Power tips during pregnancy. Power supply during pregnancy, healthy eating during pregnancy

Proper nutrition during pregnancy includes compliance with certain norms and food rules in order to avoid excessive fatal deposits. It is known that the overweight weight of a pregnant woman can provoke various complications and health problems, like herself, and the little man, which only has to be born.

Proper nutrition in pregnancy implies hard control in the use of sausages, canned products and other long-storage products. The balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, useful vitamins and minerals - the most important components of a full-fledged diet playing a major role in food. It should be remembered that the balanced nutrition at different stages of pregnancy involves a different balance of all these components.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the food of the future mother should not be too different from the usual. However, it is important to increase the consumption of products containing protein - the most important "construction" material for the formation of fetal tissues, since it is in the first trimester that the formation of all internal kid organs occurs. The source of protein is dairy, meat, fish products, as well as beans, nuts, mushrooms, eggs.

In case of insufficient consumption of proteinous food in a pregnant woman, anemia may develop (anemia), the immune system will decrease, so it is so important to pay the issue of nutrition maximum attention.

An important condition for obtaining the child all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and a comfortable stay in the womb is the adherence to a special diet during pregnancy. Such a nutritional mode does not imply starvation, alternating either sharp restrictions in food. It is directed primarily on reusable meals, i.e. Eating in small portions throughout the day. In this case, food can be diverse, but should not contain excessive fat, as well as harmful components in the form of dyes, flavors, preservatives and similar substances.

Pregnant woman should give preference to natural, natural ingredients and products, in particular, fruits, greenery and vegetables, as well as protein food, easily digestible by the body.

Diet during pregnancy, first of all, assumes to hold the future mother of a certain daily diet, including the following foods:

  • Protein food (eating eggs, fish, low-fat meat, dairy products, including ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt) - 100-120 g;
  • Fats - no more than 80-100 g (of which 20 g - vegetable origin);
  • Carbohydrates: their daily dose in the first half of pregnancy should be 300-400 g, and in the last 3 months - 300 g;
  • Drinking water (in pure form) - at least 1-1.5 l;
  • Polyvitamin preparation appointed by a doctor (daily dosage).

Food of a pregnant woman needs to be distributed depending on its calorie content: while breakfast should be 30%, lunch is 40%, and dinner is 10% of the total food. Additional meals are recommended to use the following dosages: the second breakfast and afternoon person - 10% of the total food. Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman includes rational food use depending on time. So, dinner to the future mother is best easy-to-sleep products a few hours before the deposit to sleep. Products of this kind include cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt or low-fat kefir. To breakfast a future mother should be about 30-40 minutes after waking up.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy includes, first of all, the use of boiled, stewed, baked dishes. It must be remembered by some restrictions. So, a pregnant woman should limit salt consumption to 5-6 g per day. It is also recommended to control the process of drinking bread and flour products, cakes, baccakes, the daily rate of which should be not more than 100-150 g. From meat products, preference should be given only to non-fat varieties: first of all, a chicken, beef, rabbit or turkey. From the fish it is best to choose a cod, navaag, pike perch, or ice fish. Dairy products must contain a low percentage of fatty. Cereals, oil, as well as pasta, pregnant woman is recommended to be used in small quantities and only as complex dishes (soups, porridge, etc.).

Proper nutrition of the future mother completely eliminates the use of fast food, any kind of alcohol, sharp seasonings and spices, as well as mushrooms, smoked, canned food, snacks, strong tea, coffee and black chocolate. Pregnant women should always be remembered about moderation in food, which lies in the easy feeling of hunger even after making food.

Nutrition in early pregnancy

Each woman in a responsible child tooling period should know about the rules of healthy nutrition so that the pregnancy process proceeds without unnecessary complications.

Nutrition in early pregnancy should be primarily balanced and included vitamins. Even before planning a pregnancy, the future mother is important to take into account this nuance and start receiving folic acid and the complex of vitamins.

Proper nutrition will reduce the manifestation of early toxicosis. What does "correct" mean? First of all, we are talking about competently organized power mode, both in terms of quality and the number of food consumed. It is recommended to eat often, at least 5-6 times a day, fractional portions. This principle contributes to the improvement of digestion and reduces the manifestation of toxicosis, heartburn, eliminates problems with the work of the intestine.

Breakfast should consist of light food (dry cookies, crackers, kefir, oatmeal). Between meals should drink water (1.5-2 liters per day). Food should be the most useful and natural, so a pregnant woman will have to completely forget about fast foods, hot dogs, smoked, pickles and fried food. It applies to sausages, pickled vegetables, canned products, ketchups and mayonnaise. Sweet carbonated, as well as low alcohol drinks should be excluded from the diet. If you smoke, throw immediately!

In the early deadlines, a pregnant woman should take meat and fish in a boiled or baked form, dairy products, fresh greens, raw fruits and vegetables, legumes and grain crops, - in the word, everything that will only benefit for its body and forming the fetus. Often, in the early stages of the baby tooling, the doctor prescribes pregnant vitamins as an addition to the main food diet.

It must be remembered that pregnancy is not a time for experiments, so exhausting diets and starvation are strictly contraindicated by women. To maintain the figure in the tone, it is better to do gentle physical exercises and walk more in the fresh air.

Power menu during pregnancy

The power menu during pregnancy must be primarily balanced. A future mother should use healthy food, to eat often and gradually (5-7 times a day), do not overeat and follow the recommendations of a dietegologist.

By making up a power menu, you need to be extremely prudent, because the quality of food depends on both the well-being of the future mother and the health of her baby. In the daily diet, it is advisable to include exclusively useful products. You need to teach yourself to breakfast, as well as monitor the amount of calorie consumed. To avoid or alleviate the condition in the manifestations of toxicosis, it is necessary to give preference to easily durable feed (crackers, toasts), vegetable soups on water or chicken broth, sour fruits (apples, oranges, grapefruits, persimmon). From nausea, a pregnant woman will help get rid of ginger in any of his form (tea, additive to dishes, cookies), as well as chilled water with the addition of lime or lemon juice.

Approximate power menu during pregnancy:

  • Breakfast. Egg, toasts, cereals, muesli, grated apple. A glass of low-fat yogurt or milk, fresh fruits and fresh juices.
  • Lunch. Fruit, fruit smoothie, low-fat yogurt, handful of dried fruits or nuts.
  • Dinner. Soups, risotto, stew (meat and fish), wholegrain bread, fresh vegetable salad, dessert in the form of dairy products.
  • Afternooner. Fresh juices, cupcakes, cereal bars, fruit.
  • Dinner. Soup with protein products (chicken or lean meat), eggs in the form of omelet or boiled, tofu, legumes, vegetable salad.
  • Second dinner. Warm milk, crackers, cheese, handful of nuts.

Among the prohibited products, it is necessary to note seafood, twin fish, sushi, coffee, sweets, canned food. During this period, the future mother must be taken only that he will benefit her baby.

Power diet for pregnancy

The future mother should receive all the necessary nutrients and vitamins - only in this way the body has not yet been born to develop.

The diet during pregnancy should be clearly thought out, because the condition of the pregnant woman, as well as the process of intrauterine formation of the fetus, will depend on the quality and quantity of food. In the diet of a pregnant woman should be present products that bring maximum benefit to the body: fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy products, legumes, fresh greens, fish and meat.

Future mom is better to eat often (up to 6-7 times) in small portions. So you can avoid many problems associated with failures in the work of the gastrointestinal bodies, in particular, nausea, constipation, flatulence, heartburn. It is advisable not to overeat, especially before bedtime, it is recommended to eat slowly without hurry.

The diet should consist of boiled, stewed, baked dishes. Pregnant woman should say solid "no" fried, smoked, canned and sharp dishes. It should be limited to the consumption of flour products, sweets, drums, from drinks It is preferable to use freshly squeezed juices, compotes, herbal teas, as well as abandon coffee and strong black tea. In the diet of the future mother, regardless of the term of pregnancy, alcoholic and low alcohol drinks should not be present.

In the menu, the pregnant menu must be protein food, the daily rate of which is equal to 75-100 g per day. It is meat, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, fish. Nuts (walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts, peanuts), seeds, legumes are useful. Sweets are better replaced by fruit, raisins, dried, porridge, dried fruits. The diet of the future mother should also include solid grain porridge or crude croup, liver, spinach, carrots, sweet pepper.

Properly compiled diet during pregnancy - the basis of mother and child health. This must be remembered at each week of development of the fetus. Calcium strengthens the bone toddler of the baby, folic acid is necessary for the development of the cells of the child's brain, acuteness, vitamins C, B, A, E - the indispensable elements in the construction of nervous and other systems of a small organism. The average rate of daily diet in the first half of pregnancy is 2400-2700 kcal, in the second - 2800-3000 kcal.

Power Mode during pregnancy

The diet is desirable to compile based on the recommendations of nutritional doctors, taking into account the individual characteristics of the parent organism and the process of proceeding.

The power mode during pregnancy should be balanced. It is recommended to clearly adhere to meals at a certain time. It is impossible to overeat and starve - everything should be in moderation, including meals. Nutritionists advise pregnant women to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day. Usually the power of the pregnant woman consists of the first and second breakfasts, a full dinner, afternoon, and the first and second dinner. With a feeling of hunger, pregnant is allowed to drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple before bedtime.

The future mother must listen to its internal needs and taste preferences. If you want something special, it can be a signal of a lack of vitamins or trace elements in its body. Of course, we are not talking about harmful food, it is necessary to choose useful analogues of such products. For example, sweetness is replaced by fruit, nuts, dried and raisins.

The power mode during pregnancy includes strict control over fluid consumption. A future mother should use a sufficient amount of clean water (1.5-2 liters per day), preferably purified or non-carbonated mineral. Useful alternative water are green tea and fresh juices. Much, including the proper development of the fetus, the normal course of pregnancy and its favorable outcome, is properly selected.

Fractional food during pregnancy

Power during pregnancy should be fractional, "many doctors are felt about it, given the risk of a set of excess weight of the future mother. Grazing (fractional food) is aimed at monitoring body weight and implies food intake by small portions 5-6 times a day at equal intervals. The basis of fractional food is that frequent food intake brings a sense of saturation and prevents overeating, which is fraught with a set of extra kilograms and problems in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fractional food during pregnancy has a rational approach to eating food. Many studies prove that five-, six-time meals are less than caloriene, compared with two, three-time meals. Doctors have been established that the more the break between meals, the stronger appetite, and this leads to greater food consumption for saturation.

Fractional food is optimally suited for pregnant women for better digestion. This is very important in the conditions of a constantly increasing uterus, which presses on the internal organs and shifts them, including the abdominal cavity. Thus, abundant food negatively affects the work of the stomach and intestines of a pregnant woman and thereby increases the risk of gastritis, exacerbation of cholecystitis, the occurrence of meteorism and other unpleasant symptoms.

Diet nutrition during pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy It is important to organize in such a way that it is not only healthy, rational and balanced, but also dietary. Not in understanding that pregnant women should extend herself with starvation or all sorts of diets, and in terms of the use of those products that will bring the maximum benefit of its body and the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Diet food during pregnancy is primarily based on protein food and vitamins. It is optimal to consider the diet that does not exceed 2,000 kcal consumption per day. The future mother should not limit himself in the reception of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, fresh juices, nuts, greenery, bread with bran. The first trimester is the laying of the body of a small little man. Therefore, protein acts as a "building material" and is necessary for the formation of all organs, tissues and fetal systems.

The second trimester can be considered a period of active development and growth of the fetus. The daily diet of the future mother should be 2500 kcal, but the feeding must be carried out not by sugar and all sorts of sweets, but at the expense of fats of plant origin. During this period, the reception of vitamins (A, C, E, B, D, K) is important, which in their natural form are contained in potatoes, products from the flour of coarse grinding, eggs, bran, fruits, legumes, solid croups, as well as cottage cheese, low-fat meat and liver.

Vegetable salads, raw carrots, fish, milk, degreased cottage cheese and cheese - those products that bring great favor to the parent organism, helping to cope with the baby tool.

Dietary food during pregnancy implies a restriction of salt, especially in recent months. Salt contributes to the fluid delay in the tissues of the body and can provoke the occurrence of the swelling. In this case, the optimal solution will be a sore diet. In favor of dietary food, it should be abandoned with salted, sweet, acute and fried food, as well as canned food, smoked and marinades. In the last weeks of pregnancy, nutritionist doctors recommend to reduce food calorie to increase the elasticity of muscle fibers.

The most important principle of the preparation of the daily menu for a pregnant woman should be introduced into the diet is simple and at the same time useful food. It is important to take into account the quality and number of products, as well as the type of cooking, compliance with the power mode, all these factors affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the child.

Balanced nutrition during pregnancy

Powered during pregnancy and balance - constituting one whole. Adhering to the rules of balanced nutrition, the future mother will relieve itself from chronic ailments, will be able to keep a weight gain under control, as well as reliably protect both his health and the health of the future kid.

Balanced nutrition during pregnancy - what is it? First of all, it is based on the principle of use of the maximum useful products containing a sufficient amount of vitamins, as well as the necessary microelements and nutrients.

Balanced in nutrition means the optimal combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. As for fats, it is advisable to get them from low-fat varieties of fish and different types of vegetable oil, as well as poultry meat, rabbit, beef. Such fats are easily absorbed by the organism and fill its useful energy. Proteins (amino acids) play a crucial role in the structure of cells, so their introduction to the diet of a pregnant woman should be mandatory. Priests are saturated with foods such as meat and fish (low-fat varieties), eggs, dairy products, solid cheese and cottage cheese, as well as grain, legumes. As part of a balanced nutrition, it is important to take into account the optimal combination of vegetable and animal proteins, "thus there will be better assimilation. For example, milk is well combined with grain, corn, bean, rice, fish - with eggs, cheese - with potatoes.

Carbohydrates are rightfully considered to be "energystations" providing the body by opposition to daily loads and stress. Food-rich in carbohydrates is, first of all, bread and pasta, dairy / dairy products, legumes, carrots, beets, potatoes, as well as berries and fruits / dried fruits.

Balanced nutrition during pregnancy takes into account the use of fiber, the fibers of which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract and carefully clean it. Many fiber is contained in croups, brown rice, legumes, greenery, fresh berries. An important rule of balanced nutrition is the consumption of vitamins. To satisfy the daily rate of the future mother, the vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor may be needed.

Drinking mode must also be balanced. Many processes in the body depend on the amount of fluid, including exchangers. The need of a pregnant woman in drinking can satisfy 5-6 cups of liquids in the form of tea, compotes, juices, milk, as well as 2-3 cups of fresh drinking water.

Sports and pregnancy

Many women do not know about the rules of nutrition during pregnancy and are often faced with various problems associated with the wrong lifestyle during the nesting period of the baby, as well as an irrational power regimen.

Sports nutrition and pregnancy: Is there a connection between these concepts? First of all, it should be noted that if a woman is not contraindicated with physical exercises and sports, it can safely lead an active lifestyle. And in this she will help her sports nutrition, based on the use of natural food rich in proteins. It should be noted that this consists of a general feature between sports and children's nutrition, since protein food is quickly absorbed. Among the protein-containing products, it should be noted all types of TNAZ. "Lean" meat (chicken, lamb, veal, beef), fish and seafood, eggs, cheese, dairy products.

The purpose of sports nutrition is to saturate the body with the maximum amount of nutrients necessary for the growth of force, accelerate fat burning, etc. If the future mother before conception took sports nutrition, then in the period of tooling the child, it is necessary to eliminate the reception of fat-burning or pre-construction complexes, as well as caffener-containing products. You should be careful with the products from the popular sports nutrition grades, which contain dyes, sweeteners and flavors, and often substances exciting CNS.

A protein diet may be needed with protein deficit, vegetarianism, allergies on eggs and meat, strong toxicosis, which prevents the full satisfaction of the body of a pregnant woman in protein food. In this case, you can take protein, but only in its "pure" form, without any additives.

Recipes for proper nutrition during pregnancy

To diversify the menu, a pregnant woman can take advantage of various recipes that will bring not only benefit, but also give pleasure from taste.

Some recipes for proper nutrition during pregnancy are shown below.

  • Dessert "Bowl Perse". The composition of cooking products: yogurt - 200 ml, nuts - 2 tbsp. spoons, banana - 1 pc., Apple - ¼ parts, peach - ½ parts, currants (or other berry) - 2 tbsp. Spoons, kiwi - 1 pc. All ingredients need to be mixed - and the dish is ready! You can use such a dessert as breakfast or snack.
  • "Vegetable mix". The composition of such a useful dish includes broccoli, zucchini, carrots and artichokes (1 pcs.). All vegetables need to be separated into parts: artichoke - clean, broccoli - divided into inflorescences, carrots and zucchini cut circles. The dish is prepared for a pair, and then seasoned with a sauce in the form of a dried basil with olive oil. You can add greens to taste.
  • "Lean Myesied". To prepare such a dish, you will need a piece of boiled meat (low-fat) - 200 g, yogurt (100 g), parmesan (3 tbsp. Spoons), greens and any vegetables (to taste): Tomato (2 pcs.), Carrot (1 pc. ), You can use zucchini, cabbage, etc. The meat should be cut into three separate circles, and then lubricate the chopped vegetables on each meat circle, put the dish into a plate, sprinkle with parmesan on top. For cooking dish use microwave. Cooking time - 30 seconds.

For the preparation of dishes, you can use fantasy, combining useful products with each other: For example, oatmeal and yogurt (mix and add pieces of fruit, dried and honey); Vegetables and fruits (chop carrots, cucumber, and apple, mix and add yogurt, cheese, olives).

Meals during pregnancy should be correct and as much as possible and be sure to deliver the future mother true pleasure!, And this means a complete rejection of harmful food: fast food, smoked fried dishes, marinades, etc. The future mother will bring more benefits to stew, baked food, as well as cooked or cooked for a pair. In addition, all foods should be extremely fresh and natural, without the maintenance of preservatives, dyes and harmful food additives.

Food with pregnancy

The health of the future mother and her child depends on the proper nutrition. From some products it should be refused, the use of others needs to be limited - all this must be considered when choosing products and compiling the daily menu of a pregnant woman.

Food with pregnancy should be as useful as possible and natural. Among the required products you need to celebrate eggs, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, dairy and lactic acid products, legumes, sweet potatoes, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as cereal, nuts, leaf vegetables. In a word, all products that contain many useful substances (trace elements and vitamins) should replenish the daily diet of the future mother.

An indispensable source of protein is meat. It should be given preference to its low-fat varieties - beef, chicken, rabbit meat, veal, turkey. Dark greens (cabbage, spinach, salad leaves) is saturated with vitamins C, E, C. Very useful for pregnant various fruits and vegetables, as well as berries, which will provide the body with the necessary minerals, vitamins, antioxidants.

Products must be recently fresh, contain natural ingredients and bring maximum benefit. When they choose, attention should be paid to the date of manufacture, the shelf life, storage conditions. Future mom is contraindicated products, the composition of which there are preservatives, nutritional supplements, taste amplifiers. It should be abandoned by marinades, salted products, smoked, fast food. Such food is not only harmful to health, but also adversely affects the work of the internal organs, which in the process of tooling the child and so undergo a strong load.

Jellery food during pregnancy

Often the process of nourishing the child provokes the occurrence of problems associated with the work of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder. So a biliary disease can develop, which is very undesirable for a pregnant woman. To minimize the possibility of rock formation in the bile canals or a bustling bubble, the future mother needs to take care of appropriate nutrition.

Glace food during pregnancy is, above all, lactic acid products, cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, juices, spinach, vegetable oil, whole grain cereals, celery. The diet of a pregnant woman will help to diversify salads from fresh vegetables and fruits on vegetable oil, cereal, ginger tea, fresh juices (especially grape), wild rose.

"Enemies" of proper nutrition, which aggravate the work of the gallbladder, are fried and smoked foods, coffee, any pastry, fatty borshs and soups - they are harmful to the body due to increased fat content, overload the work not only by the gastrointestinal tract, But also liver and gallbladder.

To keep the process of digestion within the normal range, you can use choleretic fees. However, before their use of pregnant, it is necessary to consult with their doctor, since some types of medicinal herbs are prohibited for use during the period of having a child and lactation.

The beginning of pregnancy is a difficult period. It is complicated by the fact that the woman begins to experience new sensations that she does not even always explain. And here is not only emotional and psychological background, but and physical. Flavoring addictions change, and at the same time there are ailments. It is very important to hold the future mom in this difficult time and make food a pregnant woman in the early terms is diverse, and so that they get a maximum of useful substances from eating.

What to exclude from the diet?

Food of pregnant women in early time should be balanced and completely eliminating harmful food. It includes:

  • all snacks (chips, crackers, etc.);
  • sausages, sausages, etc.;
  • fast preparation products by type "Just add boiling water". These do not include all sorts of cereals, soups, especially if they contain dyes and preservatives;
  • smoked products;
  • products containing sodium gluconate (E576) and other harmful e-additives;
  • roasted and non-carbonated sweet drinks, coffee, energy drinks, alcohol.
What should eat more?

The diet of a pregnant woman in the early last time should include food 5-6 times a day. The food must be familiar to the future milf, only with some features. First of all, products containing calcium are introduced into the diet: solid cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, kefir and home cooking yogurts. The latter are very well struggling with constipation, and this is important, because according to statistics, 50% of pregnant women suffers from problems with digestion. It is also worth incorporating products containing manganese: eggs, turkey meat, oatmeal, raisins, bananas, almonds, carrots, etc. These two microelements will contribute to the fact that the shell will correctly form in the fetal egg and develop the placenta.

In addition, you should not forget about the fiber that is so necessary for pregnant women. Therefore, vegetables and fruits should be 40% of the menu. Vegetables can be used both in the parenchy, boiled and in a stewed form, be sure to add several drops of olive or sunflower oil. Salads from raw vegetables, refilled by unsweequate yogurts or low-fat sour creamy.

Fruits should be used with caution if you are prone to completeness, because They contain many sucrose and they are quite calories. This is especially true of bananas and dates. We use green apples, pears, peaches and apricots more. In general, doctors have long been recommended to eat more than growing in the area where pregnant lives.

What should be careful?

Futive mommies, in addition to harmful meals, should be careful, including strong allergens in their diet. This is due to the fact that in the future the child may be allergic to these products:

  • red color fruits, vegetables and berries. For example, apples, strawberries, etc.;
  • citrus: lemon, orange, etc. (The exception is only grapefruit);
  • honey, chocolate;
  • red fish.
How to deal with toxicosis?

In the diet for pregnant women in the early deadlines, you need to include those products that a woman can eat. No matter how helpfulr was not a carrot, but if you are sick of it, then you should not invent various variations with this product. You just can not eat it.

With well helps crackers and sour apples. If you have morning toxicosis, then attempt without getting out of bed, several crackers, and a little later calmly breakfast, and nausea must retreat. It is not entirely convenient to eat apples, especially if you go to a business meeting, and toxicosis does not leave you alone. Therefore, make yourself cut from sour apples and dry them. Drying is convenient to take with me and there are many vitamins. It is also very useful to drink a lot of pure non-carbonated water. In this period, the daily rate is 8 glasses. Exceptions are only those women who are subject to edema.

If you do not want to eat at all, try to persuade yourself and baby, eat what you love, but provided that it is not harmful. For example, if you are happy to eat nuts and do not want meat, go to meet your body, and make a vegetable salad with arugula and cedar nuts. It is very tasty and useful. And your baby will tell you thanks.

Food of a pregnant woman in the early stages can be combined in the menu of dishes that are prepared for a couple or cook, and vegetables are served, both in fresh and prepared.

Approximate on day:

A lot of myths are connected with pregnancy and will accept. Very often they bring a lot of inconvenience to the most pregnant, complicating their lives. Many myths are associated with food of pregnant women. You can often hear advice to eat for two, or, on the contrary, to sit on the diet so that the baby does not grow too large. Many misconceptions are related to the use of certain products, such as chocolate or sweets.

In order not to worry about your food and do not create excess loads on your body, every woman before the occurrence of pregnancy should be learn how to eat right at this time. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the planning of the diet of a pregnant woman, you just need to try to give the child everything you need and not to give extra. And how to do it, we will try to figure it out.

Proper nutrition in trimesters

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. In the first trimester, our nutrition commands nausea. Happy, which this fate will not comprehend, can rejoice at the coming pregnancy. The rest you have to reduce meals to a minimum, try to eat a little by little, the most light dishes without a pronounced smell. It is better to give preference to porridge, fruits, vegetables, it is necessary to eat meat and drink enough liquid to avoid dehydration.

In the second trimester nausea passes and the woman is waiting for another invisible enemy - elevated. During this period, it is very important to secure full-fledged food without overeating. Since the baby begins to actively grow, he needs more and more vitamins and nutrients. A woman should eat more meat, vegetables and fruits during this period. It is important to eat products rich in iron, such as liver, buckwheat, apples, tomatoes.

The further the pregnancy is developing, the higher the probability of swelling, therefore it is necessary to strictly limit the consumption of salt. The grazing tummy in the third trimester often provokes heartburn. During this period, it is important to eat a little by little and give preference to products with an alkaline reaction, such as cottage cheese, eggs, boiled meat, fish, bird, steam omelets, dried white bread.

Another eagerness of pregnant women associated with meals - constipation. To avoid them, it is important to eat fermented dairy products, dried dried fruits, salads from raw vegetables (if there is no heartburn), boiled cabbage and beet. It is very important that the volume of the resulting food was sufficient. It is necessary to eat more low-calorie dishes rich in fiber.

How much fluid need to drink during pregnancy?

About the liquid during pregnancy also go legends. Someone advises to drink, someone on the contrary - to limit the use of fluid so as not to provoke the appearance. Modern medicine argues - it is necessary to drink, but in moderation. Pregnant woman should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It is water that helps to bring toxins from the body and does not allow to form kidney stones.

You need to drink shortly, a few sips, and choose the correct drinks. It is clear that sweet multicolored sodes from the diet must be excluded. It is best to drink simple water. If you want something more tasty, then you can choose juice, but it is worth it to dilute with water 1: 1 and at the same time juice should be natural and not very sweet.

A lot of questions concerns the use of caffery beverages during pregnancy. From black coffee for pregnancy, it is better to refuse better, but if a woman is accustomed to him, it is better to do it gradually or drink no more than 1-2 cups per day, gradually reducing his fortress. Tea, both black and green can be used in reasonable limits, a cup or two per day will not damage. But this does not mean, you can drink two cups of each drink - You can drink no more than two cups of drinks containing caffeine, per day.

Often familiar teas are advised to replace herbal. Do not do this. Cause - many herbs have an abutient action, and a woman may not know about it. For example, by many hibiscus, which we know as a carcade, is exactly such a plant.

Do you need to eat for two?

Very often, pregnant is recommended to eat for two. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to immediately pounce on food, increasing the portion twice. Really, the need for energy in a pregnant woman increases, but not immediately twice, but gradually. Therefore, it is not necessary to increase the volume of serving at all, it is only necessary to monitor the quality of food.

It is believed that a pregnant woman on average should consume 2.5 thousand kcal per day. But this is a medium figure, someone needs a little more, and someone less. therefore it is important to focus on the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother, as well as to control the weight gain. In addition, you need to follow what you eat. Every major nutrients such as fats and carbohydrates should be enough in food. Moreover in the second half of pregnancy, proteins will need more, but the consumption of carbohydrates will have to reduce. This is especially true of sweets and flour.

If a constant wish appears to chew something, it is better to go for a walk or chew vegetables. Many girls during pregnancy allow themselves to overeat, believing that this baby wants to eat. Then this is poured into a long and difficult discharge of excess weight.

Is there any need for receiving pharmacy vitamins?

Very often in the literature you can meet recommendations to take vitamins during pregnancy. In most cases, this literature is or frankly outdated, or issued by the manufacturers of vitamins themselves. Today there are several points of view on the reception of vitamins. One of the most new and maintained points of view in the world says that only folic acid is necessary and only at the planning stage and in the first trimester.

What are the rest of the vitamins? They are often recommended to use in the second and third trimesters. But in fact, if the woman was able to become pregnant and to convey pregnancy to half - a pronounced avitaminosis, she most likely not. If a woman can buy a notched vitamin complex for pregnant women, then it is most likely to afford to eat normally, maybe. In any case, the full nutrition is much more useful than taking synthetic vitamin.

There is another problem associated with the reception of vitamins - their overdose is extremely dangerous.. For example, overdose during pregnancy can lead to a violation of the formation of the heart of the fetus. Surplus some vitamins are derived from the body without harm to it, but at the same time the load on the excretory system increases. Conclusion one - when avitaminosis, which is impossible to cure with the right nutrition, the reception of vitamins is needed, but only on the recommendation and under the control of doctors. It must be vitamins for pregnant women, which contain vitamin D and trace elements. An independent appointment of vitamins "just in case" is contraindicated.

What dangers can hire food during pregnancy

It is very dangerous to overeat during pregnancy, especially in its second half. At this time, the liver of a woman carries an increased load, and overeating increases it even more. The body can respond to all signs of intoxication. Therefore, overeating can lead to, weakness and vomiting. During vomiting, spasms of the stomach and other organs often occur, which can lead to premature births.

It is very important to exclude from the diet too salty dishes. The abundance of salt provokes venous stagnation and the appearance of edema. And this is quite dangerous, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Also should not be pounced on any exotic. This can provoke a trap disorder or allergic reactions. The earliest vegetables and fruits are also not the best choice for a pregnant woman - they may contain a lot of harmful chemicals from fertilizers and means for planting plants.

Important during pregnancy Avoid any strong allergens.
This does not mean that they need to be excluded completely, it is simply no need to abuse - one or two chocolate candy harm will not bring, but five or six can provoke an allergic reaction or cause the development of allergies from the baby after the year.

Eat during pregnancy better in feeling of hunger, and not on schedule, Since with time the need for nutrients can change, and the old chart will lose the relevance. Eating after 19.00 is better to restrict, you can drink kefir or yogurt, eat something non-calorie and easy.

It is important to eat slowly, not in a hurry, well chewing food. At the same time, it is very important to sit comfortably. Often, the tummy supports the stomach and interferes with the normal reception of food, so you can eat in any position - if only it was convenient. As soon as the feeling of hunger is gone - a meal must be stopped.

It is better to give preference to simple products that fir our great-grandfathers. It is also necessary to cook everything just - cook, soar, bake. It is not necessary to eat complex salads with a bunch of exotic components, sushi, fruits from distant countries, and all that our body has learned to digest relatively recently.

And the last rule - if it is impossible, but I really want to be very sensitive. Remember - pregnant women can not worry and feel unhappy if you are confident that sweetie, podcake, strawberry, etc. Make you happy - let yourself quite a little bit. Remember - not for you.

Did you know that certain groups of vitamins and trace elements are important for each pregnancy period? We will tell about balanced nutrition in the early periods of pregnancy.

If you have not adhered to the right nutrition to pregnancy, it was frivolously related to food, abusing fast food and semi-finished products, you urgently need to reconsider your habits. After all, proper nutrition is directly related to the development of the baby in the early periods of pregnancy. In the first trimester, almost all organs and internal systems are formed at the future child. In the future, there is only their growth, development and configuration of the functions of the body. Throughout this period, the embryo turns into a fruit.

Balanced nutrition at the very beginning of pregnancy (up to 10-12 weeks) is necessary to ensure the mother and the body of the baby with useful vitamins and microelements. The use of these substances allows to grow harmoniously and develop the baby. A competent diet will help his mother to avoid problems with the digestive system and other organs, and not to gain extra weight.

Often food during pregnancy at an early stage can be accompanied by unusual gastronomic addictions. Choosing food and combination of products may seem very strange. But this is an explanation. It is believed that this way the body gives a signal of a shortage of certain vitamins or trace elements. For example, it wanted sea cabbage - in the body a disadvantage of iodine, salted cucumbers - you need to replenish the stock of vitamin C, pulls on the fish - lack of vitamin B1, bananas - potassium and vitamin B6, etc.

Working out for yourself at the beginning of pregnancy, remember that the food must be fractional, products are always fresh. If you really want something, do not put yourself rigorous prohibitions. Sometimes, but infrequently, you can pamper yourself a cup of coffee or chocolate. After all, the emotional state of the future mother also affects the mood of the baby.

Food in the first month of pregnancy

The beginning of the obstetric period of pregnancy is not the time of conception, but the first day of the last month. Therefore, your food on the first two weeks of pregnancy hardly distinguished from the usual diet. Although this period is very important for the development of the kid. During the pregnancy planning, it is necessary to increase the amount of folic acid, which ensures the necessary rate of development of the embryo, allows you to minimize the risk of developing innocent defects. In the first days of pregnancy, it is necessary to include in the food greens, leaf salad, grain crops.

Drawing up a menu in the first weeks and months of pregnancy is a complex process, since every week the embryo is growing, it appears new organs and systems. And this requires changes in the diet, adding new products to it with a content of certain useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

On the 3-4 week, the placenta and a fetal shell begins to develop, so during this period it is worth an increase in the consumption of products containing calcium and manganese. The menu it is necessary to turn on milk and fermented dairy products, broccoli, green vegetables, as well as turkey, pork, oatmeal, raisins, carrots.

From 5-6 weeks can begin toxicosis. If you climb out this trouble, then you should change your menu. Replace meat and eggs with vegetable proteins: nuts, bean, and instead of milk, eat a few pieces of cheese or drink yogurt. To protect your body from dehydration, you need to drink more. To facilitate the state, you can eat a handful of raisins for the night.

How to eat with toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy, you can advise your attending physician.

Food in the first month of pregnancy: basic rules

How to eat a future mother in the early period of pregnancy, only a doctor can say. After all, each organism is unique and has its own characteristics. It should be remembered that during pregnancy there is a risk of exacerbating chronic diseases, so if you had problems with digestion, be sure to report this to your doctor who will make a special diet for you not only in early time, but also for the entire period of pregnancy.

To protect yourself from food poisoning, rapid weight gain, the risk of developing pathologies of the fetus, it is very important to comply with the right nutrition during the whole pregnancy, and not only in early time. The following recommendations will be useful for future mothers:

  • choose cheeses made of pasteurized milk, solid or melted varieties;
  • try not to buy rates or sliced \u200b\u200bproducts if they are not in vacuum packaging;
  • it is better to refrain from drinking dishes with raw fish and seafood;
  • meat and fish are recommended to use after heat treatment;
  • make your hands thoroughly before cooking and having food;
  • in no case eat the products that the expiration date is expired;
  • follow the rules of hygiene in the kitchen (use different cutting boards and knives for meat, fish and vegetables, keep clean the refrigerator).

Listen to yourself, your body will tell you how to eat in the early periods of pregnancy, and the attending physician will adjust your menu.

Pregnancy is a very important period for any woman. That is why from the first days, the future mommy must take care of himself and about the tiny miracle, which will appear in nine months, she needs to be rationally eating and rudely in the fresh air. A special gymnastics is necessary during this period.

1 trimester, lasting the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, is very important for the baby. It is at this time that there is a bookmark and differentiation of all its systems and organs. The first step towards the health of the future baby is the development of a future milf. The correctly selected menu will allow the child to have a strong bone system, it is easier to cope with infections, eliminate the danger of manifestation of food allergies, and also have good mental abilities.

Future Future Merft Features

What is important to consider, developing food during pregnancy? 1 trimester does not imply a special change in the nature of nutrition and lifestyle. It is only important that the diet of a pregnant woman is as varied as possible, because its baby is still very small and extremely sensitive to the lack of nutrients. Food of future moms should be the most diverse. It must include vegetables and fruits, seafood and greens, seeds and nuts, as well as fermented dairy products.

In order for the future mommy and her child a balanced diet, what needs to be taken into account, developing food during pregnancy? 1 trimester - a period in which products from four groups can be included. Consider them in more detail.

Milk products

For normal growth of the fetus, placenta and uterine, as well as to increase the volume of circulating blood flow, its body has been required from the first week of pregnancy. His drawback is perfectly filled with dairy products. Their use will also allow to saturate the body of the mother and child by calcium, which is important to strengthen the teeth and the bone system.

What should be in this connection for pregnancy? 1 trimester is recommended to accompany the consumption until the milk of milk during the day. And it may not only be in solid form. It is useful to include in the diet of prostrip and kefir, yoghurts and dairy desserts, and, of course, cottage cheese. Recommend future mothers and some cheese varieties. Their list includes solid, as well as pasteurized and melted.

Meat products

For the normal functioning of the parent organism, as well as for the development of the fetus, future mothers should use dishes with a sufficient number of group vitamins B, iron and protein. All these substances are contained in meat products.

How should food during pregnancy be organized in this case? 1 trimester will require inclusion in the menu lamb and beef, pork and fish. It is necessary for future mommy and poultry meat. Products related to this group should be used by a woman twice a day. At the same time, more preference is still recommended to give fish and poultry meat. But if dishes for future moms are prepared from pork, beef or lamb, then you need to choose only lean pieces, removing areas with fat from them. In addition, constituting the diet of a pregnant man (1 trimester), it is important to remember that:

  • all meat products must be either boiled or baked (fried and smoked dishes must be excluded);
  • before cooking, the skin from the bird must be removed;
  • the most lean is pork, lamb and beef;
  • purchased sausages include a lot of fat.

Potatoes, cereals and bread

This product group contains so necessary in the diet of pregnant trace elements, vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber. When buying bread, future mothers need to pay attention to varieties of or containing solid grains. Also, with each meal, dishes are recommended from rice, pasta and potatoes. As a side dish, it is good to use porridge from a variety of croup. What else can still be products of this group? Bring the mother and baby use of flakes and muesli.

Vegetables and fruits

Everyone knows that for normal livelihoods, the human body should receive in sufficient cells, various trace elements and vitamins. 1 trimester is a period when a woman especially needs these useful elements. And it is worth paying attention to the menu development. In it, the future mammy must necessarily include vegetables and fruits. Moreover, their use is recommended at least four times during the day. During this period, juices from fruits and vegetables are put on schedule, as well as salads that should be the main food in the 1st trimester. There is nothing difficult in this. In addition, it is not about avocado or kiwi at all. Eating apples, pears, as well as banal carrots and beets, cabbage and turnips, cucumbers, sweet peppers, etc. That is, what can always be found on the shelves of our stores.

Very useful for pregnant carrot juice. Moreover, it is possible to make a wonderful drink, which contains not only many vitamins, but also calcium, as well as phosphorus, allowing to develop the fetus normally. For this mix carrots and turnips juice. Such a drink will help to normalize the blood pressure of a woman.
Recommended in 1 trimester include apples, pears, plums, grapes, bananas and other fruits in the menu. They contain many vitamins and trace elements for the fetus.

For example, ordinary apples. There are many varieties of this fruit, each of which is good in its own way. But they are all useful for pregnant women, as they contain lemon and apple acids, trace elements (iron and sulfur, magnesium and potassium, phosphorus and manganese), tannils and pectins. Apples in the raw form will contribute to the activation of the branch of the gastric juice, and in baked - improve, but in any case, this fruit will appear a wonderful dietary product for future moms.

Various minerals (silicon, calcium and phosphorus) are rich and pears. They are especially needed for kidney diseases and blood circulation systems. Pregnant women should have only sweet cultural varieties of pears. This is due to the small content of tanning elements in them. Wild pears will have a fixing effect on the intestines, which will worsen the work of the digestive system.

What are the features of the woman's nutrition in the 1st trimester? All dishes used should be enjoyed, without causing discomfort at no temperature, nor in taste.

In addition, pregnant should know:

  1. Want saloon? Wonderful. The first 3 months of tooling the fetus is simply necessary, because the sauerkraut and pickled cucumber, the uroin apple and a piece of herring are capable of exciting appetite.
  2. Fruits and vegetables should be used in moderation. If the body opposes the cabbage, you should not force yourself to press it. Also do not use too much carrot juice. An excessive amount of carotene contained in it will only hurt the baby.
  3. Fish, vegetables, meat, fruit are mandatory diet products. The vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances are very useful and the woman, and its future kid.
  4. Do not forget about fermented milk products, cottage cheese and cheese. Their use will satisfy the ever-increasing need for calcium. In addition, they will work out those moms who for some reason are not tolerated whole milk.
  5. It is necessary to avoid canned, fried and smoked products. Such food is harmful.
  6. You should drink in sufficient quantities by using fresh-sided juices, fruit, compotes, as well as table mineral water. Liquid will warn the constipation and makes the work of the intestine.
  7. It is also important to correctly distribute all the necessary groups of products to each of the food meals. So, cereals, fish and meat should be included in dinner and breakfast dishes. This is due to the fact that these products are rich in protein, which increases the metabolism and is delayed in the stomach for a long time. Dishes used in the afternoon must be vegetable and dairy. Do not arrange abundant meals in the evening. This will negatively affect the body of a pregnant woman and will prevent her to normal rest and sleep.
  8. In the period of the 1st trimester, it is desirable to eat 5-7 times during the day.

The diet of the first week of pregnancy

Food Women must be carefully planned. To do this, you will need to paint all the dishes in advance if not by day, then at least for weeks. Such planning will be more rational, because the period of pregnancy is considered precisely in weeks, each of which is the next stage in the development of the child.

So, how should food in the first trimester be distributed? Consider this question more.

The first week of pregnancy, the egg cell is actively crushed and attached to the walls of the uterus. During this period, the diet of the future milf should be as healthy as possible. The menu should contain only natural useful products that are necessary to maintain the female body in the tone.

In the first week of pregnancy, it is enough to use ordinary food that does not contain harmful components. During this period, it is important to remember the benefits of berries, fruits and vegetables. But from canned food, bold dishes and sweets are preferably refused. Such nutrition will prevent possible problems with a set of excess weight and will be excellent prevention of early toxicosis. During this period, it is necessary to use fruits whose peel is painted in bright yellow color. Their list includes bananas and melons, peaches and mangoes. In the day diet should be yogurts with natural berries, toasts with cheese and cereals and another

Food of pregnant women in the second week

The dishes included in the menu of future moments in the first 14 days should be varied. This period is when the foundations of all vital systems are beginning to be laid.

What can be a woman on the 2nd week of having a child? In large quantities, she should include cereal salads, cheeses, yogurts and dairy products in its menu. At the same time, even if I really want to eat the familiar fast food (Potato Frey, hot dogs, pizza), they still should be abandoned from them from any benefit. Future mommy must take care that the dishes entering its menu are maximally vitamined. To do this, there must be vegetables and fruits (especially yellow). Eliminate the problem of early toxicosis will help the refusal of oily and fried food.

At the 2nd week of the baby tooling, it is recommended to receive products, which contains folic acid. This element has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Contains folic acid in fruits and dried fruits, as well as in the rubbish and freshly frozen berries. Thus, there should be bananas and kiwi in the menu, raspberries and figs, grenades, strawberries, etc. From vegetables to replenish the body with folic acid, it is recommended to use eggplants and all kinds of cabbage. Also a lot of this useful for baby substances contain beans, spinach, leaf salad and parsley greens, walnuts and hazelnuts, white mushrooms and yeast.

The main need for vitamins. Future mothers can provide in the use of animal and vegetable products, as well as dishes from potatoes, liver, legumes, milk, etc.

In the second week of 1 trimester, a woman can quickly gain weight. To avoid this, she should abandon jam, sweets and other confectionery products. It is also desirable to stop the use of sugar in pure form. Those who are serious about the health of their future kid, it is necessary to categorically refuse drugs that are not appointed by a doctor, canned, sharp seasonings and alcoholic beverages.

Food of pregnant women in the third week

Selection of dishes included in the diet of the future milf is a very serious question. And the one who comes to him with all liability must take into account the processes occurring in the development of the fetus.

The 3rd week is important to eat dairy products, broccoli and green vegetables, as well as drinking fruit juices, the composition of which is rich in calcium. This element is needed to form a bone system of the child. Also, the future kid needs manganese and zinc. There are many in low-fat beef and eggs, oatmeal and meat turkey, walnuts and almonds. At this time, the future mammy needs to eat raisins, carrots and spinach, as well as a variety of vegetables, berries and fruits.

Food for pregnant fourth week

This period is no less important for the development of the body of the kid. - The period when a fetal egg changes its shape, becoming similar to the embryo, in which in addition to vital organs, small tissues begin to develop.

Food Women during this period should include only useful food. Even those who really want to have a cup of coffee, it should be abandoned from it. After all, this drink will give a greater load on a small heart. In addition, those who prefer to eat sausages and smoked, it will be necessary to gradually move to boiled meat. 4 weeks of pregnancy - time, involving the daily use of vegetables and fruits, porridge, dairy products. Need during this period and

Food of pregnant women on the fiftie

For this period, early toxicosis is most often characteristic. In such cases, a special diet will make it easier. 1 trimester involves a menu in which animal proteins are replaced by vegetable. That is, instead of meat, eggs and other products from this group you need to use nuts, legumes and soy.

Food of pregnant women on the sixth week

This period in terms of changing the diet of the future mummy has its own characteristics. 1 trimester approached his middle. Dates of pregnancy require some correction. So, a woman even before the lifting from bed should start his day from a cup of tea with a cracker or a cracker. A little reinforced and before bedtime. At this time you need to drink more. It is also recommended to refuse canned food, smoked and greasy food.

The development of the fetus for a period of 6 weeks occurs quite actively. That is why the diet should have dishes containing as much vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. They are prepared from vegetables and fruits, meat and greens, as well as fish. For the normal development of the baby, it is necessary to continue to eat dairy products.

Food of pregnant women on the seventh week

During this period, it is important to include those dishes in the daily diet that will help reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. To do this, you need to continue to do the morning snacks, without getting out of bed, using a cracker, salty strobs, loaf with cereals or dry cookies.

At the seventh week, the embryo begins the laying of dairy teeth. That is why you need to continue to include in the menu products containing calcium. However, it is important not to abuse this element. When entering the body of a large amount of calcium, the uterus tone can occur.

In the same period, it should be refused to adopt fried potatoes, legumes and cabbage. This will avoid increased gas formation. The future mommy should give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat and nuts.

Food of pregnant on the eighth week

This period requires an even greater balance of the day diet, which must include a full range of trace elements and vitamins. This will ensure the growing fruit of all the components necessary for it.

With the ongoing toxicosis of the future mommy, it is recommended to eat dry cookies, nuts, drinking tea from ginger in the mornings.

In this period, the use of protein food is also important, including boiled meat of non-fat varieties.

The balance of nutrients in the body of a woman is superbly supported by seafood and fish. Intestinal peristalsis during this period will improve fresh vegetables and fruits. And the dairy products will replenish the body of the future mother and the child as necessary calcium.

The woman should remember that during this period, even if you really want, it is impossible to eat fresh bread, legumes and yeast dough products. These products make it difficult to work the intestine, causing gas formation and meteorism processes. It is prohibited during this period is acute, oily and fried food, as well as pickles. Such dishes can cause heartburn.

Nutrition for pregnant women on the ninth week

During this period in the body of a woman there is a significant hormonal restructuring. That is why rational food becomes especially necessary for the future mommy. All dishes consumed should be vitaminized and in full compound contain carbohydrates, trace elements, fats and proteins. A significant role in this period is a water balance. Every day, a pregnant woman should consume 1-1.5 liters of fluid contained in water, juice, compote, tea, etc.

Food for pregnant last week

During this period, the future mammy often want to eat something unusual. But its taste preferences are constantly changing. In such cases, you need to eat exactly what I really want, but do not exceed the measure.

It is believed that this is exactly the body of a pregnant woman suggests that at the moment it is especially necessary for its future kid. Otherwise, women's food, as in all previous weeks, should be balanced and healthy. In the diet, it is necessary to include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fish and meat.

Food for pregnant at the eleventh week

During this period, a woman must saturate its body with calcium and fluorine, folic and fatty acids, vitamins D, E, C, A, in 1 and 6. At the eleventh week, the future motley is no longer as before, tormenting toxicosis. That is why it can begin to use products that, due to the uncomfortable state, were rejected by the body. At this stage, it is recommended to use a large number of fruits and vegetables. They will replenish the mother's body and the fetus necessary natural vitamins.

Food for pregnant women on the twelfth week

During this period, the future mammy should pay particular attention to breakfast. It should be nutritious and full. Next, throughout the day, a woman needs to eat often, but at the same time do not overeat. In addition, the future mommy should listen to its body and not to force themselves what causes disgust. Very important in the life of a woman is 1 trimester. Exercises with moderate load, walks in the fresh air and rational food will help support health and will give the fetus all the possibilities for normal development.