What to do for the new year with the family. Down with the usual feast - we celebrate the New Year cheerfully. How to celebrate the New Year together

In order to appease the patron of the year, you need to celebrate New Year's Eve in a large company or with your family. You need to spend time actively, so it’s better to think in advance how you will celebrate the New Year at home with your family, and try to make sure that everyone has fun and interesting.

  • "Unification of cultures"
  • "Dandies"
  • "Visiting a fairy tale"

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 at home

Traditionally, the New Year is considered a family holiday, in which all family members take part, therefore, when developing a program for a celebration, one must take into account that it is suitable for everyone. Entertaining competitions and games should be interesting, both the younger generation and beloved grandparents should participate.

You can organize joint entertainment already in the process of preparing for the holiday. The joint production of original desserts, unusual decorations for the home or Christmas tree will rally the whole family around an exciting activity and create a festive atmosphere.

The feast will be held solemnly and joyfully, if you can create the appropriate mood. Even if the event takes place at home, it is necessary to choose beautiful outfits for all family members. Special costumes or suitable elements of the outfit will help turn the participants of the festival into fairy-tale characters.

In the absence of the necessary attributes, a theme party can easily be replaced by elegant evening dresses. Musical accompaniment also plays an important role, rhythmic, cheerful songs will create a mood and give a positive charge.

A special role in the holiday scenario should be given to competitions and games, especially if you are spending a holiday with children in the country or at home. Among the large number of fun, choose those that will allow the assembled guests to show ingenuity, sense of humor and artistry.

Let's look at some examples of entertainment:

1. "Music competition". In order for the competition to be fun, you need to choose the appropriate props. Any object with which you can make sounds will do, for example: a piece of paper, a baby rattle, a saucepan and a spoon. Participants are divided into teams, each of which must perform a New Year's song using the proposed "instruments". The most artistic and creative performers will be the winners.
2. "Christmas tree". This unusual game will captivate children and adults, and give a whole storm of positive emotions. The essence of entertainment is simple: you need to draw a Christmas tree and decorate it beautifully, but you need to do this with your eyes closed. At the beginning of the game, the participants are divided into teams. Representatives of each team go to a large sheet of paper, they are blindfolded and given the appropriate props. The task of the “artists” is to listen to the prompts of their team: how to draw a line, place an ornament and complete the drawing. The most beautiful Christmas tree wins.
3. "Gift bag". You can start fun entertainment while sitting at the festive table, for this there is a simple and interesting game. The first participant says any item that may be in Santa Claus's bag, the second participant repeats the named item and adds his own. The game continues in a circle and the one who forgot at least one item is out. The most attentive player wins.

For any fun and competitions, it is necessary to prepare prizes and consolation gifts in advance. You can also celebrate the New Year in an unusual and interesting way as part of a themed evening dedicated to your favorite fairy tales, foreign countries or folk traditions.

How to celebrate the New Year in an original way with friends

For a large company, a themed evening is best suited, within which the event is prepared in the same style and each participant of the evening is sure to be involved. The appropriate menu, games and musical accompaniment are selected for the chosen theme, and we will consider the most inventive ideas for holding the evening further.

"Unification of cultures"

Traditions, customs and customs of other countries are always interesting, and if they are told in a festive atmosphere by the banquet participants, it will be doubly interesting. Each participant of the event chooses the country he likes and tries to transform into its resident. He must choose the appropriate outfit, master the habits and characteristics of the representatives of the chosen nationality and learn a few foreign phrases.

During the feast, each guest is given the opportunity to tell or demonstrate interesting customs and customs of the chosen state. The rest of the participants can ask questions and discuss what they heard. Joint games should also reflect the theme of the event, so the most relevant will be fun that is popular in different countries. Each "foreigner" also chooses a song that corresponds to the culture of the country of which he is a representative, and performs a national dance.

Advice! Let each guest prepare the national dish of the chosen country and bring it with them. The festive table will be decorated with masterpieces of foreign cuisine, and everyone will have the opportunity to try unusual delicacies.


A riot of colors and endless dancing will be the hallmarks of the event in this format. Bright, creative costumes that can be assembled from several elements, sewn on your own or purchased in a store, as well as appropriate hairstyles and makeup, will help to celebrate the New Year at home with friends in a fun and unusual way. Snacks are best organized as a buffet or buffet. Colorful canapés, light sandwiches and pies with various fillings are perfect for a dance evening.

Incendiary hits, corresponding to the idea of ​​the event, will finally take you to the past era and allow you to feel the spirit of youth, mischief and style. Dancing will require a large space, so be sure to make room and get ready to meet the most fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Another idea of ​​how fun and interesting to celebrate the New Year at home will take you to the magical world of your favorite fairy tales. At the New Year's feast, your favorite heroes will come to life: sorcerers, princesses, brave queens, invincible warriors and forest evil spirits.

It is best to choose one narrative and invite guests to parse the appropriate roles. The entire scenario of the event should be drawn up with the participation of fairy-tale characters, and the games can be closely intertwined with the storyline of the fairy tale.

To create a unique fabulous atmosphere, you need to work on the interior in advance. Candles in candlesticks, mirrors, antique furniture, beautiful tablecloths will certainly please the princes and princesses who came to the celebration. Beautiful music and exquisite dishes will come in handy, and the main masquerade competition will determine the owner of the most unusual costume.

Ideas on how to celebrate the New Year 2019 with children and family

It is quite easy to please little fidgets during the holiday, but the task of adults is to make the holiday memorable. In order to organize a fun family holiday at home with children, follow some rules:

Be sure to include creative contests in the entertainment program, this may be the choice of the best drawing, vocal or dance numbers;
prepare as many sweets and gifts as possible, participation in competitions and victories must be encouraged;
select some interesting outdoor games, children will not be able to sit at the festive table for a long time;
involve everyone present in the fun and entertainment, the kids should not feel cut off from the common holiday.

You can draw up a program of events with the participation of fairy-tale characters or heroes of your favorite cartoons. In order to celebrate the New Year with children in a fun and interesting way, combine various games, contests and tests into one New Year's quest script.

Draw a map showing the location of the New Year's gifts, and together with the young heroes go through all the stations on the way to the treasured treasure. At each station, contests and tasks will await the participants: tell a poem, sing a New Year's song, guess a riddle. The tests may also include drawing, dancing, and acting classes.

Note! When organizing events for children, stock up on the necessary amount of props in advance. Lack of art materials, toys or sweet prizes can lead to unpleasant conflicts.

We meet together: a romantic New Year

The New Year's feast is more often associated with noisy companies, but you can spend this magical night at home with your loved one in an exciting and unforgettable way. The secret to creating a romantic atmosphere is simple: you need attention to detail. The soft light of the garlands in the room, delicious dishes on the table, candles, joint photographs, reminiscent of the best moments of the outgoing year, will immediately set you in the right mood. It is better to choose your favorite films and music in advance, and also think over holiday outfits.

A homely cozy atmosphere, a festive table and a favorite movie are indispensable attributes of the traditional holiday of lovers. However, you can show your imagination and move your other half to a world far from the daily routine. Here are some ideas:

1. "Oriental tale". Try on New Year's Eve to be transported to the unique world of the East. From improvised materials, build a tent filled with pillows and incense aromas. Prepare a fruit hookah and oriental sweets, select the appropriate music. The culmination of the theme evening should be an oriental dance, performed according to all the rules.
2. "Country house". Imagine yourself as the happy owners of a cottage located in a picturesque corner. Spread an artificial skin on the floor, light candles and take out long cozy sweaters. Quiet conversation, mulled wine and pleasant music will help you relax and remember the best moments of the outgoing year.
3. "Spa". The bathroom is perfect for creating a romantic getaway in this style. You will need bright candles, rose petals and fragrant foam. Stock up on massage oils and bathrobes, prepare light seafood snacks and alcoholic cocktails.

When planning a romantic holiday, it is better to consult with your soul mate in advance and choose an option that suits both of you. To make the evening more interesting, small surprises prepared in advance by lovers will help. It can be unexpected gifts, exciting stories, creative performances or a spontaneous photo session. Give each other emotions that will be remembered for the whole year.

Holidays allow us to escape from the usual everyday life and daily worries, relax and have fun. Children are looking forward to the beginning of the holiday, and even adults every year, with bated breath, believe in a New Year's fairy tale. Please your family and friends, and think in advance how fun and unusual to celebrate the New Year 2019.

The modern entertainment industry provides a lot of opportunities for an unusual celebration. In special stores, you can buy home decorations, New Year's costumes, ready-made games for a fun company, and even holiday scenarios.

The main thing is to choose the main idea and theme of the holiday, and make all the preparations in advance. Guests will be happy to support the unusual format of New Year's Eve, because deep down every adult remains a child.

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New Year is a family holiday and each family has its own rituals that make it special. They create a mood and truly unite us.

Today website collected stories about the traditions that fill the holiday with miracles of comfort and warmth.

  • On the last Saturday before the New Year, dad always goes to get the Christmas tree, and we all wait for him and unpack the toys that have been languishing on the mezzanine all year.
  • When everyone gathers at the New Year's table, we always say some kind of compliment to each other. Last year, the most original of them was from my sister: she said that I have the most beautiful ears in the family.
  • And here it is customary for us: who does not cook Olivier, he does not eat it. Therefore, on December 31, the whole family spends in the kitchen in unison, cuts salads and immediately eats half.
  • Every year we buy a new Christmas ball. The oldest has survived 54 Christmas trees - it was bought by grandfather in the first year after the wedding with his grandmother.
  • On New Year's Eve we make dumplings. Every time. Hundred. Three generations. And, when someone starts to grumble, they say, it is much easier to buy them, the grandmother says that the soul of the holiday is in dumplings. And you can't buy a soul.
  • We have such a tradition: on pieces of paper, everyone writes some kind of prediction, for example, “there will be a big purchase” or “you will find out something unexpected about your soul mate,” then the pieces of paper are folded and put in a box. Everyone takes turns pulling out, everyone looks at what they got, folds again, writes their name. They put it back into this magic box, and a year later they pull it out and check whether it came true or not. And you know what? Almost everything comes true.
  • As a child, every year my mother collected sweet gifts with all sorts of goodies for my brother and me. We have not lived with our parents for a long time. Recently, my mother called and said that gifts were waiting for us under their Christmas tree. And at the age of 26 I rushed to pick up a bag of sweets.
  • We live in a small town and we always try to visit all our friends on New Year's Eve - at least for a couple of minutes to drop by and congratulate. So no one feels lonely on holiday.
  • When I was little, every year my mother and I made one toy for the Christmas tree with our own hands. As a teenager, I thought: “Well, what kind of nonsense is this, why does she hang them all the time, it would be better if they bought normal balls.” And yesterday, together with my three-year-old son, for the first time we made a toy for our Christmas tree, and this little clumsy sheep made of cones and colored paper seems to me the most beautiful toy in the world.
  • Probably funny, but we still review The Irony of Fate every year. Without it, the New Year is not new at all.
  • And we do not buy a live Christmas tree for the New Year - we put an artificial one. We have a big one, and dad always collects it. And the youngest member of the family, my nephew, hangs the first toy. Dad picks him up and he puts a golden star on the top of the tree.
  • I don’t know where it came from, but we do this: you throw a piece of chocolate into a New Year’s glass of champagne and look. If he surfaced, the year will be good, if he drowned - so-so. So, if you throw a not very large and fairly flat piece - in any case, wait for a good year. No surprises. Checked.
  • Three weeks before the holiday, we begin to do a countdown - we hang a special calendar on the refrigerator, which says "There are ... days left before the New Year." You really feel like you're getting closer to him.
  • We in the family always set fire to a piece of paper with a desire to the chimes, fill the ashes with champagne and drink. This year, for the first time, he brought my girlfriend to celebrate with us. She looked at us with big eyes and then told me that, in fact, you can make a wish without burning cellulose. In general, you will have to somehow instill in her a love of romance.
  • We send Christmas cards to friends and family. Everyone says: Internet, telephone, why is it needed at all? But the sensations from a “live”, real postcard are not at all the same as from a picture on the Internet. You take it out of the mailbox, read the wishes written by hand, and as if you feel a little warmer.
  • I always celebrate the New Year in the family. Friends, colleagues - it's all before or after. But on the night of the 1st - only at home. Olivier, tangerines and, of course, my mother's signature raspberry pie.
  • We have a special New Year's service - large, elegant, very beautiful. For me, it symbolizes the holiday better than all Christmas trees and salads.
  • Since we started our little family, we have been celebrating with my husband and cat. But the next day we will definitely go to our parents for last year's salads, I call this "for the finishers." And the husband says that we are with him - annoying and we need to give our parents a good night's sleep. But, no, no, I will not cancel this tradition for anything.
  • Every year we arrange a family New Year's photo shoot - we get together, take pictures near the Christmas tree. I've already got a whole album: it's interesting to see how everyone changes, but still stay together.
  • When the tree is decorated, we gather around it with the whole family, we say “Christmas tree, burn!” and turn on the garland. From now on, we are ready to celebrate the New Year.

New Year is everyone's favorite and most long-awaited holiday. There is nothing better than meeting such a holiday with your family or close friends. Create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere for your loved ones. Prepare well and think well New Year's Eve script Don't overlook even the smallest details. Give free rein to your imagination. And everything will definitely work out.

Introduction. The host starts the party. You can start with a congratulation, a joke, or reading a poem.

Seeing off the old year

There should be toasts here. It is appropriate to remember all the good things that happened this year.

You can name memorable moments in turn (for example, by seniority or in a circle). Anyone who cannot remember is out of the game. The one who remembers the most good things that happened last year gets prize.

Warm up

You can start with riddles. The host guesses, and the guests guess. Whoever answers correctly gets a prize. Prizes must be inexpensive. It can be key chains, magnets, postcards or homemade crafts. For example, such riddles in verses from:

Look, guys
But don't be surprised,
Decorate our tree!

This miracle I meet
New Year's Eve for many years
And I know his name
Do you know or not?

Lights run along the Christmas tree, -
Well, try it - catch up!

In the calendar - the height of winter,
New Year will be soon
We will decorate the Christmas tree at home,
And everyone will find for her

Lots of beads and garlands
And now I will surprise everyone -
And boldly on its branches
I'll grab this thing

that hangs in the spring
On the roof, melting and ringing,
Glittering in the rays. You my friend
I already know what am I talking about?

There is earthly and airy,
He is very friendly with a round shape,
Well, when the time comes,
Decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.
(Christmas ball)

Calendar whole year
Decorates the sky
And on New Year's Eve only
Falls down on the tree

To please everyone with light.
Guess what is it?

Look - what a wonder!
White snow lies beautifully
On the branches of an elegant Christmas tree,
Softly twisted needles
But in the heat it does not melt at all.
What is snow? - Who can guess?

An amazing thing -
Spread out on the branches of a spruce
Caterpillars are fine
bright, elegant,
In colorful and different coats
Decorate the holiday.
Tell me kids
Who are these caterpillars?

She is not afraid of warmth,
She descended from heaven to our Christmas tree,
And decorated our holiday
Shining fabulously in needles.

I have a question for you
The most difficult, the most
What kind of jewelry are they wearing?
Christmas trees and mothers?

New Year's Eve

Champagne, toasts and congratulations for. Under the chiming clock, it is customary to make a wish.

Presentation of gifts

It is not necessary to give gifts just like that, you can make this procedure more intriguing. The gifts were stolen by an evil wizard, but left a note, a clue. All family members are included in an interesting game and start active new keys and gifts.


Home New Year contests can be very different. You can choose them in the "" section or come up with your own. Here are more options:

1. Competition "Decorate the Christmas tree"

I decorated the tree,
I like it -
And, not at all melting,
She hung candy.

I didn't have time to look back...
And my sister ate candy!
Now again
We need to decorate the tree!

Guests are given sweets, threads, scissors. Whoever hangs the most candies on the Christmas tree in a set period of time wins.

2. Competition "Draw a dream"

Participants are given sheets of paper, brushes, paints and ... blindfolded. After one participant draws his dream blindfolded, the rest must guess what it is :). The one who guesses correctly gets a prize, and the artist gets the confidence that his dream will certainly come true this year.

3. Competition "The best toast"

Since “you need to drink less”, one toast can be made the most complete and comprehensive when everyone names their wishes. Or alternately, each calls one word at a time, and the next one continues. For example, “I wish” - “so that” - “everyone” - “got” - “a lot” ... Or write down the beginning of the sentence on a piece of paper, wrap it up, pass it on to a neighbor, and so on. Sometimes there are funny combinations.

4. Competition "Santa Claus on the doorstep"

The competition for speed is well suited for apartments and houses with long corridors, however, winding ones will also be fun. It is necessary to run from the New Year's table to the front door, holding a New Year's candle in each hand so that the flame of none of them goes out. Or holding a “bag of gifts” between your legs - a balloon.

5. Competition "Catch a snowflake"

In this competition, you can stand on a chair and scatter pre-cut paper snowflakes, or you can shoot crackers so that participants catch confetti flying out of them.

6. Competition "Treat the owner of the year"

This year we will treat the pig. Crumple white or green sheets of paper into lumps - these will be heads of cabbage. They need to be thrown from a distance into the "feeders" -. In the year of the monkey, colored lumps will depict apples and other fruits, in the year of the dog - bones, and so on.

In the year of the rooster, you can transfer from bucket to bucket any grains that are in the house (barley, peas, beans) in a teaspoon, trying not to scatter along the way. The winner is the one who first fills the bucket with treats for the host of the coming year.

7. Competition ""

You need to prepare two sets of notes in advance. On one we write the beginning of the phrase, on the other - the end. We put them in two bags, and the guests each take out one piece of paper for themselves, adding up the prediction for the next year. If the beginning and end coincide, the prediction will definitely come true. In other cases, the guests will just have fun.

For example:


"To carry me in the new year will be ..."

"My new home will be..."

“In the new year I will get…”

"Santa Claus will give me..."

“In the new year I will earn on ...”

“My pride will be….”

“I will feed all year ...”

"Let's call the toastmaster for ..."

"I'm going to pack my suitcase for..."


"… Sport Car"

"… big flat"

"...excellent marks"

"... new portfolio"

"...tight wallet"

"... a fun wedding"

"…Barbie doll"

"...winning the lottery"

"… Friendly family"

"… little puppy"

"... a trip to distant lands"

8. Draw and guess the song

If a small company or family is playing, tasks are completed in a circle. Each is given a piece of paper and pencils. The theme is chosen: "New Year", "Dogs", etc. Everyone thinks of a song on the chosen topic and whispers the name to the neighbor on the right. He must draw this song, and everyone else must guess what song it is from the drawing.


The most active guests and hosts are usually not limited to sitting at the festive table. You can go outside, breathe in the fresh frosty air of the New Year, admire the stars, set off fireworks, make a snowman, blow up firecrackers and burn sparklers.

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New Year is the favorite holiday of absolutely all people. No wonder, because it is long, colorful, noisy and fabulous. How and where to celebrate the New Year in a fun and original way, so that the celebration turns out to be fun and memorable?

Undoubtedly, small children get the greatest impressions of the New Year. What could be better than a child's perception of the mysterious New Year's Eve. New Year's gifts appear under the New Year tree, the long-awaited Santa Claus comes, pleasant surprises and delicious sweets.

Children have fun and sing songs, ride on ice slides, play and fireworks under the supervision of their parents. Only parents will create a festive New Year's mood for the child. In this they are helped by boundless imagination, sincere love, and the desire to give the baby a New Year's fairy tale.

  1. On the Chinese New Year's table, you will not be able to see meat dishes. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire believe that they scare away good luck. Dishes prepared from mushrooms, fruits and vegetables are always relevant. On the festive table there are necessarily sweets in a wide range. The Chinese believe that this will make the coming year sweet.
  2. According to Chinese tradition, on the first day of the coming year, people burn various incense and pay special attention to setting off fireworks. There is an opinion that it scares away evil spirits well, attracts happiness and true peace to the family. If firecrackers and fireworks are not available, the Chinese create noise using household items that ring well. After the expulsion of evil spirits, the windows must be covered so that they do not return.
  3. At the end of the first day of the coming year, the doors are slightly opened, because at this time the good deities return home from the world of spirits. Family members are required to pay tribute to their ancestors. On the first day of the year, acquaintances and friends go around, give them New Year's gifts, wish them good luck and happiness.
  4. The next morning, children congratulate their parents, wishing them happiness and good health. In return, they receive red paper envelopes, in which, in most cases, there is money.

Many Chinese families perform a ritual for good luck. According to the Chinese, it attracts well-being and good luck to the family. With the onset of the new moon, the doors are opened and 108 oranges are rolled into the house. Fruits are distributed in rooms, except for the toilet and bathroom.

Video how to celebrate the New Year in China

It is good if children participate in the ritual, because children's laughter attracts positive energy. During the movement of oranges on the floor, luck, love, health and money are called into the house.

How to celebrate the Old New Year

Soon Old New Year. As you know, they celebrate it according to the old calendar. For this reason, the holiday is called so. Recall that the ancestors gave this holiday a different name - Generous Evening.

In the old days, people celebrated the New Year, guided by the old calendar. In our time, this date falls on January 13th. We have received many customs, traditions and signs from our ancestors. According to them, only the person who managed to fulfill a number of rules can see real magic in the coming year.

It should be noted that compatriots celebrate the Generous Evening after the so-called Christmas Lent. This means that various delicacies should be present on the table, the taste of which is forbidden to enjoy during fasting. According to folk signs, holiday treats are prepared not from fish or poultry, but from pork. Otherwise, joy and happiness can irretrievably float away or fly away.

For the Old New Year, a lean festive kutya is prepared. Ancestors added bacon to this dish, which testified to the material well-being of the owners of the house and their generosity.

According to experts, meeting this holiday, one must adhere to the customs and traditions of the ancestors, which were passed down from one generation to another. Now we will talk about them in more detail.

  1. If you intend to make pies, make them with little surprises. However, be sure to warn the guests. A person who gets a surprise will open the curtain of the future. For example, the found penny symbolizes wealth, the thread - the road, and the ring - marriage.
  2. Be sure to feed the guests who visit your accommodation on the Generous Evening. Otherwise, greed will be the reason why you miss out on good luck and happiness in the new year.
  3. Some people put a sheaf of wheat in their homes on Holy Evening. The next morning, take it outside and organize a festive bonfire. You need to jump over the burning sheaf carefully. In this way, the ancestors cleansed the body of negative energy and drove out evil spirits.
  4. After cleansing, people go home and sing. According to the ancestors, this calls for material well-being into the house, and family affairs throughout the year are accompanied by good luck.
  5. On January 14, a man must enter the house first. There is an opinion that the stronger sex brings more good than a woman.
  6. According to tradition, on the Old New Year it is customary to put up with people who are in a quarrel. If the offender on this day asks you for forgiveness, you must forgive him.
  7. On the night before the Generous Evening, young girls who want to start a family are guessing at their betrothed.

It seems that this article can be completed. Although, wait! We forgot about the main thing - New Year's gifts. It is about them that we will talk further. The above information will help you choose the best gifts and save your budget.

What to give for the New Year?

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to give various gifts to parents, loved ones, friends, acquaintances and even colleagues.

  1. Gifts for loved ones. It is not difficult to please a loved one. For this, it is not necessary to buy an expensive gift. Learn to present appropriate gifts, accompanying them with warm words. Romantic people often present poetry. Write a few lines addressed to your loved one. They will be pleasant and will please him well.
  2. Gifts for parents. The best present for your beloved parents will be a thing that they cannot afford. Often, in order to save money, people stop buying various little things. For this reason, you should not give your mom slippers or kitchen utensils. It is better to present a good perfume or cream.
  3. Please dad with a good tracksuit or high-quality sneakers. Surely he wouldn't buy them for himself. If he smokes, give him a pipe of tobacco or expensive cigars. If the father is young at heart, hand over a modern exercise bike or laptop.
  4. Gifts for relatives. The list of the best gifts for relatives is represented by means of relaxation, shower gels, shampoo. You can present a bottle of champagne, a cake or some exotic fruits.
  5. Gifts for friends. When choosing gifts for friends, consider their hobbies and passions. For example, if a friend enjoys fishing or hunting, visit a store that sells accessories for such a hobby. True, check in advance if there is a little thing in the arsenal of a friend that you want to buy.
  6. If