7 years of marriage, what a wedding. years, anniversary wedding anniversary - Crown Wedding. years of wedding - Silver wedding

Liana Raimanova

Printed, wooden, porcelain and other "weddings" happen to the newlyweds only once, and it takes a long time to wait for each of these events. But without gifts and a festive atmosphere in the first year of life together, the newly-made spouses will not remain, because there is still a green wedding!

How many years do you have to be married to celebrate a green wedding? The correct answer is 0 years, because the wedding day itself is called a green wedding.

This is a significant event celebrated 11 times- every month of the first year of marriage.

The wedding day is the first green wedding, so green elements must be present at the celebration

The name of the very first, or rather, the zero anniversary, is rooted in an old tradition. When a girl was born in a family, the parents planted myrtle - an evergreen tree. On the day when the grown daughter was married off, the plant "migrated" to the groom's house together with the bride.

The young spouse and his parents were supposed to monitor the well-being of the myrtle, which symbolizes the bride herself. The family of the newly-made wife checked how they were taking care of her in the new house according to the state of the tree.

Feb 28, 2017 at 7:30 PST

Now almost no one is planting myrtle, but tradition to give plants for a wedding stayed. In addition to the usual bouquets, the newlyweds must be given a flower or a tree in a pot. The houseplant will symbolize the feelings of the young couple and demonstrate their ability to care for each other.

What is the name of the week after the wedding?

The first week after the wedding has no official name, but there are several folk names. Sometimes her, like the first month, called honey... Sometimes it is simply called the sweet week of living together. The third option - bends in honor of the ritual of the same name, which was performed in Russia a week after marriage.

If the newlyweds are ready to follow traditions, then the first days after the wedding they will definitely be rich and interesting.

The second day has a special name - the princely table. On these unusual days, young spouses will have to stock up on energy, because they have to travel to visit relatives all day and collect them for a festive feast.

The third day has always been considered the most difficult for the bride. By this time, all her relatives were already returning to their home, and the young wife remained in a new family. She had to start the morning of the third day by baking pancakes and other concoctions. But in the evening there was a small compensation - the couple's friends came to visit. The evening gatherings of the third day were noisy and merry, and ended with the newlywed's acquaintance with the neighbors.

The final completion of the wedding was considered to be the bends. On the seventh day of life together, the newlyweds again had to run to visit relatives. On this day, a huge amount of sweet pastries awaited. Now almost no one performs the otvodin ceremony, but the tradition of eating pies a week after the wedding is still relevant. Thus, the process of celebrating the wedding is finally completed.

What is the name of 1, 2, 3 months of living together? What kind of wedding is this?

The first month of marriage, like the next 10 months, is called a green wedding. A chintz wedding is already celebrated on the twelfth month. The need to celebrate the first anniversary is clear and obvious. Is the wedding month celebrated?

Some down-to-earth couples skip the unnecessary celebration, although the tradition of celebrating a second green wedding does exist. What will be the format of the event, the newlyweds decide. They can throw a party for loved ones, but they have the right to leave this holiday for themselves, celebrating it together.

In this case, you should not count on gifts, because there was no feast. But if a holiday is arranged for many people, then each of them must give the newlyweds a present for the month of the wedding: a souvenir, kitchen utensils, a beautiful or useful thing in everyday use.

A wedding month gift shouldn't be too expensive, it's not an anniversary.

A couple, who decided to celebrate a green wedding together, will also have festive chores. Newlyweds need to take care of creating a romantic setting for the evening in advance and, of course, choose gifts for each other. A man traditionally gives his lady a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, but what to give her husband for the month of the wedding?

You can choose any gift, since there are no special recommendations and traditions on this matter. Do not spend too much, because you will have to celebrate a green wedding not once or even three, but every month up to a year of marriage.

If the newlyweds have been married for a month, then there is no point in expensive gifts. But if there is a desire to please a loved one with a really worthwhile gift, then it is better to save it for six months of the wedding.

Half a year of living together from the day of the wedding - what is the anniversary of the marriage?

The countdown of the anniversaries of life together begins from the first year with a chintz wedding. For six months of living together, they did not come up with a special name, but newlyweds are not forbidden to make a good holiday out of this date.

A great way to highlight 6 months after the wedding with something unusual is to arrange a joint photo session in the studio or a short romantic trip to one of the neighboring cities.

6 months of marriage of newlyweds - what kind of wedding is this?

How long are newlyweds considered newlyweds?

The term “newlyweds” applies to a married couple prior to their first anniversary. After 12 months of marriage, the name loses its relevance. This can happen earlier if a child is born in the first year of marriage.

However, it does not matter until what time the term is officially applied. If the spouses feel young and happy, if their relationship has not become less passionate because of everyday life, then lovers can be safely called newlyweds.

December 9, 2017 1:27 am

A wedding for newlyweds is one of the happiest days in life. The ceremony is remembered by the couple for a long time, and every year the lovers celebrate it with friends and relatives. Each wedding anniversary has its own name, which can be used to judge the marriage itself, its honor and success. The earliest time of marriage (before the celebration of the first anniversary) is called "green".

First anniversaries:

  • 1 year - Calico wedding. The name is associated with the simplicity and ease in the newlywed relationship. Light matter symbolizes the lack of strength of the union.
  • 2 years - on paper. Compared to material that tears easily, which can burn and wrinkle if mishandled.
  • 3 years - Leather. Symbolizes flexibility in relationships. The lovers were able to withstand the first difficulties, to establish a family life.
  • 4 years - Linen. Relationships are no longer as fragile as they used to be. The material symbolizes durability, reliability and strength.
  • 5 years - Wooden wedding. To celebrate this anniversary is to be in harmony with each other. The couple has already managed to build relationships, have children, equip a house. This material, symbolizing good furniture and a solid home, gives comfort, tranquility and homeliness.
  • 6 years old - Cast iron. It is considered the first solid anniversary since the material belongs to metals. However, it is he who is the most fragile of all, it may well be damaged from a sharp blow.
  • 7 years - Woolen or Copper wedding. In the first case, the material symbolizes warmth and comfort, but, at the same time, it can prick. In the second, it reminds that the relationship is no longer coarse "cast iron", but more valuable.
  • 8 years old - tin. The relationship of the spouses is not as bright and rich as before, which makes them comparable to nondescript metal. However, everyday problems no longer divide the lovers so much, but, on the contrary, make them closer and stronger.
  • 9 years old - Faience. According to one version, a critical moment arises in the family at this time, the relationship is very vulnerable and fragile. According to the other, the union is only getting stronger, like a hot drink poured into earthenware cups.
  • 10th Anniversary - Tin or Pink Wedding. This date is truly significant for the spouses. The metal is flexible and highly durable. Roses and pink are symbols of sincerity and tenderness. Starting from this period, lovers become even closer, there are fewer secrets and omissions in their lives.

The next decade of life together is characterized by a strong bond between spouses, tolerance, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation through joint efforts.

The flowering of marriage unions:

  • 11 years - Steel wedding. This name fully reveals the essence of the relationship. During this period in marriage, the spouses began to hold on to each other more tightly. The family, like metal when processed, becomes elastic, beautiful and mirror-like.
  • 12 years old - Nickel. This material is a symbol of power, exclusivity and nobility. It stays strong even after exposure to negative factors, having passed the test of time.
  • 13 years old - Lacy or Landyshevaya. Both names symbolize a quivering image, tender relationship. Beautiful lace requires a long time to make it, neatness and incredible patience.
  • 14 years old - Agate. This is the first date when a gem is included in its name. Based on folk traditions, from that time on, the family has earned a high status.
  • 15 years - Glass (Crystal) wedding. This anniversary brings clarity and purity to spouses. Between an experienced husband and an understanding wife, honesty, openness, and mutual trust prevail. The main thing is not to break or damage such a sensitive material, to monitor its purity and shine.
  • 16 years old - Topaz. The stone of spirituality and beauty in combination with the number 16 creates a very strong amulet, promising material benefits.
  • 17 years - Pink or Pewter... Repeats 10th anniversary.
  • 18 years old - Turquoise. It symbolizes lightness, weightlessness and freshness, like a clear summer sky. In most cases, older children grow up, leave to study, which means that the difficulties associated with their upbringing end.
  • 19 years old - Pomegranate or Krypton. It symbolizes love, unification into one whole, the ability of spouses to illuminate each other's life path.
  • 20 years - Porcelain wedding. After so many years of marriage, the couple seems to be as harmonious, chic and sophisticated as luxury porcelain. The material is a symbol of well-being, a good family atmosphere and prosperity. Not every family has porcelain in the house, and in relationships, not everyone succeeds in celebrating such a bright anniversary.

In the next period, the union is strengthened as much as possible, the spouses have children growing up, grandchildren appear, but, despite their responsibilities, they do not lose sight of their solemn wedding dates.

Anniversaries of Family Wisdom:

  • 21 years old - Opal. Symbolizes fidelity, strengthening of tenderness and love. There is another version: the precious stone brings dislike, but during such a period in marriage, the spouses should be able to keep the hearth and warmth in their feelings.
  • 22 years old - Bronze wedding. It took a lot of effort and patience for the spouses to earn such an award as bronze. And now their date is a real symbol of nobility, purposefulness and luxury.
  • 23 years old - Beryl. The metal itself is not very expensive and rare, but certain varieties of it are a real find. Family life, like this metal, having gone through hardships and hardships, is successful and durable.
  • 24 years old - Satin. This material is a symbol of strength, silkiness and incredible smoothness. The relationship of the spouses becomes the same after so many years: it is difficult to separate them from each other or seriously quarrel.
  • 25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding. This date is very significant for all spouses. An incredibly noble, refined and expensive metal brings the same qualities to relationships, endowing the union with even greater strength and reliability. The love of a husband and wife, tempered over the years, is able to withstand any difficulties.
  • 26 years old - Jade. The material is characterized by high strength, resistance to mechanical stress. A family, like this stone, having lived together for many years, is able to survive all adversity, preserve the marriage and only become closer.
  • 27 years old - Mahogany... All the characteristics of this material are inherent in a couple who have lived together for so many years. This is wisdom, nobility, elegance, strength and strong roots.
  • 28 years old - Nickel. It is not customary to celebrate, it is believed that it is at this age of marriage that the couple undergoes serious tests. It's time to turn to face each other.
  • 29 years old - Velvet. This exquisite material is a symbol of tenderness and softness. Spouses should remember that without this it is very difficult to achieve harmony in marriage, even after so many years of living together.
  • 30th Anniversary - Pearl Wedding. A small expensive pearl is formed over the years in a shell and hardens. This anniversary for lovers symbolizes the same process - long maturation, accumulation of experience. As a result, the pearl becomes extremely expensive and highly valued.

The period of anniversaries from 31 to 45 is the perfect time to understand how important family is, as well as to give a loved one maximum care and tenderness.

Honorable events:

  • 31 years old - swarthy. This name suggests that faded and even "green" relationships have become more beautiful and tanned. Despite all the difficulties, obstacles, marriage became more presentable, causing admiration among others.
  • 32 years old - Copper. Not everyone notes, however, that relationships at this age, like copper, are difficult to break, you can only melt them down.
  • 33 years old - Stone or Strawberry wedding. It is not considered a significant date, but some couples do celebrate it. Symbolizes the strength of marriage and the playfulness of relationships.
  • 34 years old - Amber. This stone is amazing and valuable. For many years, the precious composition has been formed from ordinary viscous resin, giving as a result all those around them their beauty and originality. The relationship of the spouses who have come a long way together is also becoming valuable and chic for this anniversary.
  • 35 years old - Linen or Coral wedding. Sea corals symbolize a long, happy married life without disease or loss. Dense material speaks of home comfort, well-being and peaceful relations.
  • 36 years old - Bone China. According to Russian traditions, this date is not celebrated.
  • 37 years old - Muslinova. For a master to be able to make muslin, which is distinguished by extraordinary strength and subtlety, he will need a lot of patience and accuracy. Family relationships also require an investment of titanic forces on the part of both spouses. The main thing is that the result is not coarse matter, but light as a feather.
  • 38 years old - Mercury. This metal differs from all others in its structure. Spouses are given the opportunity to transform their marriage, giving it a new shape each time. This may not necessarily relate to relationships; a joint big trip or moving will help refresh feelings.
  • 39 years old - Crepe. Features of crepe fabric - elasticity and tightly intertwined threads in the structure of the fabric. This should characterize the relationship between spouses. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that matter retains its original attractive appearance longer if you treat it with care.
  • 40th Anniversary - Ruby Wedding. Spouses should truly value and be proud of such a long, strong relationship. An unusually beautiful gem is a symbol of strong and strong love. Husband and wife have come a long way together, and their reward is a truly gorgeous anniversary.
  • 41 years old - Earthen. Not noted, but symbolizes a strong and reliable family foundation for procreation.
  • 42 years - Mother of pearl. Relationships are as vibrant and varied as the shades of mother-of-pearl that bring happiness to your home.
  • 43 years - Flannel. Warmth, comfort and tenderness reign in the family, there is no place for quarrels and misunderstandings.
  • 44 years old - Topaz. The main characteristics of this gorgeous stone are radiant shine and crystal clarity. It is very expensive and prestigious. These are the qualities that the union of spouses who have walked hand in hand for so many years has.
  • 45th Anniversary - Sapphire Wedding. This gem is a reminder to husband and wife of the importance of living together, mutual understanding and trust. Deep blue color symbolizes value to society, sophistication, special charm and royalty. The family to achieve this anniversary is truly unbreakable and solid .

After 40 years, anniversaries are not celebrated as often as they used to be. There is a version that this is due to folk signs, but in most cases spouses at this age have more worries (raising grandchildren, caring for a personal plot, housekeeping, etc.), they devote less time to their problems.

Each subsequent anniversary is highly valued and has a corresponding "expensive" name. This is due to the fact that not all spouses are able to go such a long way together, therefore the relationship is compared with a precious metal or stone.

Significant dates for husband and wife:

  • 50th Anniversary - Golden Wedding. This anniversary is not only significant, it is considered the pinnacle of excellence in relationships. The couple who celebrated this anniversary can be proud of the years they have spent together. The anniversary has been compared to a pedestal, with husband and wife at the top. After 50 years, anniversaries are mostly celebrated only on round dates.
  • 55 years old - Emerald. The stone that symbolizes this anniversary is rare and incredibly attractive. Beauty, uniqueness, rich green color are its distinctive features. It symbolizes honesty, trust and loyalty. Family relationships become just as prestigious, noble and deep.
  • 60th Anniversary - Diamond Wedding... This multifaceted and beautiful stone is a symbol of true durability and luxury. Noble material, like a long-term relationship in marriage, pleases everyone around with its sophistication and moderate chic. The diamond is considered the most expensive stone in the world. The same should be close people for each other, after so many years of marriage. The couple is worthy of admiration of others.
  • 100 years old - Platinum or Red. Only spouses from Azerbaijan were able to earn the title of "platinum couple". The husband and wife, whose age exceeded 116 years (the young man was 26 at the time of marriage, the girl was only 16), went down in history by celebrating this anniversary. The name of the anniversary symbolizes incredibly strong love, because red is the color of passion and vivid feelings. Metal shows the strength of the union for a whole century.

Other memorable dates that should not be forgotten, and should be celebrated in the circle of loved ones - Iron Anniversary (65), Blagodatnaya (70) and Crown (75) weddings, Oak (80) and Granite (90) anniversary.

Anniversary names have ancient origins. Then people were more careful about marriage, appreciated their chosen one, cherished the family hearth and loved nature, comparing all good things to her. That is why the names of the solemn dates are so warm and "natural".

The fact is that the names of wedding anniversaries were not invented yesterday. And not even in the last century. In those days, when such a calendar of anniversaries was created (by the way, it is found in both European and Asian cultures with minimal differences), they hardly thought about gifts. Our ancestors were more interested in the evolution of relationships in a married couple, the formation of family ties and their strengthening. It is from this point of view that anniversaries should be viewed.
On the very day of the wedding, only close relatives congratulated the young, exactly two weeks later a feast was arranged for friends, a year after the wedding, good acquaintances were expected to visit, two years later - new acquaintances and distant relatives.
So, all anniversaries, multiples of four, were instructed to celebrate noisily, and 5, 11, 22 and 33 anniversaries should be celebrated modestly together, since Neptune is responsible for sexual harmony or skip altogether. The most serious dates - 15, 30 and 45 years - are under the influence of Saturn, the planet of stability and should be celebrated in a narrow family circle. Now there is no consensus on celebrating anniversaries either; someone marks only the year from the date of the wedding and then remembers the holiday only on “beautiful” anniversaries, multiples of five - 5, 10, 15 years, and so on.
For some, a wedding anniversary becomes a reason for a holiday only after turning to precious metal, that is, after a silver wedding (25 years), others in good faith celebrate an important date every year, and some do not celebrate this holiday at all. However, you still need to have an idea of ​​what anniversaries are called and what they mean.
A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to remember the wonderful moments of the ceremony, flip through wedding albums. In our fast-paced age, this is a really good reminder of love and family ties, so fragile and so precious ...

Years of wedding anniversary.

The very first wedding anniversary is the wedding day itself or - Green wedding

Green wedding refers to the first day of the wedding (wedding day) and the entire first year after this event. The symbolism of the name is a sign of youth, freshness and purity of a young wife and husband. During the first year after marriage, you can celebrate a "wedding anniversary" every month and even celebrate your marriage day every week for the first month.
Green wedding symbolism is present in wedding accessories. First of all, is it the famous myrtle wreath or a myrtle tree (remember the film "Straw Hat" with Andrei Mironov)? This tradition is more European than Russian, and in Europe it was developed in previous years to the level of a rather complex ceremony - the myrtle tree itself was planted by the parents on the birthday of their daughter, and on the wedding day the grown tree was presented to the groom. It is difficult to say how much this tradition has survived now, but nowadays a green wedding is symbolized by leaves in the bride's wedding wreath, leaves in the bride's bouquet and a flower in the groom's boutonniere.

1 Year Wedding - Printed Wedding

1 year from the date of the wedding is called a chintz wedding or gauze wedding. There is some ambiguity in the symbolism of the name of the cotton wedding anniversary. Conservative sources say that for the first year after the wedding, the relationship is like the most fragile fabric - chintz. And the young people just got to know each other in 1 year of the wedding; their relationship is still very fragile, and therefore are "chintz".
However, perky popular rumor ascribes to the name "chintz wedding" a slightly different meaning, much easier to explain the meaning of chintz and gauze anniversaries. The people quite reasonably believed that the first year of life together is remarkable for the extremely active actions of the newlyweds in bed, which, in fact, leads to the wear of the calico bed linen to the state of gauze :)
Accordingly, being invited to celebrate 1 year of the wedding, guests have the right to bring useful gifts for a chintz wedding - bedding sets to replenish stocks :) Purely symbolic “chintz” gifts for the 1st wedding anniversary are also appropriate - handkerchiefs, aprons, and heart-shaped pillows.

Wedding 2 Years - Paper Wedding

The anniversary of 2 years from the date of the wedding is called a paper wedding. Symbolism is the identification of relationships with fragile and easily torn paper. Indeed, 2 years after the wedding, a baby often appears in the family, which entails a lot of real worries and family life no longer seems to be woven from only pleasures. On the basis of fatigue and irritability, conflicts are possible, family relationships on the second wedding anniversary become like paper.
So that the paper can be torn without fear that it will end at all in the house, guests invited to celebrate the paper wedding replenish the family's paper supplies :) Books, calendars, photo albums, paintings - the whole range of art and printing products are presented as a gift for a paper wedding: ) Also gifts made of plastic and furniture items.

Wedding 3 Years - Leather Wedding

Three years of marriage is the first "significant" date of a young family. The anniversary of 3 years from the date of the wedding is called a leather wedding. It is believed that the "paper" difficulties have been overcome and the third wedding anniversary testifies that the husband and wife, since they have not broken off relations like paper, means that they have learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. Well, and the skin is just a symbol of flexibility.
To keep this skill from being translated in the family, guests bring a stock of leather products as a gift for a leather wedding :) The choice is varied - from leather furniture or expensive leather clothes to a simple wallet or key ring - all leather will fit as a gift for a 3-year wedding.

Wedding 4 Years - Linen Wedding

If four years have passed since the wedding day, then this anniversary is called a linen wedding. There is also a second name for the 4th wedding anniversary - wax wedding. As for the reasons for naming the date of 4 years from the date of the wedding "wax", we could not get any information, but the name "linen wedding" is quite remarkable.
In fact, this is the first of the names of wedding anniversaries, the symbolism of which is not emotional, but pragmatic. At the forefront is no longer personal relationships, but the attitude towards the family, towards the home. Flax is a symbol of wealth and security. Handmade linen clothes are not a fun print. Having linen clothes in the house means making a certain investment with a solid perspective for the future.
Well, it's time to become prosperous for the 4th year of the wedding :) Therefore, as a gift for the 4th wedding anniversary, guests bring linen tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, etc. Candles (wax wedding) are an obligatory attribute of celebrating the 4th wedding anniversary, and the whole celebration can be organized by candlelight.

5th Wedding Anniversary - Wooden Wedding

The first "solid" anniversary of the family - five years of the wedding - is called a wooden wedding. A family with 5 years of experience can be compared to a wooden house. This is already a solid structure, which, however, can still be threatened by fires (family quarrels). It is considered a good omen for spouses to plant a tree on their 5th wedding anniversary. They say that a tree planted for 5 years of marriage will survive all adversity and will be a memory for distant descendants.
The wedding anniversary at 5 years old is celebrated thoroughly, although gifts for a wooden wedding can be the most inexpensive - wooden carved gizmos,

Wedding 6 Years - Cast Iron Wedding

The 6th wedding anniversary - the first of the "metal" anniversaries - is called a cast iron wedding. According to one version, the name of the anniversary is due to the fact that the relationship is already strong, like metal, but it is the most fragile of all metals - despite the apparent strength, cast iron may well break from a strong blow.
According to another version, the "cast-iron" name of the 6th wedding anniversary glorifies the fortress of the hearth. They say that on this day, women in the villages polished cast-iron dishes to a shine and proudly exhibited them to passers-by :)
As a gift for a cast-iron wedding, it is recommended to give cast-iron pots and pans (you should know where to get them now), as well as cast-iron fireplace grates (extremely important for modern high-rise buildings, yeah). It is worth noting that in America and Western Europe the anniversary of 6 years of the wedding is called candy, and in Latvia - mountain ash. According to the Latvian tradition, the mountain ash bunch is considered a symbol of the family hearth, which retains love, protects from ailments, brings a son to the family. This symbolism of 6 years of the wedding is perhaps more romantic.

Wedding 6.5 Years - Zinc Wedding

This is the name of the first of the incomplete wedding anniversaries. This strange "anniversary out of the blue" can only be explained by the desire to arrange a small holiday for yourself on a weekday.

7th Wedding Anniversary - Copper Wedding (or Woolen Wedding)

The copper wedding is celebrated on the 7th year after the wedding. Copper is a symbol of family strength, beauty and prosperity. This is no longer ferrous metal, cast iron, but valuable. But she is still far from noble or precious. In previous years, as a sign of the 7th wedding anniversary, the spouses exchanged copper coins.
Now you can give each other as a gift for a copper wedding handicrafts - candlesticks, decorative cups, chasing, etc.

8 Years Wedding - Tin Wedding

It is believed that on the 8th year of the wedding, family relations are renewed. This is what the new sparkling tin should symbolize. Accordingly, as a gift for 8 years of the wedding, they are presented with both tin products (kitchen utensils, household utensils), and simply everything sparkling and similar to tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes.
An associative gift for a tin wedding can be (if funds are available) - everything that can be interpreted as a symbol of the renewal of the family hearth 8 years after the wedding: new furnishings and even apartment renovation.

9 years of wedding - Faience wedding

Faience wedding - celebrated on the 9th year of family life. The name of the 9th wedding anniversary has two (moreover, completely opposite) interpretations. According to one version, every year family relationships become stronger and stronger, like good tea - and earthenware cups filled with tea are a symbol of the beauty of family relationships. According to another version, 9 years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like faience.
Accordingly, the motive for giving gifts for 9 years of marriage is also different. You can donate a tea set (and mention the strength of the relationship), or you can donate earthenware or crystal, hinting that some fragile things can break if handled carelessly.

10th Wedding Anniversary - Pink Wedding (or Pewter Wedding)

When 10 years have passed since the day of the wedding, such an anniversary is called the Pink (or Pewter) Wedding. The first round anniversary of the family is celebrated "in full" - everyone who was present at the marriage 10 years ago is invited to the celebration.
The fortress of family ties on the 10th wedding anniversary is considered inviolable, therefore, in gifts for a pink wedding, the main thing is not hints of family collisions, but their beauty. Gifts for a 10-year wedding should be as beautiful as a 10-year relationship between a husband and wife. Even the less popular "pewter" name of the 10th wedding anniversary is associated with the flexibility of the tin metal - that is, with the ability of spouses to adapt to each other.
Accordingly, gifts for a pink wedding are very romantic and symbolic. The husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red - as a symbol of love and 1 white - as a symbol of hope for the next decade. All guests give roses to spouses to celebrate 10 years of the wedding. It is very good if there is an opportunity to include elements of pink symbols (color, pattern) in the details of clothing. On the table - rose wine, tea with rose petals and a cake decorated with roses.

11th Wedding Anniversary - Steel Wedding

Steel wedding - the 11th anniversary of the family - the beginning of a new decade of life together. 11 from the date of the wedding means that the countdown of the next 10 years has successfully begun, that the relationship has become stronger, stronger and stronger. An obvious gift is stainless steel products - a set of pots, a tray, etc. - everything that is steel and at the same time "for the family".

12.5 Years Wedding - Nickel Wedding

Nickel wedding - the second "incomplete" wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, it is celebrated after 12.5 years, but it is quite acceptable to celebrate it six months earlier - at 12 years old. The symbolism of the 12th wedding anniversary is similar to the symbolism of a tin wedding: the sparkle of the nickel indicates the need to refresh the sparkle of the relationship. Accordingly, the theme of a gift for a 12-year wedding is obvious - you should give shiny nickel-plated items - for example, dishes.

13th wedding anniversary - Lace (lily of the valley) wedding

Celebrated on the 13th anniversary of family life. Despite the "unlucky" number (and maybe in the order of "compensation"), the celebration of the 13th anniversary of the family, as well as the celebration of the pink wedding, is accompanied by the theme of love. Light, delicate, sophisticated and fragile, like love, lilies of the valley are a symbol of the 13th wedding anniversary.
Refinement is also inherent in lace products, therefore the name "lace wedding" is in very good harmony with the name "lily of the valley". Lacemakers have been weaving their wonderful products for many months, and sometimes even years. When they finish their work, it is impossible to take your eyes off these creations. In the same way - subtle, harmonious relationships in the family are built over the years.
For 13 years of the wedding, guests give gifts from lace, products knitted from fine wool. It would be ideal for a husband to give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley for 13 years of the wedding. But, firstly, lilies of the valley are listed in the Red Book. And secondly, they bloom only in May.

14th Wedding Anniversary - Agate Wedding

Only 14 years after the wedding, folk tradition begins to assign the status of a precious stone to the family, and this first stone is agate. The husband can give his wife agate jewelry for 14 years of the wedding, for guests the celebration of the "precious" anniversary is not too ruinous - you can give figurines made of bone to match the stone.

15th Wedding Anniversary - Glass Wedding

The glass wedding is celebrated 15 years after the wedding. The name of the 15th wedding anniversary testifies to the purity and clarity of the relationship between the spouses. On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary - crystal and glassware, guests are advised to wear something light, possibly with transparent details.
Gifts for the 15th wedding anniversary - of course, made of glass and crystal - vases, wine glasses, salad bowls, etc. Perhaps Swarovski crystals are quite suitable. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone deliberately breaks a glass, glass or plate.

16th Wedding Anniversary - Topaz Wedding- not marked
17th Wedding Anniversary - Pink Wedding- not marked

18th Wedding Anniversary - Turquoise Wedding

Often, the 18th wedding anniversary coincides with the first child's majority. The brightness of turquoise is a symbol of the end of difficult and crisis situations associated with the growing up of a son or daughter; family relationships should "sparkle" with a new light.

19 Years Wedding - Pomegranate Wedding- not marked

20 Years Wedding - Porcelain Wedding

An important round date for the family. It is believed that in 20 years from the date of the wedding, all the dishes presented for the wedding have broken ... The 20th wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. The name has two meanings. According to the first version, it is believed that the dishes presented for the wedding have already broken, which means that the supply of tea and coffee utensils should be renewed.
The second version says that a happy family union 20 years after the wedding is beautiful and harmonious, like authentic Chinese porcelain, the secret of making which has not been solved to this day. One way or another, but as a gift for a porcelain wedding, they are presented with cups, plates, porcelain sets.

21 Years Wedding - Opal Wedding(practically not celebrated)
22nd Wedding Years - Bronze Wedding(practically not celebrated)
23rd Wedding Anniversary - Beryl Wedding(practically not celebrated)
24th Wedding Anniversary - Satin Wedding(practically not celebrated)

There is practically no information about the wedding anniversaries listed above, except, in fact, the names of the weddings.

25th Wedding Anniversary - Silver Wedding

25 Years of Family Life - Silver Wedding. This is the first "famous" wedding anniversary. 25 years later, the name of the wedding anniversary first "got" to the precious metal - silver. There is no need to elaborate on the meaning of such a comparison of a 25-year marriage; likewise, it’s clear that the right gift for a silver wedding is silverware or something silver-plated.
There are some special traditions associated with celebrating a silver wedding. On this day, the husband and wife can exchange silver rings and wear them in addition to the wedding rings throughout the anniversary year. A silver wedding can also be celebrated "officially" - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage was concluded.

26th Anniversary - Jade Wedding
27th Anniversary - Mahogany Wedding

29th Wedding Anniversary - Velvet Wedding

Wedding 30 years - Pearl wedding

The pearl wedding is celebrated on the 30th wedding anniversary. Pure natural pearls are a symbol of the purity and impeccability of the relationship between husband and wife, who have lived together for 30 years. As a gift for a pearl wedding, the husband presents his wife with a necklace, which, of course, should contain 30 pearl grains - according to the count of the years that have passed since the wedding day.
Anything made of pearls, such as jewelry, can be a gift for a 30-year wedding. Guests can afford a simpler gift for a pearl wedding - interior items decorated with pearls, but not from natural, but from artificial pearls.

31 years old - Dark wedding

34th Wedding Anniversary - Amber Wedding

35th Wedding Anniversary - Coral Wedding (Linen Wedding)

Linen (linen, coral) wedding - celebrated 35 years after the wedding. The 35th wedding anniversary even has a third name - linen, but it is rarely used so as not to be confused with the 4th linen anniversary. Linen tablecloth embodying peace, prosperity and comfort. Corals - health and long life together.
Gifts for 35 years of wedding - red coral jewelry, linen tablecloths, bedspreads, napkins, towels, garments, etc. The wife can give her husband a linen shirt.

37th Wedding Anniversary - Muslin Wedding
37.5 Years Wedding - Aluminum Anniversary

The second "half" wedding anniversary, which, moreover, is known more than the previous "whole" wedding name. Maybe because the very name of this wedding anniversary symbolizes the ease and strength of family relationships.

38th Anniversary - Mercury Wedding
39th Anniversary - Crepe Wedding

Anniversary 40 years - Ruby wedding

Congratulations on the ruby ​​wedding on the 40th anniversary of the marriage. The name of the wedding is from the ruby ​​gemstone, which is a symbol of love and fire. Its color is the color of blood, which means that the relationship between spouses is "blood". Husband and wife can inlay the ruby ​​in wedding rings to mark their ruby ​​wedding anniversary. In terms of hardness, a ruby ​​is similar to a diamond, and it is believed that no tests can break a family anymore.

44 years old - Topaz wedding

45th Wedding Anniversary - Sapphire (Scarlet) Wedding

Another "jewelry" name for the wedding, but not without meaning. Years are told to think about health, and sapphire, according to legend, is a healing stone, relieving heavy thoughts, refreshing feelings, giving strength to fight fatigue and illness.

46th Wedding Anniversary - Lavender Wedding

A very touching name of the wedding and touching symbols of the wedding anniversary. This day symbolizes the tenderness and kindness and longevity of marital relations. The plant is southern, but if there is an opportunity, it is good to give each other at least dried flowers or leaves of this plant, which is able to retain its delicate scent for many years, for a lavender wedding anniversary.

47th Anniversary - Cashmere Wedding
48th Anniversary - Violet Wedding
49th Wedding Anniversary - Cedar Wedding

50th Wedding Anniversary - GOLDEN WEDDING

The Golden Wedding is the second "famous" 50th anniversary of the family. Only love, devotion, and respect of the spouses helped to achieve this date. On the day of the golden wedding, there are special traditions - a husband and wife give each other new wedding rings, and the old ones are given to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a family heirloom. This anniversary can not only be solemnly celebrated at the registry office at the place of registration, but even asked to arrange a re-wedding ceremony.
Gifts for a gold wedding, of course, are gold items. Guests can donate and gilded jewelry, interior items.

55th Wedding Anniversary - Emerald Wedding

The name of the wedding is associated with emerald - a green stone that symbolizes the eternity of life. The wish for a wedding anniversary is appropriate - to live, love and never grow old.

60th Wedding Anniversary - Diamond (Platinum) Wedding

Husband and wife have lived together for 60 years, having withstood the storms of fate as the hardest stone - diamond. A cut diamond is called a diamond. This means that no one and nothing is able to dissolve such a long marriage. The diamond is a symbol of this anniversary, it is the hardest of all precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union.
On this day, children and grandchildren give the spouses jewelry with diamonds.

65th Wedding Anniversary - Iron Wedding

This anniversary is a rather rare event that testifies to the strength of family ties, that in such a time they have become as hard as iron. Usually on this day, openwork iron coasters or iron souvenirs are presented.

67.5th Anniversary - Stone Wedding

The name of the wedding again confirms that the relationship between husband and wife is like a rock in the stormy ocean of life.

70 years wedding anniversary - Auspicious (grateful) wedding

That wedding anniversary, when they cast a glance into the past and understand that love sent from heaven is grace and true happiness. And they thank God for this. On this day, children and grandchildren give the heroes of the day whatever they wish.

75th Wedding Anniversary - Crown Wedding or Second Diamond Wedding

The name means that the wedding anniversary crowns family life. This anniversary crowns the long and happy life of two loving spouses. Celebrated by a wide range of relatives, children and grandchildren.

80th Wedding Anniversary - Oak Wedding

Oak is a symbol of longevity, the name of the wedding is obvious. Your family life is as strong as oak branches and as long as an oak tree lives. On this day, the spouses are presented with an oak rosary.

Celebrating wedding anniversaries became a tradition in the 19th century. At first, this holiday was celebrated among the wealthy townspeople, and after that it became traditional for other estates as well. The wedding anniversary is celebrated in a narrow circle of relatives and closest friends.

Wedding day - Green wedding

1 year - Calico wedding

2 years - Paper wedding

3 years - Leather wedding

4 years - Linen wedding or Rope wedding

5 years - Wooden wedding

6 years - Cast iron wedding

6.5 years - Zinc wedding

7 years - Copper wedding

8 years - Tin wedding

9 years - Faience wedding or Chamomile wedding

10 years - Tin Wedding or Pink Wedding

11 years - Steel wedding

12.5 years - Nickel wedding

13 years - Lace wedding or Woolen wedding

14 years old - Agate wedding

15 years - Crystal wedding or Glass wedding

18 years - Turquoise wedding

20 years - Porcelain wedding

25 years - silver wedding

30 years - Pearl wedding

34 years - Amber wedding

35 years - Coral wedding or Linen wedding

37.5 years - Aluminum wedding

40 years - Ruby wedding

45 years - Sapphire wedding

46 years old - Lavender wedding

47 years old - Cashmere Wedding or Woolen Wedding

48 years old - Amethyst wedding

49 years old - Cedar wedding

50 years - Golden wedding

55 years - Emerald wedding

60 years - Diamond wedding

65 years old - Iron wedding

67.5 years - Stone wedding

70 years - Blessed wedding

75 years old - Crown wedding

80 years old -

100 years - Red wedding

Wedding Day - Green Wedding

The wedding day is called green wedding.

This is not only the day of the wedding itself, but also the starting point for new anniversaries. It is customary to celebrate a green wedding every month on the day of the wedding during the first year after marriage. The gift for this day is flowers, which are a symbol of youth and stormy life. They can be anything, but you should pay attention to how long they will last. Flowers and herbs decorate the wedding procession and the celebration room. Since ancient times, the symbol of a green wedding is considered to be myrtle leaves in a wedding wreath, which the bride weaves for herself on her wedding day.

1 year - Calico wedding

After the first year of marriage is celebrated calico wedding. This name is explained by the fact that there is a kind of transition from the novelty of relations to the commonplace and everyday life (calico simplicity). Behind the most difficult year of life together, the newlyweds "got used" to each other, recognized each other in everyday life and difficulties, overcame serious trials. On this day, chintz, silk and nylon products are presented: scarves, towels, bed linen, tablecloths and other home textiles. They try to ensure that the gifts are needed by the young family and are suitable for them.

On the first wedding anniversary, it is customary to open one of two tied bottles of champagne presented to the young people on their wedding day (the second bottle is opened for the birth of their first child). Witnesses of the young people, parents and, if desired, best friends are invited to the celebration of the anniversary.

2 years - Paper Wedding

After two years of marriage, they celebrate paper wedding... At this point, the couple must be tested on their ability to endure and overcome difficulties. By the second anniversary, a child may already appear in the family, so it is important to be kinder to each other, build a strong and friendly family, keep love and fidelity. On this day, it is customary to give gifts from paper, furniture. Paper is considered a symbol of fragility, fragility, which means that it depends only on the spouses whether they can preserve their feelings and family. Guests give the family glass or paper gifts: books, paintings, photo albums, decanters and other glassware, wallpaper. And the spouses write letters to each other with a declaration of love, give glass hearts.

3 years - Leather wedding

Third anniversary of family life - leather wedding... She got her name because the family is growing stronger, but changes are still taking place in it, and relationships are changing like skin. In addition, by this moment the young spouses already feel each other well (as if by the skin itself). Gifts for this anniversary are natural leather products that will last a long time: bags, wallets, folders, belts. Guests should also present the family with similar gifts, for example, a leather suitcase as a symbol of the upcoming romantic trip.

4 Years - Linen Wedding or Rope Wedding

After four years of marriage, they celebrate linen (rope) wedding... At this point, the spouses are tied to each other like ropes. Previously, there was a custom when the spouses sitting next to each other on chairs were tied hand and foot with ropes, and if they could not unravel, then their feelings for each other would be strong, lasting and long, and their married life would be fertile. The festive table on this day is decorated with candles and lights. A twin candle is lit on this anniversary as a test of the marriage relationship. She stands in the room all day. How many hours the candle burns out, so many happy years the spouses will live happily together. A gift on this day will be linen, tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, weaving, napkins, etc.

5 years - Wooden wedding

Fifth wedding anniversary - d wood wedding... The family is already strong and stands on its feet quite confidently. The name of the fifth anniversary is associated with a tree - a symbol of life, fertility and means that by this time a child is born in most families, therefore, a husband and wife, like trees, grow roots to each other, because only the birth of a child strengthens and firmly binds the spouses. Everyone who was at the wedding itself is invited to this anniversary. The husband has to make his own handicraft for the house. Wife - to cover her with varnish (to prove her compliance). On this day, it is customary to give wooden gifts: dishes, boxes, small pieces of furniture, wooden figurines.

6th Anniversary - Cast Iron Wedding

Six years of marriage is crowned cast iron wedding... A crisis time in a relationship. Cast iron acts as a symbol (this is a brittle metal, although outwardly it is strong and heavy, therefore it can crack from impact). Likewise, family relationships can crack if spouses stop maintaining the fire of their love in the family hearth and throwing evidence of their feelings into it. According to ancient custom, before the sixth anniversary, the wife cleaned the house, carefully cleaned the cast-iron dishes. It is customary to consider cast iron products as gifts for this date: frying pans, pots. The spouse must cook some family dish in a cast-iron dish, thereby proving her worth as a mistress of the house.

6.5 years - Zinc wedding

After 6.5 years of marriage, they celebrate zinc wedding... The name of the anniversary means that the marriage, like galvanized dishes, must be polished. All crises are over, and the task of the family now is to arrange everyday life. Zinc weddings are celebrated with close friends and relatives. A suitable gift is zinc dishes (pots, pans, braziers), figurines, dumbbells.

7 years - Copper wedding

After seven years of marriage they celebrate copper wedding... The meaning of the name is that copper is a valuable, durable material, but since it is still far from noble metals, the spouses are still ahead. Since ancient times, on this day, husband and wife exchanged copper coins as a sign of future happiness in the family. Guests present wrought copper products: belts with copper buckles, copper jewelry. The most successful gift for a copper wedding is a copper horseshoe for good luck. And donated copper rings must be worn until the eighth anniversary.

8 Years - Tin Wedding

Tin wedding- the final of eight years of marriage. The symbol of the wedding anniversary is tin, indicating the strength of the family, which only grows over the years. In addition, tin is also very flexible, flexibility in relations between spouses is also important. Tin products are also presented as a gift: trays, baking dishes, baking trays, kitchen utensils.

9 years - Faience wedding or Chamomile wedding

After nine years of marriage, they celebrate faience (chamomile) wedding... The family is very strong, but according to statistics, most divorces occur in this year, therefore, recalling the fragility of family relationships, fragile things (glass, crystal, earthenware, porcelain) should be presented. The best gift - earthenware cups - a symbol of a friendly and close-knit family. Another name for the anniversary - chamomile - reminds of a chamomile flower associated with love (fortune-telling for "loves or dislikes"), in the summer, warmth, the sun, and the name chamomile wedding suggests that married life is flourishing. It is better to celebrate the ninth anniversary outdoors with close friends and children. On this day, guests can give chamomile to the spouses.

10 Years - Tin Wedding or Pink Wedding

After ten years of marriage, they celebrate pewter (pink) wedding... The first "round" date is celebrated on a grand scale. Tin is a symbol of flexibility, and spouses who have been living together for so many years know each other very well, understand each other perfectly, and make mutual concessions. Red rose is a symbol of passion, strong feelings. For the tenth wedding anniversary, the husband gives his wife a bouquet of roses that reminds her of a wedding bouquet. Everyone who was present at the wedding should be invited to the celebration, especially witnesses, as well as their children. Guests can give the family any red and pink items as symbols of love and passion. They also give roses as a sign that the love of a married couple after ten years of marriage is not afraid of thorns and obstacles. In addition, tin gifts and souvenirs are welcome.

11th Anniversary - Steel Wedding

Steel wedding celebrated after 11 years of marriage. The fun of the first years of marriage is over, the children are growing up, which means it's time to get more serious, think more about the future. Family relationships have become hardened, hardened, they can no longer be broken off so easily. The spouses' house is already solid and solid, the household is well established and the family has at least two children. Close relatives and friends are invited to celebrate the anniversary. A gift can be steel products, kitchen utensils, jewelry, power tools.

12.5 Years - Nickel Wedding

Nickel wedding celebrated after 12.5 years of marriage. This anniversary is reminiscent of a zinc wedding, the purpose of the celebration is to renew the relationship of the spouses, because you need to constantly shine on family relationships. The holiday is celebrated with the closest people, because the date is not round. Jewelry, nickel-plated dishes, plumbing fixtures are presented as gifts.

13 Years - Lace Wedding or Lily of the Valley Wedding or Woolen Wedding

After 13 years of marriage, celebrating lace (lily of the valley, woolen) wedding... Family life flows and weaves its lace. The meaning of the name is that the family must be appreciated, treated with the same care as with thin lace. The wedding is celebrated in a circle of loved ones, with children, parents of spouses. The spouse, according to tradition, has to bake "lacy" pancakes. The spouse presents his wife with lacy underwear or a negligee; guests give bed linen with lace trim, napkins, and delicate wares made of fine wool. You can give warm wool clothes. Spouses give each other lilies of the valley, tender, light, like their love.

14th Anniversary - Agate Wedding

Agate wedding celebrated after 14 years of marriage. Since ancient times, the semi-precious stone agate has been endowed with magical properties to protect marital happiness and fidelity from danger. The name of the anniversary indicates that family life is already strong enough. According to an old custom, on the day of the agate wedding, a husband and wife confess to each other in the most intimate, get rid of secrets. Every year, relations are painted in new colors, take on new forms, like the agate stone itself, which is known for the variety of its forms. The spouse can give his beloved wife a set of agate jewelry. Guests give products from agate, ivory: jewelry, figurines.

15th Anniversary - Crystal Wedding or Glass Wedding

15th anniversary of the wedding - crystal (glass) wedding... The couple, who have lived together for 15 years, can boast of their love and strong family ties, so crystal is a symbol of their feelings - a transparent, sonorous and clean material. But since the crystal beats, the family must be treated very carefully, with tenderness and care, and the relationship must be strengthened. Fifteen years is a solemn date that requires an appropriate celebration, invitation of guests: witnesses, best friends, relatives. Children must be present, this is a symbol of continuing life, family happiness, harmony and joy. On this day, gifts should remind spouses of their relationship, transparent and clear as crystal. Therefore, they give glass or crystal dishes. After fifteen years of marriage, only round dates are celebrated.

18 years old - Turquoise wedding

The eighteenth anniversary of the wedding - turquoise wedding... Turquoise symbolizes the end of all crisis and difficult periods that beset the family in the second decade of its life. Guests give the spouses turquoise jewelry.

20 years - Porcelain wedding

20th wedding anniversary - porcelain wedding. Porcelain is a very beautiful and expensive material that can break if handled carelessly. Therefore, spouses who have lived together for two decades should rejoice in their such a long and wonderful union, in no case forgetting that the happiness in their hands is a fragile thing. There should be a china service on the festive table. Moreover, a new one is better to show the increased prosperity of the family since the celebration of the faience wedding. The best gift is a tea or coffee service or tea pairs.

25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding

silver wedding- twenty-fifth anniversary of the wedding. The name of the anniversary is explained by the fact that the spouses value and respect each other, that they are like jewels for each other. Silver is a symbol of a lasting family union. And living together is an example for others. Since ancient times, it was customary that spouses should exchange silver rings on this day, putting them on the middle fingers of their right hand (next to the wedding rings). The Silver Wedding is celebrated with all close ones: relatives and friends. On the festive table and in the decoration of the room there should be silverware, silver ribbons, flowers silvered with varnish, garlands. Guests give silver dishes, cutlery, jewelry, figurines, vases.

30th Anniversary - Pearl Wedding

Thirty years of marriage together - pearl wedding... Since real pearls never tarnish, they symbolize impeccable family relationships. As pearls in a necklace are strung on top of each other, so thirty years lived together seem to be strung on top of each other in a necklace of family life. Pearls are not only a lucky talisman, but also a symbol of fertility. Therefore, the celebration of the pearl wedding is attended not only by children, but also by grandchildren. The husband should give his companion pearl beads with thirty pearls (not necessarily real). Pearls - as a reminder of the tears shed by the spouse during family quarrels and troubles; having presented the necklace, the spouse asks an apology for his actions and unfortunate words. Guests give gifts of white, mother-of-pearl, black and pink shades (like the color of pearls) to the heroes of the occasion: kitchen utensils, jewelry, interior items, etc.

34 years old - Amber Wedding

34 years - amber wedding... Resin must last several centuries to become magical amber. Therefore, the family for this wedding becomes exemplary, ideal. Guests and spouses give each other amber jewelry.

35th Anniversary - Coral Wedding or Linen Wedding

Coral (linen) wedding celebrated after 35 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is a linen tablecloth that embodies peace, home comfort and well-being in the family. On this day, the hostess of the house is glorified, having kept the warmth of the hearth. Guests give as souvenirs embroidered towels and napkins, bedspreads, linen tablecloths, sheets, coral products.

37.5 Years - Aluminum Wedding

Aluminum wedding- 37.5 years of marriage. This anniversary symbolizes strong marital happiness, strength and ease of family ties. For the anniversary, they give products made of aluminum and other metals, any souvenirs.

40th Anniversary - Ruby Wedding

After 40 years of marriage, they celebrate ruby wedding... Ruby is a stone of love, a symbol of strong conjugal feelings and fiery love. Earlier on this day, a ruby ​​was inserted into wedding rings. It is necessary to celebrate such a wedding very solemnly. Close relatives, best friends of the family are invited to visit, children and grandchildren must be present. Ruby is a reminder to spouses of the feelings they felt when they were young and started a family. Since the ruby ​​is the color of blood, the closeness of the spouses became blood. The best gift for a spouse is a ruby ​​ring from a loving half. Guests give expensive and solid things: pieces of furniture, vases, paintings, household appliances, audio, video equipment. Should be among the gifts and things of ruby ​​color: clothes, tablecloths, bedspreads, curtains, interior decorations.

45th Anniversary - Sapphire Wedding

45 years of marriage - sapphire wedding... Sapphire is a stone of fidelity, it is a very noble stone of a piercing blue color, bringing love, protecting from evil, refreshing feelings. This anniversary suggests that the spouses are close and know each other well, therefore they are unlikely to part, no one doubts their love. On this day, the spouses give each other jewelry with sapphires. And the "young" themselves should be dressed in blue outfits. The wedding is celebrated very solemnly. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, all close relatives are invited. As a gift, guests present the heroes of the occasion with items related to water: blue or blue towels, bedspreads, toilet items, decorations for the bathroom or the interior in general. A bottle of champagne or wine is also presented.

46th Anniversary - Lavender Wedding

46 years of marriage - lavender wedding... The mountain plant lavender is able to withstand very difficult natural disasters. On this date, a bunch of lavender is presented, which, when dried, will keep its delicate and strong smell for a long time.

47 Years - Cashmere Wedding or Woolen Wedding

47 years of marriage - cashmere (wool) wedding... You can present reliable, warm, cozy clothes made of wool or cashmere, soft and tender, like the feelings and relationships of spouses.

48th Anniversary - Violet Wedding

Amethyst wedding- 48 years of marriage. The spouse gives his beloved amethyst jewelry as a sign of his loyalty. Amethyst is a symbol of honesty and clarity of intentions, which for so many years of family life are finally determined and understandable.

49th Anniversary - Cedar Wedding

49 years of marriage - cedar wedding... Cedar is a durable, reliable and warm tree, just like family relationships. A fan made of wood, carved boxes, etc. can serve as a gift.

50th Anniversary - Golden Wedding

Golden wedding- 50 years of marriage. Gold - one of the most expensive metals - is a symbol of significant, hard work. Therefore, a golden wedding is an indicator and result of the hard work of spouses to build family relationships over 50 years of life. This golden anniversary speaks of the great love of the spouses, which they carried through the years, so they exchange new gold rings as a sign of their mutual and eternal love and sincere devotion, because the gold of the old rings could wear out over the years. Old rings are passed on to unmarried relatives (grandchildren and great-grandchildren) as a family value. On this day, you can again arrange a wedding ceremony. Since not everyone falls to reach the 50th anniversary, this anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, solemnly and very pompously. It is necessary to set a rich table, at which the "young" will indulge in memories of the 50 years they lived together. Close relatives are invited to visit: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, best friends, witnesses. Gifts are very different, the main thing is to give gold or gilded things: jewelry, a picture in a gilded frame, watches or services with gilding. Children, as a sign of respect for the strength of the family union, give their parents a golden thing.

55th Anniversary - Emerald Wedding

Emerald wedding- 55 years of marriage. Feelings are brighter every year. Emerald is a bright green stone that confirms the vivid feelings and emotions of the spouses for each other. An emerald wedding is presented with jewelry with emeralds.

60th Anniversary - Diamond Wedding

Diamond wedding- 60 years of marriage. A diamond (diamond) is the hardest of stones, beautiful and expensive, it is a symbol of happiness and strength, and a diamond wedding speaks of lasting family happiness, not subject to years. It is rare to find couples living together until such years, they are people who love each other so sincerely and strongly that their feelings give them courage, strength and energy for a long life together. On the day of the diamond wedding, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren give their relatives diamond rings as a sign of great gratitude, respect, devotion and love, with the wishes of a strong union for life.

65th Anniversary - Iron Wedding

Iron wedding celebrated after 65 years of marriage. This is a very rare anniversary that testifies to the strength of the family: family ties have become as solid as iron in 65 years. An anniversary gift will be iron souvenirs or openwork iron coasters.

67.5 years - Stone wedding

Stone wedding 67.5 years of marriage. The stone, although it can collapse, still lives for a very long time. And love, which has lived for so many years, can no longer be destroyed by anything.

70th Anniversary - Blessed Wedding

Blessed wedding celebrated after 70 years of marriage. The whole family gathers for this holiday: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Looking back at the years they have lived together, the husband and wife understand that their long and faithful love has been sent down from above. And this is God's grace and true happiness.

75th Anniversary - Crown Wedding

75th anniversary of marriage - crown (second diamond) wedding... This date, like a crown, crowns the long, happy life of two loving hearts. Celebrated in a wide range of relatives, children and grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

80th Anniversary - Platinum Wedding or Oak Wedding

Platinum Wedding or Oak Wedding celebrated after 80 years of marriage. Spouses can be proud of this date and the choice of a life partner. Their family life is as strong as oak branches and lives as long as an oak tree. A gift for a married couple - oak rosary or oak furniture.

100th Anniversary - Red Wedding

Red wedding- 100th anniversary of the wedding. This anniversary is a true rarity. Therefore, the long-lived family is glorified by the whole world. The name of the wedding was invented by the spouses Niftulla and Balabeyim Agayevs from Azerbaijan, who are 126 and 116 years old and have been married for a hundred years. Since ancient times in Russia the word "red" meant "beautiful". Feelings that have stood the test of time are truly wonderful.

0 years - Green wedding

1 year - Cotton I

2 years - Paper me

3 years - Kojana

4 years - Flax I (wax)

5 - Deceased wedding

7 - Copper i

8 - Tin (poppy)

9 - Fa yance

11 - Steel

12 - Nicke left (silk)

13 - Circular (woolen)

14 - Aga tova

16 - Not marked

17 - Tin I

18 - Turquoise i

19 - Krypton I

20 years - Porcelain wedding

21 years old - I am Opal

22 years old - Bronze I

23 years old - Berilova I

24 years old - Atlas I

25 - Silver wedding

26 - Jade I

27 - Red tree

28 - Not marked

29 - Barkhatnaya

30 years old - Same man's wedding

31 years old - I'm dark

34 years old - Amber

36 - Not marked

37 - Muslin's I

38 - Mercury I

39 - Crepe I

40 - Ruby I love

41 years old - Not celebrated

42 years old - Pearl Mutrovaya

43 years old - Flannel I

44 years old - Topa call

46 - La vandova

47 - Shemirovaya ka

48 - Amethyst i

49 - Cedar i

50 - Golden wedding

55 - Emerald Wedding

70 - I am blessed

80 - Oak wedding

100th Anniversary - Red Wedding

Wedding day and

Ambiguity.fabric - chintz. A

Families. 5 years experience will become
marriage ten years back .
marriageabout purity, transparency relationship spouses. At the solemn
20 years - Porcelain wedding ... Round family date. They say that for twenty years from the day Because weddings, reserve coffee and tea utensils it's time to restore. 2nd option reads,and harmonious like real chinese porcelain. So for this wedding present sets, cups , porcelain plates.
25 years of joint life is silver wedding give silver jewelry or what give each othersilver rings and wear all anniversary year.

have the opportunity

50 - Gold wedding- 2nd" eminent"anniversary. True love, loyalty, and respectspousesSpousesold convey unmarrieddescendants how family relic. ThisanniversaryPresentations for gold wedding, naturally made of gold. For guestspermissiblypresent and gold plated thingsfor home decoration.
55 - Emerald wedding.Emerald - stonegreencolors, personifyingInfinity life. Wishes To anniversaryweddingsthe respective - live, not get sick until 100 years old.
wedding. Spouses have lived togethersixty years standingbefore adversity fate how moststrongstone- diamond. Exactly facetedto interruptsolong relationship
70 years weddings- Blessed ( grateful) wedding
At this time, it's time to take a look inpast and understand thatgenuinehappiness
75 years - Crown wedding. Anniversary like a crown family life.
80 years weddingslife.
100th anniversary- Redwedding... It was celebrated only once - in the family of long-livers Agayevs. They themselves invented this name.Bycustom, compilers similar collections, wish live before centenary anniversary:)


Names of weddings from 0 - 100 years old. Wedding anniversaries. When is it not customary to celebrate a wedding?

Anecdote: The bride says to the woman: - After the wedding, I will allow you to kiss me there, where no one else has kissed me. - And where is it? - asks the women. - Ha Gavayakh.

0 years - Green wedding

1 year - Cotton I

2 years - Paper me

3 years - Kojana

4 years - Flax I (wax)

5 - Deceased wedding

6 - Cast iron (rowan, cypress)

7 - Copper i

8 - Tin (poppy)

9 - Fa yance

10 years old - Pink (amber, pewter) wedding

11 - Steel

12 - Nicke left (silk)

13 - Circular (woolen)

14 - Aga tova

15th anniversary - Sta klyannaya (crystal) wedding

16 - Not marked

17 - Tin I

18 - Turquoise i

19 - Krypton I

20 years - Porcelain wedding

21 years old - I am Opal

22 years old - Bronze I

23 years old - Berilova I

24 years old - Atlas I

25 - Silver wedding

26 - Jade I

27 - Red tree

28 - Not marked

29 - Barkhatnaya

30 years old - Same man's wedding

31 years old - I'm dark

32 and 33 years old - Not celebrated

34 years old - Amber

35 - Linen (coral) wedding

36 - Not marked

37 - Muslin's I

38 - Mercury I

39 - Crepe I

40 - Ruby I love

41 years old - Not celebrated

42 years old - Pearl Mutrovaya

43 years old - Flannel I

44 years old - Topa call

45 - Sapphire I (scarlet) wedding

46 - La vandova

47 - Shemirovaya ka

48 - Amethyst i

49 - Cedar i

50 - Golden wedding

55 - Emerald Wedding

60th Anniversary - Diamond I (Platinum) Wedding

70 - I am blessed

75 - Crown I (last day, alabaster I) wedding

80 - Oak wedding

100th Anniversary - Red Wedding

0 years is the Green Wedding. This is the name of the 1st wedding day and the whole 1st year after. Symbolism: youth, vigor and purity of young spouses. During the main year after the wedding, it is allowed to celebrate the "wedding anniversary" every month. Even any week in the first month.

1 year chintz, otherwise gauze wedding . The symbolism contains some ambiguity. They say that during the 1st year the relationship is similar to the most fragile one fabric - chintz. A newlyweds in 1 year of relationship just started to get to know each other closer ; their relationship is still very fragile, which is why they are called "chintz".

Five Years - Wooden Wedding. 1st "serious" date families. 5 years experience can be compared with a wooden building. This is already a solid building, which, however, is still threatened by fires (domestic quarrels). Good is considered a sign on the 5th anniversary to plant a tree . They say like a tree planted in the fifth year of a relationship will outgrow all adversity and will become memory for future generations.
10 years - Pink (pewter or amber) wedding . 1st round date families celebrated "with style" - on the celebration is the name of everyone who was at the registration marriage ten years back .
15 years - Glass (crystal) wedding . Glass wedding celebrated after 15 years marriage... 15th wedding anniversaries says about purity, transparency relationship spouses. At the solemn table - crystal or glassware. Guests are advised to wear something light.
20 years - Porcelain wedding ... Round family date. They say that for twenty years from the day weddings It's time for all the dishes presented for the wedding to break ... Therefore, reserve coffee and tea utensils it's time to restore. 2nd option reads, as if a happy home union after 20 years of marriage is wonderful and harmonious like real chinese porcelain. So for this wedding present sets, cups , porcelain plates.
25 years of joint life is silver wedding . Probably the 1st "loud" wedding anniversary. The name of the wedding anniversary "got" to the precious metal for the first time - silver. 25th anniversary of the marriage union; And, of course, for silver wedding give silver jewelry or what something silvered. Celebrating Silver weddings are accompanied by some special traditions. Spouses can give each othersilver rings and wear them together to the engagement for Total anniversary year.

30th Anniversary - Pearl Wedding. Pearls are considered to be a symbol of perfection. relationship spouses who have lived together for so long. For the pearl wedding, the husband gives his wife a necklace, which, of course, contains 30 pearl grains - as a symbol of the years that have passed since the day of marriage. For 30 years, weddings give everything made of pearls - for example, jewelry.
40 years - Ruby wedding. The name comes from the precious ruby ​​stone, which is considered a symbol of love and flame. Red is the color of blood, which means that the relationship is "blood". Husband and wife have the opportunity to commemorate the ruby ​​bridal year, inlay the ruby ​​in wedding rings. Since a ruby ​​is similar to a diamond, - the same hard, they say that no amount of difficulties can break a family.

50 - Gold wedding- 2nd" eminent"anniversary. True love, loyalty, and respectspousesas the crown of the relationship. There is an unusual tradition -Spousesgive each other wedding rings again, andold convey unmarrieddescendants how family relic. Thisanniversaryallows you to re-marry.Presentations for gold wedding, naturally made of gold. For guestspermissiblypresent and gold plated thingsfor home decoration.
55 - Emerald wedding.Emerald - stonegreencolors, personifyingInfinity life. Wishes To anniversaryweddingsthe respective - live, not get sick until 100 years old.
60th Anniversary - Diamond, also Platinumwedding. Spouses have lived togethersixty years standingbefore adversity fate how moststrongstone- diamond. Exactly faceteda diamond is called a diamond. And this means that no one canto interruptsolong relationship... Spouses give each other diamond jewelry. And guests can give crystal, so as not to spend a lot.
70 years weddings- Blessed ( grateful) wedding
At this time, it's time to take a look inpast and understand thattrue love is heaven-sent - and thisgenuinehappiness... Their children and grandchildren give to the jubilees what they themselves wish.
75 years - Crown wedding. Anniversary like a crown family life.
80 years weddings- Oak. Oak as longevity and strengthlife.
100th anniversary

You can choose any format convenient for you :) The most famous are A4, A3, A2 and A1.

A4 (210 × 297mm)

It is also called the album sheet. A4 - Normal paper size for an office printer. A cartoon of this size is convenient to put on the table or hang on the wall. A great gift for small spaces.

A3 (297 × 420mm)

"A3" is twice the size of A4 format. It is most often ordered by our clients. Allows you to work out the plot in more detail. A3 is not too small, but not too big either. Best of all, such a gift will look on the wall, or in some visible place.

A2 (420 × 594mm)

Twice as large as "A3". Most of all, this format is suitable for family cartoons.

A1 (594 x 841mm)- "Whatman". Solid size. Designed for group cartoons or wall newspapers.

(50 / 40cm; 50 / 70cm.)- Intermediate sizes. Used for a certain number of heroes.


Caricature Saint Petersburg 2016