Find out: what to do to grow a beard, and how to achieve thick facial hair? Step by step instructions on how to grow a beard for a man at home How to grow a mustache and beard

According to statistics, 55 percent of the male population of the earth are bearded men. And those who cannot grow vegetation apply for hair transplant services and pay up to $ 7,000 for this. An ordinary urban macho cannot always afford such a procedure, so when thinking about how to quickly grow a beard at home, do not rush to conclusions. In order for the cherished beard to grow as it should, there are a number of simple procedures, more on that.

Why is the beard not growing?

An unfair pattern: those who ardently desire to wear a beard face problems in growing, and those who do not need it - bristles grow like wormwood in a field. In fact, many factors affect the growth of vegetation, and they are often associated with the state of health of a man.


The rate of hair growth is directly dependent on testosterone.

Hormonal disruptions in the body lead to a decrease in the male hormone. One of the negative consequences of this phenomenon is baldness or thinning vegetation. To correct such a violation, hormone therapy is used.

If you do not grow a thick beard, there are no hairs on your cheeks, your hair is thin and sparse,
-There is a remedy that works for 2 weeks! This is a unique product, consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. The result is a thick and beautiful beard!

Hormone therapy is individual and is prescribed after consultation with an endocrinologist.

Genes and heredity

Caucasians have always been famous for dense vegetation, and genes and heredity are to blame for everything. If you do not belong to ethnic groups with lush vegetation, then it will be more difficult for you to grow a beard. In addition, some people completely lack hair follicles on their faces, and this is again genetics, nothing can be done about it.

Hygiene and beard care

If, after conducting research on your family line, having determined the state of testosterone, you found out that everything is in order with this, but the beard is growing for something wrong, then the following negative factors may be to blame:

Wrong shaving technique

If you use a dull razor while shaving, and also do not use auxiliary products, such as cream or foam, the hair follicles are damaged, the growth process is disrupted. Proper care is the way to success.

Need to shave properly


Hair, like other parts of the body, needs good nutrition. If this does not happen, the hairline loses its attractiveness and may stop growing. Proper nutrition includes the use of meat, legumes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs, sea fish, cereals. Fast food, alcohol, tobacco, semi-finished products steal the attractiveness of the hairline from a man.

stressful conditions

Constant nervous tension knocks you out of strength, disrupts the correct metabolic processes, therefore, the chances of a thick beautiful beard are significantly reduced.

How to grow a beard fast

How to grow a beard at home? What to do if the beard does not grow?

It will take an average of one month to grow a full-fledged, uniform stubble. Before that, you should make a 100% smooth shave, and then, fighting the temptation to take up the razor, wait.

Methods for accelerating hair growth:

  • Medical preparations;
  • Masks, compresses, massage;
  • Proper bristle care
  • Healthy lifestyle;
  • Minimization of stressful situations;

beard growth stimulants

The following groups of drugs will help accelerate hair growth:

  • Containing minoxidil;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Hormonal preparations, such as Finastiride.

Garlic, aloe, honey, mustard powder, various oils, cognac, pepper tinctures are also used in folk practice.

Cognac mask: a teaspoon of cognac, a tablespoon of thistle oil, 5 drops of tocopherol, mix everything, wrap with cling film, apply for 30 minutes, rinse.

mustard mask: ratio 1:1:1, honey + mustard powder + curdled milk. Apply the mixed mixture for 30 minutes and rinse.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition requires the presence of essential vitamins. The diet should consist of proteins, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals. Useful properties of healthy food will provide the hairline with the necessary vitamins.

So, you have decided to grow a beard. The first step of this process requires you to be patient, so put your razor away and wait. You will have to wait at least 20 days, maybe a little more or less, because each person has his own hair growth rate. In two or three weeks, everything that is destined to grow will grow, and you will get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat resources you have.

It is possible that at first the young growth will look so-so, and you will have a desire to shave off everything and never mess with facial hair again. Stop panic! At this stage, the beard is only gaining strength, so do not rush things. It makes sense to give it a clear outline after about a month of free growth. By the way, the widespread belief that frequent shaving will make the beard thicker has nothing to do with the truth.

Shape selection

When everything has grown, further events can develop according to two scenarios. Sometimes it turns out that instead of a beard, a person has only islands of vegetation of varying degrees of density. In this case, there is not much room for choice. It would be most reasonable to stop at the option with the localization of hair in one part of the face, for example, a goatee or an English beard. You should not worry about the density: when we are not talking about thickets all over the face, it is not of decisive importance. Precision is more important, so get rid of stubble in a timely manner and maintain clear beard boundaries.

If nothing unforeseen happened and the entire lower part of your face is covered with thick bristles, it is time to give this splendor a more definite outline. In choosing the type of beard, focus on the shape of your face.

Life hack: for complete symmetry, mark the outline of the beard in advance with an eyeliner borrowed from the lady of the heart.

  • Oval face. This shape is considered ideal, and the owners of others can approach it with the right type of beard. If by nature you got an oval face, you pulled out a lucky ticket: whatever beard you choose, with a high probability it will suit you. Experiment on health, you can do anything.
  • Round face. An oval is, roughly speaking, an elongated circle. Accordingly, in order to level the excessive width of the face, it is necessary to visually lengthen it. A trapezoid-shaped beard will help to do this. Avoid sideburns: they will only further round your cheeks.
  • Triangular face. A pointed chin will be smoothed out by a medium-length voluminous beard. A goatee is strictly contraindicated if you do not want to look like an operatic Mephistopheles.
  • Square face. Everything is clear here: your choice is rounded outlines. The length is optional, but the beard should soften the lines of your face anyway. A universal option is a three-day stubble.
  • Long face. Long beard - not at once. Strictly speaking, the shorter it is, the better. You can experiment with sideburns and goatee variations.

It is extremely important to consider height and build. A short man with a long beard will turn into a garden gnome, and a broad-shouldered big man with a tiny goatee will look rather strange. The taller and physically stronger you are, the more impressive beard you can afford.

And one more universal rule that should be applied regardless of the type of your beard: no hair on the neck. Cheeks, of course, are also better to shave clean, but options are possible here, but everything is strict with the neck: 2–3 centimeters above the Adam's apple is a zone free from vegetation.

Care rules

Any beard needs attention. Proponents of complete naturalness are usually a sad sight, evoking thoughts of geological expeditions and author's song festivals. It is unlikely that this is exactly the impression you want to give.

The arsenal of items needed by any self-respecting bearded man is rather modest: detergent, comb and a good trimmer. Oil, wax and other things from barbershops - at your discretion. Life shows that you can easily do without them.

The beard perfectly absorbs odors. Conduct an experiment: eat shawarma with garlic sauce during the day, and in the evening invite your family to guess what you had for dinner today. In order not to turn your beard into a repository of memories of your meals, wash it regularly. You can use a special shampoo, but any mild cleanser will do. Soap is not an option: it significantly dries the skin, hence itching, irritation and a feeling of tightness.

A comb is needed not only for owners of long beards. Almost any facial hair looks best when combed and smoothed. In addition, this procedure replaces massage, which is useful for accelerating hair growth.

Another life hack: to make a spiky beard a little softer, apply 3-4 drops of almond oil to it before combing it.

The trimmer is a truly versatile tool. This is a friend, comrade and brother of any beard bearer. By setting a certain length of haircut, you can give a divine look to long hair and keep your stubble in perfect condition. It can even replace a razor: remove the comb attachment and achieve perfect smoothness.

Criteria for a good trimmer: length setting with an accuracy of 0.2 mm, high-quality stainless steel blades, a convenient cleaning system and the ability to work both from the mains and from the battery. Moisture protection is up to you.

Trimmer Philips BT9290

The new Philips BT9290 trimmer makes it easy to give your beard a perfectly defined and symmetrical shape thanks to laser guidance technology. The beam indicates the line along which you need to trim the lush vegetation.

A beautiful beard is work. Not particularly difficult, but constant. Don't be afraid to experiment, grow it out, shave it off and grow it out again. Every man must grow a beard at least once in his life.

From time immemorial, the beard has been an adornment of the male face. Especially the power of the attractiveness of the beard is used by the stars - take, for example, Abraham Lincoln or Johnny Depp. It's no surprise that many men want to look like their idols and are wondering how to grow a beard effortlessly.

And how can you speed up the process of growing lush facial hair. There are several secrets, adhering to which you can grow a chic beard. And you don’t even need to go to expensive barbershops to get a sexy male symbol.

The growth of facial hair, in the first place, will depend on the genetics of the man. If the representative of the stronger sex is not predisposed to lush hair and stubble, then it will be difficult to grow it. You will have to spend money on creams, oils, special gels for growth in order to achieve the desired result.

Facial massage, chin massage, natural oils, such as burdock and castor oil, and taking vitamins can stimulate the growth of a beard.

Also, the growth of facial hair, of course, contributes to a good, balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, and the level of male hormone in the blood.

Important. In the matter of growing a beard, you should not rush.

Please note that growing a beard in adolescence will be difficult for guys. Their body has not yet returned to normal and is not fully formed. He is not ready yet, because. hormonal background is significantly unstable.

How to start growing a beard?

Conventionally, the process of growing a beard can be divided into several stages.

What style to choose?

Advice. Before growing a beard, think about its future shape.

Before choosing a beard style, be sure to consider your face shape, wishes, and favorite types.

For chubby men, it is better to opt for a beard, which will lengthen the face and make it visually thinner. This will be a goatee or beard from the temples. However, sideburns are better to refuse.

For those who have an oblong skull shape, a horseshoe-shaped beard is suitable. In addition, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bforming a goatee. This will make the face not masculine, but excessively thin.

For owners of a triangular face type, dense facial hair is suitable. A carat or goatee beard is perfect. This will add a special massiveness to the chin.

For men with an oval type of face, it is better not to grow a beard, but to limit yourself to a weekly stubble. Light unshavenness is also in fashion.

Shape your beard with a trimmer. Before deciding to grow a beard, it is better to get this device. The trimmer is quite safe to use and there is practically no risk of injury and cuts while shaving.

Folk remedies for beard growth

Folk remedies are safer than synthetic ones. Everyone in the house will surely find red pepper or kefir, or mustard.

Make a mask every week according to folk recipes. It will nourish the skin, moisturize it, narrow the pores and help the blood circulate properly. Thus, the hairs will grow well.

For example, a mustard mask. It is completely natural and stimulating. Mustard powder, mix with kefir and honey. Leave this mixture on your face for 40 minutes. Rinse with water and apply face cream.

Vitamin complexes for facial hair growth

To accelerate the growth of a beard on the face, the body needs vitamins such as:

  • IN 1. This trace element nourishes the hair.
  • B3 and B5. These trace elements improve blood circulation.
  • AT 6. Prevents hair loss.
  • B7. Accelerates beard growth.
  • AT 9. Increases the elasticity of hairs.
  • AT 12. Saturates the hair with oxygen.

All of these vitamins can be taken from food or pharmaceutical pills.

What pharmaceutical products to use?

There are many vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening, stimulating and nourishing hair.

Alphabet a complex of vitamins from a domestic manufacturer. It improves the structure of the hair and saturates the follicles with the necessary vitamins. There are no side effects or absorption problems.

Revalid helps accelerate hair growth. It is aimed at preserving existing ones and maintaining their state. Has no side effects. It is inexpensive.

Perfectil has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp. The result will be obvious only after a monthly course of using the drug. A good tool for maintaining the quality and silkiness of hair.

It has proven itself well, it is used for alopecia and poor hair growth.

The tool is difficult to find in pharmacies, often it is ordered only via the Internet. The properties of the drug are aimed at improving the growth of hair follicles.

Proper beard care

The most proper beard care is daily hygiene. Wash your face often, especially after eating. Comb it and wax it for shine. If genetics predisposes to lush hair, then the most elementary rules of care will be quite enough.

Beard like a dream

Dreams tend to come true. Make your sexuality and masculinity dreams come true. A beard will give a certain confidence and make you a desirable object for women.

Of course, you will need to sweat a little to achieve the desired results and be patient. But, you see, it's worth it!

World-famous bearded men dictate the fashion for thick and stylish facial hair, as a result of which many men want to imitate their idols and grow a beard. In fact, the technique of how to grow a beard requires clear knowledge and actions, since not every man by nature is given the opportunity to quickly and thickly grow facial hair.

You can consult on how to properly grow a beard, sideburns and mustache at the nearest barbershop with a specialist in this field. There is nothing difficult in this, it is only important to ensure regular care for your hair and refuse to shave. In the future, a man needs to learn how to model a beard, cut, style and maintain its original appearance.

It is necessary to start growing facial hair during the holidays or weekends, since at first the man’s appearance will be slightly careless. Otherwise, the ambiguous reaction of others can break a man and make him change his mind. As a rule, it takes about 4 weeks to grow hair, in the future, the regrown length can be straightened and styled.

For reference! Oriental men with dark hair can grow a beard a little faster, about 2-4 weeks.

At the initial stage of growing out, it is important not to touch the machine, trimmer or razor, so as not to start modeling and cutting hair ahead of time. Even in the case when a man plans a short, neat beard, you need to cut it off no earlier than after 4 weeks. Since in most cases the first haircut and styling affects a lot of the length of the hair on the chin.

How to grow a beard and mustache?

A beard can be grown by a man who has gone through puberty, starting at the age of 18 and older. In fact, growing a beard from scratch is the most time-consuming and time-consuming process. Experts even divide it into several stages that men will need to go through:

Only after going through three stages, a man will be able to become the bearer of a full-fledged thick beard. In the future, from this vegetation, you can model any kind of male beards according to personal choice, fashion trends and advice from barbers.

What to do if the beard does not grow?

Initially, the time interval for growing a beard was determined by experts at 2-6 months. If during this time it was not possible to let go of a long and thick beard, the man needs to find the reasons for this and eliminate them. To stimulate the growth of hair on the beard, experts advise several methods:

  1. Taking medications, but only after diagnosis in clinics and doctor's approval (,).
  2. The use of traditional medicine, it can be masks from and, red pepper and essential oils.
  3. The use of cosmetics. Specialized remedies work on the same principle as traditional medicine, but they act faster and cost several times more.

Doctors also advise those men who have problems with hair growth to periodically take vitamin and mineral complexes, which include zinc, selenium, and B vitamins.

Shape Modeling

After a man understood what it takes to grow a beard and was able to achieve his goal, the next step is to model the beard. To do this, you need to compare your external data and features, compare them with the existing types and forms of the beard, only after that proceed with cutting and shaving. There are several factors to consider when choosing beard shapes:

  • height and weight;
  • face shape;
  • density and shade of facial hair;
  • general image of the image of a man.

For a different type of face, certain forms of a beard are assumed. Faces can be round, oval, thin, square, triangular. For short stature, long beards are not suitable, as well as for black hair. Also, the character of the man himself, his lifestyle and professional activities play an important role. To model a beard, use a trimmer, machine, scissors, shaving and skin care products.

Advice! You need to start modeling a beard by shaving those areas of the face where a beard is not expected. To create an identical beard shape according to the template, you can draw lines on the face with a pencil to which the beard should grow. If there is a beard with a mustache, they are cut last.

Laying and care

It is important for a man to know not only how to start growing a beard and how to model it, but also how to care for it in the future in order to preserve its original appearance as much as possible. The advice of experts is based on the fact that any man's beard is always well-groomed, for this you need to acquire the following tools:

  • beard shampoo;
  • beard balm or conditioner;
  • skin cream;
  • hair oil;
  • beard wax.

You need to wash your beard 1-2 times a day, depending on its length and density, as well as before shaving and cutting. After that, the hairs are combed, the skin of the face is moisturized with a cream, and with the help of oil, the hair of the beard and mustache is nourished and made soft and manageable. To make the beard take the desired shape, apply a spray or wax.


Regardless of whether a man dreams of growing and modeling a Russian beard or a short goatee, a beard will need to be grown for several weeks, refusing to shave. Expert advice will help you cope with all the tasks at home. If a man doubts his own abilities, a barber in the salon can set the tone. And in the future, the man will maintain the chosen shape of the beard, and take care of it on his own at home.

To grow a beard, you need to put the razor and trimmer away in the closet and wait. That, perhaps, is all that needs to be done, most men who have never grown a beard before will think. The fact is that you learn a lot about caring for a growing beard and you have to solve many problems and tasks that you encounter on the way to a new image. At the time of writing, I myself decided to grow a beard for the first time in my life in order to try something new.

Puzzled by the question, I studied a certain amount of information on how to grow a beard and roughly divided it into 3 parts: growing a beard, determining with a beard style, caring for a beard. I will not single out the stage where the question is discussed: “... why do you need a beard at all?”. Everyone answers this question himself, so it makes no sense to talk about the pros and cons of this solution. However, it is possible to describe how people's attitude changes after they see you in an unusual light, which will be reflected later in the article.

So, the first thing to do at the very beginning is to put the razor away and grow a beard with patience. In fact, patience is one of the main requirements that many beard owners refer to. A beard is measured not in centimeters, but in months or even years.

Stages of beard growth

Each length is characterized by its own difficulties and problems, so let's start in order. Take your time to learn how to quickly grow a beard. Everything has its time.

One month beard

At the 2-3 week beard growth stage, you will notice that the beard starts to itch. Hair does not grow evenly, and in general, the beard itself looks rather untidy. The reason for an itchy beard is that the ends of the hair, which became sharp from the last shave, have grown enough to fold over and prick your skin. The most “itchy” place is of course the neck, which we constantly move. If you grow a beard in winter, then a scarf can even increase this itch.


  1. Take courage and just wait. This is a temporary phenomenon and will pass in a week or two.
  2. Use a moisturizer and don't forget. Avoid using products that contain alcohol, which dries out the skin and makes it worse.

As soon as the beard stops itching, the time will come when the beard will grow here and there in uneven islands. Obviously, such a beard looks untidy. There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. If you've decided on a beard style that doesn't require a mustache or sideburns, you can trim your beard a bit and shave off the areas you don't want.
  2. If you decide to be as bearded as possible, just be patient and leave your beard untouched. Sooner or later, the hair will grow back and cover the empty areas, you just have to wait.

Many do not have enough patience, and they start here and there to shave lonely hairs around the edges, but after playing, they shave off the wrong one. Be a man to the end, adopt a stern unshaven image and don't touch your beard, otherwise you can do things. You can use it from natural ingredients so that “islands” of hair on the beard and cheeks do not appear.

Beard 1-2 months long

When you manage to maintain control over yourself and grow a beard in one month without touching it, it is time to make it neater. To maintain the length of the beard, use small scissors. If you've recently started grooming your beard, there's a chance you've shaved off too much hair. It will take time to restore beard hair, so stick to the “less is more” principle. Cut off less hair and don't cut it too short. Use a small, straight comb to trim your beard and trim your hair evenly. A massage comb will not work, keep in mind.

Take care of your beard. Every time you step into the shower, rinse it with clean water and wash with soap and water. For complete care, use or regular burdock oil.

Beard length 2-3 months

For those who have waited more than 2-3 months and have grown a really good beard, the fun begins. You will begin to notice that the beard, or rather the hair on the beard, is not the same as it was before. They begin to twist, stick out in all directions, and generally have a curly appearance. In fact, this suits many. Brutal man - it's about you.

A two or three month old beard also requires maintenance. Do not forget to rinse your beard daily with water, wash your beard with soap at least once a week. It will be even better if you. If possible, apply beard oil every day.

Beard length 3-6 months

After such a long period of growing a beard, it can be said that you have tremendous composure. All the difficulties are behind and it remains only occasionally to correct the borders of the beard and its shape. The only difficulty arises in drying the beard after a shower. Many dry their hair with a hairdryer, so you need to blow hot air over your beard from the bottom up. Thus, the beard will be more magnificent and neater. In order not to dry out your hair, do not set the temperature on the hair dryer too high and use it. To style your beard, use a wooden or.

You can style your beard in different ways, however, a lot depends on your genetics. To understand which style is right for you, you need to see how big your beard can be in six months. Later, turning to a specialist (in large hairdressing salons, there are specialists in cutting beards - barbers or broders), choose your style.

10 types of beards, mustaches and sideburns

For a general idea, you can look at 10 classic types of beards, mustaches and sideburns.

How to care for a beard

Each person has their own genetics, therefore, someone can grow a beard without problems, while someone does not have the opportunity to grow a 2-month beard. If you want to learn how to quickly grow a huge beard that you can be proud of, then here are some simple tips.

With the right lifestyle, an ideal diet and no stress, you can count on good and fast beard growth. Remember the rumor that the more you shave your beard, the faster it will grow? It is a myth.

Of course, not everyone manages to lead a proper lifestyle, so various vitamins and supplements come to the rescue. Multi vitamins, biotin (vitamin H) and fish oil are recommended. All this will allow hair and nails to grow faster. You can also recommend B vitamins and magnesium.

People's reaction to your beard

If you first decided to grow a beard, then you need to realize that you are now the object of increased attention. People will pay attention to you, especially those who saw you 3-4 months ago without a beard, and then suddenly this.

First of all, you need to find support from people close to you. If people love and appreciate you, they will gradually get used to your new image and style. If suddenly friends or close people do not share your choice, you should show yourself as a person and insist on your own. Try to justify your decision, as a rule, it works.

Next on the list are colleagues at work that you run into 5 times a week. Depending on the place where you work and the position you hold, there may be different difficulties, however, if you have at least a little authority, then there should be no problems. Stand your ground and show courage. You have decided you are growing a beard. People will be imbued with your confidence and will accept your choice.

One thing should be understood - you are not a gingerbread man to please everyone. Try to ignore the words of people who do not share your decision to grow a beard and follow your course.

After a while, you will be recognized by your business card - a beard! It is an interesting feeling when a lot of attention is paid to your style and the image formed by the beard. From time to time they will even ask to be photographed for memory, as you are an extraordinary and interesting person.


Growing a beard is a wonderful life experience for a man to have in his life. If you manage not to shave for a long time, especially if you do not like to shave 2-3 times a week, then growing a beard will even be a joy for you! After all, growing a beard is a great opportunity to diversify your life. I wish you good luck and I hope that changing your look with a beard will make you a little happier. All the best and keep growing beards!

How to choose a beard? Popular types of beards - video