Brother 2 is a popular fascist proverb. Quotes from the movie brother

If you've watched the movie Brother 2, you'll love the quotes. This movie can be watched many times, it does not get old at all and to this day it looks in one breath, which is why quotes from the movie Brother 2 are so popular.

Tell me, American, what is the power! Is it in money? So my brother says that in money. You have a lot of money, and why? I now think that the power is in the truth: whoever has the truth is stronger! So you deceived someone, made money, and why - have you become stronger? No, I didn’t, because there’s no truth behind you! And the one who was deceived is the truth behind him! It means he is stronger!
Danila Bagrov

And how is "How are you" translated?
- "How are you or how are you."
- And what, everyone is wondering how I'm doing?
- Nope, not interesting.
- And then what do they ask?
- Just. Here, in general, everything is just like that, except for money.
Film "Brother 2" Danila Bagrov. Dasha / Marilyn

And what is the strength, brother?
- And here's what: money is all the power, brother! Money rules the world, and the one who has more money is stronger!
- Well, well, you have a lot of money. What are you going to do?
- Buy all!
- And me?..
Film "Brother 2"

Quotes from Brother 2 might make you revisit it! And read quotes from the movie.

Do you have bacon, apples?
- Why do you need it?
- Do you carry groceries with you? Apples? Salo?
- And don't they sell here?
- You did not understand. This is a quarantine.
- Are you sick?

I do not like Kirkorov. He's all powdered, tinted ... one word - Romanian.
- So he's a Bulgarian ...
- Yes?! What's the difference…
Viktor Bagrov (Tatar). Irina Saltykova

Welcome to the United States!
- Thank you very much! Here are the freaks ...
Viktor Bagrov (Tatar). Customs officers

Boy! Bring us some vodka.
- Sorry, but we do not serve drinks during takeoff and climb.
- Boy, you do not understand! Bring us some vodka! We're flying home!
- Got it, we'll do it now.
Dasha / Marilyn

I'm after you. Russians do not abandon their own in the war.
Danila Bagrov

As I say, I'm a doctor, a tourist. I came to Dmitry Gromov, his friend, a hockey player. This is my first time in America. I didn't know that you can't walk everywhere ... Here you can everywhere ...
- Fuck the niggers.
Danila Bagrov. Police officer

You bastards will answer me for Sevastopol!
Victor Bagrov (Tatarin)

Where is your homeland, son? Gorbachev handed over your homeland to the Americans in order to hang out beautifully. And now your homeland has two wars and fucked up the Crimea. She surrendered the Russian people in the Baltics, surrendered the Serbs in the Balkans. Homeland! Today, the homeland is where the ass is warm, and you know it better than me!
New York taxi driver

Even women don't expect such idiots.
Moscow taxi driver

Look at yourself! Black as a bastard. Have you read Moidodyr? Get out of here!
Victor Bagrov (Tatarin)

Well, what can I suggest, gentlemen? 5 MP: four 40s, one 38th. All shot. All in full ammunition. Grenades: anti-personnel fragmentation grenades. They misfire, about 50 to 50. Faust cartridges 2, sorry, did not check. Here are the pistols: 4 Walters, 1 Parabellum. This is from imported. And now a domestic manufacturer: the Degtyarev light machine gun, count in oil. 4 PPSh - heavy, but reliable, lethal vehicle. Tula Tokarev, aka TT, today alone, sorry, very quickly dismantled. But there is a revolver, but completely unreliable. Time has worn away the percussion mechanism. Mosin's rifles, I think, will not interest you.
- Listen, where does all this come from?
- Echo of war.
Danila Bagrov

- Mine? “Your own unwilling brother” is a popular fascist proverb.
- Fascist.
- Danila.
- German?
- Russian.
- Actually, my grandfather died in the war.
- It happens.
Danila Bagrov

Hi. What are you doing?
- I'm running.
Danila Bagrov

Where do they only take money! They also buy, probably.
Moscow taxi driver

Will you come with me to America?
- Yes, even to Africa.
Danila Bagrov. Victor Bagrov (Tatarin)

And, in my opinion, he is just a goat!
- He is my brother!
Dasha / Marilyn. Danila Bagrov

The main thing, guys, when you go through passport control, feel confident and smile! They love it.

They don't listen to this kind of music - it's not real.
- Where exactly?
- At war.
Danila Bagrov. Irina Saltykova

His own unwilling brother. Folk fascist proverb.

Chief, lower the bunks.
- Give me a cigarette. Chushkar, give me a light.
- Well, you, parashnik, deaf? Didn't hear what the elder told you ?!
- Why did you beat the detainees?
- Get down to business !. Return the player.
Danila Bagrov

Well, don't delay it too much, prostatitis is such a thing, brother: it won't get up at the right time - that's all.
Danila Bagrov

What does he want? Did you want Rakov? What you want?
- Dirt speaks, dirty food, crayfish from the bottom are eaten, they cannot be eaten.
- Dirt. What? Look at yourself, black as a bastard. Have you read Moidodyr? Get out of here!
- Vit, finish, okay. Negro, go go.
- Nigger? Whom you called nigger?
- You shouldn't have called him a Negro.
- And who is he?
- African American.
- What's the difference?
- Ниггер – это для них ругательство обидное.
- Yes, I was taught at school: the Chinese live in China, Germans in Germany, Jews in this Israel, Negroes in Africa!
- Here bitches, crayfish were not allowed to eat.
Danila Bagrov. Viktor Bagrov (Tatar). Dasha / Marilyn

And what is the strength, brother?
- And here's what! Money is all power, brother! Money rules the world, and the one who has more money is stronger.
- Well, well, you have a lot of money. So what are you going to do?
- I'll buy it. Everyone!
- And me?

Tell me, American, what is the strength? Is it in money? So my brother says that in money. You have a lot of money, and why? I now think that the power is in the truth. Whoever has the truth is stronger. Here you have deceived someone, have made money, and why, have you become stronger? No - I didn't! Because there is no truth behind you! And the one who was deceived is the truth behind him. It means he is stronger. Yes?

You said that the city is strength, but here everyone is weak ...
- The city is an evil force ... The strong come, become weak, the city takes away the strength ... So you are gone!

I would go to my brother in Leningrad. I'll die soon enough, and he was your father's place. This is your blood. The most dear person to you in the whole world ...

I go to Chicago ... My car - kirdyk ...

And how is "How are you" translated?
- "How are you, how are you."
- And what, everyone is wondering how I'm doing?
- No.
- And then what do they ask?
- Just. Here, in general, everything is just like that, except for money.

Whoever touches a brother - I'll fill it up!

Those who have not been to Moscow have never seen beauty.

Are you gangsters?
- No, we are Russians!

Do you have bacon, apples?
- Why do you need it?
- Do you carry groceries with you? Apples? Salo?
- And don't they sell here?
- You do not understand, this is a quarantine.
- Are you sick?

Do not you give me a brother, nit Cobra.

You know me, my prices are real. Fifteen - money, of course, good, but for Chechen ... Here I risk my head off.
- How many?
- Twenty. And ten at once.

I found out that I have
There is a huge family -
Both the path and the forest,
Every spikelet in the field
The river, the sky is blue -
This is all my dear -
This is my homeland
I love everyone in the world

Young man! We Russians do not deceive each other.

Husband in Tver - wife at the door!

And then?
- And then everyone died. And I went to the clinic for tests. For eight years.

You need to brake with your feet, not your head!

Where is your homeland, son? Gorbachev handed over your homeland to the Americans in order to hang out beautifully. And now your homeland has two wars and fucked up the Crimea. She surrendered the Russian people in the Baltics, surrendered the Serbs in the Balkans. Homeland! Today, the homeland is where the ass is warm, and you know it better than me!

Look at me, if what's wrong, I'll shoot you in the eye, bitch!

Borzeet Tatarin. I took a lot forward.

What is it ?! There were people like people, and suddenly they all became idiots at once!

What is your name?
- Marilyn.
- And how is it in Russian?
- Dasha.

What do you want?
- Grandfather, sell the gun.
- Million!
- Bring it!
- Hey, give money in advance!
- Dollars!
- There are a million two hundred here. Bring the bullets!

Take it by yourself so as not to fall when walking.

You need to think less and think more.

Welcome to the United States!
- Thank you very much! Here are the freaks ...

Not the one who is happy with goodness in full, but the one who has a faithful wife.

Boy, bring us some vodka. Boy, you don't understand. Bring us some vodka, we're flying home!

Well, bruises, are we trading?

I'm after you. Russians do not abandon their own in the war.

Life is hanging by a thread, and he thinks about the profit.

Do you know the saying: what is good for a Russian is death for a German? So, I live to refute it.

Peter. A beautiful city, but a province. You have to go to Moscow. All the power is in Moscow.

Be, not seem to be.

What does he want? Did you want Rakov? What do you want?
- Dirt speaks dirty food. Crayfish eat dirt from the bottom, you can't eat them.
- Dirt? What? Look at yourself - black as a bastard. Have you read Moidodyr? Come on from here!
- Negro, go, go!

If you live longer, you will see more.

If you love honey - love and chill.

Hear, bro, how can I get to the city?
- By taxi.
- Hey, fellow countryman, where do the Russians live here?
- Moskal is not my fellow countryman!
- Bendery?
- What ?!
- Okay, guys, bye!

The article includes dialogues, quotes and phrases from the movie Brother 2:
  • What is it, there were people like people, and suddenly all at once became idiots. Paradox.
  • You bastards will answer me for Sevastopol! (quotes from brother 2 are saturated with patriotism and love for the homeland)
  • You need to think less and think more. Not in Russia now. (about the difference in thinking in different countries)
  • Here, look, look. Your brother is in Moscow. They show it on TV. And you're sitting here eating vodka, you bastard.
  • Tell me, American, what is the strength? Is it in money? So my brother says that in money. You have a lot of money, and why? I now think that the power is in the truth. Whoever has the truth is stronger. Here you have deceived someone, made money. And why, have you become stronger? No, I didn't. Because there is no truth behind you. And the one whom he deceived, the truth is behind him, which means that he is stronger. Yes? Dmitry Gromov, mani, come on.
  • You, grandfather, do not be afraid. We are Ilyushin's friends. We will not touch anything, we will see the exhibition - and then we will go.

  • Freedom for Angela Davis!
  • Keep your hands on the table. Like this ... There's a muffler. I will push on the hook - your eggs will fall to the floor. What is scary? And when Kostya killed, was it not scary?
  • Saltykova is cool! Forgive her, no?
  • - Why are you pinned here ?!
    - So, see people.
    - View. I know your brother well, I have been traveling for a long time. First, with friends, then wash the dishes or be a loader in the store, rent an apartment and arrive. And where the curve of the American dream will lead.
    - You shouldn't be so, I love the Motherland.
    - Aaa, patriot! The Russian idea, Dostoevsky, the state ... And where is your Motherland, son ?! Gorbachev handed over your homeland to the Americans in order to hang out beautifully. And now your Motherland has two wars and fucked up the Crimea! She surrendered the Russian people in the Baltic states, surrendered the Serbs in the Balkans, ... Motherland ... Today, Motherland is where the ass is warm, and you know it better than me. That's why I came.
    - Do you have a brother in Moscow?
  • Mosin's rifles, I think, will not interest you.
  • You need to brake with your feet, not your head! Goat!
  • Ben! Ben, it's Danila! Ay nid help!

  • What do you want, I don't understand by your fucking. (Addressing the policeman)
  • Okay, live, bastard. Thank you son, it's a pity to leave such a guy without a father. Sit quietly, sushi pants.
  • The main thing is not to fuss - we have all the documents in order!
  • Where do they only get money ?! They also buy, probably ...
  • Boy, you don't understand. Bring us some vodka, we're flying home! (The last epic phrase of the film brother 2 - quotes from this picture will become winged)
  • - An hour since we left. Three. Some box was taken away. Yes. Old grandfather, does not remember any-and-iher!
    - Listen, leave the ambush. Everyone should look for a white Volvo with a kangaroo. Connect the traffic police, the numbers may be different. Moreover, check all airlines. Last name Bagrov, flight to Chicago.
    - Of course, I will find out from Aeroflot, but other companies will not give such information.
    - Take a deputy's corpus or an FSB certificate! Should I teach you ?!
  • - And who is this?
    - Saltykov ...
    - And what is your name?
    - Boris!
  • - "How are you" or "how are you."
    - And what is it to them, everyone is interested in how I am doing?
    - Nope, not interesting.
    - Why then do they ask?
    - Just. Here, in general, everything is just like that, except for money.
  • - And I like it here. America is the power of the world.
    - And what is the strength, brother?
    - And here's what - in money all the power, brother! Money rules the world, and the one who has more money is stronger.
    - Well, well, you have a lot of money. And what are you going to do?
    - Buy all!
    - And me?
  • - Are you all right?
    - I'm good. (Hangs up the phone) - You're bad.
  • - Do you have bacon, apples?
    - Why do you need it?
    - Do you carry groceries with you? Apples, bacon?
    - And don't they sell here?
    - You did not understand. This is a quarantine.
    - Are you sick?
  • - Will you come with me to America?
    - Yes, even to Africa!
  • - No, I don't like Kirkorov. He's some kind of sugary, tinted all over, powdered like a woman ... One word - Romanian.
    - So he's a Bulgarian.
    - Yes? Who cares?