Your pet character: brave love dogs, smart cats. People who love cats

Do cats love people? Love is, of course, an abstract term, but it is quite possible that cats and humans understand it in about the same way.

How do cats show love for humans?

Yes, about the same as people. Signs of a cat's love for a person are primarily expressed tactilely. A cat that is not indifferent to you will trample you with its paws, linking exclusively with you those positive emotions that the kitten experiences when it “tramples”, that is, massages the mother’s belly, stimulating the mammary glands.

Cats also love to rub their faces against the owner, thereby not only showing their tenderness, but also marking them with their scent. Also, if the cat loves you, she will most likely lick you and sleep with you - it is quite possible that on the head.

An important indicator of love is the fact that a cat allows unpleasant procedures, such as grooming, to be performed on itself. Of course, no one will allow a stranger to disassemble the koltun. Of course, both the cat's purr and the moments when a devoted furry animal meets the owner are all unwise, but obvious signs of the cat's love for the owner.

There are quite a few examples of how cats show love for a person, and after talking with an "inveterate" cat lover, you will get the impression that there is no more responsive and loving animal.

There is no doubt whether cats feel human love. Of course! As well as his indifference or rudeness. Therefore, even if the cat does not express his feelings at the right time, still try to be gentle with her.

Lucky in life: what kind of people do cats love?

On the one hand, feline love, like any other, can seem irrational. Probably, every cat lover has a couple of completely inexplicable stories about feline sympathies. When, for example, the hostess feeds the cat and pays more attention to him, but he still sleeps only with the owner, who disappears at work. A cat loves a man, and that's it, just a mystic.

It often happens that a kitten literally in the first weeks of life from the whole family chooses a person to his liking and only then devotes his whole life, as they say, “beautiful impulses of souls”.

But still, in what kind of people cats love, mysticism does not play a major role. Feline sympathy is, to a large extent, associated with certain human behavior. For example, adult cats are attracted (or at least not annoyed) by people with a moderate timbre of voice, balanced, self-possessed character, calm demeanor. Who knows, maybe the cat will like you just by lying in front of the TV for a long time? ..

A good way to make friends with your cat is not to stare at it, but blink a few times when you catch its eye. A close, unblinking gaze for animals is a sign of a challenge, a threat, and it is unlikely that you, therefore, will fall into the number of people that cats and cats love. And when you blink, you demonstrate your loyalty, peaceful intentions.

If cats love a person ...

If a person is loved by cats, then this is not such a lost soul! Animals, of course, are not psychics, but they are unlikely to show their best feelings in front of some ungrateful egoist.

Usually cat lovers are characterized as responsive, maybe sometimes sentimental people with a high sense of responsibility, disposed to family life, caring for loved ones.

Sometimes the sincere love of a cat is harder to earn than human sympathy - if you succeed, you are the right person, it is quite possible to deal with you!

Igor Kaverin

What canned food is tastier for cats?

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When starting a cat, the owners often fear that their pet will not show sympathy for them, will dislike them. Among such owners, many are convinced that cats are animals that walk by themselves (this is their main psychological difference from dogs) and do not need people. Well, this is not entirely true, although cats appear before us as mysterious animals endowed with magical properties. Cats can express affection and love for people, but are more selective than dogs.

Most often this question is asked by owners who have already got adult cats. Those who took care of the kitten almost from the very birth, are with the pet in the most friendly and strong relationship, they are “mother-cat”. So what kind of person does it take to please your furry pet?

Calm, only calm!

Most cats are not violent or thrill-seeking. Melancholic people are more likely to have cats than dogs. Fussy and energetic people rarely find the love of cats in return. But calm owners, who do not interfere with the daily routine of the pet and behave also leisurely, enjoy great success with cats. That is, a person should have a soft timbre of voice and speak softly, move smoothly and slowly, lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Cats feel the energy

Many living organisms, including cats and humans, have a certain biofield and energy, emit bio-waves. So far, there are no methods for determining biofields, and we have to hope that your energy and the energy of the pet will coincide. Then you will not only be mutual, the cat will be able to relieve stress and improve the state of mind of the owner.

What a pity, but this is a myth.

There is a belief that if a cat caresses your guest, then this is a kind and good person. This is actually the wrong way to differentiate between heroes and villains. Your actions are of little concern to the cat, unless, of course, they were committed in relation to him. But pets avoid drinking and smoking people, and the reason for this is only an unpleasant smell.

Love does not love

Scientists have also noted an interesting paradox. People who are predominantly indifferent to or even hate cats are attracted to cats. This is explained by the fact that such a person will try to avoid the animal, look less into its eyes, and touch it. The cat can feel calm, will not regard excessive petting of the owner as aggressive actions. A sudden hug, a steadfast, albeit friendly gaze is all a threat to the cat.

Out of place

For a cat, it also matters what territory it is in. At home or in another well-known place, the pet feels relaxed, knows the owner's behavior (where he will go, where he will feed) and maintains a trusting relationship with him. In unfamiliar territory (in the veterinarian's office or when moving to a new apartment), the cat is in a state of stress. As soon as she moves away from the owner a few meters, she immediately loses contact with you. Attachment to the wearer is superseded by basic defensive instincts.

Signs of feline love

  1. The pet allows you to bathe it, takes medicine from your hands, etc. In general, he suffers trouble for the sake of his beloved master.
  2. The cat follows you on your heels, wants to be petted (lies on its back and substitutes its stomach, stretches its neck). Rubs against your legs, jumps on your knees when you are not busy with anything.
  3. The cat meets you regularly at the front door.
  4. Place the animal in front of you and look it directly in the eyes. If the cat does not look away, but slowly opens and closes its eyes, this is a sign of friendliness.
  5. The cat chooses your bed for sleeping, and not the rest of the inhabitants of the house.

What if the cat doesn't like me?

First, do not take it as a tragedy and disaster of a lifetime. Even if the changes in your behavior have not worked, do not be discouraged. This may depend on many factors (wild nature, resentment of the past), most likely you are not to blame. Just accept it and spoil your pet often. Sooner or later, the pet will respond with a kind purr.

Small digression

In concluding this article, I want to note that it is not so important for a pet who you are and what your habits are. Caring for and your love for your pet is what matters most. A good attitude and caring for your cat will allow you to achieve a response over time, because you willy-nilly become her guardian, her friend, her protector and patron.

Recently, a friend said that her relative had mice. She agreed with a neighbor that he would give them his cat for a while ... But a relative almost attacked her with fists, saying that he had only misfortunes from cats. Why are some people prejudiced against these animals?

The answer to this question is not so easy. As a rule, the attitude towards dogs is more loyal, except that the barking and smell of the dog can be annoying. Cats, of course, have their own "cute" habits like marking corners, and fur can be scattered all over the house. But more often than not, this is not the reason for the enmity.

First, not everyone is happy with it. After all, you cannot order a cat "to the leg", you cannot teach her to carry a stick and guard her home. Many sincerely do not understand what is the use of it if there are no mice in the house. In addition, the dog does his business on the street, and for the cat you need to buy a special toilet, which should be cleaned and cleaned regularly. And cats are more picky about food.

But that is not all. I have met people who experienced a mystical fear of cats. So, everyone knows the sign that if a black cat crosses the road, you need to wait for trouble. But sometimes these cats seem to be on the lookout for us. So, the wife of a famous writer said that one day a black cat appeared from nowhere near her apartment. A few days later, the woman found out that her husband had asked for asylum in the West (it was Soviet times, and it’s clear what the threat of such a situation was). The family was in trouble.

Cats are able to take revenge on people, and even after a long time after they "fined" in front of them. One woman got tired of her cat and took it to work. Once, while at work, the hostess decided to pet the former pet. He jumped on her and clutched at her arm with all his might. The wounds were so serious that the woman was taken to the hospital ... Apparently, the cat was never able to forgive the betrayal, because we are responsible for those we tamed.

One of my acquaintances took and threw a neighbor's cat from the ninth floor, which constantly climbed onto his balcony. The cat died from injuries, and the man soon got into an accident and remained disabled for the rest of his life.

Probably not without reason for the murder of a cat, which was their sacred animal, they were punished with death. Even if they were not punished, then retribution was inevitable, and something bad happened to the person.

Parapsychologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that the cat is able to contact with the other world... These animals supposedly can see and feel subtle entities, for example, brownies or demons. Also, probably, many who have cats at home noticed that their pets suddenly disappear somewhere, and then reappear. Are they not "visiting" in a parallel reality?

Cat-haters sometimes claim that there is something "devilish" in these animals. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, black cats were even hunted for, considering them the embodiment of the devil. Until now, immured cat corpses are found in the walls of ancient houses. Not only black cats were in danger, but also any whose behavior seemed suspicious to people. By the way, in our time, cats are often sacrificed by representatives of Satanist sects.

Yes, these fluffy and seemingly harmless creatures can inspire us with real fear. Few dare to get close to a cat if it arches its back and hisses. At the very least, you risk falling prey to its sharp claws. And cat scratch disease is a very unpleasant thing.

In the same time a cat can become an "indicator" of your personal and domestic energy... If it often lays down on any one place on your body, then this may mean that a disease is nesting in it. If, in the presence of one of the guests, the cat begins to behave aggressively, then it is possible that this person does not have the best intentions. If she behaves restlessly, as if there is someone invisible nearby, then perhaps this is a reaction to astral entities that are inaccessible to human perception. All this can be frightening, since it is incomprehensible to us. But disregarding the behavior of the cat is not worth it.

God forbid you also offend the cat, for example, hit it or kick it. This can lead to unpredictable consequences. Another friend of mine, according to rumors, killed stray cats, and one day, far from being a fine day, he was killed by a company of Tajik drug addicts ...

Of course, you can write off all these sad facts as random coincidences, but it's still not worth the risk. It is possible to "educate" cats, but without violence. And "in good hands" it is better to give them as a last resort, if there is no other way out. After all, the cat gets used to the place and, in a sense, is his domestic spirit ...

If you do not love, this is, of course, your own business. But even with strangers and street cats, it is better to maintain "parity" and not offend them in word or deed. Remember the ancient beliefs - what if they are true?

Many believe that cats are not capable of experiencing such tender and reverent affection for their owner as dogs. Of course, cats have a very wayward character, they live as they please, and will never sit in their arms if they do not want it themselves. However, cats know how to love. As a rule, in a family, a cat chooses one of its favorites. Her attachment to such a person can be very enduring and strong.

How to win over your cat

Getting a cat's affection is not easy at all, as cats are considered to be very reserved animals in showing affection to someone. It is not enough for a cat to eat well and live in warmth, it needs to receive attention from its owner. The best way to win the love of a cat is to raise it yourself by taking a small 5-7 week old kitten into the house. If you bring home an already adult cat, it will take a lot of effort and time to achieve the desired result. However, there is one important point to keep in mind in the relationship between a cat and its owner. The fact is that the fluffy pet behaves completely differently, depending on whether it is in a familiar or unfamiliar territory. Despite the fact that cats love their owners, in a new unusual environment they lose contact with their owner, moving away even at a distance of 2-5 meters. At this moment, the feeling of fear and danger in front of the unknown take possession of the cat completely and displace her affection and trust in humans. Therefore, after the cat moves to a new place, it is necessary to keep it on a long leash so that the cat can familiarize itself with the surroundings and not lose contact with its owner. After some time, when the animal gets used to the new conditions, you can give him complete freedom. It is also worth noting that loss of contact can occur in any stressful situation, for example, when visiting a veterinarian. The animal can become completely uncontrollable, even in the hands of the owner, because at this time fear suppresses all other emotions in her.

Who else do cats love? Of course children. Very often cats take care of small children. However, in rare cases, pets may also feel jealous of babies.

What kind of people do cats love?

How a cat chooses someone from its family as a favorite is understandable. But it is interesting to know which of the strangers the cat can show its sympathy to. Very often, a cat, entering a room and seeing a lot of strangers, can jump on the lap of someone who does not have a special love for cats, or start rubbing his head against his legs. But why exactly to this person, and not to someone else? And all because such a “non-cat lover” will not initially show any attention to the animal. He will not call her or wave his arms to draw attention to himself. But this behavior backfires. The cat sees knees on which you can lie down calmly and begins to move straight to its ideal, which behaves absolutely calmly. You can read an interesting article about what cats love by clicking on the following link: “

All people are different, and that's great. Some believe that cats cannot be disliked. Others adore dogs and do not understand how to sympathize with naughty cats. Still others are indifferent to both those and other animals. The purpose of this article is not to find out which one is right. And to figure out what people who love cats are, by drawing a portrait of a typical ardent cat lover.

Arrogant, fearless, do not know how to obey and never subservience to a person or other creature. I really love cats, but they really are - affectionate and touchy, thoroughbred and yard, short-haired and fluffy, they all show independence to one degree or another. All of them daily prove that man is not the crown of nature, not the master and not the head of the situation. So why do people love cats, why are we so attracted by waywardness, independence and stubbornness?

Psychologists, astrologers and other specialists are adherents of a certain division of all mankind into groups: by hair color, by the type of nervous system, by date of birth, by the sign of the zodiac, etc. Of course, there is also a characteristic of people who love cats. How else? After all, the choice of a four-legged friend largely depends on the worldview, habits and qualities of an individual person. It is believed that a typical cat lover is a straightforward, frank person, sometimes even excessively, confidently going towards his goal and having a heightened sense of justice.

Read also: Harlequin in cats: a joke of nature

Cat and independence

"Of all God's creations, there is only one that cannot be made into a slave, even with the help of a whip - this is a cat."

Mark Twain

Ardent dog lovers consider the independence of cats as the main reason for their dislike of these animals. The dog is simple and straightforward. She must obey, must consider the person as the master, obey commands and act, obeying not instincts, but a wave of the hand or a demanding tone. It's a paradox, but, according to cat lovers, cats cannot be disliked precisely because of the wayward nature of the mustachioed touchy. The cat does not know how to obey, and for this she is loved. A wayward, independent and stubborn cat cannot be broken, you can only negotiate with it by concluding a pact on the conditions of cohabitation. In fact, under the same roof with the cat-lovers there is not a slave, whom they consider dogs to be, but a real friend, companion, faithful companion.

Another reason why people love cats for their independence is the closeness of these animals to nature. Even a cat that never leaves the house behaves like a real predator, hunting impromptu prey or fighting off an impudent person who decided to shave her claws. As V. Hugo said, God created a cat so that man had a tiger that can be stroked. And we take advantage of wonderful opportunities to touch the wild nature, have a piece of the jungle at home and observe the habits of a real, albeit small, tiger cub.

Cat and curiosity

No, we are not talking about the famous feline curiosity, but about the curiosity of a human researcher, a person who looks at the world from the position of “I want to know everything!”. The characterization of people who love cats as an object of research is very simple, but at the same time very interesting. These are people-observers who do not disregard even real trifles: "It's strange, the birch turns yellow on the left side, and the maple standing next to it - on the right. ... Why ?!" Observing the behavior and habits of cats is endlessly interesting. It is much easier to explain this or that decision of the dog, because these animals are very similar to humans. But the cat is our opposite. And the more you study it, the more questions arise - a find for an inquiring mind!

Read also: An adult cat instead of a kitten: the flour of choice

The cat and the hearth

The cat as a symbol of the hearth is not new. However, this image is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. A cat, cozy and fluffy, curled up on a comfortable sofa, purring with delight, licking a fur coat, lapping milk, basking in the sun or near the fireplace ... It's warmth, tranquility, reliability, familiar way of life.

If a man loves cats, he probably appreciates female care, pays attention to the cleanliness of the house, is grateful for the rich borscht and the newspaper carefully left on the dressing table. This is a man for whom the generally accepted image of a mother and life partner is of decisive importance. He does not take the fulfillment of female duties for granted, but is sincerely grateful to his wife for creating a cozy atmosphere. On the other hand, if a woman loves cats, she values ​​peace and order, trying to surround herself and loved ones with care and warmth. However, like cats, sometimes she becomes cheerful, erratic, unpredictable - such people will never be bored with each other.

He, she and the cat

Psychologists believe that if a man loves cats - he really loves, and not just considers it possible to have this animal at home - he treats women as equal creatures, does not show rudeness, does not consider the right attitude: “Your place is in the kitchen, your day - March 8". If a guy loves cats since adolescence, he will look for a companion who resembles the character of these independent creatures - independent, intelligent, proud, a little bitchy and confident in his abilities.