct communication between people is actually a complex and multifaceted process. In it, communicative interaction is carried out, information is exchanged. The main means of communication between people are speech, gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. Not yet proficient in colloquial speech, the child accurately reacts to the smile, tone and intonation of the voice. Communication assumes that people understand each other. But young children are self-centered. They believe that others think, feel, see the situation in the same way as they do, so it is difficult for them to enter the position of another person, to put themselves in his place. It is the lack of mutual understanding between people that is most often the cause of conflicts. This explains such frequent quarrels, disputes and even fights between children. Social competence is achieved through productive communication between the child and adults and peers. For most children, this level of development of communication can be achieved only in the educational process.

8. Basic principles of organizing the process of social education

Individual assistance in the elimination of conflict and critical

· Situations in the social interaction of the individual, the value formation of her life relations;

• education in a person of the abilities and needs to discover and create oneself in the basic forms of human activity;

· Development of the ability to cognize oneself in unity with the world, in dialogue with it;

· Development of the ability of self-determination, self-actualization on the basis of reproduction, development, appropriation of the cultural experience of self-development of mankind;

· The formation of the need and ability to communicate with the world on the basis of humanistic values ​​and ideals, the rights of a free person.

Modern trends in the development of the education system in Russia are associated with the implementation of the request for an optimal update of its content and methods in accordance with the growing progress of society, science, and culture. The public order for the development of the education system is predetermined by its main goal - the preparation of the younger generation for active creative life in the world community, capable of solving the global problems of mankind.

The current state of science and practice of preschool education indicates the presence of a huge potential in the development and implementation of programs and technologies for the social development of preschool children. This direction is reflected in the requirements of the state educational standard, included in the content of federal and regional complex and partial programs ("Childhood", "I am a person", "Kindergarten - a house of joy", "Origins", "Rainbow", "I, you , we "," Inviting children to the origins of Russian folk culture "," Enduring values ​​of the small homeland "," Development of ideas about history and culture in children, "" Community ", etc.). These programs allow you to reveal the problem of preschool development.

An analysis of the available programs allows us to judge the possibility of implementing certain areas of social development of preschoolers.

Social development is a process during which a child learns the values, traditions of his people, the culture of the society in which he is going to live. This experience is represented in the personality structure by a unique combination of four closely interdependent components:

1. Cultural skills - represent a set of specific skills imputed by society to a person in various situations as mandatory. For example: the skill of ordinal counting to ten before entering school. Studying the alphabet before school.

2. Specific knowledge - representations received by a person in the individual experience of mastering the surrounding world and bearing the imprints of his interaction with reality in the form of individual preferences, interests, value systems. Their distinctive feature is a close semantic and emotional relationship with each other. Their combination forms an individual picture of the world.

3. Role behavior - behavior in a specific situation due to the natural and sociocultural environment. Reflects a person's acquaintance with norms, customs, rules, regulates his behavior in certain situations, determines his social competence. Even in preschool childhood, a child already has many roles: he is a son or daughter, a kindergarten pupil, someone's friend. It is not for nothing that a small child behaves differently at home than in kindergarten, and communicates with friends differently from unfamiliar adults. In every situation and environment, the child feels differently and tries to present himself from a different point of view. Each social role has its own rules, which can change and are different for each subculture, the system of values, norms, traditions adopted in a given society. But if an adult freely and consciously accepts this or that role, understands the possible consequences of his actions and realizes responsibility for the results of his behavior, then the child only has to learn this.

4. Social qualities, which can be combined into five complex characteristics: cooperation and caring for others, rivalry and initiative, independence and independence, social openness and social flexibility.

All components of social development are closely related. Therefore, changes in one of them inevitably entail changes in the other three components.

For example: a child has gained acceptance into games of peers who previously rejected him. His social qualities changed immediately - he became less aggressive, more attentive and open to communication. He felt like a person to be reckoned with and accepted. His horizons expanded with new ideas about human relations and himself: I am also good, it turns out that children love me, children are also not evil, it is interesting to spend time with them, etc. His cultural skills after a while will inevitably be enriched with new methods of communication with objects of the surrounding world because he will be able to observe and try these techniques with playmates. Previously, this was impossible, the experience of others was rejected, because the children themselves were rejected, the attitude towards them was unconstructive.

All deviations in the social development of a preschool child are the result of the wrong behavior of the surrounding adults. They simply do not understand that their behavior creates situations in the child's life that he cannot cope with, so his behavior begins to be antisocial.

The process of social development is a complex phenomenon, in the course of which the child appropriates the objectively set norms of human community and the constant discovery, assertion of himself as a social subject.

The content of social development is determined, on the one hand, by the totality of social influences of the world level of culture, universal values, on the other, by the attitude of the individual to this, actualization of his own "I", the disclosure of the creative potential of the individual.

How to contribute to the social development of a preschooler? The following tactics of interaction between the educator and children can be proposed in order to form socially acceptable forms of behavior and the assimilation of the moral norms of society:

· To discuss more often the consequences of actions of a child or an adult on the feelings and emotions of another person;

· Emphasize the similarities between different people;

· Offer children games and situations in which cooperation and mutual assistance is necessary;

· Involve children in the discussion of interpersonal conflicts arising on moral grounds;

· Consistently ignore cases of negative behavior, pay attention to the child who is behaving well;

· Do not repeat endlessly the same requirements, prohibitions and punishments;

· Articulate rules of conduct. Explain why you should do this and not the other.

Social experience, to which a child is attached from the first years of his life, accumulates and manifests itself in social culture. The assimilation of cultural values, their transformation, contributing to the social process, is one of the fundamental tasks of education.

With regard to the content of preschool education in the aspect of social development, we can talk about the following sections of culture and the corresponding directions of the organization of the pedagogical process: the culture of communication, included in the content of moral education; psychosexual culture, the content of which is reflected in the section on sex education; national culture, realized in the process of patriotic education and religious education; ethnic culture included in the content of international education; legal culture, the content of which is presented in the section on the foundations of legal consciousness. This approach, perhaps, slightly limits the content of social development, omitting the sections of ecological, mental, labor, valeological, aesthetic, physical, economic education. But these approaches are fundamental to the social development of the child.

However, the process of social development presupposes the implementation of an integrated approach, the legitimacy of the conditional separation of these sections from the integral pedagogical process is confirmed by one of the essential grounds associated with the social identification of the child at preschool age: species (child - human), generic (child - family member), sexual ( a child is a carrier of a sexual essence), national (a child is a carrier of national characteristics), ethnic (a child is a representative of the people), legal (a child is a representative of a legal state).

Social development of the individual is carried out in activities. In it, a growing person goes from self-discrimination, self-perception through self-affirmation to self-determination, socially responsible behavior and self-realization.

Due to the specifics of the development of mental processes and functions, identification of a preschooler is possible at the level of emotional experience that arises in the course of comparing oneself with other people. The effectiveness of social development as a result of socialization-individualization is due to the influence of various factors. In the aspect of pedagogical research, the most important of them is education, the purpose of which is to familiarize with culture, its recreation, appropriation and creation. Modern research on the personal development of a child (in particular, the team of authors on the development of the basic program "Origins") makes it possible to supplement, concretize the indicated list and refer to universal human abilities a number of basic personality characteristics, the formation of which is feasible in the process of social development: competence, creativity, initiative, arbitrariness, independence, responsibility, safety, freedom of behavior, self-awareness of the individual, the ability to self-esteem.

Social experience, to which the child joins from the first years of his life, is accumulated and expressed in social culture. The study of cultural values, their transformation, contributing to the social process, is one of the fundamental tasks of education.

Of great importance in the process of mastering culture and in the formation of universal social abilities is the copying mechanism as one of the ways to penetrate the semantic structures of human activity. Initially, imitating the people around him, the child masters the generally accepted ways of behavior, regardless of the characteristics of the communicative situation. Interaction with other people is not divided according to species, generic, sex, national characteristics.

With the actualization of mental activity, the enrichment of the semantic social spectrum of interaction, there is an awareness of the value of each rule, norm; their use becomes associated with a specific situation. Actions that were previously mastered at the level of mechanical imitation acquire a new, socially significant meaning. Awareness of the value of socially directed actions means the emergence of a new mechanism of social development - normative regulation, the influence of which in preschool age is inestimable.

The implementation of the tasks of social development of preschool children is most effective in the presence of a unified pedagogical system, built in accordance with the main approaches of the general scientific level of pedagogical methodology.

· The axeological approach makes it possible to determine the set of priority values ​​in education, formation and self-development of a person. With regard to the social development of preschoolers, the values ​​of communicative, national, legal culture can act as such.

· The culturological approach allows taking into account all the circumstances of the place and time in which a person was born and lives, the specifics of his immediate environment and the historical past of his country, city, the main value orientations of the representatives of his people, ethnic group. The dialogue of cultures, which is one of the dominant paradigms of the modern education system, is impossible without familiarization with the values ​​of one's culture. From childhood, parents teach their children the customs of their culture, unconsciously instilling in them cultural development, which the children, in turn, will pass on to their descendants.


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In the modern world, a person is constantly exposed to nervous overload. Negative experiences, which cannot always be expressed in a socially acceptable form, lead to overstrain of the nervous system, neuroses and psychosomatic diseases. Stress affects all spheres of a person's life, including educational and industrial activities, and family relationships. Children, adolescents, people with disabilities are especially susceptible to stressful situations. This is due to pathologically occurring age crises, improper upbringing, misunderstanding on the part of others. In persons with disabilities, this may be due to the awareness of a defect.

Personal development, the formation of a person as a full-fledged member of human society occurs during childhood. Children acquire social skills and abilities to establish and maintain contacts with society, act in a team, build relationships with other people correctly, show respect for peers and adults, and resolve conflicts that arise. Each member of society (including a child) is not only constantly exposed to the influence of the social environment, but he himself consciously builds relationships with people and the entire totality of social phenomena. This must be taken into account in the systematic work on the social development of a preschool child.

Social development is the process of the child's adaptation to social reality (the world of people), the transfer and further development of the socio-cultural experience accumulated by humanity, which includes itself:

Cultural skills;

Specific knowledge;

Acquaintance with traditions, rituals and rules;

Social qualities that allow a person to live comfortably and effectively in the society of other people.

Social development is characterized by the level of assimilation of moral norms and their management in a person's relationship with the world around him, in his behavior, actions and deeds in the process of education and upbringing (T.I. Shamova, P.I. Tretyakov, N.P. Kapustin. Conscious behavior in various situations (if it does not contradict cultural norms), as well as social competence (the need to achieve compliance with these norms by others) is an indicator of social development.

Russian psychologists (L.S.Vygotsky, S.Ya. Rubinstein, P.Ya. Galperin, L.I.Bozhovich, etc.) call the social experience embodied in the products of material and assimilated by the child throughout childhood. Social experience (the experience of other people) is a significant component of human behavior (Vygotsky L.S.). In the process of assimilating this experience, children acquire individual knowledge and skills, as well as develop their abilities, form a personality.

The historically developed and cultured system of relations between a child of a certain age and society by L.S. Vygotsky defined it as a social situation of development - "a completely peculiar, specific for a given age, exclusive, unique and inimitable relationship between the child and the surrounding reality, primarily social." The social situation of a child's development is individual and is determined by age and individual characteristics, characteristics of the child's behavior and activities, the attitude of adults towards the child, the nature of upbringing, and the attitude of peers to the child. L.S.Vygotsky in cultural-historical theory considers the social situation as a source of development. [Solodyankina OV, 2006; P.19]

The situation of interaction (meeting “one with the other”) is a special communicative-sign environment that determines the next stage of a child's development. In the studies of A.N. Pere-Clermont reveals the specificity of the social situation of development as a situation of constructing culturally significant means of action and the transfer of action patterns from adult to child.

L.F. Obukhova draws attention to the peculiarity of the social situation of the development of a preschool child: the child establishes relations with the world of adults, going beyond the boundaries of his family world. The social situation of a child's development depends on his social environment (family, educational institution and other social institutions). Each social institution fulfills its goals, functions and plays its own role. The social situation is also a space for the child's activity. The child is the main subject, a participant in relations with adults and children in every social institution, and in different social roles. Norms, goals and values ​​in social institutions do not always coincide, and the child, as the main subject, learns the characteristics of each of the systems, learns to combine various areas of social relations, increasing his competence, transferring it from the family to other social institutions. The basis of the social situation of development is the child's relationship with adults and children in various social institutions.

The social development of a child is determined by quantitative and qualitative changes in social knowledge, social value qualities and properties that allow the child to navigate in various situations and achieve positive self-realization by gaining their own experience of communication and interaction.

Social development indicators preschool children are: first, the formation of skills self service; Secondly, social adaptation, i.e. active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment through the assimilation and acceptance of values, norms and styles of behavior adopted in society. Mastering the skills of social adaptation becomes possible under the condition of purposeful educational influences.

The indicators of social adaptation are the following characteristics:

1. Anxiety: the tendency of an individual to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold for the occurrence of an anxiety reaction, is one of the main parameters of individual differences. Each person has their own optimal or desired level of anxiety - the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his condition in this regard is an essential component of self-control and self-education. However, an increased level of anxiety is a subjective manifestation of an individual's dysfunction.

2. Self-esteem: an individual's assessment of himself, his capabilities, abilities, qualities and place among other people. Self-esteem largely determines the activity of a person, her attitude towards herself and others. Self-esteem determines the relationship of a person with others, his criticality, self-exactingness, attitude to success and failure. Self-esteem is closely related to the level of aspiration. If there are discrepancies between claims and real capabilities of a person, then his self-esteem becomes incorrect, as a result of which his behavior becomes inadequate, anxiety increases. The evaluative attitude of children 5-6 years old to themselves is an important indicator of self-awareness. A positive idea of ​​his possible future appearance allows the child to critically view some of his shortcomings and try to overcome them (with the help of an adult). The child's positive perception of his own “I” directly affects the success of the activity, the ability to make friends, the ability to see their positive qualities in situations of interaction.

3. Children's ideas about the methods and norms of social interaction which are determined by knowledge:

Standards of behavior in public places and at home (greet, say goodbye, thank for the help provided, etc.);

The norms of communication with adults and peers (they are polite, do not shout, do not interrupt the interlocutors, etc.);

Rules and norms of behavior in the organization of joint activities of children.

Modern psychology defines the category "representation" as a figurative, generalized knowledge of objective reality, as a subjective reflection of the surrounding objective world (L.I.Bozhovich, A.R. Luria, B.M. Teplov, S.L. Rubinstein, E.V. Subbotsky) ... The structure of social representations in modern psychology is considered as a unity of cognitive, emotional and effective (behavioral) components. Social ideas create a kind of model of social relations in the child's mind.

4. Cooperation as a joint activity of several participants in order to achieve one final goal, to the realization of which everyone seeks in the most convenient way for himself, taking into account the interests of partners. At the 5th year of a child's life, a children's community emerges, because the need for communication with peers on the basis of joint games and joint activities increases. In the children's community, the child goes through a school of social creativity: in practice, he experiences various forms of behavior and relationships with peers, selects the most successful and acceptable for himself.

5. Communication is one of the most important factors of mental development from the first days of a child's life. One of the indicators of a child's personal readiness for school is his ability to communicate with peers: to enter into contacts on various occasions, to establish business relationships with partners in activities, to find words of conviction that one is right, to be able to agree with fair claims against oneself, etc. For 7 years, either a positive orientation in communication with peers is clearly manifested, or selfish tendencies are found, or methods of communication with peers are unformed. In preschool children, situational-business, extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal forms of communication between a child and an adult are distinguished:

situational business communication with an adult is formed in a child in the process of playing with objects;

extra-situational-cognitive communication occurs only when the child is fluent in speech, talks with an adult about things that are not in sight, if he is curious, seeks to explain the world and asks many questions for this purpose. At the same time, he feels the need for the respect of an adult, takes offense at his comments and negative assessments;

extra-situational-personal the form of communication is the highest in preschool age and predominant in primary school. Children of older preschool age have a need to talk not only on cognitive topics, but also on personal ones, concerning people's lives.

6. Social competence: the conscious application of certain norms and rules of behavior in society, which reflects the attitude towards adults and peers.

7. Social status, the position of a person in the system of interpersonal relations and the measure of his psychological influence on the members of the group. In preschool age, children develop friendly and conflicting relationships. Children with communication difficulties stand out. With age, the attitude of children towards their peers changes, which they evaluate not only by their business qualities, but also by their personal, primarily moral. The position of the child in the peer group is determined by the choice of partners.

Based social development indicators, are determined levels and signs of social development preschoolers [ibid., p. 25].

Considering the cultural and historical intrinsic value of childhood, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.S. Vygotsky et al. Emphasized that the development of a child is not only the appropriation of a generic culture, but also the creative contribution of the child himself to the formation of human culture. OV Solodyankina highlighted the stages of cultural development: the development of the subject (ontogenesis); personality formation (personogenesis); the emergence of individuality (cultural genesis). Each stage of the child's socialization is distinguished by his new status both in the internal development plan (subject, personality, individuality) and in the external (adaptability, integration, individualization). The development strategy is determined by the unity of internal and external content: first, life-creation, then socio-creativity, and, finally, culture-creation [ibid., P. 15].

One of the ways of social development is the spontaneous interaction of a person with social reality and the surrounding world and the process of purposeful introduction of a person to social culture. From the first years of life, the child is attached to social experience, which is accumulated and manifested in social culture.

The second way is purposeful education, the content of which is various aspects of social culture. One of the fundamental tasks of education is the child's assimilation of cultural values, their transformation and the social significance of these transformations [ibid., P.16].

The process of socialization of children requires a systematic, integrated approach, a unified program of continuing education, which covers all areas (diagnostic, preventive, developmental, training, correctional work), all links and all participants in the socialization process.

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Date the page was created: 2016-02-12

To be successful in society, it is necessary to have social skills and abilities, to establish contacts and solve problems together, showing respect and tolerance for each other. The rudiments of social development begin to manifest themselves even in infancy. In preschool age, friendly relations continue to form, where a partner is assessed for business and personal qualities. The level of social development of the preschooler (OV Solodyankina) is presented below.

Levels of mastery of self-service skills

low: knowledge is elementary, not systematized according to age and the requirements of the training program. The amount of knowledge does not make it difficult to communicate and interact with other people. Most of the practical actions are performed only in joint actions with adults, with the constant help of an adult.

medium: knowledge, skills and abilities are partially systematized according to age and the requirements of the training program. Most of the practical actions are performed independently, but not regularly.

high: knowledge, skills and abilities are systematized. The child independently performs actions in accordance with the age and the requirements of the educational program.

Levels of social adaptation

low: a high level of emotional anxiety, low self-esteem, incomplete or distorted ideas about the methods or norms of social interaction. Learning based on situational personal and business interests. The child externally does not show initiative (acts individually or passively follows the initiator).

medium: the average level of emotional anxiety, stereotypical self-esteem, the emergence of opportunities to reflect not only personal, but also social experience in communication; communication based on personal and cognitive interest. The child does not outwardly show initiative, but actively accepts the position of a partner.

high: a low level of emotional anxiety, self-esteem, based on their importance of personal and socially significant characteristics, communication in accordance with knowledge of socially acceptable ways of communication, communication based on out-of-situational personal cognitive interest. The child shows initiative (he knows how to coordinate his actions with the wishes of partners, acts reckoning with the actions of the partner).

Social competence:

low: needs support for his initiative in games and actions according to his own rules. In every possible way attracts the attention of peers and adults. Single games with objects and toys are more successful than group games. Interactions with peers develop successfully with the participation of an adult or correction on his part. Needs an assessment of actions by adults (especially positive). Often does not want to show concern for others, openly protests such proposals. He is often emotionally deaf to the pain caused to people and animals around him.

average: prefers peers to adults in his studies. Collective games prefers all other activities. Needs peers' attention and recognition of their successes. May follow the sequence rules. Shows compassion and care for loved ones.

high: feels the need for cooperation and knows how to subordinate his interests to the rules of the game. Prefers regular partners for joint games. Preferences can turn into friendship. Restless, but can subordinate its activity to not very distant goals. May keep the younger one interesting for him. Interested in the assessment of work by peers and adults. Holds the assumed role until the end of the game. Shows compassion and care for loved ones; initiative, inquisitive, with pleasure and fearlessly participates in the search for a way out of difficult situations.