Scary contests. Poor little black kitten. Halloween game "Thematic Crocodile"

Favoring apples teeth from a bucket with water

To do this, fill a large clean container with water almost completely (it is better to use wide rectangular economic containers, not buckets). Children in turn lowow their heads into the container and try to catch the apple with teeth. It is impossible to help yourself. It is possible to put a condition that the first catching apple is a winner, or that the game cost without winners, just every member must catch his apple from the water. The game should be held in the presence of adults.

"Pumpkin Blast" game on Halloween

Do you want Halloween to start with cod, not boom? Then make such a game design of the wall. Any party participant may come up and blow up a part of the tick ball and get a candy from there.

Tools and materials for creating the game "Pumpkin explosion": a piece of foam, 2 meters of burlap or other fabric, adhesive tape bilateral, removable hooks (for hanging the board, but it can be just put on the floor), thirty-five orange balloons, confetti, Green paper, ribbon (rope), latch (handle with a sharp pen or darts for big children), funnel.

1. We make the lid of foam and burlap. Crepim to the wall double-sided or with hooked.

2. Fill the balls of confetti (using a funnel) and candy. You can leave a few balls empty or add their wishes inside.

3. Inflate balloons (pump does it faster); Tie a node. Attach the balls the shape of the pumpkin on the bilateral scotch (it needs quite a bit).

4. Cut pumpkin roots from green paper and secure from above.

5. Cut the tape and attach the handle or boom to the stationery button from Darts to keep them easier (and find when dropping).

"Making Pumpkin" game on Halloween

Cut pumpkin (or two, or three) and shiny inside the aluminum foil. Make the top hole big.
Place a pumpkin for a couple of meters from the player. Give each player ten-twenty kopecks. Every time a penny falls into the pumpkin, wins the candy.

"Pumpkin Bowling" game for Halloween

Select a small pumpkin (depending on the age of your guests).

We still need 1 - or 2-liter plastic bottles and ribbon for the starting line of bowling. Fill the bottles with a small amount of sand or rice if they roll too easy. You can also ominously decorate the bottles with markers, stickers and other artistic materials.

"Unclear in touch" game on Halloween

The game similar to the "broken phone". Players sit down in Shan and in a whisper pass to each other phrase invented by the lead. The task of participants is to transfer the phrase with minimal distortion.
An interesting complement in the spirit of the holiday is that the game passes in complete darkness and such phrases are transmitted as: "I'll eat you", "Let's go drink the blood", "Fresh meat", "we still get to you" and so on .

"Terrible Howl" game on Halloween

Participants take turns publish a terrible cry (howl, moan). The one who had the wildest and terrible cry, declared the winner and receives a prize.

"Wandering Spark" game for Halloween

You will need: flashlight, music.

All participants get into a circle. The light in the room is turned off, one of the players is given in the hands of a burning flashlight. Must play a quiet music, it is best something terrible. The wandering light (flashlight) is transmitted from one player to another until the music breaks. The player who at that moment was a wandering light, dropping away. The game continues until one player remains, he wins.

"Mummy" game for Halloween

You will need: a large amount of toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams in two people. One will perform the role of mummy, the other will be Egyptian. At the signal, the Egyptian should, as soon as possible, to keep the mummy to the toilet paper from the legs to the head (eyes, mouth and nose, naturally, remain "free"). Wins the one who made the mummy faster. Just carefully: if the paper breaks, the team drops out of the game!

Ghost Hunt

You will need: scarf.

To start, you must choose the "Ghost Hunter". He needs to tie his eyes with a handkerchief. The rest of the participants are now ghost, they dance around the hunter, and the hunter tries to grab them. If he succeeded, then the caught ghost is pursuant and treated. If the hunter learned the ghost by voice and called his name - they change roles. However, if the hunter did not guess, he should try his happiness with another caught player.

Sinister bag

You will need: a small bag; Some of the strange or unpleasant items on the touch (dried plums, wrinkled carrots, mushroom hat, wet sponge, etc.)

First you need to add all items in the bag (preferably before the arrival of guests). Participants are sitting in a circle. The leading tone tells the hearing soul story about where and how he found a bag (for example, in a cemetery, in a ghost house, or this is a ghost gift, etc.) the first player is invited to take something in the bag (peep inside and It is impossible to feel the bag!). Remove the subject is prohibited. After the player grabbed a thing, he should invent about her as much as possible history. For example, the player groped the dried plum and suggests that this is someone's escaped eyes. And invents the story about him. At the end of the story, the narrator finally pulls out this thing from the bag and, as a rule, he himself is surprised how far might lead his fantasy. After that, the bag is transmitted to the next player who tells his story about another subject.

Reducing the "ball" on Halloween

In the middle of the table put inflated balloon.
Two participants tie their eyes, and they sit at the table against each other.
They are offered to compete in responding to the ball.
However, as soon as the contestants begin to blow, the ball is cleaned and put a plate, abundantly filled with flour.
Participants come in amazement, and when their eyes are unleashed, - as a rule, having fun with everyone

"Take care of the eye" game on Halloween

You will need: a bead for table tennis, painted as an eyeball; tablespoon.
Participants should be divided into two groups. It is indicated by a small segment of the path (start and finish). Each participant, in turn, must overcome this distance, carefully carrying "eyes" in a spoon. "Eye" should not fall! If he still falls, the player returns to the start and goes back. This team wins that faster finishes the relay.

"Predictor" game for Halloween

You will need: lemon juice, paper leaves, thin brush, lamp.

With this game you can make a strong impression on guests! Everything looks like if you could predict their future. First you need to prepare. Write on paper sheets a few words with a brush, moistened in lemon juice. On some, write some number, on other words: "Yes", "no" and "maybe." Do not be discouraged that you do not see the inscription, everything goes according to plan. Leaflets put in a certain way in the stack (those with numbers in one, and those with words - to another), just be sure to remember where you have: where the numbers and where the words are. The magic crystal ball will serve as your lamp that you put on the table. Now let's go to the game itself. Ask guests to ask you a question. If the question assumes the answers "Yes", "no" and "maybe", then you take a leaflet from one pile and take it to the lamp. After a while, the invisible font is manifested and your guests are delighted! If the question implies a number in response (for example, what evaluation will I get next time in mathematics?), Then just take a piece of paper from another stack and show it.

Game "I'm worse"

For this game, markers and inflated balls in an amount equal to the number of participants of the game will be needed. The task of the players is to draw the face of the sorril on the ball. The author of the scary ball wins this contest.

"Dance Witch" game on Halloween

You will need: broom (instead you can use a broom, mop, etc.), music.

Participants get into the circle along with the broom. When Music is included - the witches begin to dance having fun and transfer the broom from hand to hand. The witch that the broom turns out after the music stops, flies out of the game (naturally, without broom). Wins one who eventually will remain one dancing with a broom.

"Sayings about dishonest" game for halloween

For this contest, the following proverbs and sayings are suitable for unclean strength:
- Angry with the flashes were found, and both in the pit fell out;
- for every hour they will not be rebounded;
- Fear is worse than death;
- a pursuit of one who does not mean anything;
- Fear of forces takes away;
- fear has big eyes;
- It's not so terrible, as his little;
- Fear in the eyes of loyalty, do not understand, and you will have the go, you will disappear;
- Fear is the first assistant to the enemy;
- At the trait on the couplings;
- It would be a swamp, and devils will be found
- like a trait for the sinus;
- sell soul to the devil;
- sits like damn on the swamp
- It was devoted to him.

Each participant pulls a piece of paper, on the reverse side of which one or another saying is written. Then players must depict it, and the rest must be guessing and call this proverb or saying out loud.

You can also use these sayings for another game. The presenter says the beginning of the saying, and the participants must continue to continue it. Who is the fastest of all guides the majority of sayings, he won.

Picking candy through the straw

Another simple game that children find very fascinating is to draw air through the straw, collect as much chocolate tablets or M & MS in colored glaze.

"Witch Storeroom" game on Halloween

In the room (the more spacious - the better) it is necessary to hide in the corners, under the sofa, table, or hang to the walls and ceiling, all the "evil spirits": toy and rubber frogs, snakes, spiders, lizards, bats, insects, web, etc. . The room turns off the light and players that can highlight themselves, such as mobile phones. The participants are asked to find as many ingredients as possible (and list all which are hidden) for the magical witch soup. It is desirable to limit the search for time, by the expiration of which the winner is chosen, which in the Witin Storeroom found the greatest number of creatures.

"Terrible face" Competition for Halloween

Participants in turn are crowned terrible grimaces. The one who has gotten the wild and terrible grimace, is declared the winner and receives a prize. (The best prize in this competition will be a small mirror.)

"Get candy" game on Halloween

In the bowl of the hill poppy of flour. Candy is inserted into it so that she sticks out the tip for which it can be pulled out. If the nose, the cheeks are not dirty to flour, candy can be taken as a prize. In this competition, everyone can participate to check their dexterity.

Competition for the best spell

When it is dark, you will have to come up with and say the most terrible and chilling blood spell (and, of course, explain to others what the spell is doing).

Game "Running on Courish Legs"

From the foam rubber, 2 pairs of "Courish legs" are sewn. At one end, two teams of 4-5 people are built up. At the other end of the hall - the rack. At the signal, the first team players put on the "curiors of the legs", knock the rack, return to their team and pass the "smoke legs" to the next player. The team wins, the first compete finishes.

Figure on Halloween

Raisgrass game "Mummy"

The presenter invites everyone to visit the crypt mummy in turn. The crypt mummy is arranged in the next room. The light in the room turns off and lights up a few candles. A man lies on the sofa and closes on top of the sheet. The Mummy's face is put by an open born with yoghurt or mild curd.
Driving, going with the "sacrifice" in the "crypt", begins to tell the crown voice: "This is a crypt mummy. This is a mummy coffin (pointing to the sofa). This is a mummy's foot (at that moment the palm takes the palm of the victim and applies it to the leg of the person Lying under the sheet). This is a mummy's hand (the palm of the sacrifice is applied to his hand). This is the neck of mummy (palm is applied to the neck). And this is a mummy's eye (leading, holding a sacrifice for the finger, pokes them into place on a sheet covering the corns with yogurt ).
For the success of this draw, you need to spend several rehearsals. Try not to play unnecessarily impressionable people.

"Pharaoh" Rosgrass on Halloween

Choosing a girl and tie her eyes. Let's get it to the table on which someone lies. It takes her hands and applied to different parts of the body of the lying. At the same time, each time it says: "Here is the head of Pharaoh, here is the stomach of Pharaoh, here ...", and at the end of the hand go down to some salad and say "But the brains of Pharaoh". The result is unpredictable.

"Horror Room" Raisgrass on Halloween

The organizer of the holiday suggests the Herbrome itself a volunteer to visit the horror room. The volunteered volunteer comes with leading to the dark bathroom. He gets a task cry to slightly burning a candle there. After that, the volunteer is prohibited to tell the rest of the guests what happened in the horror room. As a result, the next participant who heard terrible screams goes to a horror room with some caution. And after a few participants who visited the room were published by heartbreaking "horror screams", the rest of those present are afraid to go there.

"The Cave of the Old Dead Joe" game-Rairers on Halloween

It is charming "terrible" fun for older children. To organize such a game, you will have to work well in advance to equip a special darkened room, placing in it on stands or just chairs various "body parts" "Old Dead Joe": "Eyes", "Language", and so on. They should be placed in the vessels or capacity of the appropriate volume, for the most part, filled with warm water. Each of the children who will have enough to do this, tie their eyes and allow you to enter the "cave" - \u200b\u200bno more than one child at the same time. You, as a good owner, should lead a child from one terrible subject to another, allowing, whenever, to lower your hands into a vessel and try to determine how to determine what is contained. All other children at this time should sit calmly and, while holding his breath, listen to the squeal and crocks of the bolt, which lead through the "cave."

A cave can serve any room with tightly closed curtains or even a corridor (if the holiday passes after sunset) - it is enough just not to include light, and terrible impressions are guaranteed by :)

Here are the parts of the "Old Dead Joe" body that you need to make and locate in the "Cave" in advance:
- "Bones of the Old Dead Joe" - Find a sprig of the trees of the appropriate size on the street and free them from knots and leaves ;;
- "The intestines of the Old Dead Joe" - a large bowl, filled with wet, mucous vermicelline;
- "The Heart of the Old Dead Joe" - a very large peeled tomato, ;;
- "Eyes of the Old Dead Joe" - a small container filled with water, in which two large grapes swim;
- "The teeth of the Old Dead Joe" - a metal pot or a bowler filled with small pebbles or solid candy;
- "The Hair of the Old Dead Joe" - a wig from human hair, stretched on the ball;
- "Ears of Old Dead Joe" - two halves of artichoke (with cropped sharp spines);
- "The Nose of the Old Dead Joe" - raw potatoes, carved in the form of a nose;
- "The fingers of the Old Dead Joe" are cold sausages;
- Finally, the "Blood of the Old Dead Joe" is a pot or jug, filled with warm tomato juice.
You will need to have a towel at hand to wipe your hands to a child after he lowered them in "Blood".

When you leave the "cave" with a child, you can make a big deal to intimidate the children who have not visited the cave, says loudly: "Running go and see the blood of blood: otherwise the entire parquet will be in the blood!". Spring and delight of holiday participants are guaranteed.

The flashlight will also come in handy to navigate the way through a dark room. Of course, the child's eyes will be tied, but you will need a little light to lead him by the hand from the vessel to the vessel.
Try to write down the entire holiday on the video film (including visiting the "Cave of the Old Dead Joe"); It can be successfully demonstrated to guests closer to the end of the holiday.

We hope that the game presented and draw on Halloween will delight you, your loved ones and guests! Happy Halloween!

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Games and contests for adults are the best way to entertain guests on your halloween evening.

Contests for Halloween

Despite the fact that it may seem that only children in their costumes are having fun during the traditional neighboring neighbor and receiving sweets, can be a wonderful holiday for adults. Adult costumes can be slightly more frank and the atmosphere of the holiday can be more terrible. Otherwise, you just need to schedule several holiday games to make an unforgettable party.

"Catch an apple."

This classic game is actually suitable for all ages. She may not really like those who namouried with makeup, but all the others just adore her. Using a large pelvis or baby bath, filled with water, you can play it anywhere where you are not afraid to splash the floor. Run apples in free swimming and let each participant try to catch an apple mouth. It is impossible to use the hands. Usually a small group of people takes part in the game, so the one who first managed to get an apple from the water, or the one who caught the most of all fruits.


This game is usually more interesting if you can use to hold more than one room and, if possible, your backyard, if any. Make a list of five to ten things to find your guests, and try to tie them to Halloween theme. Then hide objects in different areas at home and offer guests to search them, guided by your prompts. Be specific, because if you need to find, for example, the "subject that can be found in the cemetery", then do not be surprised if there are particularly resourceful guests to bring you a stone or a hassle of land.

Also, this game can be the Halloween version of the Easter "Hunting of Eggs". Hide tips in plastic pumpkins and distribute them around the house. Each team starts searching from the prompt, which will lead them to the next tip. The team wins, which will first bring leading all hidden items.


In this game, participants are divided into pairs and compete for a while. One person uses a roll of toilet paper to turn his partner (partner) in the mummy. A couple in which the mummy was wrapped faster than all, moreover, they were wrapped in high quality, from head to feet, so that only eyes were visible, wins. In some embodiments, this game may include more than two people.

"Print Tail Devil."

Instead of the devil, an image of any character symbolizing Halloween can be used. You can use or make them yourself. Be that as it may, the participant tie their eyes, they are spinning for easy disorientation and offered a jacket tail to the image of the devil. The one who managed to pin the tail as close to the desired site, wins.

"Tell the body."

Take a large-sized sponge, having a heart shape, build participants in the line and transfer the "body" on the chain without the use of hands. Two teams can participate, for the complication of the task, participants can tie their eyes. The option with tied eyes is definitely the most cheerful. "Organ" needs to clamp between the chin and the neck and transmit it to the next player so that he can take it in a similar way. The team, which was the first to "transmit the organ" to the end of the chain, becomes the winner.

"Guess what it is."

For this game, you will need five or six jugs from an opaque material. Fill the containers with substances that may be disappeared to the touch, and offer guests to run hands into jugs to determine their contents. The grapes peeled from the skin may seem eye apples to the touch, and the gelatin mass - brains. By the way, do not forget to suggest members of such nasty associations. The contents of the jugs should be room temperature, and the players better tie the eyes. Who will give more correct answers, wins in the competition.

In addition to the above games, there are also all well-known classic entertainment, such as a spiritual session with a special board or by category (the most original, sexy and so on). In the properly decorated room, with a terrible film on TV (but with sound off), with frightening music in the background and taking into account the raised mood, these adult games will become a highlight of your party to Halloween.

Merry Halloween Party is beautiful. No such friendly meeting should do without fun entertainment, which means you will need entertaining contests.

It is not necessary to go somewhere to have fun on Halloween. Party can be organized at home. Moreover, you yourself can control the cooking process for the holiday and will not be limited in time. But for this you need to carefully prepare.

For a full-fledged holiday, you will need candies in the form of ghosts and witches on the brooms, a beautiful design of the apartment and much more than you can please at home Halloween. But it is very important to think about the contests. We offer you some interesting fun.

Vampire pranks

For the competition you will need to be divided into two teams. Required plastic glasses on which you can write, and a black marker. Write the name of each competit member at the bottom of the cup. Pour red juice in glasses: tomato, cherry or grenade. Arrange them on the table: opposite the first team - cups with the names of the members of another team, and vice versa.

By the signal, the first person must run up to the table, drink any juice and take a glass with me. Similarly, let them take turns and other participants. Which team will cope faster, the same winner. They give a signal to end, shouting the word "Halloween", and receive a prize from the losers. The losers finish, watch the name written in his glass, and treat the winners.

Guess who you are

To make the holiday to be atmospheric, many of your guests are likely to come in costumes. You, as the owner or hostess of the holiday, is also worth it to be a frightening appearance. If there is no desire to buy a suit, you can always make it with your own hands. As ideas usually offer costumes of mummies, a vampire or simply to apply awesome makeup. In any case, everyone will depict someone, and this can be beaten in the next competition.

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards with names to them subjects thematically suitable for Halloween. For example, you can write "Werewolf" or "Pumpkin" and similar things. Each plunge this card on the forehead. So a person does not know who he is, but sees other people's cards. The first of the participants is asking for itself questions for which you can answer "yes" or "no". For example, "I'm alive or dead?" Or "I have big nails?" According to answers to questions, you need to guess what is written on a piece of paper. All guessing - on candy, a glass of wine or any other encouragement.

Invitation to Shabash

This Halloween Competition will require attentiveness and smelting. The presenter depicts Prince Darkness. He asks the question "Who wants to Shabak?" And gets answers. Answers should always be named nouns: witch, cucumber, chair and so on. For convenience, the prince of Darkness asks in turn. To herself, he chooses the main criterion of the guests desired on the sachet: for example, it will be something on a vowel letter. Those who guess this criterion will fall into the Shabash. The game lasts until the sabra is not surrendered and will not agree to the penalty area.

Love potion

We break all those wishing to participate in two teams. It will take several candies for each participant. Put on a decent distance the container into which candy can be thrown. Which teams in the "Kotelka" will be more candy, she won, they can eat earned candy as a prize. And the loser team does not get anything.

Very scary letter

For the competition, newspapers and magazines, A4 sheet and scissors are required. Enter the participants of the contest for two teams. By a signal, you need to quickly start cutting the words and glued them on paper. There should be a text-invitation to Halloween. At the same time, it is necessary to use the words "terrible", "terrible" and their synonyms, as well as other words related to Halloween. Competition lasts no more than 3-5 minutes. Whose letter will be completed, those won. The loser team should fulfill the Halloween dance to music or pay off by candy.

In addition to contests for October 31, the eve of the day of all saints, the people have long been going to divination: for love, for the future and much more. Get your exact predictions with simple fortunes on Halloween and do not forget to click on the buttons and

27.10.2016 03:06

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The tradition of celebrating Halloween came to us from the depths of centuries, when people worshiped the pagan gods and brought them victims. Today, on the night of October 31, by November 1, children and young people are happy to scare passersby and "tickle" them nerves with their frightening costumes and makeup. On the eve of the day of all saints, incendiary youth parties are carried out - with competitions, games and other entertainment. We picked up the most interesting "terrible" contests and games for Halloween for children at home, in kindergarten and elementary school, high school students and students. We are confident, many ideas on the video for competitions and games for Halloween you will successfully implement a real festival and loved ones.

Funny contests and games for Halloween for children in kindergarten

Recently, Halloween's holiday confidently conquers popularity among Slavs. So, for children in kindergarten, you can arrange a funny carnival, including funny contests and games in the entertainment program - on Halloween everything should be bright and unusual. Such entertainment will be delighted even the youngest children from 3 years, because the tasks and conditions of contests are extremely simple and informative.

Selection of children's competitions and games for Halloween Day in kindergarten

  • "Pass the eye". All participants are divided into two teams, and everyone is awarded a tablespoon. At a certain distance from the start, two empty baskets are put. Under the terms of the competition, players must with the help of a spoon fill their tanks with "eyes" - painted tennis balls. If the "eye" falls out of a spoon, the player will have to come back and overcome the way to the finish. The team wins, the participants of which gathered a greater number of "terrible" trophies.
  • "Garlic from vampires". For the competition you will need garlic heads - one less than the number of players. First plays music to which children walk around the table with garlic. Suddenly the melody breaks down, and each participant quickly grabs one head. Who did not get the means of "protection against vampires", he is considered busting and dropped.

Scary contests for children in elementary school for Halloween holiday, video

On the eve of the day of all saints, many children are reincarnated in the characters of "horror strokes" to have fun, looking at the reaction of others. Holiday in honor of Halloween for elementary school students is best organized in the form of a competition-competition between teams from parallel classes. The most "terrible" contests for Halloween for younger students (girls and boys) can be successfully used at home - choose and scare all!

Ideas of competitions for Halloween for elementary school

  • "Creepy War". During the competition, each participant tries to scratch or overlay as much as possible. Wins the one whose cry will get the most frightening. If you hold the competition at home, it is better to inform the neighbors in advance.
  • "Ghostbuster". From among the players choose the "hunter", which the eyes tie up. To the music of "ghosts" begin to spin around around, trying to escape, and when the "hunter" is started to make a plaintive crying. When guessing the Operations "Ghost" the game continues. Otherwise, the "hunter" himself occupies a ghost.
  • "Make Mumia". For this competition, you need to stock up the top three toilet paper rolls. The presenter divides players for teams, two people each. According to the signal, one of the participants takes a roll of paper and begins to wind the second - from the legs and to the head, leaving "slots" for the eyes and mouth. The team, who fastened the other "Mummy", is declared the winner.

Video with competition at Halloween holiday at school

Competitions for Halloween for high school students at home and school

Halloween is the only day of the year, when you can "be impunity" to miss close and even unfamiliar people. Adolescent-high school students will be delighted with thematic competitions with a note "ominous" humor - as it should be in this mystical evening. Merry competitions for Halloween for adolescents can be held at school and houses, setting up a real horror holiday.

Options for competitions and games for halloween for adolescents 14 years old and older

  • "Blood transfusion". As requisites, each participant is handed two glasses - with tomato juice and empty, as well as a pipette. Under the terms of the competition, players must pass "blood" from one glass to another with a pipette. The one who will cope quickly all and never shed a drop of fluid, is considered the winner.
  • "Horror Bag". Fabric bag Filling with different objects, difficult to touch - it can be a jelly worm, a large monnalvin, a manual expander. Each player is invited to run a hand in a bag and, without looking, determine the name of the subject. In addition, you can come up with the story of this thing, with "terrible" details. Then the object is demonstrated by the present - and then the surprise!

Funny competition for Halloween holiday: ideas for students, video

Halloween celebration in a student environment is distinguished by extraordinary scope and fun. So, most often the eve of the day of all saints, students of higher institutions with learning English are celebrated in the university or club walls. We picked up the most cool contests for Halloween for students and young people, as well as video with original entertainment ideas.

Choosing a competition for student Halloween

  • "Horror stories". For the competition you need a complete darkness or a lit candle. Each participant in turn tells a terrible story, and then the winner is chosen by "universal voting" - the author of the most terrible story.
  • "Phanti". The boxes folds with pieces for execution. For example, "publish a terrible cry", "depiction vampire", "make a terrible face." Taking a piece of paper, players must execute written - wins the best actor.
  • "Witin dances." The girls get up in a circle and, dancing for merry music, begin to transfer to each other "broom". Suddenly, the music is silent. The girl, in the hands of which turned out to be broom, flies out of the game. The winner becomes the one who longer lasts in the "Witin" dance.

Competitions on video for students for Halloween

Contests for Halloween for youth party at home or in the club

Thematic party in the style of Halloween in the Club or at home is a new fashionable "trend" in youth companies. To prepare the most "nightmarish" night, the organizers try to show the maximum of fantasy and creativity so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time for all those present. Interesting games and contests are chosen for the party - Halloween is welcomed by "black" humor and gloomy jokes.

A selection of contests for youth party on Halloween Day

  • "Collect bones". For the competition you need to pre-hide in different secluded places of the premises of the dice, skulls - for curtains, under the armchairs, the table. According to the signals of the leading participants, the search for "bones" begin, and then the winner is determined by the results of the counting.
  • "Witchcraft potion". Each player is issued a book with collapsed letters, together constituting the recipe "Warev". Having written off the recipe on paper, the participants must weld the "potion" - who will turn out to be tastier, he won. The list of ingredients necessarily include a pair of "exotic".

Competitions and games for Halloween are an excellent opportunity to create a unique atmosphere of this ancient mystical holiday. Here you will find a lot of interesting ideas from the video for the conduct of terrible and funny competitions on Halloween - at home, for children in kindergarten and elementary school, high school students, students, in a youth party. We meet Halloween!