What do children do after artificial childbirth. Methods for terminating pregnancy. Onset of labor with artificial stimulation

The method of terminating pregnancy, by stimulating premature birth, is called artificial childbirth. This method is usually used during pregnancy from 20 weeks (counting from the date of the last menstruation), as well as when the fetus is overdue - that is, starting from 41 weeks. Delivery by cesarean section also belongs to this type.


Artificial childbirth and indications for their conduct

You should be aware that artificial childbirth is carried out only in cases where there are strict medical or social indications. They are established by the medical commission after a preliminary examination and consultation with specialized specialists.

There are certain situations when an appointment for an artificial birth:

1) Infectious diseases that can lead to the emergence of serious pathologies of the organs of the fetus. Often found incompatible with life. For example, a pregnant woman has rubella, syphilis or tuberculosis.

2) Severe chronic diseases of the mother. This includes systemic diseases of the kidneys, liver, circulatory and vascular system, nervous system, heart disease. In such cases, pregnancy can pose a threat to the health, and sometimes the life of the woman in labor.

3) Identification of pathologies in the development of the child, leading to death.

4) Postterm pregnancy(term is more than 41 weeks).

5) Dysfunction of the placenta.

6) Cessation of fetal growth.

7) Bleeding from the uterus that arose in the trimester of pregnancy.

8) Preeclampsia.

9) Rhesus is a conflict.

10) Weak labor or stopping kind

11) The ineffectiveness of spontaneous contractions.

In addition to medical indications for the use of artificial childbirth, there are a number of social ones:

1) Court decision (restriction in relation to other children, deprivation of parental rights, and so on).

2) Pregnancy due to rape.

3) Stays of IHK and other correctional places.

4) Death of her husband during pregnancy.

5) Getting the husband of disability (I - II during the pregnancy of the wife).

How is induced labor stimulated?

Currently, several methods are used to stimulate artificial childbirth. The choice of how to induce labor depends on factors such as indications, test results and the specific situation.

The main methods of inducing labor include:

- the use of prostaglandins, stimulation occurs due to softening of the cervix and further contraction of its muscles. This ultimately provokes contractions.

- medicines(tablets, gels, suppositories) are usually administered several times. Sometimes their use is combined with drugs that help open the cervix - no-shpa, papoverin, ifhepristone, axitacin, oxytocin and others. Stimulation of labor with these drugs is usually used in late pregnancy. The drugs are administered intravenously. A feature of their use is that childbirth quite often takes place very rapidly, as a result of this, the child may experience oxygen deficiency.

Puncture of the amniotic fluid.
Most often, this method is used as an additional stimulation of labor. The transcervinal method of stimulation consists in piercing the fetal bladder, using a special catheter, with a solid rod, after which the amniotic fluid is taken - 6 ml per week of pregnancy, and a 20% glucose solution or a highly concentrated solution of sodium chloride is injected inside. In this case, the amount of the injected solution corresponds to the amount of amniotic fluid that was withdrawn.

Contraindicated: women with high blood pressure and kidney disease.

Whatever medications you are prescribed, it is imperative to remember that any type of intervention in the birth process itself, in fact, can be both positive, but also negatively reflected in childbirth. Due to the fact that a woman's body is designed by nature in such a way that a baby can be born practically without any outside help, any unreasonable interference directly into the process of the race can only harm.

Transabdominal method. Unlike the first, the location of the placenta is determined by an ultrasound method. With contraindications to oral administration, the above solutions (hypertonic) use the method of cervical dilatation using medical instruments with further opening of the fetal bladder. It is used extremely rarely, only when other methods are contraindicated, as it can lead to rupture of the cervix, infection and prolonged labor.

Consequences of artificial childbirth

Artificial childbirth can lead to serious consequences, as it is an interference with the natural process. As a result of this, blood poisoning, infection, inflammatory processes, large blood loss may occur, lead to injury and a change in the general hormonal background.

There is a very high probability that women who have undergone artificial childbirth will not be able to give birth in the future. Therefore, it is very important to undergo a thorough medical examination before the second pregnancy.

Artificial childbirth, video

For various medical reasons, doctors can prescribe an artificial birth - what it is, every woman who is carrying a baby should know. They are a method of terminating pregnancy from 20 weeks by provoking a premature birth process. This concept also includes artificial induction of labor, starting from the 41st week (i.e., when postmaturity), and the birth of a child through a caesarean section. Many people mistakenly endow artificial childbirth with a lot of disadvantages, although they have many more advantages. The doctor will never prescribe this procedure unless absolutely necessary.

If the termination of pregnancy before 12 weeks is called abortion, then the concept of artificial childbirth is used in subsequent periods. This procedure is prescribed only in special, critical situations. When making such a responsible decision, the doctor always weighs the pros and cons, taking into account the medical indications for artificial childbirth, which include the following conditions of the patient:

  • chronic diseases that are a contraindication for pregnancy: with them, it is physically impossible to carry a fetus;
  • defects or underdevelopment of the fetus, determined by the results of ultrasound diagnostics or special laboratory tests;
  • artificial childbirth is prescribed with a frozen pregnancy;
  • chromosomal abnormalities identified during genetic studies;
  • serious diseases suffered by a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, if they can have a negative impact on the further formation and development of the fetus;
  • cardiovascular or oncological diseases, the treatment of which involves the mandatory intake of powerful, potent medications, chemotherapy or radiation exposure;
  • tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, rubella, syphilis;
  • mental disorders manifested against the background of pregnancy;
  • alcoholism of parents, their use of drugs;
  • too young age of the patient (if not yet 16 years old);
  • cessation of fetal growth;
  • (after the 41st week of pregnancy);
  • dysfunction of the placenta;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • preeclampsia (blood pressure is off scale);
  • weak labor activity;
  • rhesus conflict;
  • ineffectiveness of spontaneous contractions.

As a rule, artificial childbirth is carried out for medical reasons, if there is a risk that a woman will not be able to give birth to a baby on her own, if there is a threat to their lives. Assessing the overall clinical picture, the doctor makes a decision and necessarily obtains the patient's consent. In addition to medical, there are also social indications for artificial childbirth. It:

  • pregnancy resulting from sexual assault;
  • deprivation of parental rights;
  • asocial lifestyle of the spouses;
  • the death of a spouse or the receipt by him of disability I and II degrees during the period of pregnancy of the wife;
  • the stay of the spouses during this period in places of deprivation of liberty.

If, based on the results of these indications (both medical and social), a decision was made about artificial childbirth, a woman should not be afraid. The modern level of medicine allows this procedure to be carried out quickly, painlessly and without dangerous consequences for the health of the mother and baby.

The progress of the process

It is quite natural that women want to know how artificial childbirth is going, how long it takes and whether it is a painful process. Everything will depend on which method of artificial termination of pregnancy was chosen by the doctor. Today there are several of them.

  • Taking prostaglandins

This is an outdated method of artificial childbirth, which consists in taking the hormone prostaglandin. This drug causes labor pains by causing the cervix to dilate slowly. It is a painful and lengthy procedure. Now prostaglandin is used for this purpose in tandem with the drug Mifegin. Such artificial childbirth is carried out at 18–20 weeks so that the child is born unviable.

  • Mifegin's reception

This method of induced childbirth has another name - medical abortion. It is carried out most often at a later date with the help of mifepristone (Mifegin). After 36–48 hours, the patient is given a prostaglandin analogue (Misopristol). Unlike the previous method, this one is considered safer and more painless. When carrying out medical abortion for periods of more than 22 weeks, the child rarely survives, but is born with severe complications and pathologies. Given this fact, the patient is injected with potassium chloride to kill the fetus: it causes cardiac arrest in the child or the cessation of his blood supply through the umbilical cord. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out artificial childbirth at the 5th month of pregnancy, but not later.

  • Saline abortion / "Fill"

Amniotic fluid (about 200 ml) is pumped out of the amnion (fetal bladder) with a long medical needle, and hypertonic saline solution (20%) is injected in its place. The fetus dies of hypernatriemia (an increase in plasma sodium concentration) and dehydration (loss of water). The fetus is removed 24–48 hours after this injection. To induce such artificial childbirth, prostaglandins are used. During a saline abortion, a woman experiences the same sensations as during normal childbirth, only the fetus is born much smaller. Often, in such cases, quite viable children appear, therefore, doctors use this method less often than surgical abortion.

  • Transabdominal way

If there are contraindications to the introduction of the above solutions inside, use the method of expanding the cervix with the help of medical instruments, after which the fetal bladder is opened. The transabdominal method in such cases is used quite rarely, when other methods are contraindicated, as they can lead to a rupture of the cervix, prolonged labor or infection.

Depending on the type of method chosen, you can find out how long the artificial delivery lasts: from 12 to 48 hours, like a normal delivery. This will be influenced by the duration of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the woman's body.


The most frightening moment for all women is the consequences of artificial childbirth, which may in the future affect both their health and the condition of the child. There are many different myths about this method, but almost all of them can be debunked. The level of modern medicine is such that the doctor will not risk the life and health of the mother and baby. Consequences are possible only with pathologies, complications and an incorrect procedure performed (which is extremely rare). These include:

  1. Profuse bleeding.
  2. Development of a placental polyp, which can also lead to prolonged bleeding or severe iron deficiency anemia. In such a situation, a scraping procedure is prescribed.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs or in the area of ​​the pelvic organs. They can begin on the surface of the uterine cavity, which was injured as a result of the procedure, and spread to the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  4. Infertility.
  5. Violation of the menstrual cycle. Often, menstruation after an artificial birth can take too long due to heavy bleeding due to injury to the uterus.
  6. Blood poisoning.
  7. Significant changes in hormonal levels.

If everything was done in accordance with medical indications, artificial induction of labor is a completely safe process for the health of women and children. If the doctor strongly recommends it, you need to weigh the pros and cons and trust the modern level of medicine.

A few decades ago, artificial childbirth, which was carried out in the late stages of pregnancy, caused the death of women. But over time, medicine has learned to reduce this risk, but there are still a lot of consequences of such termination of pregnancy.

First, there is bleeding. After artificial childbirth, you can die from bleeding or become infertile. The fact is that during this procedure, various substances affect the body and manipulations are carried out that are harmful to health. The artificial childbirth itself is carried out by exposure to drugs that cause the muscles of the uterus to contract. Thus, the immature fetus is removed from the body along with the placenta. This can lead to significant blood loss.

Development is also possible. After all, some of the placenta can firmly attach to the wall of the uterus. This leads not only to prolonged bleeding and severe iron deficiency anemia. If doctors after artificial childbirth suspect the presence of a placental polyp, then a curettage procedure is prescribed.

Inflammatory processes can also be a serious complication after artificial childbirth. So it is likely that acute infectious and inflammatory processes will occur in the area of ​​the internal genital organs and pelvic organs. The inflammation can begin on the injured surface of the uterine cavity and soon spread to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Thus, the function of the uterine mucosa is lost. Because of this, the woman will no longer be able to give birth as the fertilized egg will no longer attach to the wall of the uterus.

In addition, with inflammation of the ovaries, the hormonal background of a woman changes, the menstrual cycle gets lost, which in turn makes it impossible to conceive a baby.

Also, due to inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes in subsequent pregnancies, there is a significant risk of development. This can manifest itself at 8-10 weeks of gestation, when the embryo becomes large enough, the fallopian tube will rupture with severe bleeding. This will endanger the woman's life.

The inflammatory process can lead to the development of abscesses - abscesses. They form in the area of ​​tissue that surrounds the uterus, but can spread to the abdominal cavity, body surface or other organs. From time to time, pus is released from the abscesses.

The most serious complications of artificial childbirth, doctors consider inflammation of the peritoneum, which covers the inside of the abdominal cavity and blood poisoning. Indeed, along with the blood flow, the infection easily spreads to all organs and systems of the body.

Remember that artificial childbirth can only be performed by experienced professionals. The procedure should be carried out if there are serious reasons for this. For example, severe malformations of the central nervous system in the fetus, malformations of the cardiovascular system that are incompatible with life, severe hereditary pathologies or pregnancy that poses a threat to a woman's life.

Artificial childbirth can be carried out up to 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. In other cases, such a procedure would be considered pure infanticide.

Be attentive not only to your own life, but also to the lives of those around you. Make only the right decisions!

Specially for- Maryana Surma

Reading time: 9 minutes

Artificial childbirth in a woman is possible from the onset of the 20th week of pregnancy for medical or social reasons. A common reason is the presence of a developmental defect in the fetus, which does not allow the continuation of gestation. In addition, the indication may be a threat to the life of the mother herself. Artificial childbirth occurs by provoking a premature birth process in different ways.

What is artificial childbirth

This is the name of the process of terminating a pregnancy for a period of 20 weeks by provoking a premature birth process. Up to 12 weeks, a woman can, by her decision, get rid of the child - this is an abortion. At a later date, it is prohibited. For this reason, the term "induced birth" is used in the following weeks of pregnancy. For this procedure, there must be more stringent indications, medical or social. Without weighty arguments, no doctor will undertake such a procedure.

Artificial termination of pregnancy at 20 weeks - indications for the procedure

Artificial termination of pregnancy is indicated for prolonged gestation for a period of 41 weeks. These and other indications are considered in detail by several doctors at once: the gynecologist who observed the patient, the chief physician of the medical institution and a narrow specialist who identified the problem. Artificial stimulation of the labor process is not prescribed only at the request of the woman. The indications are individual crisis situations. The council of doctors makes a decision, which is transmitted to the woman in the form of an official document.

For medical reasons

Before the procedure, the woman undergoes a full examination, taking into account which the doctor decides how necessary the artificial induction of labor is. Medical indications include situations related to the health of the patient or baby. Some women, when referred for an artificial termination of pregnancy, refuse this procedure, which can lead to serious consequences. Carrying out it for serious medical reasons is a necessity to preserve the woman's health. This applies to the following cases and pathologies:

  • chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus identified by genetic testing;
  • mental disorders during pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases in which a woman is physically unable to bear and give birth to a baby;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • cessation of fetal growth;
  • early pregnancy - the patient's young age up to 16 years;
  • dysfunctional state of the placenta;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • developmental anomalies of the child detected during an ultrasound scan;
  • tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • syphilis;
  • rubella;
  • rhesus conflict;
  • preeclampsia;
  • radiation exposure and chemotherapy;
  • parental use of drugs or alcohol;
  • serious illness of a woman during the first trimester.

Social indications

The doctor assesses not only the clinical picture of the state of health of the woman and the fetus, but also some social aspects. In this case, the indications for artificial delivery are related to the patient's lifestyle. The social factors on the basis of which the decision on such a procedure is made are:

  • the death of a spouse or his / her getting a 1 or 2 degree disability during the wife's pregnancy;
  • antisocial lifestyle and life behavior of the spouses;
  • the patient's stay in prisons;
  • pregnancy as a result of violent acts committed against a woman;
  • a court decision to deprive a woman of parental rights in relation to the children she already has.

How long is artificial childbirth done?

Before the 12th week of pregnancy, terminating it is called an abortion. Delivery from 22 weeks is premature. There remains a gap between them, in which the termination of pregnancy is artificial. For medical or social reasons, from 12 to 22 weeks, a woman can undergo this procedure. The term is confirmed by ultrasound. If there are doubts about this, then the woman is sent for additional laboratory tests.

Abortion methods

Artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is carried out in different ways. In any case, the procedure takes place in a hospital under the supervision and supervision of medical professionals. Abortion techniques involve the use of special medications or surgery. Depending on the woman's health condition, she may be assigned one of the following procedures:

  1. The introduction of prostaglandins. They stimulate the onset of labor.
  2. Medical abortion with mifepristone. Introduced intravenously, used when artificial childbirth should bring minimal risk to the baby.
  3. Small cesarean section. It is made by cutting the abdominal cavity and the body of the uterus.
  4. Saline abortion. Involves replacing the amniotic fluid with saline.
  5. Puncture of the amniotic fluid. Less effective method with complications. Used as an optional extra.

The use of prostaglandins

This is the more common method of artificially terminating pregnancy. If there are contraindications to the use of intravenous solutions, then prostaglandins are injected directly into the vagina in the form of suppositories, tablets or gel. The drugs cause the muscles of the uterus to contract and soften the cervix. For its disclosure, Papaverine or No-shpa can additionally be used. Features of this method:

  1. Pros. Prostaglandins do not penetrate the amniotic sac, and do not affect the child in any way.
  2. Minuses. It is a painful and time-consuming procedure, drugs are injected into the vagina several times. Over-stimulation of the uterus, which causes the baby to lack oxygen.
  3. Possible consequences. When this procedure is carried out later than 22 weeks, the child can be born alive with severe pathologies.

Medical abortion with mifepristone

This method is used more often in late pregnancy. He needs the drug mifepristone (Mifegin). The agent blocks the action of progesterone, which suppresses the contractility of the uterus. In order to enhance the effect, prostaglandins are additionally used. Medical abortion has its own distinctive features:

  1. Advantages. The method is less dangerous and painful, the child survives in rare cases.
  2. Disadvantages. If the baby survives, then his condition will be serious. In this case, the woman is injected with potassium chloride to kill the fetus.
  3. Complications. Bleeding, severe pain syndrome, incomplete expulsion of the embryo and increased inflammation of the uterus and appendages are possible.

Minor cesarean section

This method belongs to the category of surgical. Small cesarean section is called because artificial childbirth is carried out when the fetus is not yet viable. For medical reasons, this method is used from 13 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Most often used when surgical sterilization is required together with an interruption. After dissecting the cervix and its lower segment, the doctor removes the fetus along with the placenta, and then restores the integrity of the organ. Other characteristics of a small cesarean section:

  • advantage - can be used with an unprepared birth canal.
  • the disadvantage is a high level of injuries.
  • complications - spinal cord injury, prolonged pain, iron deficiency anemia.

Saline abortion

This transabdominal method is considered the most inhuman, because with it the child dies in the womb, experiencing severe pain. The essence of saline abortion, or "filling", is to pump out amniotic fluid from the fetal bladder using a long needle. Saline is injected instead. Within a few hours, the baby dies painfully. The cause is often a cerebral hemorrhage. Then the uterus begins to contract, which causes labor pains. Of the features of saline abortion, one can single out:

  1. Pros. Feels like a normal childbirth.
  2. Minuses. The child dies very painfully. This method should not be used for high blood pressure or kidney disease.
  3. Effects. If the baby was born alive, he will have very serious pathologies and will remain disabled.

Amniotic fluid puncture

Amniotomy, or amniotic fluid puncture, is used as an additional method of inducing labor. The advantage is the acceleration of the process. Disadvantages include fetal oxygen deprivation, uterine bleeding, and infection. This method is more often used in post-term pregnancy, i.e. gestational age of the fetus more than 41 weeks.

Consequences of artificial childbirth

For a woman, termination of pregnancy in any way is a serious stress, the consequences of which are unpredictable. Not only the reproductive system suffers, but also the endocrine system, which controls most of the important processes in the body. Among the most common consequences are:

  • bleeding;
  • placental polyp;
  • infertility;
  • inflammation;
  • abscesses;
  • rupture of the cervix.


In the case of natural childbirth, even before it occurs, a protective mechanism is activated in the woman's body. Some of the blood vessels supplying the placenta thicken. The result is that increased clotting is observed during childbirth. This mechanism protects a woman from large blood loss, because the uterus during childbirth is one big wound. In the case of an artificial termination of pregnancy, such a function of the body does not work, therefore the woman has a high risk of bleeding.

Placental polyp

A part of the fleecy membrane left in the uterus can grow with connective tissue, becoming part of the organ. This pathology becomes the cause of serious bleeding. As a result of the loss of a large amount of blood, a woman develops an iron deficiency, i.e. anemia. To remove the polyp, the doctor will re-cure the uterus, which can lead to new complications.


It can be very difficult for women after artificial delivery to become pregnant. For such a long-awaited baby to appear in the family, it is often necessary to be thoroughly examined and undergo expensive treatment. The downside is that therapy does not yet guarantee a positive result. If the measures were not fruitful, the woman is diagnosed with persistent infertility. Doctors in this case assure that the woman will not be able to get pregnant.


The development of inflammatory processes after artificial termination of pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon. The surface of the uterus or its cervix is ​​damaged, so it is easily attacked by various infections. The danger is that in the future they can prevent a woman from getting pregnant. The infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The consequences of inflammation of these organs can be:

  • violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • dysfunction of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.


If a complication in the form of an inflammatory process has been started, ulcers may develop on the tissue around the uterus (perimetritis). They spread, affecting the abdominal cavity and even appearing on the skin. the result is the formation of fistulas, which poses a threat to the entire cavity of the small pelvis and the organs located in it. Even more dangerous are peritonitis and sepsis, which also result from inflammation.

Ruptured cervix

This complication is a consequence of the fact that the woman is pushing incorrectly. The cervix has not yet opened, and active attempts have already begun. This leads to ruptures, which are accompanied by internal and external bleeding. Damage can even affect the uterus itself. The consequences of the rupture are:

  • suppuration of wounds;
  • endometritis, sepsis;
  • uterus removal;
  • the appearance of a postpartum ulcer;
  • scarring of a spontaneous nature, due to which an eversion of the cervix is ​​formed.

Is it possible to get pregnant after artificial childbirth

A large number of complications lead to problems with conception in the future. The doctor will tell you more about pregnancy after artificial childbirth. After such a procedure, a woman needs a long recovery period, which is about 6-8 months. The next pregnancy must be carefully planned, after having undergone a full examination. The risk of infertility due to potential complications is high, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.


The most favorable outcome of any pregnancy is. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are many cases when a pregnancy is terminated for one reason or another at different times.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, this is called an abortion, and from the 15th week, it is called artificial childbirth. By this time, the child is already fully formed, he only has to grow ...

Indications for artificial childbirth

Let's say right away that according to human and state laws, it is forbidden to carry out artificial childbirth only at the request of a woman! There must be strict medical indications for this, in rare cases - social reasons. And artificial childbirth should be carried out exclusively in a medical institution, where there is an operating and intensive care unit. Moreover, a woman must first undergo a full examination.

Artificial childbirth can be performed in cases where the continuation of the pregnancy poses a greater risk to the mother and / or baby than termination of it. And one of these is the development of vices and anomalies in a child that are incompatible with life. Nature can be unfairly harsh, but, alas, we cannot influence this. And if numerous examinations confirm the terrible diagnosis, a woman can be induced to artificially give birth.

In some cases, pregnancy may be incompatible with the life or health of the mother. For example, when she develops serious cardiovascular diseases, with acute preeclampsia, impaired kidney or liver function, severe disorders of the central nervous system, etc. In each individual case, based on the woman's condition and medical indicators, the doctor may decide to interrupt pregnancy and.

Inducing artificial childbirth is offered to women who, during pregnancy, become ill with syphilis or pulmonary tuberculosis. The likelihood of developing pathologies and deformities in a child against the background of these infections is extremely high.

Also, the stimulation of labor is resorted to when the pregnancy is prolonged (after 41 weeks) or when it leaves, if after a day the labor does not start on its own. This decision can also be made if in the past a woman has lost a child late in her pregnancy.

And the most important thing that every woman should know, whose fate has prepared her a difficult choice: artificial childbirth can be performed only with the consent of the mother, with the exception of situations that threaten her life and require emergency intervention.

Methods for carrying out artificial childbirth

Artificial childbirth can be performed in several ways, as a result of which the child either survives and needs care, or dies, and sometimes it is long and painful. It all depends on the situation, indications and reasons.

Most often, artificial childbirth is caused with the help of prostaglandins, which soften and provoke contractions. For this, preparations containing prostaglandin (gels, suppositories, tablets) are injected deep into the vagina. To achieve the effect, more than one injection of the drug may be needed. It is also capable of stimulating labor, which is administered intravenously. These methods are usually used in late pregnancy, when it is necessary to carry out childbirth at the lowest risk to the baby. However, even in this case, it is not reduced to zero: sometimes cervical dilatation occurs very rapidly, due to which the child suffers from a lack of oxygen, and he has to "slow down" with the help of other drugs.

Separation of the amniotic membranes and puncture of the amniotic bladder are not always highly effective and are associated with the development of complications, therefore they are often used as auxiliary methods of stimulating labor.

Caesarean section also refers to methods of artificial childbirth. If it is performed for a short time (when the fetus is still not viable), then it is called a minor cesarean section.

If the fate of the baby is predetermined in advance, and he is not destined to live, then drugs that kill the fetus in utero are used for artificial childbirth, after which labor is provoked to expel it. But such methods are not always effective: often a baby is born alive - and he is killed.

In some cases, doctors resort to expanding the cervix with medical instruments with a load suspended from it. But this method is quite traumatic and fraught with complications, therefore it is not so popular and is resorted to only in extreme cases.

There is another way to induce artificial childbirth, which is especially difficult to talk about. Doctors also call it saline or candy abortion. Saline, because a solution of salt is used to carry it out, and candy, because the skin of the subsequently expelled fetus has a bright red color due to thinning (blood vessels protrude onto its surface). This method is especially inhuman: as a result of the introduction of sodium chloride into the amniotic fluid, the child dies a long painful death, while experiencing hellish pain. Fortunately, in recent years, they have used it less and less, especially since children do not die with this method in 100% of cases, subsequently remaining disabled for life.

Potential risks

Interference with the natural process undoubtedly has its consequences. The least - a sharp violation of the hormonal background, requiring a long time. Also, in the process of artificial childbirth, the organs of a woman can undergo severe trauma, large blood loss and infection, blood poisoning and various inflammatory processes are possible. It is possible that in the future a woman will no longer be able to have children. However, in each individual situation, the risks are not the same.

If a woman has experienced an artificial birth, she will have a long recovery period. The couple must then undergo a thorough medical examination if they wish to re-become pregnant.

Specially for- Elena Kichak