Light dark skin. Unrivaled makeup for dark skin. Choosing a foundation

Sultry beauties with dark skin often they cannot find a decent makeup that will emphasize the dignity of the face and at the same time hide its flaws.

What kind of makeup is suitable for girls with dark skin? However, girls who love to sunbathe will also be interested in this information.

Briefly about the main thing:

A few facts about dark skin:

  1. The veins on the wrist of swarthy beauties have a greenish or olive tone.
  2. Gold suits such girls more than silver.
  3. The sun's rays give the skin a slight yellowish tint.

Dark skin and foundation

The downside is that the "toner" on dark skin will more noticeable than on a pale one, therefore, the selection of tonal means should be treated with special attention.

First of all, keep in mind that the foundation must perfectly match your skin tone, otherwise it will be easily visible. Since dark skin has about forty shades, it will not be possible to pick up a foundation the first time, but it should be noted that options with a yellow tint are good. The main thing is that the foundation does not contain fat in its composition, since dark skin already reflects light well.

Alternatively, you can mix a darker and lighter shade of foundation, thus choosing the most suitable tone. Also, a dark "foundation" is mixed with a moisturizer or soft pink blush to make it lighter. If the skin tone is slightly darker than the foundation used, then the makeup will look unnatural.

It is better to buy a water-based foundation. Since combination or oily dark skin is often found, the use of powder to fix foundation and eye shadow on the eyelids also does not hurt. It is better to buy loose powder. Apply it on a completely dry face when the cream is completely absorbed (otherwise it will begin to roll off along with the powder).

It will not hurt to use a highlighter and, if necessary, a corrector that will hide skin imperfections.

Step-by-step instructions - apply the base to the skin of the face

  1. Apply the foundation pointwise and gently blend it with a brush.
  2. Apply concealer to the under eye area to hide under eye circles.
  3. With a highlighter (it makes the face more expressive, gives the skin shimmer) we highlight the area under the eyebrows and on the cheekbones.
  4. If you are looking for a more defined face, a bit of bronzer on the cheekbones will do the trick.
  5. An optional but desirable touch is blush, which should be used in minimal amounts. For dark skin, blush in orange or coral shades are suitable.

Eye makeup

Swarthy girls it is also necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of shadows, since not all shades are in harmony with such skin. When choosing a shade, you need to pay attention not only to the skin tone, but also to the eye color. So, girls with dark and gray eyes shades of purple and blue flowers are suitable, and the owners blue eyes make-up artists recommend opting for golden brown and peach shades.

In fact, for girls with dark skin, both bright colors (such shadows look great on dark or tanned skin) and delicate pastel shades are ideal, but rich dark colors are still better suited.

Makeup is perfect in which the eyes are outlined with kayala- a soft eyeliner made from natural ingredients, which can be either dark or colored, repeating the bright shade of the shadows. Shade it with a brush or even your finger.

Shadows for day makeup... In this case, bronze, brown, sand shadows are suitable. Better to combine them with a brown pencil.

Shadows for evening makeup... In this case, you can choose orange, chocolate-golden or another color that will emphasize the beauty of your eyes and skin.

You can also choose from a brighter range - for example, green, coral, reddish-lilac, burgundy wine or bright lilac. Eyeshadows with shimmery or metallic effect on dark-skinned girls look incredibly beautiful.

To make the shadows more saturated, it is recommended to apply them with a damp applicator (or better with a damp brush).

Eyebrows and makeup for dark skin

Eyebrows should be kept in perfect order - if necessary, pluck out all unnecessary, monitor the clarity of the line and its naturalness. It is important not to draw in the eyebrows with black pencil - go for shadows one shade darker than your skin.

Lip makeup and dark skin - which shades to choose?

Orange, as well as pearlescent and frosty shades do not suit dark-skinned girls, but warm brown shades do. For evening makeup, shades of red with warm blotches of brown tones are good. Also suitable for dark-skinned cherry and plum skin.

Select the cheeks

It is important to use blush in both evening and daytime makeup, which emphasizes facial features. On dark skin, shades of peach and brown look great. When choosing eyeshadows, makeup artists are advised to give preference to shades that are several tones lighter than your skin.

We do office makeup

For dark skin, it is a rather restrained, gentle make-up, which is ideal for dark-skinned beauties. First of all, of course, prepare your face accordingly. So, to create this kind of makeup, you need:

  1. The shadows are golden.
  2. The shadows are brown.
  3. Two tassels (flat and fluffy).
  4. Brown pencil.
  5. Mascara.

Step 1. Paint over the moving eyelid with golden shadows using a flat brush.

Step 2. Paint over the area above the movable eyelid with brown shadows using a fluffy brush, blending the shadows like a "hood".

Step 4. Pass a soft brown eyeliner along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.

Step 3. To create more luxuriant lashes, paint them with powder and apply 2-3 coats of mascara.

Complete your makeup with a conspicuous pink lipstick that blends well with your skin tone.

The content of the article

Once upon a time, snow-white skin was in fashion. This was a sign of aristocracy and belonging to the nobility. The young ladies of that time deliberately lightened the skin, applied a bunch of funds to it, so that its tone became pale. And, perhaps, it is wonderful that we are living in the wrong times and that now preferences have changed. Nowadays, a healthy complexion is in vogue. Our girls especially want to be tanned beauties with an even complexion.

Why is she still dark?

Why do girls love so much dark skin color? Well, first of all, this color gives life. Milady does not seem pale and unhealthy with him. Secondly, it is much easier to choose cosmetics and apply makeup, if only because on a dark one there are not so noticeable irregularities. Thirdly, tanned girls face bright and rich colors that light-faced girls can simply overshadow. And of course, the dark skin color stands out very well in the crowd and attracts the attention of others. A girl with this skin color is more noticeable and memorable.

Folk remedies to help make the skin darker

Of course, the first and main helper is the sun. To make your skin dark, you can just relax on the beach under the gentle rays of the setting sun. The main thing is not to overdo it and turn into a boiled crayfish.

Another effective method is the solarium. But it is scientifically proven that it causes earlier. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it too often.

But there are excellent folk remedies that will help you achieve the desired tanned skin color. So, for example coffee or cocoa. You can try masks made from these ingredients. They will "tint" your skin a little. How to make such a mask? Very easy and simple. Dilute the ground coffee with water and massage into the skin. Take very little water. Rinse off the mask after 15-20 minutes with plain water without detergents.

Another great remedy to help darken your skin is carrots. It needs to be rubbed and applied to the skin. This mask should be washed off after 20 minutes. In general, it is desirable to carry out such procedures at least 3-5 to achieve the desired result. But let's make a reservation right away that this method is not suitable for too light-faced beauties, since carrots can turn the skin yellow. It is better to play it safe and hold the mask for a couple of minutes on an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin to see the result. And one more thing: if you have dry skin, be sure to add a spoonful of sour cream or cream, as carrots can dry out your skin even more.

Makeup for girls with dark skin

Girls with different hair colors can have dark skin: black, white, light brown. And hair color plays an important role in their makeup.

Blondes can use brighter makeup for an exceptional look, or if your hair and skin are dark, you can do light makeup. It is only needed to highlight your natural beauty. You just need to powder your face, apply on the cheekbones, and add mascara to the eyelashes.

Choose a blush that emphasizes the natural beauty: with a bronze or dark pink tint. If you want to make up your lips with bright lipstick, then it is better to do it for. For daytime use duller pastel colors. For powder, you can try with a reflective effect. With it, the skin will look very fresh. We will also give one more piece of advice. The stores sell BB creams for face care. Choose your own shade of this cream and apply to your face. This will help both even out the color and hide small irregularities.

Using these simple tips, you will be able to make a gorgeous make-up and highlight all the charms of your dark skin.

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For dark-skinned girls, there is a great variety of makeup options for every day. What can not be said about the old days. After all, it used to be very difficult to find the perfect makeup for a dark skin tone. In this article, we will analyze what makeup is relevant at the moment for dark-skinned girls and what kind of cosmetics to choose.

Foundation or foundation for dark-skinned girls

Delicate makeup for a swarthy girl

It is very difficult for a dark skin tone to choose the right shade of foundation, as there are over 40 different dark skin tones in the world. It is best to apply a mousse or foundation with a light texture to the face, whose color gives off a little yellowish, since the skin of swarthy girls contains a lot of yellow pigment. Pinkish shades are more suitable for fair-skinned and fair-haired beauties. Your choice is yellow shades.

Remember that the deviation from your tone will be very noticeable. Therefore, our advice is to choose a foundation for yourself personally and do not use the advice of your girlfriends. Do not use a foundation lighter than your natural tone.

Eye makeup and brows for swarthy girls

Swarthy girls often have deep and rich eye color. Therefore, it is not necessary to emphasize them extremely. In their eye makeup, dark-skinned beauties can benefit from all varieties of metallic shades. This will give the dark-skinned makeup a chic and glossy look. All shades of shadows of natural colors will look beautiful. Relevant, peach, sand, etc. Perfectly emphasize all natural beauty. Smoky makeup for dark-skinned people will give the eyes charm and appeal. It will be useful to eyeliner with a soft pencil in black, dark brown or gray. And the finishing touch of eye makeup for swarthy girls will be mascara in rich black or brown color.

Dark skin is an amazing canvas for creativity and offers its owner tons of flawless makeup options. It is important to choose the right cosmetics, so as not to spoil, but only to refine the beautiful bronze shade. Makeup for dark skin has some features, which we will discuss in this article.

Skin preparation

Pre-cleanse the skin with gels, mousses; soothe with toner, then moisturize your face. Be sure to use a good moisturizer that has UV protection. Owners of dark skin are not afraid of the threat of sunburn, and therefore many girls neglect sunscreen. And in vain, if you want to preserve your youth, avoid the rapid appearance of mimic wrinkles, do not allow the harmful effects of sunlight, overdrying, dark skin also needs protection.

On a swarthy face, in contrast to a light one, an overabundance of tonal means is very noticeable. Therefore, choose a tonal foundation for yourself as light, transparent, with the presence of a lightening effect. Creams with yellow tints work well. For a rich foundation, you can add lightness to it by mixing with your moisturizer.

Use loose powder, apply it only after the foundation is completely absorbed to avoid unpleasant rolling.

Eyebrow care

For brunettes with a bronze skin tone, the eyebrows are often dark, thick, expressive and do not require additional tinting. Just keep them in order, pluck out unnecessary ones, get a special styling tool for eyebrows.

If you are a fair-haired owner of dark skin, then you will have to pay more attention to your eyebrows. Be sure to use a brown pencil or eyeshadow. Draw each hair, giving the perfect shape to the eyebrows, pluck out the stray hairs, use a special cream to accelerate the growth and increase the density of the eyebrows.

Colors matching dark skin

Choose bold, vibrant eyeshadow colors: greens, purples, purples, browns, and pair them with neutral beige, pastel shades. Try different types of makeup, choose a color that matches your eyes, favorably sets off their natural color, allowing you to enhance their expressiveness. For dark-skinned brunettes, shimmering golden shadows are a must. For blondes with dark or tanned skin, metallic silver shades are suitable.

Give preference to blush of brown, bronze, peach shades, they look great on dark skin. When choosing a lipstick, remember the rule: the darker the skin, the brighter and more intense the color you can afford. Avoid lighter shades in favor of reds, cherries, plums or coral.

Makeup options


Natural makeup for brunettes allows you to use brown, gold, silver, bronze tones, they are especially favorably combined with brown eyes. Apply shimmery eyeshadow all over your eyelid, paint on your lashes, tint your cheekbones with a muted bronze blush, and choose a matte lipstick in a deep peach shade.


Create evening makeup for dark skin with bold vibrant colors. For owners of brown eyes, the emerald color of the shadows is a win-win. Add bronze or purple eyeliner. Create contrasts between shadow color and brown eyes. Do not be afraid to use shades that are darker and more saturated, they look spectacular on brunettes with brown eyes. For brunettes with blue, gray or green eyes, calmer and softer colors are suitable.


Irresistible oriental makeup goes very well with dark-skinned brunettes with brown eyes and implies careful use of eyeliner. Owners of brown eyes can use black eyeliner, for blue and green eyes, choose brown, purple, purple, dark green eyeliner. Apply the line as close to the lashes as possible.

Draw it subtly from the inner corner of the eyes, and then, approaching the outer corner, make the line noticeably wider.

Experiment with the color of the shadows, try from charcoal black to lilac, purple, green, pink. Avoid only terracotta and orange eye shadows. To make your eyes shine, use a metallic eye shadow. Don't forget to apply mascara to your eyelashes.

Accentuate your face with blush and paint your lips with a vibrant color. Don't be afraid to distract attention from your eyes. Swarthy beauties are allowed more courage in makeup, including the simultaneous selection of eyes and lips.

Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment. Try different types of makeup in practice and know, beauties with tanned and dark skin - you are beautiful!

Even if the leading stylists today focus on aristocratic white skin, dark tones still remain in fashion. An interesting fact remains that for girls with such a skin tone, absolutely all colors are suitable. Choosing the optimal hair color for dark skin under brown eyes, you can achieve an incredible result that will literally catch the eyes of the opposite sex. What makeup for dark skin is worth choosing for your type - read in this material. In the photo you can see examples of successful implemented solutions from leading stylists and show business stars:

Successful hair colors for dark skin under brown eyes (with photo)

Silver shades of strands remain very fashionable in 2019. If you have a honey complexion, then it is best if you choose this particular hair color. If the skin is a little darker, then choose warmer wheat shades, as the silvery strands will age you and look ridiculous. When choosing the right hair colors for dark skin, do not forget about the addictions in the components of the style of everyday clothes. The hairstyle should always complement the collected bow and not conflict with it. Therefore, naturalness, purity of tone and saturation of color under brown eyes are the most relevant trends of the current season.

In order to emphasize a beautiful even tan, leave your choice on one of the shades of the chocolate range. Many stars give their preference to him, because only he can create the image of the fatal seductress. For example, Kim Kardashian has been pleasing us for several years with her thick hair colored in chocolate tones.

Look at the photo of successful hair colors for dark skin - the most relevant directions are illustrated:

Almost all fashionable stylists unanimously insist that the best shade is natural. They recommend maintaining the tone that nature has awarded you, or dyeing your hair in a color that is closer to it. This is because naturalness and natural beauty are in fashion today. The same goes for makeup. So, for example, it is now considered not fashionable to pluck and finish eyebrows. Thick and beautiful eyebrows are becoming almost the standard of beauty today.

Also, a rather fashionable hair color for dark skin is coal black: it will give your image freshness and originality. In no case, do not choose deep blacks, as they will only darken your appearance and make it gloomy.

When creating makeup for dark skin under brown eyes, emphasize your individuality!

In order for the hair color under brown eyes to be not superfluous against the background of your entire image, you must be able to correctly select the right makeup for dark skin that does not come into contrast with the general image.

Some people tend to believe that darker skin looks more matte and perfect, but this is not entirely true. Usually, such a shade implies that its owner has either oily or combination skin type, in which a lot of problems can also arise. So, for example, on the surface of a swarthy face, a conceived oily sheen is observed, which should be disposed of. Usually, for this reason, the shadows on the eyelids can affect and crumble, drawing dark circles under the eyes. In order to prevent their appearance, experts recommend degreasing the skin and dusting a little before makeup. Also, they advise not to use a large amount of foundation, as this will lead to an unpleasant matte finish on the face. If you use foundation all the time, then you need to mix it with lighter tones or with a moisturizing serum that suits your skin type.

When creating makeup for dark skin, you should not rush to various extremes, imitate fictitious ideals and adopt all the fashionable novelties. Emphasize the individuality that nature has awarded, the owners of this type of skin have a pronounced natural brightness and catchy appearance. Do not enhance it with rich tones.

For girls with dark skin, both light and bright shades are suitable. But, it is worth remembering that if this is not an evening make-up, then the emphasis must be made, either only on the eyes or on the lips. So, for example, you can use a bright scarlet lipstick, while the eyeshadow should match your skin and look not flashy. Also, for daytime makeup, you can use eyeliner, which can be replaced with shadows. In this case, they are best applied with a wet applicator.

If you are a brave girl who loves bright colors, then you can use shades of blue or bright pink. But, at the same time, it is worth choosing lipstick in delicate, discreet shades that will not be conspicuous and set off eye makeup.

For evening make-up, dark purple eyeshadows are suitable, which will accentuate the depth of your eyes and skin, making them more expressive. In order to show the beauty of your tan, you can use the eyeshadow with a bronze tint. This look will make your look more sensual and attractive.

A dark foundation for dark skin can be supplemented with light blush. Most cosmetic companies offer a whole series of different products that are specifically designed to create makeup for dark skin. Most girls with this skin tone are fine with pink blush. They make the face look more pretty and attractive. In addition to this shade, blush of golden and coffee colors are also suitable for dark skin. If you like to experiment, then you can use blush shades of coral or purple shades.