Preservation of the health of preschool children. Massage technique. Techniques used in educational institutions

Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the state of children's health. Raising a healthy child is the most important thing that needs to be done by us, teachers of preschool institutions. Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation. At the preschool age, the child learns the basic skills for the formation of health, this is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, combined with teaching preschoolers the methods of improving and maintaining health, will lead to positive results. And therefore, in a preschool educational institution, the compulsory and primary task of working with children should be the task of strengthening the health of the child and increasing the resistance of his body to unfavorable environmental factors. This implies the enormous importance of health-improving work with children, which is defined as a system of hygienic, health-improving and therapeutic-prophylactic measures aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of children, as well as their development. Only a healthy child is happy to be involved in all types of activities, he is cheerful, optimistic, open in communication with peers and teachers. This is the key to the successful development of all spheres of the personality, all of its properties and qualities.

I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. The health of a child from the first days of life depends on the micro-society that surrounds him. Children's health is the future of our country and its national security. The child's attitude to their health is the foundation on which to build the building of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The main purpose of the work:

  • ensuring a high level of children's health;
  • fostering a culture of a child's conscious attitude to a healthy lifestyle.

In this regard, the following tasks were set:

  • provide the preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health;
  • to form in children the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills for a healthy lifestyle;
  • foster a desire to take care of their own health;
  • teach to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

The group has created the necessary pedagogical conditions for the health-preserving process of upbringing and development of children: organization of various types of activities of children in a playful way; building the educational process of preschoolers; equipping the group with a variety of sports equipment. The health corner contains: balls, skipping ropes, hoops, flags, ribbons, sticks, bags, skittles, various equipment for hand massage, massage paths for walking, for the prevention of flat feet, ropes, rope, card indexes of games and gymnastics, non-traditional equipment made by our own hands. The group has a lot of toys, sports games: Football, Hockey, Badminton, Fishing, Hit the Target, Banners, Rewind, etc.

In joint activities, role-playing games, children get acquainted with professions that help them to be healthy. For example, during the role-playing games "Hospital", "Ambulance", children expand their knowledge of the work of a doctor. All this work is carried out in an integrated manner, during the day. A playful approach to working with children allows them to unobtrusively form their conscious attitude to their health without unnecessary guidance, lengthy and tedious training.

Children are directly taught elementary techniques of a healthy lifestyle (wellness, breathing, articulation, finger gymnastics, eye exercises, self-massage, acupressure, fairy tale therapy, relaxation, game therapy and other health technologies).

Mandatory element health-preserving organization is morning exercises. I select the complex of morning exercises taking into account the motor skills and abilities of children. I use musical accompaniment to help children emotionally and physically liberate themselves.

I pay special attention to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle; I apply in practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create a health-preserving process in my group.

Wellness minutes, or as we traditionally call them physical exercises, can include breathing exercises in a playful form, eye exercises, finger exercises, and self-massage.

I use dynamic pauses during classes for 2-5 minutes as children get tired.

2. Gymnastics for the eyes

Every day, during a dynamic pause, I spend with children gymnastics for the eyes.

The purpose of the visual gymnastics- is the formation in preschool children of ideas about the need to take care of their health, about the importance of vision, as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening health.

Such exercises are necessary in order to preserve the vision of babies. After all, 90% of information comes just through the eyes. They work throughout the entire time the child is awake, sometimes experiencing tremendous stress. Eye exercises you can do with babies are pretty simple. It is necessary to blink with them, ask them to close their eyes, open their eyes wide and look into the distance. It is also interesting for children to follow a finger that either approaches the nose or moves away from it Visual simulators. These can be pictures, objects that allow you to train your eyes. With their help, classes are held in kindergarten. Especially in older groups. Such health-preserving technologies should be used constantly in kindergarten.

The point is that you cannot use exercises for older children when working with younger children. Firstly, babies under 3 years old react worse to the so-called fast movements, and secondly, very young children cannot devote too much time to exercises. Therefore, the complex should be limited to not too long short exercises (time up to 5 minutes). The older the child is, the more time you can spend.

By using additional attributes, the following types of exercises can be distinguished.

1. With objects, for example, working with cards located on the walls.

Using special fields (any colored figures are shown (oval, figure eight, wave, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or fancifully crossed lines of different colors 1 cm thick.This poster is placed above the level eye anywhere convenient (above the board, on the side wall)... At the request of the teacher, children begin "Run through" through the eyes along a given trajectory. At the same time, it is advisable to give each exercise a playful or creative character to the exercises.

2. No attributes (no items and posters are used)

Blinking. Disguise exercise as a game. For example, act out a certain situation. Flight to the moon, for example, imagine yourself in a rocket, and then, to start it, you need to blink. And the kids will repeat it with pleasure. 10-12 blinks are enough. Frequent at first, then slower.

The next thing is to close your eyes. Literally 3-5 times.

Drawing with a spout. To do this, ask the kids to draw a simple figure as if a pencil is attached to the nose.

Thus, in a playful way with preschoolers, you can warm up for the eyes. As a result, healthy vision, less fatigue and more learning opportunities.

3. Respiratory gymnastics

It is very important to pay attention to correct breathing. During inhalation, the chest should expand, while the air entering the lungs enters the alveoli, where the blood is saturated with oxygen. It is important that babies do not breathe superficially, but deeply. Stimulating exercises are necessary not only for children suffering from frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, but also for relatively healthy babies. Gymnastics for breathing is especially effective in treating diseases, it can perfectly complement medication, physiotherapy and even homeopathic treatment. The "train" exercise is well suited for these purposes. When walking, it is necessary to make movements with your hands, depicting a train ride and say "chug-chukh". It is also good to do bends - first inhale, then the body bends to the side and exhale. The exercise "watch" is also popular in DO: the children stand up straight and begin to wave their arms back and forth, while pronouncing "tick-tock".

4. Finger gymnastics

For the development of fine motor skills and the entertainment of children, it is important to carry out regular warm-ups with them. Scientists have proven that it is the stimulation of the fingers of the crumbs that contributes to the development of speech. In addition, it is necessary so that the baby can do better with drawing and writing and less tiredness during classes. Children 4-5 years old can do many exercises on their own. From your fingers, you can offer to fold glasses, make a bunny, a dog or a mask. These are fairly simple health-preserving pedagogical technologies, but their benefits can hardly be overestimated. Regular use of them in the garden and at home will help the child develop fine motor skills and, accordingly, stimulate speech.

5. Awakening gymnastics

Another element related to the complex of measures aimed at maintaining and promoting health is exercises that are performed after a nap. They may differ depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution. Often they do exercises on cribs, self-massage, carry out extensive washing, walks on ribbed boards, jogging from the bedroom to the playroom, in which a slight temperature difference is maintained. The complex of invigorating gymnastics can include exercises for the prevention of posture disorders, prevention of flat feet, elements of finger and breathing exercises and other types. Health-saving technologies to keep babies healthy and active also include walking in circles on toes, heels, and slow jogging. After such exercises, hardening is considered effective. Such invigorating procedures allow the baby's body to quickly engage in a working rhythm and strengthen his health.

In many preschool institutions, an important role is given to the development of self-massage skills. It helps not only relax muscles, relieve tension, but also improve coordination. Specially designed exercises can help you learn how to switch movements - slow down unnecessary ones and activate the necessary ones. Children are taught to massage palms, forearms, hands. For this, movements such as stroking, pressing, rubbing, patting, pinching, extension / flexion of the fingers are used. For such a massage, improvised items can also be used: pencils, balls, balls. In this case, it is important that the movements are performed in the direction of the lymph nodes: from the fingers to the wrists, from the hands to the elbows. Self-massage of the face is very useful. It increases the intellectual activity of children by 75%.

7. Outdoor games

Outdoor and sports games develop perseverance, courage, determination, initiative, intelligence and thinking in children. The set of activities, which in official documents are called "health-preserving technologies in kindergarten", must include outdoor games. It can be running in pairs, overcoming simple obstacles. Popular games in which children, divided into 2 teams, have to collect certain items for speed. Any other types of outdoor games are also welcome.

Rest and relaxation are of particular importance. For these purposes, I turn on the sounds of nature or calm classical music for kids.

Relaxation breaks help relieve mental, nervous and emotional stress. Timely relaxation can help replenish strength, rest the muscles and prevent emotions from being overwhelmed. These are very important health-preserving technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

9. Physical education classes

Particular attention is paid to physical education. Physical culture and health technologies consist of an established program, according to which children should be engaged with a special instructor under the supervision of educators.

Health-preserving technologies of physical culture are more in demand among older children. For the smallest, 10 minutes of physical education is enough. For younger children, the lesson should last up to 20 minutes, the middle one - up to 25, the older one - for 25-30 minutes. Before physical education, the room is ventilated, only after that it is possible to have children in it.

The main task of these classes is the formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities in babies, the development of physical qualities. It is also important to create conditions for children to realize their need for physical activity. All of this is the foundation for their physical and mental well-being.

Thus, each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and the health-preserving activity used in the complex ultimately helps to form in children a persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

One of the main directions in the formation of a physically and mentally healthy child is work with parents.

Encouraging parents to participate in physical education activities of preschool education.

In working with parents, we strive to form their ideas about the influence of the child's health on the success of his education, increase their activity in planning and organizing events aimed at improving the health of children in the process of educational activities (thematic parent meetings, teacher consultations). Various sports events and leisure activities are held ("Day of Health", "Mom, Dad and I are a Sports Family", "We are Men!") During which teachers, parents and children cooperate for the benefit of health.

Preservation and strengthening of the health of preschoolers

Preservation and strengthening of the health of preschoolers is the leading activity of our kindergarten.

This direction involves a set of measures affecting the child's body in order to strengthen and maintain health, monitoring the health status of each child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, individualizing preventive measures.

Taking into account the specifics of a preschool institution and the need to create a health-preserving educational process that contributes to the emotional well-being of the child, his full development and an increase in the level of health of each pupil.

In our preschool educational institution, a system of work has been created to prevent, preserve and improve the health of preschool children.

The wellness process includes:

Preventive, health-improving measures (special hardening procedures, preventive measures, physical culture and health-improving measures, sanitary and educational work with employees and parents);

The ten-day menu is designed taking into account the caloric content of food substances of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;

Sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemiological measures:

Rational mode of life;

Physical activity during the educational cycle (physical education, relaxation breaks, dynamic breaks, special recreational outdoor games, game hours);

A set of hardening activities (morning exercises with music, health jogging, gymnastics after a nap, contrast air baths, salt paths, extensive washing, rinsing the mouth with 1% saline solution);

Work with children to educate cultural and hygienic skills and

the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

Use of "health-preserving" technologies and techniques (breathing exercises, individual physical exercises and games, etc.);

Airing modes.

This organization of activities is carried out by specialists:


Senior nurse;

Physical education instructor;


A prerequisite for optimizing health-improving and preventive activities in a preschool educational institution is the "health monitoring" of the child, which includes:

Meeting the needs of the population:

Using the potential opportunities of preschool educational institutions (variability of forms of provision of preschool educational services).

The openness of the preschool education system to the social environment, its interaction with other social institutions of childhood.

Coverage of children with developmental education in preschool educational institutions.

Innovative activity of the preschool educational institution.

Implementation of the priority direction of the kindergarten activity.

Pre-school attendance rate.

Diagnostics is carried out on the basis of documents and materials obtained in the course of:


Assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution using a questionnaire survey of the parental community;

Self-analysis of the activities of preschool educational institutions in the aspect of the quality of education;

Reporting approved by federal regulations

In our kindergarten, a system of comprehensive methodological work has been thought out to improve the skills of educators. It is aimed at professional adaptation, formation, development and self-development of educators. The system of methodological work of the kindergarten includes various types of activities focused on awareness, testing and creative interpretation of innovative programs and technologies.

A health-preserving infrastructure has been created in the institution: the gym is equipped with the sports equipment necessary for the implementation of the program, in each group there is a sports corner that allows children to realize the need for movement.

All work on the physical education and health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution is built with the widespread use of play activities, and all motor-play activities of a child are considered the basis of his physical development, training, health improvement and education. Thanks to a well-built system of physical culture and health improvement work and the widespread use of play activities in preschool educational institutions, we were able to significantly reduce the level of morbidity in children. This is evidenced by the positive dynamics of the health index: 2011/12. - 34.7%, 2012/13 - 32% (at a rate of 15-40%).

However, the main character in the pedagogical process is the educator; it is he who is given the requirements, orienting him towards obtaining quality indicators.

In this regard, work with personnel includes:

Implementation of comprehensive measures for the use of health-saving technologies;

Providing a differentiated approach to physical education with different health groups;

Reduction and prevention of childhood morbidity;

Increasing the competence of parents in matters of health protection and the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

Assisting teachers in monitoring.

As part of updating the content of work on physical education in preschool educational institutions, the professional competence of teachers in the field of health preservation is constantly increasing, monitoring of the health status and physical fitness of preschoolers is carried out.

To preserve and strengthen the health of children, foster healthy lifestyle habits, a variable health-preserving environment is being updated at the preschool educational institution. Health-improving activities with parents are regularly held: "Days of Health", "Beauty in Motion - Health from Childhood", "Family Starts", in which non-traditional sports equipment is used.

Physical culture and health-improving work in kindergarten is aimed at satisfying the natural needs of children for physical activity. There are three blocks in its organization:

1 block. Specially organized training where adults act as a partner-initiator. Various options of physical education are used: traditional, game, plot, thematic, complex, final, physical education - the integration of cognitive and physical activity (performance of figurative physical exercises, outdoor games, game tasks, breathing exercises, relaxation elements, exchange of impressions).

2 block. Joint activity of an adult and children, which includes different forms of activity: health jogging, dynamic pauses between classes, a game hour in the afternoon every day. Outdoor games for walks, "Days of Health", sports events, sports activities, individual and circle work with children.

3 block. Free independent activity of children, providing for the formation of independent motor activity.

It is known that preschool childhood is the start of personality development, which largely determines its life path.

Preschool age is the period when the foundation of health is laid, the foundations for further full-fledged physical development of the body.

Raising strong, healthy children is our most important task. And it is solved by the joint efforts of teachers, medical workers and families.

In the implementation of this task, we take into account an integrated approach that includes various components, the totality of which is combined in the concept of "Full health of the child" and has a physiological rationale, along with taking into account the laws of developmental psychophysiology and educational psychology.

In the section "Physical health" we set the goal of improving the level of physical health of preschool children in preschool education and in the family and tasks:

Study of the level of physical development and endurance of preschool children;

Analysis of the possibility of the educational process in a preschool institution, a family for an integrated approach to the physical education of preschoolers;

Strengthening the health of children;

Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle;

In the "Mental Health" section, the goal is to create a complex of psycho-hygienic and psycho-preventive means and methods. And the tasks are set:

Creation of an atmosphere of psychological security in the preschool educational institution, which helps to protect the child from stressful situations, increases his self-confidence and contributes to the deepening of his interaction with others;

Optimizing the emotional state of children and creating conditions for the normal functioning of their nervous system.

In the section "Social and moral health" we set a goal: the formation of spiritual universal human values ​​and tasks:

Education of the foundations of spirituality, humanism, creative and creative attitude of the child to the world;

Formation of highly moral principles of personality through the culture of verbal communication;

Formation of ideas in a child about the relationship between nature and man.

Thus, it is an integrated approach that makes it possible to solve the problem of raising strong, healthy children.

Preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children using non-traditional methods

Preschool educational institution is the first and most responsible link in the general education system.

In the context of reforming the preschool educational process, changes have occurred in the program of physical culture and health improvement work. It is based on the integration of educational areas in the field of "Physical culture" and "Health", realizing such tasks as the development of physical qualities, the accumulation of motor experience, the formation of students' need for motor activity and physical improvement, preservation and strengthening of the health of preschoolers. Considering the fact that the physical activity of children is both a condition and a stimulating factor in the development of intellectual, emotional and other spheres, it becomes clear how relevant the issue of maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children is.

The relevance of the work is determined by a number of factors:

Social order for the upbringing of healthy children of society during the preschool period;

The need to create an integral system for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation, where preschool education occupies a key position.

In the fundamental documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the main directions of the integrated organization of the health-preserving educational process in educational institutions are formulated. The need to pose this problem is determined by the level of tasks set for our education today. According to modern concepts, the goal of education is the comprehensive development of a child, taking into account his age capabilities and individual characteristics, while maintaining and strengthening health.

Thus, the existing legislative framework determined the direction of my pedagogical activity: "Preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children through non-traditional methods."

A contradiction was revealed: between the need for physical development of preschool children through non-traditional methods and the existing traditional one.

The highlighted contradictions point to the problem: to select and study technologies that will contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children through non-traditional methods.

The goal is: Creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children through non-traditional methods.

The realization of the goal is possible when solving the following tasks:

To study the influence of non-traditional methods on the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;

To instill an interest in physical activity, a healthy lifestyle with the help of techniques;

Develop physical qualities (flexibility, endurance, quickness, coordination of movements, orientation in space, a sense of rhythm, creativity).

Planned result: the systematic inclusion of non-traditional methods in the forms of organization of children's motor activity will lead to the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

I will show the analysis of my work on my group of children, whom I adopted in 2010, now they are in the preparatory group.

Implementation of the educational area "Physical culture"

evaluated on a 4-point scale.

Indicators of the implementation of the educational area are recorded in the program "From birth to school" (under the supervision of N. Ye. Veraksa) for each age group.

Group No. 2 (6-7 years old)

Academic Year Levels Incoming Final Dynamics

high 0% 12% + 29%

sufficient 12% 29%

average 29% 24%

low 59% 35%

high 12% 35% + 41%

sufficient 29% 47%

average 24% 12%

low 35% 6%

high 24% 47% + 35%

sufficient 35% 47%

average 35% 6%

low 6% 0%

high 32%

sufficient 48%

average 18%

According to the monitoring results for the 2010-2011 academic year, you can see that children with a low level decreased by 24%, with an average - by 5%. That is, the guys have moved to a sufficient and high level. Dynamics averaged + 29%. When the guys moved to the next age group, I again carried out diagnostics at the beginning and at the end of the school year. According to the monitoring results, you can see that children with a high level increased by 23% and sufficient - by 18%, the dynamics averaged + 41%. In the 2012-2013 academic year, children with a sufficient level increased by 12%, with a high level - by 23%, the dynamics averaged + 35%. In the 2013-2014 academic year, I performed only incoming diagnostics.

Thus, according to the monitoring results, the implementation of the educational field "Physical culture" annually in this group, there is a positive trend. But there are guys who remain at an average level in terms of medical indicators (chronic disease - bronchial asthma). In previous years, you can see that a few guys have remained at a low level. In relation to them, I have developed an individual route for mastering the educational field "Physical culture". I made a schedule to work with them in the afternoon, where I took them for additional classes.

My students are distinguished by a combination of intellectual and creative abilities.

They take part in various events, demonstrating their sports, acting and dance skills.

Every year there is an increase in the number of events held:

During the 2011-2012 academic year, events increased by 41% compared to the previous year;

and already 2012-2013 - by 9% in comparison with the previous year;

and for 2013-2014 - by 16% in comparison with the previous year and by 66% in comparison with the 2010-2011 academic year.

You can see that the number of events held is increasing annually, so the dynamics of children participating in these events from 2010 to 2013 is also growing and amounted to + 59%

The number of parents who participated in our events is also growing.

Dynamics 2010-2013 + 82%

In order to increase the level of physical development and preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children, I used such non-traditional methods as:


Breathing exercises,

Creative gymnastics,

Game self-massage.

The section "Igroplasty" is based on an unconventional method of developing muscle strength and flexibility of the trainees. Elements of ancient gymnastic movements and stretching exercises are used here, performed in a playful plot form. The use of these exercises, in addition to a joyful mood and muscle load, enable the child to shout freely, to grimace, freely expressing his emotions, gaining serenity, openness and inner freedom.

Currently, breathing exercises have become especially widespread in our country. It is popular not only as a method of healing, but also as a way to prevent various diseases. Regular breathing exercises contribute to the education of correct speech breathing with an elongated gradual inhalation.

In preschool, special attention should be paid to breathing exercises. Correct speech breathing is the basis for normal sound pronunciation, speech in general. Some sounds require an energetic, strong exhalation, a strong jet of air.

The section "Creative gymnastics" provides for the purposeful work of the teacher on the use of non-standard exercises, special tasks, creative games aimed at the development of fiction, creative initiative. Thanks to these lessons, favorable opportunities are created for the development of the creative abilities of children, their cognitive activity, thinking, free self-expression and emancipation.

The "Play self-massage" section is the basis for hardening and healing the child's body. Performing self-massage exercises in a playful way, children get joy and good mood. Such exercises contribute to the formation of a conscious desire for health in the child, developing the skill of their own recovery.

In working with preschool children, she noted that children like to master certain rhythmic, gymnastic exercises and methods of performing, to move to the music, however, children found it difficult to beautifully and coordinate correctly perform movements to the music, according to its structural features, character, meter, rhythm, tempo and other means of musical expression.

Thus, it became necessary to create a system of work that would stimulate dynamism, significantly increase the interest of children in classes, thereby contributing to the physical development and preservation and strengthening of the health of children 3-6 years old.

In my work, I used sets of exercises with and without objects, a series of exercises on game plastic to develop coordination. Exercises with sticks, balls, skipping ropes, combined with dance steps, make it possible to coordinate, combine the work of all muscle groups.

Active action with objects in the process of exercises promotes cognition of color, weight, shape, material quality and other properties of objects.

The main form of differentiated learning is motor tasks, which are developed for each group of children.

All the work on the physical education of children is organized, taking into account their physical fitness and existing deviations in health.

I use an individually differentiated approach when learning new elements, I motivate children to perform the movements correctly, relying on personal example and video recordings.

I form in children the methods of control and self-control of movements, using motivational factors in achieving the goals and objectives of physical education.

Self-assessment of your actions;

Assessment of the actions of their peers;

Self-control of one's actions versus showing.

Thus, an integral system of education, health improvement, psychological and pedagogical support, based on classical models and pedagogical innovations, contributes to the harmonious physical development of children. Based on the work done, I saw that the children had an increased interest in physical education classes. They began to creatively peer into the world around them, find their original movements, select words. Children's movements have become more expressive.

Children gained self-confidence, became more sociable, timid and shy overcame fear and learned to control themselves, their behavior, and body movements.

So, the educational process is based on physical culture and health improvement and preventive work aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, reducing the incidence of children. I create an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional well-being, implement a personality-oriented approach to children, and satisfy the individual educational needs of pupils and parents.

The project "Preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children using exercises in hatha yoga and logo rhythmics"

Wellness project type


Health is one of the greatest values ​​in life and we need to learn to protect it.

Today, the problem of children's health is more relevant than ever: according to scientists, the proportion of healthy children in educational institutions is 25-30% of the total number of students.

The charter of the World Health Organization states that health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

The formation of a viable younger generation is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. But first of all, the family should be interested in strengthening children's health and physical development, and then preschool education, where the child spends most of his active time.

Preserving and strengthening the health of children is an important direction in the work of preschool educational institutions, but it must be borne in mind that with a primary visual defect in children, there is a secondary defect - speech impairment.

In our opinion, the way out of this situation will help the use of exercises with elements of Hatha yoga and logo rhythmics.

Hatha yoga exercises are natural, physiological. They repeat the poses of birds, animals, plants, objects. Familiar images of a cat, lion, fish, stork, tree, etc. help children to better imagine a particular pose, awaken imagination and imagination. Thanks to this, preschoolers remember exercises better and master them easier. Therefore, we decided to include elements of Hatha Yoga in the complexes of physical exercises.

Logorhythmics is an active therapy based on a system of physical exercises, which is based on the connection between words (speech, music and movement.

The goal of logo rhythmics is to overcome speech disorders through development. education and correction in children with speech pathology of the motor sphere in combination with words and music.

Word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which activates their cognitive activity, helps to adapt to the conditions of the external environment. Music evokes positive emotions in children, increases the tone of the cerebral cortex and tones the central nervous system, enhances attention, stimulates breathing, blood circulation improves metabolism. Rhythm plays a significant role in word, movement, music. Logorhythm helps to overcome a wide variety of speech disorders: from a violation of the pronunciation of sounds of the native language to severe speech defects such as stuttering, general speech underdevelopment, alalia. Logo rhythm also contributes to the aesthetic education of children. In the literature, we meet the concept of "logorhythmic activities" - "this is a technique based on the connection between words, music and movement and includes finger, speech, musical movement and communication games." Classes are aimed at consolidating the rhythmic structure of the word, clear pronunciation of sounds available by age, enrichment of the children's vocabulary.

Logorhythmic lesson includes the following elements: finger gymnastics, exercises for the development of fine motor skills; playing musical instruments; speech therapy (articulatory gymnastics); self-massage; vocal exercises; pure talk, phonopedic exercises; games, dances; exercises for the development of general motor skills; breathing exercises. The most important thing in conducting logorhythmic classes is the coordinated work of all these components. Only then will speech be beautiful, sonorous and expressive. Another plus of logo rhythm classes is that they are group lessons. This helps the child learn to work in a children's team, find a common language with him, and learn to actively interact with him. One of the necessary conditions for obtaining good results is the interconnected work of the entire teaching staff and parents. Logorhythmic classes are an integral part of the therapeutic and corrective effect, since children entering the speech therapy groups of a kindergarten suffer not only from speech disorders, but also have a number of signs of motor impairment of general and fine motor skills, disorders of prosody, and psychological problems. The purpose of conducting classes in logo rhythm is to overcome speech disorders through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions through music, movement and word. There are several methods of conducting logorhythmic classes with children with speech disorders. V. A. Griner in his work "Speech therapy rhythm for preschoolers" (1957) speaks of the need to use logorhythmic classes in speech therapy groups, which is the most important basis for correcting not only the child's motor skills, but also his speech deficiencies.

Creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of children's health, based on the use of exercises with elements of "Hatha Yoga" and logo rhythmics in older preschool children with visual impairment


Formation of healthy lifestyle skills for children and strengthening of physical and mental health using traditional and non-traditional methods.

Increasing the protective properties of the body through hardening and exercise.

Creation of a healthy microclimate, an appropriate subject-developing environment for children. (Sports corners in each group, sports toys made from waste material, a variety of rugs, paths, and so on).

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, development of respiration, motor skills);


Fostering a positive attitude towards physical exercise, as well as positive personality traits - mutual assistance, organization, discipline; volitional qualities - courage, self-confidence, endurance (which is necessary to perform and hold poses in exercises with elements of "Hatha Yoga").

Observance of the daily routine by preschoolers.

Education and development of a sense of rhythm, the ability to perceive musical imagery


The formation of new motor skills (through imitative and imitative movements according to the Hatha Yoga system, since Hatha Yoga for children is the majority of exercises that accumulate animal poses, pets, objects, children expand their ideas about the world around them, the ability to expressively perform movements creating images).

The development of psychophysical processes (thinking, imagination, memory, observation.

Formation of the ability to independently show and explain familiar exercises using schematic maps.

Formation of motor skills and abilities, spatial representations.

to consolidate the articulations of sounds in a certain sequence, to train the ability to differentiate paired consonants;

To form the ability to move in accordance with the text, to navigate in space;

Forms and methods of working with children:

1. Provision of the group regime - a sparing regime during the adaptation period, the organization of the microclimate on the basis of the code.

2. Recreational activities - outdoor games, sports activities, physical education, Hatha yoga gymnastics, corrective exercises to prevent postural disorders, eye gymnastics, acupressure.

3. Lessons "Healthy woman - conversations, games, classes, acquaintance

with the human body and organs, surprise moments, jokes, musical accompaniment.

4. Hygiene procedures - washing, playing with water, washing hands and feet, gargling.

5. Psycho-gymnastics, auto-training games and exercises for the development of emotions, behavior correction.

6. phytocides - onions, garlic.

7. rest - vacations, games, fun. Health Days, entertainment.

8. Halocamera (salt mine) - prevention of colds.

Principles of the program

1. Creation of conditions for the implementation of the set goals.

2. The principle of scientific character - the reinforcement of all ongoing activities aimed at strengthening health, knowledge of oneself and one's body, using scientifically grounded and practically tested methods.

3. The principle of activity and consciousness is the participation of the entire team of teachers and parents in the search for new, effective methods and purposeful activities to improve the health of children.

4. The principle of personal orientation and continuity - maintaining links between the school, the correctional school and children's institutions (correctional).

5. The principle of accessibility is the selection of knowledge that is between the highest and lowest thresholds of information content.

6. The principle from simple to complex.

7. The principle of conformity to nature - the definition of forms and methods of upbringing on the basis of holistic psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the child, his physiological characteristics. Formation in preschoolers and a healthy lifestyle.

8. The principle of consistency. Each of the corrective directions of logo rhythmics is implemented in the process of step-by-step work.

9. The principle of reliance on preserved functions or the principle of a detour.

10. The principle of taking into account the level of development of the child. L.S. a teacher to solve it independently.

11. The principle of individual and personal orientation of education. The main goal of education is a child whose development is planned based on his individual and age characteristics.

12. The principle of active learning. In logo rhythm classes, active forms and methods of teaching are used - games, active listening, creative tasks, improvisation, performing health exercises in movement to music.

The intended result

1. Awareness by children that the main value in life is his health, which they are obliged to maintain.

2. the ability to navigate in space, to control their movements.

3. correction of defects in the physical development of children with visual impairment.

4. children's ideas about the work of internal organs, a conscious attitude to maintaining their health.

5. fulfillment of the desire of parents, teachers and children in the need to take care, maintain and strengthen their health. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

The project includes three stages:

Preparatory stage - level identification;

The main stage is the implementation of the project (implementation of the long-term plan);

The final stage is assessing the effectiveness of the project

Preservation and strengthening of the health of young children

At the present stage of the development of society, a tendency has been revealed for the deterioration of the health of children. The World Health Organization defines health as the complete physical, mental and social well-being of a child. After all, the more actively the child is involved in the world of movements, the richer and more interesting his physical and mental development, the better his health. Movements are necessary for a child, since they contribute to the improvement of his physiological systems and, therefore, determine the pace and nature of the normal functioning of a growing organism.

The problem of health and its preservation in modern society is more than acute. The phrase "the formation of a healthy lifestyle" has taken a firm place in conversations with parents and children, in the plans of educational work of teachers of all elements of the educational structure. How should a child be educated so that he understands the importance of health and knows how to take good care of it? This problem must be solved from the earliest years of a child's life, solved systematically and together with the parents of the pupils, because children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, only children do not know what to do for this.

Among the various factors affecting the health and working capacity of a growing organism, physical activity is a natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the all-round development and upbringing of a child. The age-related and individual characteristics of the motor activity of children are largely determined both by the conditions for organizing the activity, and by its nature and content.

High-grade physical activity (in its accessible forms) is the key to the successful recovery of children. Various types of motor exercises are, moreover, physiologically grounded means of developing general endurance. Exercises such as brisk walking, running, jumping, help to increase mental and physical performance, improve emotional state, full physical and mental development of children, and strengthen their health.

The forms of organizing health-improving work are:

independent activity of children,

outdoor games,

morning exercises,

motional and health-improving minutes,

physical exercises in combination with hardening procedures,

physical culture walks (to the park, to the forest, to the reservoir,

physical culture leisure,

sports holidays,

Health days,

games-competitions, sports days.

In my work I use the program and methods of physical education and development of children of the authors, which are recommended by the program "From birth to school" edited by N. Ye. Veraksa.

The group is equipped with a "Health Corner", equipped with the necessary equipment for the successful physical education of a child, a card index of verses accompanying physical exercises, a card index of outdoor games, manuals for the development of fine motor skills, various items for exercise. I widely use outdoor games, finger games without objects in my free time, on walks. Attaching special importance to the role of physical activity in strengthening the health of preschoolers, she identified priorities in the daily routine.

The first place belongs to physical culture and health improvement work. It includes well-known types of physical activity: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks.

The second place in the motor mode of children is taken by directly organized activity in physical culture - as the main form of teaching motor skills and the development of optimal motor activity in children. In the group, airing and wet cleaning are carried out in a timely manner, the optimal temperature regime is ensured, the children are in the appropriate temperature regime and the type of activity in clothes and shoes. Long-term and calendar plans are developed taking into account both individual psychophysical characteristics and the group as a whole.

To increase interest, I introduce fascinating game exercises, I use rhyme phrases that increase the interest of children and help to perform the exercise correctly, for example, "We walk on our fingers, we carry our heads straight," or "We ran, ran, did not overtake anyone," and also systematically one once a month, I hold sports entertainment and leisure, twice a year I hold sports events, where children consolidate the previously acquired motor skills.

The third place is assigned to independent motor activity, which arises at the initiative of children. It gives a wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor abilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of a child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity.

A seasoned person quickly and without the slightest harm to health adapts to any changes in air temperature, easily tolerates cold and heat. Hardening increases not only resistance to the influence of bad weather, but also improves, mobilizes the reserve capabilities of adaptive systems, which ensures the prevention of colds and other diseases.

The group developed an action plan for the improvement of children, which was agreed with the head nurse of the preschool educational institution.

For the prevention and correction of flat feet, children, waking up, walk along ribbed paths, a cord, a path with chopsticks, perform a set of special exercises after sleep. The systematic nature of this hardening helps to improve the health of the child's body, increase the child's immunity, and raises his mood.

I try to be outdoors with children as much as possible.

As you know, the entire musculoskeletal system of a person participates in walking, at the same time up to 50% of the muscles of the body are included in the work. If the correct walking technique is observed, the muscles of the back and abdomen are significantly strengthened, small muscles of the feet are formed, correct posture is developed, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are trained, and metabolism is more active. While walking in a group, children are brought up to coherence of movements, organization, and the ability to orient themselves.

During walks, children receive sun and air baths, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body, increase the tone of the nervous system and increase the body's resistance to colds.

Jogging improves the functioning of the lungs, heart, brain and muscles, and helps to recover more quickly after mental stress. Outdoor games are known to improve health, temper the body, form correct posture, develop willpower, determination and other qualities necessary in everyday life. Recreational jogging is one of the most important movements for a child's health, allowing to regulate the load, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The habit of running helps to get the daily dose of movement necessary for normal functioning of the body.

Jumping, like running, is an integral part of a child's motor activity. Jumping exercises strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the legs and trunk, train the eye, develop coordination of movements.

I believe that the motor regime in a preschool institution includes all the dynamic activities of children, both organized and independent. The motor activity of a preschooler should be directed and correspond to his experience, interests, desires, functional capabilities of the body, which forms the basis of an individual approach to each child.

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without a balanced and varied diet. Nutrition, as you know, is one of the factors that ensure the normal development of a child and a sufficiently high level of resistance of his body to diseases. In our preschool institution, the following principles of rational healthy nutrition of children are fulfilled: regularity, usefulness, variety, through adherence to the diet, food consumption standards and an individual approach to children during meals. For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, I include green onions and garlic in the diet of children, which makes it possible to achieve a certain reduction in the incidence.

I am actively working with parents in this direction, since “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in infancy ”(clause 1 of article 18 of the RF Law“ On Education ”). The decisive role in the formation of personal potential and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle belongs to the family. Parents take part in sports activities together. At parent-teacher meetings, individual consultations, I inform parents how to assess the health of a child, the group has a selection of various gymnastics, outdoor games, exercises, I recommend literature.

All this work allows you to gradually introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

on the topic: "Strengthening the health of preschool children"

Prepared by: S. N. Sablina, teacher of the day care department

GBU SO “Balakovo Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children“ Family ”.

To systematize the knowledge of the center's specialists about an integrated approach to the problem of strengthening and preserving the health of preschoolers, to improve the professional level of pedagogical skills, and to develop the creative activity of the team.

  1. The teacher's message on the topic of the methodological hour:

a) Theoretical foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

b) Tasks of physical education of preschoolers.

c) Forms and methods of work in a day care unit.

2. Game training "The ball is jumping over me"

3. Crosswater "Healthy lifestyle"

4. Creative workshop: making non-traditional physical education equipment from waste material.

Summary of the speech.

Health is a basic value and a necessary condition for the full mental, physical, intellectual, moral and social development of a child. Without creating a foundation of health in preschool childhood, it is difficult to shape health in the future. Thus, health consists of several components:

  1. Physical health - the state of organs and organ systems, vital functions of the body (complete physical well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical disabilities).
  2. Mental health - or a state of mind, characterized by general mental balance.
  3. Social health is understood as a system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior in a social environment.

Preschool childhood is a period of intensive growth, development of the body and its increased sensitivity to the influences of the natural and social environment, including preventive and health-improving measures.

I would like to quote the statement of the famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky: "Caring for the health of children is the most important work of an educator, and at the head of pedagogical activities should be concern for strengthening the health of the child."

In the conditions of a daytime group, all the activities of the educator to one degree or another are aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of preschoolers. The teacher is assigned the following tasks:

  • Form health knowledge.
  • Develop motivational attitudes towards disease prevention.
  • Provide children with the information they need to improve their health.
  • Provide sufficient motor regime.
  • Teach children to apply knowledge in practice.
  • To cultivate a respectful attitude towards your health and the health of those around you.
  • Create a health-saving subject-spatial environment.

Thus, to solve these problems, it is necessary to work in several directions, using various forms and methods, such as:

Conducting group and individual lessons of a cognitive and practical nature, which give children a general idea of ​​health as a value, expand their understanding of the state of their own body, form healthy lifestyle habits, instill strong cultural and hygienic skills, expand knowledge about nutrition, its significance and the relationship with the state of health, form the positive qualities of the individual, moral and cultural behavior - the motives of health promotion; The folder "Methodological material on a healthy lifestyle" presents the development of class notes: "Long live fragrant soap!", "Magic country - Health", "Senses", "What are vitamins?" and etc.

Carrying out morning exercises and physical education as a means of developing physical qualities and strengthening health;

Conducting outdoor and sports games for the development of not only physical qualities (strength, dexterity, reaction speed, endurance, flexibility, etc.), but also emotional and volitional qualities (because purposefulness, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, resourcefulness, etc.) games are selected in accordance with age and individual characteristics of development, are held daily in a group setting and for a walk; Children of 3-5 years of age play with interest such games as: "The wolf under the mountain", "Shaggy dog", "Fox in the chicken coop", "Birds and a Cat", "Colored Cars", "Homeless Hare" and others.

Carrying out preventive measures:

This includes: a set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet and posture disorders, prevention of eye fatigue, self-massage of biologically active points of the body according to the system of Professor A.A. Umanskaya, as prevention of colds + aromatherapy (inhalation of phytoncides found in onions, garlic, essential oils of coniferous plants ) , breathing exercises. The methods of carrying out these events are presented in the folder "Methodological material for carrying out sports and recreation activities";

Much attention in the framework of social and pedagogical classes is paid to finger gymnastics and massage with rings and balls "su-jok";

Walking in the fresh air, airing and quartzing the premises;

Also, a sufficient motor regime is provided through physical minutes during classes and a dynamic hour with music;

Sports holidays, competitions and relay races, in addition to fulfilling the tasks of physical education, improve the emotional background: they raise the mood of children and give them a lot of joy and pleasure.

One of the areas of work is to improve the social and pedagogical culture of parents through consultations and conversations on the following topics: "Formation of a culture of meals", "Regime of the day in a group and at home", "Play with children. Outdoor games for preschoolers "and others.

Further search for effective ways of preserving and strengthening the health of preschoolers should provide for an increase in the role of parents in improving the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, and creating traditions of family physical education. Only under the condition of joint purposeful activity of parents and teachers can a positive dynamics of indicators characterizing the health of children and their orientation towards a healthy lifestyle be ensured.

Thus, strengthening the health of preschoolers occurs in the course of education and training, based on the activities of children, on the age and individual characteristics of their development and is of fundamental importance as a guarantee of health throughout life.

And now for your attention I want to propose to solve a small crossword puzzle. (Application)

Game "The ball is jumping over me"

Purpose: to consolidate the orientation of the child in his own body and in space.

(I read a poem - parents do):

Take your ball in your right hand.

Raise him over his head

And hold it in front of your chest.

Slowly place it on your left foot.

Hide behind your back and touch the back of your head.

Change your hand and smile at others.

The ball will touch the right shoulder

And for a while he will return behind his back.

From the right leg to the left foot.

Yes, on my stomach - I would not get confused.

Creative workshop.

New sports equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health-improving work with children.

The use of non-standard manuals brings variety to physical activities and the effects of novelty, makes it possible to use familiar exercises more widely, to vary tasks. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with play, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motor activity. The use of bright color manuals increases children's interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional coloring.

This equipment can be used in all types of health and fitness work: in the morning gymnastics, physical training, play activities.

The world of things that can find a second life thanks to creativity is diverse and unpredictable. To invention and skillful hands.

I propose to your attention to use: cases from "kinder surprises", plastic bottles and corks, tubes from markers, etc. These seemingly useless objects can be turned into amusing toys and tools for performing various exercises and corrective gymnastics.

Now we will try to make items of non-standard physical education equipment from waste material with our own hands: for example, a "ball on an elastic band", "flying saucers", "a bridge made of tubes", "river stones", etc.


I. A. Vasyankina

teacher MBDOU kindergarten combined type №20 "Dolphin"


The problem of the relationship between parent-child relationships and the emotional health of a child still remains insufficiently developed. Research L. I. Bozhovich, S. L. Rubinstein, E. O. Smirnova, M.

I. Lisina et al. Established a number of the most important laws and mechanisms concerning the emotional development of the child and his connection with the parental attitude. But these studies are sporadic; Until now, no experimental data has been presented that indicate the dependence of the well-being of the emotional sphere of the child on the nature of interaction with parents.

The preschool period is one of the least studied age periods, while a number of authors - D. B. Elkonin, V. S. Mukhina and others indicate the "uniqueness, special significance" of this period for all subsequent human development. Of primary importance are the unique conditions created by him, which will not be repeated in the further development of children, and what will be "unsuccessful" is difficult or even impossible to catch up in the future.

The topic of the relationship between parent-child relationships and the level of emotional health of a preschooler child, in its relevance, deserves the attention of not only educational psychologists, but, above all, parents and kindergarten teachers. My observations in the classroom in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten showed that more than 65% of children are characterized by signs of emotional distress - an increased level of anxiety, they are often agitated, aggressive, overly capricious, hardly obey the rules, which makes it difficult for them to contact peers and adults ...

The growth of emotional and mental stress among adults leads to the spread of neurotic manifestations among children. The problem is also that children easily adopt patterns of aggressive behavior from adults, demonstrating them everywhere in kindergarten. Meanwhile, the development of the child's personality should ensure his successful adaptation to the conditions of the social environment, the ability of children to live in society, to respond to other people's experiences.

Preschool age, like no other, is characterized by the strongest dependence on parents and the passage of this stage of personality formation is largely determined by how the relationship between a child and an adult develops. Conscious or unconscious parental and pedagogical authoritarianism gives preschoolers a deficit of eccentricity, self-esteem, self-doubt, and many other qualities that complicate the favorable formation of the personality.

The parenting style of the child also affects the mental health of children. The child's lack of confidence in a positive attitude of an adult towards him or, conversely, confidence in a negative assessment of him as a person provokes suppressed aggressiveness, a state of embarrassment and anxiety.

A long-term deficit of emotionally consonant communication between parents and a child gives rise to the latter's lack of confidence in the positive attitude of adults towards him in general, causes a feeling of anxiety and emotional distress. Stable negative emotional states have a regressive effect on the process of ontogenesis.

Today, as a teacher, I am faced with the need to educate a harmonious and self-confident person with a positive self-awareness, to preserve his mental health and social well-being even in preschool age.

The purpose of my work is to preserve and strengthen emotional health, create conditions for the development of the emotional and personal sphere of a preschool child.

One of these conditions is the direction of optimization of parent-child relations, i.e. creating a favorable atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, building emotional relationships in the family.

Tasks put forward to achieve this goal:

Contribute to the formation of basic personality traits: self-esteem and the image of "I", moral values, meanings and attitudes, socio-psychological values ​​in the system of parent-child relations.

To improve the psychological competence of parents in order to help the child to feel like a person who is reckoned with, who is respected, in whose success they are interested.

In other words: to help the parent and child to believe in their own strengths, to teach children and adults to consciously perceive their own emotions, to understand the emotional state of each other, to teach them ethically valuable forms and methods of behavior in relations with each other.

I build my work proceeding from the basic guidelines of humanity:

every child is accepted as he is;

every child needs help and development of skills, abilities, personal qualities;

the lives of children with developmental difficulties should not be a tragedy;

the main thing is the personality of the child, and not the predetermination of the violation.

Based on my practical experience, we can say with confidence that difficulties in raising children appear when there is a violation of emotional contact in the family in the relationship with the child. It is the family microclimate that contributes to the formation of the child's personality, his ability to communicate, understand and build relationships with other people, with peers.

The increase in the number of children with various developmental disabilities, learning difficulties, disorders in the emotional and personal sphere currently determines the need to search for new approaches and methods of work of the educator with the family.

Increasing the psychological competence of parents through meetings, conversations, information materials in the "Parents' Corner", as well as individual counseling are important forms of work. However, this is not enough for parents to develop practical skills for adequate interaction with children.

Observations, conversations with parents during consultations, analysis of the results of psychodiagnostics allow us to conclude that most of the difficulties arising in the emotional development and behavior of preschool children are based on a violation of parent-child relationships. Interaction in a parent-child couple is often disharmonious and manifests itself in the form of hyper- (or hypo-) guardianship on the part of the parents, the predominance of an authoritarian or contradictory style of upbringing in relations.

According to Yu. B. Gippenreiter, “problem”, “difficult”, “disobedient” children are always the result of improper family relations ”.

Based on this, I believe that without changing the parent-child relationship, work with the child will not be effective enough, and many of the child's difficulties must be resolved through the prism of family relations: by changing the family situation, correcting, first of all, the attitude towards the child, we solve his problem.

Therefore, training in parent-child relations seems to me to be the most effective and interesting form of work with the family.

Today I am engaged in the development and testing of the DRO training program - "The Joy of Communication", in which I use the materials of the programs "I and my child" (authors: E. V. Karpova, E. K. Lyutova), "Octopuses and octopuses" ( authors: Zh.V. Lurie, O. F. Semyonova).

The conceptual basis of the training is the idea of ​​mutual understanding between an adult and a child, gaining warmth of relationship and the joy of communication.

Therefore, the main goal of the program is to establish trusting relationships between parents and children, to establish emotional relationships in the family.

Objectives of the program:

train participants in the skills of self-expression of feelings and emotions;

to teach training participants how to remove emotional

stress, be able to find a way out of negative emotions without causing

harm to other family members;

to form in each of the training participants a sense of trust and empathy;

develop emotional support skills in children and parents.

Based on the results of testing parents and children, I conduct the recruitment of microgroups from child-parent couples. Attendance at classes is on a voluntary basis. The cycle of classes consists of 6-8 meetings, the duration of one lesson is up to 40 minutes. The frequency of meetings is discussed at the first lesson.

At the beginning and in the process of work I carry out the diagnostics of the DRO (Parental Attitude Questionnaire; the method "Parental composition", the drawing test "My family"). The group work itself is also very indicative; it reveals the peculiarities of interpersonal and intrafamily interaction, as well as the personal characteristics of the participants.

Each training session has its own structure:

1. Organizational part

Purpose: rallying the group, creating a positive attitude to the lesson

("Friend to friend", "Let's say hello!", "Hello, it's me", etc.)

Warm up

Purpose: activating group members, raising the mood, relieving tension ("Pass the signal", "Gifts in a circle", "Who is not, what is he wearing?"

2. Main part

A set of psychological exercises and techniques aimed at solving the tasks of the lesson (exercises, games for non-verbal communication, tactile contact, interaction in a pair "Parent-child", relaxation, productive activity,)

3. The final part

Reflection of the lesson (summing up the results of the lesson: what you liked, what did not, why; assessment of your emotional state)


Purpose: emotional cohesion of the group.

Even a little work experience shows its effectiveness.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the group's work is carried out on the basis of observations of group processes, interaction in parent-child couples, analysis of children's and parental drawings, statements of training participants in the process of exchanging impressions at each lesson, processing of the results of the diagnostic block in parenting classes.

At the end of the group's work, the parents noted the following:

"There was a feeling of inner calmness";

improved understanding of the motives of behavior and the manifestation of emotions in children;

the feeling of acceptance, both on the part of children and on the part of parents, increased, the frequency of tactile contacts increased;

increased independence, initiative of children;

the number of conflicts between parents and children has decreased;

increased emotional stability;

an increased sense of confidence in the performance of educational responsibilities.

Thus, DRO training not only increases the psychological competence of parents in the field of interaction with children, but also helps to form practical skills for adequate interaction.

The group members develop positive interaction based on established trusting relationships with each other, the number of parent-child conflicts decreases, the desire and ability to communicate outside the framework of their own stereotypes arise, and to seek and find ways out of difficult situations.

The program can help parents:

reach a new level of understanding of children,

be more attentive to their needs;

show a great measure of parental acceptance, respect for the feelings of children,

recognize the need for child autonomy,

be more competent in their own educational


Only thanks to such changes in parent-child relationships

it is possible to preserve emotional health in preschool children.

The words of gratitude addressed to the training participants encourage me to improve my work, to search for something new and interesting, and for the sake of this it is worth creating.


Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. M,: APNSSSR, 1968.

Gippenreiter Yu. B. Communicate with a child How? M., "MASS MEDIA", 1995.

Zaporozhets A. V. Emotional development of a preschooler. -M .: Pedagogy, 1985.

Karpova E. V., Lyutova E. K. Program “Me and my child”. Family psychology and family psychotherapy. No. 3- 1998.

Lurie Zh. V., Semyonova O. F. Program "Octopuses and octopuses". Family psychology and family therapy. No. 4 - 1999.

Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Training for effective interaction with children. St. Petersburg, "Rech", 2001.

Mukhina V.S. Children's psychology. - M,: April Press, 2000.

Furyaeva T.V., Starosvetskaya N.A. Child-parent community: theory and practice. Study guide - Krasnoyarsk, 2003.

Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Children's health is the future of our country.

In modern conditions, there is a sharp deterioration in the state of health of children. According to the Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Health Organization named after V.I. ON. Semashko, in Russia about 40% of children can be considered conditionally healthy. However, health does not exist by itself, once given, it is permanent and unchanging. You need to be willing and able to take care of your health. If you do not monitor your health, you can lose it. Maintaining and improving health is a tremendous daily work, starting from birth.

After analyzing the state of health of children who come to our kindergarten, I noted that most children already have a whole bunch of diseases, such as: bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, neurological diseases, umbilical hernia, FSS, there are children with an open oval window.

There are more and more children with frequent colds. So, on average, in 2008, there are 22 days of ARVI disease per one child in early preschool age (MDOU “Kindergarten No. 72”, Biysk).

Strengthening the health of children should be carried out jointly by the family and the kindergarten. In this case, the leading role belongs to the preschool institution, where the child spends most of his active time.

Consequently, strengthening the health of children in preschool institutions is the primary task of the teaching and medical staff. What do you need to do to be healthy? Since ancient times, hardening has been observed to promote health. Therefore, tempering measures should form the basis of the educational and recreational process, the purpose of which is to reduce the incidence of diseases in children.

In order to help children preserve and strengthen the health of children, to educate their needs for health as a vital value, a conscious desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, a responsible attitude to their health, the program “Baby is strong” has been developed. This program is designed for children of primary preschool age attending kindergarten, the goal of which is to create conditions for strengthening the health of children through the active use of hardening.

Hardening is one of the most effective means of health promotion and disease prevention. It has a positive effect on the mechanisms of adaptation to cold and heat, weakens the negative reactions of our body to weather changes, increases resistance to viral and bacterial infections, creates a strong shield against colds and thereby significantly prolongs the active creative life of a person. Everyone needs to temper their body. It is better to start hardening from an early age. The main natural hardening factors are air, sun and water. Sufficient exposure of the child to the air; regular ventilation of the room; clothing that allows you to move freely without overheating - all these factors constantly and naturally have a hardening effect on the body. This program has developed a set of measures aimed at providing conditions for strengthening the health of children. (Annex 1):

  1. through ventilation;
  2. compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime;
  3. morning exercises in a ventilated area;
  4. breathing exercises (2-3 times a day);
  5. play massage (2-3 times a day);
  6. gymnastics in bed after a nap;
  7. walking barefoot on “miracle” rugs;
  8. salt paths;
  9. washing with cool water;
  10. walk in the fresh air;
  11. outdoor games;
  12. health days;
  13. joint entertainment of parents and children;
  14. optimal alternation of different activities

Prospective-thematic planning (Appendix 2).

Morning exercises. The main task of morning exercises is to strengthen and improve the child's body. The movements that are given in morning exercises strengthen all psychological processes: breathing, blood circulation, metabolism, help the development of correct posture.

I start morning exercises with the words:

“Dili-dili! Dili-dili!
Bells woke up
Everyone is bunny and everyone is hedgehog,
All the lazy bears.
And the sparrow woke up
And the little daw perked up ...
For charging,
For charging,
Who is skipping,
Who squat
Through the field,
Straight -
Jump, jump, jump ... "

In addition to health-improving value, morning exercises also have educational value. With the help of morning exercises, children are accustomed to a certain regimen.

Through daily exercise, children improve their basic movements: running, walking, jumping. Children acquire and consolidate the skills of placement in space - building in columns at a certain distance from each other using an eye gauge, and not outstretched arms. The children are brought up endurance, organization, discipline. Morning exercises help develop attention in children. Without attention, a good quality of movement cannot be achieved. Children develop memory, the ability to do exercises by showing, by word. Daily morning exercises organize children for further activities.

In order for the child to receive a charge of vivacity, good mood and feel comfortable after charging, I try to spend it as interesting as possible, using an artistic word, various objects (cubes, handkerchiefs, flags, balls, sultans). At the end of the charge, I conduct an outdoor game.

Play massage is the basis for hardening and healing the child's body.

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

Respiratory gymnastics strengthens the respiratory muscles, improves blood circulation in the upper respiratory tract and increases resistance to colds, as well as stamina during physical exertion. Its essence lies in the implementation of a set of game exercises with the nose.

An intense action on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This favors psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the entire body.

A large number of biologically active points are located on the auricle, which are reflexively connected with all organs of the body. Playing with the ears is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and for protecting the body from colds.

I do the exercises 2-3 times a day, using various rhymes that correspond to the actions being performed. Children take part in such a game with great pleasure.

Gymnastics in bed. After a nap, I do a hardening exercise in bed. Children awaken to the sound of flowing music, the volume of which increases. I begin to carry out gymnastics with the awakened children, the rest join as they wake up. It includes elements such as stretching, alternately raising and lowering arms, legs, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, and breathing exercises. The main rule is the exclusion of sudden movements, which can cause muscle strain, overexcitation and, as a result, dizziness. The duration of gymnastics in bed is 2-3 minutes. Then children move on to performing a complex of breathing exercises, which is very important for the prevention of colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In order to evoke an emotional response in children, as well as a desire to do the exercises with the teacher, I use play exercises, accompanying them with various verses.

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Salt paths, "miracle" - rugs. Walking on salt lanes is an effective means of hardening. The effect of salt lanes is that the salt irritates the child's foot, which is rich in nerve endings.

The procedure is as follows.

The child stands with his feet on the first napkin moistened with saline, and then switches to the second wet one, wipes the salt from the soles of the feet, and goes to dry, wiping the feet dry. An important point when carrying out hardening on salt lanes is that the foot must be preheated. The foot is easy to stretch and warm up from natural exercise. Therefore, children first walk over the "miracle" - rugs. "Miracle" - rugs are made of various waste and natural materials: felt-tip pens, bottle caps, buttons, pebbles, cones. All children enjoy these exercises.

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Air procedures. Practice shows that any exposure to low temperature air has a beneficial hardening effect, training vegetative vascular reactions, i.e. improves physical thermoregulation.

Therefore, walking undressed on “miracle” rugs, dressing a child before bedtime, sleeping in a T-shirt in cold weather, and in panties in warm weather, as well as walking on “miracle” rugs after sleep is the most valuable tempering event.

Water procedures. Water procedures have a more intense hardening effect than air baths. Washing is the most accessible type of water hardening in everyday life. Young children are advised to wash not only their face, but also their hands up to the elbow daily.

Children love to play with water; such activities improve their mood, evoke joyful emotions in them. I use this to improve the health of the child's body.

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Walk. Outdoor games. Keeping children in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. A walk is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

We go for a walk in any weather, except for strong winds or heavy rain, and when the air temperature is not lower than - 15 C. I will organize the walk so that it is interesting for children. Children should not be allowed to wet their hands and feet in winter. It is known that the hands and feet contain many thermoreceptors that are directly related to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, therefore, upon cooling, a rapid manifestation of a reflex effect on the mucous membrane in the form of coughing, runny nose, sneezing, etc. is possible. The walk includes an active game with an increased motor regime, in which exercises of a cyclical nature prevail (running, jumping, ball games). During the walk, I play 2-3 different games. Folk group games help to maintain an active motor regime. Insignificant fatigue caused by participation in outdoor games is useful: by systematically repeating itself, it helps the body to adapt to increased physical activity, increase efficiency.

Health days. Once a month I have a health day. During the day, a colorful announcement, posters with proverbs and sayings about health, about the benefits of hardening the body are posted in the reception. Reception of children on this day is conducted to the sounds of cheerful music. Throughout the day, children take an active part in outdoor games, dances, attractions. Various sports equipment (balls, balloons, ring throws, hoops, skittles) are displayed in accessible places. Surprise moments await children (the cat Leopold, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson comes to visit). These days of health have established themselves as the most acceptable and effective form of active recreation for children.

Working with parents. In my work, I pay special attention to interaction with parents, since I believe that the family, including all its members, should also be at the center of the work to preserve and improve the health of children. I introduce active methods and forms with my family. It has become a tradition to hold physical culture entertainment for parents and children. Each time after such events, children and parents understand each other better, get a great emotional charge. Organization of work with parents on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children includes.

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- questionnaire "Strengthening children's health and reducing morbidity" (Appendix 3).

- parenting meetings: "Prevention of colds through hardening activities",

- consultations: "Tempering the body with the sun, air, water",

- Moving folders: "Helpful advice for parents", "Games that heal", "Prevention of colds",

- pedagogical conversations with parents (individual and group) on hardening problems

- organization of joint affairs: physical culture entertainment "Fair"

- photo exhibitions: “We are strong friends with the sun, air, water with the whole family”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”.

Optimal alternation of different activities. When conducting classes, I use health-preserving technologies aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of babies. In the classroom, children walk, stand, sit on a chair, on the floor, look for objects, reach for them. The complex of physical minutes spent during classes is of a playful and creative nature, includes: elements of breathing exercises, exercises for the eyes, finger exercises, exercises for the back, neck, arms, legs. I select physical education minutes in accordance with the topic of the lesson, they are not some separate part of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, I conduct an outdoor game or perform dance movements to music.

I spend physical education, also during the day, when switching from one type of activity to another.

Conditions have been created for the physical development of children in the group. There is sports equipment and equipment for physical activity: balls (rubber, printed); hoops of different sizes; rolling toys; ladders (oblique and vertical)... The group has a place for children to play together, there is an open space for hanging toys. All sports equipment and equipment are available for children.

The result of my work is the following indicators: a decrease in the proportion of frequently ill children, a decrease in the number of days due to ARVI illness, and a decrease in the number of days missed by one child on average due to illness.


  1. Berestneva Z.I. Healthy baby. Children's health improvement program at preschool educational institution [Text] / Z.I. Berestnev; M: Creative Center 2008.
  2. Veselova L. I. Physical culture entertainment [Text] // Child in kindergarten М: № 5 2008.
  3. Galanov A.S. Mental and physical development of a child from one to three years old [Text] / AS. Galanov; M: ARKTI 2003.
  4. T. I. Osokina... Outdoor games and entertainment for children [Text] / T. I. Osokina, E. A. Timofeeva, L. S. Furmina; M: Enlightenment 1983.
  5. Shiryaeva I. Hardening of children [Text] // Child in kindergarten M: No. 6 2001.
  6. M. N. Kuznetsova Contrast hardening [Text] // Child in kindergarten M: № 12 2001.
  7. Egorov B. Recreational and educational work with weakened children [Text] // Child in kindergarten M: No. 12 2001.

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Chapter 1. Historical and modern aspects of the development of skills of basic movements in children of 5 years old

1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the development of basic movements in preschool children

1.2 Features of mastering basic movements by children 5 years old

1.3 Using a variety of methods and techniques for the development of throwing skills in 5-year-old children in pre-school conditions


List of used literature

Application. The content of the main types of movements for children of the middle group


According to the results of the examination of children entering preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions), there is a decrease in the indicators of the level of their health and physical development. Insufficient physical activity - hypokinesia - is observed in very young children. Of course, first of all, the muscular system suffers from hypokinesia, muscle tone decreases. Thus, there is a violation of posture, blood circulation, cardiovascular system, respiratory function, central nervous system. In this regard, the issue of organizing physical culture and health-improving work with children is currently acute.

Health is a great blessing, it is not for nothing that folk wisdom says: "Health is the head of everything!" An important aspect of health-improving physical education is self-study with children at home, in a family environment, aimed at improving and hardening children. Physical activity is one of the most powerful means of preventing diseases, strengthening the body's defenses. No medicine will help a child as much as consistent and systematic physical education.

Physical culture contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, including the implementation of the rules of personal hygiene, and the daily routine, and the organization of a balanced diet. Therefore, it is important to start the physical education of the child in a timely manner. According to many modern authors, starting physical education after 3 years - the parents are already late with the beginning of the physical education of the child. However, the physical development of a child at the age of 3 to 6 years allows him to interest him and teach him basic skills and principles of physical culture. Physical education strengthens the body's compensatory capabilities, increases its resistance. Recreational jogging, gymnastic exercises, skiing, cycling, swimming - all these means have a high degree of effect on the body, therefore, it is necessary to control the intensity of stress on children during health-improving activities.

Health is the natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with the environment and the absence of any painful changes. Health has many definitions. Human health is determined by a complex of biological (hereditary and acquired) and social factors; the latter are so important in maintaining health or in the onset and development of disease that the preamble to the charter of the World Health Organization reads: "Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects." However, such a broad sociological definition of health is somewhat controversial, since a person's social usefulness does not always coincide with his biological state. In general, the concept of health is somewhat arbitrary and is objectively established by the totality of anthropometric, clinical, physiological and biochemical indicators, determined taking into account gender, age factors, as well as climatic and geographical conditions.

Health must be characterized not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, since there is a concept of the degree of health, determined by the breadth of the body's adaptive (adaptive) capabilities. The scientific organization of protecting the health of individuals and human groups should be based on increasing the protective properties of the human body, as well as on creating conditions that prevent the possibility of human contact with various pathogenic irritants, or on weakening their effect on the body.

In many definitions of health, it is important to treat it as a dynamic process, which allows the possibility of purposefully managing it. This problem worries doctors, educators and parents; conditions are created in the preschool educational institution to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

Health improvement work with preschoolers in recent decades has acquired particular relevance, which is associated with a stable trend of deterioration in the health of the entire population of Russia, including children. There are many reasons for this: social, environmental, psychological.

The leading goals of physical culture and health improvement work in kindergarten are to create favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of preschool children, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the personality, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, and preparation of the child for life in modern society. These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: play, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor.

The sphere of physical culture is characterized by different types of activity: motor, competitive, cultural and sports, physical culture, etc. Physical culture is the central system-forming factor that unites all components of physical culture. It is not limited only to the development and formation of a person's bodily characteristics, but is closely interconnected with his spiritual activity. This determines the specifics of physical culture, allows you to solve general educational, general cultural tasks through it. In the process of this activity, the physical culture of the personality of each individual person is formed.

The following contradiction is also obvious: strengthening the health of preschool children is recognized by society as the main task of preschool education, however, in preschool education, a program for maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children has not been effectively developed and there are violations in creating the necessary conditions for this.

The research problem is to find and create effective pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of physical culture and health-improving work in a preschool educational institution.


1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the development of basic movements in preschool children

Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific and methodological literature, numerous pedagogical observations show that physical education is the first stage of a comprehensive system of upbringing of preschoolers. Therefore, it is extremely important to organize the process of physical education in childhood, which will allow the body to accumulate strength and ensure in the future all-round harmonious development of the personality.

Many well-known doctors and educators dealt with issues of children's health and physical education. For example, Academician A.P. Protasov, professor of anatomy, for the first time in Russia at the end of the 18th century. introduces the concept of "physical education". In the works published by him on physical education, the necessity of movements for maintaining health is substantiated.

Second half of the 18th century became an important period in the development of the idea of ​​physical education of the people. Physical education is seen as part of all-round education. Physical culture was given serious attention by all peoples living in Russia, therefore, various outdoor games that arose in the distant past were so popular with many.

Problems of physical education in Russia in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. occupied an important place in the works of outstanding Russian teachers and scientists.

The famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov. His special merit is that in a number of his works he for the first time speaks of the need to use in educational institutions a scientifically grounded system of physical education, which did not exist in Russia at that time.

A huge contribution to the development of the theory of physical education was made by the Russian teacher, anatomist and physician P.F. Lesgaft. His creative scientific activity dates back to the late 19th - early 20th centuries. He is the recognized founder of the scientific system of physical education in Russia. The ideas of P.F. Lesgraft and V.V. Gorinevsky in the field of preschool physical education was continued by E.A. Arkin, professor, full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, doctor - hygienist. E.A. Arkin in an accessible form introduced preschool workers to the basic laws of higher nervous activity identified by I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov, the regime of the day, the organization of the child's life, pointed out the importance of interaction between the kindergarten and the family. His fundamental work "Preschool Age" has not lost its significance to this day.

L.I. Chulitskaya, professor, doctor of medicine, deepened the pedagogical views of P.F. Lesgaft and V.V. Gorinevsky. She relied on the anatomical, physiological and psychological norms of his upbringing and teaching children.

E.G. Levi-Gorinevskaya, continuing the development of her predecessors, created a number of works on the development of skills of basic movements in preschool children.

A.I. Bykova developed a methodology for the development of a child's movements, determined its meaning, content, organization.

A special role in the development of physical education of preschoolers was played by N.A. Metlov. He has written over 130 works on physical education. Among his most important publications should be noted "Morning gymnastics in kindergarten." He wrote a textbook for pedagogical schools "Methods of Physical Education", as well as a book for educators and music directors "Morning Gymnastics to Music".

An outstanding teacher A.V. Keneman. She developed a scientific basis and significantly deepened the methodological approaches to physical education. A large place in the works of A.V. Keneman was assigned to teaching motor actions. The merit of A.V. Keneman in the creation of the textbook "Theory and Methods of Physical Education of Preschool Children", co-authored by D.V. Khukhlaeva. A significant contribution to the theory and practice of physical education was made by D.V. Khukhlaeva. She wrote works on the formation of motor skills in children, developed methods and techniques for teaching throwing, created programs and teaching aids. Methodologists M.F. Litvinova, T.F. Saulina and others.

Correct physical education of children is one of the leading tasks of preschool institutions, in the process of which there is an acquaintance with the most rational ways of performing movements that have a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems.

The theory of physical education of preschool children, having a single content and subject of study with the general theory of physical education, at the same time specifically studies the patterns of managing the development of a child in the process of his education and training, taking into account the possibilities of the body's working capacity, emerging interests and needs, forms of visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical thinking, the uniqueness of the prevailing type of activity, in connection with the development of which major changes take place in the child's psyche and prepares the child's transition to a new higher stage of his development. In accordance with this, the content of all forms of organization of physical education and the optimal pedagogical conditions for its implementation are being developed.

Learning and taking into account the regularities of the potential capabilities of a child of each age period, the theory of physical education provides for the requirements of a scientifically grounded program of the entire educational and educational complex of physical education (motor skills and abilities, physical qualities, some elementary knowledge), the assimilation of which provides children with the necessary level of physical fitness for admission to school.

Physical education and health improvement of preschoolers is a complex process. The mastery of the technique of performing physical exercises is initially carried out at specially organized physical education classes, but later the child uses these movements in everyday life, in independent activity, therefore, the habit of acting in a certain way is successfully formed only with close interaction of a physical education instructor, a group educator and a family.

In order for this work to be effective, it is necessary to clearly understand what kind of return is expected from each of them. At the same time, the role of a physical education instructor seems to be quite complex and varied. Observance of a strict sequence is envisaged in the assimilation of the program by children, taking into account the age characteristics and the possibilities of the child at each period of his life, the state of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole. Exceeding the requirements, accelerating the pace of teaching children, bypassing the intermediate links of the program, should be considered unacceptable, since this causes unbearable stress on the body, harming the health and neuropsychic development of children. Physical education at the same time comprehensively solves the problems of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

In all forms of organization of physical education of children (direct educational activity (GCD), outdoor games, independent physical activity, individual work, and so on), the attention of a physical education instructor is directed to the upbringing of a consciously acting child, to the best of his age, who successfully masters motor skills, knowing how to navigate in the environment, actively overcome difficulties encountered, showing a desire for creative searches.

A retrospective analysis of literary sources shows that the requirements for the level of physical fitness and the state of health of preschoolers are constantly increasing (V.V. Kim, L.I. Lubysheva, V.I. Lyakh, L.P. Matveev, A.Ya. Nain, N. A. Fomin and others).

There is an increasing need, starting from a very early age, to ensure the upbringing of a stable interest in preschoolers, the need for regular exercise, value motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

The currently observed chronic deficit of children's physical activity inhibits their normal physical development and threatens their health. One of the reasons for this is the excessive regulation of the curriculum, which does not allow the teacher to take into account the level of development of children, their interests, as well as the possibilities of preschool educational institutions (V.I. Lyakh, V.N. Nepopalov, T.N. Prunin, S.T. Smagin and etc.).

Therefore, ongoing research aimed at transforming preschool physical culture is associated, first of all, with increasing the teacher's creative initiative, expanding the composition of the means and methods used, ensuring the variability and non-traditional nature of the GCD content, taking into account the tasks and conditions of their implementation, the characteristics of the contingent of children, the search for non-standard organizational - methodological techniques, game-oriented activity. This is noted by many researchers: E.N. Vavilov, S.I. Galperin, O. A. Kozyreva, L. Ye. Lyubomirsky, T.I. Osokina, A.N. Shcherbak and others.

As mentioned above, the well-being of society largely depends on the state of children's health, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin already in kindergarten, since this is where the choice of alternative forms and methods of organizing the educational process takes place. It is necessary to build it on general pedagogical principles: scientific character and accessibility, continuity and practical purposefulness, dynamism and openness.

To date, the principles of alternative physical education have been formulated and defined:

The principle of integrity (the unity of educational, upbringing and developmental functions, where the combination of knowledge, skills and abilities make up a single system, the target setting for a qualitative change in one state of the child's body to another, more perfect with the help of various means of physical education);

The principle of variability of physical education means (one and the same psychophysical quality can be developed using various means of physical education at the disposal of the teacher. education)

Existential approach (the adequacy of the content of physical training and its conditions to the individual state of the child, harmonization and optimization of physical education, the choice of the form of physical activity in accordance with the personal inclinations and abilities of each child).

The increased need in the early 90s to create alternative forms of organization and conduct of physical education in preschool educational institutions led to the emergence of effective options for physical education programs for preschoolers. However, the existing programs do not always allow to fully take into account the conditions, the peculiarities of the work of the preschool educational institution, the needs of a particular teacher and child.

In recent years, the problems of managing physical culture and health-improving work in educational institutions have been constantly in the field of view of scientists, specialists in physical culture and sports, and practicing teachers. The scientific literature emphasizes that the specific object of management is always activity or its individual components. The management of physical culture and health work necessarily involves the determination of the goal of the forthcoming activity, the best ways and means to achieve it.

The general goal of education in the field of physical culture is the formation of stable motives and needs in preschoolers in respect of their health, the integral development of physical and mental qualities, the creative use of physical culture means in organizing a healthy lifestyle. In accordance with this, the preschool education program, with its subject content, is focused on achieving the following practical goals:

· Development of basic physical qualities and abilities, health promotion, expansion of the body's functional capabilities;

· Formation of a culture of movements, enrichment of motor experience with physical exercises with a general developmental and corrective orientation;

· Acquisition of skills in physical culture and health and sports and health activities;

· Mastering knowledge about physical culture and sports, their history and modern development, the role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Physical culture most fully realizes its educational and developmental functions in the purposeful pedagogical process of physical education and the construction of an individual strategy for a healthy lifestyle by each pupil.

Physical education is a purposeful process aimed at the formation of a person's physical culture, that is, that side of a person's general culture that helps to realize biological and spiritual potential. Therefore, the process of physical education must be started from the moment a new person is born.

Physical education is an organic part of general education; a social and pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of forms and functions of the human body, its physical abilities and qualities, at the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities necessary in everyday life and productive activity, and, ultimately, at achieving physical perfection.

The main means and ways of physical education are physical exercises (natural and specially selected movements and their complexes - gymnastic, athletics), various types of sports and tourism, hardening of the body (using the healing forces of nature - the sun, air, water), compliance with a hygienic work regime and everyday life, mastering special knowledge and skills in the use of physical exercises, means of hardening, personal and public hygiene for the purpose of physical development and improvement.

Analyzing different points of view on the concept of physical education, we adhere to the following concept that physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at improving the form and functions of the human body, the formation of motor skills, skills, knowledge associated with them and the development of physical qualities.

Each preschool educational institution works according to a certain basic general educational program of preschool education. A program is a state document that defines the goal, objectives, content of work with children in various types of activities.

In the context of the transition of preschool education to the implementation of FGT, the main attention in the process of work on the health preservation of preschool children is paid to the implementation of the educational areas "Health" and "Physical culture".

Thus, in order to strengthen the health of children and prevent diseases, it is necessary not only to increase the level of their physical activity, but also to systematically carry out active hardening measures. They can be local and common, traditional or non-traditional. An analysis of the practice of preschool institutions shows that in recent years there has been a decrease in the proportion of movements in the general regime of the day, this negatively affects the formation of all systems and, undoubtedly, lowers the defenses of the child's body. Optimization of the motor regime thus becomes one of the elements of nonspecific prevention of acute respiratory diseases (ARI). Recreational physical education in childhood is a part of the health-improving complex system. When conducting classes with preschoolers, physical exercises should be selected taking into account age physiology and in accordance with the characteristics of the age period of childhood, the nature of responses.

1.2 Features of mastering basic movements by children of 5 years old

In the system of physical education of preschool children, the development of basic movements is of great importance: walking, running, throwing, jumping, climbing, etc. They are characteristic of a person's daily labor activity and are an important means of physical education.

The systematic implementation of basic movements has a positive effect on the all-round physical development of the child, improves the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, strengthens the muscles and the musculoskeletal system, develops such physical qualities as speed, agility, strength, endurance, etc.

Quite often you can find young men and women or young adults who lack an elementary culture of movement: their gait is ugly, they waddle, often stoop, shuffle their legs and swing their arms too wide. If you have to jump over a groove or not a wide puddle, they get lost, feel constrained. It is obvious that even in the preschool period, parents did not pay due attention to such, in their opinion, little things.

Numerous studies have proven that the development of skills in vital movements most effectively occurs in the preschool period of a person's life. If this did not happen, then in school years, teaching children the basic movements is stretched for a longer time.

The formation of skills in different types of movements in preschoolers begins with the first acquaintance with a certain movement and ends (conditionally) when the child performs it easily, confidently, with the least expenditure of energy. Consider the methods of teaching children basic movements.

First of all, display is widely used. It is based on the historically established ability to imitate (imitate), to reproduce what is being done in the environment. Due to the fact that the attention of children is not stable and has an involuntary character, they often do not notice the main details of the shown movement. Therefore, the show must be accompanied by an explanation, concise and understandable.

It is best for children 3-4 years old to give a figurative explanation of the exercise, taking into account the high ability of kids to imitate, imitate. For example, to walk softly on toes, "like a mouse"; while running, raise your knees, "like a horse," etc. However, imitation of movements also has its negative sides: the movement is usually not performed accurately, only its general scheme is observed, and therefore it is necessary to constantly correct the noticed mistakes.

Showing and explaining at different stages of training have a different relationship. First, they want the child to have a correct idea of ​​the movement being performed. Subsequently, in the process of improving the movement, the show is applied sporadically, and the explanations take on the character of instructions on how to perform it in a concise and accessible form.

Younger preschoolers have imaginative thinking and relatively little motor experience. Therefore, the demonstration of movements takes a leading place in them. In the future, with the enrichment of the child's motor experience, the word takes on more and more significance. For children 6-7 years old, explanations and instructions take the leading place. They can already be required to consciously perform the movement. On this occasion, the well-known Russian scientist P.F. Lesgaft wrote: “If a child learns a mechanical method without completely understanding the meaning of his individual techniques, then he will act mechanically, he will not be able to apply this method to a particular case ". Practice confirms that children who understand what is required of them and can correctly explain the execution of a movement, master it faster and make fewer mistakes.

Therefore, in all age groups of preschoolers, the specificity of requirements and tasks contributes to the fastest and more effective teaching of movements. In this case, the psychological characteristics of children are necessarily taken into account. The child performs vague, incomprehensible requirements and tasks with gross errors.

It should be borne in mind that at the beginning of training, movement is learned better if it is not performed at full strength. For example, a child seeks to jump as far as possible, but, landing unsuccessfully, loses balance, since the individual elements of the jump are still poorly assimilated. That is why, at the initial stage of mastering the movement, it is necessary to limit the take-off run when jumping in length and height (up to 3-4 m), to reduce the distance to the target when the child throws any object, etc.

The basic movements of preschoolers are usually learned in a holistic way. However, in the process of its implementation, attention should be focused on the most important details, observing the principle of gradualness. For example, when teaching a child to throw a ball at a target or at a distance, they first monitor the initial position before throwing - the position of the legs, torso; then control whether the hand swing and the throw "from behind the back over the shoulder" are performed correctly.

It is also very important to interest the child, arouse the desire to correctly perform this or that movement. To do this, he is given the task of performing the exercise as best as possible, and tasks of a game and imitation nature are also widely used.

The basic movements are learned quickly and correctly only when the child periodically exercises in their implementation. In the learning process, it is necessary to bring the exercise to a definite result, systematically resorting to reinforcements. This includes, firstly, the results of children's actions (jumped, hit the target, etc.) and, secondly, the adult's verbal remarks (good, bad, right, wrong).

Special studies and practice of physical education of preschool children have shown that in such movements as walking, running, some types of jumps and throws, strong motor skills should be formed, and full automation in their implementation should be sought. This group can also include skiing, swimming, cycling. And, although their details are later forgotten, the basis of the movement remains, and the skill is restored after a certain number of repetitions.

Exercises in basic movements are selected taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children of this age. Preschoolers are not recommended movements that make breathing difficult, constrict the chest (climbing a vertical pole, tug-of-war, etc.).

Exercises with prolonged muscle tension should not be used, during which the child makes maximum efforts and holds his breath; hanging or pull-ups, bending the arms while lying down, lifting or carrying objects that are heavy for the child, etc.

Jumping from a great height or on a solid support negatively affects the development of the musculoskeletal system. All this can lead to injuries to the ligaments and muscles of the ankle (stretching) and flattening of the arch of the child's foot.

Asymmetric exercises that are performed with one hand or leg are also harmful: throwing the ball at a distance and at the target with only the right hand, jumping rope on only one leg. They unilaterally affect the development of the muscles of the arms, legs, trunk and do not contribute to the harmonious development of the child's body.

Consider the features of the performance of the basic movements by children of 5 years old.

In the fifth year of life, especially towards the end of the year, all the structural elements of walking improve significantly: a certain rhythm begins to be established, the length of the stride increases, which, in combination with rhythm, leads to an acceleration of the pace. General coordination of movements improves. For most children, the movements of the arms and legs become coordinated.

At the same time, the walking of children has certain disadvantages. Parallel feet and shuffling of feet are observed, hand movements are not always energetic; the shoulders are lowered, the body is not straightened, the pace of movement is uneven. Poorly orienting themselves in space, children experience difficulties when changing the direction of movement at the signal of the teacher, they do not maintain the required distance in walking and running, building and rebuilding.

For children in the fifth year of life, the program offers various exercises.

Walking loose. In the process of performing this exercise, independence of actions and the ability to navigate in space develop. The teacher invites the children to walk throughout the hall (site), while he moves from one place in the hall to another; otherwise, the children are crowded around the teacher and the goal of the exercise is not achieved. In the future, when repeating walking scattered, children already independently cope with the task, using, if not the entire space of the room, then most of it.

Walking with finding your place in the column forms the ability to act on the signal of the teacher, to orientate in space, to be attentive and focused in order to remember your place in the column.

It is still difficult for children to navigate correctly and find their place in the column, especially at the beginning of the year. Therefore, the game "To places!" with the formation in a line at the signal of the teacher facilitates the understanding and assimilation of this exercise.

The teacher invites the children standing in a row to look and remember who is standing next to whom. This is followed by scattering walking throughout the hall (site). On command: "To the places!" - every child must find his place in the line. After the children have mastered this task, you can begin to form their ability to find their place in the column in motion.

Walking over objects(cords, cubes, bars, etc.) develops an eye, coordination of movements, teaches not to scuffle. Items for stepping are laid out in accordance with the child's step length (35-40 cm).

Walking in circles develops orientation in space, teaches them to perform joint actions and observe the shape of a circle. At the beginning of the year, children of the middle group still find it difficult to maintain the correct shape of the circle, therefore, when teaching, you can use landmarks, cubes, cords, etc. Children walk in one direction, then make a turn in a circle and continue walking.

Reversal walking is carried out in two versions. The first option is to follow the child leading the column; then, at the command of the teacher, all the children stop, turn around and continue walking after the child standing at the end of the column. The teacher can give the child leading the column, standing at its end, any objects - handkerchiefs or cubes of different colors. "First you follow Tanya - she has a red cube, and then Kolya - he has a blue cube." In the future, this task is performed without stopping, and the children perform the turn while walking.

The second option is walking with a "snake" between various objects (pins, cubes, stuffed balls, etc.). For children 4-5 years old, this exercise requires some effort. They need to maintain a certain distance from each other - do not run ahead and keep up, and most importantly, do not touch the placed objects.

Walking with a change in the direction of movement develops orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, sets each child to understand the task at hand.

Column walking one at a time with the designation of turns at the corners of the hall (platform) - this is a new exercise for children of the middle group, which causes certain difficulties. The children are not yet required to make clear turns when marking corners (this task is posed in the older group), but they are introduced to walking along the perimeter of the hall. To understand the problem, they put landmarks in the corners of the hall, which the children go around.

Walking in pairs is already familiar to children, however, in the conditions of the gym, this is a rather difficult task, since you need to follow a certain direction, walk next to your partner, keeping up with him and not running ahead.

Walking with a change of leader... When walking in a column one by one, the group is usually led by a child who has the skill of a leader. During the exercise, the teacher changes the leader several times, and in the process of repetitions, any child can play the role of the leader.

Walking alternating with running requires concentration and attention from children. The teacher offers them different versions of this exercise, which are then widely used in play exercises and outdoor games.

Children learn to run much better and faster than walking: a fast pace of walking is easier for them to master. In the fifth year of life, most children have a rhythm of running, the ability to alternate it with other types of movements. Running speed increases, spatial orientation improves in the course of its execution, children change directions with greater ease, run around obstacles, adhere to a given direction.

But not all elements of running technique in a 4-5 year old child are correct and well expressed. The arms are still not very active, the step remains short and uneven. The flight is small, and therefore the speed is low. It should be noted that the flightiness of the step in girls develops earlier than in boys. An increase in running speed is associated with an increase in stride length. The average step of four-year-old children in running: boys - 64.4 cm, girls - 61.5 cm; at the age of five, the stride length in children increases by an average of 10 cm.

Scattering develops spatial orientation, the ability to act on the signal of the teacher. Exercising this type of movement, children make good use of the area of ​​the hall. However, sometimes they put their hands forward, push each other. After several sessions, the guys run more freely and try not to interfere with each other.

Running with finding your place in the column is a more difficult exercise than walking. The correctness of the implementation depends on the joint actions of the children. As with walking, they are first taught to find their place in the line after running, then this exercise is carried out in motion.

Jogging through objects develops an eye, lightness, flightiness. The stride length in running is longer than when walking, by an average of 20 cm.For running with stepping over (jumping) objects (cords, pigtails, bars), they are laid out in accordance with the child's stride length - at a distance of 70-80 cm.

If the child has good coordination of movements, then jumping, as a rule, is performed with a variable step in the correct rhythm and pace. If the coordination of movements is not sufficiently developed, then the child makes additional steps, stops, and then jumps (steps over) over the object. The teacher should not immediately get the children to perform the exercise clearly; this should be brought up gradually, through multiple repetitions.

To teach children to push off strongly in running, to raise the thigh higher, they use bars, cubes 6-10 cm high.

Running around the circle, like walking, teaches children to perform joint actions. However, in running, it is even more difficult to keep the shape of the circle: children either stretch very widely, break the circle, or squeeze into the middle. At the beginning of training, landmarks are set, and running is performed at a slow pace for a short time. As the exercises are repeated, children's movements become more focused and the circle takes on the desired shape.

Reversal running carried out in the same ways as walking.


Exercises in balance contribute to the development of coordination of movements, dexterity, education of courage, determination, self-confidence. At first, they are learned with preschoolers on the floor (walking on a cord, with hand movements or with an object in hand). Only after the exercises have been mastered in simple conditions, you can proceed to performing them on apparatus (log, board, bench). During the exercise in balance on an elevated support (beam, bench), an adult insures the child (supports him by the hand, walks next to him).

For older preschool children, balance exercises are complicated by various tasks: while walking on a log (bench), sit down and turn around; step over the cube (ball) lying in the middle of the log; walking on a log with an object (ball, rope in hands).

During the exercise in balance, they monitor that the child walks with an alternating step, evenly, looks forward, and not under the legs, at the end of the log perform a dismount with a soft landing on bent legs. It is advisable to carry out these exercises with a bag or a medicine ball weighing 300-500 g on the head, so that the child learns to keep his head straight, while maintaining the correct posture.

When performing exercises in balance, the position of the hands can be different: to the sides, behind the head, behind the back, on the belt, etc. However, long-term fixed positions of the hands complicate the exercise to some extent and tire children. Therefore, it is recommended to change the position of the hands more often (forward, to the sides, to the belt, etc.).

Exercises for children 5 years old

1. Run between objects (cubes, balls, cones) placed on the floor (ground) without touching them with your hands.

2. While walking or running, at the signal of an adult, take a certain position (sit down, stand on one leg, etc.).

3. Walking with stepping over a stick or rope, raised to a height of 20-25 cm from the floor.

4. Walk or run between two lines drawn on the ground (the distance between them is 15 cm) without stepping on them.

5. Walking on a line (length 8-10 m), laid straight, in a circle and in a zigzag.

6. Stand on a log (bench), walk to its middle, turn around, reach the end and jump off.

7. Stand on the log (bench) sideways, hands on the belt, walk with a side step to its end, turn 90 ° and jump.

8. Stand on a log (bench), arms to the sides, under each step of the left leg, clap in the palm in front of the chest, right - arms to the sides. Jump off at the end of the log.

9. Stand on a log (bench), hands on a belt, walk with a side step to the end of it and jump off.

10. Stand on a log (bench) with a large ball in your hands. Under the step of the left foot, lift the ball up, with the right foot, lower it down. At the end of the log, get off it.

11. Stand sideways on a board, one end of which is raised to a height of 35 cm (cube, bench), walk to the end of it, turn around and run down.

Climbing and crawling

Climbing and crawling exercises are very beneficial for preschoolers. Large muscle groups (back, abdomen, legs and arms) take part in their implementation. These exercises require more physical exertion than many of the other basic movements. To perform them, you need to have simple equipment that is used at home (chairs, bench, hoop, stick). On playgrounds, parks and squares, it is also advisable to use gymnastic walls, boards, cubes.

Moving the arms and legs while crawling can be in the same and different ways. With the opposite method, the left arm and right leg are first exposed, and then the right arm and left leg. With the method of the same name, the right hand and right leg move simultaneously, then the left hand and left leg. Preschoolers are taught to crawl in both ways.

It is advisable to combine crawling exercises with movements that help to straighten the trunk. For example, after crawling between the legs of a chair, stand up, raise your arms through the sides and clap them in your palms above your head.

Crawling under a rope (a stick that lies on the seat of two chairs) and crawling into a hoop are performed by children of this age sideways and chest forward. Crawling and crawling forward with the chest, the child approaches the projectile, takes a step forward, crouches a little, moves the head and torso forward, and then the other leg. When crawling and crawling in the second way, you need to turn with your left or right side, take a wide step forward, bend over, move your head and torso forward, and then the second leg.

Older preschool children learn climbing, crawling, and crawling exercises rather quickly. With them, they learn to crawl on their bellies on the floor (grass). The child lies face down on the floor. Then he rises a little and moves his right leg and at the same time his left arm as far forward as possible, the body turns slightly to the right. Pushing off with a bent right hand, he moves forward, pulling up his left leg. Further, the movement is repeated in the same sequence. The head should not be raised high while crawling.

Exercises for children 5 years old

1. Crawl on your knees in support to the ball, which lies on the floor at a distance of 4 m from the beginning of the movement. Take the ball, stand up and toss it over your head several times.

2. Crawl in support on your knees under a rope tied to two chairs at a height of 40 cm, pushing a large ball in front of you with your head. Raise and lift the ball with both hands above your head.

3. Crawl in support while standing on an inclined board, one end of which is fixed on the gymnastic wall at a height of 35 cm, stand, holding onto the crossbars. Turn around, take an emphasis on your knees and go down on the board.

4. Crawl on your knees in the support up to the middle of the log (bench), crawl into the hoop that holds the adult vertically to the log, crawl to its end and go down.

5. Go to the log, lie on it with your chest and climb over it to the opposite side.

6. Stand facing the gymnastic wall, go up 1.5-2 m in alternating steps and go down.

Jumping exercises have a positive effect on the child's body: they strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities, improve coordination of movements, develop dexterity and courage. However, it should be remembered that with inept use of jumps (unpreparedness of the landing site, non-compliance with the recommended requirements for jump height, etc.), preschoolers may experience injuries and flat feet.

A jump requires the coordinated work of many muscles, complex coordination of movements, which is possible only with an appropriate level of development of the motor analyzer and the preparedness of the child's musculoskeletal system. Therefore, children are taught a certain type of jumping, based on their anatomical and physiological capabilities and age characteristics.

Standing long jump

Long jumps from a spot in preschoolers of different age groups have significant similarities. The starting position before the jump is “swimmer's start” (legs are bent, body is tilted forward, arms are laid back - to the sides). Push off with both legs with a simultaneous swing of the arms forward - up. In flight, the legs are bent at the knees and extended forward. During landing, the child crouches and puts his arms forward - to the sides, thus ensuring a soft and stable landing.

Children 5 years old improve their jump with the help of the following exercises: jump over the "stream" with a gradual increase in its width to 60-70 cm; jumping forward, "like frogs" (4-6 in a row). It should be remembered that the child's movement is better when he does not push off at full strength. Therefore, the distance between the ribbons of the "stream" is increased gradually, thus regulating the efforts of children during repulsion.

Depth jump (from low objects)

It is better to teach this jump when children have already learned to jump long from a place, since the formation of a new skill is based on previous motor experience. The deep jump has the general structure of a long jump from a standing position. The only difference is in the nature of the repulsion and in the degree of load on the musculoskeletal system upon landing.

Preschoolers master this type of jumping very quickly. Keep in mind, however, that an improper landing on straight legs can lead to injury and significant concussion. Jumping on a firm support causes stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the foot and its flattening. Therefore, the landing should only be on a soft support (mat or sand).

In children 5 years old, the deep jump is formed and improved in the following sequence: jump from a bench or some other elevation (height 20 cm); a jump with landing in a designated place - on a "path" or a sheet of paper (cardboard) measuring 20x30 cm, a jump from a height of 20-25 cm with the correct execution of all its elements.

Long jump with a run

This jump is one of the most difficult basic movements in preschoolers. Therefore, they begin to study it from the age of 5-6. They jump in length from a run in this way: the run is uniformly accelerated, the last step before pushing off is somewhat shorter; push off with one leg with a simultaneous swing of the arms forward - up; in the flight phase, the legs are bent at the knees and brought forward before landing; they land on the heels or on the entire foot, for stability they bring their hands forward - to the sides.

The formation of the skill in this movement is carried out in the following sequence: jumps from one, two, four, six steps; improving the take-off of one and landing on two legs; energetic swing of the arms at the moment of repulsion; flight (legs bent) and stable landing. When the child has mastered the correct repulsion and landing from an accelerated takeoff run (6-8 steps), the individual elements of a jump from a full takeoff run are improved - up to 10 m.

The main mistakes in children at the initial stage of learning this jump are the inability to combine the takeoff run with vigorous repulsion; quickly pull the jogging leg to the flywheel; landing instability.

The first mistake can be avoided if the initial attempts to jump are performed at an average speed (a quick take-off with an insufficiently formed skill violates the coordination of movement and does not allow the child to push off correctly).

Landing instability in some children is caused by muscle weakness in the musculoskeletal system. They cannot withstand a fairly high load during landing, and have to take a step forward in order not to lose their balance. When preschoolers land on soft support, they usually don't have these mistakes. This is why a dedicated landing site needs to be prepared after a jump. On the site, you can use a sand pit or sandbox 2-2.5 m long, one side of which does not have a barrier.

Running high jump

In its structure, this movement is similar to the long jump from the run. It is also performed by bending the legs. Some difference lies only in the nature of the repulsion.

Preschoolers are not advised to land on one leg, as other methods of jumping require (stepping, rolling, rolling), since this creates a large load on the musculoskeletal system during landing. Therefore, a high jump with a running start with bending legs is the most acceptable for children 5-7 years old, since with this method they land on both legs.

In this jump, the run-up is performed perpendicular to the obstacle (a rope or rubber linen tape stretched between two racks), repelled with one leg with a simultaneous swing of the arms up; in the flight phase, the legs are bent as much as possible at the knees; they land on both feet, hands are brought forward - to the sides. Children 5-6 years old are taught a high jump from a running start in the following sequence: jumping over a rope 10-15 cm high from one step by pushing one leg and swinging the other with landing on both legs; the same with two or three steps with a simultaneous swing of the arms upward; a jump from a 3-5-meter run with the correct execution of all its elements: uniformly accelerated run, vigorous push-off, flight with legs bent, stable and soft landing; jump over a rope with a height of 30-35 cm from a 6-meter run.

At the initial stage of training, the task is to teach the child to push off with one foot near an obstacle and land on both feet. Takeoff and takeoff usually do not cause special difficulties for preschoolers, the most difficult for them is a clear and soft landing (on bent legs).

In contrast to the long jump, when performing this movement, one should not demand the maximum speed of the run from the child, but, on the contrary, he is advised to run more slowly. A quick take-off does not make it possible to push off correctly, the flight trajectory will be low and, landing, the child loses balance, steps forward with his feet.

Jumping rope.

Exercises in jumping rope are of great interest to children 5-7 years old. The rope is selected in accordance with the height of the child. Becoming with both feet in the middle of the rope (feet shoulder-width apart), pull it up by the handles along the body. With the optimal length of the rope, the handles should be slightly higher than the child's waist.

At first, the rope is rotated only forward, so that the child can see it better and it is easier for him to jump. The rope is rotated with the hands, the legs are slightly bent during jumping, the body is straight. At the initial stage of the formation of the skill, jumps are performed at a slow pace, then the rate of rotation of the rope is gradually accelerated. The child is reminded to jump on both legs or alternately on the right and left. All this contributes to the harmonious development of the strength of both legs.


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Parent meeting on the topic:

"Strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers"

Target: to acquaint the parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to the strengthening and preservation of the health of a preschooler at home and in a kindergarten.

Tasks: inform parents about the state of health of the pupils for the period of the meeting; create conditions for parents to understand some of the factors that can adversely affect the health of preschoolers; create conditions for parents to realize the need for kindergarten and family to work together to preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers.

Carrying out plan:

1. Speech by the head of the department "The health of the child is in our hands."

2. Performance by a felscher "Vitamins".

3. Solution

Event progress:

“Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality, ”says the RF Law“ On Education ”.

Caring for the health of a child and an adult began to occupy priority positions all over the world. Any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy personalities.

Caring for the upbringing of a healthy child is a priority in the work of any preschool institution. A healthy and developed child has a good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, socially and physiologically adapted.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of the child's health is laid, its intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

What do you think is health?

What is a healthy lifestyle?

(rational nutrition, adherence to the regime, optimal motor regime, good sleep, healthy hygienic environment, favorable psychological atmosphere, hardening).

Today, there is a general trend of deterioration in the health status of children.

Urban environmental factors negatively affect the development and health of the child. So, environmental pollution with harmful substances leads to diseases of the tonsils, adenoids and lymph nodes in children. And a long stay in such unfavorable conditions causes an overstrain of the adaptive capabilities of the organism and leads to a depletion of the immune system. There are chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs and other diseases.

The increase in the number of childhood diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very lifestyle of the child's family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the motor regime. With insufficient motor activity of the child, the development of motor function inevitably deteriorates and the child's physical performance decreases.

What can parents do to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle?

First of all, it is necessary to actively use healing natural environmental factors: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are the usual components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.

The child needs a calm benevolent psychological climate.

The squabbles in the presence of the child contribute to the emergence of a neurosis in him or aggravate the already existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child's body.

And our irritation is mechanically transferred to the child.

Emotional resilience and related behaviors are nurtured. It is important here to be able to correctly and rationally relate to what we see, perceive, hear.

Adults should not only protect the child's body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that enhance the protective forces of the child's body and its efficiency. And the important thing here is properly organized daily routine.

Daily regime - these are the optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day. It satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The mode disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, and teaches them to a certain rhythm.

Walk - one of the essential components of the daily routine. This most effective type of rest restores well the functional resources of organism, reduced in the process of activity, and, first of all, efficiency. Exposure to the air increases the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child's appetite and sleep are always normalized.

The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothes and shoes must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. During a walk, children should not be allowed to be in a monotonous position for a long time, therefore it is necessary to change their type of activity and the place of play. It is good to combine a walk with sports and outdoor games.

Children should go for a walk at least twice a day for two hours, unlimited in summer.

An equally important part of the regime is dream, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (day and night).

Thus, the child's home regimen should be a continuation of the kindergarten day regimen, and especially on weekends.

Good nutrition - inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices and preservatives. More often include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet of children.

In children it is important to form an interest in improving one's own body. The sooner the child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle.

When a child enters school, it is important not only his intellectual development, but also the level of his physical development. The principle “do no harm” should be the basis for the upbringing and development of a child. It should be remembered that "early learning" leads to overload, negatively affects health, provokes neuroses and other undesirable phenomena, as a result of which the interest in learning decreases.

Preparation for school in kindergarten is carried out not only in mathematics and speech development classes, but also in physical education classes, which form the attention, thinking, memory, speech, imagination, fine motor skills of the hands, and coordination of movements necessary for successful school education. The play activity of children is also important. The better the child plays role-playing games, the more successful he will be in school. The game prepares well for school. Without play, children develop a sense of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is the leading human need.

To promote health and normalize weight walking and running are effective, which protect the human body from the occurrence of diseases. They have a pronounced training effect and help to harden the body.

What is hardening?

This is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors by systematic short-term exposure to the body of the same factors in small doses.

As a result of hardening, the body adapts to changing environmental conditions. During hardening, immunity is also increased at the same time due to an increase in the production of interferon and other protective factors in the body.

Which of you at home conducts tempering activities with the child and what?

Hardening, along with traditional hardening methods (air baths, water foot baths, gargling), non-traditional methods are also widely used:

1.Kontrasnoe air hardening (from a warm room, children fall into a "cold" one).

2. Walking barefoot. At the same time, the arches and ligaments of the foot are strengthened, and flat feet are also prevented.

During the summer, provide children with the opportunity to walk barefoot on hot sand and asphalt, on small pebbles and bumps that act as powerful irritants. On the contrary, warm sand, soft grass, and indoor carpet have a calming effect. Walking barefoot increases the intensity of activity of almost all muscles, stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, and improves mental activity.

A contrast shower is the most effective home hardening method. After a short charge, the child gets under the shower, doused with water at 36-38 degrees for 30-40 seconds, then the water temperature drops by 2-3 degrees, and the duration of the dousing is reduced to 20-25 seconds. The procedure is repeated two times. After 1-1.5 weeks, the difference in water temperatures increases to 4-5 degrees. Within 2-3 months, the temperature is brought to 19-20 degrees.

Gargling with cool water with a decrease in its temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease. Gargling begins at a water temperature of 36-37 degrees, decreases every 2-3 days by 1 degree and is brought to room temperature.

It should be remembered that a break in hardening for 2-3 weeks reduces the body's resistance to colds and therefore is extremely undesirable.

It is impossible not to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, his age, his sensitivity to hardening procedures. It is not recommended to harden against the background of negative emotional states, for example, fear, resentment, anxiety.

What conclusion can be drawn about hardening?

If we want to see our child healthy, we need to carry out hardening procedures every day. Minimal hardening is air and water procedures, properly selected clothing.

It turns out that you can also temper a child's body with food. What foods or substances do you think help your child become more tempered?

What plants - shrubs, stores of vitamin C, help against colds? Black currants and rose hips increase the body's resistance to cooling and ARVI),

What "drink of protection" increases the body's resistance to diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, is rich in vitamin A? "Protection drink" - carrot juice. It is recommended to drink fresh carrot juice from 1 tablespoon to half a glass a day, but not more than 100 g, since in large quantities it can cause icteric discoloration of the skin, in addition, it causes allergies in some children.

What is healthier for a child - juice or an apple? Juices are cleaner organic products. They are absorbed faster by the body and almost immediately after consumption are included in the metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the recovery processes of the body. There is a lot of water in juices, but this is truly living water - it is enriched with biologically active substances of plant cells. All juices have a general strengthening effect, stimulate digestion and assimilation of food, and also remove toxic substances from the body, including radioactive ones (carrot and apple). Juices are also a source of vitamins, mineral salts and numerous trace elements.

Systematically taking eleutherococcus orally with compote or milk for 1-2 months can reduce the incidence of influenza and influenza-like diseases in children by more than 2.5 times.

To increase the defenses of the child's body, it is recommended taking vitamins. Speech by a kindergarten paramedic.

Parents meeting decision:

1. Use the information received at the parent meeting to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

2. Introduce a healthy lifestyle to every family.

3.Set the child's home regime in accordance with the daily regime of the kindergarten.

4. Systematically harden the child in a family setting.

5. On weekends, be sure to go out with the children for a walk at least twice a day. Provide the child with the opportunity to move more, play outdoor games during a walk.