Skirt Maxi: Stamps and models. What to wear skirt-maxi. Maxi skirt for full. Long skirts with smell

Long "in the floor" skirt 2019 became key details in almost all topical styles - from romantic before. We can only make a personal choice from designer sentences.

The cause of fashionable boom on Maxi is versatility and impeccable femininity of silhouette. Although a couple of seasons ago, fashion skeptics argued that long models would not fit into everyday fashion. Contrary to expectations, they perfectly fit into the trends, and today designers are enthusiastically developed by the idea of \u200b\u200bsilhouette, offering all new and new original solutions for all seasons.

Fashion skirts "In the winter" in the winter of 2019

In winter, however, by the way, it turns out the comfort and convenience of the model - in the cold it allows you to withstand the elegance of the image, but also proudly answer "no" to the question, is you cold, maiden?. The most fashionable winter skirts to the floor today sew from traditional species of natural wool of various textures - from tweet to costume fabrics.

In more free-style models, designers often use knitwear, including a sharply large mating or imitating manual work. Such models require a precisely built ensemble in which the knitted thing will actually perform the "solo".

The cleanliness of the silhouette - and in seasonal images it is one of the main tasks is solved through the classical A-shaped style. A dense "landing" on the thighs and the curses to the alert provide visual harmony of the figure. Shades of burgundy, saturated blue and gray in all its fashionable variations - the most relevant color solution of the most fashionable skirts of this season. These colors, in contrast to the black, which this season is not in the honor of the designers, make it possible to make more complex and soft combinations in creating winter ensembles.

Length, and "Maxi" in this categorical, requires its combinations. , jacket, both textile, and fur - better smoothly staring - should only barely cover the thigh line. This is how the ideal proportions are built, which will complement demonstratively rude, but elegant shoes without a heel or on a thick sole - for example, all the favorite Martins.

How fashionable winter ensembles with skirts with a length "Paul" - see photo:

Beautiful skirts "in the floor" in the spring of 2019

Romanticism is the main note of the spring ensembles. Tender and feminine models are inevitably asked to the images, among which Maxi is one best and most stylish embodiments.

Clean, saturated tones: Azure-blue, pearl gray or peach will define a win-win tonality image. Designers in this spring season insist on complex, rich shades and active prints. For example, large, distinct drawing of stylized images of colors on the pic. Such a solution of fashionable skirts "to the floor" will not add, contrary to expectations, excess volume of the figure, it will only strengthen the impression produced by the model.

Thin, weightless materials - natural silk, viscose, or a gabardine create a fascinating effect in Maxi. This dignity of a style show a great video with the models of the Skirt "to the floor" from the new spring collections.

Complex volume and non-trivial silhouette lines "Maxi" - one of the strengths of fresh collections. Along with the traditional and flawless, from the point of view of the silhouette, the "trapezium" designers to release fantasy complex models on the podiums - with smells, drapes and high sexual cuts.

Brave, slightly tight, but very stylish option - transparent "maxi", stitched from chiffon or lace. This is the perfect option for evening or special way out. Combine design designers are recommended with very democratic or brutal short tops.

The combination of length and provocative details of Croy is one of the innovations of the season. But the classic that uses proven ways to create a feminine image is not less relevant. Plears, Corrugation and Podol's complex lines - the latter are created due to complex drapes or active tension by the type "Year".

An important "pointer" is a waistline that this season is accepted emphasized. Slightly overwhelmed with imitating corset belt line the waist ideally forms the very cherished sophisticated silhouette, which is calculated "Maxi".

In the spring in the skirts "in the floor" is urgent as a slightly lowered, finished coquette, the waist line. Her this season is emphasized using demonstratively "heavy" belts with large decorative buckles. This option is perfectly combined with returned to fashion shortened - above the waist line tops.

Long skirts "in the floor" in the summer of 2019

The ideal option for urban, so for frankly vacation-cruise and beach images. In summer, everything solves the color! The riot of paints and shades of designers this season could not be kept - in summer collections there are juicy and saturated tones of the brightest "summer" colors.

Complex color combinations, such as bright yellow with orange or emerald green with Fuchsia color - especially characteristic. As well as fantastic prints, among which are the most relevant large floral, psychedelic and ethnic.

Designers Intrigates East and Africa - stylized ornaments and national patterns, weathered in bright colors and shades - the real hit of this fashion summer.

Summer skirts "In the floor" this season are withstanding in the entire spectrum of trendy styles. From concise minimalism with its clearly spacious lines, to models in the hippie-chic style, with a light but refined "gypsybank".

Wide expressive volanesses returned to the fashion - in the length of Maxi, they are revealed with special beauty. Original style solutions give drapery, multi-layered and complex asymmetric hen lines. Summer is a great time to try unusual for the daily style of the model and experiment with your own images.

Excellent reason gives such as in the photo, model skirts "to the floor":

The most beautiful skirts "in the floor" in the photo

The Simone itself has amazing femininity, which is so highly appreciated in today's fashion, and so hard to achieve. Models of this season, thanks to the choice of fabrics and cut, create the most lightweight and slightly flirty aura, which is difficult to reproduce in everyday life.

The fashionable installation on natural and high-quality fabrics playing its role in this role, which all leading brands hold. It is they who possess the plasticity and ease that the "Maxi" is required. Wool and knitwear - in winter versions, silk, chiffon, the finest flax and noble "breeds" of cotton - in summer. This designer installation demonstrates a brilliant result - sophisticated and complex silhouettes of today's fashion "maxi" in such an embodiment look luxuriously.

Do not forget about the evening options in which "Maxi" looks the most advantageous. Fabrics with gold and silver spraying, Lurex - glamorous and stylish details of today's trendy trends.

As well as provocative cutouts along thighs or asymmetric sophistication. One of the most nontrivial and at the same time of the elegant shadow decisions - "arched" aid, a kind of mix "Mini" and "Maxi", which opens up the eyes of slim legs and has a luxurious loop.

Original styles of long skirts "in the floor" - in the photo:

In any case, the beautiful skirts "in the floor" look suitable only in a well-selected ensemble. The prerequisite is a short top, be it a down jacket or a frivolous T-shirt on weightless straps. This is how the correct proportions of the shapes are built, which with the help of Maxi acquire perfect forms.

Single selection deserves shoes. "Heel", the designers speak the choir, and they are right, because it is he who brings to perfection that light and elegant silhouette that the skirt sets. Sandals and sandals with Maxi can only afford only very high girls.

The owner of miniature forms and growth often look at the Maxi length. And completely in vain, since the models are made of lightweight, plastic materials simple, without excesses, cut, perfectly emphasize the fragility of the shape, and add at all no extra centimeters of growth.

According to fashion designers and stylists, this style will be one of the most relevant in 2018, so they strongly recommend all fashionable to replenish their wardrobe such a beautiful skirt.

So, what is a skirt in the style of "year", which became such popular? This is a style that combined the rigor of a direct pencil skirt and an airiness of an oblique skirt. The upper part of the T-shirt-year skirt has a direct cut and a fitting silhouette, and the bottom - the broken, as a rule, consists of wedges in the amount of 4-12 pieces.

The classic skirt year in the photo below:

In the classic version of the wedges in women's skirts, sews from the same material as the main part of the product. However, at present, fashion meters skillfully use several materials at the same time, creating unique products.

The advantage of the skirts of this style is that they are attractively fitting a female figure, emphasizing the seductive forms of the body. With the help of the correctly selected model of this style, you can hide some flaws of the shape, balance it and make the silhouette more harmonious and feminine. The variety of models skirts is impressive, thanks to the wide range of styles, such a skirt will fit into the wardrobe of every woman.

Fashion 2017: Models Skirts-year of different lengths (mini, midi and maxi)

The skirt-year junction entered the 60s of the last century due to the special style and the exquisite taste of Bridget Bordeaux.

This product belongs to the number of retro things that quickly become classic and reached this day. Evidence of this is the relevance of this model of the women's skirt for several seasons in a row since 2018.

A fashionable skirt year thanks to the work of talented fashion designers has many varied styles. First of all, they depend on the length of the product. Given this parameter, allocate such three options for women skirts for women:

Midi - classic version of this model, the length of the product reaches the knee or slightly below it. This is a universal version of this stylish skirt that is suitable for almost all women. Skirts-year Midi are ideal for any occasion, they are appropriate for both work in the office, and to create a solemn image. With this style, the fitting top is best combined, refilled inside the skirt.

Mini-year skirt with knee length. The choice of such a model will be an excellent solution for young fashionistas, also to afford such an outfit can also women who can boast of perfect slender legs and an elegant figure. The mini-skirt "Year" looks great with short tops, to release and jackets, the length of which comes to the middle of the hips.

Maxi - Models in length. Skirt-Maxi "Year" is an elegant subject of the female wardrobe, which gives the image of a woman of romanticity and solemnity at the same time. It can be safely included in the evening outfit, it is also suitable for solemn events of an informal setting. The skirt-year "Maxi" as the top of the outfit is best combined with light blouses made of chiffon, satin and silk with lush bulk sleeves, bulbs and collars.

On this photo of the model skirt-year of different lengths are presented in the most stylish and vivid versions:

When using stretch fabric It turns out to create a narrowed model with the broken bottom, which bridge Bordeaux introduced into the female wardrobe. It was in this form that many fashionmented it for the first time. With this option of women's clothing, you can create a sexy female image. Signal style is designed for special occasions in the life of a woman - hiking in a restaurant, romantic dates, secular events.

All storage skirts in the photo will be worthy items for the wardrobe of modern fashionistas of all age categories:

2018 Skirt Models for Full Women (with photos)

When choosing a stylish outcome of the wardrobe, it is important not to be confused among the diversity of this fashionable T-shock of the skirts of 2018, it is also necessary to take into account the recommendations of the stylists, because such a model may not suit all wonderful sex representatives.

However, according to Fashion meters, this style has a magic cut: it is endowed with an amazing ability to align the female figure. It follows from this that the skirt in the style of "year" can replenish the wardrobe of each woman, the main thing is to correctly choose the appropriate model.

It is not necessary to abandon the extinguishing skirts of even those girls and women who have straight hips without seductive bends. The fact is that such a skirt visually these bends will create. If you are not sure about the beauty and harness of your feet, the swans on this clothes will cover them, while your legs, visible from the skirt, will look perfectly slim.

Such a model of women's clothing looks equally beautiful and slender, and on full women. For ladies with magnificent forms of "Year" is a real find that can transform the figure and give it greater attractiveness and femininity.

In the photo skirt-year for complete ladies visually reduces the proportions of the female body, it looks beautiful and harmonious:

The fluttering bottom creates the ease of all the image as a whole.

Ideal this model of skirts for complete women who are owners of a "Inverted Triangle" type shapes. With it, you can balance the lower and upper part of the female body and, thus, to hide a significant drawback of such a physique. Expanded book model, balances narrow hips and wide shoulders.

Skirt-year in a cage and photos of stylish styles

The beautiful skirts-year in 2018 are represented not only by a variety of stales, long and tissues, but also color and drawing of the product.

Modern designers are actively experimenting not only with a cloth, but also with a pattern, creating bright original models for the most fashionable girls and women.

The most common fashion pattern is stripes and geometric shapes.

Among the fashionable skirts of 2018 is a cell model that can have different sizes and color design.

Skirt-year in the cage will perfectly fit on both in business style and in the style "". However, when choosing such a variant of fashionable clothing, it is important to take into account the fact that the "cell" has a property to visually increase the proportion of the body. Especially this property of the picture is important to take into account the owners of lush forms. But too thin girls fashion designers, on the contrary, recommend to replenish their wardrobe with a cellular skirt in the style of "year", as it will give the volume in the right areas of the body and make it more attractive.

In the photo skirt-year in a cage on a thin girl looks great:

According to experts in the fashion world, it is absolutely not suitable for such a style to girls with wide hips.

In the photo, beautiful skirts-year in the cage are represented at different season - Summer-spring and autumn-winter:

Among the fashionable models of the skirts in the cage, a stylish piece of wardrobe will be able to pick up both lover of frank stalls of the length "mini" and the admirer of the restrained and elegant skirts in the floor.

Long skirts year and model "Pencil"

At this photo, fashionable skirts are ideally suited to work in the office, as well as just for all women, the wardrobe is designed in a business style:

When creating such models, fashion meters use strict tissues of neutral coloring or with a restrained pattern into a slash or a small strip.

Skirt-year with wedges is not very harmoniously combined with elements of the outfit, decorated with ruffles, frills and swans, as they only overload the image. It should be understood that this model in itself is a bright catch with a complex beautiful cut, so it must be the main element of the outfit that does not require add-ons. Based on this, it is best to combine this clothing with simple cut products and a restrained color gamma.

With long skirts-year, experts in the fashion world recommended to wear the top, fueling it inside, but with short models, on the contrary, in an eye. These can be fitted blouses, tops or jackets.

The images with a skirt-year are best fit into the female wardrobe, designed in a classic style. This model was still evaluated by the legendary Coco Chanel, which also preferred the classics. Skirts-pencil-year neutral colors wear with classic blouses and peach, white, gray and pastel shades shirts. Jumpers and jackets in combination with this stylish element of the outfit will give the female image of elegance and a special feeling of style.

What to wear skirt-year midi: beautiful images for spring

What to wear a skirt-year midi, going to date?

To give your appearance of delicate and romantic notes, put on a blouse with a decollete, reflecting it inside. Together they look harmoniously and feminine, however, choose a blouse of the tight fit.

Creating fashionable images with a skirt year, make sure that in one dressing you do not combine colors and styles that contradict each other. With this model, we look great and accessories of such styles such as English, French, business and classic.

At this photo, beautiful skirts are complemented by a belt, combined with this accessory waist seems fine and elegant:

It is desirable to choose a wide satin or leather belt, a contrast to the main element of the outfit. There is another stylish accessory that makes up the perfect ensemble with the Skirt "Year" is a cervical scarf chosen by the color of one of the elements of the female dress.

For romantic natures, fashion designers prepared incredibly gentle models, which are a combination of fine knitwear and lace. Such skirts are best for spring, we can wear them with a jacket, blouse or light. Skirts of light pastel shades, decorated with black lace, look very gently.

According to stylists, Luke with a skirt-year can choose only elegant girls with a sophisticated taste.

To look modern, stylish and fashionable, it is not enough to replenish your wardrobe to the Skyson "year". It is still necessary to know what to wear a skirt-year, given its length, its own style and season of the year.

What can be worn gray, black and beige skirts-year: photo of the best options

Elegant knee-length skirts or above it look great with short tops, abundantly decorated with various decorative elements.

Gray and black skirts are universal, they can be combined with almost any clothing, while they are ideal for both everyday and elegant images. A blouse with an English collar will make an ideal pair with such a skirt.

In the photo, with which wearing a black skirt-year, a stylish image is presented in combination with a red blouse:

Beige top is also a good option for a dark bottom. In such an outfit, a woman can go to work or a romantic date.

Beige skirt-year will greatly look with chocolate riding, You can pick up the bottom of the bottom of the outfit, and you can wear black in combination with the same.

This skirt option is better not to wear with the top of the baggy cut. Preference is desirable to give sweatshirts and blouses sewn with air flowing tissues. In addition, that they give the way of tenderness and romanticity, are also able to hide some flaws of the figure in the abdomen.

What to wear a skirt in the style of "year", if we talk about the upper clothes?

Skirt-year can be worn with such top clothes as a shortened jacket, short and. Fashionists are trying to wear short-sized clothes with this product, it is not strict rule, but still, shortened models look more beautiful and stylish.

To create a youth image, turn the short leather jacket and with a wide balance. In the summer and spring under the stylish skirt, select shoes on a small height or model with an open nose on a wedge.

The best options, with which wearing a skirt-year, in the photo below:

It is on these fashionable sets that all fashionists should pay attention to all fashionists who wish to keep up with fashion in 2018.

Leather skirts and photos of stylish models

The skin is another popular material that fashion designers are used when creating the "year" styles. For sewing stylish clothes, extremely soft and elastic garbage of leather fabric are selected. With a thorough choice of high-quality material, the skirt is beautifully sitting on the figure, will not stick together and shakes.

The leather skirt-year can also be a product that combines several different materials in itself. Often fashionable houses when creating the tail of the model uses ordinary fabric. Such options for this clothing look very stylish and original.

"Year" from the skin fits perfectly into the wardrobe of the business woman, if you combine the skirt with blouses, jackets and light sweaters. Very nice, fashionable and business is a combination of a leather skirt-year, leather vest and a white strict shirt. As shoes under such an outfit, the same elegant black shoes on the heel, or classic boots fit.

As the outerwear, the skirt is beautiful, the length of which comes to the middle of the hips. As accessories with skin models, you can wear leather, the main thing is that these two elements of the outfit are contrasting towards each other. With a black leather skirt "Year", a light brown, beige and red belt look great. In this case, the upper part of the outfit must be selected for the belt color, but necessarily on the tone is lighter.

The belt against the background of the skirt may be allocated not only in color, but also texture or design. With a leather skirt-year of midi, you can wear a double or triple strap and a slight blouse in the classic or retro style. So the onion will look at the measure stylish and elegant, and not provocative and too aggressively, as it often happens when the incorrect choice of additional elements of the dress under leather products.

A rather bright and catchy leather short skirt or a skirt of medium length, which is more suitable for creating a rebellious image than feminine, nevertheless, can also look good enough and gently. With it, you can create a very cute and cozy ensemble. It is enough to wear it with a knitted sweater of warm shades and shoes on a thick low heel - shoes, boots or shoes with a wide balance. Charm the image will add a small and cervical handkerchief.

The most stylish options for a leather skirt-year in the photo below, where the best options for fashionable onions for the coming season are also demonstrated:

Denim Skirts - Year: Sticks for full and slender women

Denim skirts are an ideal clothing option for modern youth representatives.

In principle, such styles from Denim can afford to wear and older women who have a slender figure.

The Skason of the "Year", made from Denim, is so universal product that it can be worn almost to all and everywhere. If you do not have a very strict dress code at work, you can safely combine such a piece of wardrobe with light sweaters, blouses, shirts and jackets.

For office style, pick a dark denim skirt, a white blouse and a feminine knitted blouse of classic gray on buttons, but do not fasten it.

Such a style skirt is suitable for full women. But when choosing this clothing for holders of magnificent forms, experts are recommended to give preference to denim with the addition of a small amount of Liker.

Lush Skirts-Year from Denim

For romantic natures, fashion houses prepared a special model, which will certainly have to do with gentle girls.

This is a model of dense denim in combination with thin lace. The best addition to it will be a blouse or a sweater of the same color as lace. When choosing such a feminine and romantic model, avoid combining it with a bright and catchy riding - one-photon or print, such a combination is inappropriate.

The magnificent skirt-year from Denim looks great, both on slender girls and women with the type of shape "Hourglass". With such stations, wear sweaters and blouses that are perfectly sitting on the figure, refuse baggy and volumetric models. The owners of beautiful forms stylists are recommended with a lush "year" put on a tight black turtleneck.

Above on the photo styles, the skirts of the denim are presented in all its diversity.

Warm winter skirts-year: knitted and tweed models

Winter skirts-year is an excellent option for those fashionists who wish to look great even in the cold season.

With the arrival of cold weather, such a skirt model can be worn with coarse mating sweaters or cardigans.

Under the upper clothes you can wear a warm skirt-year with a turtleneck and knitted bolero.

In the fall, in the fall of 2018-2019, cozy and warm models made of materials such as tweed, wool, cashmere are located at the peak of popularity.

In the winter season, they lose their relevance of the "mini" model, they not only do not fulfill their practical function - do not warm the woman in bad weather, but also often look completely inappropriate. The length of the knee or until the middle of the ankle has been confidently holding his leading position for many years, concerns this and fashionable Logsa "year".

The current hit of the winter season of 2018 became knitted skirts-yearwhich not only well warmed in cold weather, but also give the female domestic comfort and comfort. Many modes of fashion could not resist the many magnificent textures that imitate a skilled manual mating. Knitted models of the T-shoes skirts "Year" before fashionista, open endless opportunities for creative personalities regarding the creation of their own unique style. For such models, the ideal length is "midi".

When creating winter knitted models of 2018, fashion meters actively use machine knitting techniques such as Irish lace, Spit and Arana. Especially stylish aerial openwork textures, made in complex knitting techniques. Such knitted models are greatly creating and maintaining romantic images in a wide variety of styles and are a worthy decoration of female winter wardrobe.

Knitted fashion skirts-year in the photo below are presented in the best combinations with other objects of the female wardrobe:

Skirts-year in the summer of 2018

If we talk about the fashionable skirt-year in the summer of 2018, the faversites of the season will be a model from lightweight materials - denim, thin knitwear, silk, chiffon.

They are ideal for hot summertime weather, since almost weightless. It is necessary to combine them with the same light upper elements of the outfit. It can be sleeveless blouses, tops, light T-shirts fastened inside.

As for the color palette, for the summer of 2018, the skirts "Year" of bright saturated tones are relevant. Among the most popular summer options - raspberry, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and their all possible shades. Products of herbal colors give a special freshness of the female image, and if you wear an olive skirt, the appearance will acquire some mysteriousness.

Blue in the summer of 2018 is represented by its diversity, on the podiums during fashionable posts, the skirts "Year" of the colors of Aquamarine, the sky blue and other shades of this fresh color were seen. It is best to wear such a skirt with white, beige or dairy riding. Also for the most bold girls, a few more seasons ago, fashionable stylists have prepared such a stylish combination as "blue-red", which will continue to be relevant and in 2018.

Wrongs of restrained style Fashion designers recommend paying their attention to beige and brown shades of this fashion clothes. For solemn events, famous couturiers prepared bright silver and golden models. They look luxurious, stylish and elegant.

What to wear short skirts and photos of stylish onions

The short skid of the "year" is especially popular in young fashionistas and those women whom Nature has awarded perfect slender legs and they are proud of it.

Initially, this style was widespread from the employees, so many such clothes are short-length and called the office. In such models, the main focus of designers put on simplicity of cut and the minimum number of decorative elements.

Do not know what to wear a short skirt-year to look fashionable and stylish in 2018?

For lovers of the length of the "mini" selection of clothes are quite wide. A short skirt with wedges at the bottom can be worn with t-shirts, blouses, shirts, turtlenecks or sweaters. As the outerwear under such a model, it is ideal or windbreaker-jacket - for warm weather, and a fur coat, a fur vest - for the cold season of the year.

The most fashionable short year skirts in the photo below, where they together with other objects of the female wardrobe create stylish bows:

Skirts-year to gender: Long Maxi models (with photos)

Skirt-year to the floor ranks second in popularity of this style after the Midi length models.

The long skirt is the most suitable option to create an evening and solemn image. As a rule, long skirts-year in the floor sew from monophonic elegant fabrics. As the top of the outfit under the Maxé model, the blouses of a classic or romantic style, tops from smooth fabric, fitted jackets are suitable.

With a long-skiing skirt "Year", a black and white vest woman looks great. Despite the street style of the upper element of the outfit, in general, the image looks fairly smart.

Very original and luxuriously looks a model in the floor with spiral wedges. When creating such a luxurious style, the fashion designers use a wide variety of fabrics - silk, chiffon, guipure, wool. In such skirts, every woman will have a stylish and modern image.

A long-solemn option is a long skirt-year to the floor with a train. Designed such models exclusively for "exit to light". They are usually made from expensive fabrics - silk, satin, velvet, lace and guipure.

What to wear a long skirt-year made of such materials?

When drawing up with such models, you should choose no less luxurious top, it can be a top or blouse from expensive fabrics.

Pay attention to this photo of a long skirt-year made of chiffon:

The flowing fabric makes a female fabulous and unearthly, it is the perfect option for hot summer. Slim fashion guards may pick up the skirts in the most diverse color, even the print is allowed, in any case, a fair sex will have an irresistible appearance. But the owners of the magnificent forms are desirable to give preference to unshakful colors and small drawings.

In the photo skirt-year Maxi with a print in the form of a small flower look gently and romantic:

Various skirt options in the floor in the photo below:

Here are the options from the most modest to bright and elegant models for women of any figure and for all occasions.

Fashionable summer skirts for full women

Skirts-year for complete women, according to stylists, give an excellent opportunity to hold the volumetric proportions of the body to skillfully hide some drawbacks and even turn them in dignity.

Such middle-length skirts are the most ideal option for girls and women with such a figure. The luxurious element of the wardrobe of each woman will be an openwork knitted skirt-year.

Summer skirt-year for complete women connected from a fine cotton thread will decorate the owners of lush forms on hot days. Despite the fact that the model is knitted, it does not fully complete the figure, but, on the contrary, makes it even slimmer.

Such summer skirts for complete women can be of different lengths - knee-deep, up to the middle of the ankles or to the floor. You can wear them with monophonic tops, jerseys and t-shirts.

Knitted anniversary skirts for complete women on this photo are represented by different variants of length and color solutions:

Fashion skirts 2018 for full often have the kind of wholely tailored wedges. In the upper part, such models are tightly fitting the figure, these properties are reminded by the "Pencil" style. There is no other option "year" for full ladies - models with vtachny wedges.

Named Kuturier skillfully work with contrasting colors and textures, turning the shortcomings of a complete figure in its dignity. The ladies with appetizing forms can also be wearing a skirt-year to the floor, but beautiful they will look only in high state women.

Long models skirts year for full women

It does not fit the long skirt-year for complete women of low growth.

So the figure will seem even wider and squat. Models designed for the fact that their owners will be ladies with magnificent forms, are made with perfectly smooth, well-draped tissues. The choice of such a material is not random, because the skirts from such fabrics are able to tighten the problem areas of the female body - belly, buttocks, hips, chest.

Among the current models of skirts for full women in 2018 - Denim products. Denim skirts of this style are perfectly suitable for the full fashionistas of any age categories. Models are particularly stylishly, in which honey wedges made from another, lighter material, such as lace or chiffon.

Such a summer skirt for full in the photo below is presented with the most fashionable options:

Stamps "Year" for lush ladies are diverse. In 2018, when creating its fashion collections, many fashion meters paid special attention to the classics. They presented to the general public of fashionistas with rounded form, several classic models:

  • skirt with 6-8 wedges;
  • spiral year;
  • the year-bell with vtachny wedges.

Adjust the figure of a complete woman helps vertical lines on such models. This decorative reception in recent years is increasingly using many fashion designers. The geometric shapes and vertical stripes can also be attributed to the number of such elements.

Here in the photo skirt-year for complete women are presented in the classic style, currently relevant for 2018:

The skid of the "year", designed for full girls and women, may well take on the role of the base element of the wardrobe. It can be safely combined with T-shirts, blouses, sweaters and cardigans. Ideally, such a model looks in combination with short-lived jackets and seats. With this choice, it is desirable not to fully hide a skirt under the upper clothes, so as not to hide its beauty from others. Women with magnificent forms with such stylish and relevant clothes today can wear shoes, both on a heel, and on a completely flat sole. True, it should be understood that the second version of the shoes is suitable for extremely high ladies.

Costumes with skirt-year and photo of stylish images

Suit with a skirt-year is another trend of 2018.

Such an outfit is ideal for women, the wardrobe is mainly designed in a classic style. The skirt, as a component of a piece of suit, can be represented by the most diverse model and any variant of the length - mini, midi and maxi. As for the upper part of such a stylish dress, then its variations such as jacket, jacket, shirt, blouse, T-shirt, top and even Mike are possible. The last three options are especially relevant for the summer season.

As for the material, various tissues can be used when sewing elements of the outfit. For example, the bottom can be made of costume fabric, stretch, wool, and top - from chiffon or cotton. Color solutions can also be different, suits made in the same gamma and in contrasting colors were presented on fashionable shows.

Such stylish suits with a skirt year in the photo below, which present the most relevant models for 2018:

Red Skirts-Clash Logon "Year"

The Red Skirt is undoubtedly the choice of bold beautiful sex representatives with bright appearance and passionate temperament.

Fashionable combinations with such a bright female wardrobe for 2018 setsabout. The skirt-year "Clash" of red looks perfectly with a beige top. This summer set for every day can be supplemented with shoes on a stable heel or elegant wedge. Stylish accessories, and - integral elements of this outfit of a modern girl.

The red skame of the "year" of the middle length is perfectly combined with a golden color pullover, tightly fitting a female figure. This is a suitable outfit option for warm spring weather. With the arrival of cold weather, such a fashion set can be supplemented with a short leather jacket, a red cervical scarf, black shoes or boots and stylish rediculs.

In 2018, the red color is fashionable to combine with blue, it is a good combination for the summer and spring season. With the skirt of the "Midi" length, the shortened fitted jacket or chiffon flushing, fastened inside, saturated blue.

Blue skirts-year with sweaters, tops and blouses

Blue skirts, the same, as well as black, perfectly fit into the wardrobe of the business lady, preferred a classic style in clothes.

The blue skirt of this style is considered universal clothing, which is ideal for women with any type of figure, while it always turns stylish onions.

The dark blue skirt is preferable for the autumn-winter season, although in the warm season it wears a lot of fashionistas. Ideal is the following combination with a dark blue skirt "Year": a white shirt, shallow peas are allowed, and sturdy shoes on medium or high heel. For girls who wish to look more brightly, stylists have prepared other fashionable combinations. White shirt can be replaced with green, orange, yellow, but necessarily with an exotic pattern.

To create a daily image instead of blouses, it is better to give preference to a T-shirt or knitted sweater of listed colors. For the summer image with a blue skirt, you can put on a white native T-shirt, the print of which is made in black and white.

Modern stylish girls who pick up trendy outfits for their wardrobe will not be able to stay indifferent to the next bow: a blue peas skirt and a blue-white top horizontal strip.

There are other options for skirt-year in blue:

  • top, T-shirt or Black or White Blazer;
  • thin denim shirt;
  • a monophonic blouse with the open shoulders of the color of raspberries, herbs, sea sand;
  • knitted sweater or pink blouse.

Knitted pink sweater with a skirt-year of blue - the perfect option for creating a romantic image.

What to wear a white skirt year in summer

White summer skirts are an excellent option for the summer season.

With them you can wear T-shirts, tops, blouses of various colors. Beautifully look at shirts in a cage or strip.

A white skirt of dense materials is also well suited for the autumn-winter season, especially it is appropriate in the wardrobe of those women who always try to look luxuriously and elegant. Skirt "Year" knee-length or just below it looks great with a peach sweater, classic beige-shaped shoes and a handbag selected in the tone of the shoes.

The beautiful ensemble turns out when the skirt and the blouse are completely coincided. Such a bow looks very elegant and luxurious. You can add it with elegant black sandals on a heel and a small handbag.

Stamps of evening dresses with a skirt year from the best fashion houses

Dress with a skirt year, or "mermaid", as it is also called in the fashion world, has long been classic and decorates many women daily.

At first glance, some fashion suites may seem that the models of dresses with a skirt-year are sufficiently similar, but in fact it is completely wrong. Among the entire color and style diversity of such women's clothing, each fashionista will be able to pick up the most suitable outfit for any lifetime.

In recent years, evening dresses have undergone major changes regarding Leson. If a few years ago were models of direct tight cut, emphasizing all the advantages of the figure, but they could not be called particularly original, today there were serious changes in the fashion world today. Fashion meters try to make an evening outfit for a fine sex representative, in which a woman can really feel the only and unique.

Evening dress with a skirt-year is known to all girls who are interested in fashion.

It is a beautiful dress, narrowed in the hips and an expanding book, reminding himself by the tail of the mermaid. Such a style greatly emphasizes the seductiveness of the female silhouette.

Stamps of dresses with a skirt-year arose on the basis of the so-called princess dress, which smoothly expands from the thigh line. For the first time, the "Mermaid" dresses appeared at the beginning of the 50s, from the moment to the present, they remain invariably popular in women and girls around the world. As a rule, such outfits are intended for solemn events, including weddings. Due to the fact that such a dress of a fair sex was dressed exclusively in special cases, they were sewed from expensive noble and high-quality fabrics.

Luxurious evening dresses in 2018 presented such fashion houses as Roland Mouget, Oscar De La Renta, Roksanda Ilincic, Ugo Zaldi, Zac Posen.

With a skirt-year you can find enough extravagant models. Designers took care of girls who always love to look bright and original. Unusual and trendy modes of evening dresses of the "Year" silhouette were presented on fashionable shows from the designer Robert Abi Nader.

Models of long dresses in the floor with a skirt year

Such outfits will decorate and full women.

For ladies with lush dresses in the floor with a skirt, you can also be found in the collections from Robert Abi Nader. To emphasize the seductiveness of female forms, the fashion designer focuses on the breast line with the help of a deep neckline.

Pynya- "Mermaid" with asymmetry on one shoulder look feminine and attractive. With such models worked Roberto Cavalli, Hervé Léger, Enzoani.The trend of this year is the dresses with an open back. At the same time, according to the meters of fashion, the deeper the neckline, the more impressive it looks like a model on a woman. The authors of such frank evening outfits in 2018 were fashionable houses Philipp Plein and Lanvin.

Long dresses with a summer skirt can be found in collections from fashionable designers with such names as J. Mendel, Naeem Khan, Carolina Herrera, Roland Mouget, H & M, M Missoni, Ralph Lauren Black Label, Marc Jacobs, Roland Mouret.

With such a fashionable style in 2018 also worked productively Diane Von Furstenberg, Carolina Herrera, Issa, presenting fashionable magnificent and luxurious evening and wedding dresses.

Models with vtachny wedges are found in collections Bottega Veneta, Basharatyan V, American Vintage. This season, actual models in which the wedges are made of translucent or contrasting materials are made.

Dresses and sundresses with a skirt-year to the knee (with photos)

In 2018, fashionable women will be fashionable in the floor, but also dresses with a skirt-year to knee, which are ideal for events with a cocktail dress code.

Such stylish options for fashionable women's clothing were seen in MARC Jacobs, Vionnet, Enzoani.

Despite the fact that monophonic fabrics are preferred for evening outfits, it looks good and models with a print.

Pay attention to dresses with a skirt year on this photo from the famous designers M Missoni and Antonio Berardi:

As for the color gamut of evening dresses with a skirt-year, relevant in 2018, the leading positions occupy black and red models. Slightly inferior to them in the popularity of saturated blue shades. Such an evening dress is a win-win for all girls - both brunettes, and blondes, and red-haired beauties.

If you have to go to a party in the summer, you can pick up the outfit of seasonal colors - coral, turquoise, yellow, orange. In 2018, they still remain relevant among fashionistas.

A more modest option for such clothes is a dress with a skirt-year, designed to create everyday images. As a rule, with its sewing, simpler materials are used, a bright or light fabric is well suited for summer, as well as with a varied pattern.

Wedding Fashion: Dresses with Skirt-Year

Wedding dresses with a skirt-year will give the image of the bride of tenderness, romanticity, aristocracy and elegance at the same time. Wedding outfits of this style are represented by the following models:

Lace dress. Wedding models with a skirt-year are not going to the podium during fashionable shows for several years in a row. According to experts in the world of fashion, such success is guaranteed for a lace models not yet one season. The outfit for the bride in this style can be made of materials such as guipure, ancient lace, deliberately rustic rustic or subtle French. Such models look especially luxurious if their fashion designers are decorated with ribbons, rhinestones, sequins, sequins, embroidery, appliqués and other decorative elements. They can be with open shoulders or with sleeves of different lengths.

On strap. Models of wedding dresses with a skirt-year on the straps allow you to balance the lower and upper part of the female figure. Miniature girls with fragile shoulders will make such an outfit even more feminine and gentle, while the upper part of the body will seem visually slightly wider. Brides with the type of figure "Inverted Triangle" Stylists are recommended to look at one shoulder dresses or with wide straps. If a girl is the owner of a lush chest, you can stop your choice on such models with a deep neckline or a V-neck. The second version of the decoration of the decollete zone emphasizes the seductive forms of the bride and visually pulls the silhouette.

With loop. Especially for those brides who wish to look adorable, luxuriously and be on top, designers have prepared magnificent wedding-year-old wedding dresses. Elegantly looks simple styles with a lace stretched loop.

Wedding models with an open back, with a belt, long sleeves or one sleeve, can also be a good option for the wedding.

Options for shoes under the skirt-year (with video)

Regardless of the length of your skirt, the shoes are desirable to pick it up on a heel, it requires her style.

The most advantageous option will be classic heels shoes - for warm season, and boots with a sharp nose on high heels with a free-shore or tightly tight ankle - for winter. The anklens will also give the image of special elegance and luxury. In summer, girls with a skirt can wear elegant sandals with an open nose, with a lacing to the middle of the caviar, on a heel or a wedge.

In more detail disclosed information about skirts-year in the video below:

After reviewing it, you will learn how to choose a skirt-year, what the most fashionable models in 2018, to whom they are suitable and what to wear them to look fashionable and stylish, and most importantly - harmoniously.

Skirts, which in 2019 are presented in completely new and original models, are very beautiful and always feminine. In today's release, I would like to talk about the most fashionable of them, and see photos of these charming and, sometimes even very practical products. Beautiful skirt models in the floor are shown in new collections of designers. This is a lush warm models for autumn-winter and straight light shames for spring-summer 2019. Long skirts to the floor for 2019 in a wide variety are presented in the photo on this page:

Fashionable long skirts in the spring for spring-summer 2019

Long skirts are very popular in the spring and summer of 2019, since it is in these seasons that you can see very fashionable and original models that can be selected for your unique outfit. Fashionable skirts in the spring for spring-summer are distinguished by the grace of Croy and flowing materials. Now, let's discuss the most relevant of these models and look at them in the photo presented below.

Quite often, girls to create a spring image pay attention to long skirts in the cage, which look, is simply gorgeous if you can combine them correctly and wear with other wardrobe attributes. Popular this season, there are products from a cloth with a Scottish cell, it is that it is capable of adding a special chic and status, especially if it is a model in the floor.

Often, girls choose skirts with an oblique Scottish cell, which adds originality and not only. In addition, it allows you to hide a couple of flaws of the shape. Stylists are highly recommended in 2019 to pay special attention to the skirts with a train, which is found at the peak of popularity in spring and summer. By the way, such a product can be easily combined and worn with warm things, as it will look just charming in such an ensemble to make sure that we offer to look at the photo below.

Pretty charming in bad weather in the spring and even in the summer of 2019, warm skirts will look, which are also presented simply a huge variety of relevant and beautiful models. So, for example, it can be a gravel product or year, it is they allow you to create very stylish and fresh images.

As for prints and colors, this season is trendy warm colors, which can act as lilac, purple and even red. In order to dilute your image in the summer of this year, the stylists recommend paying attention to the skirts of the sun and harslets with different patterns. By the way, not only animal prints, but also ethnic. Especially high this season is the Russian style, such products can be seen in the photo below.

For spring, it is better for all other floral prints that can even decorate the warm skirts in the floor and make them more stylish and original. Among other things, Leopard is again included, but it is worth saying that it must be worn and combined with things in one style and do not overload any other prints, even if it comes to shoes.

Long leather skirts are very fashionable and popular, which often choose girls for summer and spring, as it is very relevant and, by the way, they look very fresh and feminine. For example, it can be a brown or black leather product, it looks with any wardrobe attributes just magically.

Another summer trend of 2019 is the long skirts to the floor, made of Denim. Such a material gives any kind of notice of originality and does not overload it. In the photo below, there are still very fashionable and popular skirts to the floor, which in the spring and summer of this season will be at the peak of their popularity.

Beautiful skirts for autumn and winter 2019: on the photo Actual models

Quite often, girls choose long skirts to the floor in order to wear them in winter or autumn, so designers represent us whole collections of such products that are difficult to pass by just like that. In the photo below, let's see current models that have taken the leading position in popularity in 2019 and are particularly popular. Also, then read the recommendations of the stylists on choosing such a beautiful attribute of the wardrobe and find out with what you can wear and combine.

This autumn and winter at the peak of popularity remains warm skirts to the floor, which deserve separate attention. Often such products fashionable designers are made of dense wool and other materials. They helps to keep women's health and warm. Along with the wool to create warm long skirts to the floor for autumn and winter 2019, designers use natural and artificial skin. Such models look very stylish and have a number of very attractive properties.

So, for example, a winter or autumn skirt to the floor of the skin, well keeps warm and does not miss moisture, which makes it even more attractive for modern fashionistas. Among other things, such long models look still stylish and can serve their owner for a single year with proper care. As for the question - with which it can be worn, the answer is quite simple: it is perfectly combined absolutely with all the attributes of the wardrobe. But it is worth remembering one simply a rule that, a skirt from genuine leather should be combined with things from the same material. Wearing such a product with a leatherette jacket just a bad tone. Look at the photo below, as you can skillfully draw up a beautiful image with such an interesting warm attribute of the wardrobe.

As for the styles that will be fashionable in winter and in the fall of 2019, there are quite a lot of them, so no fashion will be left without a model to taste. So, for example, a warm summer skirt remains quite popular to the floor, which has quite interesting cut. We make such models completely from different materials, this season are the most fashionable and stylish wool and leather.

In order for the skirt year to the floor is attractive and at the same time quite warm, the designers often make it multi-layered. So, it can be atlas or dense material with a lining. As for the prints, it is best to choose models into a cage or to give preference to the product without them, made in dark colors.

By the way, at the expense of a long skirt in a cage, only the warm long skirts in the floor with a beautiful oblique cage, made in black and white. Such a product will make it feel great with any non-judgment in the fall or in winter and look just stunning. You can see some of these original skirts in the photo, which are presented below.

What to wear fashionable models of long skirts to the floor this season

Quite often, the girl when choosing a fashionable model of a long skirt to the floor simply does not know with what to wear it and, with which it is combined in the best possible way. Next, we read the tips of the stylists this season on this matter and see some relevant images in the photo.

So, for example, in winter, it will be more appropriate to be a warm skirt, which can be easily worn and combined with different attributes of the wardrobe. They are easily combined with furs and natural skin, especially if it is a year or other models from high-quality wool or similar material. By the way, if we talk about furs, it is worth noting that such skirts on the floor look great in the ensemble with short long-haired fur coats and boots.

With such attributes of the wardrobe, the long skirts of the sun or a half-skin from genuine leather will not be bad. Very creative and originally will look at the image in which the girl will wear a model in the floor with a cut on the Podol and will complement the entire image by boots. What else can you combine the Warm Skirts of Autumn and Winter 2019 can be seen in the photo below.

For summer or spring, stylists recommend choosing lighter and relaxed outfits. Long skirts in the floor will perfectly complement various T-shirts, by the way, many designers represent the public interesting models from lace or inserts from it. In addition, in the spring or in bad weather, it is also possible and even you need to wear warm skirts, for example, into a cell or monophonic.

Among other things, the long skirts in the floor can easily be combined with various lightweight jackets and cape. It is only worth remembering that it is better to choose a short model, otherwise the image may turn out overloaded. In the photo below, you can see how beautiful you can wear different skirt models to the floor with other interesting wardrobe attributes, be sure to pay attention, you can find something to find your own or create your unique style according to example.

If the girl chooses a long skirt into a lace or skin floor, then it can easily create an evening outfit. It is very easy to do this, simply choosing a monochrome contrasting bottom top and shoes on a thin hairpin, as such a model as a boat can act.

In modern fashion, the skirt in the floor is represented by many extraordinary images. Knowing what to wear a maxi skirt or skirt to the floor, it is advantageous to emphasize your femininity and hide the flaws of the figure.

By drawing up an ensemble under the Maxi model, you should consider your style and shape. To understand with what it is worth wearing, it is necessary to remember the difficulties in the formation of sets of a long summer skirt with bustier tops and toopami-kamisol.

Options Kits

Features of Figures

Summer long skirt is easy to wear sletenish high girls. Those who have a figure is not so ideal, you should know several tips:

Sets with a white shirt

Choosing the right style

Designers are usually advised to create contrasting software images. But the Sun skirt is often combined on fashionable photos with wide blouses or t-shirts refilled inside. Now almost any ensemble has the right to life if it is suitable for a girl.

With denim

Traditionally, a free long skirt is worn with a fitting top, a t-shirt or a short blouse according to the figure.

The material may vary or coincide, for example, well combined chiffon skirts in the floor and the same sleeveless. An alternative to free blouse will be a short dress, seasoned in the model Croy Sun. In the evening outfit for the summer it will be a relevant satin bolero or an elegant jacket.

The shredded summer skirts can be seen in the photo, supplemented with a short jacket or blazer. Sometimes the jeans tissue is thrown over the tagge, and even a surround sweater. Roofer and outfit in the floor form a beautiful coup image.

Leather jacket images

In cool weather

Non-standard summer combinations will help create kimono or wide shirts opening. Among the tops, in addition to the variants on the straps, the shortened models of crop or top with a cut line of shoulders are used.


Best color solutions

Summer allows bright colors. A long colorful model of the sun is better to add a monochon top and vice versa. The coloring for the top should not be too boring - the blue skirt will be perfectly looking at a white t-shirt, and with beige - no longer so impressive.

With white tiled or top

Good combinations of bright monophonic elements of clothing - green skirts in the floor and burgundy or T-shirt, bottom and blue top. Such an image should be supplemented with stylish accessories - a hat and a belt. In summer, with a Maxi option, you can always put on a classic white shirt.

Bright green shades

The blue skirt in the floor is now at the peak of fashion, which is confirmed by numerous photos of Fashion bloggers.

In blue color

It can be worn with clothing similar shades - green, blue ,. It is also worth using basic variations - ultramarine, azure ,. The plread model or the sun is a winning combination with a white top in blue or black stripe.

In marine style

The blue maxi skirt with a top of cold tones is suitable for girls with light skin. More dark fashionisti looks in the clothes of bright warm colors - orange, yellow, red.

Shoes and accessories

Usually skirts in the floor can be seen in the photo along with shoes at low go, but this summer changes everything. When creating an image, shoes, clogs on a heel or platform, high lacing sandals will be appropriate.

Models with cuts

Previously, it was categorically not recommended to combine a long skirt with a bulky or sports shoes. Now, even the model of the Sun will decorate - everything is possible, if only the image was holistic and approached with its owner of style.

Ideas with shirt

The simpler Maxi-Skirt, the more interesting shoes. It should not be too bright, but can have beads, rivets and other decorations. Beautiful lacing Sandals are easy to show, putting Maxi skirt with cuts.

Thinking out what to wear a long skirt in the summer, do not forget about accessories, because they complement the image like a beautiful photo frame. Preference should be given to belts. They can be leather or textile, simple or decorated, narrow or in the form of a corset. Small, for example, suitable clutch color.

It must necessarily include several maxi skirts to create bright and fashionable onions.