The bill on social assistance to large families. What benefits can large families get in the Moscow region

The support program for large families was introduced by the management back in 2008. This project was developed in order to solve the demographic problems of the country and support large families. After all, the birth of a child very often affects the standard of living, and the presence of three or more children in most cases makes the family poor. Therefore, such categories of families require special attention from society and the state.

Today, the percentage of large families in the country is small, because the presence of such families has only been decreasing recently and has remained at the minimum level. The regions that are part of the Southern Federal District are distinguished by a high level of large families.

This provides certain support measures for large families, namely:

  • Solving housing issues in terms of construction and purchase of new living space
  • Social housing rental
    Allocation of land plots for construction purposes. They can be issued both in the suburbs and in the countryside.
  • Help in paying utility bills

This is only part of the goals of the program itself, which is approved by the following tasks:

  1. Improving the financial situation of large families.
  2. Improving the standard of living and ensuring the health of all family members.
  3. Providing assistance in raising children, including making education available to children from large families.
  4. Providing parents with favorable working conditions that allow them to fulfill all their family responsibilities.

The state support program takes into account all the regional characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It helps not only to solve material issues, but also stimulates economic activity and self-employment of large families.

Who can participate in the support program?

Families with three or more children can become participants in the program. These can be families with two or one parent. Families with adopted children can also receive help from the state. families must permanently reside in the territory of the Federation.

Families of refugees and internally displaced persons who live in the country in accordance with the legislation of the country can also count on participation in the program.

The developed program does not apply to the following categories of large families:

  1. Families whose children are fully supported by the state, not counting the temporary period of detention (being in rehabilitation institutions).
  2. Large families not permanently residing in the country.

Required documents for participation in the program

To provide state aid, large families must collect the following documents:

  • Application according to the established model
  • Passports of both parents, or other identity documents
  • Birth certificates of all minor children
  • Photocopy of marriage certificate between parents of large families
  • Photos of both parents, 3x4
  • from educational institutions where children over sixteen years of age study
  • Certificate confirming the large family

To obtain a certificate, parents with many children must contact the local social welfare office. There they also receive a certificate of the right to receive benefits.

This certificate is issued if the average income for each family member does not reach the level of the established subsistence minimum. The family must submit the above list of documents to other organizations in order to receive certain benefits.

Benefits provided by the program

State support for large families is provided in the form of the following benefits.

The family is the support and the main unit of society and requires help, especially if it has a large composition, and since Russia considers itself to be democratic and socially oriented developed states, the program of state support in the Russian Federation has existed for a long time and existed in the legislative framework even under the RSFRS and the USSR. What is the system of measures for such families now, what conditions are required and how to use support?

For the most profound and effective development of your rights, you should always familiarize yourself with the original justification - the current legislation. This will allow you to confidently defend your rights, as well as not miss out on available opportunities.

There are not many laws regarding large families in Russia:

  • 431 presidential decree, adopted in May 1992, is the only act specifically dedicated to large families;
  • adopted in May 1995, 81 laws - applies not only to the designated category, but in general to families with children;
  • Law 256, passed in December 2006, is one of the largest programs for families with two or more children;
  • Land Code - regarding the provision of land plots for business development or residence for large families;
  • Housing Code - in terms of providing rented or permanent housing, or.

You need to rely on the first source - the President's decree.

A large family: what is it like

If we focus on national views and values, then each nation has its own idea of ​​a large family. Therefore, in order to take into account local perceptions and traditions, the decree instructed each region to approve the standards of a large family.

In most regions, this is considered a family in which there are more than two children. In some administrative-territorial zones, where the usual number of children exceeds the national average, there are more than three or four. These are the republics of the North Caucasus - Chechen, Ingush and Dagestan, whose demographics are in the first places in the country.

In the draft program of state support for large families in May 2007, which, unfortunately, did not enter the stage of implementation, the gradation was as follows: in regions with a positive increase, large families included a family with 4 children, with a negative one - from 3.

  • the children of the family include wards, adopted children, adopted children, children from previous marriages;
  • even the children of their own, for whom the court decided to terminate parental rights, are not included in the family structure;
  • children who are supported by state orphanages and boarding schools cannot participate in the size of the family;
  • only children under 18 years old are taken into account, as well as children studying under a non-profit agreement in licensed full-time institutions, up to 24 years old (the age limit is set by the regions);
  • it doesn't matter if one or both parents have children;
  • if the husband and wife have terminated their marriage and less than 3 children live with each, then each individual spouse is not entitled to apply for state aid under Decree 431;
  • regions establish conditions such as the coexistence of living in the same region / municipality / at the same address, the level of the minimum wage and the subsistence level, etc.

Recognition procedure

It is not enough to have 3 children, you need to obtain documentary public evidence of this status in order to enjoy the legal relief. After all, it is impossible to show passports and birth certificates every time, for example, using free travel around the city.

How and where it is issued:

You need to contact the Social Security body at the place of registration (department accountable to the Ministry of Labor of Russia) with a statement and a package of documentation:

  • copy and original of the passport;
  • business photo in 3x4 format - for pasting into a certifying document;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • passports and birth certificates or documents of adoption, succession, guardianship, guardianship;
  • for children over 18 years old - certificates from the dean's office about full-time education;
  • certificates from the FMS department for registration;
  • a certificate from the Social Security body itself that the second spouse did not receive a certificate.
If the documents are collected and submitted correctly, then a certificate is issued within a period determined by municipal legislation (usually up to a month). Prior to this, the reception operator gives the applicant a temporary certificate of family status.

Every year, you need to update the document and confirm that the conditions are still present, while violation of them (for example, older children have passed the age limit) entails the loss of a privileged position.

What kind of help is being provided?

At the federal level, these are:

  • calculation of utility bills minus 30% of the amount;
  • free privileges:
  • travel by public transport;
  • medicines for children under 6 years old, if they are prescribed in official medical institutions with a license;
  • admission to kindergartens out of turn;
  • breakfasts and lunches at universities and schools;
  • sports and school uniforms;
  • visits to museums and other cultural institutions - monthly;
  • tax incentives and the provision of land for those wishing to create and run farms;
  • provision of land for the garden sector;
  • help with individual housing construction or buying a home;
  • assistance in the employment of parents.

These are types of assistance specifically for large families.

What else can you claim?

Regional authorities establish the following forms of social assistance - for families with children (not necessarily large) and other groups of the population:

  • queuing up for a free apartment or land plot for individual housing construction is the only advantage of "large children" - priority;
  • state payment for improving housing conditions - funds can be used both for repairs, increasing existing property, and for buying a new one - if after the sale of the available funds are not enough to purchase an improved object;
  • social rental housing;
  • interest-free housing mortgage.

A family can receive any assistance of their choice, provided that they are poor, that is, the total income of all working family members living at the same address does not exceed the regional subsistence minimum for each member.

Among other conditions - joint registration of the whole family for one object. The absence in the previous 5 years of actions that worsen the living conditions of the family (for example, sale, donation of an apartment).

A disappointing fact is that even with an extraordinary expectation of help, large families have to expect 10-20 years of receiving housing - during this time, children can become adults, parents get divorced or incomes increase.

Another option for families with many children is regional family capital, which is issued for any child after the second.

In any case, it is worth applying for all possible state support measures, studying the possibilities of the regions.

large families, depending on the level of legislative regulation, can be divided into federal, regional and local. Only a family with the official status of a large family can receive these benefits. What benefits large families can count on in the Moscow region, read on the portal.

How to get the status of a large family in the Moscow region

Federal benefits

Benefits that can be received by large Russian families are established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 "On measures for social support of large families." These include:

Free prescription drugs for children under 6 years of age. Read how to get preferential medicines in the Moscow region;

The right to admit children to preschool institutions in the first place;

Free meals for students of general education and vocational educational institutions;

Free provision of school uniforms, as well as sports uniforms for the entire period of education of children in a general education school;

Possibility of free visits to museums, parks of culture and recreation, as well as exhibitions once a month;

Obtaining soft loans, grants, interest-free loans for the purchase of building materials and housing construction;

Preferential conditions for the organization of peasant (farmer) households, small enterprises (obtaining land plots for these purposes, as well as tax incentives, loans, etc.);

Employment through the employment service with the possibility of using flexible forms of work; as well as additional labor guarantees in the event of labor disputes with the employer (part 4 of article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Annual additional clinical examination in military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for children of military personnel.

In addition, mothers with many children can retire early in accordance with Article 32 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions".

The appointment of an early retirement pension is possible if you have experience and accumulated points:

Mothers of three children - at the age of 57;

Mothers of four children at 56;

Mothers of five or more children - at the age of 50.

Regional benefits of the Moscow region

Law of the Moscow Region No. 1/2006-OZ "On measures of social support for families and children in the Moscow Region" establishes additional benefits, and also specifies a number of federal ones. In accordance with this law, large families have the right:

For monetary compensation in the amount of 50% of utility bills. Residents in houses without central heating can receive compensation for fuel purchased within the limits set for sale to the public, and transportation services for the delivery of this fuel. Families living in residential premises of state, municipal and private housing stock are entitled to compensation. You can get this service at the MFC, at the local department of social protection, as well as through the portal of state and municipal services of the region;

Free travel in public transport on the territory of the Moscow region using a social card of a resident of the Moscow region, as well as free travel in ground public transport in Moscow and in the Moscow metro. This social support measure applies to school-age children, or to one of the parents of a large family, which includes a child under seven years old. To receive this benefit, you will need to issue a social card for a resident of the Moscow region. This can also be done in the MFC, in the territorial department of social protection and through the portal of public services;

Partial or full compensation for the cost of vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations and the organization of recreation and health improvement of children. An application for compensation can be submitted to the territorial department of social protection of the population or on the portal of state services of the region;

Free provision of land plots (members of a large family must be citizens of the Russian Federation, parents must have a place of residence in the Moscow region for at least 5 years, all children must be minors). You can get this service at the MFC or through the portal of public services (Law of the Moscow Region dated June 1, 2011 No. 73/2011-OZ "On the Free Provision of Land Plots to Large Families in the Moscow Region");

Exemption from payment of transport tax (one of the parents has the right to use it);

A monthly allowance in the amount of 4 thousand rubles for students from large families who are receiving a full-time higher professional education for the first time in state higher educational institutions of the region, if the average per capita family income does not exceed the subsistence level. You can submit an application in person to the social protection of the municipality or through the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region;

A one-time allowance for the birth of a child in a low-income family with an average per capita income not exceeding the subsistence level (at the birth of a third and subsequent child - 60 thousand rubles, at the birth of three or more children - 300 thousand per family). You can submit an application in person to the social protection of the municipality or through the portal of online services;

Payment for school uniforms for children (3 thousand rubles for each child once a year). Parents with many children must submit a certificate stating that the child is studying at a school near Moscow. You can get the service at the MFC or through the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region.

Municipal benefits

Additional measures of social support can be established by the municipality for residents living on its territory.

Reading time: 10 minutes

Children are happiness, but it can be difficult today to maintain material well-being in a family where several babies are growing at once. Parents have to pay for everything from kindergarten to admission to university. To relieve some of the burden, the state gives the right to receive social benefits to large families and pays child support.

What family is considered large

According to the state support program approved by the Presidium of the Public Council, a large family is understood as:

  • For territories with negative natural population growth - a family where three or more children live, including adopted children. This category also includes children under 18 years of age who are studying in general education institutions, as well as children under the age of 22 who are in full-time education at a university.
  • For subjects of the federation with positive population growth dynamics - if more than 4 children were born.

In addition, there are a number of prerequisites for granting such status:

  • Parents must live with their children.
  • Registration on the territory of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, registration of one or both parents is mandatory (some regions allow the presence of a residence permit or a certificate of a migrant).
  • In some republics (for example, Bashkortostan), such benefits for large families will apply even to foreigners and stateless persons.

Legal regulation

To regulate the negative dynamics and stop the demographic crisis, many laws have been adopted since the days of the USSR. One of them is the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the SSR dated July 8, 1944, according to which the mothers at the birth of the third were paid a monthly allowance: starting from the second year of the baby's life and until it reaches the age of five.

Over time, benefits for large families have been expanded. So pregnant women and mothers who gave birth to five or more children were given state orders and titles "Mother Heroine". In 1956, the law of the USSR established pension benefits for large families, which are still in the law “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation”. According to them, a mother can apply for a pension with a total work experience of at least 6 years without reaching the retirement age and having 3 years of continuous work experience.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 "On measures for social support of large families"

Today, the main document of federal significance is considered the Presidential Decree of May 5, 1992 "On measures for social support of large families", reissued in a new edition on February 25, 2003. This act indicates that each constituent entity of the Russian Federation has the right to independently establish the status of a “large family” depending on the size of the population of a given region. The decree also defines the minimum list of benefits, but is declarative in nature, since it does not contain a specific mechanism for their implementation.

Legislative acts in the regions

Social support for large families in the regions is determined by regional and local regulations. They are in addition to federal benefits and are set by the local government. So the following documents were adopted for Moscow:

  • Law of the city of Moscow No. 60 of November 23, 2005 "On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow" is the main act, which lists all payments due.
  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 29, 2010 No. 539-PP determines the procedure for issuing certificates.
  • The law of the city of Moscow dated 03. 11.2004 No. 67 "On monthly benefits" determines the procedure and amount of monthly payments.

What is due to large families

Federal law provides for a number of special rights for parents of three or more children. So, in Khakassia, parents raising more than 7 children can get a Gazel minibus for personal use or a discount on the purchase of a car. What benefits are provided for large families in your region of residence, you can find out from the social protection service. The general list includes the rights to:

  • Receiving compensation for utilities, but not less than 30% of the established payment for heating, gas, water supply, electricity. This also includes the cost of fuel for people living in private homes.
  • Distribution of free medicines for children under 6 years old, disabled children under 18 years old. However, each federal subject has the right to establish its own list of necessary drugs, in accordance with the possibilities of the regional budget.
  • Free travel on intracity transport. This includes buses, trolleybuses, trams and other types of public transport, excluding taxis. For schoolchildren, the list is expanding to include suburban buses.
  • Priority admission to preschool institutions and payment for kindergarten on preferential terms, subject to the provision of a birth certificate for three or more children.
  • Getting a school uniform or sports uniform. As a rule, it is produced no more than once a year.
  • Free meals inside educational institutions with an application from the parents. This includes breakfast and lunch for schoolchildren or college students.
  • Discounts on tickets, free admission to entertainment establishments or state-type exhibitions, and no more than once a month.

Help for large families in kind

Obtaining the status of a large family automatically gives the right to provide land plots ranging from 6 to 15 acres. Such land can be used for a dacha farm, a vegetable garden, housing construction, however, the distribution of free land in Russia is proceeding with some difficulties. The number of families wishing to receive land plots exceeds their availability by 3-4 times... At the same time, the state can issue land with partially supplied infrastructure or without it at all, plots in places that will be unsuitable for the construction of a residential building.

Acquisition of housing on discount

Those who do not want to stand in a multi-year queue, from March 1, 2015, can receive other measures of social support in the form of monetary compensation for the purchase of an apartment or house. This right is spelled out in State Law No. 487. A certain amount of compensation can be issued in the form of a down payment on a mortgage or parents will be entitled to obtain a preferential loan for the purchase of housing, free social housing under a lease agreement.

What payments are due to large families

In addition to providing benefits for travel on public transport, going to the cinema, getting a place in kindergarten, you can count on additional payments. They are annual, monthly, and one-off. So, if the beneficiary is going to go to the first grade, the parents will receive an allowance of 7.5 thousand rubles. If children are already studying, then parents can receive up to 5 thousand rubles to prepare for school.

Monthly allowance for the third and each subsequent child

The allowance for the third baby, which the state will pay every month, can be obtained in 53 regions of the Russian Federation. The average amount of such payments in the country is 10 thousand rubles, but it needs to be issued very quickly, in some regions within 3 months from the date of birth. In addition, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the following monthly payments to large families are provided:

  • care allowance for two or more children - about 5,000 rubles;
  • compensation for an increase in the standard of living - 600 rubles, and where 5 children are brought up - 750 rubles;
  • compensation for the purchase of children's goods, subject to the presence of more than 5 children - 900 rubles;
  • in the presence of more than three children, compensation for the increase in the price of food - 675 rubles;
  • additional payment for utilities - 530 rubles, if there are more than 5 children - 1044 rubles;
  • compensation for using the telephone - 230 rubles.

One-time payments for the birth of a baby

The Russian government has provided additional benefits for large families in the form of one-time benefits. We are talking about receiving money for the celebration of Mother's Day (this is about 7 thousand rubles) and payments when registering a pension - about 8500 rubles. A couple who have received the order or medal "Parental Glory" can count on one-time payments:

  • cash allowance for large families - 100,000 rubles;
  • payment to the person who received the order - 25,000 rubles;
  • payment to the parent who received the medal - 15,000 rubles.

Tax incentives for large families

To save the family budget, the state introduced tax deductions - monetary funds from which taxes are not levied. They are of two types: standard - for each minor, and also social - a one-time refund after payment of goods or services. Children must be under the age of 18 or full-time to receive these benefits.

Standard tax benefits for large families include:

  • reduction of the land tax rate or postponement of its payment for a specified period;
  • a chance not to pay the registration fee when registering an individual entrepreneur;
  • permission not to pay for the lease of a plot taken for a farm or peasant economy;
  • refund of amounts paid for kindergarten;
  • 30% discount on utility bills.

Personal income tax when receiving social benefits

For 2017, the income tax is 13%. Each new month, tax-exempt amounts are allocated from the income of the working parent. The rest of the salary is taxed at 13%. To receive such a benefit for a large family, you must write an application addressed to the manager for the provision of deductions and provide a birth certificate. Tax deductions are:

  • 1400 rubles at the birth of the first and second;
  • 3000 rubles for the birth of the third and each next.

Transport tax

To apply for benefits for large families for a vehicle, you need to fill out an application, make a copy of the certificate of large families and a copy of the Title Deed, then provide this set of documents to the Federal Tax Inspectorate. Since 2014, in Moscow, one of the parents has the right to a complete exemption from paying transport tax for one registered vehicle, while its capacity and dimensions will not be taken into account.

Tax exemption on the farm loan amount

To be eligible for a discount when organizing a farm, a couple must submit to the district administration an application for a benefit request, copies of parents' passports and birth certificates of children. You will also need a copy of the certificate, an extract from the home book and the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate that family members do not own other land plots.

Although the Federal Law does not provide benefits for the payment of land tax, local governments have the right to assign discounts at their discretion. Payments are set in the form:

  • deferral of payment of tax rates;
  • partial exemption from the payment of social tax for a certain period of time;
  • reduction of the tax rate;
  • gratuitous material assistance;
  • issuance of interest-free loans to reimburse the development costs of the peasant economy.

Benefits for mothers with many children upon retirement

To be eligible for an early retirement pension, a woman must be legally recognized as a mother and not have problems with the guardianship authorities, i.e. not to be deprived of parental rights or not to have restrictions on rights in relation to children. In addition, the law provides for compliance with a number of conventions, such as:

  • total work experience of at least 15 years;
  • regular contributions to the Pension Fund and social insurance;
  • the birth or adoption of at least five children who, by the time of registration of the pension, have already turned 8 years old;
  • reaching the age of fifty.

Large families of Moscow

Since 2008, the Moscow Government has radically changed the status of a large family. If earlier such privileges were issued to parents until the eldest was 16 years old, now the family is considered as such until the youngest reaches the age of 16, and if at that moment he is studying at school, the benefits are extended until his 18 anniversary. In addition to state support benefits, the following benefits are established in Moscow and the Moscow Region:

  • preschoolers have the right to receive milk nutrition free of charge on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • provision of free trips;
  • schoolchildren can visit paid sports sections for free;
  • all children receive a 50 percent discount on public transport;
  • large families with low-income status can count on housing in Moscow on a preferential basis;
  • tax deductions for land tax can be up to 1 million rubles;
  • the monthly amount of compensation to Muscovites, provided that the average income per person does not exceed 8 thousand rubles. - 500 rubles per child;
  • the couple has the right to free use of the baths.

Registration of benefits and payments

To get all the benefits, you will have to collect a lot of documents and go around more than one office. However, for parents whose monthly income is within the minimum subsistence level, such benefits can be of great help. If you know in advance where to go, then the terms for obtaining benefits for large families can be significantly reduced.

Where to contact

The state gives up to 30 calendar days to consider an application for receiving benefits sent through the MFC or with a personal appeal of citizens. However, by contacting the social protection authorities, the process can be accelerated. Each application or petition must be referred to the appropriate authority, for example:

  • to apply for cash benefits, you need to contact the local social services or the district department of social protection of citizens at the place of registration;
  • for processing documents for housing subsidies - to the management company or the MFC;
  • to apply for a transport benefit - to the tax authorities;
  • to reduce tax payments from salary - to the employer;
  • so that children eat free of charge - to the director of the educational institution.

What documents are needed

The list of required papers depends on the municipal authorities you are applying to. The tax service can request extracts from the Unified Register, photocopies of house books, etc. However, there is a list of basic papers that will be needed everywhere:

  • birth certificates of children;
  • parents' passports or their photocopies;
  • school certificates;
  • certificate of income from the place of work of each parent;
  • if one of the parents does not work, a certificate from the Employment Center is required;
  • a certificate confirming the cohabitation of parents and children.
