What a 3-year-old child should be able to do. What every 3 year old child should know and be able to do

Many parents are interested in the question what should a child be able to do at 3 years old? Of course, children are very different and their abilities are also somewhat different. First of all, these differences are due to the efforts of the parents themselves. How much time did we devote to them and what exactly did we try to instill? But a certain list of skills and abilities for this age still exists.

A three-year-old child should confidently coordinate movements of the body, arms and legs and maintain good balance. He knows 8 basic colors, unmistakably distinguishing them, and the basic shapes: a circle and a square, a triangle and an oval, a rhombus. Has an understanding of the right and left sides. Perfectly copes with the game-insertion by shapes. Correctly assembles the pyramid and not very small puzzles, folding them according to the proposed picture. With pleasure he collects figures from the constructor and cubes. May not be distracted for 5-10 minutes, performing the task according to the proposed model. This must be taken into account by parents when trying to start teaching a child foreign languages, dance and music. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to discourage the little researcher from the desire to learn.

Speech proficiency at 3 years of age.

At the age of 3 years, the baby wakes up "why". He is interested in everything, he talks a lot and asks thousands of questions. Simple and monosyllabic answers to his questions no longer suit him. He becomes inquisitive and curious. The baby's vocabulary is approaching 300 words. He uses the pronouns "I" and "you". Builds sentences using a verb, a noun and an adjective, correctly using the prepositions "on", "under", "v", "for". The child already knows the concepts of "clothes", "dishes", "fruits" and "vegetables". He does not yet apply these concepts in active speech, but he already knows that a sweater, shirt, socks, hat are clothes. Apple and pear are fruits. The plate and spoon are the dishes. And cabbage, potatoes, carrots are vegetables.

The child can memorize a few simple quatrains and short songs. With the help of an adult, she can tell a little fairy tale, answer questions about the picture. The kid already knows the seasons and their differences. Knows the main body parts, and how many and what body parts humans and animals have. A child at 3 years old distinguishes between wild and domestic animals and birds, and knows what their children are called, for example, a cow has a calf, a chicken has a chicken, a bear has a bear, and so on. With the help of leading questions, he can tell from memory about the content of the picture. Remember what he did at different times of the day. He clearly pronounces almost all sounds, except for Ж Ш Ч Щ ЧЛР - these sounds remained for the next year of life.

Analytic skills.

Keeping in his field of vision from 3 to 4 objects, the baby can find 3-4 differences between them. Can find two identical items. He can already find a simple connection between phenomena and objects, uniting them according to simple signs, for example, a dog lives in a kennel, a tree is tall, it grows in a forest, it snows in winter, it is white and cold. The child succeeds in identifying an extra object in the picture, as well as finding differences between similar things. He already knows that the ball falls down, but flies up, the train can go slowly and quickly. Compare 3-4 objects in size: this road is longer, and that one is shorter, this sofa is wider, and the chair is narrower, this tree is higher, and this bush is lower. Can find many items and one item, compare which items are less and which are more. That is, as we can see, the list of what a child should be able to do at 3 years old is quite large and the task of parents is to make the child interested in the cognitive and recognition process.

Three years is the first transitional period in the life of your children. A defenseless fragile baby is already becoming, albeit a smaller, but a copy of an adult. In order to independently monitor the progress in physical, psychological, intellectual and creative growth at this stage, parents must know the norms for the development of a child at three years old. And today's material will help you get acquainted with them.

What a 3-year-old child should know

Your kid crosses the line of three years already with a fairly voluminous baggage of knowledge. He knows at least 4 main colors of the palette, he will be able to find them in the drawing, among crayons or watercolors. A three-year-old child distinguishes between sizes and shapes, knows how to feel them and manage these characteristics. So, your children know well how to assemble a pyramid in the required sequence and a simple constructor with large blocks.
Of those 1200-1500 words that a child should know at three years old, the baby uses no more than half. But, using this stock, he can make complex, detailed sentences. Children of this age know how to correctly build sentences and phrases using all the simple parts of speech. Although the word order in these sentences may be out of order. Often in their stories there is a logical chain, a cause-effect connection. A three-year-old knows prepositions and uses them correctly in conversation.
At this age, the child is curious. He asks a lot, is interested, tries to figure out the essence. Having received the answer to his questions, the baby quickly and easily remembers new information. Receiving questions in response, he is ready to think and reason. Children develop associative and logical thinking. He knows how to find a pair of an item on a certain basis, he can come up with an antonym.

If a child at 3 years old has the correct development, he knows some letters and numbers, he counts to three. He can show the number of fingers corresponding to the named number and his age. Your little one already knows the names of animals, trees, cars, fruits and vegetables. Children aged three years are familiar with body parts, seasons, natural phenomena.

Growing up is not complete without the development of social skills. The child knows the names of mom, dad, grandparents, he can answer the question "What is your name?", "What is your surname?" The kid is familiar with the elementary norms and rules of behavior adopted in your family, in kindergarten, in any other environment where he spends most of his time.

What a 3-year-old child should be able to do

The skills of a three-year-old baby provide for complete independence of movement. At this age, your child:

  • Walks on tiptoe, runs on uneven ground, can stand or bounce on one leg.
  • Knows how to alternate legs when going up or down stairs. Can also use the staircase.
  • Jumps over obstacles, crawls under them.
  • Throws and catches objects.

Until the age of 5 years, children develop in the same way, regardless of gender. Everything that a boy should be able to do at 3 years old should be learned by your daughter, including physical and sports skills.
Sanitary and hygienic skills are mastered by the onset of the third year in full. This includes choosing and changing clothes, using a handkerchief, removing and putting on shoes with adhesive fasteners or short laces, washing, brushing your teeth. The kid understands the simple laws of etiquette: he sits at the table on an "adult chair", takes food on his own, wipes his mouth with a napkin. He understands that one cannot walk around the house in dirty shoes, does not go without clothes in front of strangers, for example, after waking up.
The creative skills of a child at 3 years old include the ability to:

  • Paint. A three-year-old can depict on paper or cardboard an object from a circle, sticks and lines. He knows what he is drawing and can explain it to his parents.
  • Sculpt. Your kid confidently uses plasticine, dough or modeling clay, tears off individual pieces, makes balls or "cakes", rolls sausages, glues and joins parts.
  • Create applications. The child will be able to "fold" a house, a tree, a person from the cut out geometric shapes. He knows how to distribute elements on the background and glue them.
  • Sing, dance, recite poetry. Children of 3 years old love music. They move to the rhythm, easily memorize melodies, learn the first simple poems.

Your baby is 3 years old, which means there is a great opportunity to timely help your baby to develop his intellect. It's time to check whether the degree of formation of his mental processes corresponds to the norm, to check the potential in different areas of knowledge, to identify in which of them he succeeds, and which require additional attention.

Unfortunately, most adults underestimate the capabilities of this particular age, the needs of children for new information, believe that there is still a lot of time ahead and it is too early to deal with the child. Active preparation for learning begins only a year before entering school. As a result, there is a stop in development, the child's cognitive activity fades away, and subsequent express ones lead to overload and overwork, which subsequently cause a negative attitude towards learning.

With the help of these tests, you can easily determine the level of development of your baby., and most importantly, you will be able to summarize the work done on the development of your child, and prepare him for the next, more in-depth stage of classes.


Own concepts: one-many, large-small, wide-narrow, high-low, the same-different, etc.,

Know the basic colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black),

Know the basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle),

Compare objects by size, color, shape,

Compare the number of items

Match a pair to an object with a given attribute.

Development of speech

A child at three years old must:

Know the names of the surrounding objects: furniture, dishes, toys, clothes, etc.,

Name one attribute of each item,

Know the names of the main actions (run, jump, etc.),

Repeat rhymes and songs for adults.


A child at three years old must:

Without being distracted, complete the task for 3-4 minutes,

Find paired items

Choose the one you want from the group of objects,

Pay attention to the properties and attributes of objects,


A child at three years old must:

Memorize 2-3 pictures,

Memorize 3-4 words spoken by an adult several times,

Memorize and repeat the movements shown by adults 1-2 times,

Memorize any detail or feature of an object.


A child at three years old must:

Fold the cut picture from 2-4 parts,

Find and explain inconsistencies in pictures,

Find an extra item and justify your choice,

Find similarities and differences between objects.

Motor skills

A child at three years old must:

Be able to cut paper with scissors,

Sculpt "sausages" and balls from plasticine,

Draw circles, dots, lines,

Repeat the movements of finger gymnastics.

The world

A child at three years old must:

Know the names and have an idea of ​​domestic (cow, horse, pig, cat, dog, etc.) and wild (bear, wolf, hare, fox, etc.) animals,

Know the names of three or four birds (for example, a sparrow, magpie, crow), three or four fish (for example, pike, catfish, crucian carp) and three or four insects (for example, a fly, a mosquito, a bee),

Know the names of the main plants: three or four trees (for example, birch, maple, oak) and three or four flowers (for example, chamomile, rose, bell),

Have an idea of ​​vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms,

Have an idea of ​​the materials from which the surrounding objects are made,

Know the parts of the day - morning, day, evening, night,

To be able to name the phenomena when - rain, snow, wind, rainbow.

Physical Education

A child at three years old must:

To be able to jump on two legs,

Throw and catch the ball

Maintain balance while walking on a plank on the floor

Know the basic rules of personal hygiene.


A child at three years old should be able to:

Move rhythmically to the music

Copy sounds,

Have an idea of ​​the variety of sounds of the surrounding world (birds singing, sounds of animals, insects, water noise, traffic noise, sounds made by household electrical appliances, etc.).

The baby has become very big, and the mother thinks that at 3 years old the child should be able to. In a kindergarten group, some parents boast that their baby is already reading well; in another family, children from the cradle can repeat any melody. Do not try to teach the little man everything at once, development should go gradually, in accordance with the individual characteristics of the boy or girl. You can't let things go by themselves either - let each game help your son or daughter learn something new.

Physical capabilities of a three-year-old baby

In order for a child at 3 years old to be able to confidently do physical exercises recommended for this age, it is necessary to start training not now, but from birth. The clinics and child development centers will give you all the advice you need. The loads should grow gradually, not a single stage should be skipped. It is useless to teach a toddler to climb stairs if he has weak leg muscles: to lift the body to the next step, you need to put in enough effort.

If the child's motor apparatus and nervous system develops correctly, at the age of three he will be a mobile fidget. Mom will have to constantly watch that he does not fall off the ladder, does not trip over the curb while walking.

A three-year-old can already:

  • run well;
  • independently climb and descend the stairs, climb the Swedish wall;
  • jump on one leg;
  • tumble;
  • ride a tricycle;
  • walk backwards;
  • kick, throw and catch the ball;
  • stand and walk on tiptoe.

If your child hasn't learned how to do any of the items on this list, don't worry. You can give it to the sports section or come up with a game where you need to perform this movement. Remember that it is impossible to insist and scold the baby, he should perform all the exercises with pleasure.

Install a children's sports complex at home or in the country. Good models have a lot of accessories: rings, rope, bungee, rope ladder and climbing net.

Child's speech and intellectual level

If the physical development of a child at this age occurs regardless of gender, then in many other aspects you can immediately understand whether a girl is in front of you or a boy. Many parents notice that their daughters start talking before their sons. If the baby speaks only a few words, you need to consult with a speech therapist or neurologist and find out how to develop his speech. Think beforehand: have you talked enough to him yourself? If the child was handed a doll that can say 2-3 phrases, and they themselves are constantly busy with their own affairs, it is not surprising that the child's speech repeats only the statements of his favorite toy.

At the age of three, the baby should understand that every person has a name, his mother is Tanya, and his father is Oleg. Let him figure out what to call the dolls, bears, bunnies.

By the age of three, a child can already:

  • correctly pronounce the names of close relatives and children with whom he often plays;
  • give your first and last name;
  • build phrases from several words;
  • understand simple questions and answer them.

The resource site recommends parents to speak even with the youngest children clearly and correctly, not to distort words, imitating their speech. The baby should hear from birth how all the names of objects and actions are pronounced correctly.

If the kid constantly asks questions, do not push him away, do not say that he is still too young to understand this. When he asks why the light is on, there is no need to explain to the child what an alternating current is, the child will not yet understand this. Light a match and say that the same light is burning in the lamp, only it is covered with glass.

Engage in developing games, then by the age of three the baby will be able to:

  • flipping through children's books and looking at pictures;
  • correctly assemble a small pyramid;
  • build a tower from cubes;
  • know where the kindergarten or playground is located;
  • dress and undress yourself;
  • collect the simplest constructor;
  • to distinguish a large object from a small one, round from square;
  • put together a picture from 6 large puzzles.

At this age, fantasy begins to develop. There is no need to accuse the child of lying if he said that he saw a tree with a mouth and nose. Imagine yourself as his age and see: really this knot looks like Buratino's nose, and the hollow below resembles an open mouth. Develop his abilities for imagination, associations, learn to wonder yourself at a beautiful cloud or an unusual crack on the asphalt.

Why do you need to develop fine motor skills

If the baby's naughty fingers still have difficulty performing short, precise movements, fine motor skills need to be developed. Often these activities have a creative focus. The child creates sculptures from plasticine, jewelry from beads, pictures from mosaics, and his imagination seeks to come up with something new and unusual. Show him how a thin plasticine sausage, coiled into a spiral, turns into a snail, three balls of different sizes - into a snowman.

Small movements of the fingers are very important for teaching the hand to write and handicraft, but fine motor skills are also necessary for the development of brain activity. To make your hands flexible and obedient, do finger gymnastics from an early age.

It helps the development of motor skills well:

  • drawing small details: eyes, mouth, buttons on clothes:
  • playing the children's piano;
  • stringing beads on a string;
  • modeling;
  • work with the constructor;
  • fastening and unfastening buttons;
  • lacing toys.

Social development of children

A three-year-old child needs communication with peers. He must learn to play joint games, understand that swinging on a swing is possible only when his turn comes. Teach your child to understand where his toys are and where are strangers. Don't be greedy, let the other girl play with your doll while you dig the sand with her scoop.

Constantly communicating with other children, the child will feel sympathy for some peers, with others he will not be interested. Do not interfere with the beginning of a friendship, it happens that after playing in the sandbox, good relationships last a lifetime. Let the kid begin to help others: a familiar boy does not know how to turn on the music on a toy phone - show which button you need to press.

The child must understand that in the family he has his own role and responsibilities. In the evening, he can collect toys in a special box, because they are also tired and go to bed. The child is interested in everything that adults do, he also wants to take part in the work. Never say, "You will not succeed" or "I will do everything myself." Have him scrub the floor with a small mop, roll out a small piece of dough and make his own pie out of it.

The kid can be trusted:

  • wash the plates with a sponge;
  • wipe dust from chairs and nightstands;
  • put dirty clothes in a laundry box before bathing;
  • sweep the floor.

It's time to teach your child to behave correctly at the table. Buy him a baby spoon and fork, plate, saucer, cup and teach him how to use them correctly. Remember that adult family members should be the main teachers in this matter. If dad and mom eat the second course with a spoon, grab cheese and sausage from the common dish with their hands, talk with their mouths full, the baby will get used to the same manners. During his school years, he will be uncivilized to eat at a party and in public places, will become the subject of ridicule.

Every kid is different

In various shows, videos on the Internet and other sources, you can see children who at 2 years old read, find any country on the map and know arithmetic operations. Do not strive to achieve such results, the baby's brain is not yet ready for such loads. If the boy asks which letter is depicted on the cube, answer, but there is no need to conduct special classes for studying the alphabet yet. If the brain is ready to master the writing, the child will memorize the letters and begin to put them into words, but for most three-year-olds such an activity can cause nervous strain. If you yourself cannot decide what is possible and what it is too early to teach the little man, a consultation for parents, which is in many children's clinics, will help you.

Don't be jealous of the families where the child prodigy grows up, but rather see what your baby does best. He cannot play any melody on the piano by ear, but he can compose a whole story from a picture or beautifully arrange toy dishes on a doll's table. Do not get hung up on one direction of development, you do not want a weak, sickly intellectual or a wonderful athlete who is not able to learn the school curriculum from a child. He will choose the direction of his favorite activity later, and now let him try all the activities.

Don't worry if your toddler doesn't understand everything a baby needs to know at 3 years old. Even experts cannot accurately determine this list, it is different for different authors. Watch for progress in this lesson. A week ago, he barely climbed the step, holding onto the railing with both hands, and today he has already freed one handle - great! Soon he will be running up the stairs so that you will not catch up. Don't worry if learning a skill has stopped at one point for a while: children often develop in leaps and bounds. Only when weeks pass, and there is no progress, you need to consult a specialist.

Three years is the age of rapid physical and mental development. Every day the baby surprises you with new knowledge or skill. Do not forget to praise him, encourage him to further learning. If something does not work out, in no case call the child stupid or awkward, a trace of such resentment can remain for life. Calm down the little man, tell him that it often does not work the first time, but soon he will learn everything he wants. When children are confident in their abilities, their development goes quickly and correctly.

In this article:

From three to four years, the child's development is so active that parents do not always have time to record new achievements of the baby. The kid becomes very conscious and independent, which is due to a sharp leap in physical and psychological development.

In the arsenal of the crumbs, new skills are noted, the appearance of which is associated with his heightened desire to get to know the world around him as closely as possible.

Adults notice that it becomes more and more exciting to communicate with a child at 3.5 years old. The kid is able to maintain a conversation, pleases and surprises with naive and at the same time amazingly deep questions, shows compassion, support in caring for loved ones.

It is at this age that the strongest emotional bond is established between the parents and the baby, which would be extremely imprudent to neglect on the part of the elders.

Features of the physiological development of the baby

The physical development of a child at three and a half years old allows him to do a lot of things that he was not able to do just a few months ago. One of the main achievements is the ability to do immediately
several actions. This skill is direct evidence of active mental development, because it is the brain that is responsible for coordinated actions.

The baby's body at 3.5 years old is distinguished by dexterity, excellent coordination, flexibility. If we analyze the age at which successful athletes began to play sports, it becomes clear that many of them began their studies in the sports section at exactly 3.5 years old.

Parents of babies whose age has crossed the 3.5 year mark should seriously think about what kind of sport they can be carried away. It is not at all necessary to do this with the prospect of raising a great athlete, but such exercises will not interfere with the development of general physical activity.

How is the improvement in the physical form of a child manifested in the fourth year of life? The crumb is really capable of a lot. He can:

Naturally, in the fourth year of life, the baby should spend as much time as possible on the street, improving cognitive and motor development.

Basic skills of a crumb at three and a half years

At 3.5 years old, it is not difficult for a child to do a lot of what adults can do, and consciously, and not just copying their movements. The kid, as a rule, already knows how to use the toilet, wash himself, dress himself, wash his hands and brush his teeth.

Realizing that
now they can do a lot, children show enthusiasm when parents entrust them with doing any household chores. In turn, adults should not neglect the desire and interest of the crumbs, from time to time entrusting him with simple assignments related to helping in the kitchen, cleaning the house, caring for pets.

You need to understand that a baby at 3.5 years old is more sensitive than it might seem at first glance. It is imperative for the child to constantly feel the support of the parents, to receive adequate praise for the completed task. The child will be more upset when he makes a mistake, not because he could not complete the task, but because of the thought that he will be deprived of approval.

Features of the psychological development of a baby in the fourth year of life

At first glance, it is still very small, fragile and vulnerable, a baby at three and a half years old internally is already old enough to start working with him.

It's great if parents have the opportunity to apply for a baby in an early development school, where he can work according to modern effective programs in a group of one-year-olds. If such an opportunity
no, then parents should make an effort and take the child's development into their own hands, developing their own programs - of course, without fanaticism.

As for the development of the child's psychology, the age of 3.5 years is the most difficult in this regard, both for himself and those around him. The thing is that during this period, the baby is going through a kind of transitional stage - the transition from an inquisitive toddler, who knows little and what he can do, to a more conscious and independent child who is completely confident in his strength and rightness.

Trying to prove their worth, many children during this period actively conflict with their elders, thus checking the boundaries of what is permitted. Tantrums in public places for no reason, increased moodiness, mood swings and disobedience -
these are the most striking manifestations of the personality of a child at three and a half years old.

Parents need to be patient and try to help the baby get through this difficult period of his life. In response to a tantrum, you should stay calm and, if possible, use the old proven method of distracting attention.

Ignoring prohibitions can be reduced to naught by reducing the number of these very prohibitions. Are you planning to buy ice cream for your baby? Do not pass by the stalls where it is sold. Don't you practice watching cartoons while eating? Take a little trick here too: turn off the plugs in the apartment and tell the kid that there is no light. A little imagination, understanding and patience - and the baby will go through a difficult period without unnecessary whims.

Features of the development of speech and social skills

Considering that at 3.5 years old, the baby is going through one of the most difficult transition periods in his life, you should be prepared for the fact that mood changes will affect the sociability of the baby. Nevertheless, if you regularly walk with your baby, explaining to him the basics of behavior and communication, he will try to behave correctly so as not to cut off contacts with other children.

On the fourth
year of life for a baby, it is absolutely normal to be able to negotiate with peers, if earlier he could do it at home with his parents. So, for example, if he is interested in a toy belonging to another child, then he will not take it away by force, throwing tantrums, as it was quite recently. In such a situation, the baby will offer the baby to change or just politely ask him to play. Attacks of selfishness at this age are still present, but are becoming more rare.

The baby's speech becomes more coherent, enriched with adjectives, pronouns, adverbs. The child stands in long sentences, intuitively declining parts of speech correctly, uses words in the plural and singular.

Most children at this age still do not pronounce difficult-to-pronounce sounds, which, with due attention from their parents, they will be able to cope with by the end of the fourth year of life.

The role of role-playing games in the life of toddlers

Child development in the fourth year
allows them to need less and less adult participation in the game process. They independently come up with the rules of the game, the plot, divide the roles among themselves, build dialogues.

Role-playing games take a special place in the life of kids at this age, which help them in mastering speech skills, and also contribute to the development of thinking, imagination and fantasy. Children play with pleasure in adults, choosing for themselves the most attractive roles in their opinion:

During the game, children try to copy the behavior of adults, intonation, gestures. It will be great if parents take care of sets for such games: a children's hospital, a toy set of dishes, or a tiny counter in a store with scales and compact food made of colored plastic.

How to develop the creative side of your toddler?

Taking into account the mobility and curiosity of the baby at three and a half years old, you need to set aside time for his creative development. It is not at all necessary to do this in order to grow a genius writer, artist or musician from a crumb. It will be enough just to acquaint him with the world of creativity and art, providing an opportunity to get carried away with the process.

What should be the development of creative
abilities? Firstly, you can and should listen to music with your child: both ordinary children's songs and classical melodies, which you can then discuss, think together, what associations they cause.

Secondly, the baby must be introduced to drawing. The most favorite type of activity in this direction at 3.5 years old is drawing with finger paints on a large paper Whatman paper. Give your toddler the opportunity to experiment with colors and then frame their art in an elegant frame.

Over time, finger paints can be replaced with ordinary paints, as well as try to create small masterpieces using pencils, markers and crayons.

It is imperative to include dances in the program of creative development. Again, if possible, it is better to give the crumbs to
a dance club for the little ones, where he will be taught simple movements, a sense of rhythm, and initial discipline. If this is not possible, you can master simple steps at home.

Involving the baby into the world of creativity, music and art, remember that the baby's acquaintance with him should take place on a positive wave. That is why choose the right time for classes, try to spend them in a playful way and, of course, charge the child with your own enthusiasm.

How to keep your baby busy on walks?

In order for walks, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, to benefit the baby, you can purposefully engage with him even on the street. It is better to walk with a baby not with empty hands, but with a special street "props":

All these personal belongings will not let the baby get bored, and the parents too. Plus, with so many options for fun, your toddler will find a way to get to know and befriend peers who are willing to share toys.

General developmental activities with a child

When planning games and activities with a baby at 3.5 years old, you need to try to choose those options that will stimulate the development of his gross and fine motor skills, speech, thinking, coordination. Children at this age are very fond of all kinds of riddles and counting rhymes, so it is on their basis that you can come up with several simple games.

and tongue twisters help develop articulation - of course, if the child will take part in the process and repeat individual phrases. You can also stimulate the development of the child's speech and thinking by memorizing simple poems and excerpts from fairy tales, on the basis of which it will then be possible to make joint mini-productions of your "home theater".

For the development of a child's small motorboat, you can select games related to small objects. So, for example, together with the baby, you can create "miracle beads" from pasta, paste over a vase with plasticine and acorns, create a unique picture of buckwheat, rice and peas. Such games will not only contribute to the development of children's fingers, but will also develop perseverance, patience and imagination in the kids.

It is imperative that the program for working with a 3.5-year-old baby should include cubes, insert toys, mosaics and, of course, colored cards with the faces of people in different moods, animals, and modes of transport depicted on them.

With the help of such cards, you can replenish the child's vocabulary, learn colors, try to group objects according to a common feature, study the seasons, the names of birds, plants, and much more.