How to treat hemorrhoids in children. Alternative treatment options. Symptoms of hemorrhoids in a child

A problem like hemorrhoids is not only found in adults. Children, albeit to a lesser extent, are also susceptible to the development of the disease. Hemorrhoids in a child should be treated without delay. But before starting therapy, it is necessary to understand the causes of the development of the disease and the peculiarities of its course.

Constipation as a cause of hemorrhoids

Difficulties in defecation can be experienced by a person at any age. Among children, infants most often suffer from constipation. In the first year of life, babies are faced with the problem of emptying the intestines due to an imbalance in the bacterial microflora.

In an older child, hemorrhoids may appear due to improper nutrition. Dry snacks, fast food, lack of hot liquid food, carbonated drinks, lack of fiber - all this leads to disruption of the digestive system and the emergence of "adult" disease.

The danger of constipation lies in the fact that when passing overly dense feces, there is a risk of damage to the rectal mucosa, and this, in turn, can lead to serious complications. Do not forget that when defecation is difficult, the child tries to "squeeze" the feces out of himself, which creates excessive pressure in the small pelvis and hemorrhoids are formed.

Potty training with health implications

Often, parents are in a hurry to quickly teach their baby to sit, walk, talk and, of course, relieve themselves. Putting a child on a potty not taking into account his biological rhythm, but only because mom (or dad) wants it is a big mistake. By the way, in kindergarten, too, everything goes according to the schedule: ate and drank, to the potty and sleep. Despite the fact that the child does not need to go to the toilet at a particular moment, he is still forced to sit in anticipation of a "miracle". When sitting on a pot for a long time, the blood vessels of the rectum begin to overflow with blood, it practically does not circulate and stagnates. This situation is ideal for the formation of hemorrhoids in children. Photo confirms: this disease does not discount age.

Illness in children of the first year of life

If we talk about hemorrhoids in an infant child, this factor can play a decisive role in the occurrence of pathology. Due to strong crying, the pressure on the abdominal organs increases, and the stagnation described above begins to occur in the small pelvis.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by congenital changes in veins. If such a violation takes place, it is simply impossible not to notice it from the first days of a baby's life. When crying or straining during a bowel movement, the baby's veins bulge out. Such an anomaly is treatable, but only a qualified specialist should do this.

Hemorrhoids in a schoolchild

For children over the age of seven, a sedentary lifestyle can become the cause of the disease. Prolonged sitting at school at a desk, alternating with immobility in front of a computer monitor, does not in any way improve blood circulation, but only increases the likelihood of developing the disease.

It also happens that high school students secretly taste alcoholic beverages from their parents. A fragile child's body can react to alcohol with a violation of blood microcirculation, which often leads to the appearance of symptoms of this unpleasant pathology.

What does hemorrhoids look like in children?

Now let's try to describe the manifestations of the disease. It is not possible to publish a photo of hemorrhoids in children due to aesthetic considerations. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the symptoms are the same for patients of all ages:

  • pain in the process of emptying the intestines (especially severe at the time of passage of feces through the site of inflammation);
  • itching and burning;
  • the presence of blood in the stool.

Often, if the discomfort is not expressed clearly enough, the child does not inform his parents about them, and they, as a rule, do not even suspect about the disease. However, the presence of blood in the stool or on toilet paper is the main first symptom of hemorrhoids in children, which cannot be ignored.

Please note: a child's disease can develop in two scenarios. In the first case, the internal node becomes inflamed, in the second - the external one. The second form in the predominant number of cases leaves no doubt about the diagnosis, which cannot be said about internal hemorrhoids. It is difficult to say whether children have symptoms with latent inflammation, since each case is individual. Most often, internal hemorrhoids proceed latently, without disturbing the child with severe painful manifestations. The disease is diagnosed mainly by accident.

The danger lies in the fact that in the absence of the necessary treatment, it develops rapidly and becomes complicated. The main symptom that determines the presence of external hemorrhoids in a child is the presence of a lump or swelling in the anus. At the initial stage of the disease, the hemorrhoidal node does not bother in any way, but later inflammation begins, accompanied by pain and bleeding.

Main stages

Children's hemorrhoids go through three stages of development:

  1. Initially, there is a slight increase in nodes. The patient experiences minimal discomfort during bowel movements.
  2. At the second stage, the hemorrhoids increase in size, now they can be felt, the anal area has acquired swelling, induration.
  3. The third stage of the development of the disease is characterized by the prolapse of hemorrhoids, mainly against the background of emptying the intestines, which is accompanied by severe sharp pain.

Without treatment for hemorrhoids, a child may develop thrombosis of the hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by severe pain, fever, weakness and malaise. And again we return to the fact that it is impossible to diagnose a child on your own, since blood in the feces and seals around the anus may indicate the presence of completely different, no less serious diseases. All that parents can do is to see a doctor and follow all his prescriptions. Doing therapy at home, especially when it comes to the health of the baby, is an unjustified risk.


Asking yourself the question of whether there can be hemorrhoids in children under one year old, it is important to understand that the baby is not yet able to share with his parents all the unpleasant sensations he is experiencing. It is possible that moodiness, anxiety and constant crying are the child's reaction to pain and burning associated with an increase and inflammation of hemorrhoids. In the majority of cases, the symptoms of the disease are blurred, and therefore there are no external manifestations of the disease.

Older children (from about 3-4 years old), having acquired basic verbal communication skills, are already able to tell an adult about their anxiety and well-being. When complaining of hemorrhoids, the child notes:

  • soreness when trying to empty the intestines;
  • constant itching;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are exacerbated at the moment the hemorrhoidal nodules exit and retrain. Sometimes in the process of such a bowel movement, anal microcracks form, which is evidenced by blood in the feces or on toilet paper. At 2 years of age, a child with hemorrhoids may experience complications in the form of hemorrhoidal thrombosis. It is worth noting that they are extremely rare, but they bring unbearable pain to the little patient.

The appearance of such signs should prompt parents to urgently visit the office of the pediatrician and proctologist. This must be done not only in order to relieve the child of uncomfortable symptoms, but also for the differential diagnosis of hemorrhoids from other dangerous pathologies - rectal prolapse or malignant neoplasm.

Diagnostic procedures

Examination of a patient in early or adolescence begins with a survey and examination. The specialist will offer to undergo a set of diagnostic procedures if there is a suspicion of hemorrhoids in a child. What is done in this case and what tests are carried out?

  • A detailed blood test. With constant, albeit insignificant, blood loss that occurs during the release of feces, hemoglobin values ​​may be below normal.
  • Feces research. The stool test is designed to detect blood during bowel movements.
  • Palpation of the anus. This is a mandatory procedure that allows you to detect hemorrhoids in children. It happens that outwardly the disease does not manifest itself in any way (with the formation of internal nodes), but when probing, an experienced proctologist will notice inflammation. The procedure is carried out in the presence of parents.
  • Sigmoidoscopy. A detailed study of the rectal mucosa is carried out using a special apparatus equipped with a microscopic camera. The procedure is painless, but unpleasant.

Before carrying out instrumental diagnostics, it is imperative to cleanse the patient's rectum. Preparatory procedures are performed several hours before the study and immediately before it.

How is therapy done in babies

Before treating hemorrhoids in children, parents should understand that self-medication is out of the question. Disease therapy is carried out only under the supervision of an experienced physician. Speaking about the methods of treatment, they are divided into conservative and surgical.

In the first case, we are talking about the use of local drugs (ointments and rectal suppositories). It is worth noting that special children's medicines for hemorrhoids are not produced. To cure a child, they use the same drugs as for adults. However, not all of them, among those available in the pharmacy, are approved for use in children. Before choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account the optimal dosage, based on the age and weight of the small patient. For children for the treatment of hemorrhoids, doctors most often prescribe rectal suppositories:

  • "Relief";
  • Ginkor Prokto;
  • "Hepatrombin B";
  • suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

In addition to drugs, the doctor may prescribe a therapeutic massage, which, if performed correctly, can give a good result. However, this technique has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • frequent bleeding;
  • intestinal tuberculosis, abdominal cavity;
  • benign or malignant growths in the abdominal cavity;
  • recurrent chronic gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • acute inflammatory process of internal organs.

Instead of suppositories for hemorrhoids for children, preparations are also produced in the form of ointments. However, they also need to be used as directed by your doctor.

Hemorrhoid treatment in adolescence

There are no fundamental differences between therapeutic measures for children of early and school age. As a rule, the same or similar drugs are recommended, but in a different dosage. In addition to ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids for children, adolescents are advised to resort to the use of traditional medicine, mainly in the form of trays and microclysters:

  • Sitting herb bath. To relieve inflammation, take a handful (or 3 tbsp. L.) Of calendula, chamomile and string. The herbal mixture is brewed with a liter of boiling water and allowed to brew well. The resulting product is poured into a bath with warm water and sit in it for 10-15 minutes. The course of therapy is 10 days.
  • Micro enema with sea buckthorn oil. To use this remedy, you need to take 60 g of sea buckthorn oil and warm it up in a water bath to body temperature. The agent is injected into the anus using a rubber bulb. It is important for the child to keep the oil inside for as long as possible, while lying on its side for 15 minutes. Micro enema with sea buckthorn oil will help to normalize the stool and accelerate the healing of cracks and wounds in the intestine.

In severe cases, it is impossible to avoid surgery. The need for surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in children is extremely rare, however, intervention cannot be completely ruled out in any of the cases. The operation, during which the surgeon excises the nodes and sutures the vessels, is carried out under general anesthesia.

Alternative treatment options

As already mentioned, with a disease such as hemorrhoids, it is imperative to see a doctor. In some cases, doctors are in no hurry to switch to medicines and recommend that parents resort to using folk remedies. Alternative medicine has many recipes in its arsenal, thanks to which it is possible to treat hemorrhoids in children at home. At the same time, do not forget that these remedies can be treated only after consulting a doctor:

Disease prevention

In order to prevent the development of the disease, the parents of the child should remember a few simple rules:

  1. Drawing up an "anti-constipation" diet. In addition to regular and fractional meals, it is important to observe the principle of its balance. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be present in the menu of a child of any age.
  2. Sufficient fluid intake.
  3. Complete rejection of fatty and fried foods.
  4. Supplementing the diet with fermented milk products, the purpose of which is to restore the balance of healthy and conditionally pathogenic microflora in the intestine, and, as a result, normalize the stool.
  5. Taking antibiotics must be combined with a course of prebiotics or probiotics.

With older children, parents should talk about "correct" bowel movements, which does not involve straining. A child under five years old needs to be provided with a comfortable pot, and for an older child, a bench under his feet for proper sitting on the toilet may be the best solution. Also, the task of parents is to teach their child the rules of personal hygiene. In addition, the child must learn to use toilet paper without pressure.

Another important nuance in the prevention of hemorrhoids in children is the need for constant weight control. Excess body weight is one of the risk factors for the development of this disease and interferes with the patient's full motor activity. An alternative to computer games and watching television programs can be considered a visit to the sports section, where the child can regularly receive physical activities that are feasible for his age and beneficial to health.

At the first suspicion of hemorrhoids in a child, you should immediately contact a pediatrician. The specialist will advise, prescribe diagnostics and competent treatment. In any case, it is better to show undue anxiety than to let the illness take its course.

Most people associate hemorrhoids with adults, especially obesity. Parents do not suspect that proctological disease is quite common among children.

Hemorrhoids in a child, as a rule, do not cause serious health problems, however, they require treatment.

A hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in the anus (rectum) associated with venous insufficiency in the anus, in the lower intestine.

The disease worries babies of different ages 1 - 5 years old.

Description of the disease

Do small children have hemorrhoids? Unfortunately, the disease did not pass by the younger generation either. There are many potential causes of hemorrhoids in children, from constipation to Crohn's disease, which is a serious disorder of the lower intestinal tract.

Poor diet, lack of exercise, and prolonged sitting on hard surfaces lead to pathology in adults. In young children under 4-5 years of age, there are no such reasons, since at this age the babies are active, their parents are watching the food.


Can babies have hemorrhoids?

With hemorrhoids in children, the reasons are as follows:

  1. Constipation at 1 year and up to 1.5 years occurs often, since parents begin to introduce new food, not all babies respond positively to new food. Babies become constipated. Until a year old, it occurs much more often, while the baby's digestive system is getting better.
  2. Stomach flu viruses irritate the anal area around the anus. This disease leads to diarrhea. After the pathology is cured, diarrhea may worsen, causing the formation of venous varicose veins.
  3. Long periods of sitting. The hard surface puts pressure on the sensitive blood vessels and tissues of the anus, leading to swelling, rupture. This reason is typical for children of three to fifteen years old, when the child becomes persevering. In adolescence, the disease appears due to a long stay at the computer.
  4. Excessive tension during bowel movements. Strong tension during bowel movements can lead to the development of hemorrhoids in the baby. Stress is caused by lack of dietary fiber, overweight. The reason is rare, as most parents try to give their crumbs the right food.
  5. Portal hypertension. This condition means back pressure that carries blood from the digestive tract to the liver. Diseases affecting the liver often present with portal vein hypertension.
  6. Crohn's disease is a chronic bowel disorder that is a possible cause of venous varicose veins at 2–4 years of age.
  7. In adolescence, the disease develops as a result of the use of alcoholic beverages, an unbalanced diet, and frequent snacks on the go.

The cause of the disease is ignoring the desire to defecate, because babies refuse to be distracted from the game, to be afraid of feeling soreness again.

A toddler should not be ashamed to defecate. Swearing will worsen your toddler's associations, potentially damaging your toddler's successful potty training.

Pinworms are able to mimic anal itching, similar to the itching of hemorrhoids in a child 2 years and older. You should show the baby to the doctor before starting treatment for the problem.

Clinical picture

There are 2 types of proctological diseases: internal bumps, external nodes. It is difficult to detect developing internal children's hemorrhoids, especially in a one-year-old child, toddlers under two years old.

At the age of 1-2 years, there are no necessary verbal skills to describe the feelings experienced. Parents are advised to closely monitor their babies' habits.

Patients 3-5 years old are able to explain what worries, however, some are shy.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in children:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • burning sensation in the anus;

The disease is manifested by sharp pain. Clay-like, hard, dry stool indicates that the child is reluctant to defecate due to pain.

Internal hemorrhoids are especially difficult for parents to detect, because the nodes are in the rectum, plus the baby is not able to explain where it hurts.

Babies under 3 years old are characterized by a long asymptomatic course of the disease.

The baby squeezes the buttocks, squeezes the legs, does not allow mom to use toilet paper after bowel movement. He blushes, cries when emptying, avoids going to the bathroom, sitting on a chair.

The disease appears several months after birth, accompanied by blockage of the veins of the rectum.

Signs of hemorrhoids indicating the presence of a proctological ailment:

  • the appearance of external nodes;
  • bright red blood in the stool indicates illness;
  • dark red blood indicates bleeding;
  • the crumb of the first or third year of life pulls on underwear or a diaper, trying to scratch the ass.

What does hemorrhoids look like in children? If the disease is inside the rectum, the disease is not visible externally. The presence of external nodes is indicated by swelling of the skin around the anus, blood in the stool.

It is easy to detect external hemorrhoids in children 2–5 years old. At the end of the rectum, knots form, bloodshot, bleeding.

If there are external nodes, you should ease the baby's condition with home remedies, then go to the hospital. In the absence of visible bumps and the presence of the listed symptoms, immediate medical attention is required.


Medical attention is required if constipation lasts more than three weeks, blood appears in the stool, the baby cries during bowel movements.

A surgeon, a proctologist is engaged in the treatment of the disease.

First, a qualified doctor determines the cause of the disease, then prescribes treatment for hemorrhoids in children.

To make a diagnosis, appoint:

  • take a general blood test, feces;
  • palpation of the anal canal and sigmoidoscopy.

Before carrying out instrumental diagnostic methods, the intestines should be cleaned with an enema, a laxative.


How to treat a disease, what should parents do?

Mothers need to know how to treat an infant's ailment, follow certain rules:

  1. Warm baths. The anal area should be placed in a bath several times a day. It is better for teenagers to use cold water, for babies - warm.
  2. Application of wet wipes. If the child has venous enlargement at the end of the rectum, do not use toilet paper, it will aggravate the course of the disease.
  3. Ice. It is unlikely that this method will be able to treat an ailment in a child 3 years old or less; adolescents are advised to use ice bags wrapped in a soft towel. Cold removes edema, relieves inflammation. Use ice for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  4. It is useful to go to the sea in summer. Sea water plays the role of cool baths, prevents the development of the disease.
  5. It is imperative to increase dietary fiber in the diet.

Fiber intake table by age:

In the case of a pathological process in children, treatment necessarily contains special exercises. It has been proven that active babies are much less likely to suffer from proctological pathology.

Drug therapy

How to cure hemorrhoids? Therapy is carried out with ointments, candles. Unfortunately, it is impossible to treat hemorrhoids in a child on your own.

Pharmaceutical companies do not manufacture special medicines designed against proctological pathology in young patients.

Babies (adolescents) are prescribed drugs designed for adults, only prescribed in a lower dosage. The dosage of medicines is calculated based on the age, weight of the crumbs. She is being investigated by the attending physician.

Safe hemorrhoid ointments for children:

  • Aurobin;
  • Heparin
  • Vishnevsky;
  • Proctosedil (babies are not allowed).

Ointments help relieve the main symptoms of proctological disease. External remedies restore the elasticity of the vascular tissue, remove inflammation, eliminate pain, heal cracks, and relieve stool.

With venous expansion of the veins of infants, it is allowed to use rectal suppositories. It is allowed to apply:

  • candles with sea buckthorn oil;
  • calendula suppositories;
  • children over 12 years of age should use the drug.

(calendula) have anti-inflammatory effect, relieve puffiness, heal. It is these candles that are prescribed for young patients (adolescents).

Folk remedies recipes

How to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies? Proctological ailment is remarkably amenable to home therapy. Doctors often recommend that parents use the treatment at home. Recipes:

  1. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. mixture of herbal collection (chamomile, oak bark, string, calendula), pour a glass of boiling water. After 1 hour, the infusion is poured into the bath, the temperature is 37-40 degrees. The procedure is carried out daily for 10 minutes. The duration of treatment is a week.
  2. Anti-inflammatory microclysters with rosehip oil, sea buckthorn. Take a quarter cup of rosehip and sea buckthorn oil, heat, inject into the rectum using a soft tip enema. This manipulation promotes easy bowel movements, heals cracks.

After an enema (bath), the anus should be lubricated with a cream, a moisturizer helps to avoid irritation. can be done with the approval of the treating doctor.


Preventive measures must be followed by patients with a diagnosis of hemorrhoids, who want to avoid the development of a proctological ailment.

You can prevent the disease, most importantly, observe the optimal diet and the following recommendations:

  • fractional meals, at least 5 times a day;
  • daily gymnastics to improve the bowel movement;
  • the child needs to move more, going out for a walk, take rollers, register the baby for swimming, incline to outdoor games;
  • the optimal amount of water should be drunk, infants should be given on an empty stomach ⅓ glass of liquid to start the intestines;
  • it is important to teach the baby to empty the intestines on time, not to endure;
  • washing the anus should be carried out after the act of defecation;
  • weight tracking, overweight babies should be put on a dietary diet, which implies the rejection of sweets, fatty, smoked and salty foods.

The success of treatment depends on the timely detection of the disease. The correct attitude towards the baby will allow you to avoid the appearance of a proctological ailment in the future.

The pathological process brings a lot of inconvenience. Parents have a responsibility to know how to treat and prevent illness. The child should be taught to hygiene from an early age, taught to tell parents about disturbing symptoms.

Affected in adults only. However, it is not. Hemorrhoids occur in toddlers and older children. Moreover, it proceeds in a slightly different form than in adults, and if the child is very small, then he is not able to explain what worries him.

Each parent should know what are the causes, symptoms and features of the course of hemorrhoidal disease in children, and how to deal with it.

Causes of hemorrhoids in a child

Many people are interested in whether there can be hemorrhoids in infants and older children? Yes, however, it has other causes than hemorrhoids, which develop in adults. Pregnancy and childbirth, heavy lifting have nothing to do with the development of this disease in children. But then what can cause childhood hemorrhoids? There are several causal factors.

Constipation and unhealthy diet

This is the main cause of childhood hemorrhoids. Constipation can occur in both infants and older children.

In children of the first year of life, constipation in most cases is a consequence of a violation of the intestinal microflora. In adolescents, it is associated with poor nutrition. Children's love for nuts, chips, sandwiches, sweet soda results in such an unpleasant consequence as hemorrhoids in adolescents.

Prolonged constipation causes hardening of feces, which, during bowel movements, injure the intestinal mucosa. In addition, when constipated, the baby strains heavily, which increases blood flow to the pelvic organs and contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.

Prolonged potty sitting

Hemorrhoids in children 2-3 years of age can occur for this very reason. Prolonged sitting on a pot is associated with constipation or with psychological factors. For example, some children cannot go to the toilet in an unusual environment (in kindergarten, at a party). In addition, children in kindergarten are put on the potty at certain times, and not when the child wants to use the toilet.

As a result, the baby sits on the pot for a long time and to no avail, the veins of the rectum overflow with blood, which contributes to the development of the disease.

If this factor is the cause of the development of children's hemorrhoids, then the disease does not need intensified treatment. Parents just have to monitor the biological rhythm of the child, and the problem will be solved on its own.

Strong crying

Hemorrhoids in newborns can occur due to prolonged and frequent crying. When a baby cries, intra-abdominal pressure rises and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. If crying is repeated often, blood stagnation in the veins occurs, hemorrhoidal disease occurs.

Before treating hemorrhoids in this case, you should eliminate the cause of the baby crying.

Expansion of hemorrhoidal veins

This is a fairly rare cause of childhood hemorrhoids, which can make itself felt from the first days of life. In this case, any tension, straining, crying can lead to the development of the disease.

The main symptom of an enlarged hemorrhoidal vein is a bulge in the anus when the child is straining. In this case, treatment by an experienced specialist is required.

Adult reasons

Hemorrhoids in adolescents can appear for the same reasons as in adults.

Today, many children lead an inactive lifestyle, sitting for many hours at a computer or school desk. And this causes congestion in the pelvic area. In this case, the parents must ensure that the child leads an active lifestyle.

Another adult factor that leads to the development of adolescent hemorrhoids is the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In combination with low physical activity, alcohol provides an influx of organs to the small pelvis, and this is a direct path to hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in children

The classic picture of hemorrhoids in a child manifests itself already in adolescence, while in babies under 5 years of age, the disease can be asymptomatic for a long time.

Sometimes a child develops hemorrhoids after going to the toilet or sitting on the potty for a long time. You can also see an increase in the veins around the anus. Nevertheless, the signs of the disease in children are subtle, and it is extremely difficult to recognize the disease from them. It is better to entrust this to a specialist.

Sometimes cysts in the anorectal zone or rectal prolapse are confused with hemorrhoids. Therefore, parents should not hesitate, but it is better to immediately seek medical help at the first signs of the disease.

Hemorrhoids in children are manifested by a feeling of pain, itching and burning, discomfort in the anorectal zone. And in babies, the mother may accidentally detect a protrusion of a knot in the anus when straining or crying. In a calm state, the nodes disappear.

In children who attend kindergarten, a nanny or educator may pay attention to nodules.

If children's hemorrhoids are accompanied by an anal fissure, you may notice an admixture of blood in the stool. And if the nodes become infected and inflamed, an increase in body temperature is characteristic.

Such a complication of hemorrhoids, as thrombosis of a node, occurs extremely rarely in children. In this case, the baby feels acute pain in the anus, which is signaled by strong crying or, if the child is older, simply talks about it.

Treatment features

A specialist, during a visual examination of the sazu, will determine how much the child has hemorrhoids. Visually, the veins have a swollen and inflamed appearance. Due to constant trauma to the mucous membrane by feces, its inflammation is observed.

If the child does not receive adequate treatment, the disease progresses, the nodes fall out and bleed, which can cause anemia.

Proctologists distinguish 3 stages of hemorrhoids in children:

  1. The disease manifests itself in small nodes, there is slight itching and pain;
  2. There is a strong protrusion of the nodes, as well as soft tissues around the anus;
  3. The nodes fall out of the anus, there is a pronounced swelling of the anus, the child feels severe pain.

When symptoms of the disease appear, it is important to consult a doctor in time, since advanced stage 3 hemorrhoids can cause complications such as thrombosis and necrosis of the hemorrhoid.

A pediatric surgeon deals with pediatric proctology. In addition, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and a pediatric pediatrician, who will tell you what to do to eliminate the causes that caused the development of the disease.

If there is a problem, parents ask themselves what should be the treatment of hemorrhoids in children and how to treat it?

Of course, proctologists prioritize safe and conservative treatment. However, in case of complications, especially if hemorrhoids are diagnosed in children under 5 years of age, surgical methods can also be used.

Conservative therapy

Such treatment involves the use of ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids. Today, unfortunately, no medications are produced specifically for the treatment of childhood hemorrhoids. Therefore, doctors, as a rule, prescribe drugs intended for adults, only carefully adjust the dose depending on the weight and age of the child.

It is important to consult with a specialist and study the instructions before purchasing a medication, since some drugs are contraindicated for use in childhood.

Candles that are approved for use by children include: candles and ointment Relief, Gepatrombin G, Ginkor Prokto candles, candles with sea buckthorn oil.

Ointment Aurobin, Proctosedil and Relief Ultra suppositories (except for infants).

To activate blood circulation in the pelvic organs and eliminate venous stasis, doctors prescribe a special massage in addition to drug treatment. It gives excellent results, however, it has the following contraindications:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including at the stage of exacerbation;
  • tuberculosis of the abdominal cavity and intestines;
  • tumor processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • bleeding tendency.


Doctors try to avoid surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in children. However, in some cases, you cannot do without them.

One of the indications for surgery is hereditary hemorrhoids caused by varicose veins and leading to serious complications, for example, node necrosis. The operation to excision the nodes is performed on the child under local anesthesia.

Folk remedies

Doctors, when diagnosing hemorrhoids in a child, may advise using some folk remedies at home:

  1. Baby cream. It helps well to eliminate the symptoms of childhood hemorrhoids. It is desirable that the cream contains vitamins A and E, panthenol, cocoa butter. The cream quickly relieves itching, swelling, reduces bleeding of nodes. It is also permissible to use it for hemorrhoids in adolescents.
  2. Sitting baths with a decoction of herbs: string, chamomile, oak bark, calendula. These plants are good for both adult and childhood hemorrhoids. The recipe for their preparation: 2-3 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over a mixture of the above herbs, cover tightly and let it brew for an hour. Strain the ready-made broth and use it for sitz baths or microclysters. The optimum bath temperature is 37 degrees. You can take it daily for 5 days for 5-10 minutes, or regularly 1-2 times a week.
  3. Chamomile steam bath. 2-3 st. l. Pour chamomile into a small bowl and pour 0.5 l. boiling water, cover and leave for 5 minutes. After that, put the child's booty on a basin and wrap his legs and lower back with a warm blanket. The optimal steam bath time is 5-6 minutes.
  4. Microclysters with rosehip and sea buckthorn oil. Before using this method, you should make sure that your child is not allergic to these substances. To carry out 1 microclysters, you will need up to 100 ml of oil, heated to 37-40 degrees. The oil is collected in a soft-tipped enema and gently inserted into the child's anus. The tip is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly or oil. After the enema, the child needs to lie down for about 10 minutes. This procedure promotes soft and easy bowel movements and stimulates the healing of anal fissures.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment. It can be used for external hemorrhoids. It creates a protective film, has a warming effect, relieves irritation, stimulates blood microcirculation in the affected area, and starts regenerative processes in tissues.

No treatment for hemorrhoids will be effective if the underlying cause that led to its development is not eliminated. Thus, the prevention of hemorrhoids consists in changing the child's lifestyle, his eating habits, and improving the chair.

Stool normalization is an important point. Parents should make sure that the child does not become constipated. To do this, the children's diet should contain foods rich in dietary fiber and plant fiber: whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables, bran. They stimulate the activity of the intestines, prevent the accumulation of feces in the intestines.

Fractional nutrition is another important point that will help prevent hemorrhoids in a child. The teenager should eat frequent and small meals. It is necessary to minimize salty, fried, spicy, smoked food - just everything that schoolchildren and adolescents love. Fermented milk products must be present in the diet. They stimulate the intestines, normalize the microflora.

Children's hemorrhoids? Many parents, having heard such a diagnosis, begin to doubt the competence of the doctor. After all, there was an opinion that the increase and is a purely adult problem.

However, a teenager, a baby at 5 years old, and even a newborn can suffer from unpleasant symptoms. Moreover, the disease proceeds a little differently than in adulthood, and the causes of the pathological process are different.

Given the fact that the disease is fraught with serious negative consequences, parents need to have an idea of ​​how to treat hemorrhoids in a child.

Are there hemorrhoids in childhood?

So, it is believed that hemorrhoids are a proctological disease, most often diagnosed at the age of 25-65 years. However, the first unpleasant signs may appear already in infancy, and more vivid clinical symptoms will develop in adolescents.

In babies under 5 years of age, inflammation of the hemorrhoids may generally be asymptomatic. Only occasionally can bumps swell after prolonged sitting on a pot or toilet. Sometimes the venous plexus around the anus enlarges.

Since a small child is not able to voice complaints, and the signs of the disease are a little blurred, it is quite difficult to make a final conclusion. Moreover, the photo of external hemorrhoids in children is somewhat different from the external symptoms of this disease in older people.

Hence some confusion:

  • inflammation of the congestion of veins is not distinguished from prolapse of the rectum;
  • the enlarged node is mistaken for a cyst in the anal region.

In any case, it is necessary for any suspicion of hemorrhoids in a child to make an appointment with a doctor in order to confirm or dispel doubts and receive proper treatment.

Causes of hemorrhoids in a child

The factors that provoke the increase and inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodules in children differ from the causes of hemorrhoids in an adult.

Moreover, when identifying a probable "provocateur" of the disease, it is necessary to take into account the child's age - in a 5-year-old and 5-month-old baby, the causes of the disease differ significantly.

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1. In newborns and infants

Could it be? Unfortunately yes. In babies in the first month of life, hemorrhoids can occur due to congenital varicose veins of the rectum. This state begins to manifest itself as soon as the baby is born.

When the baby cries, poops, or just strains, there is a protrusion of the venous plexus in the area of ​​the end of the rectum.

In addition, the factors in the occurrence of hemorrhoids in infants are:

  1. Problems with bowel movements. The normal mode of bowel movement for a newborn who is fed with breast milk is from 1 time in 5 days to 7 times a day. All extreme and intermediate options are quite acceptable, however, it is important to monitor so that the child feels good, does not cry, and the gaziks leave normally.
  2. Dysbacteriosis, or violation of the intestinal microflora. In the case of the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms in the baby's digestive tract, the likelihood of constipation and lesions of the rectal mucosa increases.
  3. Intestinal colic. A puffy tummy provokes painful sensations, as a result of which the child is constantly crying and screaming. This leads to straining, increased pressure in the peritoneal organs, blood flow to the rectal area. Similar problems cause the occurrence of hemorrhoids in young children.
  4. Stimulates bowel movement. Whenever a thermometer, a gas tube or an enema is inserted into the anal tube, the area is stimulated and the bowel is emptied. As a result, blood begins to flow to the venous plexus, which provokes the development of hemorrhoidal cones.

2. A child from one year old to 3 years old

The main reason for the occurrence of proctological diseases in a one-year-old child or baby 2 years of age is constipation. Difficulty with bowel movement provokes an improper diet, in which protein-containing foods (meat) predominate and there is a lack of vegetables and fruits.

The formed solid feces begin to injure the rectal mucosa, and prolonged straining provokes blood flow to the anal region, as a result of which the pathogenic process begins.

Often, the disease occurs in a child at 1 year old or at the age of 2 years, when the potting skill is being taught. Prolonged sitting on the pot causes blood stasis and enlargement of the venous plexus.

3. A child from 3 to 10 years old

Hemorrhoids in a child 3 years of age and older occurs for the following reasons common in recent times:

  1. Low mobility. Due to excessive enthusiasm for computer toys, television broadcasts and watching cartoons, physical inactivity begins, as a result of which blood fills the venous plexuses of the anal canal.
  2. Benign neoplasms. Polyps arising in the anus eventually block the rectal lumen and lead to local venous insufficiency.
  3. Unbalanced diet. Modern children 4 years of age and older are increasingly eating smoked meats, pickles, semi-finished products, consume a huge amount of soda, chips, store sauces. On the contrary, their menu lacks cereals and fruits. All this ultimately provokes inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodules.
  4. Intestinal infections. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by constipation and the spread of pathogenic bacteria throughout the intestine, injure the mucous membrane, thin the vascular walls and contribute to infection.

4. In adolescents

In young people, the proctological disease has the same causes as in children 3 years of age and at the same time in the older generation. Low mobility, unbalanced nutrition, and even the usual snacks on the run - all this leads to constipation and, as a result, to hemorrhoids.

Some teenagers, in addition, begin to get involved in tobacco smoking and alcoholic beverages too early. Such bad habits significantly increase the risk of the formation of a proctological disease.

Important! So Dr. Komarovsky convinces parents to closely monitor the child's bowel movements. Constant constipation is an extremely serious symptom, and the younger the children, the more severe the consequences are possible if the baby's condition is not normalized in time.

What does hemorrhoids look like in children?

Only from about 4 years old a baby is able to tell an adult that he is worried:

  • soreness during bowel movements;
  • itchy sensations;
  • "Hindrance" in the anus.

Hemorrhoids in children are accompanied by the symptoms of the release of hemorrhoidal nodules during pushing and pulling back after the act of defecation. If anal fissures are formed with an ailment, then blood appears in the feces or on toilet paper.

A child 2 years of age and older may show thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodules - the most serious complications of the disease. Fortunately, they occur extremely rarely, but they cause unbearable pain to the baby.

The formation of such signs should stimulate parents to a mandatory visit to a proctologist. This is necessary not only to get rid of negative symptoms, but also to differentiate hemorrhoids from other serious pathologies - rectal prolapse or tumor.

Diagnostic procedures

The doctor begins to diagnose hemorrhoids in early or adolescence by interviewing the child (adults, if the patient is too small) and examining him.

If there is a suspicion of hemorrhoids, the specialist suggests going through certain diagnostic measures:

  1. Complete blood count - allows you to detect blood loss, characteristic of the discharge of blood along with feces. The test results show a low amount of hemoglobin.
  2. The study of feces - designed to detect blood during acts of defecation.
  3. Palpation of the anal canal is another mandatory procedure to establish hemorrhoids in a child. Should be carried out in the presence of parents.
  4. Sigmoidoscopy is the study of the mucous membrane of the anus using a special device, which is equipped with a microscopic camera. The procedure is not very pleasant, but painless.

Before instrumental diagnostic methods, it is important to cleanse the child's rectum with a small enema, and then put a gas outlet tube. Such procedures are carried out twice: a few hours before the examination and immediately before it.

How to cure hemorrhoids in a child?

Treatment of hemorrhoids in children is carried out only after the diagnosis is confirmed by a proctologist and the selection of the correct pharmaceutical preparations. This is essential for a successful therapy.

At the very beginning, the disease lends itself to therapeutic actions, but it is extremely important for parents to follow certain rules:

  1. Treating children's hemorrhoids is largely useless if you allow the child to scratch the anus and thereby spread a possible infection.
  2. If a child has hemorrhoids, hygienic procedures are required, for example, after the act of defecation, it is necessary to wash the baby's anal area, and toilet paper should be replaced with special napkins.
  3. It is important to compose the daily menu so that it contains foods with fiber (cereals, vegetables, fruits); you will also need a sufficient amount of liquid - water, juices, dried fruit compotes.
  4. Physical exercise has a positive effect on blood circulation in the venous accumulations in the rectum, more activity will help, even if the baby is only 1 month old.

If children's hemorrhoids have arisen, then treatment is most often carried out with the help of topical medicines or folk recipes. Operations are prescribed extremely rarely and only for severe forms of the disease.

Drug treatment

Unfortunately, at present there are no special medicines that would have been developed specifically for the treatment of enlarged hemorrhoidal nodules in babies.

What if a 4-year-old child or a 1-month-old baby is suffering from hemorrhoids?

It is necessary to consult a specialist who will prescribe "adult" medications, but in a child's dosage. It can be ointment or rectal suppositories.

Ointments for the treatment of pediatric hemorrhoids

Not every hemorrhoid ointment is approved for young patients. For example, Proctosedil can be prescribed only from adolescence, it is contraindicated in newborns.

The attending doctor may prescribe the following ointment for the child:

  • Procto-Glivenol. The drug is able to quickly relieve inflammation, reduce pain during bowel movements.
  • Relief. These are natural medicines that promote fast healing of cracks and restoration of blood vessels.
  • Heparin ointment. Pain relieves and promotes resorption of blood clots developing in inflamed hemorrhoids.

Rectal suppositories

Suppositories for hemorrhoids for children are selected based on body weight.

Most often, children are prescribed suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. Its fruits are anti-inflammatory, heal wounds, reduce swelling.

But homeopathic medicines should be used with extreme caution, since quite often children develop allergic reactions after using them.

From the age of 12, hemorrhoids can be treated with Relief suppositories. In some situations, they are prescribed even earlier than the specified age, however, this decision should be made by a specialist-proctologist after a careful examination of the child.

Folk recipes

Alternative medicine is not contraindicated in childhood. Doctors often recommend that parents use some folk recipes for home therapy.

  1. Baby cream. Hemorrhoids, as an ailment often accompanied by dry skin, can be treated with baby cream. This product contains a vitamin and mineral complex, panthenol, cocoa butter. The drug relieves discomfort, softens dry skin.
  2. Sitting baths. How to treat hemorrhoids in a baby? Sitting baths, in which there are infusions of medicinal plants: marigold, chamomile, oak bark. Cooking them is quite simple - pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture, cover and let it brew for 60 minutes. Then the product is filtered and poured into a container. It is important to monitor the temperature of the water - it should not exceed 36-38 degrees. Take baths for 5 days for 7 minutes.
  3. Steam bath with chamomile. A few tablespoons of the plant are poured into a basin and poured with half a liter of boiling water, cover and wait 10 minutes. Then the child is placed with his booty on a basin (you need to make sure that the anal area does not come into contact with water) and wrap the baby's legs with a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure is 6 minutes.
  4. Sea buckthorn or rosehip microclysters. Large enemas cannot be used, but small ones are fine. It is only important to make sure that the patient has no intolerance to the ingredients. Healing oil (about 100 ml) is heated to 38 degrees, taken with an enema and injected into the child's anus. This exercise heals cracks and makes bowel movements easier.

Another effective remedy is an ointment made from honey, propolis, beeswax and olive oil. All ingredients are heated, after cooling, the drug is applied to gauze and a compress is applied to the anal area.

  • Fractional nutrition. The second tip is that the baby should eat often and in small portions. In addition, teens and schoolchildren need to be weaned off dry snacks and fast food.
  • Optimal fluid volume. It is necessary to make sure that the child consumes a sufficient amount of water. It is water, not soda and other sugary drinks. You should also teach children to drink after sleep on an empty stomach 100 ml of pure water to "start" the intestines.
  • Correct bowel movement. It is extremely important to teach your child to empty the bowels correctly. No need to push as hard as you can, straining the hemorrhoids. Children should defecate quickly, without much effort and lengthy incubation in the restroom.
  • Convenient pot. A one and a half year old baby (and even at three years old the advice is relevant) needs to purchase comfortable night vases to ensure comfort during bowel movements.
  • Washing the anus. This hygienic measure lowers the vascular tone, promotes the outflow of venous blood. After each bowel movement, the child must be taught to wash off with water at room temperature.
  • Mobility. The parental task is to explain to children the importance of physical exercise, greater activity, outdoor games, roller skating, for example. You can enroll a child in a sports section, just not in the one where it is necessary to lift weights.
  • Tracking baby weight. It is important to understand that a fat child has a much higher risk of getting an increase and inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodules than a teenager with normal weight.
  • If a child has a congenital enlargement of the venous plexus located in the rectum, it is necessary to be monitored regularly by a doctor from birth or from the time of diagnosis.

    Despite the rarity of the disease at a young age, every parent should know how to treat hemorrhoids in children. In addition, if adults follow all the recommendations for the prevention of the disease, the baby can be protected from the development of this pathological process. If warning signs appear, you need to consult with a proctologist, who will accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary therapeutic course.

    Haemorrhoids. Features of the course of the disease in children of different ages

    The disease is characterized by the formation of nodes around the rectum, which can occur as a result of the inflammatory process, pathological expansion or tortuosity of the veins of the anus.

    Pathology develops gradually and is accompanied by pain during emptying. In the advanced stage, cracks in the rectum, bleeding appear. Bloody discharge is usually scarlet, but it can also be dark interspersed with clots. Later, the tone of the rectum is disturbed and the bulging of the anus becomes noticeable.

    In newborns, infants and preschool children, the disease may be asymptomatic. Parents find enlarged hemorrhoids by accident - while straining or crying. When the baby is calm, they disappear. Painful sensations, as a rule, appear only during a bowel movement.

    If, when examining the anus, a mesh of dilated vessels is visible, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

    Lump thrombosis in children is very rare. This pathology is characterized by a sharp pain in the anal area. Babies report their well-being with strong crying, anxiety, and older babies can tell what specifically worries them.

    If an infection penetrates into the fissures of the rectum or hemorrhoidal vein, the child's temperature rises to 38 ° C.

    The main factors that provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids in children are disorders of the intestinal microflora, hormonal disruptions (in adolescents), congenital anomalies of the hemorrhoidal plexus of veins.

    Video - Constipation. School of Doctor Komarovsky

    Disease types

    By location, there are three types of hemorrhoids:

    1. Internal - the nodes are located under the rectal mucosa. The reason is the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. At first, the pathology proceeds haphazardly and does not cause inconvenience, there are no unpleasant sensations. Under certain circumstances (constipation, heavy lifting), pain appears, a feeling of fullness in the anal passage;
    2. External (external) - hemorrhoidal formations are located under the skin near the anus. Easily felt with fingers, pain appears if bowel movements occur with constipation.
    3. Combined - the nodes are located both inside and outside the anus. The course of the disease is more complicated, since periods of exacerbation and remission of hemorrhoids are constantly replacing each other. Pathology is characterized by increased formation of blood clots.

    According to the mechanism of occurrence of hemorrhoids, it happens:

    • congenital;
    • acquired.

    In addition, hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic. The acute stage is accompanied by severe pain, which intensifies after long sitting, lifting weights. The chronic course of the disease proceeds without much change in symptoms, the patient feels stable, exacerbations are very rare.

    Causes and provoking factors

    The reasons for the development of pathology in children may be the following factors:

    • constipation is one of the main culprits of the disease. It happens in children of any age, including newborns. In infants, the problem is associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora or improper nutrition of the mother (if the baby is breastfed). In older children, pathology is provoked by improper nutrition (lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, fast food);
    • prolonged sitting on the potty - the disease develops when the baby begins to be potty trained (at 1.5–2 years old), as well as to plant it at a certain time. Prolonged sitting, which is often accompanied by crying, increases venous blood flow, increases abdominal pressure, which contributes to varicose veins. In this case, there is no need to treat the baby - it is enough to arrange "trips to the toilet" not according to the schedule, but as needed;
    • strong and prolonged crying - especially for infants and the first year of life. When a baby cries for a long time, his intra-abdominal pressure rises and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. With frequent crying, blood stagnation in the veins occurs, and hemorrhoids are formed;
    • expansion of hemorrhoidal veins - in newborns, the pathology is hereditary. Even a small effort, crying can cause the nodules to protrude. The fact is that weak veins easily expand under any load, resulting in hemorrhoids;
    • a sedentary lifestyle - modern children (especially adolescents) spend a lot of time sitting at a computer monitor, which leads to congestion in the small pelvis;
    • infections, inflammatory processes, neoplasms in the large intestine are the most dangerous cause of the formation of hemorrhoids in children.

    Symptoms of childhood hemorrhoids and stage photos

    The symptoms of the disease depend on the type of pathology, therefore, they may differ slightly.

    Symptoms of the acute and chronic stages of the disease depend on the stage of disease progression.

    In the acute phase, there are three degrees of hemorrhoids:

    • I - formations acquire a bluish tint, painful sensations during palpation;
    • II - the inflammatory process is the transition to the surrounding tissues, the pain becomes spasmodic;
    • III - hemorrhoidal cones are pinched and become black, stop adjusting, necrotic changes appear.

    Untimely treatment can lead to profuse bleeding, edema of the anus, the development of acute paraproctitis (suppuration and inflammation of the tissues surrounding the rectum).

    In the chronic course of the disease, the severity of the pain syndrome is rather weak - this can create a feeling of frivolity of the problem.

    Doctors distinguish 4 stages of pathology, which differ in their symptoms:

    • I - the nodes do not fall out, but are located in the lumen of the anus. Blood may appear during bowel movements;
    • II - hemorrhoidal formations fall out during bowel movements, later they adjust on their own without much effort;
    • III - knots can be adjusted only with the help of hands;
    • IV - loss occurs even with small physical exertion, sneezing, coughing. It is impossible to correct the formations, they immediately fall out again.

    If the child complains of unpleasant or painful sensations during bowel movements or you notice blood impurities in the stool, you should immediately show the baby to the doctor.


    To make the correct diagnosis, an examination of the patient is required. In most cases, a survey and external examination in a squatting position is sufficient.

    To exclude other diseases that are similar in appearance to hemorrhoids, an additional examination is carried out:

    • digital - the doctor can feel the nodes and other seals, as well as get an idea of ​​the relief of the walls of the rectum;
    • rectoscopy - a flexible tube with an optical system and lighting elements is inserted into the anus. The method allows you to examine all parts of the intestine and diagnose the disease at the earliest stage. There are no age restrictions;
    • irrigoscopy (X-ray diagnostics) - the procedure is absolutely painless and does not require anesthesia. For X-rays, barium sulfate is injected into the rectum by means of an enema. Pictures are taken from different angles, which allows you to see a more complete picture and identify other pathologies. It is not recommended to eat before the procedure;
    • stool analysis;
    • clinical blood test.

    With congenital enlargement of hemorrhoids, the child should be registered with a doctor from the moment of birth or detection of pathology.


    Treatment of pathology in children should be not only effective, but also safe. If there is a problem, parents need to contact a pediatric surgeon. For additional advice, as well as nutritional adjustments, you should visit a gastroenterologist and pediatrician.

    Drug treatment

    At the initial stage, conservative therapy is used.

    Unfortunately, drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids have not yet been developed for children, so doctors prescribe drugs intended for adults, but in a lower dosage.

    Before use, you should carefully read the instructions and once again consult your doctor, since many drugs are strictly prohibited for use in childhood.

    Drugs that a doctor can prescribe for the treatment of hemorrhoids in children - table

    NameRelease formFrom what age is it usedContraindicationsThe action of the remedy
    • rectal ointment;
    • suppositories.
    from year
    • individual intolerance to the components;
    • disorders in the hematopoietic system.
    • reduction of itching and swelling;
    • vascular blood filling is normalized.
    candlesfrom the first days of life
    • stage of exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
    • cracks in the anus;
    • bleeding;
    • tumors in the rectum;
    • diarrhea;
    • hypersensitivity.
    • the swelling of the veins decreases;
    • there is a softening of feces.
    ointmentfrom birth
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • dryness and irritation near the anus;
    • dermatitis;
    • neoplasms on the skin.
    • antipruritic;
    • decongestant;
    • anti-inflammatory.
    • candles;
    • ointment;
    • capsules.
    from birthintolerance to individual components
    • improves microcirculation and filling of veins;
    • the permeability of the vessel walls is normalized;
    • relieves inflammation and pain.

    Medicines for the treatment of hemorrhoids in children - gallery

    Relief has a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect Glycerin suppositories facilitate the process of defecation, help to reduce the pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins Aurobin stimulates the healing of the skin, relieves the intensity of the inflammatory process Ginkor procto helps to improve microcirculation in the veins, quickly relieves itching and pain

    Traditional treatment

    Traditional medicine recipes are often used as an additional treatment.

    Before using them, you should consult with your doctor, especially if the pathology is accompanied by bleeding.

    1. Steam sitz bath with a decoction of chamomile herbs, string. For its preparation 2 tbsp. l. dry flowers are steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 10–20 minutes. The prepared broth is poured into the bath. The duration of the session is 5–7 minutes. Chamomile reduces inflammation and pain.
    2. Vishnevsky ointment. Used with external knots. The agent is lubricated with a thin layer of hemorrhoidal cones. The drug has a regenerating, warming effect, normalizes blood microcirculation in the affected vessels. During treatment, it is recommended to eat only liquid food and avoid constipation.
    3. Beet and carrot juice. Squeeze juice from fresh vegetables through a juicer or grate them on a fine grater and strain through cheesecloth folded in 2-3 r. A clean cloth is moistened in the juice and applied to the inflamed area. The resulting gruel is wrapped in gauze and also applied to the nodes for 5-10 minutes. before bedtime. Vegetables relieve inflammation well even with thrombosed hemorrhoids, eliminate pain.
    4. Potato candles. A small "suppository" is cut out from the middle of the raw vegetable, coated with petroleum jelly and inserted into the anus. Potatoes are able to relieve inflammation and irritation.

    Traditional methods of treatment - gallery

    Vishnevsky ointment promotes wound healing, restores local blood circulation, fights infection Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, disinfectant effect. Juices from beets and carrots help to cope with ulcers, eliminate pain. Potatoes have a wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect

    It should be borne in mind that drugs are not able to completely get rid of hemorrhoids - they only alleviate the symptoms. First of all, the factors that caused the disease should be eliminated.

    Surgical intervention

    Doctors try to refrain from surgical methods of treating hemorrhoids in children, but in some cases it is impossible to do without them.

    If conservative therapy has not brought the desired result, as well as with the development of serious complications, in particular, node necrosis, surgical intervention is recommended.

    Preference is given to minimally invasive methods (with minimal intervention in the body), which do not require anesthesia and are performed on an outpatient basis.

    Minimally invasive manipulations include:

    • sclerotherapy - a special substance is injected into the hemorrhoidal lump, which helps to stop bleeding and proliferation of nodes. It is used as an auxiliary method at stages I and II of the disease;
    • alloying - a latex ring is applied to the leg of the node to interrupt the blood supply. Duration of manipulation is 1–2 minutes, does not require anesthesia. It is used for I-III degree of hemorrhoids. Efficiency - 85%;
    • infrared photocoagulation - the effect of rays on the nodes helps to stop bleeding;
    • dysarterization - arterial vessels above the hemorrhoidal cones are ligated with a special instrument. Thanks to this method, blood flow is reduced and unpleasant symptoms are eliminated. In 80% of patients, there is a complete disappearance of painful symptoms at II and III degrees.

    The usual operation for excision of nodes is carried out only in 20% of patients and only in older school age.

    Surgical intervention is indicated when minimally invasive methods are ineffective or cannot be applied for some reason. The operation is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids in children is much faster and more successful than in adults. This is due to an incompletely formed circulatory system. However, it is necessary to monitor the baby's condition and, at the first unpleasant symptoms, immediately seek help from a specialist.

    Video - "Sedentary" disease. Haemorrhoids

    Possible complications and consequences

    In advanced cases, complications of the disease are possible:

    • massive bleeding - can cause the development of anemia (anemia) and lower blood pressure (lead to hypotension);
    • swelling and inflammation of the anus - a strong painful sensation arises, which intensifies during bowel movements;
    • purulent paraproctitis - suppuration and inflammation of the tissues around the rectum. A throbbing dull pain appears, the temperature rises to 38 0 C, symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) are possible;
    • thrombosis of hemorrhoids - there is a thrombus formation and vascular blockage. As a result, necrosis (necrosis) of nearby tissues occurs. Blackened nodes cannot be set in the rectum, as this threatens with sepsis (blood poisoning).

    Prevention measures

    Hemorrhoids are serious diseases that are easier to prevent than cure. As a preventive measure, it is necessary:

    • normalize the diet and bowel function - the child should not have constipation, therefore, the diet should contain foods that prevent its formation (fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, bran). It is necessary to teach the baby to drink a sufficient amount of liquid during the day, and in the morning on an empty stomach half a glass of water. This activates the bowels and relieves constipation. The fact is that hard feces, moving along the rectum, scratches the mucous membrane, this leads to bleeding. Therefore, the chair must be at least 1 p. / Day;
    • prevent intestinal dysbiosis - after taking antibiotics or a long course of drug treatment, you should also take drugs with bifido and lactobacilli;
    • observe the bowel movement mode - do not allow the baby to sit on the pot for a long time. The act of emptying should be no more than three minutes;
    • wash the anus with cool water - the tone of the vessels increases, congestion in the small pelvis is prevented;
    • to accustom to physical activity - playing sports, swimming, walking have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole;
    • avoid strong physical exertion - intra-abdominal pressure rises, which causes the expansion of the veins of the rectum and an active rush of blood to them.

    Hemorrhoids in children is a serious pathology that causes dangerous consequences. Timely treatment, adherence to the necessary lifestyle and nutrition will help to avoid many problems and get rid of an unpleasant disease forever.