Such different hairstyles. Oriental secrets of beautiful hair

The seasons replace each other, and at the same time, each girl brings certain changes to her image. Make-up, clothing style, favorite accessories alternate, repeat or disappear forever from the life of modern women of fashion. However, the fair sex is very serious about choosing a new hairstyle. Having weighed all the pros and cons, women begin to experiment: grow or cut their hair, dye it in unimaginable colors.
To give the appearance of sexuality, attractiveness and mystery, stylists recommend that girls take a closer look at various options for oriental hairstyles. Why to them? Because the women of the East have always been distinguished by magical attractiveness and attracted the eyes of not only worthy men, but also women who are able to appreciate someone else's beauty.

Now western women of fashion are happy to resort to the secrets and tricks of eastern friends. Do not lag behind the female population of the West and Russian and Ukrainian beauties. They create oriental hairstyles with their own hands, which further emphasize their perfect facial features. Below we will tell you how you can make such an exquisite styling yourself.

Hairstyles in oriental style for medium, long and short hair (with photo and video)

The special magical charm of these hairstyles, concealing an incomprehensible secret and sweet flavor, diversifies the same type of gray everyday life and will help you meet the one who will turn your life into one of the fairy tales of the “Thousand and One Nights”.

Look at the photo of beautiful oriental hairstyles: see how sophisticated decorative elements - crowns, tiaras, pendants - are perfectly combined with exquisitely styled curls? Amazing, isn't it? But this effect is also created due to the correct selection of colors in the makeup and the appropriate outfit.

By the way, every country in the East can reveal to girls its own secret of creating amazing images. For example, hairstyles in an oriental style for medium hair are unsurpassed by cute Chinese women: they very neatly comb their curls back, collect them in a tight bun or an elegant classic ponytail. These petite feminine creatures almost never wear bangs. Moreover, Chinese women skillfully style their hair in a raised tight braid or an elegant tourniquet. Such techniques help them emphasize an alluring slanting look, demonstrate a beautiful forehead, and show off chic shiny dark curls.

Only Japanese women know another secret of oriental hairstyles for medium hair: this is a styling involving the use of a roller that fixes the strands at the back. The roller, in turn, is supported by an elaborate comb, inconspicuous hairpins, hairpins or invisible hairpins. Such a tribute to the traditions of our ancestors looks very unusual.

Oriental hairstyles look attractive on long hair when stylists make them using the techniques of Thai fashionistas. Decorated with all kinds of colors, bright hairpins, special styling sticks, smooth hair attracts the eyes of others. Sometimes hair designers also resort to weaving colored threads and silk ribbons into Thai braids. Due to this, a bright, original image is created.
Hairstyles in an oriental style on long hair are most often distinguished by the fact that the masters, creating them, carefully curl the girls' strands into voluminous curls. Such styling really looks elegant and charmingly attractive.

It should be noted that oriental hairstyles are perfect for girls: they emphasize the beauty of youth, tenderness and innocence. In addition, for young girls who practically do not use make-up, such styling will also help to set off natural naturalness.

Admire the skill of the stylist who creates unrivaled wedding looks by watching the video of oriental hairstyle for long hair.

If you really want to do an oriental-style hairstyle for short hair, either the option with hair extensions, which is now very common, or overhead strands, sold in any colors and lengths, will suit you.

How to make an oriental hairstyle for a girl at home

Not only adults of the fair sex choose these styling. Below you can see photos of oriental hairstyles for girls that make little angels so adorable and give them a likeness to real princesses.

At home, an oriental hairstyle is not so difficult to do:

you just need to stock up on the necessary tools in advance and practice a little.
To style your hair the way you want, follow these steps:

First, comb your hair well from crown to ends;

Then do a fleece on the back of the head to give the styling the desired volume;

Do not forget to do the same on the side curls, and then near the forehead;

Now smooth and style the strands at the temples;

Pass the strands that you combed on top of the head into the roller and be sure to wind it with tongs or a curling iron;

Remember that the hairstyle can be decorated with a hoop or headband, which, moreover, will also fix the styling.

Delicate flowers, pearl-shaped beads or shiny rhinestones will give a certain chic to the created image.

There are a few more tips that will tell you how to do an oriental hairstyle for long and medium hair.

We will start with the fact that long-haired beauties will have such styling as a "bun" to their face. It is ideal because it suits women who prefer business style clothes and ladies who are frequent guests of parties, gala receptions, dinner parties. For such social events, stylists advise complementing the hairstyle with decorative ornaments - sparkling hairpins, bright ribbons, and a scattering of beads. By the way, for girls this oriental hairstyle will also be a good option: it is very convenient to attend school with it and to run in the yard with friends.

You can make a "bundle" by following these instructions:

Be sure to wet your hair before starting the look. But do not overdo it so that the curls do not look dirty later;

Then comb your hair thoroughly;

Now collect the curls in a high ponytail at the top of the head, securely fixing it with an elastic band;

Your next step is to divide the tail into three identical parts, which you will need to comb well later;

Now you need to twist all the strands very tightly. This can be done by overlaying them;

Having done this, the hair should be placed around an elastic band in the form of a tourniquet and secured with hairpins;

In addition to this way of creating an oriental image, we can offer you the following:

In advance, put a silk ribbon of some delicate shade next to you and prepare a curling iron, which you will definitely need in a short time;

Curl your hair immediately with a curling iron;

Then use a ribbon that will serve as a decorative headband;

Voila! The styling is ready.

Those types of styling that we told you about can be carefully considered in the photo of oriental hairstyles for long hair, attached below.

To create an attractive oriental look will not be difficult for owners of medium-length hair. One of the suitable hairstyles would be this:

Pre-carefully combed curls need to be straightened at the temples with an iron;

If you need to add volume to the styling, it is worth combing the strands found on the back of the head, near the forehead and at the temples;

Using a roller, you need to collect the hair at the crown;

The strands that remain should be twisted with a curling iron;

Beautiful stones, shiny hairpins and delicate flowers will help to make the image romantic and feminine.

To better imagine what this styling looks like, we suggest you look at a photo of oriental hairstyles for medium hair.

Beautiful wedding hairstyles in oriental style

At least one day in the life of any girl must be absolutely perfect - this is her wedding day. To realize this, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail: choose beautiful but comfortable shoes, find the most stunning dress, do makeup that will emphasize all external advantages.
Oriental-style wedding hairstyles are now very popular among brides. This is due to the fact that such styling is particularly elegant and feminine. However, it should be noted that they are best suited for women with dark or even black hair.
When creating an oriental wedding hairstyle, hair-designers pay special attention to its decorative adornments. Tiaras, crowns, headbands should emphasize the styling and imperceptibly fix it.
Fashion stylists suggest that you make such a wedding hairstyle in an oriental style:

First of all, you need to carefully comb your hair and fix it with a gel or some other cosmetic product;

Then you need to collect the curls on the crown in a tail, securing it with an elastic band;

The hair from above is smoothed with a comb or brush, and the strands at the temples must be twisted with a curling iron;

Those curls that turned out are securely fixed at the base of the previously made tail;

The rest of the strands are carefully wound on curlers or a curling iron;

Of course, wedding styling is always decorated with a variety of hairpins, flowers, crowns.

Remember that oriental hairstyles are suitable for all occasions and always attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Among the Arab peoples even in ancient times, the color and density of hair and the design of the hairstyle were especially appreciated. Therefore, women resorted to artificial means to make their hair more beautiful. Women's hairstyles were super complicated, and their implementation took a lot of time (up to 12-14 hours). In front, the hair was cut short, from the sides, depending on the thickness of the hair, they were curled in 2 curls, or tied in braids. The rest of the hair was braided in many braids (the number was odd from 11 to 25). All the pigtails went down the back and 3 black silk cords were woven into each for a quarter of its length. At the lower end of each lace was hung either a golden tube or a ring into which an ornament made of gold coins, pearls or corals was threaded. A similar dress is called safa. The hairstyles of Arab women, like clothing, were designed to excite sensuality, which was explained by the position of the slaves in the harem.

The biggest women's hairstyles belong to the end of the 18th century. Hairdressers became real artists and sought to surpass everything they had ever seen in their art. In 1775, the volume and height of the hairstyle reached such dimensions that they exceeded the size of the head by 3-4 times. To create such a hairstyle and give it strength, special pillows on a wire or a whalebone were placed under natural hair. The hair was combed up and back from the forehead, forming a smooth, rounded mass, and several oblique or vertical curls were curled at the back of the head. At the same time, some of them descended on their backs.

This hairstyle served as the basis for many jewelry.... The simplest decoration was considered to be decoration with ribbons, pearl threads, flowers. Queen Marie Antoinette introduced the fashion for decorating with ostrich and peacock feathers. As the volume of the hairstyle increased, its design became more complicated. There appeared women's still-life hats in the form of a basket filled with flowers or fruits, hats in the form of a helmet with a plume of feathers, a bush of laurel and oak branches. The queen herself invented a hat that contained mountains and valleys made of colored enamel, streams of silver, gardens and groves with pavilions.

Dreadlocks (African braids)- this is not an invention of some fashion designer, this is an absolutely natural state of curly African hair, after it has not been cut or combed for a long time. The history of dreadlocks is rooted in ancient African culture. The right to dreadlocks had to be earned. They made them out of their own hair and it was impossible to remove them, only to cut them off completely - with the help of wax, long strands were scattered from the hair. Now there is no need to resort to such sacrifices - dreadlocks are formed from artificial fiber and woven into your hair. As it grows, you can make a correction - weave the dreadlocks closer to your roots. Dreadlocks can be different - long, short, fluffy, thin.

In some cultures, dreadlocks were and are an indispensable attribute of a real man. and its age is measured by their length. In old men, the length of dreadlocks sometimes reaches 3-4 m. This hairstyle came to America and Europe along with the widespread immigration of people from Central and South Africa over the course of decades. African braids were very popular in the 1960s, during the heyday of the hippie culture. The Flower Children loved that messy-looking hairstyle. The musical culture of reggae, of which Bob Marley, a native of Jamaica, where wearing dreadlocks is almost mandatory, has had a significant influence on the fashion of wearing dreadlocks. By the 1990s, African culture had already had a great influence on all types and styles of music and art in general. Dreadlocks turned out to be a fashionable and stylish hairstyle, and they were already made in fashionable salons throughout America and Europe. Today, African braids are worn not only by adherents of certain styles or trends in music: students, police officers, teachers, actors, singers and even senators do their hair out of matted hair.

Dreadlock - styling strands on a special wax composition. Unlike dreadlocks, it does not destroy the hair structure and is reversible.

Healthy and shiny hair is a must-have beauty criterion in the eastern world. Traditionally, women from Arab countries and India used dairy products, oils and water extracts of plants for hair care. It is in them that the secret of their unusually thick, healthy and shiny hair is.

"Oriental" shampoo for beautiful hair

For centuries, women in the Arab world have not used traditional shampoo to wash their hair, but natural products such as sour milk. It helps to create a layer of oil that protects hair from the damaging effects of the scorching sun and dry wind.

Washing hair with sour milk

Pour sour milk liberally over your head, massage a little, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. For extra shine, you can rinse your hair with water mixed with lemon juice or vinegar.

Shampoo for oily hair

In a ceramic bowl, combine 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of water, and half a teaspoon of camphor oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and massage well. Rinse off with warm water. If your hair is very long, double the amount of ingredients.

Shampoo for dry hair

Mix 1 egg yolk with 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil (olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil). The resulting mixture perfectly restores hair and gives it amazing shine. Use it to wash your hair and rinse with warm water.

These two homemade shampoos can also be used as hair masks. To do this, apply the mixture to your hair for 20-30 minutes, cover your head with a shower cap and a towel on top.

Magic mustard for beautiful hair

Mix 1 tablespoon of mustard (powdered) with 3 tablespoons of milk. Add 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon almond oil to the mixture. Spread the mixture over the entire length of your hair and cover with a towel. Leave the mask to act for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of mustard (powder) in 2 liters of hot water. Rinse your hair with the resulting solution. Mustard removes oily sheen and prevents quick stains.

Hair growth stimulating mask

To obtain long, thick hair, women in Arab harems used crushed sweet almond kernels mixed with milk. To make a wonderful mask, you need a quarter cup of sweet almonds and warm milk. Turn the nuts into a gruel and mix with milk until the consistency of a cream. Massage the hair roots with almond milk twice a week.

Ginger mask stimulates hair growth. To prepare it, you will need 1 tablespoon of finely chopped ginger (you can also dry it) and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil or jojoba oil. It is advisable to leave the mask to act overnight, while wrap your hair with a soft cloth.

Dried fruits for beautiful hair

Dried figs are great for strengthening hair. Mash 2-3 dried figs. Pour 1 glass of milk into a separate enamel bowl. Place the figs in the milk, stir well, cover and place on the stove. When the mixture comes to a boil, reduce heat to the lowest setting and simmer until smooth. After cooling down, apply one part of the mixture to the roots and the other part along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with a towel and let the mask work for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off the mass with warm water, then wash your hair with one of the "oriental" shampoos.

The raisin mask helps prevent hair loss. Put some light raisins in an enamel bowl and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cover and place the mixture on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Let the broth stand for 2 hours, then strain it into a separate container. Mash the raisins in mashed potatoes and add 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of butter and olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Mix everything well. If the mixture becomes very thick, add a little broth and stir. Apply the mixture to your hair and let it work for about one hour. Rinse off the mask with water and then wash your hair.

Oils for beautiful hair

Coconut oil nourishes and strengthens hair. It gives shine to even the most damaged and dry hair. And, like all other oils, it is an ideal tool for fixing color and giving shine after dyeing with henna and basma (traditional oriental paints). Apply the oil all over your hair and let it take effect for 20-60 minutes. Then wash your hair with an oriental shampoo.

For soft, thick and long hair, use Amla oil (Indian gooseberry oil). The miracle oil acts like a magic elixir on the hair. Spread it over the entire length of your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes to 1 hour, then wash your hair with an Oriental Shampoo.

The main assistant of Arab beauties is henna. Henna is colorless and dyed. Colorless henna is an excellent remedy for making hair thicker and thicker. It envelops each hair with a thin film that protects it from the hot dry air and the scorching sun.

Make a henna mask. Mix a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg and henna (the amount depends on the length of the hair). Apply the mask to damp hair, cover the hair with a bag or cap and leave for 1 hour. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.

The same protection plus additional nourishment is given to the hair by using sour milk. Of course, the stores do not sell mare or camel milk, but you can replace it with regular kefir.

Apply kefir to your hair, massage your scalp thoroughly and rinse with warm water. Then rinse your hair with 1: 1 apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

Ginger mask promotes hair growth. Fresh ginger root can be found at any supermarket. Mix finely grated ginger with jojoba oil and apply to hair. Cover your hair with a warm towel. This mask can be left on overnight. In the morning, your hair will be bouncy and shiny.

Essential oils not only add shine to hair, they also nourish hair. Coconut oil, jojoba oil, Amla oil (Indian gooseberry) give fullness and shine to dry and depleted hair. In addition, all vegetable oils are an excellent means of fixing hair dyeing after dyeing with henna and basma (traditional oriental dyes). But chemical dyes do not go well with masks and wraps using aromatic oils. The paint will be washed off in half the time.
Apply the scented oil all over the hair for 20-60 minutes.

You can use oils by mixing them with egg yolk or. You will receive a wonderful shampoo that will leave your hair amazingly silky and shiny. These mixtures can be used as for hair, leaving them on overnight.

To make hair grow faster and thicker, beauties used crushed almond kernels mixed with milk in oriental harems. To prepare the composition, take a quarter cup of sweet almond kernels and warm milk. Crush almonds until mushy and dilute with milk until thick sour cream. Rub the almond milk mass into the hair roots twice a week.

For some reason, it is believed that the secrets of the east are very difficult to comprehend, and they are laborious and costly. But this is not the case. Oriental beauty recipes include common foods. Any exotic can be found on the market. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will see how amazingly effective and simple oriental beauty secrets are.