We clean the carpet quickly and effectively at home. We will tell you about all the methods of cleaning and washing carpets: what products to use, how to properly dry, how to get rid of stains and unpleasant odors

Any carpet needs periodic cleaning, and if there are and grow in the house, stains of various origins may appear on the surface. And in this case, simple vacuuming is no longer enough. For each, their own methods are suitable, with the help of which it is possible to return the surface to its original appearance in a short period of time. In this review of the editors of the site, we have selected the best folk methods and tips on how to clean the carpet at home with your own hands.

Any housewife knows how often carpets should be cleaned and. In order to preserve the beautiful appearance of the carpet for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of cleaning activities:

  • vacuum the surface several times a week;
  • beat out in the fresh air and snow at least twice a year;
  • do not use water at elevated temperatures when removing stains; also, after moistening, dry the coating well;
  • until the stain is absorbed, it must be blotted with a dry cloth, all actions are carried out from the edge, gradually approaching the center. Thus, it is possible to reduce the size of the spot, while it will not have clear boundaries.

How to clean carpet at home using household appliances

To remove stains from the carpet at home, you will need the usual tools and equipment that any housewife has.

Appliances Operating principle
You can iron the wax stain at a moderate temperature through a clean, light-colored cloth.
A vacuum cleanerIt is recommended to use several times a week.
BroomWith it, crumbs are removed, and in winter they can remove snow after cleaning.
BrushDesigned for painstaking cleaning of each .
, steam cleanerThey will not only remove dust, but also wash the carpet from dirt and raise the pile.

How to clean the carpet at home using an arsenal of folk remedies

Using carpet to clean the surface is the most environmentally friendly method. They were also used by our grandmothers, when there was no such variety in stores. Before you wash the carpet at home, you should familiarize yourself with all the options and techniques and choose the most suitable one.

Features of cleaning with soda, ammonia and vinegar

If the question arose of how to clean the carpet without, you need to use safe means that have been proven over the years.


Before you clean the carpet at home with soda, you need to vacuum it. Then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Dilute with 5 liters of water 125 g of powder.
  2. Spray the mixture on the carpet, a spray bottle is suitable for this.
  3. Vacuum the surface after 30-45 minutes.

ammonium chloride

Add 10 ml of ammonia and 20 g of any detergent to 500 ml of water. Apply the mixture on the stain and rub until it is completely removed. After that, rinse off the composition with a sponge and clean water and dry with dry cloths.


Prepare a weak solution of vinegar at the rate of 15 ml of 9% acid per 1 liter of water. Rub the composition with a sponge into the surface of the carpet in the direction of the pile. After half an hour, dry with dry cloths and vacuum.

Lemon juice and laundry soap: effective cleaning of old stains

To remove caustic dirt, you will need more effective home carpet cleaners.

Lemon juice

If this fruit is not at home, lemon has similar properties. On the stain you need to squeeze a few drops of juice or, previously dissolved in water. After an hour and a half, remove the remnants of the product with a sponge and clean water.

Laundry soap

This tool is available to every family, it is effective for removing any stains. However, you can’t just wash the carpet, the pile will lose its appearance. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Mix in 1 liter of warm water, 1 tablespoon of grated soap and turpentine.
  2. With a soft brush, apply the composition to the surface of the rug.
  3. Wipe the carpet with a damp cloth 2-3 times.
  4. Dry the pile with a dry cloth.

Annual snow clearing

In the old days, all families waited for winter to clean the carpet from the annual dust. The carpet should be laid out on the snow with the face up, falling asleep and knocked out. After that, shift it to a clean place and repeat the manipulations. You can use a broom to remove residue.

How to clean the carpet at home with tea leaves, cabbage and salt

There are several other ways that effectively restore the pile and clean it of possible contaminants.

Folk remedy Procedure
tea leavesOnly suitable for dark pile carpets. Distribute the spent tea leaves over the surface, sweep with a broom after 2 hours.
SauerkrautPre-rinse it to completely eliminate the smell, then recline it in a colander. Scatter the cabbage over the carpet. Next, you need to sweep it with a broom so that it rolls over the surface.

Cabbage, collecting dust, becomes gray. It periodically needs to be washed and repeated manipulations until it stops staining.

SaltSprinkle on the coating, after a quarter of an hour, sweep with a broom soaked in soapy water from the carpet. Salt and dirt will collect on wet twigs. After that, dry the surface with dry towels.

How to quickly clean the carpet with household chemicals at home

From household chemicals, Vanish should be used. It is properly diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions, beaten with a brush into a strong foam, which effectively cleans even stubborn dirt. The tool works great for removing various stains, however, before cleaning the carpet at home with Vanish, it is important to know about its disadvantages - this is the price and small volume.

Methods for cleaning carpets depending on the material of manufacture, color and length of the pile

Each coating is suitable for different cleaning methods. They take into account the composition of the carpet, as well as the type and color of the pile. Therefore, to choose how to wash the carpet, you need to use the following tips.

How to clean wool carpet at home

Natural compounds require special care. It must be remembered that it is these surfaces that are most often prone to contamination. To clean them, use the following methods and compositions:

  • soda;
  • starch;
  • steam cleaner.

How to clean silk, viscose and sisal carpets

Before cleaning such a carpet at home, the following rules and prohibitions must be observed.

Absolutely forbidden Valid Methods
Knock out.Light shaking is allowed.
Leave on for ventilation, the base may be deformed.Vacuum cleaning is permissible using a special nozzle.
Do not clean with soap, you can damage the pattern.Soda.
Re-wet the coating.Vinegar.
Do not use oxygen compositions on viscose fibers.Baby shampoo.
Use hot water.You can apply cleaning compounds with a suede cloth.

We dry-clean synthetic carpets at home

Synthetic coatings are less demanding, however, they quickly lose their original appearance and need more frequent cleaning. Sometimes it is enough to use a vacuum cleaner. Stains are recommended to be removed immediately by any of the above means.

What you need to know before cleaning a carpet with long or short pile

For different piles, their own carpet cleaning options are used.

Long hair cover

In this case, a brush or a vacuum cleaner during cleaning will be poor helpers. A more effective way is soap foam, which must be evenly applied with a sponge and left for 15-30 minutes. After that, it is advisable to treat the carpet with a steam cleaner or similar equipment.

Short pile cover

This is the most unpretentious surface, in this case, you can use different options: both wet cleaning and dry cleaning of the carpet on your own at home. As folk remedies it is recommended to use:

  • ammonia;
  • soda;
  • starch;
  • turpentine;
  • 9% vinegar solution.

How to clean light and dark carpets at home

This should be known! Light powders are not suitable for dark surfaces: soda, flour, starch, as they can leave stains. For light-colored carpets, you can not use lemon juice, tea leaves and sauerkraut.

Dark-colored carpets are effectively cleaned using ammonia, 9% vinegar or turpentine methods. Soda powder, rock salt and potato starch are great for cleaning light surfaces.

How to effectively clean the carpet from stains at home: the most effective measures

Fresh stains are much easier to remove, especially if their source is known. For stubborn dirt, repeated exposure may be necessary, and not in every case it will be possible to clean the surface completely.

How to remove berries, honey and oil

Such unpleasant stains as traces of berries, vegetable and honey are not easy to remove, however, and there are effective recipes here.

berry stains

To remove fresh stains from fruits, it is sometimes enough to simply wipe them with a damp cloth or sprinkle with coarse salt, it will absorb all the juice. After 15-30 minutes, collect the residue with a vacuum cleaner.

Old dirt is removed with ammonia, you can also use laundry soap or any detergent.


Honey should be immediately sprinkled with talc or flour, then remove the thick slurry with a knife, and then treat the stain with soapy liquid or soda. Paint and ink. If they appear, you should immediately use one of the following tips:

  • Gouache is removed from the surface of the carpet with soapy foam.
  • The ink comes out with alcohol. To do this, you need to apply it on a cloth, put it on the stain. The alcohol will absorb the ink.

It's important to know! Do not rub the ink stain with a cloth, as it will only increase in size, exacerbating the problem.

  • To remove old traces of stamp paint, ammonia is suitable, to enhance the effect, turpentine can be added in equal proportions.
  • Vinegar is used for acrylic or latex composition, and WD-40 or thinner is used for water-based composition.

Complex stains from wax, paraffin, plasticine and glue

Almost every hostess has encountered such complex spots. Consider step by step possible ways to solve such complex problems in the struggle for cleanliness.

Wax, paraffin and plasticine

There are several methods to remove such stains:

  1. Ice - under its influence, the wax becomes brittle, and it is easy to remove it with your hands or with the blunt side of a knife.
  2. Alcohol - it should be applied to a clean cloth and wipe the stain until completely removed.
  3. Dissolve the stain through a paper bag or paper towel. The steam function must be turned off. As it gets dirty, you need to change the towel. After the stain has been completely removed, treat the area with a clean cloth and an iron with the steam mode turned on.


A fresh drop should be immediately collected on a napkin, it is important not to rub the stain. And you can also remove it with detergent or ammonia. After that, rinse with clean water. If efforts are not successful, it is best to leave it in the hands of dry cleaning professionals.


Cleaning the carpet is quite painstaking and requires a lot of effort. If the source of pollution is known, it is much easier to deal with it. Timely measures taken and proper care will help to keep the beautiful appearance and cleanliness of the carpet for a long time. Tell us in the comments how you managed to effectively clean the carpet at home, as well as what methods and tools at hand helped. Our editors value your opinion. The video clearly demonstrates the most popular cleaning methods.


Carpet is a piece of any interior that creates warmth and comfort in the house. When we get a new carpet, it pleases the eye with its variegated colors for a long time. But over time, our "fluffy friend" fades, gets dirty and loses its former appearance.

How to clean carpet at home? To understand this issue, you need to find out what carpets are. After all, the method of cleaning depends on the material of the carpet and the features of its manufacture.

Carpets are made from natural fibers and synthetic. The design of the carpet is chosen according to the interior and tastes of the buyer. The price of products fluctuates with a wide range. Natural carpets are much more expensive than artificial ones. Also, the pricing policy is influenced by the manufacturer and the decorative features of the product.

Carpet classification:

  • Cotton. This product is soft and durable. Cotton rugs are made in various shapes and colors. These natural products are durable and reliable. They are environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies in children.
  • Covering from natural materials: bamboo, jute, algae. These plant materials are quite hard and rough to the touch. Such rugs are mostly small in size and are laid in the hallway, bathroom.
  • Woolen carpet. This is one of the most expensive types of flooring. Wool is a soft and elastic material. It is able to maintain its original appearance for a long time, absorbing moisture and preventing electrostatic discharge. Woolen carpet practically does not absorb dirt, plaque and dust. If you put heavy furniture on the carpet, and then remove it, the wool fibers will quickly restore their original appearance.
  • Leather carpet. This is an exotic and expensive type of coating. Its main advantage is that the leather carpet is easy to clean. However, if you look from the point of view of comfort, then this product is unlikely to bring comfort and warmth to the house.
  • Nylon coated. These products are quite beautiful, they are made with various decorative patterns. Nylon carpets are very wear-resistant, so they are laid in areas of heavy traffic.
  • Polyester. This is perhaps the most popular coverage of modern apartments. They are inexpensive, beautiful, soft and have a high pile. Polyester carpets look rich and create comfort in the apartment.
  • Viscose. Such products are luxurious in appearance. They are soft, warm and come in a variety of decorative styles. The price of this carpet is lower than other products made from natural fibers.

Depending on the coating material, there are different cleaning methods.

Professional carpet cleaning

Where to clean the carpet? The carpet can be dry-cleaned using professional equipment and special products, or at home using the simplest products.

Professional cleaning removes dirt from the deepest layers of the carpet.

Carpet cleaning equipment

  • extractor - professional vacuum cleaner;
  • steam generator;
  • carpet washing machine;
  • stain remover;
  • hairdryer for rugs.

Usually the carpet is carried directly to the dry cleaners. But what to do if it is almost impossible to transport the carpet, in the case of carpet, on which all the furniture stands? In this case, dry cleaning is called to the house.

Ways to clean carpets at home

  • dry;
  • extractor;
  • intensive;
  • steam cleaning.

The first method is the most gentle without the use of heavy equipment and chemicals. It is used for minor contamination. The procedure is carried out using a vacuum cleaner and a washing solution. In this case, the mode of dry steam or freezing is often used.

Dry cleaning is used for natural materials: silk, wool, delicate upholstery fabrics.

The extractor method is applicable to medium soiled coatings. At the same time, a washing vacuum cleaner is used, which cleans and then dries the carpet. The method is suitable for synthetic carpets.

Intensive cleaning removes the most stubborn stains. This method is carried out using vacuum machines and chemicals. At the same time, I process the entire carpet.

Steam cleaning is carried out using steam generators. In this case, no chemicals are used. This method is inferior in efficiency to its predecessors, but its main advantage is environmental friendliness.

How to clean carpet with Vanish

There are various chemical carpet cleaners that can be successfully used at home. Vanish for carpets is considered the most popular remedy. Its unique formula is able to remove even outdated stains.

How to use vanish for carpet cleaning:

  1. Make a mechanical cleaning of the rug - knock it out or vacuum it. If this is not done, then after cleaning with Vanish, stains may remain on the carpet.
  2. Next, you need to properly prepare the solution. It is at this stage that many make a mistake that leads to negative consequences. A highly concentrated solution eats away the color, after which the coating looks faded; and a weak solution does not remove dirt well. Therefore, vanish is diluted with water in a ratio (1: 9). The water temperature should not exceed 40 ºС.
  3. The solution is whipped until a thick foam is obtained - it is she who performs the main function, and not a liquid solution.
  4. Using a stiff brush, apply the solution to the coating and rub vigorously in a circular motion. Work must be carried out with gloves.
  5. If only the stain should be removed, then the foam is applied locally. If the hostess wants to refresh the carpet, then, therefore, the foam solution must be distributed over the entire surface. It should be noted that before cleaning the carpet must be slightly moistened, but not wet, so that there is no shrinkage.
  6. Vanish must stay on the palace for at least 2-3 hours. If the carpet is heavily soiled, then it is better to leave the product overnight, while the room must be ventilated and not walked on.
  7. After cleaning, the carpet must be dried. The best option would be if you take it out into the sun.
  8. A dry, cleaned carpet should be vacuumed to remove any remaining dry product.

Vanish carpet cleaner is suitable for artificial carpets, as natural fibers can fade under the influence of chemical components.

Vanish cannot be used on the following fabrics:

  • silk;
  • brocade;
  • suede;
  • velvet.

Also, do not clean handmade carpets with Vanish.

Carpet cleaning at home

Over time, our favorite rugs lose their original appearance: stains and various stubborn dirt appear on them. Dry cleaning is a very expensive pleasure. Really buy expensive equipment? Stop! There are alternative cleaning methods using simple ingredients that are in the arsenal of every housewife.

Before proceeding with independent actions, it is necessary to immediately note what cannot be done when cleaning carpets at home:

  • use hot water;
  • use hard brushes to clean carpets;
  • clean with bleach intended for washing clothes.

Do you want something interesting?

Home remedies for carpet cleaning:

  • water at room temperature;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • ammonia;
  • glycerol;
  • lemon acid;
  • tea brew;
  • petrol;
  • potato;
  • sauerkraut.

Home cleaning tools:

  • brush;
  • broom;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • rags made of soft natural fabric;
  • iron.

So, let's take a closer look at how to clean the carpet from all sorts of stains.

How to get rid of various stains

Stains should be removed immediately before they dry out and penetrate the fiber structure. Depending on the nature of the origin of the stain, there are different methods for removing them.


  1. Wipe off all the coffee drink liquid from the surface.
  2. Apply dishwashing detergent to the stain and scrub vigorously with a brush.
  3. If the stain is outdated, then a layer of glycerin should be applied to it at night, and cleaned in the morning with a washing solution.


  1. Blot the fresh stain with a tissue.
  2. Make a light soda solution and rub with a brush with a brush until the stain disappears completely.


  1. Take a piece of ice from the freezer and wrap it in a plastic bag.
  2. Apply ice to dried wax for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove ice along with wax.

Wax and paraffin can also be removed with a hot iron. To do this, cover the stain with a cloth and iron on top with a hot iron. Then, after 5 minutes, the paraffin can be easily separated from the surface.

Fruits and chocolate:

  1. Grate laundry soap.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of grated soap and mix with the same amount of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Add this mixture to 1 liter of warm water.
  4. Treat the stain with the solution and wipe the top with a dry cloth.


  1. Dilute 2 teaspoons of liquid soap in 1 liter of water.
  2. Apply the solution to the stain and rub it with a brush.
  3. Then prepare an vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and wipe the stain.
  4. Dry the carpet.

How to clean light carpet

Carpeting in light shades is the biggest problem for any housewife. After all, any stains, smudges and dirt will be immediately visible! Are all of the above methods capable of coping with cleaning a white carpet? Perhaps, but there is a really proven way that works 100%!

You can clean a white carpet at home with ordinary sawdust and gasoline. It is worth noting that these two main ingredients must be purified and do not contain additional impurities.

The cleaning technology using this recipe looks like this:

  1. Take 100 grams of gasoline and mix it with 1 liter of soapy water.
  2. Throw sawdust into the solution and leave for 15 minutes to soak.
  3. Sprinkle this mixture over the carpet and let it dry.
  4. Then, from the dried coating, sweep the sawdust with a broom.

To refresh and clean the white carpet at home, you can use ammonia.

Recipe for cleaning with ammonia:

  1. Take 1 liter of water and add 2 teaspoons of ammonia to it. Stir.
  2. Take a soft cloth, soak it in the solution and gently wipe the white surface of the carpet.
  3. Finally, blot the carpet with napkins.

If the light carpet is very dull, then 1 tablespoon of washing powder can be added to this solution. Only ammonia in this case is added in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

Carpet cleaning with soda: recipe and scheme

To restore brightness and color, you should clean the carpet with soda and vinegar with the addition of washing powder.

Carpet cleaning with soda is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Take a bowl and pour 150 grams of warm water into it.
  2. Add: 1 tablespoon of soda, 70 grams of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of washing powder.
  3. Stir the solution until the components are completely dissolved, and then pour into a spray bottle.
  4. Spray the solution liberally on the stains. Leave the solution on the carpet for 10 minutes and then scrub with a brush.
  5. Cleaning should be carried out: from the edges to the middle.
  6. After washing, wipe the stain with a damp cloth and blot with a napkin.

There is another great recipe with soda:

  1. Take a container and pour 1 liter of water into it.
  2. Pour in 1 tablespoon of soda and 2 teaspoons of citric acid (you can replace 3-5 drops of lemon juice).
  3. Dissolve these ingredients, and then apply the prepared solution to the carpet.
  4. Rub the surface thoroughly with a brush, and then blot excess moisture with a dry cloth.

It is better to take out the carpet to dry in the sun: on the balcony or in the yard.

Folk remedies for cleaning carpets

Recipe using cabbage:

  1. Take 2 kg of cabbage and squeeze it out of the brine.
  2. Put the pickle in a colander and rinse well under the tap to remove the sour smell.
  3. Scatter the cabbage all over the carpet and leave for 30 minutes. A fermented vegetable will “absorb” all the dirt in an unexpected way.
  4. Sweep the cabbage with a stiff broom, collect on a clean scoop and rinse again.
  5. Repeat the procedure as many times until the swept cabbage is clean.
  6. Dry the rug in the sun.

Sauerkraut is one of the most original ways to clean carpet. It's incredible, but the method is very effective! To apply it, you need cabbage fermented in the traditional way - without the addition of vinegar.

Recipe for cleaning with tea leaves:

  1. Take the remaining tea sediment from the teapot and spread it evenly over the entire carpet.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Then take a stiff brush and rub well, and then sweep away the rest of the tea.
  4. Let the carpet dry.

The best folk remedy for cleaning carpets is tea leaves. This is the most budget tool, because you do not need to buy it, but it is enough to use the remaining tea leaves in a teapot. This method is great for cleaning colored and dark rugs.

Recipe for Carpet Cleaning with Raw Potatoes:

  1. Take 3 medium-sized potatoes, peel and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Pour the gruel with 1 liter of warm water and leave for a couple of hours.
  3. Drain the liquid and apply it evenly on the carpet.
  4. Scrub the entire surface well with a stiff brush, and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Recipe for dry carpet cleaning with salt:

  1. Sprinkle kitchen salt over the entire surface of the rug.
  2. Take a clean dampened broom and sweep the salt from the surface with it.
  3. The broom should be periodically washed in a washing solution, and salt should be poured in new.
  4. The process is repeated several times until the broom is clean.
  5. Knock out the carpet so that particles of salt spill out of it.

Salt will help to quickly clean the carpet at home. But in order to proceed with this method, it is necessary to clean the carpet of mechanical impurities with a vacuum cleaner.

To make your carpet last longer:

  • The room should not be damp. Excessive moisture causes holes in the carpet.
  • Keep an eye on your pets: Allocate a special litter tray for your pets. Animal urine is able to penetrate very deeply into the fibers of the carpet and remind of itself not only with a stain, but also with an unpleasant odor.
  • Vacuum the flooring once a week.
  • Do a deep cleaning once a year.
  • In winter, it is useful to roll your favorite rug in the snow. This process will not only clean the carpet, but also refresh the entire apartment with frosty coolness.
  • The resulting stain should be removed immediately, until it has eaten deep into the fibers.
  • White carpets are best used as decoration. Small light-colored rugs should be laid where it will be least walked on.

If there is a small child in the house, then it is highly undesirable to use chemical carpet cleaners.

In this case, cleaning carpets can be easily done at home with simple tools at hand. Soda, vinegar and salt are the best "helpers" in this!

A carpet is not only an interior element that makes the floor warmer and the space of the room more comfortable, but also a collector of dust, scattered small debris, and spilled liquids. It is important to regularly clean the carpet, and you need to do it right.

Rules for cleaning carpets at home

There are several important rules for cleaning carpets in a house or apartment, following which will help not only get an excellent result, but also greatly facilitate the process itself:
  • At least a couple of times a week, you need to clean the carpet from the ubiquitous dust with a regular vacuum cleaner.
  • Be sure to use a washing vacuum cleaner or a steam generator to kill bacteria and disinfect 1-2 times a month.
  • At least one day a year should be devoted to beating a carpet. It is best to do this outside in the winter. Cleaning with fresh snow, which is done after knocking out, will only benefit your carpet.
  • If you have soiled the carpet - proceed to remove the pollution immediately. To remove old stains, you will have to make much more effort.
  • Never use hot water to clean carpets. She is capable of hopelessly spoiling the pile.
  • In order not to damage the fibers, it is better not to use brushes with very hard bristles. It is also not recommended to rub the carpet against the wool. If you ignore this rule, you risk getting a carpet with huge bald spots.
  • If your carpet is made from natural materials or has a light color, use any new detergents, both store-bought and folk, with caution. In order not to accidentally ruin an expensive coating, try out a new product on a small area on the least visible side.

Secrets of cleaning carpets of different types

Not all carpet cleaning methods are universal. Some products are suitable for cleaning only certain types of coatings. For example, if you decide to clean your snow-white rug with tea leaves, the result in the form of dark spots tightly embedded in a light pile is unlikely to please you. That is why it is important to take into account the following tips and recommendations regarding the care of carpets of various types and colors.

Long pile

The longer the pile of the carpet, the more difficult it is to clean. For high-quality cleaning of such a coating, you should not use folk remedies that involve scattering something small on the carpet: sawdust, tea leaves, and the like. You will have to spend more than one hour before you manage to “pick out” scattered sawdust or bran from the bases of the villi. Of course, the quality of such cleaning is unlikely to satisfy you.

Long pile should also not be cleaned with brushes with hard bristles, otherwise there is a chance of damaging the base on which the fibers are glued, as a result of which they will fall out.

One of the most gentle and safe methods for cleaning long pile carpets is soap suds. Soap foam quickly removes dirt, easily penetrating inside the villi, and leaves no traces behind.

Modern steam cleaners do a good job of cleaning “hairy” carpets. With their help, you can not only refresh the entire surface, but also get rid of stains.

Short pile

Short pile carpets are much more popular than long pile ones. They are easy to clean, dirt and stains from such coatings are removed without any problems. If you are the proud owner of a carpet with short piles, choose any of the cleaning methods below.

Light shades

Carpets of light shades are not recommended to be cleaned with folk remedies that can leave traces (lemon juice, tea leaves, etc.).

Of the folk remedies for cleaning white and light-colored carpets, shavings of ordinary soap intended for household needs will do the best. The shavings are dissolved in a small amount of water (approximately 250 ml per half of the soap bar). With the resulting solution, treat (with a brush) the entire surface or only the most contaminated areas.

If you prefer cleaning chemicals, choose those that are designed to care for light-colored carpets.

dark shades

Dark carpets should not be cleaned with baking soda and starch-containing products, as they leave behind noticeable whitish spots and streaks.

Otherwise, caring for carpets in dark shades is not particularly difficult. To clean such a carpet, you can use any vending shop or folk remedies.

From natural materials

Carpets, for the production of which natural materials were used, need the most careful and gentle cleaning. To care for them, it is better to use special chemicals or mechanical cleaning methods.

From high humidity in natural fibers, fungi and mold easily start, so it is not recommended to subject carpets to frequent wet cleaning.

Coatings with the addition of silk do not tolerate moisture at all, so they can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Fibers from fur, wool, sheepskin best tolerate cleaning with soda and a brush with soft bristles. They can also be treated with a steam generator.

Many insects (for example, moths) are not indifferent to natural fibers, in which lumps of dirt and dust instantly accumulate, therefore, in order not to turn your carpet into a kind of “reserve”, you need to vacuum it at least 2 times a week.

From synthetics

Unlike surfaces made of natural materials, synthetic carpets are unpretentious and do not require any special care. So that the coating does not lose its original appearance, and the pile does not fade or crumple, it is enough to vacuum the carpet a couple of times a week. From time to time, for high-quality cleaning of synthetic fibers, you can do wet cleaning using chemical detergents or folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Housewives seeking to minimize the amount of household chemicals used will like folk remedies tested by our great-grandmothers. They not only clean carpets with high quality, but are also very affordable, unlike expensive chemical carpet cleaners.


Ordinary sauerkraut can perfectly clean the carpet from dust accumulated over a long time. For this, cabbage that has been fermented without the use of any additives and acetic acid is suitable.

Put the cabbage in a colander and rinse thoroughly (this will help remove the characteristic sour smell). Squeeze out the washed cabbage and spread it over the entire surface of the carpet. Wait about 10 minutes, walk with a brush, then sweep the cabbage into one pile, place under running water and rinse thoroughly. Lay out the washed cabbage again on the carpet. Repeat the whole procedure 2-3 more times. Finish the session by drying the carpet and using a vacuum cleaner.

Bran, sawdust, fine salt

Finely ground salt, as well as sawdust or bran, is an excellent natural remedy for dry carpet cleaning. To clean a dirty carpet with salt (bran, sawdust), you need to evenly distribute it over the entire surface, and then walk with a stiff brush. Salt, which has absorbed dirt molecules, is collected with a vacuum cleaner or a broom. Repeat the manipulation until the collected salt is clean.

Vinegar Soda

You will need a spoonful of soda, 100 grams of vinegar, 100 grams of water, a spoonful of any laundry detergent. Mix all ingredients. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the carpet with a freshly prepared product, wait 10-15 minutes, then clean with a sponge. In the end, it is advisable to use a washing vacuum cleaner or walk with a wet broom.

Another carpet cleaning method using baking soda, toothpaste, and vinegar:

tea leaves

With the help of tea leaves, you can not only clean the carpet, but also get rid of the unpleasant odors that have soaked it. Do not try to clean a light-colored carpet with welding, as it may leave noticeable stains.

To clean dark carpet, spread 6-8 tablespoons of fresh tea leaves over the entire surface, wait for it to dry completely, vacuum.

You can use brewed leaves of not only black, but also green tea, preferably without additives.

snow cleaning

With the help of recently fallen snow, you can clean and refresh carpets, rugs and other coverings with high quality. To succeed, it is important to choose the right weather. You should not take the carpet out of the house on a warm or slushy day, since in such weather it is unlikely that all the dirt will be knocked out of it. Rather, it will only smear and seep even deeper into the fibers. A frosty, snowy and sunny day is the perfect time to clean your carpet with snow.

The carpet must be spread on a clean and dense snow cover. Sprinkle the surface of the carpet with snow and start knocking out the dust (using a long strong stick or a special device for knocking out). Then transfer the carpet to clean snow and repeat the procedure. You can stop the process of cleaning the carpet after there is no dirt left on the snow after knocking it out.

To make it easier to dry the carpet at home, the remaining snow must be swept away with a clean broom or brush.

Detergent chemicals

Chemical detergents clean carpets more efficiently than traditional ones. Chemicals contained in store products, due to their low concentration, do not pose a danger to children and pets.

The most effective and popular detergents among experienced housewives include:

This video compares the results of carpet cleaning with Vanish and a steam generator from a popular brand:

Mechanical cleaning methods

Mechanical carpet cleaning methods include the use of a washing and conventional vacuum cleaner, as well as a steam generator.

A conventional vacuum cleaner is designed for weekly dry cleaning of carpets at home. It removes dust, litter and other small contaminants, but it cannot cope with stains.

The washing vacuum cleaner is designed for regular wet cleaning of carpets and other textiles. A washing vacuum cleaner provides a better and more thorough cleaning, as it allows you to literally “wash” and “rinse” the fibers of the coating. In combination with a good chemical cleaner, a washing vacuum cleaner cleans the carpet almost perfectly.

The steam generator is another wonderful device that not only perfectly cleans the carpet, but also disinfects it, and also removes stains, dirt, removes bacteria that live and multiply rapidly at the base of the villi. With a steam generator, there is no need to take the carpet to dry cleaning.

How to remove stains


Fresh stains from spilled liquids (tea, juice, coffee, lemonade) are easily removed with ordinary soapy water. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a quarter of a piece of laundry soap in 500 ml of hot water. Moisten the contaminated areas with soapy water and rub with a brush.

Old drink stains are removed in the same way, only before using a soapy solution, stained surfaces are treated with glycerin.

Blood stains are perfectly removed with cold water without the use of any auxiliary means. A dried blood stain must first be soaked. To do this, use a wet cloth. After 20 minutes, when the stain is soaked under a rag, remove it with a sponge moistened with plenty of cold water.

Paraffin, wax

Wax or paraffin marks left on the carpet can be cleaned by exposure to low or high temperatures.

Take a small piece of ice, wrap it in a bag or cling film and apply it to the place of contamination. After a couple of minutes, the frozen drops of wax will easily separate from the villi.

You can also use a heated iron. Prepare a napkin that has the ability to easily absorb liquids, place it on the stain and iron it several times. Under the influence of high temperature, the wax will melt and be absorbed into the napkin.

Chewing gum

To remove chewing gum stuck to the carpet, you need to apply ice to it and leave it for 10 minutes. Frozen chewing gum can be easily peeled off with a knife (it is better to take a butter knife or any other non-sharp knife).

Pet urine

Traces left by poorly educated pets can be removed with a vinegar and soap solution. To prepare it, you will need a liter of water and a couple of tablespoons of acetic acid and grated laundry soap. Mix all ingredients. Using a sponge, apply the resulting cleaning solution to the stains, leave for a couple of minutes, rub, rinse with water.

The fresher the stain, the easier the vinegar-soap solution copes with it, so it's best to start removing the stain as soon as it is discovered.

Turpentine is an excellent grease stain remover, so it is recommended to always have it in stock. To remove both fresh and old stains of any fat, use the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of turpentine, 1 tablespoon of laundry soap, 1 liter of water, mix everything. Apply the resulting stain remover with a sponge to the dirt, leave for 10-12 minutes, then walk several times over the carpet with a brush dipped in clean water.


Stains left by alcoholic drinks spilled on the carpet should be moistened with cool water as soon as possible. After 2-3 minutes, cover them with clean absorbent towels to remove excess liquid. Then mix a spoonful of vinegar (apple or wine), a spoonful of dishwashing detergent, 800 ml of water. Clean the carpet with a brush dipped in the resulting composition. Wait for the carpet to dry completely, then vacuum it.

cologne, perfume

Cologne and perfume spilled on the carpet leave noticeable stains. To get rid of them, try to thoroughly lather the area of ​​​​contamination with ordinary laundry soap, wait about 20 minutes, wipe with a wet sponge.

Perfume stains can also be removed with ammonia and oxalic acid. First, wipe the contaminated areas with a rag soaked in ammonia, then dilute a spoonful of oxalic acid in 250 ml of water and treat the stains with this composition.


Ink stains are removed with medical alcohol. Take a small piece of cloth, soak it in alcohol and blot the stain. Do not rub it, so as not to smear the ink all over the carpet. The carpet cleaning procedure will take 25-35 minutes. Moisten the cloth with alcohol from time to time and apply again to the stain. After the stain is gone, go over the carpet with a damp sponge.

Chocolate, nail polish, plasticine

Gasoline with sawdust is an excellent remedy for stains from chocolate, nail polish, plasticine and some other types of dirt at home. This tool remarkably removes not only fresh, but also old stains, which are very difficult to clean even with store-bought chemical detergents.

Before proceeding with the removal of stains with gasoline and sawdust, it is necessary to vacuum the carpet, and then sprinkle the stained areas with sawdust soaked in a mixture of soapy water (500 ml) and gasoline (50 ml). Drying, the sawdust absorbs dirt, as a result of which the stains disappear. After 2-2.5 hours, when the sawdust is completely dry, it is necessary to sweep the carpet with a broom, and then vacuum it.

The carpet can be cleaned with both chemical and folk remedies. In order for it to retain its appearance for many years, it is important to do it regularly and according to the rules, as well as to be able to select cleaning products for each specific type of carpet.

Under normal use, wool carpets serve the owners for 20-50 years. But there are such mistakes in care that are difficult for them to survive - strong moisturizing, improper drying, washing at a car wash. There are safer ways to do it yourself. Find out how to clean your wool carpet at home so it's actually cleaner and doesn't get damaged. We will also talk about proper care that will help keep the beauty, freshness and softness of the pile.

Wool carpets: soft, warm, durable

Such products are usually made from sheep's wool, less often - from goat or camel. The properties of the carpet depend on the type of wool, its content, method of production and coloring of the product. For example, many expensive handmade carpets do not tolerate wet cleaning. And even more so, it is not advisable to clean them with "home" means.

Machine-made products are usually less capricious. But this does not mean at all that they can be washed at random. Unprofessional cleaning of wool carpets in 35-50% of cases leads to their damage.

Wool is very hygroscopic, and in the case of carpets, this is a serious drawback. It is the ability to absorb and retain moisture that is the weak point of all woolen carpets and paths:

  • they cannot be used in wet areas;
  • it is unacceptable to clean with a steam generator;
  • it is not recommended to wash and generally re-moisturize;
  • hard to dry.

Why you shouldn't wet your wool carpet too much:

  • Mold quickly grows in wet material, musty smell and dark spots appear. And if the base is woven from cotton, then it will simply rot. Pure wool can withstand germs much longer, but moldy material becomes a health hazard.
  • Coloring of a product can have different durability. If the colors are weak, the question of whether the wool carpet can be washed disappears immediately. From the water, the colors will shed, and the pattern will “float”.
  • The pile after washing often falls off, becomes more rigid, and tangles with long pile carpets.
  • Cotton-based products can cause serious shrinkage and deformation.

In addition, wool carpets are afraid of:

  • overheating (drying with hot air, iron);
  • moths;
  • too aggressive mechanical impact (from diligent knocking out, scraping, rubbing with a brush, washing at a car wash under high pressure, the pile is damaged and falls out);
  • ultraviolet (in direct sunlight, paints quickly fade).

All this applies to pure wool carpets (made of 100% wool). And there are also products made from mixed fibers - semi-woolen (up to 50% wool) and woolen (more than 50%). Cotton, silk, viscose, synthetics are used as additives. The last option is the cheapest and most convenient to care for. But products containing cotton and viscose are even more capricious than pure wool ones.

Proper wool carpet care and daily cleaning

The main rule is not to moisten the carpet unless absolutely necessary. And if you really had to wet it (or spilled something), you must immediately dry the product thoroughly to the very foundation.

What to do with wool carpet:

  • Once or twice a week, vacuum it on both sides, always in the direction of the pile, without excessive pressure and friction. The thicker and shorter the pile, the more severe mechanical impact it can withstand. Carefully clean long pile carpets (shaggies) and inexpensive products with a low pile density. New carpet (up to two months) do not vacuum, just sweep.
  • If necessary, remove debris with a soft brush or broom. Do this more often so that small particles (crumbs, sand) do not have time to penetrate deep into the thickness of the pile.
  • Remove stains immediately. Collect fresh dirt, and blot the liquid with a napkin. Then go to a dry cleaner or treat the stain yourself. It is problematic to remove outdated stains from wool even with professional tools and extensive experience.
  • Remove light dirt as soon as possible with a soft, damp brush.
  • Beat the carpet gently every few months. At the same time, it should be spread out on a flat surface with the pile down, and not hung on the crossbar. Otherwise, the warp threads will sag, and the fabric will be deformed. After knocking out, lightly shake the product and ventilate it well.
  • Once a year or two, carry out a thorough cleaning of woolen carpets at home or take them to a dry cleaner.
  • Protect wool from moths. But it is not necessary to poison her with a poisonous spray. If you regularly vacuum the entire carpet from both sides, moth larvae will not have time to harm it. Also, the moth is afraid of knocking out.

How to clean wool carpet without water?

There are two options for home "dry" cleaning:

  1. Snow cleaning. On a frosty day, the carpet should be spread on fresh clean snow and sprinkled with the same snow. Then the snow is swept away along with some of the dirt. It is advisable to use a brush with rubber bristles. The procedure is repeated until the swept snow remains completely clean. Such cleaning is more gentle than washing, but it cannot be called completely dry - as a result, the carpet will be wet. Therefore, carry out the procedure only once or twice during the winter and only if you can provide the product with quick drying. And keep in mind that neither snow nor cold kills germs and mold.
  2. Dry cleaning with a special powder. Among household chemicals, you can find cleaning powders that are similar to professional dry cleaning products. Such a powder should be scattered on the carpet, and after a certain time removed with a vacuum cleaner. And no moisture. But before cleaning a wool carpet with such a product, make sure that it does not harm your health. After all, it will not be possible to completely remove the fine powder with a home vacuum cleaner. And the powder chemistry left in the pile can cause serious allergies. Do not expect great efficiency from such a procedure - dry cleaning, even in a professional version, is not as effective as wet cleaning. And with a household cleaner and a regular vacuum cleaner, the result will be even weaker. And in no case do not use washing and cleaning powders for linen, dishes or plumbing for dry processing.
Wet cleaning: safety rules

How to clean a wool carpet at home so as not to spoil it with moisture:

  1. First of all, try how water works on dyed wool. If the pattern "floats", refuse wet cleaning.
  2. Test each detergent you intend to use on an inconspicuous small area of ​​the product. Even a special shampoo for carpets, be sure to check. Watch how the paint behaves, if the pile does not go astray, etc.
  3. Start any wet cleaning only after thoroughly vacuuming the carpet. Otherwise, the dust will smear, and the pile will become even dirtier.
  4. Do not use all-purpose detergents for wool carpets. Look for products designed specifically for wool.
  5. Do not use bleaches (chlorine, peroxide), strong acids, alkalis.
  6. Dry the carpet quickly after wetting, but do not use heaters for this. It is best to just lay the carpet in a dry, well-ventilated room or outside, but not in the sun. Drying is necessary even after cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner.
  7. If you have chosen a special "carpet" shampoo, use it strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not change the indicated ratio of the drug to water or the treatment time.
How to clean a dirty wool carpet with improvised means

Do not want household chemicals? You can use folk recipes and home remedies for cleaning woolen carpets:

  1. Salt. Sprinkle the pile with coarse table salt and sweep it with a thick soft brush. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly. Salt will collect some of the dirt, and you get a kind of dry cleaning. This is a limited use method. Salt corrodes cotton threads, so this cleaning is only suitable for carpets with a woolen or synthetic backing.
  2. Soda. It is applied in the same way as salt. It perfectly absorbs odors, however, it must be poured onto the carpet all night and only then collected. Baking soda is less aggressive and can be used on carpets with any warp, but is dangerous for impurities and natural silk inserts.
  3. Sauerkraut. It must be rinsed in cold water, squeezed out and scattered over the carpet. Then sweep the cabbage with a brush - some of the dust and dirt will stick to it. Repeat the procedure with a portion of clean cabbage. Scrub the carpet until the next handful of cabbage is clean. The method is not suitable for long pile carpets.
  4. Vinegar solution. Dilute one to two tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of cold water. Scrub the carpet with this product and brush, without wetting the pile too much. Let it dry.
  5. Ammonia. Dissolve 2 tsp. pharmaceutical ammonia in 1 liter of water. Scrub the carpet with the solution using a thick bristle brush. Wipe the wet pile with a dry towel, ventilate the room and dry the product. Both vinegar and ammonia should be applied in the direction of the pile.
  6. Lemon juice with salt. Mix the ingredients to make a paste. Apply it to the carpet with a brush and wait for it to dry. Remove the remaining salt with a vacuum cleaner.
  7. Starch water. Peel and chop a few raw potatoes. Pour mashed potatoes with one or two liters of water, leave for three hours and then strain the resulting infusion. Wipe the carpet with it, wait for it to dry and vacuum it.

The last four ways refresh the colors and add shine to the coat. Vinegar, lemon juice and ammonia also soften the pile.

How to wash wool carpet at home

Washing is not recommended, but sometimes carpets are already so dirty and old that it is impossible to endure, and there is no desire to spend money on dry cleaning. To minimize the risk of carpet damage, follow these guidelines:

  • Pick a good detergent. Do not use washing powder or dishwashing liquid. The optimal acidity of the washing solution for wool is 5.0-8.0. According to this parameter, your neutral shampoo or baby soap is more suitable.
  • Before you wash your wool carpet, make sure you can dry it quickly enough.
  • Never bend the product during washing, drying and moving. Creases will remain at the folds, and even a pile may come out. Always roll carpets and runners.

There are several ways to wash your carpet, depending on where you live:

  1. In the private sector, take the product out into the yard and lay it out on a clean area (on concrete, tile). Wet it well, lather it with detergent, rub it with a soft brush or cloth and pour water again to wash off the foam. If you already wash the carpet, then do not spare the water and try to wash the detergent out of the pile as much as possible. It is most convenient to water it with a hose, but without strong pressure.
  2. There is nowhere to spread the carpet, but is it possible to wash it outside? Hang the product on a flat thick crossbar (horizontal bar, pipe). Wash in the same way as in the first case, but try to do it as soon as possible so that the wet warp threads do not stretch out. At the washed carpet, throw the edges onto the crossbar - they should not sag while the water drains. When the rug is no longer too heavy, transfer it to a flat surface to dry. If there is white fringe or tassels, hang the rug so they are on the sides, not hanging down. Otherwise, the flowing dirty water will tint them gray.
  3. No yard, no clean water hose? Try washing the carpet in the bathroom. Roll it up and put it in the tub. Unwind 40-50 cm of the carpet, lather this area, rub and rinse with water from the shower head. Start winding the cleaned part in the other direction. So gradually, section by section, you can wash the entire carpet. The last two methods will not work if the paint sheds even a little.
Carpet villi trap dirt, which should definitely be cleaned, because it spoils the original appearance of the floor covering, and also provokes the growth of bacteria, which is dangerous to health. So, it is important to regularly carry out proper cleaning, choosing safe means, because otherwise you can deform and change the structure of the coating.

How to clean carpet with baking soda?

The process of reading a carpet with such a tool is quite simple:
  • Soda should be poured onto the contaminated surface, and then salt.
  • After 20 minutes, sweep loose products from the carpet with a broom. Along with them, the dirt that the salt and soda have absorbed is also swept out.
  • Vacuum thoroughly to make sure that the product does not remain in the fibers of the carpet.

It is important to note that salt and soda only deal with light stains, such as small greasy stains. Also, the tool is suitable to simply refresh the carpet. But for more persistent and problematic stains, it is better to choose a stronger remedy.

Also, you can clean the carpet using only baking soda. There is an option for both dry cleaning and wet cleaning:
  • Dry cleaning. The carpet should be vacuumed, then sprinkle soda on it, rubbing it a little into the villi. Soda is left for half an hour. When the time is up, the carpet should be vacuumed again, directing the brush of the device in the direction of the pile. If the pile on the carpet is long, then vacuuming must be repeated several times, because if the soda remains on the carpet, it will become sticky.
  • Wet cleaning. It is necessary to prepare a solution: dilute a glass of soda in 10 liters of warm water. First, the carpet must be vacuumed, then using a spray bottle, spray the soda solution on the carpet. If the stains on the carpet are obvious, the solution should be rubbed into the carpet with a brush. Next, you need to wait for the carpet to dry completely. As soon as the coating is dry, it should be vacuumed to remove all the dirt and soda residue that has come out.

After wet cleaning, you should make sure that the carpet is well dried. If it remains wet, then fungus can start in it, which leads to the process of decay, not to mention the aesthetic side of the issue.

Carpet cleaning with vinegar

A weak solution of vinegar not only tackles tough stains, it also leaves the carpet shiny and fresh. Cleaning is done like this:
  • Vacuum the cover.
  • In a liter of water, dilute 20 milliliters of table vinegar.
  • Dip a soft-bristle brush in the solution and run it over the carpet.
  • If there are stains on the coating, you can rub them a little by moving the brush in the direction of the pile.
  • After 20 minutes, walk on the carpet with a dry cloth or sponge, again, moving in the direction of the pile (no need to rub the coating).
  • Carry out the final process of cleaning the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, after making sure that it is completely dry.

After cleaning is complete, it is imperative to ventilate the room in which the vinegar-cleaned carpet lies. This will help get rid of the smell.

Vinegar and baking soda can be combined to make an effective solution and clean carpet. You can learn more about this method from the video:

Tea brew for carpet cleaning

Before using tea leaves as a cleaning agent, it is worth considering that it is only suitable for dark-colored carpets, since tea leaves tend to stain the pile. Cleaning is carried out according to the instructions:
  • Scatter fresh tea leaves on the carpet.
  • Wait for it to dry completely.
  • Either vacuum the carpet or sweep away the tea leaves with a broom.
This cleaning method, though not so popular, but it has a place to be, since tea brewing removes not only difficult stains, but also helps to remove an unpleasant smell from the carpet.

Vanish manual carpet cleaning

For carpets in the supermarket, you can find four types of Vanish detergent:
  • Shampoo - used for manual cleaning to remove stains and bacteria;
  • Spray against stubborn stains;
  • Powder for dry cleaning of carpets;
  • Active foam for wet cleaning.
Of course, instructions for use are attached to each of these types of funds. But in order to decide which product to choose and how it works, consider the process of cleaning carpets with each of them.

Vanish powder

Powder cleaning takes place in stages:
  • Vacuum the carpet.
  • Shake the powder before use (as indicated on the package).
  • Spread the powder on the surface of the carpet, distribute it evenly with a brush.
  • Wait until the powder dries.
  • Vacuum the carpet several times to remove all particles of dirt and powder.

The advantage of the powder is that it does not need to be further diluted in water, and it is excellent for dry cleaning, destroying even stubborn stains.

Spray Vanish

This product is suitable for local cleaning, so it is best used to remove stains. The instructions for using the spray are as follows:
  • Vacuum the carpet beforehand, distribute the spray on the stain, you can rub the product with a soft brush for greater effectiveness.
  • Wait 5 minutes (no more).
  • Using a clean and dry cloth, remove the product along with the dirt.

It is important to note that Vanish spray cannot be used on handmade carpets, as it contains aggressive ingredients that can ruin such carpets.

Shampoo Vanish

Carpet shampoo solves several problems at once:
  • copes with ingrained dirt and dust;
  • eliminates an unpleasant smell;
  • kills bacteria;
  • makes carpet pile soft.
The process of cleaning the carpet with Vanish shampoo is as follows:
  • Vacuum the carpet thoroughly.
  • Make a Vanish solution: in cool water (not higher than 40 degrees), dilute the shampoo in a ratio of 1 to 9 (for example, 900 milliliters of water will need 100 milliliters of shampoo).
  • Whisk the shampoo until foam appears.
  • Using a washing goblet, distribute the resulting foam on the carpet.
  • When the foam is completely dry, the carpet must be vacuumed.
After cleaning, it is recommended to ventilate the room.

Active foam

Active foam is designed primarily to fight old stubborn stains, and it also refreshes the carpet and returns it to its original appearance. Active foam is used according to the following principle:
  • Vacuum the carpet.
  • Shake the foam can, spray the contents on the carpet, keeping a distance of 90 centimeters between the can and the carpet.
  • Spread the foam in an even layer using a washing sponge.
  • Wait until the foam is completely dry (it may take more than one hour), and then vacuum the carpet.

Vanish active foam cannot be used on handmade carpets, on silk carpets. Also, do not use a washing vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet with this product.

In the following video you will learn why effective carpet cleaners should include oxygen bleach, 5% non-ionic and anionic surfactants, enzymes and acrylates:

Removing tough stains from carpet with home remedies

To cope with all sorts of stains, you can use the following methods:
  • Add a tablespoon of ammonia to a liter of cold water, wipe the stain with this solution (it is better if the stain is fresh). The solution allows you to remove stains from tea and coffee.
  • Gasoline and sawdust help remove greasy stains from the carpet. Sawdust is wetted with gasoline and crumbled into a stain. When the sawdust is dry, they should be removed with a vacuum cleaner and the room ventilated.
  • Stains from alcoholic beverages on the carpet are removed with a soap and vinegar solution. First, a piece of laundry soap must be dissolved in water, rubbed into the stain. Then wipe the stain with vinegar solution (use 15 milliliters of table vinegar per liter of water).
A few more options for cleaning the carpet from stains can be seen in a special video. The material tells and shows which products are best used for this or sometimes type of stains and carpets:

Removing odor and returning brightness to the carpet

The following methods will help to get rid of the unpleasant smell and dust, as well as return the carpet to a beautiful appearance:
  • Dilute fabric softener in water, rub this solution into the carpet. After drying, the coating must be vacuumed. The palace will acquire freshness and a pleasant smell of air conditioning.
  • Add potassium permanganate (at the tip of a knife) and 15 drops of iodine to one liter of water. Treat the carpet with a solution using a washing sponge. You have to wait about 20 minutes and walk on the carpet with a damp cloth. You can use this solution only on a dark or colored carpet.
  • To return the bright color to the carpet, grate three potatoes on a fine grater, soak the resulting slurry in cold water for 60 minutes. With this tool it is necessary to process the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bcoverage.
  • You can return the color if you brush in the direction of the pile of the carpet with a mixture of lemon juice and salt.

Video: Carpet cleaning at home

The palace needs regular cleaning from dust and dirt. How to properly carry it out at home is described in the following video:

Using the above methods for cleaning carpets and rugs, you can not only deal with stains, unpleasant odors and other problems, but also save a lot of money, and the house will be clean, beautiful and comfortable.