The wife does not prepare what to do with her. Delicious and hearty food at home. What to do if the wife does not know how to cook

Now you can get the necessary information from everywhere: books, magazines, the Internet, the main desire. I can say that I don’t know many people who like to cook and sit in the kitchen for a long time, but this is a vital necessity that cannot be avoided.

Yes, there are places where a man is an excellent cook and he always cooks food himself, but such cases are rare. I'm not saying that a woman should always do this alone, of course, she needs male help, at least sometimes.

In our family, for example, there is a distribution in this matter. Someone cooks a couple of times a week, and someone on the weekend, that's all. You can cook together so that no one is offended when one person spends his free time, and the other rests lying on the couch.

The most important thing is not to make a huge problem out of this, there are different ways out of a situation when a beloved girlfriend or wife cannot cook. For example: start learning something together, as my parents did, or ask relatives, friends to teach you their signature dishes. In fact, there is nothing terrible and complicated here, the main thing is to start, and then you yourself will have your own family traditions, and cooking will not cause any dissatisfaction.

P.S. And, of course, a new song for today: Timur Rodriguez - It won't get better!

In this situation, a man can take over cooking duties, especially if he loves and knows how to cook. However, this is more of a rarity than the norm.

For some, it is not a problem to eat semi-finished products, order food at home and go to cafes. But all this requires a lot of money and not everyone can afford such expenses.


It is strange that this feature of a woman did not seem strange from the very beginning. After all, when a woman declares that she is not a housekeeper and the like, this should cause at least bewilderment. Of course, a woman is not a housekeeper, but cooking is not just a duty.

Cooking is a ritual in which a woman fills cooked food with her love. If, while slicing vegetables for soup, the wife lives some wonderful images, sees how her husband occupies a high position, sees him happy, in a good mood, sees them resting together in nature. The whole mood of a woman is reflected in the cooked food, which acquires the appropriate taste.

Therefore, a woman who is so frivolous in this process simply does not realize the full power of the impact on her man. And the phrase "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" says exactly that.


If a man wants his wife to learn how to cook after all, he does not need to do it in an orderly tone. It is enough to tell that in this way she will fall in love with him even more and describe how to do it. But talking alone will not be enough. If you show how you like cooked food, support her in her efforts and note what kind of hostess she is, she will definitely want to cook more and more varied.

Ask to do it out of love for you, describing how important it is to you. She will know how to please you when she wants to please. Gently and very kindly ask her to cook this or that dish for you. Do not demand perfection, but suggest some nuances if you yourself understand cooking.


Of course, the fact that she still does not know how to cook does not mean that she is a bad wife and is not capable of becoming a good mother. Much worse is the situation when a woman fundamentally refuses to learn how to cook. If, however, the girl answers all the persuasion and requests, but will not do this, even to please you, it makes sense to think about whether you have taken the woman as your wife. After all, on the one hand, cooking is a trifle, but if the wife is not able to agree even in trifles, then what will happen when a more serious problem happens.

In the modern world, a woman is often forced to work, in which case she may also not want to take on culinary responsibilities. Then it makes sense to share. For example, someone cooks a couple of times on weekdays, and someone on weekends. Women are grateful when their husbands help them with their cooking and cleaning problems. And in this a man can always feel like a hero. After all, the wife who came tired from work also wants to relax, and does not begin to cook for the stove.

The main thing in this matter is not to inflate the problem, but to try to agree.

Every married man wants to come home, he can enjoy a delicious hot dinner or lunch, and in the morning receive a nutritious breakfast from the hands of his wife. But, unfortunately, often having tied the knot, they discover that the wife does not know how to cook. For some couples, this can become a source of constant scandals and even cause. However, it is not worth chopping off the shoulder. This problem is completely solvable.

What to do if the wife does not cook?

If your spouse avoids the kitchen like fire, then the reason is not always in her inability to cook. Perhaps she simply does not like to do this, because not all women sleep and see themselves as great cooks. She may simply not be interested, especially when cooking turns into a daily routine. Or maybe your spouse is too tired at work or is simply too lazy to do the kitchen. Try to talk to her frankly, explain how you appreciate her work and how much you want to try homemade food cooked by her hands. Offer to make a schedule of kitchen duties: cook in turn every other day, it will be much more convenient for you and your wife.

My wife can't cook

Difficulties in relationships

My wife can't cook

There are two different kinds of men who look at the problem of their wives' culinary skills from different angles. For some, there is no such problem, since they have never encountered women who do not know how to cook. They can’t even imagine that, returning home after a hard day’s work, they will be told right from the doorway: “Honey, what did you buy us for dinner?” or "Make your own dumplings, I'm busy." They have a hearty breakfast, a delicious homemade lunch carefully prepared by the wife, and a hearty dinner.

But there are other men who clearly understand that lunch in some canteen during the lunch break is the most delicious of what awaits them today from culinary delights. They learned to figure out which ketchup is best for dumplings with potatoes, and when it’s better to do with instant noodles. And it is these men who most of all need their wives to eventually stop doing useless things and go to cook normal food, and not culinary masterpieces from the book “throw into boiling water and place”.

Why doesn't my wife want to cook?

She doesn't know how to cook. There are girls who at one time did not learn how to cook normal food. After they begin to live with their husband, they try their hand at being a chef for the first few years, but when they receive inedible cooking, they are offended and refuse to cook anything.

Usually girls learn to cook from their parents. Perhaps in her house, her mother did not allow anyone but herself to cook food. Therefore, the wife feels insecure behind the stove.

She is bored with cooking. You need to cook several times every day, and even the most avid experimenters can get bored with such a pastime. The wife understands that cooking takes a lot of time, which could be spent on more interesting things. Therefore, she starts to run away from the kitchen.

In this case, installing a computer in the kitchen or a TV can help. For the wife to cook and watch her favorite series or chat with her friends.

She is a lazy creature. Sometimes the reason for a hungry husband is simply the laziness of his wife. When instead of doing useful things, the wife sits all the time at the computer or TV. And it is practically useless to fight such a wife, except with the help of repressive measures.

She doesn't have time to cook. Some women don't have time to prepare a normal lunch and dinner. This is usually associated with young children, work pressure or health problems. And if a woman still starts to cook, then she will completely fall off her feet. This is the only reason why it is worth turning a blind eye to this problem.

She is a business lady. Some women who start earning more than their husbands develop a sense of power. She begins to count like this: “I earn more than him and provide for the whole family. I can afford to do nothing at home.” These are the ones you need to fight. Since she needs to be shown that a woman should remain a woman, and not an arrogant bitch.

What to do if the wife does not know how to cook

Compromise. If you are a good cook yourself, then make an agreement. You cook, she does the dishes and cleans up. Such an agreement is practiced by many couples, and everyone remains full and satisfied. Moreover, the issue of healthy food is of great importance for the fighting complexion of a man.

Help her overcome her fear. You need to encourage your wife for her attempts to cook something tasty and good. Every time she cooks something, you just have to eat it and thank her for her efforts. Let her understand that your favor can be earned with a delicious dinner. So you can eat, and you will immediately understand: if a delicious dinner is at home, it means that she screwed up somewhere.

Become a teacher. Get behind the stove yourself and show her how to handle it. There are also many videos on the Internet with recipes from royal cuisine to regular scrambled eggs. Even watch cooking shows with her - it will help her learn some culinary tricks and make you happy.

Order meals. The method works well: "And you have no other choice." On your birthday or some holidays, tell your wife about the dishes you would like to have. And let her watch videos, read on the Internet, run for groceries and ask her friends. But you need to warn her in advance.

Fill the refrigerator with food. It is difficult to find a person who would not want to experiment with food. For this reason, buy various foods and watch your wife. You can be sure that at least once, but something will try to do. And there you can already thank her for this and inspire her for further achievements.

Or maybe everything is different? If you are often away from home, you work and your wife does not cook. Then ask yourself the question, what does she eat herself? Perhaps you should pay more attention to this problem and discover something that will radically change your relationship. What if she knows how to cook, but she just doesn't want to show it to you? =)

The ability of a wife to cook healthy and tasty food is a guarantee of good health for her husband and all household members.

But cooking is far from being fun and enjoyable for everyone.

And then conflicts, misunderstandings, mutual insults begin in the house.

Delicious and hearty food at home. What if the wife does not know how to cook?

It's nice to have a hearty dinner after a long and hard day at work. But in order to provide themselves with a full meal, many men prefer to acquire wives who, by default, should be able to cook well.

What if the wife does not know how to cook? Such a misfortune can happen to anyone. It is difficult to say that there are untrained young ladies who will never learn the tricks of magic in the kitchen. Many simply do not have the desire to try for their soulmate. But how does this condition of a woman affect the health of the household, how does it affect the psychological climate in the house?

They say that a well-fed man is a docile man. Often this is the case. Husbands come home after a hard day at work in the hope that a hearty dinner and a joyful wife are already waiting for them. Often, they are waiting for warm food and a beloved woman who is tired for the whole day.

Not everyone will like this picture. Many women do not consider it necessary to cook complex meals on their own and feed their relatives with instant food. Such food is unhealthy, especially for children. What to do in this case? It is best to inquire about the skills of the future wife in preparing your favorite dishes in advance.

If during a period of love euphoria it practically does not matter for a man whether his woman knows how to cook, then when it comes to family life, this will be one of the most controversial issues that can even destroy a family.

Often, the problem of a woman's inability to cook tasty and healthy food for the whole family is interconnected with the lack of desire to do so. Psychologists say that there are many factors for the development of such a situation. For example, the deterioration of interpersonal relations between husband and wife.

If during the period of courtship a man filled up his beloved with compliments, attention and gifts, then she cooked very tasty for him. But when the period of tenderness ended, the woman decided that it was time to stop eating tasty and satisfying. What if the wife does not know how to cook? Stimulate her desire to learn it. How? First, it is worth finding out the reasons why she refuses to cook a particular dish.

If the reason lies in the fact that she really does not know how to do this, then you can offer to learn this, perhaps even together. This will allow you to have a productive time with the whole family. If a woman completely refuses to cook a man’s favorite dish, this means that she thus manifests a hidden protest. It could develop even in childhood as a copy of the behavior of the mother.

Perhaps, once the husband had the imprudence to allow himself a sharp statement about the dish she cooked, and now the wife simply does not want to spend her time cooking it anymore. Such a development of events is not beneficial to either of the couple. In any case, the situation that has arisen should be discussed with your spouse, and if a controversial issue really opens up, it’s worth once again, together, to try to resolve the conflict. Sometimes just an apology is enough and the next morning the wife already brews her husband's favorite coffee and bakes cherry pies for him.

Men should remember that forcing a wife to cook various dishes by force is simply not worth it. This will humiliate her and destroy the relationship, which is already undermined by frequent conflicts. Also, you should not force a woman to eat those dishes that she does not like, but cooks for family members. This is coercion that only hurts.

If a woman cooks tasteless, you should not humiliate her, very many are not given the opportunity to master the wisdom of preparing good and wholesome food. This situation is largely influenced by the culinary habits that the husband and wife had in the family. Men often look for the habits of their mothers in their wives, but do not forget that these are two completely different people. In any case, the problem is worth fighting together. It's never too late to learn how to cook delicious food.

What to do if the wife does not know how to cook - the point of view of bioenergetics

Scientists have long established that water has a crystal structure. The information received in it changes the structure, which can lead to various consequences. For example, scientists have proven that prayer restores the structure of water, and swear words destroy it.

Thus, when a wife scolds her husband during cooking, is offended and angry with him, the dish changes its taste. That is why there is a saying that the dish is prepared with love and tastes like love. Indeed, even oatmeal cooked with soul is much tastier than porridge cooked in haste and without positive emotions.

Anyone who is engaged in energy practices knows for sure how important the role of a woman in a family is. If the mother, who is also the wife, is in a good mood, there will be no scandal in the house, but if she is in a bad mood, expect trouble. Likewise with food. Very often there are cases of poisoning of entire families with high-quality food. What could be causing this? Due to the fact that the negative energy of a woman passes to food and food becomes poison.

In order for a wife to learn how to cook tasty and satisfying food, it is not enough for her to study cookbooks. She should study family psychology. What if the wife does not know how to cook? Teach! Learn to appreciate yourself and all family members. This stimulates a woman to self-development and pushes her to delicious experiments in the kitchen, which is important for ensuring a long and carefree family life.