What to pack a big heart. Beautiful and unusual gift packaging with their own hands (50 photos). Unusual Ideas for Gift Packaging

Olga Nikitin

Reading time: 12 minutes


"First, disobey your things and mercilessly throw everything too much!" - Almost all specialists in organizing a comfortable space in the house advise us. But how to ruthlessly throw away what so much strength, money and memories are spent? Especially since this thing is still useful, this road is like memory, and this can be put on when traveling outside the city, and so on. Therefore, we will not throw all these treasures - and we will look for ideas, how to fold them compactly and beautiful.

The main task is to accommodate all non-viable, retaining convenient access to things and aesthetics in the closet.

Organization of space in a closet with things and clothing - basic principles

So that you have enough space for all your things, you need to properly use all useful space.

Video: Storage organization in the closet

And the basic rules for organizing the "Cockfish" space look like this:

Video: Organization of clothing and cabinet

How to compactly fold and welcome things in the closet - 9 clothes storage ideas

Of course, it is much easier to silence things on the shelves on an ambulance hand. But usually chaos begins in the closet for 3-4 days, so it is better to immediately determine the storage options - and follow the created order.

Video: Organization and storage of clothes in the closet

How can I compactly store things?

  1. . Gently put one sock on the other, roll both into a dense roll and the top of one sock we put on the other to fix "Success". Or put on a roll of a fine gum. It is a tight roll provides compactness! Now we get the box, divided from the inside to the neat cells with cardboard partitions (the average cell size is about 15 cm), and we fold our colored rolls into it.
  2. If you are already confused in your short (and not very) skirts And they were tired of pulling them out of them from stacks with clothes, because there is not enough space in the vertical compartment, we use a chain hanger. Which is already vertically hang special thin hangers from top to bottom. We choose hangers with clothespins to carefully and quickly hang skirts. However, if there is no vertical space at all, you can roll into rolls and skirts too! To do this, we fold the skirt in half (of course, along), and then twist into the roll and put it in the box. This method is no less compact and convenient.
  3. T-shirts and T-shirts also roll in neat rolls . Either use the special express method of their folding (good, there is enough such instructions on the Internet today). Further put the T-shirts "gradient", by appointment or otherwise separation. However, it is possible to save space, like skirts, rave shirts on a vertical chain, on thin hangers.
  4. Jeans. This clothing takes a lot of space in the closet! Moreover, find the desired jeans, especially if there are 10-12 pairs, almost impossible. Fold jeans compact us again will help the Roll method: we will fold jeans in half and roll in a tight roll. Thus, jeans do not imagine and occupy less space. Denim rolls fold into a high box or lay out on the shelf so that the "core" of each can be visible.
  5. Underwear. It is known, there is no much. And the question of storage is always sharp. You can add panties with rolls, and rolls, and converters, and just squares. The main thing is to find a convenient storage location. And the most convenient place for panties is definitely a box or box with cells. In the box, partition separators can be made independently or purchased in the store. Special boxes under underwear are sold everywhere today. And if you want to save, the usual shoe box with cardboard cells will fit. In addition, panties can be folded into a beautiful neat suitcase-zipper organizer (very fashionable today is a laundry storage device).
  6. . These items are very voluminous, and throw them off simply into the bag - uncomfortable, ugly and impractical. What can be done? If there is a separate vertical space compartment - hang on soft shoulders. 2 Option - chain and vertical placement on it at once all bras on the hangers (the chain can be hung directly on the inside of the cabinet door). 3 Option: Box or box, in which vertically put on each other bras cup to a cup. And 4 Option: We throw each "bust" through the plank of the hangers - about 3-4 brains will fit on one hanger. The hangers themselves are in the vertical compartment or chain.
  7. Handbags. For them, we make beautiful vertical compartments on the top shelf of the cabinet - the handbags should not sprawle. Or hind on the door - on special hooks.
  8. Scarfics. They sell special hangers with rings. On one hanger, there may be up to 10 large rings - through them and do our scarecricks so that they do not swear and hung in one place.
  9. Strap and other small accessories We also have in boxes with cells, containers or on hangers.

Video: Organization of storage of things: socks, tights, seasonal clothes

6 storage ideas of bed linen and towels in the closet

Few people think about storing bed linen in different ways.

For example…

And do not forget about bags with lavender!

Video: Organization and storage of things - how to put things?

Video: How to fold and store towels?

Video: Vertical storage of things

Useful devices for the correct and convenient organization of order in the closet

It is possible to simplify the organization of space in the closet using special devices. The list of these devices is limited only by your fantasy, because most of them can be made independently.

So, in the cabinet can be useful:

  • 2-level rods To hang skirts and T-shirts in 2 rows.
  • Pockets and hooks on the doors of the cabinet Under bags, belts, jewelry and so on.
  • Hangers with chains For vertical storage of things.
  • Blouses, baskets and boxes.
  • Dense tape to create cells In boxes and boxes.
  • Large rings For scarves.
  • Shoe organizers and hangers for shoes where you can spend shoes and sandals at the bottom of the vertical compartment.

I have long promised a series of posts based on the post of pro. In the near future, we will just start the wardrobe, removing the summer things on the rear shelves with a sigh, and hanging warm cardigans, woolen dresses on hangers, getting scarves, scarves and shoes from the bowrs. Therefore, it's time to start a conversation :-)

In the last post, many complained that there is little space, nothing is placed, it is nowhere to wear, it's nothing to wear, everything is logical :-) And here our conversation can be done very short.

* Suddenly a terrible voice * Throw everything too much and all that you do not wear, and you will have a place even in the smallest closet. And something tells me that in this place you will send me a lot of here, where you are away :-) Who with your relatively, valuable, in the sweat of the face for the sale found and from the hands of the roller, the eliminated Shmoty. I myself am, for a month I go around the cabinet, and most importantly, I know it very clearly, that you need to throw or give, but the hand does not rise. SokrooOovchi my! :-) But we will discuss in more detail the topic of throwing out in detail, and today we will talk about how not to miring clothes and shoes in the pile is finally, and all this is organized. I grew on sites and found different ideas of storage of things. And I will also try to answer the questions that came in that post. I will not help only with one, money on a new closet and a large apartment will not lend, who would have gave :-)

Organize space, soooo big post with lots of pictures:

1. All things on the hangers and at the same time, so that every on its own, in no case does not layer, of course, is ideal for many unattainable. But if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to hang everything, even the topics. It is good that the hangers are equally subtle, so you can save space. The only, jackets, jackets, for them it is better to choose special hangers, otherwise things will lose form. There are some knitted heavy things that best stored on the shelf, so as not to be pulled out, but their minority. There are such hangers, they will save space in the closet, and at the same time things remain in sight.

Hangers and hooks for scarves and belts:

In order for things to be sculpted with hangers, you can stick this tape:

If it is possible, hanging a barbell for hangers in two rows, to hang skirts, pants, jeans, jeans, tops, tops, sweaters, cardigans. And sort all this by type of clothing, blouses to blouses, pants to trousers. Plus, do not forget to leave the place for long things and under them the rod not to do: they will go here, skirts-maxi, coat, raincoats.

You can also sort along capsules, in one corner everything is for sports, in another - for the office, in the third - rest, if there is a clear division of things for different categories, of course.

You can still sort by colors, and I thought about this option for myself, but I realized that in the selection of clothes in the morning it would help me a little. Moreover, there was a tendency to reduce the number of colors in my closet, I come to the fact that 2-3 basic and 2-3 bright colors in the closet are quite enough. It is not necessary that the wardrobe looks like a rainbow. All the same half, then wear nothing with.

2. Very convenient retractable shelves. The main thing is not to put the small things, like linen and socks, when extending the shelves, they will ride back to the regiment with the level below. I put three stacks of things on the shelf, two ahead and one across from behind, the back of usually things for the next season. That is, if summer is in the yard, then ahead of the T-shirts, tops, thin sweaters, T-shirts, and behind the sweater is thickening, woolen things.

3. Linen is better folded in retractable boxes. Socks, tights, golf can be stored in retractable baskets. Golf and socks immediately after washing sort and roll in pairs in the ball, otherwise you will not find it, you can use delimiters, both built-in and those that in the last two pictures from IKEA.

4. When it is very bad with a place, that is, it makes sense to completely remove things from the cabinet until the next autumn winter, for example, or spring-summer. You can fold things into lightning boxes and put them under the bed.

The main thing is to understand what things you definitely do not need. Down down jackets, fur coats and other warm things can be safely removed for the summer, but a warm cardigan can come in handy with a cold summer evening, so it can be folded by the second next to the shelf.
Vacuum packages are also saved, they are well to fold things that are great or small, pregnant things if you plan to return to them. There you can also come out of fashion, in 30 years you will get a daughter or son and will be "vintage" :-)

5. Footwear can be stored in boxes, it is possible in transparent to be seen that it can be glued with a photo on ordinary boxes.

It can be stored on the shelves, but it doesn't seem practical to me, and the sizes have different shoes, and for boots is not the best option, and not particularly hygiene, it is better to put bags in such niches.

More options:

That shoes, what is worn now, we are decomposed in a special closet for shoes in the hallway. Often in such closets place for one row of shoes, it is better to buy at once with two.

The second option of the wardrobe for shoes:

Other options for the hallway:

Storage boot:
With this way of storage, the boots will most likely be deformed.

But from the series "Make yourself." In the picture below the liners in the boots from the tree. Of these, then twisted these metal skunks at the base and screwed the hook:

And that's what happened:

6. The wardrobe is better to do straight to the ceiling, especially if there is not a lot of space in the room, you can always fold the summer / winter blankets, we store part of the shoes that are rarely needed, plaid for a picnic, small suitcases.

Ideal male dressing room :-)

7. It would be nice in addition to the cupboard have a chest. Retractable shelves can be used for linen, for decorations, ties, scarves, scarves, socks and other little things, which is constantly lost in the closet. By the way, a pretty idea - to shake the bottom boxes with gift paper.

8. Uncomfortable and lazy usually bend at the bottom of the cabinet, so there I keep bedding, towels, again the boxes with a "thin layer" shoe and part of things that it seems not to be completely for the season, but can come in handy, just the case of warm Cardigan in the summer. There you can also store different retractable boxes and boxes with small things.

9. Bags can be stored both outside the cabinet and inside it. For example, you can hang this thing on the outer wall of the cabinet or inside. But this option is suitable only for bags that enjoy quite often (otherwise they will dust), and if the bags are tissue. Leather will quickly lose the form, the handles will stretch, especially if the bag is heavy.

It is better to store bags on the shelves, putting them vertically in a row, you can come up with dividers. I want to rearrange all the bags in the closet to the hallway when we move. Because it has already happened more than once that it seems to be dressed, shown and realize that the bag should be the other, and the bag in the bedroom in the closet, to go behind her there is no desire. So, I think, the place of shoes and bags in the hallway, if the space allows.

10. For things that have already been put on, you can buy this piece.

I dream of a portno mannequin to hang clothes on him the next day. So I will have a look at the image from the side, and then in the mirror one, and in the photo later - another. We noticed this?

You can collect outfits a few days ahead and hang them together, for this there are very interesting design solutions outside the cabinet.

Options for children:

11. Good for organizing space to use signs, pictures, sign, hang photos of outfits on the door of the cabinet.

12. There is a lot of creative decisions for storing jewelry:

13. If the cabinet is really small and there is still a little space in the room, you can use these options for storage, in addition to the usual rod on wheels:

This is not the most convenient solution, but why not, if there is no free wall for the cabinet in the room.

Pictures from sites.

It is just amazing how hard it can find a thing or collect an image in a space of 1.5 square meters. m. More Surprisingly pulling out the skates from the cabinet to get on the top of the woven with a flipper. And how many nerves is spent to shove into the cabinet growing in the geometric progression of the wardrobe. With some variations familiar with most story. And how to get out of the position?
The easiest way to arrange a dressing room.
"Let me! .." You - "Clean you -" I live in a half-timer. Do you propose to make a dressing room and live almost in the closet? "
And I will calm you: we will not move to a residence in the closet, and simply organize the space available, with the maximum convenience for yourself. The principle of the organization can be applied for the usual closet and for the dressing room.

First you need to do business not related to the organization of space, but extremely necessary for the successful implementation of our project, namely, throw out or sell / distribute not necessary things. You can skip this item, but I give you a 100% guarantee - you will not receive a successful organization of space. It is these who are not necessary things that will constantly litter the shelves, drawers and hangers. Motion in washing, on a ironing board, on the shelf, and then incomprehensible again to be washed. We will assume that I convinced you therefore proceed to the first item.

We throw away:

  • Beneficated things (rollers, crop and pulley, fading, stretchability - signs of imparted things). Of course, pronounced jeans or sweater can still serve as a dacha - we will take away, and everything else is throwing away.
  • Old, dilapidated underwear.
  • Pantyhose with a "small hole, nail polished for nails - under jeans."
  • Socks, mittens, gloves that are waiting for their "soul mate." I myself have such a bag, after the styrica, I get it in the hope of finding something, but hope ....
  • Things requiring repair that you will never do. If the thing was worn, in good condition and you know what exactly would wear it again - put it in the package and take it in the near future to repair or make it yourself. Replanted flaws are usually: a torn lining, broken zipper, separated by the seam, climber from shoes. The rest, most likely, never see a new life - will be waiting for her years on the backyards of the dressing room.

Let / sell:

  • The color of things you do not go or dislike.
  • Proportions or silhouette do not come at all.
  • The drawing on things does not suit your set or growth.
  • If you feel in this thing, it is not cozy, even if she goes you. (Do not keep the wardrobe spiny woolen things or skirts with long-length panties that you constantly need to shout. In general, too frank clothes for you, how does it appear in the wardrobe? ..)
  • Things are not sized. This applies to the ever-changing weight. If you lose weight, you still do not want to wear an old one, the new figure requires new things.
  • If the thing is tired or you didn't dressed her at least a year (although I have a few things lying over and waiting for unreserved - I will wear the next summer, I think in the fall; I will wear at home; I'm worn at home; I will ride at the dacha; I will go to the database - and things lie on the base - in the furnace, sorry, for return).
  • Children's things from which children grew up. They often do not have time to wear and remain in good condition.

Disassembled? Now what can be sold - we sell, we give on familiar and girlfriends what you need to give. Everything else is neatly folded into the package and put the garbage collector or next to the garbage fence.

Everything! The first stage, the most tedious, because everything "sorry" and "comes in handy" - finished, we are well done!

Next stage:

  • We wash or put into dry cleaning not seasonal clothes, carefully fold (it will live on the mezzanine, the upper shelves and on the roof of the cabinet along with rarely used things.)
  • We sort clothes by type (regardless of where you will store it on hangers or on the shelves). Among the clothing of one color is problematic to find the necessary, respectively, the stuff lay out at their length and the length of the sleeves (short, to the hip, below the hips, with a long / short sleeve).
  • The belt group can be sorted by width: narrow / wide (conditional) and length (mini, midi, maxi, and for trousers: above the knee, below the knee and the usual length).
  • Stockings, socks, tights, golfs also sort by type: density or length.
  • Everything is sorting in this way and in any way. For example: Find a beige short-sleeved beige blouse among beige things more difficult than among colored short sleeves blouses. Find black tights 60DEN among black tights will take more time than among the tights of different color with a density of 60DEN.
  • Now that all things are sorted, paint on the items that it will be stored in our closet and expect the number of rods, shelves and drawers.

Andresoli, top of the cabinet: More suitable for items of seasonal or rarely used (winter things, skates, New Year's facilities and accessories or summer clothes, rollers, flippers, fan assembled). Before removing things to store storage, we definitely clean them, pack, adding tools from moth: fresh newspapers, orange crusts or lavender sachets.
What to keep:

- Vacuum bags: Winter things, warm blankets, sweaters, and just stacks not seasonal clothes can be stored in vacuum packages. We select bags of clothing. Air suck with a vacuum cleaner and ... op-la-la! - Things occupy 3 times less space.

- Plastic and cardboard boxes: they are comfortable to fold on each other, and they look pretty. It is possible to have non-frosting accessories: for example, we have skates / rollers, flippers / masks, grids / rackets and two overswoins without which it does not do in the summer (fan and double inflatable mattress).
Highly located things must have labels to know where to look for. Vacuum bags, boxes, containers Marking labels with the title or list of content. You can use transparent containers (they are more suitable for the dressing room, bedroom or bathroom, i.e. places less accessible to unauthorized eyes) or each time put things on the same place ("Christmas toys in the right box").

********* The main principle of placing things: everything that is required often should be easily accessible. What is required is rare - can be stored high or low.

Rods:for long and short things. If the spaces in the closet can be low on a bar for long items an additional section.

Wooden hangers use for jackets, fur coats, coats and raincoats. Old hangers with burr chicks or throw away. Any damaging thing is worth more than hangers.
Wide durable wooden and plastic hangers - for blouses and shirts.
Climble hangers - for skirts and trousers, although it is sometimes more convenient to use her shoulders for costumes with a crossbar.
Hangers, tinted with cloth - for thin silk blouses and dresses.

Store on the shelves better knitwear (jumper, sweaters, cardigans), jeans, towels and bed linen.
Stacks of things on the shelf should be no higher than 25 centimeters. This is about 3-5 things in a stack. Dense things to place below, and thin on top. If the space remains above, it is better to make an additional shelf or fasten the drawing basket. Then thick sweaters can be folded with a stack on a conventional shelf, and thin and cardigans on a low shelf or in a retractable basket.
Too deep shelves are an additional inconvenience. Therefore, in the depths of the closet, it is better to store seasonal textiles (curtains, plaid, etc.) or things that are guaranteed not to need every week.

Boxes, baskets:
Things in them can be collapsed into a roll or fold stacks. Dear things can be additionally folded in the bags for clothes. You can store in them knitwear, T-shirts / T-shirts, lingerie, tights and socks.

For more convenience, when storing small things you can buy or make a self-cell section, they are suitable for panties, socks, tights. It is enough to turn them and put in the desired "cell". Stockings and fine tights better additionally fold into transparent plastic bags.
The smaller the findings of the wardrobe, the less should be storage space.

Boxes for dresses:
Clothes with embroidery beads or rhinestones, long evening outfits, knitted dresses can not be stored on hangers. They should not stretch them out, lose the form, dreamed or lose part of their "jewels". To save such things, we neatly lay them on a light cotton fabric or thin paper and tweet into a roll. Thanks to this, the thing will not lose the form, rhinestones will not cling to other things and everything will be saved at its best. Rolled dresses to put together in beautiful boxes, glue shortcuts and put on the shelf.

Now a little about the storage and location of accessories and shoes.
Here the same principle: often used - easily accessible, rarely used - to the top or at the bottom.


Before cleaning the storage of the bags gently clean, textile erased, dry (leather - at room temperature, away from heating devices and hot air), pill with paper so that they do not lose the shape and laid into linen bags. Then on the shelf or in the box.
One of the important conditions for proper storage is air access, so do not store leather products in plastic bags.


For those who have shoes play a significant role in the wardrobe, very often there is a problem of its placement and storage. Everything is known here: clean, stuff, we clean in the boxes, label and on top. And the placement of shoes is not a plow field at all. You can see

Accessories and decorations:
How to make that at any time find what is suitable for image / outfit / along?
1. We divide the decorations in style (ethnic, romantic, steampunk, etc.); Pearl / glass / stone; Rings, earrings, hair decorations.
2. We select a storage space, placing decorations next to the mirror.
3. Choose a storage method: boxes, comedies, hung, mannequins, holders. If the decorations are a lot of one way, it is clearly not enough.

4. Displays their "jewels" on the already familiar to us rule: what you wear most often should be easily accessible. Decorations fold and hang out as sorted a little earlier. This will simplify the search in the future.

If you gradually reached the end of my story and embodied reading almost, you get some important bonuses:

  • No longer need to spend time looking for lost things - each has its own place.
  • In the morning, fees to work occupy less than less time (secret: if you move the choice of image to the evening, then in the morning for fees, without makeup and hairstyles, you will need exactly 3 minutes).
  • And the last on the score, but not by meaning - you personally removed several small stimuli from our lives, which daily can pretty sweep the mood.

We have done your life more comfortable - we love yourself!

All rights to the content of the site are protected by copyright law. Photos are taken from open sources. Copying articles and their publication on other sites are possible only if there are direct, open to indexing, references to the site and indicating the source of the material.

Almost every one of us was thinking about how to organize storage of things in the closet, and not to pour out all your wardrobe to the floor in search of your favorite blouse. This topic I would like to devote my article. In it, I will tell you how quickly and compactly fold things and share the secrets of convenient arrangement of the shelves in the closet.

Lay down all around the shelves

If you are used to folding any item of the Namobum and just stuff it back into the closet - do not be surprised that after a few days there will be chaos in it. And I'm not talking about the fact that many wardrobe items will quickly remember and lose fresh look.

I will start with the Azov, namely, the instructions, how to put some types of clothing.


Someone got used to survey the socks alone in another, someone - turn them into a lump. None of these ways cannot be called compact. Instead, I suggest choose one of two:

  1. You can neatly fold a pair of sock on each other and twist them into a tight roll. After that, put on it a subtle elastic band. Rolled socks in this way will compactly fit in any shukhlyad.
  2. Put one sock on another, mentally divide it into three parts. First wrap the inside with a rubber band, then a part with a sock. Grind sock into a gum, and you will have a miniature envelope.


Store the skirt in the closet so that it does not reverse much easier than you thought. It is not necessary to use the hanger at all. It is enough to fold the skirt in half along, after turning it into an improvised roll.

T-shirts and T-shirts

The ability to beautifully and quickly fold things - real art. I share with you one express method:

  • spread the T-shirt on a flat surface;
  • mentally spend on it two lines: one in the center across the T-shirts, the second in the middle of the longitudinal seam on the shoulder;
  • note the intersection of imaginary lines and take it with your left hand;
  • right hand Capture a T-shirt for the middle of the seam on the shoulder;

  • holding the place of "Xa" with his left hand, rightly attach to the bottom of the T-shirt and graze her edge;
  • slowly touch the left hand, without releasing the matter.

This method will help you fold the T-shirt less than 10 seconds.

Jumpers, blouses and shirts

The specified express method is perfectly placed on T-shirts, but absolutely not suitable for shirts or blouse. The following instruction will help to cope with this type of clothing:

  1. To begin with, it is pretty joining your favorite shirt or blouse, and let it cool.
  2. Button all buttons and put the face with the front side.
  3. Wanted inside the one sleeve parallel to the shirt, after you repeat the procedure with the second.
  4. Mentally divide the shirt on three transverse lines. First, wrap the bottom of the shirt inside, behind it is central.

That's all! Thus, you can fold almost any thing without risk to remember it.


The jeans packaging mechanism is even easier. First of all, remove the belt, and empty your pockets from all over. Fold jeans along, straighten them by removing any folds.

Then fold across, applying the bottom edge to the belt. And once again roll the pants twice.

Storage bed linen in the closet

In addition to everyday things, bed linen are often stored in the wardrobe. So I would like to tell you how to make it more convenient.

Options, how to lay bedclothes in the closet - Mass
  • You can start with ironing linen. I do not argue, this option is not suitable for everyone. But if you still want the bed to seem softer and more pleasant to the touch, it is worth taking the iron.

To the lingerie acquired a pleasant fragrance, you can add to the water to evaporate the droplet of the beloved aroma oil.

  • Before stroking any element from the kit, shake it well. Such simple manipulation will help to avoid unnecessary folds.
  • If you decide to skip the moment of ironing, then this item is for you. Sore the sets for their seasonality (yes, such a trick is suitable not only for clothes). For the summer, leave a bed of light fabrics (silk or cotton), and for winter, use insulated materials.
  • Now it's time to start laying. Options here mass.

  • First, you can fold all the available sheets, ducts and pillowcases in separate stacks. True, this method is suitable if you have about 10 sets. Then you can combine bed with different colors.
  • Secondly, one of the most original and neat ways is the storage of the entire set in the pillowcase from it. Thus, all the underwear will look very carefully, and will not interfere.
  • Thirdly, you can fold the underwear into a stack and tear it up with a beautiful ribbon. It looks very exquisite.

Arrangement of space in the wardrobe

Knowledge about how to fold one or another thing is definitely useful, but it is not enough to use every centimeter of the cabinet. Since the majority live in apartments with a small quadrature, such a skill will have to be likewise.

Stage 1. Frequently unnecessary

Any storage system begins with one important stage - getting rid of everything unnecessary. Act ruthlessly, no thoughts that someday you still put on the narrow dress, which is already two years old dust on the shelf.

Each accessory must pass a strict selection, leave only what you really wear. With the rest you have to say goodbye - give things to know the commission store, and even better for charity.

Stage 2. Sorted

You can sort things in many criteria, but I would recommend repelled from their seasonality. Conditionally divide the shelves in a conventional closet or in a wardrobe on the "southern" and "northern".

On the most "running" shelves to lay warm or light things (depending on the weather outside the window). Separately post things that can be worn in winter and summer, for example, a shock on buttons. She will warm in the spring thunderstorms, and in winter it is perfect for a turtleneck.

Stage 3. Hanger

No one argues with the fact that one hanger under a separate thing is convenient. That's just such a luxury can afford not everyone. In such cases, it is possible to store things on her shoulders according to the following scheme:

  • the most favorite foundations of the wardrobe from delicate tissues store in separate cases;
  • for more convenience, you can place things on hangers on their range;
  • for delicate matter, it is better to use soft shoulders.

Stage 4. Fold in the closet

The last stage of the arrangement of the wardrobe is the placement of already folded clothes on the shelves. Store the following recommendations:

  1. Closer to the wall of the cabinet, put things that do not match the season.
  2. Do not be lazy and always fold the findings of the wardrobe according to the above methods. So they will take less space.
  3. For various small things, be it socks, underwear or t-shirts are better to highlight a separate box.
  4. On the lower shelves it is worth placing dresses, shirts or pants who wear out of exceptional reasons. On the top - you can highlight the place under things that we carry even daily, but more often than on holidays.

Useful accessories

The placement of things on the lockers with their own hands can be considerably simplified by using additional accessories:

  1. Kofr. This is a suspended textile shelf, with which the vertical storage of things is carried out. The boxes hang on the crossbar in the closet or on the door. They are very convenient to keep shoes, scarves, scarves, or even belts.

  1. Universal hanger. An indispensable accessory for women who adore silk scarves, belts and scarves. It is enough to consolidate the functional hanger on the wall of the cabinet and you will no longer have to think where to store your favorite textile decorations.

  1. Shoe organizers. In the absence of storage room, most of the place in the cabinet can occupy numerous pairs of shoes. You can solve the problem in one of the following ways.
  • Use stylish boxes for shelves in the closet. They can also be installed at the bottom of the wardrobe (so even practical). Think about any stickers with the name of the shoe model to do not look for a long time.
  • For summer and spring shoes (ballet shoes, moccasin, slate), buy special hinged covers.

  • At the bottom of the cabinet, you can install a special shelf for shoes.

With these practical accessories, you will be for yourself and will forgive the question of how it is convenient to decompose things in the closet.


Now thanks to the setled advice you know how to sort and fold things correctly. Adhering to these simple recommendations, you will provide perfect order and comfort in your cabinet. You can improve your knowledge, viewing the video in this article.

I hope my material has become a useful leadership for you. Share your success in the comments below.