Spa care at home. Home spa! Professional advice. Cream-oil against hair loss Botanic Therapy, Garnier

The number of stressful situations that we face is steadily increasing: we have to make more and more decisions, the pace of life is accelerating more and more, and there is no end in sight to this running around.

It's no surprise that the culture of SPA (slow relaxation and pampering) is becoming more and more popular - beautiful breaks are vital for all of us.

SPA at home

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to arrange a SPA weekend with a trip to expensive hotels and salons (someone does not have enough time, someone is limited by the budget), but this does not mean that there is no place in your life for relaxation and a pleasant SPA -rituals.

If you manage to carve out an hour or two in your schedule, then you can treat yourself to spa treatments at home, that's a fact! The main thing is to remember what SPA is and what concept underlies the SPA philosophy.

SPA is not only and not so much body care, but pleasant procedures that help to switch attention from mental problems (turmoil of thoughts) to body sensations. And the main goal of spa treatments is to relax the mind, and not to solve cosmetic problems.

That is why good spas pay so much attention to the environment: a cozy clean room, pleasant aromas, soft light and relaxing music. You came to this place primarily to relax, and not to solve some cosmetic problems, and relaxation requires regularity and time, first of all.


How to arrange a spa break at home? Here are 7 important things to keep in mind.

SPA day planning

The first thing to start with is planning the time, and preparing your home for this moment. It is important that nothing distracts you from the process, so it is better to do all household chores in advance. If you, instead of resting and relaxing, are constantly distracted by cleaning or other household chores, then you will get a dubious SPA break ...

If your options are limited to an hour in the bath after the children fall asleep, then make sure that the bathroom is clean and pleasant to be in. Let it be only an hour, but you need to make the most of it!

There is another important point: our brain is constantly processing visual information, and the fewer objects that attract our attention, the easier it is to relax and switch off. That is why most spa spaces have a minimalistic design. At home, it is not always possible to get rid of a large number of things, but the less cluttered the space, the better you relax - this is a scientific fact.


Think about what you want to do and collect all the components in one place. Getting out of a warm fragrant bath and stomping into the kitchen because you forgot your scrub there is not the most pleasant feeling.

Write on a piece of paper what your SPA program will consist of, and prepare everything you need in advance so that your vacation is not interrupted by anything.


Fragrances and Products

Most spa treatments are somehow tied to water, water relaxes and relieves stress, at home it will be a fragrant bath. You can buy ready-made bath products (salts and foams), or make your own scented salt.

The second option is more interesting because essential oils have not only a cosmetic, but also a psychological effect, helping to relax, relieve stress and cheer up. You can read more about this here.


What exactly do you need to relax and unwind? Nobody knows this better than you. The traditional components of a home SPA party are relaxing music, candles and a glass of wine that you can enjoy while sitting in a fragrant bath. But there are endless variations on this theme: wine can be replaced with refreshing fruit water or warming herbal tea, for example.

Instead of music, you can download the sounds of nature, and enhance the feeling that you are, for example, on the seashore with the help of special scented candles. And instead of a real book, which is a pity to spoil with moisture, you can put yourself an audio book or listen to your favorite podcast.

And another important point - the room should be warm, if your bathroom is rich in drafts, then take care of a comfortable temperature in advance.


Personal care

The classic SPA program will include a fragrant bath, scrub or peeling, a mask for the face and décolleté and closing care (applying a nourishing cream).

If you have a desire, then along with bath salts, you can prepare yourself a homemade scrub to apply it with massaging circular movements, rising from the toes up to the décolleté. For the face and neck, it is better to take more gentle scrubs than those that are usually done for the body.

What kind of mask to make? You can buy a sheet mask in advance, or make yourself a clay mask at home - the main thing is that the process gives you pleasure!


After the bath and scrub, be sure to apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream or oil to the skin to “seal” moisture and enhance the effect of essential oils.



The final chord after any bath should be a warming or refreshing drink to restore the balance of body fluids that are lost while you are taking a bath.

Wrap yourself up in a cozy bathrobe, pour yourself a healthy one (which is better prepared and put in a thermos in advance) or make water with lemon and a pinch of Himalayan salt (analogous to electrolytic water), climb into your favorite chair with your feet and gradually return to reality.

Everyone deserves at least one day a week to pamper themselves. To save time and money, why not try some spa treatments at home? There are many relaxing and rejuvenating techniques that can be done using products that everyone has at home.

From massages to scrubs and facials, these treatments will leave you pampered from head to toe.

1. Head massage

A long head massage will give a pleasant sensation throughout the body. On the Internet, you will find many techniques, using which you will get unforgettable pleasure.

2. Aromatherapy

One of the most popular procedures of any spa treatment is aromatherapy. Whether you prefer candles, incense, or heated oils, it's important to indulge in relaxation through aromatherapy at home.

You can purchase aroma lamps and candles with your favorite scents. This will give vivacity for a long time.

3. Face masks

Facials are the easiest spa treatment option. They need to be done regularly. Use whatever you find in the fridge: yogurt, cucumbers, kefir, eggs, etc. Masks will make the face moisturized, radiant, silky. Use this treatment when you notice that your face looks a little tired, dry and uneven.

4. Body scrub

You don't need to go to Morocco to visit the hammam! A homemade scrub will exfoliate dead skin cells. After using the scrub, you will get hydrated and rejuvenated skin.

5. Hair mask

If you regularly use a hair dryer and curling iron, then you should definitely make homemade hair masks. The hair mask will leave your hair clean, hydrated and healthy. A hair mask can also be made from what is in the refrigerator.

6. Dry brush massage

Dry brushing has many benefits. Using a bamboo brush, you will help your skin relax, unclog pores, activate the lymphatic system and reduce cellulite. Having tried this procedure at least once, you will do it as often as you can.

7. Steam baths for the face

You don't have to go to the sauna to clear your pores. You can easily do this at home. Just gather your hair into a bun and lower your face over a pot of boiling water. Steam your face for about 15 minutes. For greater effect, cover your head with a towel. If you like, add a few drops of essential oil to the water.

8. Epilation

If you're feeling brave enough, it's worth practicing waxing. Do not worry, soon you will get used to the momentary pain. Use creams that soften the skin to reduce pain. After this procedure, you will enjoy smooth skin for a couple of weeks.

9. Micro-acupuncture

Micro-acupuncture can be intimidating at first. However, this treatment is far from being as painful and scary as it seems. The dermaroller causes microscopic damage to the skin, that is, invisible punctures on the upper layer of the epidermis. These tiny injuries stimulate the skin's healing process.

10. Manicure

You do not need to visit a beauty salon to get even, neat nails. With the money you save, it's better to buy tools for home manicure: UV lamp, gel polishes, nail files, etc. Over time, you will learn how to do the perfect manicure without spending a lot of money and time.

Spinning in the flow of affairs and solving a lot of problems every day, we completely forget to devote enough time to the most dear, close and beloved person - ourselves. There is no better environment to be alone with your thoughts, to understand your desires and dreams, than a bathroom filled with aromas of essential oils, the sounds of relaxing music and the mysterious flickering of candles. These decorations will help you relax and find harmony.

If in addition to pamper your body with a procedure peeling , chocolate or algae wrap, you get a real spa trip. How to arrange a spa resort at home, site experts say - Elizaveta Bakhareva, coach spa__-cosmetology Aveda, And Svetlana Nazarova, cosmetologist-expert at Oriflame.

Swimming on the waters

The mysterious word spa or "sanus per aquam" in Latin means "health from water." It originated in ancient Rome, where scientific minds were the first to discover and prove the benefits for the body and spirit of H2O. The concept of spa came into use with the first ennobled thermal springs, the debut of thermal baths and hot tubs, which together made the first spa resorts in history.

Now the word “spa” has become an international brand, every second beauty salon or specialized studio offers a journey with benefits for the spirit and body, and spa resorts are at the top of the popularity ratings of many travel agencies.

In order to go on an excursion to the depths of your consciousness and spend time with health benefits, you do not need a specially trained guide, you can become one yourself. The main thing is to choose a free evening and enjoy the rest in the company with you.

spa baths

The first stop on your itinerary is, of course, the reception baths . This procedure is necessary in order to relax the body and steam out the skin , thus preparing yourself for the next stages of the excursion called body-spiritual balance.

Therapeutic bath with essential oils

A bath with essential oils can serve not only as an excellent support for skin health, but also help tone the body, relax and find universal peace. When choosing an oil for the procedure, be guided by personal preferences. Think about what you need most right now:

  1. Get relaxed - lavender, neroli, rose, sage, patchouli, sandalwood, geranium, marjoram, frankincense, ylang-ylang, blue chamomile, cinnamon;
  2. Bring the body into tone - rosemary, eucalyptus, juniper, grapefruit, bergamot, ginger, peppermint, lemon, tangerine, tea tree oil, lemon balm;
  3. Do a detox , reduce skin inflammation - lavender, tea tree, orange, frankincense, cedar, juniper;
  4. Improve your mood - grapefruit, bergamot, peppermint, mandarin, vanilla;
  5. Get skin elasticity - jasmine, lavender, ylang-ylang, vanilla, sandalwood, rose.
  1. Fill the bath with water, its temperature should not exceed a comfortable body temperature - 37-38 degrees.
  2. Add there 5-6 drops of your chosen essential oil (oil in larger quantities can cause severe stress to the body), wait a few minutes.
  3. Start water procedures, lie in the bath for no more than 20 minutes. Best of all, if you arrange decorations in the form of candles in advance and turn on relaxing music (recordings of nature sounds, oriental chants, radio waves like Radio Jazz or Relax FM can serve as a background), then you can fully immerse yourself in the bliss of bliss.
  4. After the procedure, pat your body dry with a soft towel. You can complete the ritual in an oriental way by drinking herbal tea.

Relaxing sea salt bath

The sea heals and soothes, because sea water coincides with the vibrations of the human body. Not surprisingly, sea salt is a frequent guest in many spa treatments.

How to arrange a SPA at home

Create a mini ocean in your bathroom with this natural healer. It has an excellent cleansing and softening effect on the skin.

Minerals in the composition of the salt activate metabolic processes, moisturize and restore the skin of the body, enhance lymph and blood circulation, supply the dermis with micro and macro elements, start cell renewal processes, relieve muscle tension, help in the fight against cellulite and fat deposits.

How to prepare and take a bath:

  1. Pour hot water into the bath, add 250-300 grams of crushed sea salt there. Wait until the salt is completely dissolved and the water has cooled to a temperature of 36-39 degrees.
  2. Being in the water, imagine that you are lying on the sea surface, which smoothly shakes you on the waves, you are calm, feel how every cell of your body relaxes. You can come up with your own mantra and visualize whatever your heart desires, even a pair swim with a handsome man on surfboards. Just dream "on the sea" for no more than 15-25 minutes.
  3. After the procedure, blot the body with a towel and apply a thick nourishing cream to the skin. Be sure to drink a glass of water, salt causes dehydration.

Frequency: 1 time in 3-4 days, a course of 10-15 procedures, after 2-4 months the course can be repeated.

Spa baths for hands and feet

Baths with oils and plant extracts for hands and feet

If you do not want to swim completely, give bliss and relaxation to your hands and feet, dipping them in a bath with aromatic oils and extracts of beneficial herbs. This is especially true after a busy day at work.

How to arrange a SPA at home

It is good to carry out such procedures before manicure or a pedicure. Useful components of the baths soften the cuticle, dry rough skin, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

How to prepare and take a bath:

  1. Mix in pairs of plant extracts and oils in any variations. Usually, for such procedures, extracts of chamomile, cornflower, medicinal comfrey, needles, avocado oil, shea butter, sweet almond, lemon and orange are used.
  2. Extracts are added to the bath from 10 to 15 drops, vegetable oils (shea, avocado, almond) - 2-3 teaspoons each, essential oils (orange, lemon) - 3-4 drops each. For comfort, the temperature in hand baths should be 36-38 degrees; for legs - 37-39. The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 7 minutes.
  3. After wiping your hands with a soft towel, apply a moisturizer.

Frequency: 1 time per week.

Body scrubs

The next stop on your journey is a cleansing ritual guided by a body scrub. This tool is necessary in the spa procedure, depending on the composition, it will not only help exfoliate dead skin particles and get rid of hyperkeratosis, but also beat cellulite (if any), enhance blood circulation, regeneration and renewal of dermal cells.

The peeling procedure must be done immediately after the bath, steamed skin will well give up dead cells from the surface.

Anti-cellulite scrub

- with coffee and olive oil

How to arrange a SPA at home

The famous coffee grounds mixed with olive oil have a good lymphatic drainage and moisturizing effect. Take a tablespoon of each ingredient and mix. Apply to problem areas with massaging movements from top to bottom.

- with sugar, sea salt, coffee and essential oils

Sea salt and coffee, mixed with essential oils, have the ability to dissolve fatty deposits, increase cellular metabolism, and sugar nourishes the dermis.

Mix a tablespoon of coffee (finely abrasive), sea salt, sugar with 5-7 drops of orange, eucalyptus, cinnamon, grapefruit or lemon essential oil. Apply to the body in circular motions, rinse with warm water.

Body scrub with oatmeal and sugar

Mix 3 tbsp. l. sugar, oatmeal (ground), 2 tbsp. l. honey, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply to the body in a circular motion. These ingredients exfoliate and moisturize the skin well.

Body scrub with sugar and nuts

Take 2 tbsp. l. ground almonds, oatmeal, sugar, sea salt, shea butter, mix. Apply to the body in circular motions from top to bottom.

Spa wraps

The last stop on the spa journey is the wrapping treatment, which is carried out after deep cleansing of the skin. This ritual will help nourish the skin with minerals and vitamins, give the dermis tone, restore elasticity, and get rid of the hated extra centimeters, toxins, and cellulite. For wraps you can choose clay, algae, traditional for salon procedures, or diversify your trip with healthy delicacies like

Choose home effective body care methods, not inferior to expensive salon - just. Read on for all the secrets...

A bit about spas

About all kinds salon spa treatments heard by every female representative. Your attention is offered massages for body elasticity, wraps for weight loss, scrubbing for velvety skin, masks for rejuvenation, peeling for delicate heels, as well as manicures, pedicures and more with an experienced specialist. And if you add the accompaniment of pleasant music to this list, then you want to go to the salon as often as possible. And this is where the main drawback of caring for your body in specialized institutions arises. This is a high price of procedures. Not everyone can afford this luxury even once a month. In such cases, it is easy to spa day at home. To do this, you will need cosmetics, good music, scented candles, lamps or sticks, and a good mood! Go!

First of all, create a favorable environment. Make sure that none of your family or roommates will disturb you. Turn on some nice music. It can be nature sounds, jazz or popular songs. Light an aroma lamp with lavender, lemon, ylang-ylang, jasmine or verbena essential oils.


Before starting the main spa treatments do a body wrap. Naturally, it will be difficult to do this on the whole body without outside help. But you can take care of individual problem areas. These are: the area of ​​the hips, buttocks, abdomen, lower back. Apply a special product on them, wrap with cling film, put on thick clothes, wrap yourself in a towel and rest for about 20 minutes.

Taking an aromatic bath

Very common spa treatment is taking a bath. It is also easy to repeat it at home. Type water that is pleasant in temperature for your body, add your favorite foam or other ingredients to it. Remember that different remedies have different effects on your body.

So, sea ​​salt will help get rid of cellulite, make the skin supple and toned. Three tablespoons per bath of water will suffice.

One sachet of colorless henna- reduces the amount of fat deposits, restores the correct water balance of the skin, gives it tone and youth.

250 milliliters fresh milk(preferably store-bought with a reduced fat content) or 100 grams of dry will give the skin softness and a fresh look.

petals various flowers (daisies, roses, peonies) will fill the room with a pleasant aroma and give a good mood.

You can also use different essential oils. So orange, grapefruit, lemon fight cellulite. Lavender and peppermint have a calming effect. Carnations, rosemary and cinnamon activate blood circulation and lymph outflow. You can use several oils to create a unique composition. Enough 8 drops in total for a bath of water.

Very popular today are bombs. They already include fatty and essential oils, as well as sea salt and soda. When they hit the water, they hiss merrily and disintegrate. Try it, you'll love it, and the natural dyes will add a slight tint to the water.

A few words about fatty oils. They can also be added to water. If you take the usual ones, they will linger on its surface, then cover your body with an unpleasant layer.

Purchase water soluble oils. The following have proven themselves well: coconut, avocado, almond, shea. Add two to three tablespoons.

Try a natural bath with decoction of herbs. Chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, as well as spruce and pine needles. You will need about three liters of fresh broth. No need to cook it in a water bath. Just pour a third of a pack of herbs or a couple of pine branches with boiling water and let it brew (preferably all night).

Self massage

A very effective tool in the fight against cellulite and prevention of stretch marks is massage. You can run it yourself. To do this, use a hard washcloth, a special mitten, a roller, a brush and knead the body from the bottom up along the massage lines. It is best to massage a body heated after a bath and lubricated with any oil. Vacuum jars are also used. But self-massage with them is not very convenient, especially in the thighs and lower back.


In order for your skin to get rid of dry cells, you need to do scrubbing every two weeks. Also on a steamed, but dry wiped body. You can use purchased products or cook them from improvised means.

Ground coffee, poppy seeds, meal, salt, sugar are suitable as solid particles. As a base - honey, sour cream, oils. Scrub the skin along the massage lines too.

As you can see, it is easy to find very effective ways of body care that are not inferior to expensive salons. Love and pamper yourself!

The life of a modern woman is filled with a huge number of things: you need to have time to devote time to the family, take care of the child, listen to your husband, cook dinner, clean the apartment, do laundry, run to the grocery store. At the same time, many ladies manage to build a career and earn no less than their spouses. Naturally, in such conditions, it is quite difficult to maintain calm and self-control. Every person at least occasionally needs to relieve stress: some go in for active sports, others read, knit or embroider, some drink alcohol. But there is another proven and healthy way to relax - spa treatments.

Today, many beauty salons provide such services, but in order to get there, firstly, you need to set aside time for this from your busy schedule, and secondly, you need to spend money. Yes, such pleasure is not too cheap, but there is always an alternative - spa treatments at home. We share valuable tips to help you relax, gain strength and tone your skin.

What is SPA?

Let's first understand what SPA is. This abbreviation is formed from the words "Sanitas pro Aqua", which in literal translation from Latin means "Health through water." Even in the distant times of the Roman Empire, rich and noble ladies performed procedures using thermal water for healing from ailments, relaxation and rejuvenation - it was from them that the name “spa” came to us. However, over the long time of its existence, it has gradually transformed into a whole range of recreational activities, for which not only sea, mineral and fresh water is used, but also algae, and all kinds of mud, and salt, and extracts from plants. To date, the spa classics are such procedures as:

  • different types of massage (relaxing, anti-cellulite, therapeutic and others);
  • peeling;
  • wraps;
  • face and body masks;
  • spa baths with aromatic oils and other additives.

The list of services of many beauty salons also includes stone, aroma, wine, thalassotherapy - procedures that relax not only the body, but also the soul, improve health and improve well-being. Such techniques make a useful and pleasant variety in taking care of your health.

But in order to pamper yourself with pleasant moments, it is absolutely not necessary to spend a large amount of money on a trip to a specialized salon, for which, by the way, there is not always time to visit. You can have a spa at home. Just choose a free day for this, create the right atmosphere and enjoy the treatments in solitude.

Preparing for your home spa

Do you want your skin to look healthy and attractive? Create a resort in your home that will help you get a blooming look without large material costs. Having done simple manipulations, adhering to our recommendations, you will look no worse than your girlfriends who have rested at the resort.

Take daily 15-minute air baths while standing on the balcony in the nude. Such procedures will benefit you, as a result of which you will not only get prettier, but also become much slimmer.

For maximum enjoyment, complete relaxation and enjoyment of a moment of bliss, set aside an entire weekend or a few hours of free time for spa treatments. Warn your loved ones in advance so that they do not interfere with you, turn off the phone and drive away sad thoughts and accumulated worries.

In specialized spas, an atmosphere of warmth and comfort reigns, which creates the appropriate mood, sets you up for peace and relaxation. You can easily do this at home too. Drape walls or protruding corners of cabinets and other furniture with fabric, curtain windows, light incense sticks or candles, put on a disc with calm music - it can be soothing classical melodies or, for example, sounds of nature, a waterfall, birdsong, and so on. If desired, line the path from the bathroom to the place where you plan to conduct spa treatments with rose petals. In general, with the help of your imagination, create an atmosphere in which you personally will be comfortable.

It is recommended to start the day dedicated to your beloved with a simple exercise: do a couple of stretching exercises, stretch your shoulders and arms, move your hips, squat. You should not strain too much, because your task is to feel a little more cheerful. Then head to the kitchen for breakfast.

Before spa treatments, you can not eat up, so give preference to light food: fruits, vegetables, fish, natural yogurt, foods that are rich in fiber. If you decide to make a salad, use olive oil instead of mayonnaise. Admirers of coffee will have to do without their favorite drink on this day, replacing it with herbal tea, non-carbonated mineral water or fruit juice.

For home spa treatments, it is not necessary to buy professional cosmetics - it is enough to purchase natural ingredients and essential oils that are sold in any pharmacy. This will be your ideal material for working on your body. You will also need: sea salt bath, scrub and shower gel, moisturizer, terry towel, natural washcloth, face mask.

First step: relaxing bath and scrub

Having created a cozy atmosphere and tuned in to relax, proceed directly to the spa treatments. To do this, first take a bath, adding sea salt or aromatic oils to it. You can also put ½ teaspoon of glycerin, which moisturizes the skin but dries out the hair, so it's best to wash them separately.

If you decide to use essential oils, be aware that they affect a person’s well-being and mood in different ways:

  • orange gives a feeling of joy and relieves fatigue;
  • lemon has an invigorating effect, energizes and refreshes;
  • tangerine reminds of the New Year and sets in a festive mood;
  • eucalyptus has a disinfectant property, effective for headaches;
  • the smell of lime can turn even an ardent pessimist into a good-natured optimist.

So choose a product depending on your preferences, needs and expected effect. Essential oils do not dissolve very well in water, so it is recommended to first dilute them in a small amount of milk.

Water should not be too hot, the most suitable temperature is 37-40 degrees. Some girls like to bask in the bathroom for an hour, but this is wrong. The fact is that such a healing and relaxing procedure, if overdone with it, can negatively affect the cardiovascular system and the general condition of the skin. Therefore, you should take a bath for no more than fifteen minutes.

After water procedures, proceed to scrubbing, which will help get rid of dead skin cells, making it soft and silky. You can purchase a ready-made cosmetic product, it does not have to be professional. Depending on the components that make up the scrub, you can get the effect of nourishing, moisturizing, toning the skin, so choose a product based on what effect you want to achieve. Peeling is applied to a slightly damp body with light circular movements from the bottom up: start from the feet and gradually rise to the neck, and then rinse everything with warm water. You can work with your hands or use a natural hypoallergenic loofah washcloth, thanks to which dead cells are removed much more efficiently.

Homemade scrub is also suitable for spa treatments at home - there are a lot of recipes for it:

  • Mix half a glass of sea salt and a tablespoon of honey. These ingredients help not only cleanse the skin, but also help to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • A glass of oatmeal, three large spoons of coffee grounds, coconut oil and a little cinnamon - this scrub composition makes the skin supple and smooth.
  • You can get a light tanning effect with natural ground coffee. It is applied alone or in combination with honey.

After the scrub procedure, do a light relaxing foot massage or anti-cellulite massage using a special gel.

Facial skin care

The next step in the home spa is facials. Steam the skin over chamomile tea or ordinary boiling water, then cleanse it with a scrub, apply a special mask, and at the very end - a moisturizer. To relieve swelling from the eyelids, place small pieces of fresh cucumber or an herbal compress on them.

Tidy up your skin with cosmetic clay, which you can buy at any pharmacy. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, cleanses and renews skin cells, improves the condition of the hair, and also perfectly smoothes out traces of various surgical interventions and burns.

Miraculous clay comes in different colors, each of which has its own qualities. When buying clay, consider the following:

  • The darker the color of the clay, the more effectively it absorbs grease. In addition, it is effective for treating acne.
  • Mud procedures are contraindicated in rosacea, excessive hair growth and neoplasms.

Useful properties of clay

Pink and white clay soothes and strengthens sluggish skin, quickly relieves inflamed skin from various infections, ideal for owners of sensitive and dry skin. By the way, for the last two types of skin, gray clay is also suitable, which perfectly moisturizes and tones the body.

Blue clay is recommended for those who want to lose weight. It removes dirt and grease very well, activates metabolism and blood circulation, gently exfoliates dead cells and disinfects the skin. To achieve this goal, you can also use yellow clay, which perfectly saturates the cells with oxygen, helps to remove toxins and toxins accumulated in the body, actively resists cellulite and relieves various inflammatory phenomena, including acne.

However, the most versatile is green clay, which is ideal for oily porous skin. In addition, it is a unique natural remedy for combating all types of acne and is used for deep cleansing of the skin. Green clay gives the skin smoothness and elasticity, tightens it, relieves puffiness and helps smooth wrinkles. Therefore, it is one of the most popular and favorite cosmetics among the female population.

A few tips on how to properly use this unique cosmetic product:

  1. Mud masks should be applied for no more than 20 minutes on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  2. It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm boiled water. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply any nourishing cream to the skin.
  3. To get the best result, you should alternate our proposed clay masks.
  • Tightening mask - ingredients: 3 tbsp milk, 3 tsp white clay, 1 tsp honey.
  • Refreshing Mask - Ingredients: Mix 2 tablespoons of white clay with half a small cucumber.
  • The most popular mask: dilute 2-3 tablespoons of clay in cold water (to the consistency of thick sour cream), drip a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil, add one egg yolk.

Mud baths that give a great effect: dissolve in a bath of warm water (about 37 degrees C) 400-500 grams of blue or white clay. After a 15-minute procedure, the skin will become silky and unusually tender.

When you're done, slather your body with moisturizing lotion, put on a warm bathrobe, drink some herbal tea, and try to sleep. Believe me, spa treatments at home are not inferior to salon ones!

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