Turquoise combination of colors. Combination of turquoise color with other colors in the interior

A beautiful turquoise color gave the name a gem - turquoise. Despite its cold shade, it is very often used by designers to create bright interiors. This is confirmed by this can be found in any fashion magazine dedicated to the issues of finishing apartments from within. If you decide to make cosmetic repairs, then this article will help choose a successful combination of turquoise color in the interior with other colors and find the use of turquoise in any corner of the apartment.

What color combines turquoise color in the interior?

The most complete picture of how to combine turquoise color with others to create a cozy and beautiful interior will consider it in a pair with some color. Having a basic range of colors, it will be possible to dilute the interior and other paints. Consider a turquoise color as an independent one - it makes sense, it is known to any designer. Since all colors in various combinations create the effect of calm, then extravagant, and sometimes they cause completely unexpected sensations indoors.

Turquoise and brown

Classic combinations. Sophistication, some piquancy and unconditional atmosphere of the presence of taste of the designer. Even in nature, these two colors are encountered together as the sky, water and wood. In general, when choosing combinations a win-win version - rely on a combination of colors in nature. On the same principle, it is possible to make interior, if you make the wall or ceiling in turquoise, and the wooden furniture is chosen from dark brown shades.

in combination with brown in combination with brown

Turquoise and beige

To create a gentle interior, the combination of turquoise and beige color is perfect. At the same time, the best combination will be the bright tint of turquoise. Supplement such an interior can be pastel colors of mint and lavender. Beige colors can be considered vanilla, creamy and champagne color, all of them are perfectly combined with turquoise.

in combination with beige in combination with beige

Turquoise and white

The combination of these colors will be a cool tone indoors, which is typical for the bathroom or suitable for the living room, in which there will be other bright accessories in the form of pillows, plaid, paintings, or room plants. In the kitchen, this combination of colors is better not to dilute with nothing bright to create an atmosphere that contributes to the reception of food, because it is the blue shades that the appetite awakens. In general - white and turquoise are ideal for any room in the apartment. But do not overdo it with a pale, too much white and non-road turquoise will make interior faceless.

in combination with white in combination with white

Turquoise and yellow

A contrast combination of yellow and turquoise can not but rejoice, because it resembles a combination of sand and sea, the sun and the sky - everything that is so pleased with the eye. Use the combination of these colors in the interior to raise the mood.

in combination with yellow in combination with yellow

Turquoise and pink

The combination of these colors is most suitable for the design of the children's room for the girl. But recently, people are not afraid of bright accents and actively use the combination of turquoise and pink (as well as red) in the interior of the living room, in the kitchen or in the corridors. The best combination will be the design of the walls in the color of turquoise with bright elements of pink and red colors in small quantities.

in combination with pink in combination with pink

Turquoise and black

A contrast combination of something resembles a classic - a combination of turquoise and brown, but still do not get involved in black. The best turquoise color in a pair with black looks in detail, for example, a black frame for a photo on turquoise wall, wrought-iron furniture in a turquoise interior or any lace and twisted black ornaments on a turquoise background.

in combination with black in combination with black

Using turquoise color in different rooms

As a rule, general information is not always useful. Not every person can immediately draw a picture in the head of what a bedroom or kitchen should be. To facilitate decision making, the following will be given small prompts about the combination of turquoise color in the interior with other colors for specific zones in the apartment.

Turquoise color in the bathroom

In the bathroom we spend much more time than it may seem. Therefore, the favorable interior is no less important here than, for example, in the kitchen.

  1. A successful combination will be turquoise tile on the walls and white plumbing.
  2. The bathroom is associated with water, in connection with this, even finishing with turquoise color of all surfaces (floor, ceiling and walls) will not create discomfort.
  3. Do not choose a saturated turquoise plumber, it looks not as impressive as it may seem. It is better to purchase a curtain for a bath or a cover for a turquoise shade toilet.
  4. Brown plumbing and turquoise wall decoration will become a very spectacular combination.
in the interior of the bathroom

Turquoise in the kitchen

With a harmonious interior of the kitchen, it will be easier to tune in in the morning positively for a whole working day, and in the evening - it is nice to relax for dinner.

  1. Turquoise in the kitchen - extremely necessary color, experts claim that this color contributes to the best digestion of food.
  2. If you like the style of Provence, the turquoise wallpapers in the kitchen will create the desired atmosphere.
  3. The combination of turquoise and yellow will create an atmosphere of a holiday and a good mood, which is so important in the morning before going to work, especially in cloudy weather.
in the kitchen interior

Turquoise color in the bedroom

The bedroom is designed to create an atmosphere for recreation and relaxation, a cool and pleasant shade of turquoise contributes to this.

  1. Turquoise walls in the bedroom will be successful to look with a white bed and a wardrobe, the same applies to the wooden furniture of any shade.
  2. Extremely beautiful on turquoise walls will look black and white paintings.
  3. The combination of bed linen and turquoise curtains with a pastel interior in the bedroom will create a kind of highlight, and as soon as turquoise bother - textiles can always be replaced by another, other shade.
in the interior of the bedroom

Turquoise color in the living room

The living room is designed to receive guests, so the interior must match, because it is the face of the apartment.

  1. Acquisition of such a bright element as a turquoise sofa will become a very interesting solution.
  2. Wall painting in turquoise color in the living room is not recommended, it will create not the effect that requires a room for receiving guests.
  3. The presence of accessories with a turquoise tint will emphasize the style of modern, if it is pillows, photo frames, statuettes, or turquoise curtains in combination with other bright elements (red, yellow).
  4. It is not bad to combine the walls of a yellow shade with turquoise color furniture. Here the main thing is to choose the right yellow so that there is no effect of the hospital corridor.
  5. For fans of contrasts, a black and white living room with bright turquoise spots in the form of statuettes, vases, pillows and curtains is perfect.
in the interior of the living room

In fact, options, how to combine turquoise color in the interior a lot. Very often, the most unexpected combinations are very successful. Do not limit yourself in choosing colors, compare as many interior options as possible, one of them will be exactly what you were looking for.

The combination of color in clothing is a sign of a good taste, so attention should be paid to this issue. Today we will talk, with what to combine turquoise to be fashionable.

The color of turquoise is given a special place among fashionable colors in this season. Therefore, if there are no more things in your wardrobe there are no more things of such beautiful noble shades, you will certainly buy yourself some stylish thing.

Knowing the right combinations of turquoise color with others, you can create surprisingly fresh harmonious images that allow any young lady to look amazing.

Turquoise duet with white

It is considered a classic, being especially popular when creating beach summer ensembles. The purity of the White gives turquoise expressiveness, walking along the city streets in such clothes, you will attract the admiring views of men.

By the way, it is best that the combination is suitable for the girls "Winter" color, having dark hair and greens. And if you are a blue-eyed blonde, you will be to the face of the pale-turquoise gamma.

Turquoise-beige harmony

Not so dazzling, like white, shade beige will help create a softer combination, reducing the feeling of coolness and freshness of turquoise. A very winning such combination of tones looks on shorts, giving them romanticity.

Successful combination with red

The combination of turquoise with red is always bright and unexpected. If you want to look original, expressively, even extravagant - put the turquoise with red.

Combination: turquoise color + orange

A spectacular combination of "ice" and "flame", creating a high contrast and helping to be vividly allocated in the crowd.

Turquoise and yellow

A very positive cheerful retro-combination, which became fashionable in the middle of the last century. Warm solar paints will soften the turquoise coolness, they will even raise the mood even on a cloudy day.

Turquoise-blue combination

It is thanks to relatives that these shades are amazingly harmonize with each other, looking fresh. To create a greater contrast and bring in your face of luxury and aristocraticness, put on ultramarine blue trousers with a thin turquoise blouse, pose a small stylish clutch to them.

Combination with brown

By connecting a conservative brown gamut with sophistication and ease of turquoise, you will get an outfit not only for relaxing in a circle of friends or in nature, but also a successful version of the office dress code.

And taking the most dark brown tone, resembling chocolate, it can be a dress (see) or skirt, make an image exotic and original.

Turquoise + black

In order not to look too strictly and gloomy, dilute this duet with a classic white or light beige tint.

Turquoise in the Golden "Rim"

Going to a party or other festive celebration, a girl who chooses a gorgeous combination of turquoise and gold / silver, will literally shine.

And if you still choose beautiful elegant decorations (), then the success of the opposite sex is accurately secured!

Basic shades turquoise

  • Pale turquoise. This gentle romantic color of sea water, at the same time resembling aquamarine, will be harmonized with any color.

Especially appropriate, he will be on the summer holiday - a calm shade, combined with peach, sky-blue, lavender or beige, will create an atmosphere of relaxation and peace.

  • Traditional turquoise - energetic bright, giving individuality and uniqueness. Thanks to versatility, it is necessary in any wardrobe. It will look very stylish with a purple, orange, bronze, straw tint.
  • Dark turquoise. The color of the sea wave, capable of emphasizing the brightness of girls belonging to the "Summer" color. Contrast looking in a duet with brown eyes, it is the same popular as the classic turquoise.

  • Bright turquoise. Surprise is a rare disturbing color associated with some tropical paradise bird. It suits the girls of the "winter" or "summer" color. The main thing is to make a bright makeup and pick up jewelry in the tone (it can be, for example, blue or green transparent stones or saturated-coral beads).
  • Turquoise-green. Perfectly fit in the cabinet of every girl as a fresh color scheme for fashionable clothes in a business, sports or classic style. It looks advantageous with dark pink, gray, brown, bronze, golden shades.
  • Topazo blue. Also belongs to the varieties of turquoise, perfectly coming out for sporting equipment, gorgeously harmonizing with dark-lilac, pale yellow, coral-pink, lavender and brown tones.

As you can see, the combination of color strongly affects the image and can radically change it.

A combination with turquoise color of warm shades resembles a sip of freshness on a hot day, but the palette depends on the shades of the color itself. 6 palettes with 16 colors + selection of shoes.

Did you notice the presence in the shops of trendy turquoise color? I noticed because it is difficult to pass. Although those who prefer red or pink, often bypass this color side. And in vain, since turquoise is perfectly combined with red, and with pink.

Fashionable women's clothing more than once there were turquoise. So in the 50s in the 1960s, there was a bright shade of this color in fashion, it was combined with pure pink and yellow, so this combination will be considered retro. Turquoise with gray or silver, as well as terracotta and light brown faces Western America. And the combination of colors of clothing: turquoise with black and white flowers will be in the Art Rector style.

About the importance of turquoise color, its shades and roles in fashion we considered in . In this, consider fashionable combinations with several turquoise shades to whom they fit, as well as the selection of the color of shoes and accessories to them.

Turquoise color combines

Pale turquoise color combined

This color is similar to Aquamarine. Gentle, gentle, flowing color of transparent sea water. It can not be called pale or bright. It will suit any color.

This color in your calm Nege is better to wear on vacation, summer celebrations. Relaxation that contributes to this color will be superfluous on everyday life. Decorations that are suitable for dress or blouse of this shade of turquoise: pink-orange coral, shells, pearls, gold and silver. Pale carnation, yellow and orange shades of stones or jewelry are suitable for it. It is advisable to use not transparent stones.

Pale - turquoise color combination: with peach pink, carmine, golden yellow, pink coral, orange coral, sea wave color, cold shade of green, celestial, burgundy, lavender, aquamarine, beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Turquoise-blue color and combination with him

This color is traditionally considered turquoise. He is bright, but does not blind. Energetic, sociable, this color to the face to everyone. Color quantifying in combination, he will give you a special personality.

This color is good both on the beach and in the office, and at the party and at home it will be comfortable. Do not pass by this color: universal, color with character is ideal in any wardrobe.

From jewelry to combine gold, silver, pearls, topazy, amber, coral, turquoise. Any blue shades in stones and jewelry are welcome.

Consider a combination of color turquoise with bright pink, red roses, yellow ocher, pink coral, orange, blue green, cold salad, aquamarine, purple, blue, white blue, white, straw beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Dark turquoise color combined

Topazno blue color combined

He is also considered turquoise. This is a more sporty option, this color is often t-shirts. But dresses, look, look too beautiful. This blue blue bright shade in its own way is gentle and is more suitable for recreation, holidays, sports than for the office.

Red coral, gold, silver, pearls, turquoise, topaz, diamonds and amethysts, lilac, yellow, orange and pink stones will look with it.

What is combined with turquoise color? Defined, rich colors, such as gentle pink, dark red, pale yellow, pink-coral, orange, green-turquoise, purple blue, blue, regatta, pale turquoise, dark lilac, lavender, gray, silver, Golden, beige-brown, brown.

The best combination of turquoise color

And at the end of the article, I will allocate the most profitable combinations with turquoise color.

Turquoise is very well combined with shades of its gamut: these are various water tones from light aquamarine to dark blue, underwater colors.

Very soft, chic and feminine combinations of turquoise color and.

Favorable, exotic, light and bright will be a combination of turquoise and.

Throw and fresh, extravagant, but surprisingly beautiful combination of turquoise and.

Turquoise Refers right to the brightest and rich colors. It is he who makes pay attention, so it is important to understand what colors are combined with turquoise. His magnificence is ambimunarily, he is multi-faceted, because it turns out from mixing the blue and in various proportions: dark azure, gentle, eggs of Drozda and Curacao - all this shades of our beloved color. These noble shades constantly injured some kind of mysticism, but at the same time they breathe calmness and freshness. Many amulets are made precisely from turquoise.

Monochrome solo turquoise

Always excellently look at close shades of the same color, and since the turquoise there are a large number of them, you can safely make suits with or trousers, having calculated their relative tones. Blue-green outfits, in which smooth transitions are observed from an elegant sophisticated turquoise to the excellent depth of Viridian, look canceled on the young lady with dark or light skin.

They are still romantic, and dark beauties - mysterious and spectacular in any environment, emphasizing their tan or the natural beauty of velvety skin.

White framing turquoise

The color is not included in Newton's circle. It can be confident with any colors, so he is so great framing dark Azure, giving it even more mysteriousness. In such an outfit, you can not be unnoticed. He openly declares the success and ease of affairs. Such clothes have people to communicate. They never look boring, only with snow-white should not overdo it. The classic version is a white blouse with turquoise bottom or in combination with the top of a turquoise shade.

Warm Fashionable Combination: Turquoise and Yellow (Orange, Brown)

Experiment, with which color is combined, you can be infinitely, but a brighter and harmonious combination than this charm in a duet with or its close-old neighbors orange or, even nature hardly invented. Solar heat enlishes the touching depth of turquoise, which air and water gives him. In such a decoration it is easy to be a star at a party and a friend in dealing with friends.

Turquoise I.

Cold combination turquoise

What colors are combined with turquoiseif not representatives of the cold gamut! Very practical and naturally looks like a discreet top in turquoise tones with trendy jeans of all sorts of shades. It is especially advantageous of it shadows dark purple. Bright combination for the most bold.