Touching romantic love messages for a man. romantic sms

Everyone is a romantic in one way or another. Therefore, romantic SMS can be sent to a girl or boyfriend, friend or girlfriend, and even between spouses, relations will become more tender if one of them dares to write such a message. Romantic SMS carry not only tenderness and affection, but also sympathy, devotion, fidelity, affection for a loved one. They will help you build warm feelings and passionate attraction in your relationship. According to their capacity, they occupy one or two messages of mole operators. This takes exactly 140 characters. SMS does not require additional increase or decrease in text. They express already completed thoughts. You need to carefully choose a message that sincerely expresses your thoughts and desires. Copy it to your mobile phone and send it to your loved one. Notes of sensuality and romance will be on the screen of your loved one in a matter of seconds.

romantic sms

Sunny, I feel for You an extremely great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person does not live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you and for which I began to live and breathe. I LOVE AND I will love YOU SUN FOREVER!

Romantic SMS poems for a girl

When I see you, sadness and cold disappear, your smile is a reason for me to be happy.

sms romantic

You are as beautiful as spring and hot as summer. You have so much light. You're refreshing like a cool winter. I am grateful to fate that you are with me!

Romantic SMS for a girl

Beautiful moments of life - you are their cause. You are the meaning of my life and I want to be your only man!

Romantic SMS to your girlfriend

I always remember your tender hugs, You are my happiness and my joy!

Romantic SMS poems for your beloved

Gentle touches, beautiful words. My love is all for you. For the sweetest and dearest. Dear to the heart.

Romantic SMS to your beloved

I'm ready to look into your eyes forever. Be always with me, and my happiness will be endless!

Romantic SMS for a girl at night

Outside the window it becomes dark, the night comes. She inspires thoughts about dreams ... May this night bring you a good dream, in which I and our future home will be.

romantic sms for your loved one

Let the sun set and the first star appear, how bright it is. But her light will never compare with the brilliance of your brown eyes, bottomless eyes ... in which I drown with pleasure.

I look at the sky - it's beautiful. And when I look at you, everything is clear to me too - I am insanely happy!

Romantic SMS

You and I are 2 swans and our love will be eternal. You and I are 2 infinities and our happiness will be endless!!!

romantic sms for boyfriend

My beloved, gentle and sweet. You, like a gray-winged dove, protect me - your dove. I thank you and love you with all my heart.

Romantic Good Morning SMS

Good morning my darling! In the whole world there is no more beautiful than you!

Romantic Good Night SMS

Goodnight! Tomorrow we will meet with you in Sochi!

To turn life into a fairy tale, you need quite a bit - just you and me ... Together!

Many people appear and disappear from my life, but only you leave traces in my heart.

Wrote your name in the sand - the wave washed it away. I wrote (a) your name in my heart - it remained forever in it ...

I send you 1000 smiles: take one now, and put the remaining 999 under your pillow and take out one every morning - I always want to see you smiling.

Falling in love with you is the second best thing in this world. And the first is to meet you...

If the distance from the Earth to the Moon were measured by our love, then they would constantly move away from each other.

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be (a) happy (a), and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

Don't say you love me until you're sure of it. Because I can do big stupid things like believe it.

What everyone is looking for in their ideal, I have already found in you.

When I start to think it couldn't get better, you convince me otherwise! Love you!

It's raining, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining... All this is as natural as loving you...

Didn't believe in the expression "soulmate" until I met you...

I want to give this night a kiss that will sweep through the quarters of a sleepy city and break right into your window, plunge you into a sweet shroud of dreams and fantasies, pass through your body with a burning wave and return to my lips with your sweet taste and delicate aroma.

It's not that I can't live without you; The thing is, I don't even want to try it.

We've committed the perfect crime: stealing each other's hearts... forever!

Due to violation of article 12 of the love code, I condemn you to life imprisonment in my heart. The verdict is final and not subject to appeal.

There are two time periods in which I want to be with you... "Now" and "Always"

I asked a passing breeze to give you a package. I put in it: happiness, good luck, beautiful dreams, fabulous dreams. But there is still room. There I put a gentle kiss. Wait. She is about to arrive!

I'd like to trade places with you for a day, just so you know how I feel when I look at you.

Loving you is like breathing... I just can't stop!

No matter how hard you try, the compass needle always points north. So my heart goes to you..

Love is like a snowflake that melts in the palm of your hand in an instant. Let's make this moment last forever.

We are all angels with one wing. And the only way for us to fly is by embracing and folding our wings. So if you have trouble taking off, come to me and I will share my wing with you.

My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you. I so want to be heard by your heart... I kiss the tips of your wings.

What? Love. Where? We have with you. When? Forever!

Turn your face to the sun and it will kiss you. Gently gently. Like me.

I want to say now and forever that I am deeply and passionately in love with you! You are the light in my life and the only star that shines brightly in my personal sky. I love you honey, let's be together forever.

The Internet introduced us to you, Timidly, so stupidly, naively, I wrote to you: “Beauty, hello!” And you answered back

I will save our love forever, And even a year will not be an obstacle, And neither enemies, nor illness, nor trouble, Will ever separate us!

I need you, my joy, as the ships of the sea need you. Like a homeless man needs shelter, I need you, my love.

I sent an angel to kiss you at night, but he returned and said that an angel does not kiss an angel!

If I could meet God, I would thank him for giving me you.

Thank you for these lips, Thank you for these hands. Thank you, my love, for the fact that you are in the world.

If you are next to me, Then the world around is beautiful! You are not only my favorite, you are my closest friend!

You endure all my whims, You present sweet surprises: Giving birth to a hail of happy tears With bouquets of scarlet roses!

I am happy and unhappy, I love! Fate for all the suffering and bliss For everything, for everything, humble thank you For the fact that you are my god and perfection!

Close your eyes, imagine the star, The one I'm sitting on. I will see you, I will come up, And I will gently hug you tenderly. Whisper softly in my ear: "Kitten, I love you ..."

Every moment of the earth is beautiful, And so beautiful is this time, Which I spent with you, You are not more beautiful in the world.

In your eyes, I'm not afraid to drown. For this look, I'm ready to give everything. For this moment, in the eyes of those clear, I see love, not darkness.

Midnight light, twinkling of the moon. And marvelous stars in the sky charm. Great look, great features. That was our first date.

Romantic poems

For you, I'm ready for anything... The biggest fear of losing you forever...

Romantic poems

The river of disagreements divided me from you, there is a tear, I decided to ask for forgiveness, my dear, excuse me!

Romantic Poems

Dear, let's start all over again, I no longer have the strength to think about it. Still, how hard the word sometimes hits, sometimes it is comparable to a gun put to the head. Let's drop all the showdowns if we don't want to lose each other. Our love is like a roller coaster, and I so want to forgive you, hug you ...

Romantic poems

Your soul is bright and your whole appearance is sweet. I thank the Creator - he gave you!

Romantic poems

Today they promised + 12 and the sun is above my head. And I can't collect my thoughts. Desire to see you!

Romantic poems

I am sitting near the sea, there is water around me, I am writing 4 words - I feel bad without you!

Romantic poems

How many stars are in the sky, how many pebbles are in the water, how many tender kisses I send, kitten, to you!

Romantic poems

How many stars are in the sky. How many pebbles are in the water. So many sweet kisses I send you...

Romantic poems

The swallows miss the sky, the fish miss the water, and I am writing and at the same time I miss you very much!

Romantic poems

I send SMS to the one that warms my soul, cherishes my dreams in the night.

Romantic poems

I send sms and I beg you, forgive me the fool. Pain, like a bird let go.

Romantic poems

I send SMS from boredom, from idleness and from flour.

Romantic poems

Again my lips softly whisper your name... Dear, dear - I miss you very much on sleepless nights...

Romantic poems

Again the rain outside the window, again I feel a little sad. Tears are falling from heaven, did you text me?

Romantic poems

Gather your lips in a bow... Relax... Stretch in a smile... Relax. Repeat 10 times every 15 minutes until my arrival. This is kissing. Prepare well. I'll be soon.

Romantic poems

Warm me in the middle of winter, give me coolness in the middle of summer. Take me, because I'm yours! And you know it very well!

Romantic poems

Love and romance are closely related. They feed and support each other. Sometimes, it is very difficult to keep light and tender feelings without romantic deeds. And even guys, despite all their male brutality, really need compliments and tenderness from their chosen one. The eulogy of the beloved makes you believe in yourself, straighten your shoulders, become bolder and a little happier. Do not be silent, compliment your beloved men, praise them in your messages. And then, feeling their strength, they will get you the most inaccessible stars, conquer the most impregnable peaks, and do everything to make your life a little lighter, more comfortable and safer. The more we give, the more we get in return.

Waiting for you at night, waiting for you during the day
I can't wait until we're together
Go to bed together, get up together
Walk hand in hand through life!

I love you just the way you are.
I love your look
your touches.
I love to catch your breath on my cheek
And when you softly whisper in my ear
"I love you!"

Whatever happens, I know
That feelings do not melt like ice.
Dreams of you won't melt
Love for you will not die!

You are afraid of love confession,
You will tear the letter of love,
But the poem
Read with a gentle smile.

I love to lie next to you
Touch gently with a warm look,
Caress all of you with your hand,
I always want to be with you.

Without you my heart doesn't beat
My soul suffers so much without you!
Another moment and it will break
If I don't see you!

If you want to live with me
I will love you
I'll wake you up in the morning,
I'll bring breakfast to bed!
I'm waiting for touch
When will you come?
And with my caress
Take you to heaven...

When you are near, the days are brighter
They are so happy and cheerful!
They are filled with love
And I appreciate and cherish them!

When you get bored sometimes
And grief worries you
You remember that there is a heart in the world,
Who loves you!

When there is no water in the seas,
When grass grows on the arable land,
When the moon won't shine
Then I can forget you.

I don't need your flowers
And no need for sweet words!
Just yellow leaf fall
Give your love!

There are many places in the world
Where would I rest my soul;
But it makes no sense for me to look for them,
When my soul is with you.

We don't need to be alone at all.
After all, everything in this world is for the two of us!
And I'm ready to enjoy all my life
By the touch of your strong hands!

You and I complete each other
And we go one by one.
This is only our merit!
I won't give you to anyone!

I love you as much as the sky - the wind!
I love you as dearly as the waves - the sand!
Without you in this world, the sun does not shine.
Without you, my life is like oblique!

I need your hands, lips, eyes.
I need your affection and your tenderness.
I want to be with you night and day.
I want to find a place in your heart!

You are pain and light, peace and fear!
You are the taste of heaven on my lips
Melody that I sing.
You are life, and I love it!

I love you like the sky loves the wind
As gentle as a wave of sea sand.
Without you there is no sun for me
Without you, all life is upside down.

I'll tell you honestly
You look lovely!
Eyes - bottomless seas
And lips - a scarlet dawn.
Your manners excite the nerves!
Say a word and I'm ready...

Give love only to
With whom to pluck the petals of love,
With whom I will not be afraid to live,
Who is not afraid to die.

Tonight be with me my love
Hold me tight tonight
Tonight I want to forget the problems
Tonight I want to love you!

Let us have a great life
Don't want to change your life!
Love is a reason for temptation,
Let's seduce each other!

Love will help you
Love will save you
Love will tell you
And the right path will show!

Your appearance is mysterious, and your eyes are hazy.
You are unique, brilliant, sexy!
All this is true, but do not be arrogant!
Still, joke, love and smile.

The noise of the day stops and the light goes out in the house,
Glitter patterns on my glass.
There is no greater joy and happiness
What to think, dear, about you!

You are very reliable, calm and sensitive.
And I'm counting the minutes impatiently
While we are apart from you,
My most favorite, beautiful native!

I love my life,
Because you are in it
And you,
Because you are in my life

I want to be next to you
Both with your body and with your soul.
Both in sorrow and in happiness.
And in joy, bad weather.

You are near, and everything is fine:
Snow and cold wind.
Thank you my clear
For the fact that you are in the world.

I was then a wounded bird,
And you suddenly took me and tamed me.
And my heart began to beat faster
Love for you - there is no more reason!

Do not be isolated from fate,
After all, there are so many places in the world for the two of us,
Where I am able to enjoy life
By the touch of your gentle hands.

You didn't know about
What I love,
You didn't know about
What do you come to me in dreams ...
And now you know.
What is your answer?

There is nothing warmer than your hands
There is no lighter than your eyes
Let there be no separation
And we have sorrow!

Your beautiful eyes are so dear to me,
And it's so nice to hear your words,
I like holding you in my arms
And just feel the breath of love.

For me you are a ray of light
For me, you are the light in the window.
For me, a piece of happiness
Too bad it's only in my dreams.

My dear sunshine
Good and golden
Happy to be with you
And I don't need another!

I love you and miss you
I don't see any other guys.
I only need you, my love
With you I will be happy!

Love you, kiss you, hug you
And I only dream about you!
Your eyes confuse me
Love and affection promise!

In the abyss of serene passion
I'm taking you with me
And I tell you gently
I whisper to you that I love you.
I love you and it's true
How can you lie about love.
I want to see you soon
And go to the world of love with you.

In October, my husband and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary. We've had our ups and downs in our marriage over the years, but one thing I now know for sure is that men need love and want to be loved.

And they need to be constantly reminded of their feelings.

Marriage can be thought of as a box designed to hold little love bombs. When you constantly put something nice and romantic into it, your husband feels it. And in return, he also contributes.

There will definitely come a time of testing when you will need to look into this box to remind yourself how much you love each other.

When my husband and I were having relationship problems, a friend of ours, who has been married for 40 years, advised us to send love messages to each other throughout the day - the very “bombs” that can rekindle feelings.

  • I'm so lucky to have you by my side.
  • I love you.
  • I feel safe with you...and I'm grateful for that.
  • Darling, do you have any plans for tonight? A delicious dessert awaits you at home...
  • You are the best. I just thought you should know this.
  • I like being with you together. I miss you!
  • Have a nice day at work! I will wait for your return home.
  • I like you. I really like you.
  • You are the most caring man I know.
  • I love your sense of humor! Today with colleagues the whole day laughed at your joke!
  • Thank you for being who you are.
  • I am happy next to you. I love you so much!
  • Thanks for having you in my life.
  • Let's cook something special for dinner tonight, shall we?
  • Let's spend the evening together, shall we?
  • Just you and me. Romantic dinner at 5 pm.
  • Thanks for washing the dishes! My manicure remained intact and unharmed 🙂
  • I have no one closer to you!
  • You inspire me, dear.
  • Darling, I'm not afraid to trust you.
  • What God has joined together, no one can separate...
  • I'm so glad you are in my life.
  • Today, tomorrow, mine!
  • I am married to a very sexy man!
  • I will always love you.
  • You are my one and only! I am so grateful to you for everything!
  • I want you to hug me!
  • I miss you, come home as soon as possible.
  • I propose to tell at work that you are sick - let's spend the whole day in bed!
  • You are my protection and support.
  • You are my sun.
  • Tonight is just the perfect evening for dinner. Meet me at 7.
  • You are my dearest person.
  • Hey! I love you. You must know this.
  • I can't wait for our date.
  • I'm counting the minutes until we meet.
  • You are the best father in the world!
  • I want you to know how lucky I am to have you?
  • Being with you... It's the best thing in the world!
  • I want you to kiss me!