Tests for mindset - mathematician or humanities? What is a mathematical and humanitarian mindset What is the best way to occupy a baby in order to develop his abilities from childhood

The parents of 5-year-old Fedya Kornienko were shocked when they learned from a child psychologist at a local clinic that their child had been diagnosed with delayed development. Then they turned to another, but already paid clinic, where they confirmed the diagnosis. To say that the parents of little Fedya were in despair is like saying nothing.

It all started with the fact that once a kindergarten teacher Galina Prokofievna complained to Fedor's parents that he asks a lot of questions, and when little Fedya is asked something, for example, did he collect his toys, he takes too long to decide that reply. From the first time he does not understand what he was told to do, he had to repeat it again and again until Fedya received a very detailed explanation of how to do it.

A year later, the parents found an advertisement in the newspaper that a child psychologist, who was famous for his success in treating childhood psychological trauma, was coming to their city. Nina Vasilievna, Fedya's mother, phoned the doctor on the phone, told about the misfortune that had happened to her child, and they agreed to meet.

The doctor talked to Fedya and realized that he had no abnormalities, he had a normal development, it was just that the boy had an analytical mindset. The parents did not know whether to rejoice at him or not, but the psychologist reassured them and said that such children need a special approach, and such a child can be raised as an excellent teacher or jack of all trades.

So what is the “analytical mindset”, is it good or bad? This will be discussed in this article.

Unlike their peers, representatives of other types of thinking, children with analytical thinking are distinguished by a slower psyche. Which, however, is compensated by the focus on the lesson and a thorough approach, no matter what the child undertakes, he does it carefully and efficiently. For example, he began to assemble an airplane - until he copes, he will not do anything else, even if it takes several hours. He draws a picture - until he decorates every detail of the picture, he will not stop.

What mistake do you have to make so that your child does not turn into a "slob"?

The analyst child has an innate accuracy. If it is constantly distracted, preventing normal development, then this property can change its polarity, and a pathological "dirty" will grow out of the child. This state will manifest itself both in his external behavior and in mental processes. The analyst child will constantly say nasty things with terrible meaning. And by the way, the first signal about the mother's misbehavior in relation to such a child is constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Analytics must be taught to order from childhood. He, by nature, will be happy to help you with routine household chores such as cleaning the room, helping with the housework, walking the animals. Just remember to thank and praise your child for his diligence. Pat him on the head, smile and say: “What a fine fellow you are! So meticulous…”

These kids really need praise and recognition. If they lack this in childhood, then the hidden resentment in adulthood can manifest itself in sadistic tendencies, for example, in excessive sarcasm. Often, on the face of such people, an expression of eternal reproach and a constant readiness for resentment seem to freeze. This makes it difficult to communicate with them, in which the unspoken “I was not given enough” shines through.

Under certain circumstances, the state of resentment can become so aggravated that a person, in order to balance, will begin to show sadistic inclinations towards other people and animals. It is these, already offended, analyst children who begin to tear off the paws of insects and mock animals.

Restrictions on praise for child analysts can also be used as a punishment for disobedience. Naturally, within reasonable limits. But physical punishment should be completely abandoned. If you do not want to injure the psyche of the baby for life.

Why is your child an analystin adulthood can become a professional in his field?

In the process of learning, let the analyst child read a wide variety of literature. After all, the task and specific role of a person with analytical thinking is the accumulation of information and its transfer to other members of society. Until the end of the period of growing up, analysts accumulate information, after which they begin to transfer it to others.

Analysts have very useful character traits that contribute to the accumulation of experience - this is an ideal memory and perseverance. The better the analyst child can develop all of his character traits before the onset of puberty, the more professional he will achieve in adulthood. Therefore, it depends only on you how your child can develop.

Also, never dismiss your analyst child's questions. If he asks something, explain it intelligibly, so that the baby can absorb all the information, putting it on the shelves. The analyst systematizes all the incoming information, displaying it in the form of a mental table. Your task is to help the child form the most detailed table of the world, filling it with encyclopedic information about all levels of the world order.

Analysts are rather indecisive people. Therefore, they need to be pushed to commit actions and make decisions, constantly give something to read, without leaving their brain without food for thought.

As mentioned above, the praise and recognition of the child is simply necessary, but there is a certain danger here. Do not praise the child too much for what they have been doing for a long time and successfully. There is a risk that he will develop a “good boy” complex from excessive praise. And later, in adulthood, he will beg for praise from those around him with all his behavior.

The analyst child absorbs information like a sponge, while its value and quality do not matter. Such a child often sits at the same table with adults, listens attentively to their conversation and remembers everything. There are frequent cases when a child himself intervenes in a dialogue and corrects adults: “Mom, the tallest tree is a sequoia, not a cedar, I read about it in an encyclopedia.” Having heard a fact only once, he is quite capable of remembering it and applying it in the future.

Having a natural craving for truth and justice, he does not know how and does not want to hide and withhold information, but conveys it as it is, that is, as he heard it. If you ask him to lie, he will most likely obey. But at the same time, he will warn the interlocutor in advance that he was asked to tell a lie. Therefore, if you have something to hide from other people, hide it from your analyst child too: deception is too serious a mental burden for him.

Create a moral ecology in the family, do not slander, do not discuss others, use pure, correct speech. Do not force a child to sacrifice his nature, forcing him to big or small deceit, or even just to conscious silence. It is not clear to the child-analyst why in one case he is offered to remain silent, but not in the other, when his nature orders him to always tell the truth, the truth and only the truth - under any circumstances. After all, it is impossible to fulfill the specific role of transmitting information in time if you are a liar.

Why is the mother's role in the life of an analyst child special?

Mom plays a huge role in the life of a child with analytical thinking. That's right - with a capital letter! More than other children, he is characterized by respect and affection for his mother. Analytic children are attached to their mother, since the mother for them is the guarantor of satiety and protection from external influences. They take an example from their mother, copying her model of behavior, since they do not yet have their own experience and there is nothing to copy.

Little analysts are so dependent on their mother that they are afraid to make any important decisions without her. They are afraid to be in a situation where you need to react without preparation, without insurance. For an analyst, a mother is like an instruction, where it is clearly described in what situation and how to act. Therefore, it is desirable to correspond as much as possible to the similarity of the instructions for the baby and explain everything, in the smallest detail, to the baby, without being annoyed by his natural meticulousness. Your explanations are exactly the experience that the analyst will rely on.

Do not rush the analyst child if he is focused on something. Such haste threatens to slow down the movement of his psyche up to a stupor. And in the future, the beginning of any business will be a huge stress for him.

One of the hardest options is when the analyst has such an all-encompassing resentment for the world that he concludes: “Life has failed.” And since it is impossible to start living again, he falls into a state of “living out”. In the formation of this negative scenario, a huge role is assigned to the mother - as a rule, an insult of this magnitude begins with her.

A properly educated child with an analytical mindset is a real gift for parents. Obedient in childhood, diligent and well-mannered (if all conditions for development are created), such a child practically does not need control, he will do everything himself: he will clean the room himself, do his homework and bring it to the test.

He will not hide and hide anything from you, since lies are contrary to his whole nature, so you don’t need to think anything out for him, ask direct questions - you get direct answers. Be sure that a child brought up within the framework of family values ​​will carry them through his whole life, endowing his parents with care and attention. If you did everything right, then such a child, no doubt, can become your support in old age.

If you find that you have an analyst child, you should not panic in the first place, your child can become a jack of all trades, a professional of all trades, if you follow the recommendations described in the article. Unfortunately, the volume of the article is not enough to tell about all the features of a child with analytical thinking. But you can turn to a professional focused on the latest trends in child psychology.

Let your child bring you only happiness and joy from life!

You can often encounter the division of people into humanists and techies. The Internet is filled with endless disputes between these two groups. But who are the humanities and techies in reality? And how to determine which group a child belongs to? The answers to these questions must be sought in the inclinations, inclinations, interests and features of the mindset of each person. Today we will see what features people with a humanitarian and technical (analytical) mindset have.

Prerequisites for an inclination towards the humanities or technical sciences

The tendency can be noticed already in early childhood.

Almost every person has a penchant for certain types of sciences, i.e. Some disciplines are more interesting than others. For example, some prefer to carry out calculations (a propensity for mathematics), while others prefer to read books and analyze texts (a propensity for literature and language). This tendency is most pronounced in school years, and in some cases it is noticeable even at an earlier age. There are several prerequisites for this:

  1. Makings. These are the natural qualities of a person that determine his success in a particular type of activity. These are inborn physiological, psychological features, features of the nervous system and the structure of the brain. For example, absolute pitch, a strong type of nervous system, excellent memory, etc. Under favorable conditions for development, the inclinations turn into abilities: musical, mathematical, etc.
  2. Upbringing. Even in the absence of certain inclinations and abilities, it is possible to instill in a child a love for some kind of science. For example, families of hereditary mathematicians, doctors, teachers, etc. are quite common. Growing up in a particular family, the child adopts the ideas, norms and values ​​of his parents. And especially bright interest in the humanities or technical sciences will be manifested if adults work with the child and support his enthusiasm.
  3. Interest. It can be formed under the influence of parents, teachers, friends, etc. Sometimes interest in a particular science flares up in a child as if spontaneously, i.e. no one deliberately inoculates him. In this case, it will be more due to the makings and mindset.
  4. Mentality. This concept refers to the way in which a person thinks, how he expresses and implements his thoughts and ideas. To a greater extent, it is due to the natural component (i.e. inherent in a person from birth), however, education also plays a significant role in its formation.

Each of these four prerequisites significantly affects the child's inclination towards the humanities or technical sciences. However, the division of people into two categories (humanitarians and technicians) occurs precisely according to the mindset, which in each case has its own characteristics.

Features of people with a humanitarian mindset

It is believed that such a mindset is inherent in people whose right hemisphere is more developed. Those. people with the so-called artistic personality type. Their features are:

  • Emotional way of knowing the world. Such people are more focused on feelings and emotions, learning something, they pass it through themselves. For example, listening to a fairy tale, such a child will pay more attention to the feelings of the characters, worry about them.
  • Mode of action. Humanitarians are more theorists than practitioners. They are avidly interested in the discoveries of other people, study the history of various phenomena and at the same time do not particularly strive to create something on their own. They make their own discoveries if the available knowledge is not enough to explain a particular phenomenon. A child with a humanitarian mindset in games will act according to the existing rules (if they are clear and suit him), not trying to move away from them and invent something new.
  • Acceptance of multiple points of view. People with this inclination are able to accept the existence of other points of view, to understand that other people may think differently from them. Children in the humanities will strive to find various explanations for the phenomenon that interests them, for example, they will not be satisfied with one theory of the origin of man, but will try to get acquainted with all of them.
  • The predominance of visual-figurative type of thinking. Such children have a very developed imagination, they can easily imagine some kind of object or phenomenon (but only if they have already seen it once), they do not need to have an object in front of them in order to mentally perform some actions with it. However, it should be noted that the predominance of this type of thinking in a person does not necessarily determine the humanitarian mindset.
  • Love for the humanities. A humanist child would rather prefer literature, language, history, etc., than mathematics, physics, and other natural and technical sciences. However, there are times when people with such a mindset love not only the humanities, but they are more difficult for them.

So, the humanitarian mindset of a child can be determined by his increased emotionality and sensitivity, by his ability to understand people and establish contacts with them, by his love for reasoning and thoughts. After reading some interesting book or watching a movie, such children will think about it / him, try to feel and imagine. Humanitarians are by no means passive, but they are less active and lively than children with an analytical mindset. They gradually accumulate knowledge, collect it bit by bit, and then they can surprise adults with the vastness of their knowledge. At the same time, they are perfectly able to apply this knowledge in life, in communicating with people, etc.

The most preferred professions for people with such a mindset are: psychologist, teacher, philologist, historian, archaeologist, lawyer, political scientist, economist, sociologist, etc.

Features of people with a technical (analytical) mindset

As a rule, in such people, the left hemisphere is more developed and leading. Children with a technical mindset belong to the mental type of personality and are characterized by:

  • Cognition of the world through logical schemes. Faced with some new situation or phenomenon, the technician will try to analyze it from all possible sides and aspects, to consider every little thing. For example, in fairy tales, such children will pay more attention to the actions of the characters, ask how they managed to do this or that action. Techniques are not devoid of feelings and emotions, but they fade into the background.
  • Active mode of action. Technicians prefer to act, not to reason. At the same time, they strive to think everything over in detail, to make the activity clear and purposeful. Such children are not so much interested in hearing about the discoveries of others as in making these discoveries themselves. Even in games, they tend to invent something new, come up with and introduce their own rules.
  • Adherence to one specific point of view. As a rule, technicians tend to have one point of view, one way of doing things, and so on. It is difficult for them to accept the existence of other opinions. For this reason, the study of sciences, where there are many theories and paradigms that explain one phenomenon, is difficult for them.
  • The predominance of the abstract-logical type of thinking. As a rule, such people think in categories that do not exist in nature. They all strive to explain from the point of view of logic: to connect concepts with each other, to draw a conclusion, etc. But it is worth remembering that the prevalence of this type of thinking will not necessarily determine the technical mindset.
  • Love for natural and technical sciences. Mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, areas dominated by drawings and diagrams - these are the elements of human technicians. This does not mean that they do not like to read books and watch films, they are not interested in art. It's just that analysis, reasoning and discussion are not typical for children with an analytical mindset.

Briefly describe children with a technical mindset as very mobile, but at the same time rational and rarely show their emotions. They strive to learn everything from their own experience, to make great discoveries, to go down in history. Their goal is to acquire new knowledge, new ways of acting. At the same time, it does not matter at all that this knowledge and methods of action could exist earlier. Techies are energetic and self-confident, but at the same time it can be difficult for them to find a common language with those around them, and they do not always strive for this. They love technology and are good at it.

The most preferred professions for people with a technical mindset: mathematician, physicist, chemist, engineer, architect, mechanic, programmer, biotechnologist, cook (culinary specialist), etc.

Mathematical ability is one of the main indicators.

Can propensity be changed?

Inclination and mindset in most cases determine the future profession and occupation. However, situations often arise when, contrary to these criteria, one has to choose a different field of activity. So is it possible to change a child's propensity for technical or human sciences? Yes, it is acceptable in some situations:

  1. The child has a synthetic mindset. This means that the humanities and technical sciences are given to him equally. In this case, it is worth getting him interested in other disciplines, instilling love for them.
  2. The child shows interest in the opposite area of ​​knowledge. A great desire is an excellent driving force for mastering any field of knowledge. Having the interest, desire and support of loved ones, the child will be able to successfully master any profession, even contrary to his mindset.

It is worth remembering that not a single person is completely deprived of the ability to master certain sciences. It’s just that he feels great love for one, and they are given to him an order of magnitude easier. Most often, it is on the basis of this inclination that the future profession is chosen. However, the human brain is so complex that, with great desire and aspiration, it allows you to succeed even in those areas that seem infinitely far from his mindset.

The humanitarian mindset often becomes the object of ridicule of typical "techies", who sincerely believe that a person who is poorly versed in mathematical calculations is stupid and narrow-minded. Like, a truly smart person remembers and logically analyzes information equally easily.

Features of the humanitarian mindset

In fact, everything is different. "Humanist" may well conduct calculations and study physics. It just doesn't interest him. Much more interesting for him are social activities, creativity, classical literature, philosophy, art.

At the same time, a conditional “humanist” can choose an appropriate profession for himself, in fact, understanding engineering technologies no worse than the most inveterate “technician”. A person with a humanitarian mindset, first of all, feels impulses to realize the spiritual side of his life.

Among the majority of scientists who discovered important chemical elements and physical laws, there was a craving for creativity. Moreover, hundreds of them became known precisely thanks to the products of their own imagination and reasoning. A vivid example is the greatest physicist and chemist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, who was more appreciated for his odes and poetry than for his invaluable contribution to the development of the exact sciences.

The humanitarian mindset on Wikipedia is interpreted as "mentality", or the ability to see a world in which thoughts are intertwined with emotions. Indeed, the mentality determines the indivisible emotional and intellectual aspects inherent in the "humanities".

The type of thinking is determined not at all by a good memory or enthusiasm for literature, but by the ability to perceive life in a multifaceted way. This is the main essence of the humanitarian mindset - to perceive the world comprehensively, to know that there are two sides to any medal, and that there is always something "other".

Another meaning, another interpretation, another interpretation, other concepts, another experience, another vision. The mathematical or technical mind perceives all life "according to the rules." Moreover, the person who possesses it is ready for days to prove to you the "generally accepted" laws of the universe, the results " the only true» research, unconditional submission of everything and everything to physical laws.

Such a perception is alien and opposite to a creative person. He always takes into account that there is "another". "Humanist" can despise, hate, be at enmity with this "other", not show a bit of tolerance towards him, but frankly admit that it exists.

What type of mind you have is not difficult to determine. This often happens at school. Teachers and class teachers easily determine the presence of a mathematical or humanitarian mindset in their wards. "Humanities" are distinguished by a high degree of literacy, a craving for learning foreign languages, a manifestation of creative abilities (drawing, music, poetry), a phenomenal memory, and philosophical judgments on every issue.

To determine these abilities in yourself, you can pass a special test. Professions for representatives of the humanitarian mindset are diverse - from a librarian to a politician or philosopher. It all depends on what kind of activity you have a real passion for.

How to determine the humanitarian mindset of your child?

The inclinations to the type of activity can be determined in early childhood. At the same time, for the first time, the essence of the mindset and thinking is revealed. How to distinguish whether your child has a humanitarian or technical mindset?

The first signs of "humanities" in a child:

  • He has a keen tactile and olfactory sense, reacts violently to odors, visuals, and touch;
  • He is not too keen on basic puzzles that are easily given to peers;
  • He loves to draw, paint, sculpt, form paper crafts;
  • He requires you to think about fairy tales and literary works, shows "adult" reasoning about the plot and characters;
  • He prefers role-playing games and strategies like "mother-daughter", "war";
  • He is not afraid of the dark;
  • He does not show much interest in natural sciences in real life mode: he does not ask where the cow's milk comes from, why dew appears on the grass, how many legs a spider has, etc.

If you have determined the presence of these abilities in your child, then it's time to start organizing his social and professional path. It should be understood that among the humanities there are also exact ones. For example, foreign languages ​​or psychology.

Professional humanists, unlike mental ones, are not always able to perceive another point of view as something true and having the right to exist.

Another distinguishing feature of typical humanitarians, which manifests itself even in childhood, is communication skills. These people are drawn to others and masterfully make contacts throughout their lives. And this applies to those who accept someone else's worldview, and those who stubbornly reject it.

If a certain individual manages to easily establish contact with strangers who have fundamentally opposite views and positions, this person is a typical personification of the GSU. People of all religions, professions and types of temperament will be drawn to him, it will be easy and interesting for life with him, he will make an excellent psychologist, orator, sociologist or politician.

How to determine the mindset of an adult held person?

As we have already mentioned, " humanities" may well be engaged in mathematical or technical activities by chance. Moreover, such people often succeed in the business that they have chosen for their lives, even if it is at odds with the emotional and mental type.

Equally, how a "techie" can serve in government bodies, engage in psychology or in-depth study of the traditions of other countries. It is hardly possible to orient oneself in determining the mindset according to the assessment of the profession. Moreover, not everyone gets to do what they love in life.

What does the term "humanitarian mindset" mean?

  1. Sign type of thinking;
  2. Transforming information into a final form using a collective analysis of assumptions and statements;
  3. An abundance of friends and acquaintances;
  4. Excellent communication skills;
  5. Love for society and noisy events;
  6. The need to constantly be in the spotlight;
  7. Great interest in literature, acquiring new skills, learning new theories;
  8. Consistent and accurate presentation of one's own thoughts, the ability to concentrate on the important;
  9. Demanding to the form of presentation of reasoning from others;
  10. Interest in a multicultural environment;
  11. Passion for news, traditions and laws of other countries.

The best professions for the "humanities":

If you still have doubts about your own path, we recommend that you take tests for a humanitarian mindset. So you can quickly decide on the choice of a career direction, choose a worthy hobby for yourself, and be able to start life from scratch, in accordance with your personal needs.

And remember, despite the certain value of "techies" in the field of programming, "humanists" are no less popular individuals in public life. We wish you creative victories, professional ups and interesting events!

From the basics of psychology, it is known that the hemispheres of the brain are responsible for the mental function. People with a dominant right hemisphere are more emotional, they differ in figurative, abstract thinking. Such individuals have a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere dominates, the person is more practical, has analytical thinking and a mathematical mindset.

There are 5 main categories of human thinking:
- practical mindset;
- artistic and figurative;
- humanitarian;
- mathematical ();
- universal mindset ().

What type of thinking do you have?

In order to understand your type of thinking, first of all, you need to become more familiar with each of them.

Practical mindset. People who possess it, in everyday life, prefer objective thinking. They are consistent in everything and have an inextricable link between the object-space-time. A person with such a mindset is inherently not inclined to fantasize and dream.

Artistic mentality. With such thinking, all information is processed with the help of images. Such people have a developed imagination and vocabulary. It is easier for them to tell than to show by action. A person with an artistic mentality is very easy to recognize, as he reacts sharply to criticism and is emotional in almost all manifestations. Analytical abilities in such a person are much less pronounced.

A person with an artistic and imaginative mindset is perfectly suited for the profession of a psychologist, social worker, as well as creative professions.

A humanitarian mindset that can be described as iconic thinking. The personality of such a warehouse processes information with the help of inference. Such a person does not build a logical chain according to “small details”, but ties it to a specific imaginary goal. In this he is helped by developed intuition and creativity, which is based on imagination and feelings. The emotional method of cognition is the first thing a humanist relies on.

Mathematical (analytical) mindset. In this situation, the opposite is true. People with this mindset prefer laws, rules, and formulas. Unlike humanitarians, these individuals are able to adequately assess the situation and resolve serious issues. Cold calculations help you succeed in the commercial field. The analytical mindset is based on the logic of reasoning and is the exact opposite of intuitive thinking. Facts, objective information and figures are what such people prefer to be guided by.

Mathematical (analytical) thinking is very similar to the practical mindset.

Universal (synthetic) thinking. People with this mindset can be called lucky, because they have all the abilities. They have well-developed left and right hemispheres. They have a fairly clear picture of the world and are well versed in technical disciplines. They are emotional realists. However, these abilities are not divided equally, but with some preponderance. And in order to identify the predominant type of thinking, it is necessary to pass a special psychological test.

Based on the foregoing, knowledge about the types of thinking and mindset has a huge impact on your future successful future. Develop in the right direction! I wish you success!

Both parents and teachers should keep in mind that it is necessary to teach, educate, develop children wisely, take into account the temperament and interests of the child, and the type of intelligence that even the smallest crumbs have. If the characteristics of the child's intelligence are taken into account, then learning will be easy, and its results will certainly please. To determine what type of intelligence a child has, the baby must be observed and analyzed.

Features of children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence

If the kid has a logical-mathematical type of thinking, then he loves accuracy in everything, has abstract thinking, is surprisingly organized, loves to count. Such children from an early age show interest in logical experiments, computers, in solving problems - and all this comes to them very easily. They are easily given mathematics, physics, chemistry, that is, subjects that require developed logic, accuracy and a special mindset. To arouse the interest of these children in learning, you need to set different tasks for them, use tables and diagrams for clarity, offer various experiments, and play mathematical games.

Preferences of children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence

If the child is dominated by logical and mathematical thinking, then he likes modeling, the study of relationships, and strictly ordered activities. He also likes math. He likes to experiment with things he doesn't understand. Such a student likes to ask questions, work with numbers, explore relationships and patterns. He is interested in solving logical problems. For the purpose of the most effective learning, children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence prefer to classify information, they think abstractly and try to understand the basic principles. Children with developed mathematical abilities, as a rule, become mathematicians, biologists, medical technologists, geologists, engineers, physicists, researchers and other scientists. People with this type of thinking can easily understand a complex diagram or read a drawing. They like to untie logical and mathematical problems, moreover, the more difficult the task, the more interesting it is for them to solve it. Therefore, mathematics, physics, chemistry and economics are the easiest for them.

The abilities of children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence

Children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence have pronounced abilities that distinguish these children from their peers from an early age. The main abilities of such children can be called:

  • Ease of perception of abstract ideas;
  • As a rule, punctuality;
  • Rely more on reason and logic than on feelings;
  • They love technology and are well versed in it;
  • When solving a problem, they try to think everything over carefully, analyze all possible options and choose the best one;
  • Make accurate notes;
  • They remember faces better than names.

In order for the training of young “mathematicians” to be as successful as possible, you need to analyze data with them; play math games; always use logic. Such children in the learning process must be inspired in every possible way, assisted in carrying out practical experiments; together with them strive to predict the results; use deductive methods to solve problems; try to use graphs and tables as much as possible in the learning process.

I must say, this type of intelligence is often called academic, scientific.